C ANNEX腜 TEMPORARY EXPLORAT10N PERMIT V 賻 2002) 004腝 l腡 (TEP賻 V 腜 腜 裪 腀 腀 菈 腀 腀 腃 May16 2003 MR MODESTO鏺 BERMUDEZ President Crau M neral Resources Corp No l腝 E Sta Ma腵ia St,Brgy Kap腧 腂lyO Pasig cly,Metro Manla Dear Mr Bennudez: 腝 v 菕 v .腁 膍 荭 腤 菏 芵 腒 腥 腵 覺 莀 TE腍 lPOR膌 腒 RY ItxPI`ol花 ATloN I)EItMIT -I cn:porar), Exptor ation :腒 rin 蝖 腂l TEP腝 _Oo4_2(,o2 1膡 PcrDtitee 腁 1 腒 l鉉 諭 鑬 ll..80荧 那 荻 腡F苢 软 软趌 臱 鍾镩 酉臨 1邐 l靫 裗 隿  attL鞂莂 腞 腪 C()R腒 ER I,A-I'I'I'UDO 10NC:Tul)E (Plersc rclcr to a achc(l Anncr A. .l-cch l)('scrrIliorr l\lJpnralkeJ"ll:r,No ttt-ooa-zuoa ifit"l irrr(l Art|lcx Il skclch 腒 腒 , 芢 荭 腌鍬 |腡 Pttew膋 驽 苊 m^ 量 邃y 驽 Tim荍 1软 趔 鞗 趄 臨 : *iH il*[];*;i]',ffi ,fil:Ift tri,;,:liffi fi *i *rir,i",ril . *,,1p[il#t* (:venr 0$r Uc j\Ips^ aD. ocvmcd nutonrrticallr c,,.. l**lgt*t::.1.;.,** .i. I,hc l,crntjlrcc shaU suh [t,5$,:e#'e$,Hflfr;g[[iai,iffi ' Ih. I,u rritr(e '$ shali sulrrn. jnri.n*i",{,,:,,,, y i#Ji,[H,l'ffi i#,f; :d]ir1 ':'ioiiffi,.Il};'i$t,j#*},*fi*,,;,1ffi '腒 腁 腁 腁 k腌芩 j h?ff;:.r::,""T,"nl jllii;',i:iffi ,,'l* I:i#*,i:jiil1ffi ~ ,t,,.,. *rllgrr.1 ,1,., slult * caried 腜 ";l;',.,.,ri..;i] our i, a n,n ci that t,ri,. at a, 膡 ,i*:f#*iftilrfliiff ."rffi :r:.[r,#t"t,r '' ,i;:1,;;;*I;::r,ll.,l;ll;;l: r)ircc,.r in c,rsc. ,rrli ,,c,. D,,!ictt...i,s,rcnnat i I l,)( I )i:.rct(,r .,,.,,. ii, rrinn :rrri . . T ,,::i:i .ir :#iri,I I: iffi ir, l;;r,:[xffi :x; ''#:,{',:,::ri',j,}}l.:*.,i',."",,,.;i gfi ***,,**,r,*=,,,,,, ''''" 5:--..-*'-,..,._, 膜:膜 膜陭 o,2T,, '1031腂 膌 腜 `過 1苓 臧 豀 韆 l 雑 裻 荍 譲 I閔腷 限 (腶t隳 I鎜 閣ic限 `l釳 駡 ma膇 邐EM)苬 a趔 膡 cs駲 蹶 :限cI荕 腎 h邹 "cl lhc遟 "膍 腧 Qrrezon city, phitip_oirrcs. HAR 2 t 200? 菉 顟 軇 J花 豆 腪 Dircc(or 腪裪 腅 I hcrc膍 acccpt腶 F tcrlns alld cOndi10ns Ord腶 sl腒 EP腧 above 葜 alcd CRAUMINERALREsouiCEScoRPoRAlloN Pcr By: 腔芶 Signed in tlre prcsencc ol-1 苙 貎 _119 t uni`腧 腎 (s ignar 腧 u rc 1r[- 11-inf, f, fr ]fr [ l膜 i膡腁腝腒ol`:lP 腬 腍 腒荭 腒膌 ` 芹 腒I FI'Cr,陭11:NI 腒(11芭腒(腲腒 llctltrl)lic of tlrc I,irilippirres Quczt'n City _ liUUS(lRlot]D ANI) SlvOIlN 1(] bclbre ruc. IIORACTO C, R/t$'lOS, rvith C(frnrflUniry 'l'ir.\ (^c[iocxrc No O_Qof9t_79_. _ isstrcd on tgVWAgrN1! ,t 'An+fff-Cit.---.iuhiscapacir)aslJirec(orolthclllinesandGcoscieiicesBurcau a,rd IrABl.O l{. AlrtISTOSO, wi(h Co[ nunity lax Ccnilicare No.089986]6 issued on 腒 腒 Jirnuarv 2, 2002 at Marikina City, i his capacity as Vico prcsidcnGopcrations ofCrau 腒腒 i\rinerrl Rrsovrces Corpor:rlion, both klown to nte 0nd lo n)c known lo be (he some 裪腏腒 pr"rsorrs who cxecuted the loregoing instrutnent corrsisting of four ( 4 ) pagcs, including 腵腒 腒 this acknowledgcnrcnr pegc, and acknorvlcdgid to ine rhat rhc sarne is thelr voluntary act 腒腝 .ur,l uc,.Lls lN W腵 :腁Ess腁 'IIERE01膌 lvc hcrctlntO sct ,II腬 r:ry Notarial Sc荒ths_HAR(芢 靅鏱 1)?oo, 雖 ell r.' iCP No腂 )o腓 腒 腂 腵腅 _4/醽 / 11`ri r PTR N03 10340877 did 2腅 '腅 蹏 . 苰 莓 辝 诙辀荵 , i l | ANNEX腝 A Tcc1lnical DcscrltiOl1 0FTEP Arca Of CRAU MINEI菒 腒 L RESOURCES coRPORAT10N Lot腝 1 Corner Lattude Lonoih,rip 1 15_44_00膿n 腝 i臚 菒UO腜 U菒 uu 2 15-44-3000 120-03-00 oo 3 15-44-3000 120_03腝 1500 V 4 15-44-1500 120-03-1500 5 15-44-1500 120-03-450o 6 15腝 44-3000 4苂n_膿Q膌裵荮荮 7 荃荷_葉葉_2膿 艗 -04-0000 ]Z菒 裪 15-42膜 500 艘 120-04-00 oo 裪 15腝 42-450o 腝艏 120腝 04-1500 15腝 43腝 00 oo 120腝 04-1500 11 IS_4膡_n膿膿n IZU腝 U4腝 bU 00 12 ]b-41-3000 45腝 41-3000 120腝04_0000 14 15腝 38腝 3000 120-04-00 oo 15 15-38腝 3000 -3000 IZU腜U腶 16 15-39腝 300o 腃膌 120-03-3000 15腝 39-30 oo 1,0_0膡_4n 葉膿 18 15-39腝 3800 120-03-1840 19 15-39-380o 120_03_OA 4o 臚 菒 15_39_4770 腝 |臚 菒菒 O腜菒040 21 120-03-3000 10腝 40-0000 120-03_3000 ZJ 15_40_00膿n 腜 膌 臚菒UO腝 U菒 菒菒 24 (0-40腝 3000 120腝 03-000o 25 45-40_3000 120腝 02-3000 苂R 10腝 40-oo oo 120-02-3000 27 15腝 40腝 Oo oo 120腝 02腝 4500 ,A 15腝 39腝 450o 120_02-4500 29 15腝 39_4500 腜 :臚 菒 菒6-U菒 菒u 30 lb腝 39-3800 120-03腝 00 oo 腨 120-03-0840 45腝39-3800 艒裪艑 03腝0840 120腝 15-39-0870 120-03-0000 15-39-0870 33 艒艓 03-0000 120腝 15-39-0000 艒裪艔 120-02-4820 15-39-0000 120-02-4820 5730 15腝38腝 36 120-03-0000 15-38-5730 37 03-0000 120腝 15-38-3000 38 120-02-0000 3000 15-38腝 39 0000 120-02腝 15-38-4070 40 1000 120-02腝 30腝4070 15腝 41 1000 120-02腝 15-39-0000 42 120-02-0000 39腝0000 15腝 43 0000 120-02腝 4070 15-38腝 44 0000 02腝 120腝 15-38-3000 45 120-01-3000 15-38-3000 46 120腝01-3000 15-40-5580 47 120-02-0570 15腝40-5580 48 120-02-0570 0600 15-41腝 49 02-2560 120腝 15-41-0600 50 腌 节 120-02-250菒 2550 15-41腝 3560 ___ 02腝 120腝 41-2550 15腝 52 120-02-3560 15腝41-4500 53 120-02-4560 15-41-4500 54 120腝02-4500 15-42-0000 55 120-02-4500 14-42-0000 56 艔艖 4500 120-02腝 15-42-0400 艔裪艗 02腝5700 120腝 45-42-0400 02-5700 120腝 43-0000 15腝 59 02-4680 120腝 15-43-0000 60 4680 420腝02腝 15-43-2120 61 120-03-0000 15-43-2120 62 120-03-0000 43腝4035 45腝 63 艕艓 02-5700 120腝 15-43-4035 艕裪艔 5700 02腝 120腝 3000 15-43腝 3000 420-02腝 3000 15-43腝 66 120腝02-3000 15-42-3000 67 20-02-00 U菒 3000 15-42腝 68 20-02-0000 42-0000 16腝 69 0 Ob 菒 02腝 120腝 15-42-0000 70 荅 膌 0500 02腝 120腝 2500 15-41腝 120-01-5500 41-2500 15腝 72 腍 ,' 1 | |( ` |腍 腒 荴腏艏 膌 5500 120-01腝 4465 15-41腝 4500 120-01腝 15-41腝4465 74 莉腌 腛艏 4500 20-01腝 15腝41-2500 20腝01-3500 45-41-2500 76 120-01-3500 45-41腝5440 77 120-01-4b Uu 15-41-5440 78 120-01-4500 15-42-4340 79 120-01-5510 15-42-4340 80 5510 20腝01腝 15-42-5290 84 20-02-0500 15-42-5290 82 0500 20-02腝 15-43-1250 83 420腝01-5500 1543-1250 84 5500 120腝01腝 15-43-3000 85 1=3,681 7837 Hectares Area of Lo膜 2 Lot腝 120-02-0000 15-37-2060 1 腏 艹 120腝02-3000 15-37-2060 120-02-3000 15腝37-1080 3 120-02-1100 15-37-1080 4 120-02-1100 15腝37-0000 5 0000 120-02腝 15-37-0000 6 2=37 8002 Hectares Area of Lo膜 Lot鎱 420-02-5000 45腝38-0000 4 02腝5000 120腝 15-38-1000 2 120-02-3000 15-38-1000 3 02-3000 120腝 15腝38腝2000 4 120-03-1000 15腝38-2000 5 03-1000 120腝 1000 15腝38腝 6 0000 120腝03腝 15-38-1000 7 120-03-0000 15-38-0000 8 3=45 8014 Hectares Area of Lot腝 D ANNEX腜 V EXPLORAT10N WORK PROGRAM V EXPLORAT10N WORK PROGRAM PropOnenuContractors: 10Name a,ld Address of Colllpany膌 A"d KINIOCH RESOURCES LTD, CRAU M:NERAL RESOuRCES CORP lvladrigalPlaza iolyo602 Vasquez Unit 4-E Sta Mara Street Bgy Kal腬 51 Annapolis Street, Greenhills PaS腒 ,()ly Mctro Manlo Sarr Juarr Meko l\ranlla o 631-50 1rl lel l腒 'l'elefax: No. 721-8587 20Prolect: Location of -fhe rnineral exploralion proiect lies wilhin lhe iurisdaction of Sitio Pasicar, Lucarcn, Sta. Cruz, and Bo Pilragrealan, Candelaria, Zambales. The geographac coordinales of the areas concerned are as follows: TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Lot-1 菋 Lautude 120-030000 1 420-03-0000 15-44-3000 2 120-03-1500 15腝44-3000 3 120-03腝1500 15-44-1500 4500 120-03腝 1500 15-44腝 5 4500 120-03腝 15-44-3000 荴 腥 120-04-0000 15-44-3000 腀 艏 艏 15腝42-4500 腀 膜 菒 120-04腝1500 120腝04-1500 10 艐 120-04-3000 艑 腏 苠 120-04-0000 15-41-3000 3000 15-38腝 腧 3000 15-39腝 裪 裪腝艖 艐艗 艐艘 120-03-0840 15-39-3800 艑艏 腜 諭 钭 鲤 膨鏯 |腜苉 21 22 趿9,邻 23 膡9___|___J4銋 _鏱oJ91鞂 24 艑艔 陌 陌 [=L=鎖  |=遺 艑艕 120-02-3000 40-0000 15腝 艑艖 腃腀 艑艗 03-0000 120腝 15-39-4500 29 120-03-0000 15-393800 120腝03腝0840 15腝39腝3800 0840 120-03腝 120腝03腝0000 15腝39-0870 120腝03腝0000 1539腝0000 120腝02-4820 15-390000 35 02腝4820 120腝 5730 15腝38腝 36 120腝03腝0000 5730 1538腝 03-0000 120腝 38-3000 15腝 120腝02腝0000 38腝3000 15腝 120-020000 15384070 12002 1000 ,5304070 02腝1000 120腝 15390000 02腝0000 120腝 39腝0000 16腝 15腝38腝4070 44 15腝38腝3000 45 47 48 1541 0600 49 15腝41腝0600 15腝41腝2550 15腝41腝2550 120-023560 15-41腝4500 120-02腝4560 4500 1541腝 120024560 15腝42腝0000 120-02腝4500 14420000 120-02-4500 15腝420400 艔艗 120腝02腝5700 15-42-0400 艔艘 120025700 ,(1430000 120-02-4680 15腝43-0000 腏腅 艏腜 4680 12002腝 15腝432120 腏腏 艏艹 03腝0000 120腝 43腝2120 15腝 艕艒 0000 120腝03腝 4035 15-43腝 腅 艕艓 120-02腝5700 15腝43-4035 5700 120腝02腝 3000 15腝43腝 艕艕 120-02腝3000 15-43腝3000 腅艕艖 01o,15ol苭o 4苨 15_423000 艕艗 120-020000 1542-3000 艕艘 120020000 15420000 腃膌艏 120020500 15420000 腀 裪膌艐 腅 120-02-0500 15腝41腝2500 01腝5500 120腝 41腝2600 15腝 艖腏艏 120腝01腝5500 15腝41-4465 艖艓 120腝01腝4500 15腝41-4465 艖艔 120-01腝4500 1541腝2500 艖艕 120腝01 3500 1541 2500 艖艖 12001 3500 1541 5440 艖艗 120腝01-4500 15腝41-5440 120-01-4500 15腝42-4340 79 01腝5510 120腝 4340 15腝42腝 5510 120腝01腝 5290 15-42腝 120腝02-0500 15腝42-5290 腏 苂 120-02-0500 15-43-1250 15-43-1250 120-01-5500 15-43-3000 Area of Lot-1=3.681 7837 HeCtares Lot2 荃腛 120-02-0000 15-37腝2060 芤裪 艓 3000 12002腝 15-37-2060 120-02腝3000 1080 15-37腝 3 120-02-11 00 15-37-1080 4 艔 11 00 120-02腝 15腝37-0000 艕裪裪裪裪 裪 120-02-0000 37-0000 15腝 2=37 8002 Hectares Area of Lo膜 Lot 3 120-02-5000 15腝38-0000 1 120-02-5000 1000 15-38腝 2 腏艔 3000 120-02腝 15-38腝1000 120-02-3000 38-2000 15腝 4 120-03-1000 15-38-2000 5 120-03-1000 15-38-1000 6 艖 120-03-0000 腀 38-1000 15腝 艗 120030000 15380000 Area of Lo(3=45 8014 Hedares 苢 coverage (Hectares): 30or size of Area The total area covered by the mining agreement application consists of three (3) lots, namely Lot-1, Lo!2 and Lot-3 wilh an aggregate area of 3,765'3853 hectares- The origanal applied area was I],1Oo hectares, but was teduced and/or amended with the exclusion of subsisting, legal and valid mining nghts and a watershed / reservation at the northwesi portion. 40Description Project Area / P h ysiogtaPhY : 4.1 Terain The application area as generally characterized by moderate to rugEed terrain indicative and inherenl to ultramalic-mafic lock Llniis here and also typical of similar geological milieu around the world Elevation fluctuates f.om less than 2OO m to over 1000 m with'n the area of inleresl. ln the norlll. the 699 m Mount Malalisbong is a prominent I topographic high while the lrount Lanat, a 1004 m promontory, lords it over in the south of lhe MPSA area. Westward are gradational decreases of etevation until it becomes low- lyang to flat physiography at sea datum several kilometers further from the p.oject site. 4.2 Accessibitity: The minin0 project is accessible northward front Melro Manila lrave.sino through the sealed highway roule of Bulacan-Pampanga-Bataan- Zambales with a distance of about 250 km up to Bo Lucapon SoLiih, of the town of Sta. Cruz, or lhrough the Bulacan-Pampanga-Tarlac- Pangasinan-Zambales highway route, which is a longer distance up to Bo. Lucapon. F.om there, travel is eastward lhrough old mining/ barangay roads of about 37 km (27 km in straight line) up to the old Acoje mining communily. At Acoie proper lhere are several networks of maning and logging roads wilhin the project area. Another acc€ss to the prolect al tts north end rs from lhe National Road at Sta. Cruz and eastward travel towards Bo. Guisguis, then following old logging/mining roads to the site. ln the southern portion of the prosPect, access is at the National Road junction at the north end of Lawis Bridoe, v/here one travels eastward through Bo. Pinagrealan, then through logging roads and irails to the project site. Traveliime by car from l\,Ietro Manila to lhe site is 6-7 hours. 4.3 Dninage Syslems: There are two major \,vaterways, namely the Cabaluan Raver in the north and the Lawis River south of the project. Both rivers drain towards the South China Sea which is located further west With the rivers as the loci of correlation, the creeks, and tributaries as noted within the area a.e typically pseudo-dendritic as a dralnage syslem, evidenlly rnfluenced by the lltholoolc variance and slruclural geolooic features presenl. 4.4 Vegetalion: The area in general is veneered by first to second order plants with, some logged over portions mantled by cogon grasses and other forest growth. Endemic flora such as o.chids, ferns and other wild species are found especially in lhose areas rarely reached by men Some relatively low-lying and flat areas, mainly withrn and peripheral to the old mine community, are cultivated by those local residents who opted to stay when the mine closed in the early '1990's. Rice banana, fruit-bearing trees, vegetables and agoho trees are common. 5 4.5 Land Use: The entire application area is good prospecting ground ior metallurgical chromite, nickel (sulfides and laterites), platinum group metals (PGM'S) with associated base metal alloys, and also minor amounts of gold. Some portions of the area are ideal for grazing grounds and for agricultural purposes. The logged over terraan needs reforeslataon to enhance lhe ecosystenr and wildlife. 50Program Description of Explo.ation 5-1 Research Wotks 5.1.1 Survey of Provious Works on the Area 5.1.1 .1 Naturc an.l Type ol Study or Undertaking Reliance on all available geologic data, and technical information and various studies on a regional level, the area of interest included shall be considered. This includes the collation of information from the DENRi Mines and Geosciences Burealr, from existing records of open and closed mining operations, privale investigalive reports and likewrse from lhe undersrgned who made extensive studies of the region while working as Chief Geologist of the Acoje Group of Companies and as a consultant to several mining exploralion companies. Duralion Research and study of all available past data shall be initially done during lhe 1"t Quarler of the program of work in line wilh lhe concepl of exploralion lhal ts lo be carned oul rn lhe projecl Covetage The sludies will be on the geology and paragenesis of the mineralization wiihin lhe region such as chromite, nickel and copper/gold and their attendant fealures and lrthologlcal variances 5.1.1,4 Proponenl This discipline shall become an integral part of the policy ol mine and exploration management to ensure that some conclusion can be arrived at as data are gathered rn the field, and also confirmed and collated with previoLrsly gathered regional/ local data. Results/ Conclusions arrived at The research work is intended lo augment knowledge of the exploration in ihe conduct of the ore search campargn, notably chromite and nickel/Pcl\r,s, and to acquaint mine management with a layman's grasp on the geology and relaled input as destred. 5.1.2 DataCompilation/Collatiofl 5. l. 2. I GcochenicaUCeophyiicol lrakt Geochemical and geophysical studies adapted and implemented within lhe region, with special emphasis on those made by the previous operator of the mining projecl, shall be studied. Trace elements considered geochemically anomalous and ascnbed to chromite and/ or nickel/PcM mineralization shall be studied and consulted wilh respect lo lhe exploratioo work program. The same is lrue with the geophysical data which, when made available to the proponent, shall be sludied likewise with the end in view of correlating/collating lhis geophysical data with the attempt to delineale an economrc nickel sulfide/PcM deposit. previous geophystcal work done on the mrning proJecl. such as magnetics, SP, Afmag and lnduced Potarization (lp) su,veys shall be consulled and reinlerOreled, as ll)ese geophysrcal anomalies are beheved rndrcatlve of underlying ore mineralization. Lithological Data Regional geological milieu with special emphasis on the Acoje geology and environs shall be obtained and consulled as lhe exploralion work commences. , The Zambales Pangasinan mountain ranges have been well docume led bolh by government and private investqators. Some geologisls and other lechnictans, including lhis writer have made extensive research on the geological juxtaposition of the region and the Acoje Grad in particular and have obtained better glimpses on the postulate and possibilities of the geotogic formation here. Studies of the different massif such as Coto, Acoje, Cabangan and San Anlonio Llltramafics shall be re- evalualed for research and influence building purposes. The over all concept is to use these lithological data in the lighl of the Acoje milieu. As expected throughout the world where upwelling/thrusling of magmas upwards inlo lhe earth crust, ophiohte rock complexes are well defined here including the attendant ore mineralizalion. The '1 sequences are the base peridolite complex-transition hazburgite-lherzolite-dunile, clinopyroxenite-gabbroic zone-dioritic-basaltic/pillowy lavas, and stratiform massive sulfide/chert filled volcanic-sedimentary rock formations located further north of lhe mine exploration atea. Mlneralization/ Alteralion Studies Geologrcal/technrcal dala on lhe ore nnrlerahzattort to 腒 the region shall be consulted As noted, several 艐 mineralized fringes have been delineated here, namely the metallurgical chromite/ nickel sulfade/ PG|\.il ore deposits of Acoje, the Coto relractory chromite ores, chromite ore positions in Cabangan San Felipe, lba and San Antonio towns, the Dizon/Benguet porphyry copper in San i,ilarcelino and Kuroko type stratiform massive 腛 copper ore in Dasol Pangasinan. All these and some undetected deposits all fall within the realm and sphere of the Ophiolite rock complex mantling the region. Vaious Thematic Maps Covering tlrc Tatget Arca Acoje and its environs have over 65 years of mining history and field invesligations by operators and competent fleld men. All these maps are to be collated, if available, for reference and co(elalion purposes Wilh the experience of lhrs wnler as lread o, the Acole Group of Exploration Division, his experience and knowledge shall be expended including Acoje's old files, if still available since the Acoje management ceased operation many years ago and the geologic data has not been traced. Estimated Cost The expected expendilure for this kind of work is variable and tediotls bul expenses are nol expecled lo exceed P100,000 ies ,2io o al S u Ney/Slud Reco n n a i ssa nce/Reg Not applicable as a stage of explorataon by the proponent. This is so because lhe target area is not raw ground but instead has had a long history of exploralion, development and exploitallon. as well as mlneral marketing. Given these condtlions, the intended exploration stage bypasses any reconnaissance/ regional work and study. 53 Semi-detailed Survey ot Fotlow-up Studies 5.3.1 GeologicalMapping/AlterationStudies: Semi-detailed geological investigations shall be carried out during ihe campaion wiih the objective of redefining rock assemblages, variation fealures, characteristics and the gcologic slrllchlres soch as faUlls. llowaqo ilr)d sl]rrllr:i When outcrops are located, the attendant alteration suites such as serpentinjzalion shall be noted including the behaviour and tenor of the mineralized zones. Aiteralion zoning and patterns as related to chromale and nickel sulfide mrneralization, and lhe degree of laterization shall be studied. lf circumstances so warrant, diagnostic sequences of nickel/Pcl\r/Au/Cu values are lo be made from the findings of values from the nickel sulfide outcrops This data shall be oriented with the old Acoje ore deposits, features and characteristics in order to have a workable koowledqe of ore deposation in space and tme as the case may be. 5.3,1.1 Coveage The area of investigation shall be the entire application area. Duralion The semi-detailed geotogicat mapping/atteration studies shalt be within a period of 9 months when areas for more detailed work shallhave been defined and delineated. 5,3.1.3 power Man Complement To implement the program, lhe following tentative technical personnel are required One (1) geological consultanl, two (2) geologrsis well experienced in ore being sought for; three (3) geological mappers; sjx (6) geological aides; one (.1) draftsman/ulility man. Estimated Cost A tenlative budgetary ou ay of p3 Mi ion is inlended to cover lhe salaries and waoes of lhe personnel involved in this campaign. The same does not include food supplies materials and medicine and conttngency funds as may be required during the wo.k Output The v,/ork when carried out to the hilt is expected lo re- establish rock boundaries/contacts, alteration sultes, mineralization fringes and other geological features inherent in the area. l0 Elemenls to be anatyzed are for chromite and its ,""o"i"t"a elemenls (MgO, Si2O3, Al2o3, Fe203' CaO) and nickel sulfides (total Nr, recoverable Ni' PGM's' Cu' Au, etc.) and for lalerites (Ni, Fe, Co etc') e ment Manqowet Co mql The oersonnel to be involved in this drscrplrne shall be those involved ln the geological campaign (seml- detailed & delailed) and lhe work shall cornclde wltn the geological campalgn aclivity, for obvioLls reasons Eslimaled Cost The costing for geochemical suNey work is iust for the samohno "colleClion lools sample bags handling tr"nipoi rna analyses. Personnel wages and salaries are covered undei the preceding item on geological To date, the eslimated analysis cost for the following is as follows: 1 :::11臨 :i]111:Dl:| l臨 :::11::1:菌 ):腶 :腡 MgO method) Si02 (by Wel 2 CaO膌 deternlinat,on P570膌 3. PUPd - P847/ element desired by AAS' deteclion limit - 0'01PPm' 4. Au - P215l element: plus P40 for Cu/etc' A budgel ot P1 l\,Iillion well seNes this endeavor' OulPt,t When the geochemical survey is carr'ed. out' geochemicalltanomatous ground is deflned which can 6e subiected to further detailed studies and collabor;tes the geological data that is obtained' 5.3.3 GaophysicalStrrveys Geoohvslcal surveYlnq wolk ls nol appllcable lo oate rn tlle search'for chromde ore bodres in vlew of lhe ldenllcal fealures' ana aensity of tne ore and associated rock' At least this is so in tlre Acoje Ullramafic l\rassif ln the case of nickel sulfides, geophysrcs is tenable for this kind of mineralilatlon and associaled elemenls because ol lls susceptibility to detect conductive and magnelic bod'es when IO Elements lo be analyzed are for chromite and ils asiociated elemenls (MgO, Sl203 Al203' Fe203' CaO) ;nd nickel sulfides (total Ni, recoverable Ni' PGM'S' Cu' Au, etc.) and for taterites (Ni, Fe, Co elc')' Manqo\Yet C om nl Pleme The personnel lo be involved in lhis disclpline shall be lhose involved in lhe geotogical campaign (semr- Jeiaited & detailed), and the work shall coincide with the geological campalgn actvity, for obvlotls reasons Eslimaled Cosl The costing for geochemical survey work is just for the samolino iolleCtton tools sample bags, handling' tranipoi and analyses. Personnel wages and salaries are covered under the preceding item on geological work. To date, the eslimated analysis cost for the following is as follows: 1 For Cr and Ni- P273lelement plus additional P4O/element associated desired such as Fe, MsO 2 CaO/SiO2 (bY wel method) P570/deternlinatlon. 3. PUPd - P847l element desired by AAS; deteclion limil - 0.01PPm' 4. Au - P2'15l element; plus P40 for Cu/etc' A budget-of P1 lrillion well serves this endeavor' Ot lqut When the geochemical survey is carried out' geochemically anomalous ground is defined which can 6e subjected to furlher delailed studies and collaborates the geological data that ls obtained' 5.3.3 Geophysical Surveys Geoohvsical surveylng work ls nol applicable lo dale ln tlre search'fot chrom e ore bodtes in vlew of ltre idenltcal features and density of the ore and associated rock' At leasl lhis is so in the Acoje Ultramafic Massif. tn the case of nickel sulfides, geophysrcs is tenable for thls kind of mineralizahon and associated elemenls because ol lts susceptibility lo detect conductive and magnetic bodies when ll 鑇鞝 腷鋟 铈  :遄 腡 !醂 裻 閣  Nature and TYPe ln the search for nickel sulfides and associated metals' inir.eO por.Azation (lP) and magnerc suNeys shall be done lor lhe reason as above cited 5.3-3.2 Duralion Ihese suNeys should take 3 months during the first year. Coverage The areas to be studied by geophysical melhods shall be those subjecled lo detarled geological work and ..o"n"ai"rf surveys. Those areas wilh surface -inai""riona ot poteniial mrneralizallon and lhose with teocnemicatty anomalous readings shall be targeted for this disciPline. om ement 5..3.3 -4 Md n Power C Pl The acttral geoPhysical work shall be conlracled lo a competent g"eopnys,cal cornpany wlth experience lll lhe search for similar lypes of nickel deposits ln coordinating wilh consulting geophysicists' the geofnysical tinis anO separation shall be laid out in the ieto Uy tne geotogic"l crew under the direct supervision 腒 of the exPloration management Estimated Co The cost shalt be fol the oeophyslcal consllltallon and l;slrumenl handltn0heasuremenl wllh the llnes lo be ."JL lv ro""f "reui" E'p"nset ur" expected to be P'1 Million 533.A Outqul The geophysical surveys aim is to delineale oeoohisrcallv anomalous zones posslbly atlrlbulable to luulriu"u ore deposrtron The same shall be used as ouiO." ,n to"uting siles for lesl prning'ltre4chrnq and ;rilling. if all indicators point 10 that drrection 12 5.3.4 Subsurface lnvesligations 5-3.1.1 lYPe Test pitting/trenching shall possibly be implemented afier ;ata;f potential importance or significance that are possible indications of mineralization wilhin the subsurface environment have been loc€ted Test pits are verlical openings driven from surface down to lhe saprolitic bedrock stlspected of being mineralized The dimensions are usually 1m x 1m wide, while trenches, which trace lateral conlinuity of mineralization found within any test pits, usually have dimensions of 1 m wide x the possible lateral dimension oflhe larget of interest. Dutalion These investigations should take approximately 3 months during the flrst Year. Number and ove( all lenglh or deplh ol lhe trcnches and Pils The number is variable depending upon the result of the previous work preparatory to this discipline, but woulcl probably be around 20 ll is expected lhat lhe average deplh for each pit/trench to be sunk will be about 4 meters, which i3 normal in the Acoje ore horizon, and widths should average 1-2 m. The lenglhs will also vary, depending upon initial piutrench results from which any continuation of mineralization can be followed up along ils apparenl slrike 腒 Estimaled Nttmber of Samptes The number of pit and lrench samples are variable and tolally rjePenrlenl trnon the restrlt of inrllat fi6dings Flowever, sirnllrcs slrall bc collecled cvery meter depth up to the bedrock. Assuming 20 test pits at 5 m deep, that gives a total of '100 samples. 5.3-4.5 Mode of Analyslslratget Elemenls Analysis and largel elemenls shall be as those of lhe geochemrcal means. Those lo be analyzed are ;onsistent whether lhe suspected area are chromite prone or nickel sulfide zones or lateritic zones' Man Co m e me nl Powet Pl The test pitting/lrenching campaign shall utilize thcse of the oeoli)olcal fiul(l mcn whcn warranled Essenlrally' tne iOea ot work performance for the discipline ls by l3 contracl only utilazing local, but able bodied, residents of lhe old mine community. Estimated Cosl At the estimate cost of P50-100 per meler trench driven/test pit sunk. and assuming about 2000 m of trench sunk/driven, the tentalive cost is P100, 000 to 200,000. lncluding materials, lransport and samplang cost, a budget of P500, 000 is deemed sufficient for this lype of activitY. Output At lhe conclusion of this kind of work, lhe lateral and linear conlinuity of mineralized lringes are established and thus become the basis for further detailed sludies. 5-1 Topogruphic SuMeys Topographic surveys shall be carried out in two phases and intensity. One, is to define the mining claim boundary in consonance with the mandate of R.A. No. 7942 and ais implementing guidelines under DAO No. 96-40, Series of 1996. The other part, is the delinealion of lhe grid syslem for the general exploralion work, which uses as reterence poinls those grid lines/siations earlier used during a parlicular survey of work desired. Corollary to the same, data lhat has been obtained kom the previous works such as old developmenl workings, lriangulation points, old diamond drill sites, road systems, community set up, open pit areas, mined out areas that need further due diligence work and re- investigation, all ofthese need detailed surveys. 腒 5.4.1 Coverage The boundary area survey shall encompass lhe area oianted for tenure and some areas for any needed developmenl/inf rastructure works This is in line with the existing DENR l\,Iines & Geoscience policy using the services of a deputized Geodelic Engineer. The boundary survey cost is estimated at P400, 000 at the outset. The survey lines and those delailed srrrveyin.l works wilhin the exploralion area and within the old mine workrngs needing due diligence work are also lo be defined by detarled transivplane table surveying works that includes possibly underground suNeys as the case may be. The budget here is P1 % l\,ilillion to cover salaries 8 wages and supplies. l,t 5.4.2 Duration The boundary area survey should take 3 months at the end of the 2d year. Detailed surveying will be ongoing for the first 18 months of the 2 year work program. 5-4-2 Scele and Contour lntervals SuNey scales wrll be within the ranges of 1.20,000; 1:10,000; 1:5,000; 1:1000; 1:100 and 1r50 depending upon the details and information desired from a parlicular working place. Contour intervals will be wilhin the ranges of 20m, 10m and 5m as the desired results are indicaled. 5.4.3 ManpowerComplement V Surveying work is to be done by conlract for lhe boundary suNey as mandated by existing mining laws, and the delailed works to be done lakewise by contract or through in-house surveying works as condiiions so warrant. For the work, one ('1) licensed geodetic engineer, two (2) Asst. geodetic engineers, four (4) survey helpers, one (1) drafl sman/computer required. Surveying is a continuing Frocess during lhe exploration campaign- 5.4.4 Output After the boundary survey, lhe MPSA area relained by the proponent shall have been established following the detailed 腝 exploration campaign. The delailed survey will establish reference points and delermine exact localions of desired drill holes, develdpment workings, ore positions and olher data from previous work conducted, especially within those worked for years by lhe old Acoje mining management Potential data for the preparation of the feasibitily studies such as mjll sjtes, tail djsposal sjles, communjty sites and others shalll'tave been affirmed and established in lhe 0round. Potential confirmatory dri sites are also established by this methgd for accuracy and confidence building. 5.5 Detailed Surueys or Sludies Detailed work shall be concentrated at the outset at the otd Acoje lrine area and ils immediate environs where substantial investigationlexploralion has been conducted, be it geological, t5 geochemicat, test pil, trenching, drilling and/ or development/exploitation. The main focus is to re-evaluale availabb informalion through due diligence work to affirm and confirm the ore deposils already delineated with more emphasis on the nickel sulfide/ PGM ore horizons 5.5.1 Detailed Geological Mapping Nature and TYPg ol SuNeYs Detailed sLrrface geological mapping shall be carried out using compass and lape surveys. Reference poinls shall be those already establashed within the old mine siles and reeslablished by previoLis survey work. Coverage The the initial area subject to detailed geological activity will be the Acoie mine proper area, which is about 600 hectares in size. Additional areas wilhin the tenured area will be delailed mapped as required. 5,5.1.3 Duration The detailed work shall be for two (2) years, depending upon the results ofthe due diligence wo.ks being done. Man powet Complement The entire personnel involved rn the sernFdetailed work shal, coordinale in lhe execution of this kind of activily and ils complelion. 5-5.1.5 Eslimaled Cosl To cover lhc salaries and wages of the personnel 腒 excluding food supplies, medicines and sundry expenses, the amount of P2 i/illion is deemed sufficient for the purpose. Output The outcome of the detailed survey within lhe area earlier pinpoinled augurs well to delaneale/define/ delamit lhe nickel/PGl\r/chromile horizons as they we.e known at lhe ceasing of the mininO operations of the Acoje MininO Company. These surface data shall be validated, interpreted and evaluated based on slandard geo,ogical practices jn lhe examination of similar deposils elsewhere. The same intormaljon, if found reliable and confirmed by this program and previous work, shall be used in the preparalion of pre and full feasibility studies for the purpose of developmenuexploalation at a later date. I6 5.5.2 Detailed Geochemical Surveys This type of geoactivity shall not be employed lo any great extent wilhin the old Acoie mine area and its immediate environs. The same, however, may be employed at later dates to check the semi-detailed geochemical work made within the entire application area where promising anomalies have been detecled. 5.5.3 Subsurfacelnvestigations Dt ltng The drilling campaign is to be carried out initially wilhin lhe deflned nickel horizon in the old minesite to conflrm the extent of the deposit, as .eporied. This is part of lhe confldence building measure aboui the exlent and potentialities of the nickel sulfide/PGM areas. Drilling, if warranled, shall be carried oui outside the old Acoje area and its immediate vicinity, particularly on those horizons where semi-detailed geological and geochemical surveys, geophysical work and trenching/ test pitting have shown possibilities for signiflcant mineralization below the surface. lype Diamond drilling (coring) and percussion drilling, as required, is to be employed rn examining mineralizalion continuily at depth. Durction Exploralion drilling is expected to last for g 菋 months, commencing at leasi during the 2'd quarter of the 1'r year. 5.5-3.1.3 Number and Depth of Drltl Hotes The number inilially envisaged is l0largeted at lhe old mjnesite ptoper fot a total of 2,000 m tolal meterage wiih depths ranging from about 200 m to 250 m per drill hole. Another inilial 5 holes totaling 1000 m of drilling may also be considered al lhe areas outside of the old Acoje mine proper and deflned by previous works as earlier mentioned The depth of lhese holes will also vary, but ii should be ihe Same magnilude as the above. |荴 Esli,nated Ntrrnber of Samples The number of samples will vary, depending upon the number of mineralized intercepta encountered during the drilling campaign. Split samples shall be anatyzed al 1m or less intervals. Assumrng mjneralized intercepts of 4_ 5 m, somelhang on the order of 50+ samples shoQld be collected front re drifiing at the old minesite proper, 25+ from outside. Estimaled Cost Ihe drilling campaign, as envisioned by the proponenl, shall be by contract only utilizing competenl drill contractors from within the country wilh proven elpenence. Estimated all-up costs per meter today is about P4.000-5,000 per meier. For the inilial iargeted 3,000 m, the contracting cost is calculaled aboul p15 Million. 5.5.i.2 Trcnching/Test pidifl g : Not to be carried out wilhrn the old mine seclion and immediale environs. Only checking at tfre surlace lfre ptts/lrenches done by the prevlous operators, if technical data and the pits/ trenche. ar" siill int"cl fo, inspeclion. 5.5,3.3 ntnneling or adittng 腒 Adiling may be carried oul to check existing hoflzons as jndicated from prevjous old ore elner through rehabilitatton of technrcal iraos new openings, whichever exisling ones, or.drrving sacriflcing intended is more economical, wiihou.i outcomes for information lfr_ade accessible by thrs melhod. old ore posiltons will lu^.,_:T:lg"d -"1q "latyzed ror nrcket/pc[,i.s and ;th;; melats at a suitable inlervallhrollqh channef .rrpfrl-. This lechnique is more lo see the physical condition of the.ore deposits at the present r,." ,ii po.-riii" continuity on both ends "no I-:.Ti ".n or drivng new adits are atso has the polentrat, for underground dnllin( ore conr,nu,ty ar r"ii;;in; ilr,.|,;T:iili iLj,ll,ll mrneralized t8 ln those areas where old workings need rehabilitation For examination and access purposes, but can be reached by diamond drilling from the surface, aditing can be initially shelved in favor of drilling anstead. This consideration will io be made in the light of lime saved vs. the cost of lunneling. Drilling cost per meter is p5, 000 per meler while aditing is about p25, 000 to p30, 000 per meter D ralion Assuming an advance a littte more than one (1) meter per day in aditing/rehabjljtatjon, lhis work could be compteled within one ('t) year. Numbet of TunnelslAdtk lnitially, one adit/tunnel is being considered within the old Acoje mine workings largeted towards lhe nickel sulfide horizon. Over a lenglh and cost ol adilltunnel The adit/tunnelto be re-opened is still subjecl to furlher review by the exploration management. But i[ it is lo be carried out, such activities should be done within the prescribed period as nrandaled by the cxplor.ltlon trnle ol two (2) yearc or less. lf carried oui, the lenglh must be wathin fhe magnitude of 400m. At p3O, 0OO per meter for the intended 400 m adit, the total cost is pi2 [Iillion. 腝 艮芆 芈芅 臥 芈腀 芅 11'1腷 :ni31顥 i;elltt l誈腵 腸 1釋 60 Pre-Feasibiliv and Feasibi,ity Works and Studies Since the drfference between the pre and full feastbiltly works and slLrcltes ts usually a.matter of detart in assessrng a project,s viaOitify, itr"V AI""r"."i here within this one section "r" Competent local and jnternalronally recogntzed contraclors or in_house. personnel would be used rn the cond;ction oi rnese wo* ,,"""" s anJ ltroi.. Pre.feasibilily works wrll corytmence only rf exploratton resulls are tndtcatrvelv pos,lJve dunng lhe delatled lechnr.,lJ stgdres and,r."r" - i-,,,"'Ur,l adrvttres would probably commence "fl,illJ exproration and w6uiJ ;;;t"il';";;;""r#[::"#;llil"j:: 2'o year o, l9 These studies would concenlrate largely on the lolal. prolects prolected al any padlctllar llme' and Inllratty address a broad scope """ror,"i-"r,"rrg Gchnical, social, political' envrronmental subiects' etc' ilJ;-ues,1";i;;;6 A full leasibility study would then commence once a resource of potentially iirJ rro irade has been delined' and would be undedaken to ""r""ric G; ptojuJt" totrt viabilitv. This will include detailed ore reserve ;;i;;;; L^gi;""ring sludies on mining plans' water and power supply' ""r"ri"ii""., iump,ng .'eat servrce areas nlanl s'le and desion' and access roacls, and rehabil'lalion Tlrese sttrdres will neccssitate fii;;;;6 ;ii"ri;g melallurgical testing and-geotechnical irritr"i o"j"nli"i'"|." defi;ition drilling, has been allocaled ror lhis at the ;;;r!-m;;i". a r,r" trur. or 3 monlhs end of the 2d Year' costing for these studies is estimated to be P26 1/'? Million A total Total Estimated Exploration Costs (Pesos) 70 For an overview of projected exploralion expenditures please refer to lhe schedule presented in section 8.0. Over allTotal...... . P63 Million "* " The total costing shall be subject to revision/change as conditionslbtained tro, it p"rfo*""a"e of field wbrks so warrant' The cost includes feasibilily " mobilization cosls. ll does nol include overhead expenses' atuAi." ,na and communrcalrons, sundry expenses related to lhe ir"n"pott"t,on funds. exploration and conlingency Schedule of Activities (Gantt Chart) Please refcr to the attachcd sheet marked as Annex "A" Mao Attachment Ploase refer to the amended Sketch Plan NAMRIA Topographic Map in Scale 1:50,000, of Crau Mineral Resources Corporation dominated MA-P-P-lll'll-98. 10 0 Ceneral Comment7information 20 11.0 Signatures of Proponents or person preparing the Exploration Work Program (EWP): RODRIGO U. PARINGIT Consulting Geologist & Mining Engineer Reg. No. 352 & 670& PIR Nos. 1447537 1147536 lssued at Candelaria,Zambales On February 09, 2000 Notedl V (-/ 4v,k -/* PABLO. R. AMISTOSO MICHAEL SPADAFORA V. P. Operations General lvlanager CRAU l\rineral Resourc€s Corp. Kinloch Resources Lld V 膌P PREPARER 腌 FACTS ABOUT THE E腒 Mr. RODRIGO U. PARINGIT is a registered and licensed geologist and mining engineer with many years of professional experience in mane exploration, project leasibility study preparation, environmenlal assessment work, mine enoineering and valuation and related subjecls. He has a varied interest in the preparalion of lhis Exploration Work Program and looks foMard to the re-opening of the former Acoie mjning concession and ils environs . He worked with Acoje Mining Company lnc. lor over ten (10) years. And was Chief Geologist of lhe Acoje Group of Companies involving the Sta. Cruz metallurgical chromite and nickel mines, the copper-pyrite mine in Dasol, Pangasinan and all oI the company's mining interests from 1970 up to 1977 when he went on indefinite leave from said corporation. Aside from his vast experjence in chromite exploration, he pioneered the 膥exlensive exploration for nickel sulfide deposits which is unique in the Philippine geologic setting. These works include geological, geochemical, geophysical, drilling and developmenuexploitation phases. A 600 TPD beneflciation plant was installed in lhe mine in 1971 and operation was up to 1975 when the Japanese end-user of the nickel concentrates suspended their smelter operalion for various reason. The njckel operation never resumed operation since then until Acoje flnally ceased its chromite operation a few years back- The geological investigation of niakel sulllde deposition encompassed the immediate surroundings before he lefl Acoje, and thus in a position to apprise the mine prospects. He has authored technical papers dealing on the exploralion for chromite and nickel sulfides and duly published in the Philippine Geological Journal in 1975. His professionai expertise include copper exploration (massive/porphyry) nickel (sulfide/laierite), gold, other base metals and non-metals such as white ctay 腛 deposits, feldspar and limestone, among others. Todate, he is a consullant on call to different mining exploration companres and heads Citygroup Philippine Corporalion and Harvest Geomineral Resources lnc., mining companies which are tille holders of mane prospects for chromite, white clay, rock aggregates and gold deposits (veiniplace0 RODRICO U PARINGIT 腞 22 腒 ( CHART CANTT 膌 A膍re菔荘'' EXPLORAT!ON WORK PROGRAM N cke Prolect Chiomle腝 a es Sta C腵uz/Cande ana,zam芶 SCHEDULE OF A鋹 IV TIES 膋 01r 14芢Otr '3腅 2腅Qt腵 1 Research work and data comp lation 2 Seml Det31ed Studies d Ssbsu{ace nvestioation a V ne Eounda b D8taled su蝗 2000000 ~ 11=花 = _ 11C膡 12000000 c Adi no膌Tunnel 26500000 腝 腜 腜 膡 i==ol:腁lt i tr腒 =,腶 P63,000,000 TOtal 腣腣 Noled cy P腵epared by: 腌 莓 英 1膌 lr腁 苪 莉 RODRIGO U PARINCIT PABLO R AMISTOS0 J SPADAFORA MICHAE芵 ANNEX腜E V ENViRONMENTAL WORK PROGRAM V 芭 腜 CRAU MINERAL RESOURCES CORP' I I iili! Maria Sl , R{lY Kat)ilolyo t' 5'r'r'r( lv1(1r (' N'l]r'rln I.l: 631 5150 ADOENDUM This is an addendum to the approved Environmental Work Program of Crau Mineral Resources Corp. (CRAU) in connection with its application for Mineral Produclion Slraring Agreement denominated as MA-P-lll-'11-98 coverirrg cerlait) areas bcaled rrl Sla Oruz arld Calrdelaria, Zalllbales As CRAU is commitled to conduct ln depth baseline environmental studies in the area of interest which includes assessment of the old mine workings/abandoned nined areas alld other developmenuproduction facilities ol tht former mining concession to ascertain their usefulness tor any economically viable miling operalion in the future, CRAU hereby declares that it will assunie lhe envilonfllental Iespollsibility of sucll identified areas/facililies that are deemed to be necessary to any proposed mining operation' Further, areas 膥 CRAU will also endeavor, to the best of its capability, to rehabilitate outside of any proposed operatiort on environmentally disturbed sites that will be identified by the baseline surveys. This addendum will fornr part ot the approved Environmental Work Program lor the lirst two (2) years of tlre exploratioll activities ill the area of interest. Vice President-Operations Crau Mineral Resources Corp 1 Rept腡Jic t)f腡lo PII腡 腡 "(膡 VERAL RESO1/RCFS CORP CRA菒,趄 腒 苂R菈 FPOGR荮膍莌 膍菏O腠trr膍賻菇,膍 F膍 1/84菇 ES ORtZ Z苖 STr腅 l'OS SBrnoN 膜Ff膡 RCES CORP. rvERAL RESO菒 M膌 CRA菒 V TAL膍ORK PROGRAM RONME蝗 ENV膌 Sta. Cruz, Zambales 膥 se菏reooer 200荠 jIVC pp"e苨 膍ArC膍ASsocr4TES rP苭 膍 Po膍 6`ll FloO膌Ro/a膌B菒膍,g.荃荃菆 Rada Slreer plli膍 菇 egasp1/11age.n/akall Cr膌 菏菏 rles r腅 腧 re膌 0 `6338荃荁266荁F菆菔膌腊92503 0 `63o8荃 鏱膌菅菆,芽苭 arcl腅cOl菅ll 14/ebpageil膡.vtV苭 arch ca (Dharc苭 菏 .膌 腝 膌膌荮 莊膜 (膌膌FF膌膌 '苂 '腁 腶 RCES CORP 膍膌NER荰菇腘ESO菒 CR4菒 裪 4 l腅 膍r4t14/OnK 菏ROGR荮 腀 _膜膍tlRO膍菃膍 }腶A腶 3貎 腀 1膍8荮菇FS sr4 cR菒 z z荮 腀 腀 腀 腀 裪 CRAU MINERAL RESOURCES CORP ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PROGRAM STA CRUZ,ZAMBALES Prepared by C腜 讨 Reviewed by 腔 oS Michael P Ca腡 Approved for Release by an I\,4oller Tech-549,Rev l 腅 Tech No. 芔腀 12 September 2001 腪 lssue Date 芒 芃腂芐芙 CMRC 腶 Distribution 芃腂芐芙 Hatch 腀 腅腬 腝腀 Date Amended Entered by Rev 腝腎 Paqes 腶 MPC 1,2,3,4,7,9 1 9/11/04 腄腜 | | . | CR荮菒 MllVERAL RESOuRCES CORP 4苂R菈 PROCR荮 rVVIRO腠芢膍E膍rA菇 葉 菌 |: || : 菇菃S S賜4 CR菒tt ZAMB荮 腧 CRAU M:NERAL RESOURCES CORP_ ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PROGRAM Sta Cruz,Zambales TABLE OF CONTENTS PERMITTEE l NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT膌 2 TYPE AND NAME OF PROJECT pt on 21 ProeCt Desc蹳 CRA菒ER"菇 RCSO菒RCFS CORP :: | [膍VIRO膍"膍i膌鹈VI荮[!靛OR菈 PROGR荮膍 MB荮 ST荮CP04 Z荘菇_rs RESOuRCES CORP CRA菒 ttFR4膡 菒菋ORK PROCRAM 膍71ROIVME蝗骠菇 菌 B荰菇ES SIA CRtZ ZAI膌 Plan from NAMRIA Topographic Sheet No's 7074 lll and 7074 lV titled ML Lanot and Bugallon and is included as Figure 2. 3.2 Total Area to be Covered by the Application The area coveEd by lhe minino agreement applic€riion consists o{ three (3) lots, namely Lot-1 (33681.7837 has.). Lot-2 (37.8002 has.) end Lof3 (45.8014 ), or a total of 3'765.3853 has Ihe original MPSA application area was 8,100 haS., but was reduced/amended to exclude legal. valid a;d subsisting mining permits, and rights and a watershed area/reservation within the northern portion. The proponent, however, fled with the DENR/MGB a Letter of lnclusion for those mining right appli;ations deemed abandoned and invalidated pursuant to present mining laws and regulations. Kindly refer to the attached Amended Sketch Plan, Figurs 2 (NAMRIA topographic map in scale 1:5O,OOO) for the geographic coordinates of the proposed mine exploralion area. 4. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENT WHERE WORK IS PROPOSED TO BE UNDERTAKEN 4,1 Land Enviionment 4.1.'l Topography,Physlography The area consists of moderately rugged mountains with elevations ranging from slightly undor 2001o slightly over 1,000 me(ers above sea level. The two principal rivers draining the area - the Cabaluen and Lauis Rivers - flow weslerly into lhe South China Sea. 4-l,2 Land Usercapability The MPSA application area wss formerly the site of 65 years of mining by the Acoje Mining Co., lnc. unlil 1991. To date, a portion of the old mining community and lhe immediate sunoundings have been cullivated by the former workers and lheir families to upland rice and fruit beering trees. The kalngin syslem is being omployed by the locals to sustain their living disrupted by the termination of mining operations. The entire area is within timberland/foresiand with several ISF arardees granted by the DENR. Flat and gently rolling ground devoid ol lorest cover is ideal grazing ground, and lhe entire area is worthwhilg for mineral prospec{ing. 4.1.3 Podology The. rugged tcpography has limited the development of any thick soil cover over the predominanlly ultramalic ienain. Lateritized ultramafic rock soil cover is present in some areas. No ,ield 6urvey has been conduc{ed to clessity the pedology of the exploralion ar€e. This work v/ll be conducted once the Mineral Agreement Applicatio; has been granted and CRAU has regar access to the area to conducl such sludies. 膍荃荃 ,S芮 o70膌 苨337膌 qg8 2 "腁 膌 RCFS CORP CRtt菒 lllWERtt菇 RESO菒 葉膍 ROM膌]VI荮苆腒膍OR菈 PROG药 _r膍膍 装闝 C辛 B荰菇 ST4 CRCZ ZA,膌ES 4.2 Water Environment 4.2.1 Water Quallty As part of the due diligence process, a limited iniiial water quality sampling was conducled at the project area, the details of which are included as Annex 2. In regard to the baseline levels ofthe metals arcenic, cadmium, chromium (tolal),copper, lead, mercury and nickel;these are all within DENR applicabie standards (DAO 34). At this stage no detailed baseline sampling has been conduc{ed to classify the Water Ouality ol the exploration area. This work will be conducted once the Mineral Agreement Applicalion has been granted and CRAU has legal access to the area lo conducl such studies. 4.2.2 Hydrology The area is drained by the Lauis and Cabaluan River syslems which flow westward to the Soulh China Sea. 4-3 Climatology / Meteorology The project locale falls under Type I of the Modified Coronas Classificalion, i.e., two pronounced seasons. The wet between May to October which coincides with the souihwest monsoon season, and drythe rest of the year. Average annual rainfall is around '150 to 200 cm but may 腝 year year prevailing (EI vary considerably fronr to depending upon local or regional conditions Nino/La Nina). The average mean day-time temperaiures vary from 25"C (January) to 35'C (iray). At this stage, a site meieorological slation and ambienl air quality moniloring has not been installed at the exploration area. This work will be conducted once lhe Mineral Agreement Application has been granted and CRAU has legal access to the area to conduci such studies. 4.4 Geological/Geomorphological Environment The mining agreement application area is a part and parcel of the vasl Crelaceous ultramafic- mafic tenain that characiedzes the Pangasinan-Zambales mountain ranges. Upwelling/thrusting brought about mountain building activity and ore mineralization. Ophiolite rock complexes are well represented here as exposed such as the basement peridotite/hazburgile/lhezolite/dunite/clinopyroxenite/gabbroicy'diorjtic/basaltic zones wath pillowy structures and massive stratiform sulfdes and chert filled volcano-sedimenlary formalions. These spillites are located north and east oI the mine exploralion target area. Locally, the area of interesl is within whal is termed as the Acoje ultramafic belt. preponderanl rocklypes are serpentinized dunite, pyroxenite (monoclinic type), serpentinite, haR burgite/lhezolite and lhe intruded gabbroic rock mass. Metallurgiial chromite, nickel, plaiinum group metals and lalerized variations are indicaled, and lheir eionomic viabiiity shatt be the focus of the exploration. 4.4.1 Regional Geohazards lnformation available from the Seismological Observation and Earthquake prediclion Divjsion (SOEPD) of Philvoics is presented in Figurs l. This figure shows the posarbb seismic hazard sources (East Zambales Fault, lba Fautt, philippine Fauh Zone and Manila Trench), as well ag the possible sources of volcanic hazards (Mt. pinalubo) in the region. These information will be inlegraled with the local observalions of geohazard evenls, tanOitips ana sfreet erosion and will 膌荃 J St腅膍,莁菏 707_0莈 J膍膌 膌 , 'q膍 腧 CRA菒 JfWERAL RFSOIJRCES CORP Fry/1RO膍 1膌膍r荮|10RIC PR00RAM 菃莀rS ST荰 CR菒 tt ZAj/8荰菇 be clnsolidated into the geohazard database once CRAU geologists are able to complele detailed field assessments associaled with the exploration program. 4.5 Biological Environment 4.5.'l Tenostrial Plants and Animals Flora Vegelation cover in the area may be classified into two main types: . Natural vegetation - consisting mosily of seclndary forest growth, grass/shrubs and sparse pine trees. . Cullivated vegetaro, - which includes rice, coconul and fruil lrees, and seasonal vegelable gardens. These crops are located mostly on lhe flatter areas. The central (and major portion) of the area supports scanty secondary forest and grasses on the hill and mountain slopes, while the western margin's lower hills are covered with grasses. Previous commercial logging, slash and bum ground clearing, and the harvesling of lrees for past mining ac,tivities (timber supports) resulled in the clearing of most ofthe primary vegetation. Ihe highly dislurbed nature of the vegetation communities indicales a very low probability of the presence of any rare or endangered species. Fauna Much of the indigenous wildlife has been displaced to remote regions as the resull of conlinuous mining over 50 years, or has been affec{ed by human ac{ivities such as agricufture and/or deslruction of nalural habitals. Domesticated animals (pigs, cows, dogs, cats, etc.) are observed to have laken over the ecological niche occupied oy the naljve fauna living around areas of human habilation. The highly disturbed nature of the environment suggests that there is a very low probability of lhe presence of rare or endangered wildlife. 4.5.2 Socloeconomic Environment Almost (if.not ali) the population is loc€ted beside the old Aco.ie Mine. The village has a permanent population of around 1,000 with mosl of the older r;sjdents having be6n former employees of the mine. The people cunenty survive on subsistence farming'and bamboo colleclion for sale A primary and secondary (high) school is present, as well as eleclricily (lhrough a cooperative), tap water and television receplion. . CRAU has..not conducted any formal perception Surveys or other socio economic :lld]:.."" it is inappropriate to raise the expectations ot tne locai community until the M.IS.A ].^?pl9u9O and the Exptoration program is commenced. Once the work is rnrtiated, CRAU will be abte to conduct community Needs Analysis and work with LGU,s and Govemment agencies to develop a community assistance pian This work will be reported in the periodic progress Reports to MGB iegionat Omce ttt. _0莈 膌3膌 荖,莋腌 ,70膌 J膍膌 'V膜 膌荃 腂 膍 CRA菒 rlHER4L RISOuRcFs cORP 膍 ]V71RO膍膍[膍r4菇 WORK PRoCR荮 鋤AI sr荰 cR菒MB荰LES z z荮 5. DESCRIPTION OF EXPLORATION WORK Activities will be conducled by employing the seNices of contraclors and experts and the resourc€8 of CRAU Mineral Resources Corporation and Kinloch Resources Limited. Kinloch is a multinational company with a regional or area headquarters duly registered with lhe Securities and Exchange Commission in the Philippines. CRAU have entered into an operating agreement with Kinloch which has been registered wilh the BMG Region lll office. 5.1 Description of Exploration Methods and Equipment to be Used The entire mining property involved includes the old mining concession of Acoje Mining Company lnc., which had over 65 years of continuous production lhrough its 1,000 TPD melallurgical chromile mining and milling oporalions and a 400 TPD nickel mine/flotalion mill operation, which ceased in 1975. On a regional level, there were numerous geological research studies made on the lithologies and mineralization present. This information, both on file with the DENR/I,GB and in lhe hands of any private individuals shall be researched and consulted and compiled as additional data to implement the Exploration Work Program. The eccess of lhe exploration crew into ihe exploration area is enhanced lhrough the existence ol old mining and logging roads that meander lhroughout major porlions of the property. Walking tracks also abound within the area, which will make access easier. As the exploration program will consist of tape and compass surveys, sudace sampling of rocUsoil-sedimeni, geophysical surveys, tesl pitting/trenching, drilling, and aditing/tunneling, lhe efiects to the prevailing ecosystem will be minimal. Any surface disturbance, such as drill pads, etc., will be rehabilitated. The principalfield office shall be withih the old minesite community, where waler, eleclricjly and oiher amenities are available for the work force. Any field personnel who need lo work in the remote areas of the proFerty will utilize portable shelters for their accommodation, thus minimizing environmental disturbance. The.stages of exploration contemplated in the MPSA area once the permii is granted are delailed below: 5,1,1 Survoy of Previous Works on the Area The main aciivities to be canied out during this phase will be literature survey, data compilation and collation, research wo* and planning/design of lhe field survey to be su'bsequen y carded oul. The area has had a relatively long mining history, primarily for chromile. The Acoje mine was more or less in continuous production from the mid-1930's until i992, whe; I ceased operations. Unlortunately, much of the old mine/exploration data was lost due lo a mine office fire in lhe late 1980's before mining ceased. 5.1.2 Geological irapping This discipline is to be conducted on a semi-detailed and detailed phase. The purpose of which is to.deJine rock assembrages, srructures, features and characieristics of ore minerarization sought for. 膍膍 3荮o膌7荶0荴 07_0莇 莇膌膌 膌 腧 '莿膍 ` FS COPF膜 CRAIJ lllllERAL RFSO腎 PR06RA膍 1膌[膍r4菇7.oR菈 Ell葉RO膍 B荰菇菃S ST荰 CR菒 Z ZAI膍 5.'1.2.1 Semi-detailed Geologlcal Mapplng Semi-detailed geological mapping and sampling will be canied oul to identily the rock types in the areas and any significant mineralisation. TEverses will be made along stream channels, roads and suitable exposures where rock outcrops are found. Rock, soil, and stream sediment samples will be taken for petrographic and chemical analyses. The acquired samples will nol generally exceed 1 kg in weight- The samples will be analysed for chromite, nickel, platinum group elements, gold and base metals. The number of samples collecled will be dependent upon ongoing resulls. The output of the reconnaissance lleld survey covering lhe total contract area will be a comprehensive report containing a 1120,000 (or other suilable scale) map. Areas showing indicalions of target minerals will be subjecled to semLdetailed mapping. A map gcale ot 1:5,000 (or other suitable sc€le) map will be utilised in the semi{etailed work where denser sampling and addilional geologic€l mapping will be done. An aerial photographic survey is planned over the area lo assist in geologic mapping, surveying, land use, and other requirements as may prove necessary. Detallod Geologlcel Mapplng Detailed field surveys will be carried out using the compass and lape method with traverses being limited over a relatively small area (say 150 hedares) where target deposits are infened. Mapping will give details on overburden, rock slructures, fraclure orientation and characteristiqs and chemislry variance (analytical resulls) using 1:1,000, or other appropriale scales. During this stage, test pitting will be carried oul at some sites lo study thickness of overbuden, regolith characierjslics, .rnd conlinuity of outcrops. Also, sampling of rock faces vertically and horizonlally will be conducted to sludy chemical variations. These surveys will utilize grid lines as lraverse routes. 5.1.3 Geophysical Methods These methods will be employed in the search for the nickel sumde deposits and the associated elements. lnduced polarizalion (lP) and magnetic surveys will be used to help delineale deposits of this type. These surveys will ulilize exisling grid lines done for geochemical geological surveys. An intemationally accredited contraclor will be utilized. 5.1.4 Geochemical t[ethods These surveys will be done over areas covered by semi-delailed geological mapping- Rock, soil and stream sediment samples shall be collected in those areas defined as potential ore targels. Ridge and spur, grid, and stream junclions a,t various intervals deGrmined applicable shall be accomplished. Sample preparation and analyses will be conducted by accredited assay laboratories. _03,腵 膌莄V3膌o膜 Se膍荁0膌 膌 膌腘苅 膡 ` CR4菒 HINERAL RESOURCFS CORR PROGRA膍 膠VT/1LltOR菈 EN/1RONl膌 鎬 臨 鎬譙裱 菇菃S S腝/1 CRIJZ ZAtIB荮 5.1.5 Subsurface lnvestigations These are designed to deflne mineralized zones at deplh. Among the melhods to be used are: 5.1.5.'l TestpittingrTrenching These will be excavaled (and later rehabililated) over specific targets when resulls from previous work warants. Test pits will consasl of excavations, '1 x 't m in diameter to a necessary depth to collecl the relevant informalion. Trenches will be done over wananted areas approximalely 1 m wide and to a necessary depth and length. The number of pils and trenches will be determined by inilial exploration, and will be constructed by local hire Drtlling Onc€ potenlial ore targets are delinealed and as part of the technical information in the final assessment ofihe properly, drilling will be done to conrirm mineralization at deplh. V An inilial program of 2,010 m is anlicipated, using qualified conlraclors who are aware of the necessity to protec,i the environment of theit work sites. And this work would be monitored closely by the company management in collaboralion with DENR/BGB personnel. Additional drilling would be carried out if lhe initial program is successful in determining the presence of economic concentratlons of mineralization. Portions of the drill samples will be properly stored for future reference or re-evaluation. The drilling methods (diamond core/ reverse circulation, etc.) will depend on field conditions identified. The drilling campaign is essenlially confirmatory drilling at the outset to verify ore horizon extensions and their vertical continuity. Wireline type drills or ils equipmenl shall be used using conventional caring and non-coring bits of variable diameters. Though the drilling campaign is basically by contract wilh compelent drilling contractors from liletro Manila, lhe initial nomber of drill Holes are 10 holes with a varied depth ot 200m to 250m or a total of 2000m to 2500m drill holes leng,th of varied inclination. For lhis iype of drill equipment, the standard pad size is 3x4m. Sump size is usually about l/2 x 2m. The drill contrac{ors may adjust lhese dimensions as appropriate to lhe site. O(hers (tunnelingladiting) Several old adits may be rehabilitated (or new ones construcled) to gain access for mapping, sampling and underground core drilling for determining the existing mineralization mined previously. A properly licensed contract minerwill be used forthis purpose, and all appropriate government-required and industry-slandard safety measures will be adhered lo. At the present stage, and based upon the limited information available, an initial re-opening or new adiutunnelof400 m lenglh and standard size (2.2 m x 2.2 m) is being considered. This is within area lhat has akeady been mined previously and will pose no problem to the exisling environment. 腜 膌荃荃苨 ,3菇膍苤膌0膌菆 膌 膌荚 "膍=o荁 RCFS CORP 菒177NERAL RFSO菒 cR荮 腅 誧R00R4M 芭膌 LI膍0裳 腍葍ENT荮 R莿 EIV膜 蹱1 闒 ]A銚 S 1膌B荮菇菃 ST荮 CR菒 Z Z荰 5.1.8 Ore R*erve Estimation Mineable resources will be estimated by combining mapping, smpling and drilling results' ;;i;;;;;r.6;;;d"rd methods of caliulation' Freliminary metallurgical iestwork sludies would also begin at this time. 5.'1.7 Community Relation3 Fvcrv effort wi be made to establish a continuing dialogue with the locsl community regarding ;E i#; il';;.r-;;ih" ;rpl"iaion p'-og'''n: Local residenls wirr have 'ld hire preferences for any lmpbyment that they are qualified for' 5.1,8 Envitonmental Basellno Study and itonltoring A dulv recoonized company specializing in environmental base line studies and monitoring will l" to lhd ;[ Lgausocial requiremenls are adhered to "n'g"g"d """rr" ot Exploration Method8 and Equipmontto bo Uaed 5-2 Additional Description 5.2.1 FoasibllityStudy Once a resource estimate ot a potentially economic size has El99fin9i: a mining feasibility it,,i, *irf u" undertaken to de(emine th; viabrlity of the proiec{' This will include detailed ore ;;;; ;;rirti"";, engin""ring sludies on mining plans, water €nd power supplv' access V ["0",-a,r""pi"s area, sirvice ireas, plant site an1 design,.. environmedal monitoring' and rit "uifna." ihese stur-ries will necessitate further ore delinition drilling, metallurgical testing' and geo(echaical measurements- At the same time an indicative economic feasibility study will be prepared ior submission in the ever( the project appears technic€lly and economically viable 5.2.2 TopographicSurYeY A boundary survey of the proposed Mining Area will bo conduc'ted to esbblish comor and intermediate monuments. The topographic survey of the Mining Area will also be conducted to support detailed mine planning ;nd resource estimstion. The detailed topographic map produced will be at 1:200 (or bther alpropriate) scale, with a contour interval of 2 molers This survey will slso fix 66mpling points and drill sites. 5.2.3 Cadartral Survey As a prerequisile to the approval of the mining feasibility and to establish the legal boundaries oI the contracl mining area, a cadastral survey will be conducled. The cadastral survey vvill primarily cover th€ srea to be retained by the company for its mining prqect. The company will seek the services of any MGB deputjsed geodetic surveyor to execute the cadsstralsuNey. 5.2.4 Contlnulng Envlronmontel Studles - Environmental lmpact Assos3ment Oetails of this are given in the EnvironmentalWork Program, butthis will be an ongoing activity. 荬q膍 膌 膌臝 膍膍荮菆膍膌 ,膍 "7r膌 艢 膡 腵 腅苚 观 ORCFS CORP CRtt菒跥 [RAL RES膜 pK PROGRAM 葉腌葞 N菋膌RONME腠T荮菇 菃|膌B荮菇芲S S膜 CR菒tt Z荮 5.2.5 CommunltyRelsuons A basic inbrmation and educational campaign will be undertaken to keep the local people lamiliar with the aclivities and plans of the company with regads to exploration and any mine development. This progrsfi will be broadened and deepened as the Work Program progresses into ti6 2d and conlinuing years and as proiect viability becomes more defined. 5.3 Map shming Locadon of Proposed work Area Attached is th6 amended MPSA Loc€tjon Area in NAMRIA Topographic Map (Scrle 1:50,000) indicating the old Acoje minesite, lxith accassibilily roads, wd€r r€sources and other r6levanl input (Figur6 21. 5.4 Manpotv€r Complement (field offce only) The tentative number ot peBonnel to be engaged in the projesl are basically: One (1) Geological Consuftant Two (2) Exploration geologists Three (3) Geologic€l Mappers V Six (6) Geological aids/ helperg One (1) Draft3man/utility man Thes8 personnel constitute the regular crew during the exploration c€mpaign. Some local residents who are skilled or unskilled are to be hired on a contrac{ual basis as lhe situation wanants. These are in the areas of camp prepaEtion, trenching, testpitting, and geophysical and geochemical area surveys. Exploration sditing, drilling and other related endeavoB such as s8mpl6 velue deLrminrtion, geophysical surv6y/interpretation are to be done by competent comp€nies/metalab on a contract basis. 5.5 Estimated Exploration Costs An estjmated budget of PhP 63 million is allocated ior the two (2) year Exploration Work Program. A dekiled program for this purpose has been submitted to the DENR/MGB pursuant to th€ maMate of R. A. No. 7942 and its implementing guidelines under DAO No. 96-40, sedes 1996. Th6 exploration budget covers expenses in the conduct of exploration such ac geological mapping, geochemicaugeophysical works, subsurface invesligations such as drilling, testpitting/trenching and aditing/tunneling and other related expenses such as pre-feasibility studies, govemment permit acqqisition, and tull hasibility studies. This budget is subject to continuous revisions dep€nding upon lhe re3ults ol exploration aciivities. For details, see the Exploration Work Program. A dehiled summary is included in a Gantt Chart in section 8.0 (Annex '4"). Pgrdculars Cost 1. Research (Geological/Geochemicauceophysicel) P100,00000 2. Scmidetsiled Studies a. Geological Work P3,000,00000 b. Geochemical SuNeys Pl,00000000 _rl,3膍 膌膌 '`V3,S膌膌F9 ",107rl膌 腧 l-1] CRA菒l"膍ER4膡RES膜苉ES CORP ||腅 E膍膌14菃T^菇腒腊葞R菈 PROGR荮 臨 腠 `RO膍 S賻 CR菒B荮菇[S z ZAI膍 c. Pl,00000000 Geophysic€l Surveys (trenching/testpitting) P500,00000 d. Subsurfac€ lnvestigations Pl,900,00000 e. Topographic Surveys Detailed Studies P,2.000,0000 a. Geological mapping b. Subsurface lnvestgations P15,000,00000 Contracl drilling, 3,000m @ P5.000/m Exploration aditing (400m) P12,000,00000 P15,000.00000 Pre-feasibility studi€s P26.500,00000 Final feasibility studies revisions dep€nding upon exploration resul腒 The total cost is P63,0U,,00O, subjecl to Conlingency funds are not included. 6. IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The summary of the potential environmental efrects and the corresponding mitigation measureE are presenld as a matrix in Annex 3. The Mitigaling Measures presented in lhe Matrix are considered to be Commitments by CRAU in regard to env,ronmental proteciion during the exploration program. ,ldditional aspeots o, the envircnmenlal protec{ion aclivities will be reported to MGB Regional Office lll periodically. 6.1 On Land Access Establishment of new acrress routes to drill siles are required. However, existing rgads and tracks will be Ldilized to the fullesl possible exlent. Thes€ existing road and track networks need only minimal rehabilitation and repair. Minimal siltation and /or erosion ftom road use and repair is considered not detrimentalto the ecGystem as this is already an established community, and things like dusl pollution, etc., will be addr$sed by regular sprinkling of the access roads with waterduring dry periods. Fisld Surveys Minor brushing or removal ot undergrowth maybe undertaksn to b€tter expose outcrops, but thig will be minimal and will not resull lo any large-scale clearing of vegetation cover. Traverses will be limited to drainage channels, roads and trails. Test pits will be excavaH, but tiris will c{ruse only slight and temporary change in the land form. The excavated mderial will be slockpiled adjacenl to the pit and back lilled once sampling and mapping is completed. Drllllno During the drilling stage some surficial disdurbance may arise during lhe transport of drilling equipmenl to lhe site as some clearing ollhe routes and pEparation of a drill platform may be required. .膍 膌膜膡J臧荮鑔 ,7腝a'莌荭 膌 膌菏 膌 `膌 膡 腧 艠 艳 腅 腏腩 腝腜 腵 腵裪 芒腅 腵 裪 CRA菒[Rtt菇 RESOuRCFS CORP 裪 "膍膍膍 ENylRONME膍r荮菇oRK PROGR荮 腒MB荮菇ES ST21 C腘菒 Z苆 Fueland oil spills (iI any) may cause slight contamination ofthe ground surface in the immediale area ot the drill site, but this will be lemporary. Excavations such as mud pits or water impoundmenls will be undertaken as part of the educational training of the crews on environmental protection and enhancement. Any disturbed land surfaces will be restored/reforesteo 6.2 On Hydrology and Water Quality Access There will be insignificant disturbances on drainage channels during stream traverses and sampling. Fiold Survevs Except for small amounts (milliliters) of nitric acid and potassium dichromate (which will be added to water samples for environmental studies) no chemical reagents or toxic materials will be utilised during the program. Drilllnq Spillage of oil and additives may go into the local drainage system. However, sumps, pits and bunds at the drill pad will substantially reduce the risks and impacts of any spill. 6.3 On the Ecology Drllllnq Noise from drilling activities. 6.4 On Socioeconomics Access. Field Survevs and Drillino Labor opportunilies will be available to skilled and unskilled \a,orkers in lhe area. Schedule Of Acfyities and llrltioatino Measures. 腔general is presented 1 to the lime The Schedule of Aclivities or Gant Chart in Annex indicate line of Exploration Activities and the associaled environmental components. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEASURES INCLUDING TOTAL COST CRAU Mineral Resources Corp., in collaboration with Kinloch Resources Ltd. are committed lo pursue ils intended two (2) year Environmental Work Program through measures that will be adopted to minimize and effectively mitigate any potential effects the program might have on ihe environment and the localmmmunity. lt should be noted, however, ihat mineral exploration is, by and large, environmenlally benign, giving rise to genelally minimal impacl on lhe environment and the people living in the area ofoperations. The proponenucontraclors anticipate that more than '10% of the total estimaled exploralion cost of P63 million, or P6.3 million, considering community relations and enhancement, will go towards environmenlal measures. This is in line with lhe govemmenfs policy to protec{ lhe _0膌 膌膍,/S菇膌膌|荶苂荁0膌 '荃莈膌膌 膌腘膍 "苅 CRA菒ttER荮菇 RFSOnCFs coRP T荮葉葟R菈 PROGRA膍 EV77RONME蝗菇 TCH H致 |膌B荰菇菃S sr4 cR菒 z z荮 ecosystem. Communily assistance programs that CRAU/Kinloch will undertake would probsbly be in lhe lorm of cooperatives and livelihood projec{s to sustain the benelils derived from the exploration prog.am. Al this time, it is premalure to indic€te lhe exac{ breakdown of community assislance unlil tenure is granted. 7.1 Progressive Rehabilitation/Restoration . Exc€vated areas will be reslored after sampling . Mud pits or sumps used for drilling will be restored af,er completion of drilling. 7.2 Maintenance of Roads to Minimize Dust . Watering of unpaved roads, particularly along, in and close to settlement areas io suppress dust during dry periods. 7.3 Proper Handling of Toxic and Hazardous Materials, if any . Disposing in an appropriate manner of any solid and liquid wastes. Storage sites for oil, lubricants and fuel utilised during the exploration and drilling programs will be on ground prepared to prevent contamination of the local surface and groundwater systems. This will be done by lining the surface with an imperviolls materials to prevent spilled fluids from seeping into the ground. Solid waste will be buried at acceptable site(s). 7.4 Minimization of Noise and Emissions . Maintaining vehicles and equipment utilised during the program in good working condition lo reduce noise and limit emrssion of noxious gases. 7.5 Alternative Plans if Special Habitats of Flora and Fauna are Aflected . Minimising removal of vegetation. Surveyigrid lines will be established in such a way as to go around or skjp areas of thick cover. 7.6 Socioeconomic Mitigating Measures . Encouraging environmenlal awareness among the local community by providing intormation 腔 program - like the one to be canied out - can be and direct experience on how an exploration accomplished withoul any adverse effecl on the environment. . Employing local unskilled labor. Only technical and supporting skilled work€rs will be sourced externally to carry out the program. These workers will be made aware of the importance in respecting the cusloms and rights of the local people, particularly in regard to access and use of lhe area. Any Camage or loss to crops, plantations or domestic liveslock as a consequence of the companys activities shall be properly recompensed in a form acceptable to any aggrieved party. . Ensuring the program is self-suslaining _苁 'o8苅 膌荮膡rl荁膍 膌腒苇膌膌J膌膌膌 膌膌2 '膍 =膌 CR4菒 ttNE荮[RESO膜 RcFS CORP 鹈V膌,RO膍1/F膍 T荮苆,70RKPROGR荮M S膜 CR菒M膜 荮菇菃S z z荮 RCFS CORP ER4菇 RESO膜 CR4菒 lll腵 /1RO腠VENTAL"ORK PR00RAl膌 E膍 HttC腡 菇ES srA cRcz z荮 "荮 Figrres V V -0膌 荭 荃腔苇膌腡菅70膌5Q 膌腒 '膍 118腂 CRtt菒莋蝖V菌 貎菇 RESOuFCcs coRP 装 讕臨 C腡 膌 ]V蝙RO膍MF腅T荮 OR菈 PPOGR荘 腅膍 腧 SI荰`,菋 CR`膌 z荰MS荰 菄 `[S Annexes V 腝 ,膌 _膍 膌膜3膌腡070膌 苓 膌5莿 '膡 `膌 RCES CORP 膍 RESO菒 CR荮菒 'VER4菇菇葉腌葞醪芭PROCRAM E膍菋膌R07.VEI.7荮 醦 離 CH S 菃 sr荮 cR12z zAttA菇 Annex 1 V I arf cfivilies/Cant C韍 e of葄 edJ膌 Sc韍 V_0膌 5a 膌膌荃Sall膍070膌 =膌 ) 腝 t '膡 1 1, ` | ( ( ANNEX 膡 T赈ES SC賻 'nULE OF ACTIV赈 S 98 Q7 TA膡 `rtrcATIN6腣Q6 讨膍R腣o4Q5 o2Q3 0膡 | 豰 bi莆ization/Studies 苨 腧腒fo Ca,Paign赪 Pre腜鏱,oraLiOn/膡 腧 豰豰豰 Acdess Road Uai\tetuDca 腜腜 腜 腜 腜 2X 莆 闫 o莆: Test Pits膌 L腜osiOn conC腝 Dri莆 腜 腜 腜 腜 腜 郡ren苊腎 Pads 菇 S腧 菐 Ps膌 _ 苭芮 secI 莆ish on腜site Esta苭 腣 腜 | 靣,莁 sturbed sites Rehab荪莆itation oF a膡 腜 腜 腜腜 b苂莿 CesuriXy e-E loteeaX oPportu!-itaes X 苭0膜 腜 腜 腜 腜 腜 腜 `X腜 C@uniXy LlveTihood Pzoiects X腜 腜 腜腜 腺苂O莿 豰 苭膜莁 ,苂膜臥 靛荘,3X 苂OO` tu$iron. voDitaiing/ Info. caiPa ign 豰 腜 膍 腀腒 ( ( 腌轜 CHART CAN菎 " 腌 膌 腧 腧 ON WORK PROGRAM EXPLORA膡 Nl苍d"OFt rote腝 臥膜bBles O膡 tZ膜 su C腜 "膜 ~~T~ 腜 腜 裪_腶 裪腅 裪 SCHEDtLE OF 171VmES 裪 膡 腒 荴 4 腎 芶 腞 腞 隽 腞 腎 那 腒艢 & 102:腧 膍 No{ed bv 腝 腃腝 ` 艬 腎 腎 艥艏艱腒 CR/1菒 腖莕vE腁 腒苆RESO菒 RcEs cORa HttC鎬 膌膍膌,|莀膌 苂|IG N腒TER Q菒 荮Ty s荮 饻芠苆膌 S7荘`膌 C膍1222荮 1膍a荮 菇Es Annex 2 V 见fria膌 葉ttfer Q膍 a腖 fy Sa腧 ring 菏 V j膌 _菆 膌荃|荒/S膌 07菆膌 膌 ",荭 RCFS L;0 腘ESO菒 10C膍 膌腱膌 腠膍G 銚YS^MP4膌 荮膌 7腵膍膌菇 I N腍莿 W膌 ES 7腅8荮菇 '腌菒Z ttA腅 S腵荮 C腘 RCES LTD RESO菒 K膌NLOC膍 膥 y sAMPL膌 rVG 銚 TrAL y//1TER QtJ/1L膌 膌rv膌 Sfa.Cr"z,Zambares V 546 TECH腝 tl膌 Rev O,腶 荜 '3 200' 7VC ines'膌 膌 S rpll膍 /1SSOC1/tr菃菏菏 H/tTC膍 靊 隶 li铠 _ma荰 詰 臨  菃 蹁 HttC闞 07膍1腝菆膌,腧 ,,膌 膌52膌 '膌 `,荭 CRA菒 VllVER腒 菇 RESOuRcFs coRP 装 MC鎬 E膍菋膍RONME膍r/菇 腒葞R菈 菏R06膌荽荮 " ST荮 CR12Z腌1膍 菆荰菇菃S 腧 CRAU MINERAL RESOURCES CORP ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PROGRAM STA CRUZ膌 ZAMBALES Prepared by Reviewed by Michael Pi Ca腡 Os 菋Approved for Release by lan Moller Tech No. Tech-549,Rev 0 lssue Date 23 July 2001 Distribution 腜 CMRC 2 copies Hatch _ l copy Rev Ddte Amended Entered by Paoes _膍 V3/S荳 膌膌,1膍苂7菆 膌 腶荒 '腧 菈膌膍 菇OC膍RESO菒 RcES LID 離 襡 CH 芢膍7膜l lt/trFR Q174t膌 荁 YS荮MP`膌膍 C S荁 荮[菃 S ^ CRUZ Z/ KINLOCH RESOuRCES LTD INITIAL WATER QUAL:TY SAMPLING Sta Cruz,Zambales TABLE OF CONTENTS 艐 l lNTRODUCT10N 腀 艐 2 METHODOLOGY 腀 艐 21 Sampling Locations 艑 22 Field SaTp腡 ng and Lab Testng 腀 腀 艑 3 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 腀 艓 4 CONCLUSiONS AND RECOMMENDAT10NS FIGURE ANNEX V 腒 _ _膍 膌V,/S荳7rl膌 膌5莿 '荃 ",`腒 菈膌膍菇 Oc膍REsO菒 RCES tTD 腡 蹉 C鎬 膌|.膌 r14菇腁腟 臊荅荽 膌r/s荮MP菇 Q菒膍VG ^菇 cR1/zZ荮 148荮 S __ sr荮 `菃 1. INTRODUCTION Kinloch Resources Ltd. (KRL) is curren y conducting due diligence studies while awaiting- the release of DENR permils to explore the old Acole Mine site and adjacent sectors formineral deposits. priortothestart of the exploration proper, KRL conlracted the services of Hatch Associates, lnc. (Hatch) to conduct an initial water qualify sampling and tesling as part of the due diligence process. This report detairs the results of lhe study conducted in June 200I 2 METHODOLOGY The prOposed KRL exploration area t腵 ends roughly north-south across the old Acoje systems are traversed by this exploration 铬 l腵 :膡 a 讙詀#:腡: u轖顃 闆腶 腶BI 2.1 Sampling Locations A total of 18 sampling points have been identified, four (4) for the Cabaluan River system, 1.3 for the Lauis River system and one (1) conlrol point from a separate watershed 膥 but also of the Lauis River network (Figure i). Tabie 1 is the summary of the sampling station details. Table 1 Sampling Station Details Station No Deta腡 1)s KC l 腏 Cabaluan River lributarv 艹 KC-2 腏 Cabaluan River tributary 艏 KC腝 3Cabaluan River lribLrta rv 4) KC腝4 莀 Main Cabaluan River 腪 腛 K荱 1 Lauis R ver tribulary from old mine offices KL-2 Lauis R ver tribulary from 荒residential areas 腨 膌 KL-3 Lauis tributarv upstreant of old tailinos dam KL腝4 轭1ot!lt!!rn !!otd taitings dam ]=?!E llllulaly 9) KL-5 Western headwaters of Lauis River -6 10) K芵 tary 11) KL-7 lary 腜腝 腜腜 腜 腜腜腜 腜腜 腜腜 腜腜 腜 RCES trD K膍LOCll RESO芶 膜 莋|腂L膌蝗6 膌ry s荮 膌膌T臧荮菇 ltATER OJA菇 HttCH 腅 MB荮LES SI荰 CR菒Z Z荮 2.2 Field Sampling and Lab Testing One (1) liter of water was retrieved per sampling point. This was done by washing/rinsing a pre-cleaned sampling vessel (lab provided) with water from the sampling point, three (3) times. After cleaning, the vessel is submerged '15 cm. below lhe water's surface and the specimen retrieved. To preserve the samples, these were treated with concentrated nitric acid (HNOr) and put in cold storage. The water samples were sent to a DENR accredited analytical laboratory (CRL Environmental Corp.) for testing of seven (7) heavy metals. The lab testing is summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Lab Analysis Summary cal Method Parameter An yttpllp,1腵barna!9 84 Usng_,1 ASTM D297膡 1)c Arsen 膡膻膻腽 EPA 213.1 Atomic Absorption Speclro-pholometer (AAS 2)rn iura - Cad direct Asprration) d rect Aspiration EPA 2181 AAS腜 3)Chrom um(lotaD MS dlrect AsPiraiion 4)EPA 220.1 Copper - 膥 d芯ec荒 EPA 239 1 AAS腜 5)Lead 2LJ9膡 腏 腒 艏 d rect Asp ration EPA 7470A AAS腜 Mercurv d rect Aspiralon EPA 249 1 AAS腜 7)N ckel 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS The results of the lab analysis compared vis-a-vis the relevant Dept. oI Environmenl and Natural Resources (DENR) standards (DAO 34) are shown in Table 3 Based on Memorandum Circular No. 07 of the Environmental lvlanagement Bureau of the DENR (EMB-DENR), the Lauis River is classifled as Class B (1977). This means that the beneficial use of the waters of the river are under Recreational Water Class l, i'e', can be used for primary contact recreation such as bathing and swimming The Cabaluan River, on the other hand, has not been classified by the EMB DENR. ln this analysis, since one of the river networks has not been classified and the other's classification has been determined in 1977 (and may have been reclassified), we have compared the results to Classes B and C. CIass C slandads are lcss slringent than Class B, and are categorized as either'Fishery Waters for the propagation of fish and other aquatic resource", or Recreational Water Class ll (Boating, etc.), or lndustrial Water Supply Class I (for manufacturing processes after treatment) It was noted that the field sampling and subsequent lab testing were elfected at the onset of the rainy season in the area. Rains were a daily occurrence especially during lhe afternoon. For Arsenic, none was detected in any of the 1B sampling points at the minimum detection limit of 0.005 mg/L. Cadmium was detected at stations KL-6 and Kl--'l3 at concenlrations very much less than lhe DENR Class B and C standards. _0膌 3/S腧腁/r7菆膌臧莿 菏膌膌膍 菈膍VLOC膍RESO菒RCES LT17 0苆 ry sA英苂膌NG 1vlTIA菇膍Ar_腅RO膜AL膌 鎬襡 C離 MB荮LES S'芢 CR菒 Z Z荮 Table 3 Laboratory Test Results PARAMETERS(in Nickel SampleChromiumLeadlvlercu Arse n ic Cadmium Copper ry No (Total) NDNDNDND KL-1NDND014 NDND KL-2NDND010NDND N ElN0N ElND KL-3NDND006 ND NDNDND KL-4NDND007 ND NDNDND KL-5ND004 ND ND00084NDND KL-6ll DND 000016 NDNDND NDNDND KL-7ND NDND NDND KL腝8NDND004 NDND NDND ND007 KL腝9ND NDND NDNDND KL腝10NDND 腝 NDNDND NDND K芵11NDND NDNDND N ElND KL-42NDND NDND NDND ND KL-13ND000012 N lDND NDN0 ll DND KL-14ND ND NDND NDND KC lNDND NDND NDNDND KC-2NDND ND NDNDND NDND KC-3ND 膥 ND N0ND NDN0 KC-4NDND 腅 003 00200060002 MD芵004 000500001 0050002 DENR005004 (10tal) Class B 0002 005005 DENR001 005 C ass C (10ta) (diSSOIVed Cu) ' minimum deleclion irmil Tolal Chromium was perceptible at stations KL-'1 to KL-S (Table 1) which are all located at the western headwalers of the Lauis River system (Figure 1). This sector is where the former mine offlces, tailings impounding structures and residential areas are mainly siluated. Chromium was also monitored at stations KL-B and KL-g which are along the main Lauis River channel and tributary, respectively (Figure 1). For the rest of the stations, this heavy metal was not presenl at the minimum detection limit of 0.04 mg/L. There is no maximum limit set by the DENR for Tolal Chromium. Copper was not detected at lhe minimum detection limit ol o 02 mOll- in any of the stations of the study area. Lead was detected at 0.0084 mg/L and greater than the minimum detection limit in station KL-6, but significantly less than the DENR Class B and C standards. For the metals Mercury and Nickel, these were not detected at their respective minimum detection limits of 0.002 and 0.03 mg/L in any of the 18 sampling points. Station KL-14, the control point away from any potential mine activities has consistently exhibited relatively untainted waters vis-a-vis the heavy metal parameters tested. The details of the lab results are shown in Annex 1 膌l莋莊膌膍膌,莿 '||膌 '膍 ``膍 l膡RCFS trD 菈tOC膍RESO菒 ry,MPI膌 膌M r14菇7菃R O菒膌 HttCH "苖 "菇荽0荮菇ES ST荰莿菒 Z Z/1英 腧 4. CONCLUSIONSANDRECOMMENDATIONS For this baseline study, the waters of the Lauis and Cabaluan River systems are categorized as relatively clean, in regard lo the specific paramelers lested, vis-a-vis DENR Class B and C criteria. Trace levels of the metal Cadmium were detected in stations KL'6 and KL-'13, as well as Lead in station KL-6. Moreover, these were much less than their corresponding standard maximum limits, in the order of 'l in '100 for Cadmium and 1 in 10 for Lead. Another round of sampling should be conducted for the wet season to conflrm the resutts of the initial sampling. Likewise, two sets of samplings shotrld be done for lhe dry season. Hexavalent chromium, a more signilicant pollutant, should be included in the sampling and testing program. This parameter however, has to be lested wilhin 24 hotlrs' so special arrangements need lo be made to deliver the samples to a laboratory on a priority basis. ln addition, a sample for the determinalion of bacterial contamination will also need to be delivered on a priority basis. 腝 腝 ll膌 膍荃膍0荴0膌荊 ,/Salll荶 菈膌膍LOC膍RESO菒 RCFS trD 離葄ICH 膌荮膍T,荮菇N腒7[R o菒荰TY S414P菇ll.C 菇膌 荮 ST4 0R菒Z Z/膍菆菇菃S Figure V 腒 _苂 膌膌3膌070膌膌 Sa71膍5莿 '荃 ~ N_腝 腌 ~腍腍 腌 腍 腅 /1膌 腁 苨 腕 英 荭 鉄|腂 荭 腌 腞 裪 腄腧荃腀腃 腌 荖 裪 腧 腒腀 膡艥 荨 腀 腀 韫 腀膌 腀 bal"莍 腧 裪腀 裪 腒 (腍 芏 腒 腅腄 腒 腞 膡 腀膌 腀 艗 腌腜 腀 腞 腀 裪 腃腏 腀 腅 _荭 腀 腎 芤艏 腀艏 膌 腀 腀 腀 腀 / 腀 `腜 腀 荭 腒f( 膍 S/ 膍 1膌 膍 荭 膌芸 腔 9莌 腂 `9荎 40' 腵 膡 腅 腵 腀 腀 腝 腀 腀 腀 腀 腧 裪 腀 膍 腀腞 腌 | 腀腌 腀 裪 腃腀 腀 腒 腀 腒 裪腀 腀 腀 裪 裪 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腒 腀 腀 腒 腀 裪 腀 腀腁 裪 裪 % 腒 腁 腀 腒 腀 腀 腌 腌 菖 腝 腀 腀 腒 腄 芁 GRAPH:C SCALE 襾賻雥賻襾 | RESO菒RCFS LTD 葋腡VLOC膍 MaWG |[膌TY S荮 lV膌銚荮TER O膜 膌 HttCH MB荮LES `膍ST4 C腘菒 Z Z荮 腧 Annex V 腝 ll膌 /S荳膌,腁 ll荁 菆膌苃膌 膌膌莈 '荜 ANNEXl Hn:cI:莀 腁so(:,ic, 1,苄 ,nichac]:, Carios l(Ri Prclt,1膡腒Va(Cr S,,11:,il'膡 ,荘 膡(1'44`) N/S 15膜 膜,1腝01 21 Jlln腝 01 JA r ^lAC膌 I荘 :,No 膡)i 腒I)LIt 2826001 K1 1 ,\s l \t l)2r)71 sl (,t,\ctri.) 腒D 0005 2826002 !(L2 o膡 腵腒I) 000S 膢:腒 :)2,72[8荃(A芡 ,) 艭 艣 282`00, ](L` ,腒苅膡C) 莀腒1,11)2,728`(荮00(15 腀 腀 艭 艣 2826-001 菈i 4 ASlnl I)2r72 8,1 (Ars.ni.) 000S 2826(,05 腫芭:5 ASll\l D2971 3,1 ( rs.ni.) ND 000S 282`()0` !(I ` A,M D2,7281(A,,c膡 苉 Nl) (,0()腒(腬()(,S ) 2826007 l(1 7 l D2,7284(Ar,cnic) N[) 00()5 001,5 芳5,腒 282`008 l芭L8 :\S fn! I)29r1 S1 (,\rscnrc) 荨:, 000腒 0005 2826(10, 1(|, ASr腒腡)2,72腝81(Al,c,liC, Nl)0(,0腒 0005 2826010 I芭 芵10 cnioN[, 00(,S('005 `SrM D2,,284(^腧 282`_0]I :芭 1[1 ASlM lr9r2-84 (Arscni.) NI) 00050005 282`腝012 I芭1 12 ,{Sl Nl l)2172-84 (Arsoric) N[) 0()050005 282`_013 I芭:. 13 ASTAI D2,728`(A荰 膜膡N[) 10(芢腫)0()5 膜 282`OI腧 I芭L14 ASTi`D2,728`(Arscni苅 NI) O o05 ) 0005 2826015 I腒C] 腒I) ()00500o5 ^,T,l D2,7284(A:scnic) 282`腝 01`I芭 C2 ASIM I)2,'284(Arscni膜 腒I) 0(腬(腬(,()(,S S 282601, KC芤7,膡 腒I腬 000S0005 腌|(^rSC腂) 腧 腣 2826-018I芭 (' ` SI II D2972-34 {Arscnic) 腒1) 0005 腝 II I)[腌 腒lc(!:oJ l)苅1膜 tilo膜 li,llit 腝 DLR Dtlo苅n timitfor RcPoring(l葘 腂 DL 菈 Dlo膜o膡Fn苅tor) 腧 莀 腠 芭 莑 膌 Chc.lkd lty: 膍 膌 艏 裪 腜 菋 D膡c腜 膌 llnt莿 顢顢苰镦,膡 [镺 芲 趂 I-xl,onlort /tdnri nkrrio `腧 Tl,c cover lcllcr is.n intcgal n.i1 of d, is aMlyric.trer,ofl Bldg 7457,ose Tbpicio St 1腌ab腒腁1 : (632) 7406219Of腵co Tc (6]馱l 840'菅 CRL Iiuvironmcntal Clark nctd(cs铤1 nga r腒1,,nc腁1腧h Tcl :(634S)59,3,荃 (:c腡o o , ("17)8'2 ,171 )Pamp膜 Corporalio ,腒 膢 USA,(662),8,腧 045[莅1,腵,x , (6345)`,,1`腬(腬,x+(`,2) 8'`膡 r腵co腵 `| '2, lht.l' A$o.inrcs. ttr. Clic'ri'3 froi..t, KLL lr.linririry \t,Nt.rSx Dlnrr (I441) N` lS腝 J膜._oi 28 :,:膜 ol 钪iAC膌 JA r IPA 2132(c,anl腝 .) B邶 EPAIJ.2le dn,ihl 腝 裪 l!4" ,r84L_ __J腒 1腝 0 J膡 :^2132((1:J",|:膍1) 2(c,J"::腡 1) , .\!rc! !!s/.!1. 腧 腣 _鞢腁 |`Pli 2腧 I蝖 蝖 苨 lil,{ _!!i"r,,,sL_. 211.2 (rn,rn,n,n) IKL 7 ___1142J,2(ca膜 1腅lL_ l腧 腧 _ KL8 I,I ,t1.2 (c,{rmnm 11r!9r,-r':LL_ Iil'A 2t l.? ((.iil0iun, trPA 2l.l-2 ((tidtrrn,nil 膌 腒 腒,1腂 , 282`oll __雑蝖 膡1苆 膡膡,膡 (C腧 1腧 l膜 __ V rr'"r-,,;a_ o.r , qr _ 282`_o12 pMJ.2 (c,dn,tui, | 英 韬 荇 JJ釂1豽 EfA 211.2 {CidDiun, (): trP^ 211.2 ((:r.tmiun, (): 01 01 EP 2D.2 (Ci.tminnl 01 EPA 2I1.2 (Ci(tDiutrl Iit' lElqt,clL_ I - 0-.t 01 21J.2 (C^dnritrnr war.r, trg/L | 0.1 01 豰 釸 N/S = Nor StrDnti.d Cl.ckcd rl!: 鷰 J10腅膌 腅 l腜 lrevic*crt It) I 芢腂 躄腜 腒 Lal'or,iory Strfoairo. 膡 D膡 膜 __7///e/ y,Hn c,/11c芢 O CnFl苉 Laborxtory 71dministmriotr The covcr hrrcr is in i cghtp.n ofrhh anatylicatrepon. B'(8 7457'osc To,,cio Sl ,1 lo)1陭| |(`32) '10`210 0(lc苅It l(6,2)840苂 C IlL lintirorttttcr al C,1,k neld腱csE7)P,mp,膡 腁 1 ol,111 1(634S)S,9 '911(1`腡lo,o,(苨17)8,2 11'1 8,Ph腡,Pincs Corporalion 膢 uSA,(5`2),894045 ,腁 |(`346)5,9]'`)腂.I腅,xl(`32)81`0,29 1,0腵()r腵 S E+mEiNnilRlIlaIiQIlliFFi jltrlll rl"rillriill\t:!1ir,]];iintrilB|rEgr.,, ,.ra aerqE;i{..siiittr:,r.rrr. IIitcll As,ocintcs.I:1苅 :苅 腒:1膡膜IP Car!os 腵 V荘 KRLP,ctininR苨腒t膜r Sinl賻11膡 (P443) N膌S 15苨1:!1腝01 22 Jt腧1 01 ARC膌I '钪 :腌al,No 腒腡): l)I:腒 ( 2,,600: :腱:.1 rlP 2r8_r (r. hn,nriu ,) 11`()(荔: 001 282`002 K:2 liPA 218.1 (I-( hro"'i"m) 010 004004 l!4cr! r,t34, 282600, [(13 (}(` ,,1)(腬()`(|(,1 l:1'^2[RI(1(:|',`,1,,i膡 2826004 :芭 芵芶P遬2181(r chr腂 l膜,)00, 004001 "i蝖 ` ( 2826005( :芭 芵5 Iil'\ llS.l |)()` l. I'ro ilil 001\lhrc! 00` !g/L 艏 282600`(:t,ron,i [芮6 l.;r'A 2 t8.r (f. n, Nl)()(腬: 腀 艏 282`()0'(rl,ron,i 腫芭 L7 ll',\ I18.l ('1. n,) 腒D 0(腬: 腀 艏 282`008 I(L8(I. 腒 rir,A 2 t8.1 ctron,tuD) 004 鎯 282`(|, I(I , lil'A 2r8_l ('r'. crronriu,!!) (10`00: 腀艬 2826-010 I芭L:0EPA 218 1(I(:hr,,"11膜 ,1 00`腫 001 ( 2826()][ I(I腫1 llP rl8-l (L hronri n, 腒1, 001 V 2826()12 [芭l 12 n蝖u膍1,1, 腒 0()|0(腬1 L(|,C11腂 "::^211腝 282`0,3 K]荢i3El腅A2181(i chrO腡 l蝖l"1)ND 0(,1 j芭 282`-01` LI`EPA 218 1(T ChrOnliunl) 腒D 004 282`(,15 KC[ EI'A'181(T CItroliihl:11) Nl)004 282`-01` I芭C2EPA 218 1(T ChrOm1ln,) 腒1) 001 (lhrotuiun) 282`ol, ltC 3('I- Er,\ 218-l 004 ND 282`018 KC4EI'A2181(F(:hro"腧u nl) ND004 -- l\lcthorl l).lcclio l,i,ni 腝 DLR Dctc膜(ion Limi(ror Rclorting ,"hll o膡rat(腂.) olDl_腁 ND腝Noll,c(ccted N膌S腝No(Stt膜 llied mC莆 詣 _ 1鎞 腒 Dttc_gttL_ mc辀 莊 |苡 1顢 躧闒 75臊 hbontory Idmn'isrririon Ttccov.r lcrre. is.n nrtegralpan oldris araly(icalrcl'on. Bldg 71`7'osc 葛pacio SI Li苠Tet t(`32)7406219 o腵ncc Tc (膜2)840鞓 CRL l\tyironnental '[ c ark riclo(CSEZ)P,mp,膜 ,I Ttl:腧 芵34S)S,,3'41 (:膜Jo onc , (0'17)8,2 1171 ,, Plllppinc腁 Corporatiol USA:(5`2)98,4045 苂 [腌al,I腒菔 :(`345)S苂3'4`(,rncc腵,x,(6,2) 8,60," ,, 銃 蹴芢芢8腁 腁趑膡苉 腊辫 覺011荾 荨荾 雴腒F苢荾 荾腁腁莁荨腁膜 莁若o苡 铈 邉膜 驪询荾鍣S腅Fss腒S腒 腒StttFri,腝 齔 膡 閽醽鶕韙 貗 =腁 ` '芢 =腵 'F陮 腧 :in:苅1l A,3o苅 i膡(c腁 .I`I苅 Miclm膜!P Cnrlos KRL Prc腡腒 膜)蝖m,菁V,苉rS,腧 iP腧 R(l'443) 腧 N膌S iS腝Jt:`1 01 21腝 J:賻1 01 AIAC膌;AT 1)I:苄 OplI芭 L:l芤 J2膡 NI) 002 1:^22,1(c,PrC,) 2826002 :芭L2 I芤P12201(`膜 NI)\\,rtcr, nrg/1, 002 PI,C苨 2826003 KL` ]:['荮 2201(c('1,PCl) NI) 002 I(L4 220 1JQ苨 腒:) 002 !!s11. _ El'膡 Llttl _ \!'!!rr 282`腝 0051(1 5 N:) lct.o膡002002 腎鞝L ___ll膡J` 腜 腜 282600` [芭 i` ::|'A22(,,((:('i'|'t') N[)腒 1,I(1,膡| 002002 ;{膌 2826腝 00' :`L7111',腒 Nl)002002 12(1((:`)1'1'C'' _J11邫4_ 2826008 l'1'A22(腬 1((:`)1'1'腂 V膡002 N[)(C:,il18`:002 腒腧 ') 232600, i:['A2201((:`'1'1'C苨 N[)腒V膡lcr,t!lg膌腵002 002 :芭[_101:i腍 A2201((腍苄 N[) l鞯002 ) __1膡 腅 'P['腂`l fl, Kl llni腬, ,P腂 腒I) 002 _ l芤1:腒莆:p膜((腍苨苂 膥  2826012 :芭L12[:['腒 2201((:腂 Nl) 002 1'PCl)腄 腀 艢 282`腝013 KL i3]:i'A22H`(:(1')膜 I, N:) 002 I芭L1411P.腒220 1(( 腂 Nl) war$. 002 iflErL I 0.02 ' Ci, 2826015 r, NI)002 _裪__L___EPA 220 1(cOpp芮 ]1],l!sL!s4!. 282`腝016 EP腒 2201((1腂 N[) 002002 1)|)腂苨 2826腝Ol'[芭 C3]:腫.腒22011(11''腂,, Nl)002 2826腝018 |(C4EPA 220 1 腒賻) 002002 IUDL [trtl'od l)ctcction l,i 'il DLR = D.lcctiotr l-iarit for RcportihE (Nll)I- x I)ilution ricto, Cl苅ckcJ B腁: mc莑 o腝 莀 镝 腒 o"., Ur14a I-rhorilory StrprNisor D腧c膡 腵膡 1'7鑮腵 銈膈芢腡[荃,腵 菁 l-nlJo lon dsri!'htrilion Tl'c cover lcucr is.n irtcgnlp.n ofrhis a,,ilyricalre|Dtr 1腬1`8 7457,osc Topacio St I莕01tl l(632)740621, orrcc Tcl l(`]2)840膡 CRL Dnyiro ue al ": C!=,k苧ed(cSEZ)Pampang=Ph腡 ppino臧 莌blu l腱71 莿l賻,On腂 ("7)8,2膡 Corporaliort USA,(562),8,4045`345)599J'4, I_11,腵膡菔 l(`345)5,,3,`]0f腵c膜x` (`'2) 8:60'29 =腒 Ciil,11: 苅 A`(膡 : :F:腡 11'鶕腧 il臧 C:lo膡 r腁 :'Ioi苅 c(: i(RI腌 i莃 腂 腒 膡 (cr sn:::I,1:,:諑 `,,iltn l)腒 (I'443) N/S 腧 遬Ittc膌 JttT Si0l'lc t.t). :荔 ,:(s L(腁 IiI'A 219.2 wrr.f, I ND__ uXlt, ,荒 荒 髵 `0 CCaJL ND \\, 1(r, ug/t, 腎 腜 腍D I 腜 芳 腜 Vl:苅 1,1!.腅 荃: _ __ ](L4 _ El'A23,2(I苅 ,0, `ll NI) 1鉮 JCr腶 膌 L_ `0 N[) 腂 $,,tcr, ug/r_ 2'4芹 膡 60 _陭 6o 1腅 l:A2,92(1,.苄 J芤 l, `__ 2826腝 Oo, 60 `o __腒 11_ _ E['A23,1(l,,(苨 `o \\,rtcr, `o trg/,, __酙 2_ L, _ 1芭 腜 苟 腜 ______ 膡 腜 腜====花2葚 `0 苆 间 `豞 _J26腝 o19 葋腧 L 10 _ 蹱芍 ,1'^23,2(Ic,(! `o \yj,-!cr,,ts4!_ 60 [膡芍 60 'A23,2(|腂 膡1, 腎 \tntcr, rg/L 腀裪 ,IIA 23,2(:荙n`苨 膌 NI) 腒腧 nrtt,`18膌 I` _ 腒腀 EP,腁 23,2膜 c,a) ND t.jt 腎 2t.'.2 (t_crrt) NJ) `0 腒 ItA D 6o 2J9.2 NI) `o ND EI'A23,2 釩 鋓 酅闢 苔 豰 苔 軡 閛 麽i 邺 `0 1 60 N/S--NorSu[ntic; Ct.ckcd I]).: 鷰 C裪 诣 | 陭 Rc!ic,vcd Br.: 鷰 腒 腜 鞦 荞 Labor,"膍 surC镩 腁 or Dnl莿 雒 荪 邶 Z莀 荃 荴 The cover lcficr is an inreSr.tpad ofrhis 腣 a .lylicalr.pon. :腬|18 '45,Jo腁 腂 膡,p,腂 io si CRL D vironmcntal Lrb'lnl (612) 740.62t, ofrc.11((632)810腧 71 腡 陚腒 Fn.蹴l-rblcl (6145)599,1941 蝖: C腂nc:("1')8921171 Cotporalion 芢 3tiP装 臧 F;顥覟 I-xr' lrir : (6145)59r.1161 ',腂 0fl苅l菔 l(`]2) 81r.0'2, `腵 |:'膡 ,腒 莃,,膡膡,'膡膡(膜 膡,芳lit荨 腒 膜腌 ''膜 '腓 = 腜 ~ ~~腜 腜腜腜 腜腜腜 腜腜腜腜腜 腜 腜 腜 腜 腜 Clictrr: Ilircl Arso.irl.r, lnc. Ktll, trrclinrin^ry Wricr Sir0li E (t'n4l) N/S l5-.!nn-01 (腬(,02 Iil' 74r04 (Nlcrcul-a) 0002 NI) 10t C腂 ) (腒 _ El^7470遬 '腒 0(,02 Nl) 1,ICI'') _JD轭 =膡 0002 \\tnltr, rng/l- ''^K腍 Nl) A74'w=nicrc_ :(1 4 豞 o002 NI) :orCtt'膡 l'A74'OA (腒 :腬 [芭[ ) 腒 00腫12 N[) 1,) ,腅 KI膌苄 隉賻17`芢 282`腝00`膡 ` o002 '1腂 Nl) 腒Ic rCi",' [:l'A'470遬 芭 282600' o o02 Nl) 1,' 111腂lc'(膡 .腒 1腒 Ell.腍 o002 Nl) 11 20A(腒 鏱PA膡 282`00' 0002 腫芮1(tl,,) I:rA,1,o^(腍 282`010 V o002 ND :芭1 11 (腒lc,`ui,, _EPA 742,遬 ND El腅A7`71陻lv4iI,-,r!811! KL:2(腁lC'C腂 lCIWO) 腍 pP膡 芭 147芢 _ lcrC腡,m8膡 _腒Vll膡 EP遬 '4'OA(腒 腫 Fr腶 __釂 LPA 74'OA(陭 腅 015 2826腝 `crC鞢 ll alct.邹 282`016 :o:(膡 El'A'4,OA (陭 MCthOd:)ctcction IImit 蝗DL腝 DLR = Dclcction Linil for Rcporlinl (MDL x rrihriiotr liclo.) N/S = Nor StrrDli.d 鞆 趌 Dmc R.lic\rcd l]): 腧 ~~ 顱腝) 韍  闒 还 IiUor;roA' Adni',islralion Tle covcr lcllcr is.n i',tcgtil pin olrhis analvlical rclorI l o TCI腹 (632) 340腧 OrO苅 L膜b Tcl,(6))740`219 E tiro tttctttal bb Tci , (`345)'99 ''4, CRL n腂 m.賻 :鎥 限 软镩 鏨 : :1辐 腡韆P:::苔 鏩 Lttb Fax :(6'45)5''3,`' 562)98'4045 USA膜 Corporaliott 腱 A ::nlci, Assocint苅 ,,I:tc 腒li苅:1,ci l' Cnr[os I芭 :菄L Pr膜腡t,liinry腒 Vntor Sa1113,1:' (I'443) N6 15腶t:n腝 ol ju膡 _01 22腁 陻IAC膌JAT In,No 腒1[" 1)[[R I芭[.: _2豞 莵l NI) 003 膡21葚 ,膡膡11豞,1 腜腜 2826腝 Oo2 I(1 2 腣 EPA 24,1諩 ickCll N:)腒腒膡 (腂I nl荳 003 : 腒 282`腝 00,i芭: 3 _鏱 Q':|莆()ol ,1 01kd, 腀 艭 2826腝 004 I芭L` __J釂n(), ^24,l ctkd) 2826腝 005 KI S 苅 N:) __莆0()3 :^71'J(N芮 陭苨 l\,:t!c!:L!!slL 2826腝 0()` I芭I ` :荔 l'A21,1(N;苅 kC苨 N:) 003003 282`o(), I(L7 NI) 003 ()01 _芶_71'1(Nl,k,, =膣 282`0(,8 KL8 CPA 24,1(Nicko) I) 腒003003 282`(腬0, !(l ) 1苅 腒I) 0(腬 1:P^2191(N苉3 苨 2826腝 01o KI 10 24,1(N苅ktD 1) 腒 (,03 _ EI'遬 28260:l [(1 1: E[腍 遬21,1(Nll(腂:, N:) `l o3 膥282`012 1 12 :芭 荨I) f譩 髥腒 腜陭,苨__ 腜 腜 282`腜 013 Kl 13 EPA 24,!(NiCkC苨 NI) t()3 腧 ___ 2826腝 014 I芭I_I` l.:l'A 2,lr.l (Niclicl) 腒I)gL 腔:腧膡豞 282`015 :芭 Cl Iil'A 2.19.1 (Ni.li.l) 腒1) 282601` l芭(, 2 EI'A24'1(N苅 k苅 ND 003 ' 2826017 I(C3 ]P腒]1,11腒 Rk苄 , NI) 003 282`018 I(CI EPA 24,1(Nick,: ND 0()] 腝r膜 I)LR De(c苅 (ion Lin蝖腫 r Rc,or膜ng(陭fI'I腌 X:)膜膡(lo膡1'ac(o膜 ) N/S-NotS nplird Cl'.ckcd l!yl mcJ苉 o^., Gtrn*- 膌 芡苉 苨 Ma腅Frarm`1,QIc,P腅 IC LaborxtoryAd inistratiotr -lhe cov( lcncr k an i,,rcgotf^fl ofrhi! Mtyricatrcpo,I BId8 '457]苠 腂 lbrocio Si !莕 l Tcl ,(632)7荃62, 苂onte Tc (6,21 8404071 CRL Drrviroumental Clark 莮dd(cSEZ)Lmpan8'm"ppiIIc腁 Lab TcI,(6345)599394, Cel[pttnc i 1091,, 892 11'1 Corlrorotion 菒SA:(5`2),394045 l莕t,F膜 荘 |(6,45)5993%3 omcc r,=:(`'2)3[`膡 '" CR荮菒 膍膌IVERAL RESO1/RcFs coRR 鎬 躢 離 苌 E膍菋膌RO腅 ltr_腅膍T4菇 14/OnKPROc菏 荮1/ ST/I CR菒 膌膌B荮 z z荮s `菃 Annex 3 V Matrix of Environmental Effects and M itigating Measu res V ),V3膌 _ll膌 rJ膌 膌,膌 Sa膍0荁 腶莿 ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PROGRAM 膥 腒 C腒菒膍膌膍ERA菇 R菌 SO菒RCES CORR HttCH 菃膍葉膜ONME膍賜 4菇 l菋Oq芭7.I ^RocR荰 ST4 CR菒Z 菇膜MB荮菇 菃s Annex 4 膥 Comprehensive CV's 腒 膌腜 ,7S`膌荮 l荁膍膌膍膌 ,膌 `膌 l l .h A{drr.! lnc. - lhilitp,npOllio Lilli Beth S.A.Yazon Director,Operations Education Bachelor ofscience in Madne Biolo8y University of the Philipphrca, 1979 National Science Dev. Board scholar M.S. Units, M.S. Marine $ience University of the Philippines Professional Affiliations Mcmber, U.P. Marine Biological Sociely V Mcrrlber, Philippine Envirormental Industry Association, Inc. Mcnrbcr, Water Envirolrment Association of thc PhiliPPincs DENR Accrcditation - Environmcntal Professional - 1998 Summary of Experience OlJer 75 yearc experiefice in fiorine sntueus and enoimn,rcn\nl impact assessrrenls. InDnlofiPnls i chde cnfithttt ol e Ttironfienkt assessmerls lor a ufule rnnge of prciecls in.hdi118 lloloet proiecls, fiifiing' ld| cotrces, oaler s pply and totnism .leoelopntefll projecls. Eryerlisc i,t Projecl conlr/)l rrtrk, itl,tr' disciplinary coodination dnd inte|ratbn, and q alily dsstrcnce. As Directot of Operatiorls, she hnndles botlt Engifteri S and E viro ntPnlal deqtlnenls of Halch Associtrtes, lnc. Respofisible fot manaSingl,oth tle enSineethg onil envirc fienlal de\rtmenl, ils bllsihess and its ctienls; narket thei seruices; mainlain qffiIitv d$urance ofo lpttts afld ensure delioery of senJices 腛 ah tine, bdget qnality ar.1:1 salely . Relevant Experience PNOC Petrcchenical Devclopnent Cory'. Proiect Manager. EntrtcritlS Scrvic(* for lhc rehabilitation of the jetty facilities. On-8oiIr8. Ralltheon -BatanSas. Proiect Manager, EnginccrinS Documcnts Rcvicw. On-8oins. Riiytt,eon - Paflgasinafi. Proiect Man.8er, Source lNpection. On-goin8 Hat.h - Shanghai. Proiect Manate!. Engineering Scrviccs. On-8oing. Mcconnell Doloclt. Proiect Manager. Seismic and Liquefaction Study. On-8oin8. llit.i ?\$6i^ra ln. - Phrlippin.ollie Yazon, Paoe 2 first Philiryine Holdinss Corp. Proie.t ManaSer, CNC for Eye I stitutc. On-8oin8. NOKIA Philippbrcs, 1,,c. Project Man.18er. Acquisition nf Environrncntal Cornptiancc Certificate/Certificate of Non-Coverage (ECC/CNC) for various ccll sitcs nationwidc ol Cbbe Woodtodnl Clyde, Project Manager. Rapid Environmental Site Asscssment and Environmental lmpact Ass$sment - Marire Componcnt for thc Mindoro Nickcl l,rojcct. OI g,)ing. Da alg Pioate Pober Cotp., Ba ar18, La Unio , Philit'tlritfts. Proiect M.nager. Mrrine Rcsourccs Monitoring for the 215 MW Bauang Powcr Plant, on-goillg (sincc 1995). loi'tt Oil Cotnpatties A.riatio Storag. Plant qOCASP), NAIA Co',tpo d, Pnsny City, Phili|pi'res. Project Mana8€r. Environmcntal hnpact Study for thc Rclo{ation of thc JOC^SP plant, on-going Mcco't eU Douell Phils, Cotp, Data,'gas Citlt, Phili't'nrcs. Proie.t Mnnngcr. - Dcvclopmcrt and Implcmentation of the Environmental System fo. a 8as pipelinc, 2000. V BIIP Mirrclals, Claoer, S rigdo del Nottc, Philil4tirrcs. Proj€ct Managor. Socio-Political Ass8sment of Surigao Nickel Proiect, I999. Mhdex, Pittitnalayan, Mindoro Oiental, Philirrpines. Proie.t Manager. Rapid Environmcntal Asscssmcnt - Biological and Water Quality Aspects for Nickel Projcct in Mindoro, 1999. Sottheth Energy Qtezofl,Inc,, Pagbilao, Qtezol, Philippines. Project Manage.. Thcrmal Plumc Validation Study for the 700 tv{W CoalFired Thermal Power Plant, on,going. Snal Potoer Statioh, Stinl, Paryasinan, Philippt,ss. Proie.t Manager. Air Dispersion Validation Study for the l20C MW Sual Coal-Fired Thcrmal Power PIant, on-goirg. Sml Pon'er Station, Sual, Pangasinan, Phili ines- Project Mrnrgcr. Various Permittin8 Works for the I000 MW Sual Coal Fired-Thennal Power Plant, on-8oing. Sual Pober Statiorl, S1tal, Parrgasirorl, Philippi,rcs. Pmiect Managcr. 0nvii()Ilmcntal Monikrring 腒Studies (Air and water quality, terrestrial vegetation and wildlife, marine resources and public health modules) For the 1000 MW Sual Coal Fircd Thennal Pow$ Plant, 1999. Iatnes Ha ie Pltils, Inc,, Cabuyao, Laguna, Pttilippines. Prcject ManaSer. Fibcr Ccment Board Factory Project - Various Environmental Studies (air and watcr qualiry, agricultural and public health),1999. ln,ncs Ua ie Phils. btc., Cabig(to, Lag fln, Philiryifics. Project Manager. Various lermitting Works for thc Fibre-Ccment Board Fa€tory Pro,cct, 1999. Alstotn, Stnl, Pangasifian, Philiryitts. Ptojcct Manager. Various pcrrnitting Works for rhc 1000 MW Sual Coal-Fired Thcrmal Powcr Plnnt, on.goint. FGP Cory., Sta. Rita, Batangas, Philiryines. Proie(t ManaSer. Environmental Impact Study for 500 MW CoNbined Cycle Power Plant, 1999 llir.I Asmi.16 In. - Phillppinpofll.. Yrzo6, Pog6 3 AFP - Retire,neflt and Sopamtio DencJit Systent. Iloilo City, PLiIllt ines. Proiect Coordinitor. Presidio Royale Golfand Country Club EIA,,1998 Bdtili Golf Cource and Motottai Resort ElA, lratili, Crl,tr. Aclivc ltrilty Dcvclt)pntr'ttl Corporation, 1998. Sofi l:cmarilo Marino dfid Resoft Cofil exElA,Sa lena do,Ccbt. Project Coordinator. Activc Rc.lty Development Corporation, 1998. Holaoell Crotot lrirastnrct re,1r1.., Alabarq, Mctro Manila, Philitpi,res, Proiect Manager. Air Quality and Noise Monitoring along the South Superhi8h-way from Alabant to Calamba, 1998. SuaI Poluct Stdtion, S al, Pilgashn , l'hili\thtts, I'roicct Mirtngcr. Environnlcrlnl Compliance Audit for l0{0 MW Sual Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant, 1998. So tha E ttrgl Qlczon, Ific,, Pnghil,.o, Qtrczorr, Phililtltirrcs, Proiect Manager. Environnrcntal Compliancc Audit for 700 MW Pagbilao Powcr Pl^ht,1998. V Fort Botti|ncio Deaelopnrc t Corporutiot . Philippirrcs, Project Coordinator. Fort Botifacio Gldnl Cilv f.filtirn tenlnl hnficl Asscssnte l,1996 Philippi e National Oil Corpontio't. Philin'i'rcs. Project Coordinitor. Mt. lntro Ellvironmcntal Risk Assessme t.. 1996. Allia,rce of Arlglo-Philipyirrcs d'kl Brolo't t Root. Bohol n't.l CabL Philitltlhtcs. Prcjecl Coordinator. Bohol-Cebu Water Supply Proiect Environmcntal Impact Assessrncnt. 1995-199f) S nl Pouet Statiofi,S al, Pangasinnn, Philit4,n,es. Responsible En8ineer. 1,000 MW Sual Coal- Fired Thermal Powcr Plant Environmcnlal Impact Study, Soal, lalgasi an, Flopcwcll Powcr (Phils.) Corp., 1995. Soulhe Energy Quezon, h1c., Posbiho, Q ezoi, Philillll'rcs. Proiect Manager. Environmental Auclit for the,1995. IIIIP Petrcletfl, Pty. Ltd. (Dai Ht,ig), Dai lhttlg, Vithraln. Rasponsiblc Engincer (Marinc Sector).Dai Hung Oil Exploration Statistical Study, 1995. BIIP Pcttolctbn (Dai lhutg) Ptlt, I-h|., Dni llunlt, Vit,l'ta,,L llcst$nsihlc nngitrccr (M,rrinc scclor) Dai HunB En,Jironmental Baseline and Monitorirg Program, 1995. Iloryzotlll Pober (Phils.) Cory., Pasbilao Gn de Islatl/.i, Qtczo,, I'hililfinas. Responsible EnSin€er. Marinc Studies for the 700 MW Quezon Coal-Fired Tlrermal Power Plart, 1994. Wastefl Miling Corp, (Phils.), btc., Ta tfaka\ Soutl, Cotabnto, I \ilipt'itfts. Responsible En8ine€r. Environmental Studies for the Tampakan Expk)ration Proicct, 1?94 Kosei (Asia) Pacilic,Ific.r Lagn o, Phili,littcs. Rcspoflsilrlc ln8irecr. ProJrct Dcscriplion ((]r a Wheel Manufacturing PIant. 1994 llitch sdi c,ln. - l'hillmincOrric Hopeuell Pown (Phils.) Co4t., Pasbiloo Gnrulc lslat , Q tzott, I'ltil4\'i'|!s llcaPor.iblc Engineer. Agricultural Rcsourccs Baselinc Studics t." the 700 MW Quczon Coal-Fircd Thcmal Powcr Plant, , 1994 Lisht I'td st/1J ofld Scic'tc. Patk ol tl'e Phili,l'htrc (Phdsrs 3 n tl 4), Cob ltto, I'as d,, PLilippifles. Responsible Engineer. Environmcntal ImPa.t Study, 1994 Chose Resolttccs Coryomliofl, Tttlsafi, Batangns, Phil\tphtes. Responsible En8ineer. Environmental and Prc-l'casit ility Isstcs Shrdy for lhc l aysnn Cotp.r |roitfl, 1993 Clirnax Mifli g Ltd., Kttsibu, Nrcoa Vizcaya, Plrilippirres. Responsible Engineer. DidiPio Proiect E viro mental Impact Study,1993 First Prioate Powcr Coryoratiott, Bn nng, La U"io,t, Philin'i'tcs. Rcsponsible EniSnecr. 215 MW Bauang Powcr Plant Enviro Dlental Impact Study,1993 E tton Potuer Co4r,-U.s,, S hic Bnu, OlonSapo Cit!, Phililrpitrcs, Responsible Engineer. 108 MW Subic Bay Powcr nlant Envin)nnt rtal hnpact Shrdy, , 1993 E rcn Pouet corp,Us, Pinarnrrcd , Bdlangas, Phrtilrltifies. Responsible Engineer. 105 Mw Batangas Power Plant Environmental hnpact Study,, 1993 Ilope&lll Poloel Ohils.) Coq'. Pasbilao Gn nc ,sla n, Qnfton, Philit't,i'tcs, Reiponsit'la Engineer. T00 Mw Quezon Coal-Fircd Thcrmal Powcr Plant Envir(rnmcntal lmpact Study, l992 Chhn Cctne t Co, (HK) Ltd.,IIofiS KonS. Responsible Engineer. Air Quality Studies (or Clinker Unloadhrg Study, 1992 Cdmelruy Deuloptnent Corpolation, Cd,rl'tua 9, Lagt a, Philippines. Responsible Engine€r. Carmelray lndustrial Park EnvironDrcntal lmpact Study, , l99l AlJala Agtic l|ttral Doooloprnent Coryoralion, Dauo, Philil't it,ts. Rcsponsibla EnSinacr. Ayala Darong lndustrial Park Environmcntal lmpact Study, Davao,199l Pilil,inns Shell Pctrcletifl Coqnlotion, Tibingno, Bntot8ns, Philipt'incs. Responsible Engineei. Environmental Studies for Marhl€ Scicncc Institutc, l98fr Career History Marcl1 2000 - lo HATCH Associatca, I c., Philifirifles. Dirccbr, Techhical Scrviccs. present 19'7- Mar 2000,ir,.s, Ir.. M nn gcr, Env irorl r ncnta l Scrvices. DllP E tsinccthrg Philit a 1995-1997 Seastems, I'lc,, Philiryirrs, Consultant/Proicct Coordinator. 1991-1995rncnlal BllP E tsitrc,"it8 Phils.,lfic., Phili\ti,t.s. S.lr\iirr Envir,,r Spccialist 1989-1991 ;,1 at ion al P oue r C ory ot ntiofi Phi Ii ppites, P rit\cip.l Biologist. , Il'rrhAsleiir6ln. I'l,iliptineOllip (ICLARM), 1987-1989 I te ttional Cc tcr for Liting A4 atic Reso lces Mn'tnge'tp t Phili,t1i,,cs. Tcchnical Assistant. 1986-1987 U'litctsit! ol Sto. To"1 as, P,,it,,',r,ds. hlstruck,r. 1985-1986 UflhercitV ol tlrc Phiti,t'h'cs, Phitilt'h'es. Scnior Rcscarch Assistant. 1983-1984 LhirercitV ol the Philiryifts, Phili,l'htcs, Scnior Rcscnrch Aesistlrt / Divcr Professional Development MininS, Safety and Environment Symposiurr - 46'r' Annual National Mirc Safcty and Environmental Conference, Benitez Hall, Teacher's Camp, BaSuio City, Philippines. Philippine Mine Safcty and Environment Association, Philippires Socicty of Mining EnSinccrs. 35-37 Novcfibcr 1999. Operationalizing the Clean Air Act - l8'r'National Confcrencc, Rivcrbank Ccntcr, Marikina City, Philippines. 20'22, 1999. 膥 Spccial Fonrm on Incincratknl SyFtcnr. Air .nd Walcr Mana,lfnrcnt Assr).ialirnr - Philinninr! Scction, Occupational Safety and Ilcalth Ccnlcr, Dili.:ran, Quczinl City, I'hilippincs. 26 Jllnnary 1999. lnk'rnatknlal Tropical Marine Ecosystcms Management Symposirnn, Townsville, Australia Novembcr 19998- Preparing and Delivering High Impact Prcsentation, Professiorral Systems Synergy, Inc., 16 Fcbruary 1998 1998 International Toxic and Hazardous Waste ConSrcss/ Fetruary 199u EcoloSical Risk Assessment, DOST lndustrial Technology Dcvelopment Institute and htcrnational Organization for Mig.ation, ]anuary 1998 腔 1997 Philippine International Wastewater Treahnent Congrcss, ScpteNber 1997 h\dustrial Estates and Emnomic Zones : New Visions in the 2l'r Century, August 1997 Team Congruence workrhop, Co Bructce, Inc., Jut\c 1997 US-Asia Environmcntal Partncrship Grant recipient, Novato, Califomia, S€ptember 1994 Tcl-A-Trair's Man.ging Emploiec Srircty and flcalth, , Wcstcrn Mining Corp., runo l99a Conference on Economic Growth with Clear Production, CSIRO Austmlia and UNIDO, Melboumc, Australia, February 1994 NegotiatirS Successfully, Guthric lensen, 1993 Responsible Engineer Training Program, BHP, 1993 PSI Seminar, Development Academyofthe Philippnrcs, 1993 Ccrtilicd PADI Open Walcr Divcr,1982 CloBed-Cycle Cultuie of P. morodo", CNEXO, Tahiti, French l,otynesia, 1981 Languages English Filipino Basic French llir.h A$.dir.! In. - Pl,ilippin. Orrio IAN McLELLAN MOLLER Director - Business Development Education Associatc Diploma of Applied Biolo8y, Royal Melt'oume Instit{tc rJfTechnology,l9T6 Bachelorof Applied Science (Applied BioloSy), Royal Melbournc I$titutc ofTcchnology, 1978 Craduate Diploma in Management, University College of Central Quccnsland, 1989 Masters of Arts - Science and Technology, Dcakin Unrversity, 1993 - Currcnt Summary of Experience Mr. Moller's ke! elqeriehce anti trainhry is i1 lhe lield ol cntirntnnfltlnl i|llot! ass?sltt]i.,,t nJ ,tttit ind strial, i lrastr chne and ile'elopfiefil prcjecls. From an ittilinl l,ackgrntnd in lond ,fiohngetnent d e:(l?fiioe c\Wriehce irt ll.c ahtfiiniml intitlslry hc hns out lue hflit)( erperience in ent,ironme tol , uears 膥 nfinoga ent 'ilhin A,6tml0sia and Sonlh Easl Asia. His liekls ol spccinllv irtl dt lntnl mw\?t e,tl, ent)|ro ,nentnl hcalth, locilitlt a diting, Sngrdphical irlonnalitDl svsltt,ts, unslc t"a,n!.nrcnt, it tl'oct ossessntenl shtdies. inteiraled catchne t managemertl and social ittplct ol science Md lechnnloSy lntGferc . Thk dioerce blcwroufitl is ntno applied to the annsement of nlulli-disciplinary projects, especiall! rkijtit deoek)p E,tls ossocilled uilh ntining, eneryy ofil ttlItrlacl t'ilt:l lncililit's, ittftlslrrchol' ottt ,tilutol resonce ulilization. In So lh Eost Asid. c rrenl long lenn projecls itcl de pNiecl ,nani|urc l ol feasibility shtdies and Enoimnnvntal lntryct Asscssme ts for nnjot cttpry, gold, nickel polw?lalic nnd anl tnites nnd nany shtilies in lhe petnch?t icnl ind slrv lhto gho l ltu Philippi'1es. F|/oht1993 to2N0, 0s a co,tsrlla t i|,lilh LIRS (DafiB tt M@ft), Mr, Mnllet hos 1|,\)rkcd n projccls locussitg on enpirun enlal inlpact assess''1,ent processes ncl6s o brond runqe of itld sl rics otd topics. Relevant Experience Decembcr 2000-J P Kenn€y Pty Ltd. Prcliminary feasibility study [ora naturalgas pipclinc, southern Luzon, Philippines May 2000 -: Shell Exploration Philippines BV (SPEX) Corpora tc olvironmenta I ad vicc April 200 -: Philippine Recyclers Inc. Piorcct managcr for thc profnratkrr ol F.nviron'ncntal Impact Assessment of lead acid battery plant. Fcb 2000 -: Anglo American Exploration Baselinc environnrental sampling forcxploration program at scveral sitcs hr Philippincs lan 2000 -: Phelps Do.lge Exploration Corp. Bascline envircnlnental sa pling forcxploratior program at several siles in Philippines. July - August 1999 : QNI Philippin€s Inc. Prcpararior of an crtvironrncnral Dranual f{'r bcst practice exploration in laterite soils. Il.r.h ^(friii.s lnc. - PhiliFpineoifi.. Moller, P.ge 2 ,une 1999 -: G€nrale D€s Eaux. Environmental Baselincs studics lcading to EIS for a proposcd watersupply proFcts in Bagio. July 1998 - Aug 2000r Mindex Rcsonrce Dcvclopmcnt. (Crcw Dcvclopmcnt Corp.)Environmental Baselhrcs studics lcading to EIS and Fcasibilily sludy ror a l,roposc(l nickol mire, refinery, port 6nd pow€r plant in Mindoro Oriental. Dec 1998 - Aug 2000: lifayette Philippines. Environmental Baselincs studies lcading to EIS and Feasibility Study for a proposed poly'netallic minc, rcfincry, port and powcr pla'rt in Rapu Rapu Island, Alby. June 1999 - Aug 20001: Filsystems: EDvironmental Baselines studi$ Icading to EIS For a coal minc in ZanboanSa dcl Norlc. February 1998 -August 1998: Lepanto Minint Corporation, Envircnmental Audit of Eold/copper nlining and milling facilities and development of an ISO 140000 Environmental Managemeni Systc,)r. Scptemtcr 1997 - Dcccrnber '1997: United Nations Conlcrcnce on 'fradc ard l)evclopmcnt. Environmental Specialist for the preparation of a scopint study to characterize the environmental 膥 risks and impacts associated with the operation of a metals recycling facilily in Metro Manila, cspLcially thc disposnl of solid wflstcs. August 1997 -: Minoro Minin8, Project Manager for the preparation of final feasibility studies associat€d with the rehabilitation and proposed re-start of the formcr Atlas mi e at Toledo, Ccbu- August 1997 - : Sino Mining Intcrnational, E virofinrcntal Spccialist tcam ntcmbcr for thc preparation of scopinS studies assoriated with a proposcd open cut coppcr/gold min. in th. provinc€ of ,ian8xi, China. April 1997 ' currcrlt: Taiwan Ovcrscns Mi irg Company, Ilnvircnnrcrrtnl Inuact Asscssmi,nt leading to statutory E,rvironmcntal Complianc€ Ccrtificarc for thc rcdcvclopmcnt of thc Malangas Coal Min$, Zamboanta, Philippines January 1997 - July 1998r, International Prrsuit - Proicct malagcr for the prcparation of an cnvironDlcntal asscasNent and prefcasibility study report for a proposccl coppcr rninc on Ncgros Island Philippines. Aspects include physical and biolo8ical environ'rents and the nssociated srrcio-economic issues. Scptcmbcr 1996 - May 1997: General hle.tric Aircraft llngircs, I'hasc I and Phasc Il Environma tal, Health and Safety Audit of aircraft scrvicitrS faciliti,'. nt I,hililpi'rc Airli,rcs NAIA, Manila Soptcubcr 1996 - January 1997: Kvaerner Davy, Projcct managcr for thc prcparation of an cnvironmcntal prefeasitrility study rcport for Wcstcrn Mining Corporntion's lllrnfi.kan Coppcr Project, Mi,td;tnao Ish nd Philippincs Mnrch 1996 - curcnt: Westem Mining Corpomtion. Environmcntal rcvjew o[ thc exploration proSram ol WMC'F taDrpaka'l Coppcr Proj.ct in Mi|danao, Philippincs. Tasks in.ludcd assessment of the bas€line monitoring program, vegctatioll survcy and progrcss toward rhc eslablishment ofan ISO 14000 Environmental Management Systcm. rl .h $ei e5 r.. - Phrlippineotfi.. Motlor, Paa. 3 ,unc 1996 - Aug 2000: Philnico, Philippines, Environmcntat advisor ro phitnico in re8ard tothc proposed rchabilitation of thc Nonoc njckcl minc and refincry. 'tasks inctudc, cnvironrrcnral stotus asscsi,ncnt and due diligencc audit, preparation of stahrtory docunlonts: Environmental Work Plan, Environrneltal Protcction and Enhanccmcnt Pr,Bram. May 1996-2 months: Command Petroleum, Environnrcntal duc ditigcncc nudit of thc Raava oil and gas proiect Bay of Bcngal I ia. Scptembcr 1995 -2 morrths: Mincnco, Projcct lnnnaBcr f(n llic (('rklu.r ('l .llvir(,Irr.Il.t nrrt (ttrc dili8ence audits of thc r)ational facilitics (six sitcs) of Conralco Altllninium p(xl!rds. luly 1995 -1997: Pasminco/ Corporatc cnvironmental audibr for thc lrrining a d proccssing silcs worldwide (12 sitcs), o( Pasmhlco's lcad, zirc and associatcd rnct.ls Facililics. OnSoing rolc as ndvisor and initiation of a corporate cnvironmental hformation managcnrent system January 1995 - 12 months : Seal Ro.ks Vi.(oria, Stratcgic cnvironmental advicc ro a rnaj(,r ccotourisnr devclopDrcnt projcct consortium ccnrercd on the lar8cst Auslralian colonios of frrr scals and pcnguins. The sitc currcntly reccives 750,u00 visitors cach ycar and rtrc devcloprncnt infrastructuro is constrained by thc nccd to protcct the natural vakrcs of thc arca. V ,inuary 1995 - 1S monlhs: Ophs Vision, Proicct MnnaBcr for tho onvironmcnral conrplianc€ of thc insiallati(nr of tlle Optlis Visiol cablc tclcviskrn and tclcphonc c.blcs across 500 knr of the city of Mclbournr Dretropolitan area. ,anuary 1995 - 4 months: Pasminco Corporate, Project Dranager and cnvironDlcntal spccialist For thc preparatior of impact assessnrcnt and fcasibility studics for altcrnalive rnine wastc trcatmcnt tcchnologies involving wastes of heavy metal refining ard snrcltinS for rhc wortd s largost intcgratcd lcad /zinc refincries. Dccember 1994 - 3 months: BHP Petroleum, Project managcr (()r thc iDrpacr asscssmcnt and tcasibility studies for alternative gas pipeline routes within Australia, across thc states of Victoria, rew South Wales and South Australia. Tllesc studies involvcd scvcral proiccts and toratcd ovcr 2000 km oF easem€nts across the country. Ihe tasks included the dcvchpment of assessmenr crit€ria for construction impacts and long tcrm maintenancc of rhc pipclinc eascment. The projcct included thc application ofGeographic Information Systctl$ (GIS) to the route sclection and issues associated with the offshore gas/oil developments and associated coastal sitc utilitics and plant infraslructure. AuSust 1994 - 5 months: Conalco Smelting, nrojcct nlanngor f(). rhc frcfar.tion ol c,rvirormenial impact a$essment d(rumentation for submission k) thc US EpA in Washington. The documcrrt formcd thc basis of an application k) accrcdir nn Austrati:rn proccss ns Bcsr Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) under rhe US Resource Conscrvarion and necovcry Act (RCRA) for the treatment a d disposal of hazardous industrial wastc. May 1994 - 6 montl,s: US ID,' Environmental Specialist (cxpatriarc) for rhc strate8ic planning and preparation of an environmental policy a8enda for tlrc Deoetip e,i ,'/anRt\)rk flrn Fr Mihdnnao Isllnd - Mindnn@ 2000. US AlD/Pllilippine cov€rnment proiect assignment ovcr rhree months. Tasks includcd an asscssmcnt of thc physical cnvi('nnrcnt, cun.cnt instihrti()nal structures and rccommc dation of rcforms appropriate ro ecologically sustainable dcvelopment of the Island. With thc projcct team, hc conductcd the prcsenrarion of tltc cnvironmcntal workshop paper.s for the Tecnr,.nl Wr*siops at Davao, Cagayan dc Oro and Cotabaro City. ln addition he attended the NEDA Rcgion Xll Mindanao Watershed and Irrigation Summit i Cotabato Ciry as an invited Panelist. A,`臥t腎Io(腜 P陭1lP,1膜膜0`膡 `腁 腊 ,anuary 1994 - 6 months: NCPA, Key environme[tat spccialist lor a pitot pro,ect to asscss the cnvironmcnt.l policy and strategy devekrpmcnt of thc La Tr,nrc Vi cy hcgi(nr in Vi€bria f(jr thc Auitraliar Governmeit's National Capital Planning Authority,s Slr0tqgir Assistt ce lir Nnti.,,nl Ptbrily Areng program. Thc progmm focusscd on thc cnvironrrrcnt.l, sr)cial and infrastnrcturc constrainls to re-development of sub-economic re8ions of Ausrratia. Career History SePt 2000 - Hatch Associates, 1n.,, Mafiila, Pltilippines. Dnccror - Dusincss Developmcnt PrSent NOv 1999 - URS Corp,, Matild, Philirrrrirr.s, Prircipal Consultant. Sept 2000 Concurrent Dafies trMoore, Philippiripg, Environment Erccutive - Asia Nov 1993 - Eltoiro rnentdl Tcchttology, Mclboufltc, Anstnlid. I,rincipa l, Nov 1999 SCPt 1992 - CRA : Boune Smelterc Erpafision Projcct Slrccidlist, Environmental Scicntist. Nov 1993 1987 - SePt CRA : Comalco Ah,nin n - Boyne Srrrchtls, Spccialist, Environmentat 1992 Scientist. 1984-1987 CRA : Coflalco Ahtnirlirn - Boyfie Sn.llcrs; Supcrvisor, Environmcntal and Medical Services. 1981-1984 CRA : Conilco Ahufii inn - Bolne Stnelters; Supcrvisor, Environmental Services 1978-1981 CRA : Cotnal.o Ahrmirrinn (BeU Bay) Lirtlited, fas,,rria, Land Management Officer 1971-1978 Forest Cotnrnissio of Victorid, Tcchnical Olticcr, Rcscarch Brnnd 1971 F,gg and Egg Ptlp Ma*ethq Board of Victoria, Micftrl,ir)logy Assistant Technical Paper3 Flinn, D. W., Moller, I. M., and Hopmans, p. 1979. ,,sustaincd CKrwlh Rcsponscs kl Supcrphosphare Applied to Established Stands of pinus radiata.', New Zcatand Journal;f Forcsrry Scicncc, 9 (2), 201-211. Flinn, D. W., Hopmanj, P., Mollet I. M., and Tregonning, K. 1979. "Response of Radiata pine ro Fertilisers Containing N and P Applied at Planting." Ausrralian Journal of Forestry,42 (2), 125-131. Moller,l. M. 1991 "Development ofan AutoCAD Based Mapping Systcm.,, proceedings of eCADS 1991. Queensland CAD Show. CAD Source International. Brisbane. llir.h socirr$lic -,'hil'pfinr()rric. Moller, Page 5 Moller, l. M. and Forth, J. 191 "Environm€ntal Managcment at Boyne Smelters." The Second lnternational and Sixt€cnth Annual Environmcntal Workshof, Artslralian Mining lndustry Council. (Pub) AMIC, Canberr.. Moller, I. M. and Brown, R. 1991 'Application of the Prcdiclive Noisc Model ENM at Boyne Smelters." Proceedings of Inter-noise 91. Anita Lawrencc Ed. Atrstralian Acoustical g)ciety, Sydncy. Ri€se, R. H. and Mollet I. M. 1992. "Effects of Saseou< cmissions lronr tloyrlc Srlrcltcrt l-i'rritc(l on the growth responses of three selected Eucalyptus species". ln, Procecdings of thc llth International Confercnce of the Clean Air Society of Australia and Ncw Z,ealand, Brisbanc, 1992, Volume l, pp 297-306. Moller, LM. 1993 "Cleaner Production in the Aluminium Industry". In, Proceedints of tlle Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency (CEPA) Regional Clcaner Production Seminar' Gladstone Queensland, Iune 1993. Gwyther, D. and Moller, l. M. 1994. Coastal Zone ManaSemcnt - Philippilc Examplcs: Implications for Australia". Proccedin8s of the National Environmental Law Associalion, Annral Confcrencc, Melbourne. Doley, D. and Mollct I. M. 1994. Evalualion of 10 Ycats Monitorin8 of Vegctation at an hrdustrial Buffer Zone. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Clcan Air Confercncc, Pcrth, Wcstern Ausiralia. Moller, L M. 1997. World Class Mincrals Opcrations in thc Contcyt of th. lhiliffinc Environnl(Irl. lr: ProceedinSs of Minhg Philippines '97. PIEC, Inc. Manila,luly 1997. Moller,l.M.1998. Inorganic Hazardous Wastc Treatnrent. hr: Procccdirlgs ofthc 1998 Philippine lntenrational Toxi. and Ilazardous Waste Co Sress. Manila, February 1998.: N4oller, l.M. 1999. Best Environmental Practice for Exploration in Lateri(ic Soils. ln Proceedings ot Stat€ ofthe Art in Mining Env;ronmental Manag€ment. Chamber of Mines ofthe Philippines, N4anila August t999. Professional Development Kepncr Tregoe Managemcnt Course, trunccsknr, 1980 Natioral Safcty Council of Australia. Accidcnt Control Coursc, Cla(lsknrc, l!)82 Media Skills Trainnrg Course, Roger Fry a$d Associatcs, Brisbane,1984 Louis Allen Ma ageDv:nt Trairing Coursc, Cladstone,1985 Thc CIean AirSocicty of Australia and New Zealand, Air Pollution ControlCourse, Newcastle, 985 Comnrunicati rs Skills Course, Roitrunr Australia, Glndsbnc, 1988 Environmental Auditing Short Course, Bond University, Gold Coast,1990 Environmental Risk Assessment Short Coursc, Hollin8sworth Damcs and Moorc, Brisbanc, 199{) Silu.tional Lcadcrship, Austra,ian h$tihrte of Managc,nent, Brisbane, 1990 AutoCAD Drafting, CADSource Intemationat, Brisbane, 1990 Environmental Planning and Pollutior Law, Dlakc Dawson Waldrerl, Brisba,re,1991 Environmental l-aw Short Course, eueensland Universiry of Icchnobgy, Brjsbanc,l993 Languages Englbh - Exc€llent Filipirc - Basic 膥 V