ANNEX腧A" V CORPORATE SECRETARY'S CERttIFiCAT10N 1 膥 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPNES} P CITY 钒}S.S. /AFFIDAVIT I, ELMO M. NEVADA, of legal age and, with address at No. 6g Legarda Road, Baguio City, after having been duly swom in accordance with law, hereby depose and say: l. I am the designated representative and known spokesperson of the Heirs of Baldomero Nevada, Sr., Heirs of Trinidad Nevada, and Heirs of Baldomero Nevada, Jr. with respect to the Mining Lease contracts and Declaration of Locations now covered bytheAPSANo. 102. 2. As such, I hereby affirm thar Philex Mining Corporation ("philex") is the operator ofthe area covered by the APSA No. 102 consisting of 80.6668 hectares located at Tuba, Benguet (the "Area"), for and in behalf of the Heirs of Baldomero Nevada, Sr., Heirs of Trinidad Nevada, and Hein of Baldomero Nevada, Jr., in accordance with the Operating Agreement dated 29 August 1955, executed between Philex and Baldomero Nevada Sr., Baldomero Nevada, Jr., and Trinidad Nevada. I also affirnr that philex filed said APSA No. 102 for a Mineral Production Sharing Agreement, for and in behalf of the Heirs of Baldomero Nevad4 Sr., Heirs of Trinidad Nevada, and Heirs of Baldonrero Nevada, Jr. 3. I likewise confirm that under the Agreement, philex has the complete and absolute possession and control over all the nrineral lode claim found within the Area, as well as absolute power and discretion oyer their de\.eloprnent and exploitation. 4. I atlest that I have financial capabilities i' the amo,nt of at least Two Million Five Hundred rhousand Pesos (p2,50b,000.00) and as proof thereof, attached herewith is the pertinent bank certification. I likewise attach heiewith my Income Tax Return for the year 2007 . . 5. I hereby authorize philex to sig, and received the NIpsA that rnay be issued for and in behalf of the Heirs of Baldomero Nevada, Sr., Heirs ol rririidao Nevada, and Heirs of Baldomero Nevada, Jr., and also execute any or all actions which are necessary for its issuance. 6. I anr executing trris ar'fidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and for purposes of conrpliance witlr the requirements of the Mines and GeosciencJs Bireau for the APSA No. 102 of philex. 艑艏 芎艥 芕 腶UL 14 芄腀 lN WITNESS WHEREOF,l have he腧 芁 芙 untO afrlxcd my Signature this___ OfJuly 2008 atttusi9 city. CAR MGB腝 ELI(IO M. NI'VADA RECEIVED Desi gnated representative and known spokesperson il赹 轖 鏱 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before ." ,nNL 120$"Y of tut, ZOOS u, 8BS6o(C'{U affrant, being personally k'.nown to r.'re, exhibited his Communiry Tar Certificate/Passport No. TI0259445 issued at Manila on June 13. 2008. Doc. No. Page No. Book No. City rif Pasig .. Ur{il 06c rrrbcr 3'i, 2oo8 iJd. dStorlfa l.r:;r,,r o.:.r 1-2-03, at Pasig Ciry IBP t-b, ,30399, lssued on t'3{8. at Pasig City' Roll Nc. ?84?4 TIN No. 15t\9{2-ggs h REPUBLiC OF ttHE PHILIPPINES) PASIG CITY )S S SECRETARY'S CERTIF:CAT:ON l, GUADAFLOR C MALONZO, of Secretary Of Ph腡 ex Mining cOrporation duly 腅 ANNEX.賻 B腅 Location MaprSketch Plan On ANNEX腧 C" V UTILiZATION荭 DEVELOPMENT WORK PROGRAM 腛 MGB Fonn No 06-2 T蝕RE}YEAR WORK PROGRAPI FOR APSA No.102 鲓 /PROPONENT 1.O NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMP腜 Applicant: PHILEX MINING CORPORATION for and in behalf of the ' HEIRSOFBALDOMERONEVADA SR.,TRINIDADNEVADAand BALDOMERONEVADA,, JR. Address . # 27 Brixron Street, Pasig City Tel. No. : 631-1381 to 1388 FaxNo.: 613-3242&631-9501 e-mail address: Contact Person: MR. JOSE ERNESTO C. VILLALUNA - President & COO 2.0 -PROJECT DESCRIPTION ject Detals 2.1P葚 2.1.l Locatioll the working areas lead to the development of Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) system of mining. In 1994, the mine became fully mechanized. Load-Haul-Dump GfD) mining is a system of ore extraction in block caving using the Low Profile Loaders. It was introduced at 908 ML on May 1996 after a series of consultation with block caving experts and by 1999, Philex became a full LHD btock caving operation Block caving, in principle, is a method that is suitable to moderately fractured ore bodies, which when undercut, will collapse by its own weight thereby creating fragments ofrocks that are subsequently extracted. The process consists of driving a series of evenly spaced openings called drifts in an east-west direction below the ore column on the production level and simultaneously on the undercut level. On the production level, openings called crosscuts are driven obliquely following a northwest-southeast trend at about 60" relative to the production drifts. The pillars supporting the block at the undercut level are then blasted or undercut which causes the ore column to cave and thus crush into fragments due to its own weight and the weight of the overlying materials. Broken rocks as a result of the caving process are then extracted at the drawpoints located at the opposite ends of a crosscut. Ore from the drawpoints is then hauled and subsequently dumped at strategically located ore passeg which are vertical openings used to direct the flow of ore by gravity. Ore Passes that are not installed ' with grizzlies are called muck raises; those that are with grizz,lies are referred to as short or long transfer raises (STRs or LTRs), as the case may be, which are, in tum, equipped with stationary rock breakers. It is at the gnzzlies where over-sized boulders are reduced in size using the rock breakers. Ore passing through transfer raises that are remotely located relative to crusher stations are collected at the Re-handling Level at +840ML. The ore is then hauled by 25-tonner Low-Profile Trucks (LPTs) urd subsequently dumped at LTRs that lead to the Crushing Level at +773ML. There are two (2) jaw crushers at the +773ML, the 4-4 Crusher Station and the 2-4 Crusher Station. Ore fragments smaller than l5cm in diameter by-pass the jaw crushers, the bigger ones report to the crushers for size-reduction. V Ore of suitable size then drops to the Haulage Level at +745ML where they are carried by five (5) Feeder Belt Conveyors (FBCs). The FBCs feed two (2) mllecting bins that, in turq discharge onto a 2.7-km long Cable Hauled Conveyor (CHC). Finally, the ore is transported by the cHC to the surface and discharged into the dump bin at the +l0l5ML. 2:1.6 Ertimrted deily/annuel production Estimated daily production of ore is 25,ooo DMT or 9.125 milrion DMT per year !r!4y"ing an average of 70,000 DMT ofcopper concentrate with average grades of 25 .8%oCu and 64.0g{ur/t. 2.1.7 Description of Process Plant/Mill Run-of-mine ore is delivered to the primary crushing plant via the cable hauled conveyor (cHC) at the r-ate of 25,000-28,000 tons peiday. From the cHC, the ore drops to three units of vibrating scalper, each or w^hich is atop a 2.43gm x 6.096m dewatering screen with 9.525mm opening. The -9.5mm material is currently 芤 英 via a series launders and canals to the slimes screen while the +9.5mm conveyed material drops to a 5600-ton capacity dump bin. Underneath the dump bin are four units of apron feeders individually feeding four units of 0.762m x 1.067m jaw crusher. These jaw crushers are set at 101.6mm close side setting. The crushed product of each jaw crusher is conveyed to a unit of 1.524m x 4.87'1m washing screen with 9.525mm opening. The oversize flows tkough a series ofcanals to the slimes screens. There are four units of 1.524m x 4.877m slimes screen with 2mm opening. The last panel is however fitted with l2.7mm screen- The -2mm material, which is considered as the primary slimes, flows and is fed to the ballmill discharge sump box for cycloning. The -l2.7mm is conveyed to the fine ore bin while the oversize is brought to the secondary / tertiary crushing section. A set-up is currently being debugged to further improve the handling of slimes. The slimes generated by the dewatering screen will be fed to a bank of sieve bends (6 units) with 2mm opening. The oversize of the sieve bends will be conveyed to the fine ore bin (FOB) while the -2mm material will be fed to two units of rake classifier. The overflow of the rake classifier will be piped to a 7m x 9m slime surge / conditioning tank. The classifier sand will be combined with the sieve bend oversize and conveyed to the fine ore bin. Secondary / Tertiary Crushing section From the coarse ore stockpile (COS), the ore is withdrawn and conveyed to a 675- ton capacity surge bin. From this bin, the ore is then fbd to thee units of 1.676m standard cone crushers used for secondary crushing. The secondary crushers are set at 38mm close side setting. The crusher product is conveyed to a 2E00-ton capacity surge bin. From this bin, the ore is withdrawn and fed to 14 units of 1.524m x 3.657m vibrating screen with 9.525mm opening. The oversize of the screen is fed to seven units of 1.676m short head cone crushers. The tertiary crushers are set at 9_525mm close side setting. The tertiary crusher product combines with that of the secondary crusher product for screening. The set-up is two vibrating screens in series with a tertiary crusher. The undersize of the screen is considered as the final product of fie crushing plant and must be at least 73% passing l0mm. This is conveyed to the fine ore tin $cin;. b. Grinding Section There are nine fine ore bins with an aggregate capacity of 17000 tons. From these bins, the ore is withdrawn and fed to eighiballmills oi varying sizes ranging fiom 3.51m x 4.27m to 5.03m x 8.23m. The four "sma[' mills are in close ciicu-it with two units of D?6 hydrocyclones while the four "big" mills are in close circuit with four. units of D26 hydrocyclones. All mifls are c-harged with 35-40% steer balls loading at 35%o gorwn and 65%o 75mm composition. ihe circulating toaa arre.ages around 3004500/o. The cyclone overflow or finished product ofthe grinding section is n ormary 60-65%o passing 200 mesh (74 r.ni9rom9t9rg -at t250-_1350gfu_pulp density. ffri, no*, through four trash screens before Ueing fea to the floiattn circuit. c. Flotation section The roughing stage consists oftwo banks of Agitair and rkee banks of wemco 164 with a total vorume of g0l cubic meters. *r"-"i"-irg stage consist of 4 units of 164 serving as the first cleaner and with a volume of 113 cubic meters and Wemco one Column Flotation serving as the final cleaner with a volume of E57o. ' From grinding circuit, the ore is fed to the roughers. The rougher tails is considered as the final tails. The rougher concentrate is piped to the first cleaner for upgrading. The fust cleaner tails is pumped back and combined with the rougher feed. The first cleaner concentrate is pumped to the Column Flotation for final upgrading. The Column Flotation tsils drops back and is fed to the first cleaner. The reagents used are sodium isobutyl xanthate (SIBX) added at 25-30 lt and frother added on an as-required basis. SIBX serves as the collector for the values while frother is added to stabilize the ftoth. The pH is also regulated at 9-9.5 by the addition of quicklime. A milk of lime production facility handles the addition of quicklime. d. Concentrate Eandling Section The flrnal concentrate is first thickened in a 75' diameter thickener before being fed to two units of 3-048m x 3.048m drum filter. The dewatered final concentrate filter cake having a moisture content of lO - lzyo is haulei by trucks for shipment to contracted copper smelters. . e. Tailings Disposal end Water llendling The final tails coming out of the rougher flotation is piped to two units of 250' diameter thickeners. The thickener overflow is circulated back to the plant as process water while the underflow flows to the tailings pond for impoundment. Additional fresh water is also pumped from Sal-angan creek. 2.2 Mineral Rcservcs 2.2.1 Reserves (tonnes in each mtegory) The combined proved and probable reserves as of January 1, 2008 are 64,000,000,00 DMT. This is distributed at 908ML - 33.0 million DMT and at 782ML - 31.0 million DMT. Please refer to Annex Ia and Ib for the footprints. 2.2.2 Average grade of ore for tach minerrl commodity 腛 The remaining mineable reserve has an average grade of O.24o/oCu and 0.57gAr:/t. Copper Gold Tollnage Mirring Level Grade Grade (MT) (%Cu) (g/MT Au) 908蹳 lL 33M 022 046 782NIIL 31M 046 068 Total 64M 024 057 2.2.3 Cut-olf grade The cut-off grade is expressed in Cu equivalent which is 0.233yo CuEq. The gold content in the ore is incorporated due to its sufficient quantities for inclusion in the economic parameters. The cut-off grade was derived using the economic parameters of; Cu-Price of $2.00/lb, Au-Price of $500.00/oz, FOREX of php48.00/$ and metal recoveries of8l7o for copper and 78% for gold. The resulting cu-Eq factor for gold is 0 351 which is multiplied to the average gold grade then added to the aveiage copper grade. 4 2.2.d Estimated Mine Life (ycan) Assuming no additional ore deposit is discovered, the estimated life of the mine is about 6 years. 2.2.5 Potential for additional reserves . Aggressive exploration of the immediate vicinities ofthe orebody is presently being undertaken with the main objective of finding or discovering new orebodies that could be mined economically and, thus prolong the life of the mine. Exploration program is also prepared in the area below the lowest mining level at 782ML within the coverage of the applied area. Acccss/Transportation The area is accessible from Manila either by land or air transportation passing through Baguio City. Baguio City is sewed daily by Asian Spirit which takes approximately 45 minutes air flight. By land, Baguio City can be reached from Manila through the 250 kilometers National Highway to Kennon Road or Marcos Highway for about six hours. Then from Baguio City, the area can be reached in about an hour through the Philex-Kias Road, a 2l-km concrete road constructed and being maintained by the proponent. The company maintains a shipping facility at Poro Installation Port in San Fernando, La Union, From the minesitq the port can be reachd in about 2Yz hours via Naguilian Road. Utilities 2.!.1 Power Supply Requirements and Alternetivcs Requiremcnts The main source of power supply is from the National Power Corporation (NpC), a govemment owned and controlled corporation that supplies the power requirement of industries and utility companies in the Philippines. a. Demand :25,000 kw Banget Power Plant B. Banget Power Plant, owned by Philex, has three (3) units of Diesel-Electric Generating Sets with a total site capacity of 13.50 Mega-watt (MW) These three units are only used when Philex has lost a One Day Power Sales bid during a protracled absence ofNPC power and also used during the starting of the 3000 and 4000tIP Ball Mills at the Grinding Sectiorq Mill Area. b. EEDCOR Eydro-Electric Plant The Hydro-Electric Development Corporation's (HEDCOR) Mini-Hydro Plant is located at Sal-angan, Itogon, Benguet and has four (4) units of Hydro-Electric Gen-Sets (Induction Generators) with a "Site Condition" full capacity of around 2,400 kW. During "Dry Season", usually six (6) months, the generation is very minimal due to lower availability of river water. However, during the rainy seasons (May to October), the plant generstion usually ranges from 40,000 kWh to 60,000 kWh daily. As per contrac! HEDCOR price is Eighty Five Percent (85%) of the price of electricity drawn from National Power Corporation (less One'Day Power Sales). Distribution of Power Consumption For comparison and trending purposes, the distribution of electrical energy consumption by percentage from 2003 to 2007 based on the projections of load centers is shown by the following tabulation: Dist雊bution oF Total 20042003 AREA/PARTICULARS200720062005 l 23 172361244225232624 Mine Underground Operations 2 Milling Operations 70306964687466956585 3 Support Facilities 6.53 675 6.84 7.82 791 ., Total 100100100100100 Support facilities are Tailings Ponds Operations, Motor Pool, Domestic Water Supply, Residential and Administration, Assay and Power Plants Auxiliaries. Water Supply Requirements and Altcrnetives Domestic Supply Requirements The supply for domestic rA,ater is sourced from Smith Tunnel and Shimada crosscut contributing TOyo arfi 30olo of the supply, respectively. The water from these sources is conveyed by gravity through 10,, and 6,, diameter pipes. a. Minimum monthly requirement :77,00O rrf b. Maximum monthly requirement : 82,000 m3 c. Minimum annual requirement : 924,000 m3 d. Maximum annual requirement : 984,000 m3 e. Point ofdelivery : Stage I Pump house and 6 Station located at Chlorination Banget, Itogon, Benguet Supply Alternatives There are two (2) additional domestic water sourc€s during the first semester of each year to augEent the water requirement. a. C.Y.M. Tunnel - the water from this source is conveyed tkough a 10" diameter pipeline to a cylindrical tank used as reservoir. From the tanlq the water is pumped to Smith line at a higher elevation around 20 meters high. b. Banawel Tunnel water source 2.5 Mining and Milling Equipment l.S. t I-ist of mobile and fixed equipment for development and construction Mobile Equiprnent Number of Unit Face dn腡 s 6Purchased Fan hole dn腡s 5 Purchased Shotcrete machino 7Purchased V (ALIVA) shotcrete machine (SPRAYMEC) 1 Purchased Rockbolters 4 Purchased Concrete mixers 5Purchased Raise climbers 7 Purchased Rockdrllls 20 (Low Purchased LPT Profile Truck) 2Purchased LHD Purchased Stationary ilumber of Systems Unit Batching plant 2Purchased 2.5.ZList of mobile and fixed equipment for mining Mobile Equipment Number of Unit LHD 23 Purchased P腵 oduction d雊 腡 s 2Purchased Stationary Number of Systems Unit Rockbreakers 25 Feeder Purchased belt conveyors 9Purchased Cable hauled convefoi 1 Purchased Crushing plant 2 Purchased 7 2.5.3 List of mobile and fixed equipment for mineral proc€ssing Equipment Number of Mobile Unit 1 urchased t Truck Peterbu腡 Payloader 1 Purchased Stationary Systems Number of Unit 5 ft. x 20 ft. 3/8 inches dewatering screen 3 Purchased 6 Purchased Shme Ci腵cun 1 mm sieve bend 5 ft. x 16 ft. 2 mm slime screen 1 Purchased Primary 30 ft. x ,t2 ft. jaw susher 4 Purchased crushing secondary / 1f2 ft. secondary iaw crusher 3 Purc Tertiary 5-1X2 ft. tertiary iaw crusher 14 Crushino ft. x 12 ft. vibratino screen Purc B Purchased Ba腡m腡l(various s Grindinq Flotation Wemco flolalion cell (various sizes) 3 Purchased Aoitair flotation c€ll (125 cu. m.) 2 'urchased Wemco cleaninq cell 1 Purchased Cleaning and 3 m- x l2 m. column flotadon cell 1 Purchased Thickening 75 feet concentrate thickener 1 Purchased Drum filter 1 Purchased 2.6 Workforce Informrtiotr 2.6.1 Total Operational Workforce The total worldorce is 2,334 with 2, I 45 all regular employees and I 89 under probationary/casuaycontractual status. There are 68 employees holding managerial positions, 461 superyisors, lEO PT's @rofessional/Technical), 93 OAC's (Offrce/Administrative Clerk) and 1,343 Rank and File. Employees of contractors such as; BB Fischer, ANSECA Netrumq Atlas Copco, Rocksafe Limited, PACE, Northgem etc. totals to 425. 2.6.2 Stalf Orgenizationd Set-up The organizational set-up of the compatry consists of six (6) DivisionVGroups in the operations, namely; Mine Division, Mill Divisioq Environment and Community relations Divisioq Legal Division, Administration Group and the Group directly reporting to the Vice President and Resident Manager. Please refer to Annex II. 2.6.3 Housing options The proponent provides free housing to its employees including free utilities such as water and electricity. 2.7 Three Years Development Program The area being applied for has been under commercial production for the last 48 years and continuously producing an average of 25,000 DMT of ore with an average grade of 0.24YoCu and 0.61 gAu/t. Annual production is pegged at 9.12 million DMT of ore expecting to produce 70,000 DMT of copper concentrate containing about lg.0 million kilograms ofcopper and 4.5 million grams ofgold. For year 2008, tE area covered by the mining lease contracts has an approved Annual work program wherein the development and production activities are discussed in detail. For the three years period ofthe work progranq the Project Proponent has scheduled the following activitiis: 8 Y2011 Y2010 Y2009 Activities l. Development l.l Horimntal Drives 867 metcrs 2,M7 meters 1,473 mctcrs I . l. I Productron Lines 96E meters 2,023 meters 2,544 mctcrs I . 1.2 Draw crosscuts 3,101 meters 2,010 meters 594 meters l.l,3 Undercut lines 233 mctcrs I . 1.4 Drilling Drifts 1 2 Vcrtical Dhvcs 1,318 mctcrs 1,112 mctcrs 1,275 mctcrs 1 2 1 Pilot ralsc 150,435 mctcrs 126,330 mctcrs 139,108 mctcrs 1 3 Fanholcs /tu& 91MD蝖 91M DM腵/Cu& /Cu& 91MDM腵;024膋 ;023膋 ;024膋 2 Producton 0 60gAu/t 0 622AM 0 61gAut 2.7.1 Description of Development Progrrm A total of 368 drawpoints are projected to be developed and commissioned at both 908 and 782MLs. These drawpoints will provide better grade ore as well ali marse ore to be blended to those extracted at the previously commissioned drawpoints. ln conjunction with the drawpoints, level activities to serve as ventilation, dewatering and ore handling will be undertaken 2.7.2 Description of Planned Activities 菕Activities shall include horizontal and vertical driving by drill and blast method; installation of rock supports to preserve the openings: mechanized rock bolting concreting, shotcreting, cable bolt installatioq steel set installation and timbering; mechanized fanhole drilling, trench excavation and undercutting. 2.7.3 Trrget Sites and Areas +90EML Ai +90EML, block and level development will be concentrated at the South and Southeast Blocks production and undercut levels. Block Dwelopment A total of 128 drawpoints will be commissioned from this mining level. Majority of the drawpoints that will be developed are at production lines 14 to 26. The rock supports (rockbolt, shotcrete with wiremest4 cable bolts and timbering) installation will follow after the drives. Drives within the boundaries of Sta. Fe fault will be lined with reinforced concrete and steel sets. Undercutting retreat will be from west to east. Level Development Ventilation Scheme 952 meters ventilation drifts will be driven at g90ML south and east perimeter, after which stubs and raises will be driven to reach the production lines. Water Manegement A total of494 meters of drainage stubs and raises w l be driven at g90 ML. This will improve working conditior" at the production rines and other main 9 膥 De.silting of Alang-cut Silt Pond b. c- Maintenance of Access Roads d. z+lv Pit Watching Subsidence Backfilling over the 11.6-ha active area shall continue to be undertaken via straight contract- i.e. extractior! loading, hauling and spre&ding of backfill materials by a local earthmoving confactor- using loader/backhoe-truck combination. It will involve sourcing of about 0.833M BCM of in-situ materials and 0.356M LCM of taluJloose al a combined total cost of approximately P62.4M per year broken-down in the following schedule: TONNAGE VOLUPIE VlATED EST膠 OF OF REMARKS COST IN腜SI腵U MONTHTALUS/L00SE PIATERIAL DIIAIERIAL (P000) (LCM)(BCM) 8,116 108,333 46,264 Jan 8,116 108,333 46,264 Feblling Accelerated backfi 108,3338,116 46,264subsidence Marrate to build-up pit prior 108,3338,116floor to the wet 46,264 Apr season 8,116 46,264108,333 May 108,3338,116 46,264 Jun 22, '' 1,665 9,490 Jullling rate Reduced backfi 22,222 1,665 9,490 Augdue to expected adverse 22,222 1,665 weather condition 9,490 Sep 16,60738,8892,914 Oct Nol.llal baCkf11ling to 38,8892,914 16,607 Nov 腝 腝膜腝膜膜膜膜腝膜膜腎_":0.., ^膜^^膜 11lC膡11膡al腡l菒菒:Cu151l菇 Pll膡 =芶 16,60738,8892,914 Dcc 833,331 355,87562,433 Total 2.7.6 Description of Production Program Mine production for 3 year peHod sha腡 :::: 莁 苒 苒 腌 腊 腌 膜 ,荕 :::腟 苒 tf IS .膜 芪 芪 芪 g腌 芪  芵 gF 腕 腌 腙 腧 腙 芪 ,腌 腌 腊 S 腅 ,腅 f臧 荓 S 访 膉 醏 菅 荒 艏 艏 5 :::::膼 艏 腵 裪腚 艑 99999 荒膡 ::: =, 3 ::::::: 膘 9 9 膍 w 腶r 裸腁荮荱 = . 9 膍 腌 :f 艮芒 艹 膜 .膜 膜 .膜 芲 腌 腅 膜 F F .膜 腝 腌 膜 腝 荨 腅 腅 腌 膜 腌 膜 膜腅 腅 菏 腶 腊 p .膜 `腌 r膜 腅 腅 腅 膜腅 腙 膌 膜 腅腅 膌 膋 苨 腊 r 膜腅 腅 陲 躿 苢 腒 芨 腩膄腨莊 芢膄莍 艏膾艧 腵艏芒 裪芢膆鏺 腨艷 腷芢芒 荽艖 莍艮膜 膍腨腨艑 艗趑艑 艗腨 腪膄芏 艧芏 艧艮芏 艹腨 臤腨腚 腨膄 譼 艧 艮 芢闳 艹 膬雚 艗艏膬腵艏 迪芨賻 莍莍膬 艗鏺 鏺 艱腎苨 裪膡芳 腩莆 膡艏芇陠 膜艥艫 腵膜腃艒 鎖莅膬 芏 艏 腨艏 膜腰 腨芶 腨腶荒 鏺 苍腸荲 艏芢 腨芏膡 腚雬 芏 V 趑腩腨 腃質鏺腨膜 臤艗艧 艔苓鏺艤艥 芏芭艬 腪裪腃腎 邈腨 腨芇艥 苨 膬膾辯鏺艡 裪芴腃腒艴腩腨鏺膬雊饺 腷賻花靛芨艘腒 艢腧腨膜芒苉鑺芴腹 膜 腪菅莍腷 腨 陭 苓 芶腒 莩 荾 艏苨 膇 腨 艭 艮 艭 艳菄 郡 芏芏 腃芢 腵 膬 艏 艏 芏芭 襣 芏臤 艣艮 芃芁 芌芏裪 苠艭 艏 艕 艭 艮 鏱 艭 节 腒 膄 菄 芠艭 菂 膇 膨 膡膬 艏艏 芭 芏 菁 腷賻 芌 膬 荒腎 芌 艏 艘 芏 芭 荧 芏裪 腛腛 膡艏 莈 艏 荨 艒腨 艏 腛 膜 莈髥 腛 芒 艮 腃 膜膡 膍 艏艏 艮膬 芁 艢 腚裪 艏 艒 腨 艭蹶 袰荄 艘 艗 腃 艧 腵芷 銢 艗芭 腁臤 膬 腂芏 芃膜 艗 艗 艔 艗 膬 裪艭 芏 艭 膄 膬 迹 膇 腒 芏 芏 艏 艏 膇 腨 艭 芏 腒 蹏 艥 菖 芏裪 芏芘 芏 艧 腃腵 艏艏 芭 蝀 艣 腷臤 艔 腃艮 艢艰 艏裪 腝 艏艭 艏 腚 艮裪 艭 艮 腌 裪 腀 裪腒 腚 腒 腒 醽 腒 艭腒 膇腒 艏 艏 菁 芌 芌 芌腤 艫 艨腤 荧 腛 腛 鏺 . | | 腒 膇芢 苢陭腩腫 芎 艮膇 膇腧 腒荽 腧艮 裪 艭 腪腩芍芍腩艭腩苐艮艏 艮 腧腒 芢苂 膇 腨 芎荽 腒芎 裪芎 艏芍 艮 膇 膇 裪艮 艮艮 陭芢 芎 腧腧 艭艏 苐 艮腫 荧艮 艏艮 艭 腃 艭腪 芎 艏 |.苧 荒 腁腏 腏 腁裪腏 腏 腄 腁裪腒 腏 腏 腏芢 腏 腁 芷腪腏腏膇 芭 芢 艭 膇腫 芎 艏 苐 艭 芢 艭裪 艭 艭腁 腒 芷 苐 腓邡腁 陭 艭 艭 荽 腪荽 裪 艭 艭 腪 腊 裪 艏 荧 ]腅 腒 芍腩 腫腩 芍腩 艭 艮腪 艏腪 芐 艮 腀 腪 艭芔 腀 芎 腀腄 | 腃艮 艭 膇 艭艏 芎苐腩艏 腒艏膇艮 艮裪 腒裪 裪芎 裪 芎 芎腩芎 艮腩陭膇苐 陭艏裪芢 芍芎 陭 艏 裪荧 芎裪 裪 腒膇 腒 芍 陭陭 艭艏 腒芢 艭 艏 腒芎 膇 腒芢 腪腒 腚 芍芷 芎 芍 裪芍 腪芢 艏膇 |腪 芷 腒腁芍腏 膇腁 荧腏 膬腒裪腁 腓腁 腒腒腧腁 裪腏 艭腏 裪腏 艮 腪 艭 莍 膇芢腩芍 腚芎 艭芎 艭 裪 腒腩裪 艮腩艮 艮艮 芢 艭 腜O O腜 腫 艮 裪 裪膇 裪 膇 裪艭 艭 芎 芍艭 陭 膇 荧 腝_ N n陭 腪 芢艏 艭 艏 荽裪 芎 陭 艏芍 腪艮 裪艮 N in膇 邡 腁腪 腁 腜腁 腪 芢 芢 腫腏 荽腁腄腒 裪腁 腒腁裪腏腏 n 艭 艮 腁 腪 艭 | 芢 芍腧 芎腒臜艭 艭芢 艏 艮裪 艮 艮 膇腩膬 苐腩芢 艏芢 裪 膇荧 荧裪 艮 膇艏 荧 芎裪 艭 芎 芢艮 艭 艮 苂艏 艏 腄艏艏腒 荧腁艏腪裪腏芍腏膇腁 裪腒@-t- 腒腏陭 膇腪艭 腪艮裪 艘 芎 腒 芢 腏 腁 腏 IV芢 腁 裪 裪芷 腒 腒 荽 裪艭 艮 艭 |芢艏艭艏腨腩艏 艏 芷 艏 艮 裪 陭 芍 芎 膇 芍 芍 裪腩腒 艮腩艮芢 陭 裪 膇荧 陭芷 苂 腒艏 荧芎 裪 腧裪 腈裪 陭 芢 艏艮 艭 腚陭 艭 芢 腚腁芎腁 裪腁艏腪艏腁腧腒陭腏裪 腒 陭腁 艭 腫腏艏 陭腪艭 腪裪裪 芢 艏 芎 腒 艏 芢 腪裪 芍 腒 荽腁 荽腁芷腏腁 艏 艭 I. 艭 艮苐腒腩陭 裪艭 艏艮 裪 腧芢 芎陭 芢 膇 芍腩裪 芎腩裪艭 苐 芍 膇 腚艮 荧芎 裪 腨艭 腧芎 腒 芍 芍腧 艵 艏芢 芍 膇 荧 荧 腒艏 陭 芍陭 裪 腒 艏 腒艭 芍 腒 艮裪 腪 膇芢 芍 腒 膇 膇 腚腁腪芢腁 腪腏裪腒 芍腏 腒腁腄 腪 腒腁 腁 艏 n 芎 腒 邡 :艏 裪 艭 : 腊 菕 艷 腬 艮葙 腶 V 艮 艷 艷艷 艷 艷 艢 艮 膜芏 艮 艮 艢 艢 艢艢 艢 芃 芭 艢 艢艢 艢 芃 : 芭 膃膃 芭 芭 臤 腀腁 : 臤 腀 艏 腀 荒 腀 艮 腀 艹 腀 l 膃 腀 艷 陭 腀 芭 艷 裪 腀 荧 芭 艫 腀 莍 陭 艮 艮 腀 臥 苉 臥 艤 腀 艮 葙 l 莿 裪 艮 靛 艫艷 陭 膜 艏 膒 芕 芏 芕芭 腶 腮 葉 荒 裪腨 裪芃芕 腀芍陭芭 艢腎 艤 艏 腧臥 葙葙 腀 陭 艮葉 艮 腶腶 裪 膬 腧 膾 膬腮 腶 膄 腒 艏膜 芒 膬 膬 腮 膬膽 艏 腶艮 腶 腶腒 芏艏 艮 艮 腵 腥艹 艏苂 芏莿 艏 艏莿 芒腬 菒 菒 l=裪 腚 腒葙 艮莿裪腚膄葉裪裪 裪腶膬腚裪艹芚 艹 艏膄 膬芢 艮 裪 裪 臥 赈腮 苨腚 芢腶艏艤 腀 陭裪腎 裪 腶 莿臥 艏 裪 荧 芢 腁 葙 裪 莍 艹 荒艏艹 li | ANNEX腧D" ). .' ': Rcprhlir of lhi l,hilipFinrs l: i. ..' ':-,',,..,'. 腍 lVIRONMENTAL NAT10NAL I PR()TE腫 N COUNCIL (low Environmen rnageuent Bureau ( 3\iit) 腝 by vi of Ii.0. 192 ) lr )"||莄 Rrc-8604-012-301C 09 llovenber 1987 覺 臧 7菇 MGB 'CAR PHILEX MINING COTTPONITTON RFCE!V..J:D Philex Blds., Brixton and Fajrlane-sireets \ \ \ i'4RLS Pasig, MeLro Manila . A.-u lil Drri:: l.'t\- tb'I'irne:"'IJ""aJ-- lrrLenl-i.on: l!R. HqNRy BR]M0 C'"", :.x'.6..jfl' ttv: ""!!*-."' Presi dent GenLl.emen: _ Jhis is_to inform you that an Environnenral Compliarnce Certificate (ECC) is hereby granLed your rni ning project covering Lhe folloving mining claims, afLer complying rvith the Errvj.ron_ nrental Impact Assessrnent (ElA) requi reruent. is prescribecl in -the pronulgated guidelines implenenrlng Seclj,on 3 (blr of P.D. 1.121 and 158o. 艐 Nevada Group 腃 裪 Sto. Tonas II - Philex and Banget area J. l,Ji.1son Group 4. ExLension I'lilson Group ). Clif ton (Avancy ) Group 6. Poe Group 7. Paez - Ocampo Group 8. Bonanza Grouo wiEh Caring Claim a Copper Queen Group 10. Philex - Pohis Group 1I. Philex - CF Group 12. ClipLon Placer Group i3. Bayason I'laguis ( Al ba ) Group 14. Tvin Peaks Group lJ. San This Cerrificale is being issued subject Lo the fo..loving condi t.i ons: l. That all dischar6es shal1 be l.ept r,,ithin the ;rllovable limits set by Lhe Natjonal polLuujon ConLrol (jomnissic,.t for such; ECC/Phil葶tt Mining 09 November 1987 page . . . / 2. That nainEenanee of Ehe dam and safety measures outlined in thc Ehvironrnental InpDcl Statenent (EIS) be strictly impLenented; 3, ThaE quarterly rnonitorinB of vati:r qual-iry'be under- taken wiElL t.he resulEs of the san.: submiEEed to this Office; 4. That annual rePort on the reforesLaEion pro8ram of the company be submitted tq [h,is 0ffice; 5. That rehabilitation of rined-out areas be effected; 6. That a1I oEher necessary permits from oLher govern- V ment agencies sha11 be secured p: ior to project j.mplementaEion ; and 7. That any expansion from exisEins approved operations shal1 be subject to the EIA requ::.renent. Non-compliance wiEh any of the aboye .itipulat.ions viI1 be sufficj-ent cause for the suspenslon or lranceLlation of this Cerrificat.e and/or a fine in an amouni: not Eo exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos (P 50,000.00) for eve:'y violat,ion there- of at. the discretion of the Council (Sec. (l of P.D. 1586). Given this gtir aay of November, Ninetcen Hundred and Eighty Seven. V /AFB/cb膡