V ANNEX腜 A SECRETARY'S CERTIFiCAttE V ilENn. lri-- Yrir. SURGA c, SECRETARY'S CEltTIFICATE I, RODEL M. BATOCABE, being the Corporate Secretary of Orienta.l Synergy Mining Corporation, wirh principal busiless address at No- 139 Joy SEeet, Barangay Balingasa, Quezon City, hereby certi$, that in a special meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 16, 2006, 1n which meetiDg there was a quorum present and ,lcted throughout, the following resolutions were nn,.iqously adopted aad approved, to wit: *RESOLVED, AS tT IS IIEREBY RESOLVED, that the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Frank Chr_rn Wai Lao, is authorized to e{ecute the Deed of AssigDmenr involving 2 parcels of land coverhg a total area of 827.88 hecrares (Parc€l l-79t.20 hectares and Parcel II-36.68 hectares) located at Barang4ys Dona Helen and Wifson in the Municipalities of Basilisa and San Jose, rcsp€clively, Suigao Del Norte and another parcel of land covering an area of 1,482,537 hectares located at Basilisq. Surigao Del Nofle, whicb include the assiglment of the respective Exploration Permit Applications of F.S. Borja Mining and Trading Co4nration covering said parcels of land in favor of Oriental Synergy Mining Corporation; 腛 RESOLVED FURTHE& rhat the Chief Executive Omcer, Mr. Fraal Chun Wai Lao- is authodzed to sigD, execute aad accept the tems and conditions of the Mi.uing Tenement including, but not limited to, Exploration Pemit, Mincral Production Sharing Agreement (MpSA), Small-Scale Mining Permit (SSMp), and other documeots which the Philippine Govemment may require in corurecrion with the foregoi[g.,' I FURTIIER CERTIFY that the above resolution has not been nullifie4 repealed, amended, or modified and'ttat the same remaiq in full force and effect as of the date of this certification. . IN WITNESS WHIRXOF, I have hereunto ser my hand rhis 20h day of Juoe 2U06. 腛 M.BATOCAB芶 Corporate Secretary suBscRlBED AND SWORN to before me this_ day \iN,,, rryoou, rn amanr exrriurmjio-rris-liC',.r-". . tlYv, orifufi, i.*"0;" r"",", 5, 2006 issued at pasig -$llEz0ry- City. 4TTy H [[llIEN0 苍 Doc. No, t+D)l  Page No.lC:t Book No. (IL:X Scries of2006 鍃 諭 l醌 跤 費 0苟 V ANNEX腜 B LOCAT10N MAP OR SKETCH PLAN V ANNEX腜 C V TWO(2)腝 YEAR EXPLORATION WORK PROGRAM V 腁R I葉xn stttGA m腜 TWO腜 (2)YEAR EXPLORA銚 :ON WORK PROGRAM INTRODUCTION This Exploration Work Program (ExWP) is prepared by the undersigned to form part of the application for Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) of Oriental Synergy Mining Corporation covering a certain area located within the Surigao Mineral Reservation (SMR). Considering that the SMR is notable for laterite and saprolite deposits, which is potential for nickel and chromite mineralization and the demand for nickel and chromite are continuously increasing at present, the objectives of this EXWP are (1) to determine the potential for nickel and chromite mineralization of the applied area and (2) to determine the viability of developing and exploiting the nickel and chromite deposit(s) to be found therein. However, other valuable minerals of commercial quantity to be found within the project Area will also be given attention. MCB Form No 054 2.O LOCATION OF THE PROJECT The Project Area, which is covered by an MPSA application, is located in Barangay Urbizlondo, Municipality of Claver, Province of Surigao Del Norte, within Parcel I of the SMR and specifically bounded by the following technical description: Latitude Corners Longitude 1 9腅30' 0000' 46' 0000'' 425膋 29膋33' 0000'125膋 46' 0000' 3 9膋33' 0000' 125膋 47. 0000腅 4 9膋33' 0000腅 47' 0000' 125膋 Figure 1 shows the specific location of the applied area 30 AREA COVERAGE The Prolect Area cove腵 s an area Of One thousand h膍 eive and 0158膌 10000(1,o120158)hectares 40 PRO腶 ECT AREA DESCR:PT10N 腝 4.1 Terrain/Physiography "General Description - The main topographic feature of Surigao Province is the Diwata Mountain Range. This range forms the western border of the province, but only cuts across the south_ western corner of the iron reservationt, in a north-westerly direction. Roughly the Diwata commence in the extreme southern corner of the province and trend in a north_westerly direction to the eastern side of Lake Mainit. Tothewestofthe range is the famous Agusan Established under Executive Order No. 63, now well known as parcel I of the Surigao Mineral Reservation. Page 2 ol 42 腶UL 1 2 2007 MGB Form No 054 Valley, through which the northward flowing Agusan River winds its way to Butuan Bay. On the east, isolated mountain peaks and small ranges fill in the central part of Surigao Province, its southern portion being more flat and having more marginal lands along the coast than the central or northern parts. Wile the general trend of the Diwatas are northwesterly there many bends in the crest line and near the center of the marked out governmenl reservation is Mt. Legaspi, rising to an elevation of 117O meters above sea-level and forming a conspicuous feature of the landscape. To the north and south-east of this prominent land mark are other peaks whose elevations vary from 500-924 meters. ln general, the land slopes eastward to the coast, but the slope is not regular or continous. These slopes are dissected into ridges, the crests of which are broad and comparatively flat and have a general east-west trend. V The slopes of the western range have been notched by the eastern flowing drainage channels. ln short, the north and east of Mt. Legaspi is deeply incised, the streams flowing through narrow precipitous valleys Topoqraphic Relief - East of the western highlands, mentioned above, the whole topography has been modified by erosion, the ridges are rounded and the valleys have been deepened; the general features of lhe bedrock, except in some of the erosion cuts, has been marked by lateritic iron ore. Much of the interior region adjacent to the eastern coast of Surigao has the appearance of a plateau. The elevation of the iron areas varies from 122 to approximately SOO meters. The outline of the sea coast is very irregular and is marked by narrow beaches and sea cliffs. The coasfline is broken by several prominent points and bays between Gigacuit and Cantilan. The most important of the later is Oahican Bay. The land rises abruptly above the western bay side and in places lhe cliffs are almost vertical. Page 3 ot 42 JUL i 2 2007 MGB Form No 05` There are many irregularities in the surface of the ore bodies. Several deeply incised V-shaped valleys cut the district, and may be interpreled as evidence of uplift. ln general, they are narrow, comparatively sho(, and deep. Water falls near the head waters of these streams are common. There is much field evidence to show that some of the streams follow zones of weakness in the bed rock, shear zones and faults being common in the district. The original consequent drainage of this region has been modified as uplift took place. The slream systems are now subsequenl rather than consequent - - - that is, they are adjusted to the slructures. As a rule, stream sources rise in carque-like depressions, caused by the erosion of the soft ore. These peculiar erosion basins have the appearance of bad land topography and are extremely common throughout the whole iron area.2" The Municipalities of Claver and Carrascal are generally mountainous and geotectonically within the eastern timb of the Eastern Mindanao Ridge, a complex NNW-SSE trending island-arc structure. The Prqect Area is characterized by moderately sloping to hilly topography with stope ranging from,loo/o to 4oyo. The proiect Area has an elevation ranging from j0 to 456 meters above sea level (see Figure 1). 42 Acces3ibility The Project Area is accessible from Surigao City, thru a one (1)-hour land transport via provincial road connecting Surigao del Norte and Surigao del Sur CO陼 o膍 讦E4菇 膍 oF 7HE P膍 芽PP71Es,M苟 ,荒 De諏 Te膍 rc腂 ltra,荊 by Dear F Frasc韍 ler ceOrogrca膌 ec莕 s菒 vey DfylsIO膍 跟 ,膌 "an膌 Page 4 of 42 JUL 1 2 2007 l Figure V Surigao City can be reached from Manila via one (1)_hour regular air faring transport to Cebu City, thence another 30 minute connecting flight to Surigao or a two_hour direct from Manila to Surigao. Or thru a three-day sea/land faring transports from Manila to Surigao. Page 5 ol 42 JUr 1 ? 2l.J'J' MGB Form No 054 Surigao City can also be reached by two-hour land lransports from Butuan City. Butuan City can be reached from Manila by air and sea transportations. 43 Drainage Systems The Project Area is situated on the western side of the Mindanao lsland and is drained by several, generally short, northerly-flowing streams/creeks, i.e., Hemoyowon and UrbiAondo Creeks that eventually empty into the Hinatuan Passage. The streams exhibit a dendritic drainage pattern. Vegetation V The Project Area is covered with tropical jungle of dipterocarp variety. Although the laterite areas along the coastal areas are barren or covered with thin vegetal foliage, densely forested areas are also found farther inland. lron wood, locally known as "Magkuno," Felichenia linearis, locally known as "hagsam," and types of tropical tree called nickel tree or ,,paguspos,, predominate in the semi-barren areas. 45 Land Use 膥 The Major land use and capability of the project Area including its immediate vicinity, being declared as part of the SMR, is Mining. At present, there is a nickel mining operation in the immediate vicinity of the project Area: the mining operations of Taganito Mining Corporation. Only some and relatively small portion of the pOect Area is being used by the concerned barangays for agricultural purposes. Since the Project Area is mos y covered by lateritic soil. the POect Area is generally nol suitable for aEricultural purposes. Page 6 of 42 JUt | 2 1u0I MCB Form No 05腧 46 Climate3 The Province of Surigao del Norte is considered by PAGASA to be under the Type ll of the modified Coronas Classification of Philippine Climate, which is based on very pronounced maximum rain period generally occurring in December to January, although there is not a single dry monlh which is typical of areas along or very near the eastern coast of the country. The province is open to the northeast monsoon. Meteorological data was collected from the nearest Climatologrcal Station of PAGASA in Sungao City for periods covering 1961 to 1995. Surigao City is located some 40 km southwest of the proposed project area. Based on the Surigao City data, the climatologic normals computed from '1961 to 1995 are as follows: monthly average of temperature ranges from a low of 22.60'C to a high of 32.50.C with an annual maximum average of 3'1.04.C and an annual minimum average of 23.46'C. Mean monthly temperatures reading ranges from 25.80'C lo 28.25'C. The hottest month of the year is June with mean temperatures ranging from 24.C to 32.S0.C. The coldest month is December with mean temperatures of 23.10"C to V 29.60'C. For the climatologic normals, the factor of relative humidity averages annually at 8470. The highest relative humidity recorded is 88% during the month of January. The lowest recorded relative humidity of 80% is felt during the month of August. ' The area experiences prevailing winds with velocities annually averaging 3 meters per seco0d. The general wind direction for the months of December to February is northeast, lettm)t軴 臧 wp韕 鑆 镝 莵葛 覷 跫 鞯 韚 :  ="腶 Pege 7 ol 42 I ? +'rul JUL MGB Form No 054 while for the months of March to May it is easterly. For June to August, the area experiences southwesterly winds gradually shifting to west-southwest during September and to the west during October. For the month of November the average wind direction is easterly. The annualwind direction is taken as easterly. The vapor pressure in the area averages at 30.03 millibars on a year. The highest vapor pressure is recorded during May with monthly average of 31. 40 millibars, while the lowest is during February with 28.50 mrllbars. Cloud cover averages at 6 ockta per annum with the cloudiest days for the months of June to March. The least clouds are experienced during the months of April and lvlay with an average of 5 ockta. Thunderslorms are frequent during June to November ranging from 6 to I days of thunderstorm per month. The least thunderstorms occur during the months of December to April with ranges of '1 to 4 days of thunderstorms per month. The dnnual total days of thunderstorms is taken at 59. The monthswith the most number of lightning days are August and October with an average of 17 days. On the other hand, the lightning days are not found during February. V Data on evaporation rates where not available in Surigao, however, the nearest available data are from the PAGASA Station at the Musuan, Bukidnon Station averaged at 5.S mm in a year. The highest evaporation rate is on April at g.O mm while the lowest is 4.2 mm during the month of July. The climatologic extremes computed from 1903 to 19gS are as follows: the highest monthly average ;f temperature is 37.S.C taken on 15 June 1987 while the lowest was on 24 February 1gos at 18.2'C. The low end of the high temperatures is from 24.6.C in 18 Decembe|lgos while the high end ot the low temperatures 20.8'C recorded on 18 May 1972. Page 8 of 42 JUL , 2 200, MGB Form No 05` For the climatologic extremes computed from 1950 to 1995, the area experiences winds with velocities annually averaging 34.6 meters per second. The highest wind velocity was recorded on 21 Decembell986 with 56 meters per second. The lowest for the qxtremes is 20 meters per second during 26 February 1968. The general wind direction for the months of January 10 lvlarch is north- northeast to northwest. while for the monihs of April to June rt rs west-southwest to south-southwest. For July to August, it varies from west-northwest to weslsouthwest. The lowest sea level pressure du腵 ng the period 1949 to 4995 is腵 eco腵ded at 981 80 m腡 腡bars On 27 0ctober 1991 vvh腡 e the highest was on 17腶 anuary 1959 with l,0195m腡 腡 bars Rainfall data were taken from the records of the climatological station of PAGASA in Surigao City. A review of the PAGASA data tells that the annual rainfall in the area is i,142 mm. The dry months are from December to May with monthly rainfall ranging from 40.6 mm to 97.0 mm. The driest month is April with rainfall totaling only 40.6 mm over a S-day period. The west months are June to November with monthly rainfall ranges of .105.g mm to 157.6 mm. The wettest month is October with rainfall V registering at 157.6 mm over period a of 16 days. The most number of tropical cyclones passed over the area during the month of November followed by the month of December. No tropical cyclone affected the area in the months of June, July and September. For the other months, there was minimal threat of tropical cyclone passage over the area. The annual frequency of occurrence of tropical depression is at O.14, tropical storm js at 0.27 and typhoon at 0.35. The remalnder of the months showed minimal threat of tropical cyclone passage over the area. During severe storms the Surigao Channel may not be navigable by launches, Page 9 0f42 JUL I 2 ZOO/ MGB Form No 054 resulting in the isolation of the island. This may happen once or twice a year and may last up to eight days. ln the local Visayan language, this phenomenon is known as "Walo-Walo' (from Walo meaning eight). 50 DESCRIPTION OF EXPLORATION PROGRAM 5.1. Research Work 5.1.'1. Survey of previous work s on the area 5.'1.1.1. Nature or type ofstudy or undertaking The available data collected/researched that was undertaken in the Project Area are (a) "GEOLOGICAL REPORT ON THE SURIGAO ORES for the COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES, Nationat Development Company, Manila" by Dean F. Frasche, Chief, ceologicat Survey Division, Bureau of Mines, 1938, and (b) "REPORT OF INVESTIGATION NO, 35" rE: "PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE INVESTIGATION OF THE NICKEL.IRON REOSURCES OF THE 1914 SUR/GAO /RON ORE RESERVATTON" by Rodrigo G. Rigor, l\rining Engineer ll, Bureau of lvlines. 1962. Duration The first study was undertaken during the period October, 1937 to June 15, 1938. Page 10 ol 42 JUI I 2 ?007 MGB Form No 05` 艮芎 The second study was undertaken 腀腀 腀腀 February to August, 1961, anchored on 芎芅 following studies: Exploration works/study conducted by Mr. Wilford S. Wright, then Technical Adviser of ICA Mining Division and Mr. lvlelanio D. Manigque, lvlining Engineer ll, and other technical personnel of the Bureau of Mines on October to December, '1957; 2 Resumption of the exploration work by Mr. l\4elanio D. Manigque and other technical personnel on April to December, 1958 and February to December, 1959; 3 Continuation of the exploration work by Mr. Segismundo A. Haliganga and other personnel of the Bureau of Mines from December, 1959 to May, 1960. Coverage V The exploration activities cover the entire Parcel I of the Surigao Mineral Reservation. Results (Regional ceology) The first study is conducted primarily to show that Parcel lof the Surigao Mineral Reservation has iron deposits of enormous tonnage. Page 11 ol 42 1 2 ZU07 JUL MGB Form No 05` The second study is conducted primarily to investigate the nickel and iron resources of the same reseryation area. While the above studies contain information that will greatly help in correlating the future exploration works, however, we believed that there is still a need to conduct further research studies to secure exploration studies conducted by the MGB for chromite deposits and to enhance the existing information especially on the results of recent exploration activitaes, especially quadrangle mapping, conducted by the MGB and United Nations Revolving Fund'for Natural Resources V Exploration (UNRFNRE). The following geologic information will greatly help us in the conduct of exploration activities. aGeology from Dean F. Frasche's Geological Report With the reconnaissance made by Pratt and Lednicky in 1915, little geological work has been done in the Surigao Area. ln a general way, these early workers worked oul, or tried to delimit, the western extension of the western overlying sedimentaries. According to them, this contact is marked by and escarpment which strikes more sharply to the east and finally bends and strikes north making a narrow loop only to terminate on the north shore of Carrascal Bay. This contact has not been Page 12 of 12 JUL 1 2 2007 MGB Fo7rn No 054 checked or traced out by the author, but it is certain that there rd a sedimentary igneous contact in the interior almost nothing has been worked out in regard to the historical geology of this region. A great deal of the interior region adjacent to the eastern coast of Surigao has the appearanc€ of a plateau, rising 125 to 924 meters above sea-level. The slopes from the western interior descend in a gentle manner to {he eastern sea board. Upon these slopes, the wide spread lateritic iron deposits occur in blanket form, the ore V being thrn or totally absent in the erosion gullies and valleys This ore mantle varies in thickness, and rests directly on a basement complex of serpentinized ultra- basic rocks. Basement ComDtex - the area under discussion is underlain by a series of ultra-basic rocks here named the basement complex. This complex extends from the barrio of Capandan south along the coast to Carrascal Bay. its westward extensions are unknown. ln surface area, it represents approximately 60 square kilometers and is thought to be the oldest rock formation in the Surigao district, probably dating form Pre Miocene time. Kincls of R6cks - The rocks of the basement complex are represented in their order of abundance by serpentines, altered Page 13 of42 JUL ! 2 2007 MCB Form No 05` peridotites (?) and perhaps some altered diorites and andesites. Fragments and well worn pebbles of andesite have been found in the vicinity of Dahican Bay but their relationships to the older altered complex are unknown. However, in the northern part of the reservation, near kilometer 87 on the Provincial Road, fresh andesite outcrops appear to inlrude and cut the older basements. Serpentine - This rock covers a larger part of the area and has been formed as an alteration product of the original peridotite (?) and other basic rocks. Locally, it can be found in the bottom of the erosion cuts and along the faces of the sea cliffs. Often, where the surface ore-mantle has been stripped off by erosion, it can be found in large areas. ln most exposures, the serpentine can be seen grading down into a more dense dark-green to black peridotitic rock. Small veins and stringers of a hydrous magnesium nickel silicate are commonly found in the serpentine. Near Kilometer g0 on the Surigao provincial Road, and on the northern end of Dahican Peninsula small boulders of high grade chromite float have been found to be associated with serpentinites. Peridotites f?) - The peridotites are exposed as boulder and large masses in place in the erosion cuts and along the faces of the sea-cliffs. Thy grade in color Page 14 of42 JUt | 2 ?007 MCB Fo腵 n No 054 from dark green to black, are extremely hard and often show small phenocrysts of olivine. Petrographic studies of these rocks showed the olivine has altered to antigorite and serpentinite. D膌 o膍te腜 The diottte and andes"es have been recognized both from hand specimens and Petrographic seclions. Although gabbros have been reported they have not as yet been determined with certainty. Structure - The entire basement complex is extremely fractured and faulted. No fault patterns have been observed or worked out, and, though much faulting exists, the extent, magnitude and importance of faulting has yet to be determined. lt is felt that after more detailed filed work has been carried on the structural and stratigraphic relationship between the basemenl and the western high-land formations will be determined. 腛 b. Geology from Report of lnvestigation No. 35 General Geoloqv . ln 1914 reservation area is underlain chiefly by a complex assemblage of serpentinized ultramafic rocks, metavolcanic rocks, amphibolite schist, talc- chromite Page 15 ot 42 JUL t 2 tl/ll MC8 Fo腵 m No 05` The serpentinized ultramafic rocks underlie the eastern half of the area, flanked on the northwest and southeast by Tertiary clastic sedimentary rocks, limestone and basalt. Amphibiolite schist and metavolcanic rocks of probable pre- Tertiary age predominate on the southwestern portion. These earlier-formed rocks were included by the ultramafic rocks probably during the late Cretaceous time but definitely before Eocene times. lsolated remnants of Eocene limestone capping the serpentinized ultramafic rocks are found at the north central portion of the reservation. Wright, et. al.4, suggested that serpentinization of the ultramafic rocks subsequently followed after their emplacement. Field studies indicate the presence of two general types of ultramafic rocks, namely, dunite and pyroxene peridotite. V It is probable that a long period of erosion must have taken place sometime in late Tertiary time which extensively eroded the limestone and clastic sedimentary rocks capping the serpentinized ultramafic mass. Progressive uplift probably began rn Pleistocene time followed by peneplanation. The ensuing, most significant event was characterized by the tropical chemical weathering of the serpentinized ultramafic Wright, W.S., et. al., 1958, lron-Nickel-Cobalt Resources of Nonoc-Awasan_ S. Dinagat lslands in Parcel ll of the Surigao Mineral Reservation, Mindanao; Publication 17, Special Project Series. philBu. Of Mines. Manila Pag0 16 of42 J菒 [ 1 2 20117 MGB Form No 05` rocks and their clastic derivatives which consequently formed the nickel-iron resources of the 1914 Surigao lron Ore Reservation. lt can be seen, therefore, that the areal distribution of the ultramafic rocks has a bearing on the nickel-iron resources of the reservation. Descriotion of the Nickelilercus DeDosits Orioin of the Deposits The nickeliferous deposits consist of laterite and decomposed serpentinite. The deposits represent the residual products developed in place by chemical weathering of the serpentinized ultramafic rocks. D.A. Frasche5 proved by petrographic evidence that the degree of alteration of the original mineral constituents of lhe serpentine rock increases upward to the iron ore. Such progressive destruction of the country rock is ascribed lo the action of percolating 膥 ground water. He concluded that by this process, great quantities of soluble materials such as silica, magnesia and lime have been removed and the insoluble constituents of the serpentine rock such as iron and chromium, alumina, have accumulated to form the nickeliferous laterite deposits. The lateritic end product contains almost no magnesia and very litfle Frasche;O.F., 1941, Origin ot the Suirgao tron Ores; Econ. Geotogy, Vot. 36, p. 230- 30s. Page 17 ol 12 JUr I 2 2007 MGB Form No 05` silica even though it originally constituted about 75% of the parent rock. General Features Despite the wide area underlain by serpentinized ultramaflc rocks, the important nickeliferous deposits are found only along the northeastern coastal area of the 1914 reseNation extending form southern Adlay northwestward to Urbizondo. Claver. Small and scattered lateritic tracts are also found capping the more gentle ridgei on the southwestern part of the reservation particularly at Baoy and Mt. Legaspi Range. The reddish-brown lateritic soil capping the gentle ridges consists mainly of limonite and hematite with subordinate amount of magnetite. Nearlhe surface and a few meters downward, small hard hematite and limonite pellels or shots are predominant. These pellets or shots V increase in quantity and size toward the surface and sometimes are often found cemented into limonitic crust. The presence of different colors in the laterite zone as observed in road cuts, test pits and natural exposures led to the recognition of at least three zones, each zones being transitional to the next lower zone. The first zone which lies on the topmost layer exhibits form dark reddish Pago 18 oI 42 JUL i 2 2007 MCBFom No 054 brown to moderate. brown color peculiar to latentic deposits in other tropical regrons. The middle zone of zone 2 is light-brown to yellowish-brown, and zone 3 representing the base of the laterite displays variegated colors of yellowish-brown, yellow, red, pale greenish-yellow and black. High nickel is usually contained in this zone which extends downward to the upper part of the decomposed serpentrnite. However, in some places, the enriched zone is entirely in the decomposed zone. De Vletter6 stated two factors that V satisfy nickel concentration or enrichment, as follows: 1 Decomposition of serpentine with removal of its principal const uents, namely magnesia and silica, and consequent residual concentration of metallic components. 2 Dissolution of nickel from uppermost layers of laterite and its re- precipitation in the lower layers and transition zone. Because of the inter-relation between solution and redeposition which represent a continuous process, the position of the enriched zone gradually moves downward. Vletler de, D. R., 1955, How Cuban Nickel Ore was Found; Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 156, No. 10, p.84{7. Page 19 of 42 JUL I 2 2007 MGB Form No 05腧 Underlying the laterite mantle is lhe light yellowish green to greenish and soft decomposed serpentinite. Being the basal portion of the two deposits, this ore contains higher nickel than the overlying laterite soil. The decomposed serpentinite ore displays greenish hues from pale greenish- yellow to greenish-gray. The contact between the overlying laterite and the decomposed serpentinite is very irregular. Field identification of the decomposed serpentine ore can be made by noting the color alone. The occurrence of light yellowish-green to light-green in preponderance to brown or red is characterastic of All decomposed zone encountered in the reservation. However, there are instances where the greenish material occurs in equal proportion with the brown or red. ln this case, a sharp contact between the laterite and decomposed serpentinite may not be visible in the field. The position of the contact will then be based on the iron content rather than by color alone. 5115 Conclusion The above information will be very useful in the conduct of exploration activities in the project Page 20 of42 1 2 2007 JlJL MGB Form No 05` Area considering that Project Area is part of the Mineral Reservation subject of the study. However, there is a need to conduct research studies for collection of all available data to correlate the results of exploration activities to be undertaken. 5.1.2. Research, compilation and review This activity involves gathering of all the results of exploration activities conducted by the MGB. This activity would certainly help especially in correlating the results of future activities. V 5.'1.2.1. Geochemical/geophysical data Geochemical information of the Project Area that may be collected will be compiled and evaluated in order to determine whether or not it is economical to pursue the conduct of exploration activities. Lithologicaldata Lithological data will also be collected. lt is interesting to note that the Project Area is located near the contract arei of Taganito Mining Corporation. Hence, there is a great possibility that the Project Area has similar lithology with the said area. Page 21 ol 42 MGB Form No 05` Mineralization/alteration studies As earlier mentioned. SMR is notable for laterite and saprolite deposits, which is potential for nickel and chromite mineralization. This will be confirmed during the actual exploration activities. Various thematic maps covering the target afea Base maps in a scale of 1:10,000 wilt be prepared which will used to plot all the geological information of the Project Area. V Targets Duration 葟 Two (2) monthS, 腀 菐 commettce upon granting the EP Manpower : One(1)M ning Engineer Estimated Cost: Salary incl 1 3th month par PhP 43,33330 @PhP20,00000/month Transportation Expenses 8,00000 Photocopying 6,00000 Supplies and Materials 6,00000 Total PhP 63,33300 腅 Pro腝rated amOuntFor 13th month pay Page 22 ol 12 腶UL 1 2 2007 MGB Form No 05` Outp ut Compiled technical reports and collated data. 5.2. Reconnaissance/Regional Survey or Studies 5.2.1. Geological Mapping/Alteration Studies Nature or Type of Survey: This involvei the investigation/ evaluation of the surface indications and geologic features of the area such as lithology, mineralization, intensity and type of alteration, etc., that would indicate/establish the identifying promising areas. The actual field survey will include geological traverses along drainage channels, road cuts, and other surface structures. Compass and tape mapping migh be resorted along sections with prominent exposures or mineralization. The survey will focus on the distribution of the laterite deposits in V the Project Area. Coverage The whole Project Area (1,012.0158 hectares). Duration Three (3) months Tools Global Positioning System (cPS) Unit, brunton compass. sample picks. elc. Page 23 of42 JUL i 2 2007 MCB Form No 05` Manpower : One (1) Mining Engineer and two (2) Geologic Aides Estimated Cost; Salary(ies) incl. 13th month' PhP1O7,25O.OO Engineer @ PhP20,000.00/mo. = PhP65,000.00 Aides @ PhP6,500/mo. = 42,250.00 Tools and supplies 21,00000 GPS Unit 荃0.00000 Brunton Compass 5,00000 Sample picks 膌 ,00000 Supplies 5,00000 V Transportation Expenses 15,00000 Field Office/Field camps 50,00000 Communication Expenses 6,00000 Others, i.e., photocopying, film developing, etc. 4,000.00 Total PhP 203,25000 V ' Pro腝rated amOuntror 13th month pay Output Reconnaissance ceO10gical Report with base maps in scale of ll10,Ooo ndicajng a腡 the resuLs Ofthe aclvily Page 24 o,42 JUL i 2 2007 MGB Form No 154 5.2.2. Geochemical Survey Nature or Type of Survey: The reconnaissance geochemical survey will be undertaken to determine the geochemically anomalous areas by systematic collection of samples The survey is the systematic collection of stream sediments samples in pre- selected points from the base of the slopes and ridge and stream sediments. Coverage The whole Project Area (1,012.0158 hectares) V Ou ration Three (3) months, simultaneously undertaken with the reconnaissance geological mapping. Sampling Media/ Sample Type: Stream sediments will be collected by sieving in the size of minus 2 mm. and minus 8o-mesh. Rock floats by identification and selective sampling. V Sampling Density/ Estimated Number of Samples: Each of the minus 2 mm and minus 80- mesh stream sediments, and rock samples wrll be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every one (1) square kilometer. Thus, approximately eleven (1 1) samples will be collected for each of the sample type or a total of forty-five Page 25 ol 42 JUL I 2 luu/ MGB Form No 054 (33) samples weighing at least one kilogram per sample. Mode of Analysis/ Target Elements: The samples will be sent to the MGB Regional Offlce No. Xlll, for determination of nickel and chromite contentS. Tools GPS unn, b腵unton compass, sample picks.etc Manpower One(1)M ning Eng neer and h膍 o(2) Geologic Aides(Same geO10gic team who w腡 l conduct the reconnaissance geological mapping) Estimated Costl Consider ng that this activity wi腡 be undertaken simultaneously with the MGB Form No 054 Output Reconnaissance geochemical report with map/s showing the specific location and assay results of sedimenurocks samples collected. 5.3. Semi-Detailed Survey or Follow-up Studies 5.3.1. Geological Mapping or Follow-up Studies Nature or Type of Survey: This activity involves mapping of outcrops along creeks and other exposures. This will be undertaken to accurately map and delineate the rock types, alteration mineralogy and structures such as faults, folds, dip of strata in prospective areas, etc. Coverage The coverage of this activity wilt be dependent on the results of reconnaassance studies. lt is assumed that five hundred (500) hectares will be the coverage of this study. Duration Three (3) months Tools GPS Unit, brunton compass, sample picks, etc. Manpower: One (1) Mining Engineer and o(2) Geologic Aides "膌 Page 27 of 42 JUL i 2 2007 MGB Form No 054 Estimated Cost: Salaryles)inc1 1 3th month膚 PhP107,25000 g"苁 誩eer@P韍P20,00000/mo =P苭 菏 65,00000 荘rdes@P77P6.50""0 = `2,25a00 Tools and supp腡 es 21.00000 CPS t771膍 = 膌0,00000 3膌菒膍rOr cOmpass = 5,00000 jc芽 Sa"菏le s = 膌 菏,00000 Sypp膍es = 5,00000 Transportation Expenses 15,00000 V Field Offi celField camps 50,00000 Communicataon Expenses 6.00000 Others, i.e., photocopying, film developing, etc. 4,OOO.OO Total PhP 203,25000 腅 Pro腜rated amountfor 13t陭 month pay V MGB Form No 05` 5.3.2. Geochemical Survey Nature or Type of Survey: Delineated anor.nalous areas during the interpretation of regional geochemical data will be re-evalualed into a closer density. Coverage The same coverage with that of semi- detailed geological mapping, which as 500 hectares. Duration Three (3) months, simultaneously undertaken with the semi-detailed V geologrcal mapprng Sampling Media/ Sample Type: Stream sediments will be collected by sieving in the size of minus 2 mm. and minus 8o-mesh. Rock floats by identifi cation and selective sampling. Sampling Density/ V Estimated Number of Samples: Each of the minus 2 mm and minus 80- mesh stream sediments. and rock samples will be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every three hundred (300)-meter grid interval. Hence, al least fifty (50) samples will be collected for each of the sample type or a total of one hundred fifty (150) samples. Page 29 ol 42 JUL r 2 2007 MGB Fo荀 m No 05` Mode of Analysis/ Target Elements: The samples will be sent to the MGB Regional Offlce No. Xlll. for determination of nickel and chromite contents. Tools GPS Unit, brunton compass, sample picks, etc. Manpower : One ('l) lvlining Engineer and two (2) Geologic Aides (same geologic team who will conduct the semi-detailed V geological mapping). Estimated Cost: Considering that this activity will be undertaken simultaneously with the geologic mapping, only the analysis cost amounting to will be the cost for this activity. Nickel, including cobalt content, '150 samples @ PhP300.00 = PhP 45,000.00 Chromite '150 samples @ PhP 300.00 = PhP 45,000.00 Total PhP 90,000.00 Output Semi-detailed geochemical report with map/s showing.the location and assay results of sediments/rocks samples. Page 30 of d2 UL!212007 腶 MGB Form No 05` 5.3.3. Subsurface lnvestigation There are two types of subsurface investigation that will be implemented under this activity: Test pitting and Auger drilling. These will be undertaken in the most promising or favorable sites to delermine the persistence of the structures/mineralized/altered zones at limited depth. lt is assumed that one hundred fifty (150) hectares are promising areas identified in the previous survey. AugerDrilling No. of Auger V Holes : Auger holes will be dug at 100 meters x 100 meters grid interval or a total of one hundred fjfty (150) auger holes wjth average depth of eight (8) meters or a total meterage of one thousand two hundred ('1,200) meters. Sampling Density and No. of Samples: Samples will be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every 2-meter depth, hence, six hundred (600) soil samples are expected during this stage. Ouration Five (6) months Eq uipme nt Auger drill Page 31 of 42 |腶 腶L 1 2 2007 MCB Fonn No 054 Manpower . One (1) Mining Engineer and two (2) laborers Estimated COst: MCB Form No 054 112000 showing the auger holes and its corresponding assay results. Test Pitting No of Test pits:pits Test will be dug at 200 meters by 200 meters grid intervel or a total of thirty eight (38) test pits with dimension of 1 meter by 2 meter and average deplh of eight (8) meters or a total meterage of 膥 three hundred four (304) meters. Sampling Density and No. of Samples: Samdes will be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every one (1) meter depth of the test pits, hence, three V hundred four (304) geochemical soil samples are expected during this stage. Duration Six (6) months Tools Pick mattocks, shovels, carpentry tools, elc. Ma n power One (1) Mining Engineer and three (3) laborers Page 33 of 42 JUt I 2 rul)/ MGB Form No 05` Esumated cOsti Aides @ PhP6,500/mo. Tools and supplies, incl. timber supports Transporlation Expenses Communication Expenses \-./ Assaying/Analysis of Samples** 304 Samples @ PhP 300.00 Others, i.e., photocopying, film developing, etc. Total V MGB Form No 054 5.4. TopographicSurvey Topographic survey will be undertaken to establish the topographic configuration of the Project Area to provided accurate ground control points to determine where the actual exploration activities will be undertaken. Survey controls will be necessary to the conduct of exploration works. The topographic survey will also be needed in planning, construction and development works and ore reserye calculalions. The said activity, however, will be undertaken thru Contractual Basis. Coverage The whole Project Area (1,012.0158 hectares) 菋 Duration (3) Three [4onths Equipment Transit, Tape and Stadia Rod, etc. Manpower : MGB deputized Geodetic Engineer and laborers, i.e., tape man, rod man, etc. (the exact manpower requirement will be determined by the Surveying Contractor). Estimated Contractual Cost: PhP 300,000.00 Output Maps in scale of 1:5,000, 1;2OOO, 1:1OOO and 'l:500, such as base/topographic maps, etc. P.ge 35 ot ,12 JUt t 2 ortl/ MGB Fonll No 054 5.5. Detailed Geologic Survey 5.5.'1. Detailed Geological Mapping The detailed geological mapping program will be carried out as limited exploration works during semi-detailed geologic survey failed to note some important soil geochemical anomalies. Coverage The same area covered by subsurface investigations, which is one hundred fifty (150) hectares. Duration Four (4) months V Tools GPS Unit, brunlon compass, sample picks, etc. Manpower One (1) Mining Engineer and vo (2) Geologic Aides 腧 Estlmated Cost V Salary(ies)inc1 4 3th month膙 PhP143,00000 ,9meer@P苬 鏺 P2莿 00000/mo =P苬 P86,66667 A7des@n苨 P6,500/mo = 5o33333 Supplies 5,00000 Transportation Expenses 20,00000 Field Office/Field camps 50,00000 Communication Expenses 15,00000 Page 36 of42 o07 菇 12 JUL MCB Fo腵 m No 054 Others, i.e., photocopying, film developing, etc. 4,000.00 Totat PhP 237,000.00 ' P.o-raled amount for 13ih month pay Output Detailed Geological Report with base map/s in scale of 1:10,000 and 'l:2,000, using a topographic map prepared by contracted Geodetic Engineer under Item No. 5.4. above, indicating all the results of the activity. 5.5.2. GeochemicalSurvey Nature or Type of Survey: The geochemical survey will be carried out to gain a better understanding of the geochemical characteristics of the laterite deposits that will help to V established highly anomalous areas which will be subjected lo future x-ray drilling activities. Closely spaced grid system for sampling point location and control will be utilized. Coverage The same area covered by detailed geological mapping will be the coverage of this activity, which is one hundred fifty (150) hectares. Page 37 ol 42 JUL 1 2 2007 MCB Form No 05` Duration Four (4) months, simultaneously undertaken with the detailed geological mapping. Sampling Media/ Sample Type: Stream sediments will be collected by sieving in the size of minus 2 mm. and minus 8o-mesh. Rock floats by idenlification and selective sampling. Sampling Density/ Estimated Number of Samples: Each of the minus 2 mm and minus g0_ mesh stream sediments, and rock samples will be taken at a density of one ( 1) sample for every grid interval of 100 meters by 100 meters. Hence, one hundred flfty (150) samptes wi be collected for each of the sample type or a total of four hundred fifty (450) samples. V Mode of Analysis/ Target Elements The samples will be sent to the MGB Regional Office No. Xlll. for determination of its nickel and cobalt content. Tools GPS Unit, brunton compass, sample picks, etc. Page 38 of 42 JUL r2 2007 MGB Form No 054 Manpower: One (1) Mining Engineer and two (2) Geologic Aides (same geologic team who will conduct the detailed geological mapping). Estimated Cost: Considering that this activity will be undertaken simultaneously with the geologic mapping, only the analysis cost amounting to will be the cost for this activity. 450 samples @ PhP 300.00 . = PhP 135,000.00 Output Detailed geochemical report and maps with assay results of sediments/rocks samples. 5.5.3. Subsurface lnvestigation . Detailed Subsurface lnvestigation by x-ray drilling will be undertaken in case the results of the above exploralion V activities indicate highly anomalous area(s). But this will be undertaken during the EP that may be renewed (3d and 4rh year). Page 39 of 42 腶UL 1 2 20117 MGB Form No 054 56 Tota:Estimated Exp:腂 ration Cost 1. 1st vear 2nd vear Research,compilation and review PhP 63,333.00 2 Reconnaissance Geological Studies gical Mapping 203,25000 a Geol膜 b Geochemical Survey 19,80000 3 Semldetaled Geological Studies V a Ceological Mapping 203,25000 b Geochemical Survey 9o,o0000 c SubsurFace lnvestigation l Auger Dri腡 ing 278,25000 185,50000 腡 237,00000 135,00000 荃 腞 腒 腒 60 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES | YEAR l YEAR 2 12 34567 101212 3567810 4 I 12 ACT:VITY 1. Research, compilation and Review 2. Reconnaissance Geologic Survey a. Geologic Mapping b. Geochemical Survey 3. Semi-Detailed Geologic Survey a. Geologic Mapping m b. Geochemical Survey c. Subsurface lnvestigation ffi i. Auger Drilling 裪 ii. iest Pitting 膼 芒 腀裪腀 4. Topographic Survey 艭 腀荨 5. Detailed Geological Studies 艏腶腵 a. Geologac Mapping b. Geochemical Survey Page 41 ol 42 ( ( MGB Form No 05腝 4 6. Preparation of Reports a. Quarterly Reports b. Annual Reports 70 PREPARED BY: ARLcgv ESCANO PRC No 2379 PTR No 4184826 E Issued on腶 anual菁 5,2006 1ssued in Makatt Ctty 80 APPROVED BY: 腶 芒艢 腀 裪 腀 艭腀 艭 艏 艏 Chief Executive Officer 腵 Oriental Synergy Mining Corporation Page 42 ot 42 ANNEX腜 D ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PROGRAM V MGB Fo腵 m No 161 ENV:RONMENTAL WORK PROGRAM MGB Fo腵 m No 161 2.2 Type and Nature of Mineral Deposit(s) The Surigao Mineral Reservation (SMR) is notable for laterite and saprolite deposits, which are potential for nickel and chromite mineralization. The confinement of nickel deposits will be found in the ultramafics and in relatavely lower ground compare to lumpy chromite deposits. 腡GB Form No 16 1 Figure l 苂腧 OF EXPt膜RAT ON"銆 腒 IP:ucAT葟 腷 AS PREPA膜EO辊 ORIENTAL SYNERCY腝RP MINING.膜 SI莲腶A:苨lll THE OF ttBIS葟 NDO 'ARANC膜 腁ITY OF CLAVER UNIC:PA芵 0 0EL N腎荱 ROVINCE OF ttR'芢 :LAN0 0F MINoANA0 AOF lp12腂|苠 INC AN AR膜腂H芧 'ONTAl腠 Surigao City can also be reached by tu;o-hour land transports from Butuan City. Butuan City can be reached from Manila by air and sea trans'portations. of 54 JUL i 2 200荁 MGB Form No 16 1 broad and comparatively flat and have a general east-west trend. The slopes of the western range have been notched by the eastern flowing drainage channels. ln short, the north and east of Mt. Legaspi is deeply incised, the streams flowing through narrow precipitous valleys. Topooraphic Relief - East of the western highlands, mentioned above, the whole topography has been modified by erosion, the ridges are rounded and the valleys have been deepened; the general features of the bedrock, except in some of the erosion cuts, has been marked by lateritic iron ore. Much ofthe interior region adjacenl to the eastern coast of Surigao has the appearance of a plateau. The elevation of the iron areas varies V from 122 to approximately 500 meters. The outline of the sea coast is very irregular and is marked by narrow beaches and sea cliffs. The coas ine is broken by several prominent points and bays between Gigacuit and Cantilan. The most important of the latter is Dahican Bay. The land rises abruptly above the western bay side and in places the cliffs are almost vertical. There are many irregularities in the surface of the ore bodies. Several deeply incised V-shaped valleys cut the district, and may be interpreted as evidence of uplift. ln general, they are narrow, comparatively short, and deep. Water falls near the head waters of these streams are common. There is much field evidence to show that some of the streams follow zones of weakness in the bed rock, shear zones and faults being common in the district. The original consequent drainage of this region has been modified as uplift took place. The stream systems are now subsequent rather than consequent _ _ - that is, they are adjusted to the structures. As a rule, stream sources rise in cirque_like depressions, caused by the erosion of the Soft ore. Page 5 of 54 JUL i 2 2007 MGB Form No 161 These peculiar erosion basins have the appearance of bad land topography and are extremely common throughout the whole iron area.2' The Municipalities of Claver and Carrascal are generally mountainous and geotectonically within the eastern limb of the Eastern Mindanao Ridge, a complex NNW-SSE trending island-arc structure. The Poect Area is characterized by moderately sloping to hilly topography with slope ranging from 10% to 40%. The Prolect Area has an elevation ranging from 10 to 456 meters above sea level (see Figure 1). 4.1.2. Land Use/Capability The Major land use and capability of the prolect Area including its immediate vicinity, being declared as part of the SMR, is Mining. At present, there is a nickel mining operation in the immediate vicinity of the Project Area: the mining operations of Taganito Mining Corporation. 腒 莓 Only some and relatively small portion of the project Area is being used by the concerned barangays for agricultural purposes. Since the Project Area is mosfly covered by lateritic soil, the project Area is generally not suitable for the agricultural purposes. Further study will be undertaken to further enhance the existing information during the term of the Ep that may be granted. Excerpt frOm``GEO菇 Oc膌 C4苆 REPORr O膍 荴 荂Es膜 RIc膌 O oRES rorthe cor膍 0膍 膍EA47rr p膍 l膋 g莆e菅t cO膍 any蹻 ,芽 菏Oea,F Frasc苉 膍 芢膌 芽 ;鷰 腸 轘 钻觰鋟膍 ,5鎠 膍 Page 6 of 54 腶 UL i 2 2007 MGB Fo腵 n No 161 4.1.3. Pedology3 The soil in the province is basically clay and sandy loam type. The soil in the mainland area is generally classified as loam soil (50% Anao-aon/Malimono Clay Loam and 50% Kabatohan Clay Loam) characterized as permeable, moderately drained and highly suitable for agriculture. The Dinagat island soil is primarily Dinagat clay loam which comprised 70%, Kabatohan loam 20o/o, and 10% of Bolinao clay steep phase. lt is characterized as friable, slightly sticky and granular in nature. The soil type in Siargao island is : 80% Bolinao clay. 10o/o 'Bolinao Clay, Steep Phase, and 5% Jamoyaon clay loam. The island of Bucas Grande is highly acidic due to the presence of V mineral ores thereby needing careful soil management. SO!L TYPEIN SuRIGAO DEL NORTE BY SOIL TYPE DinagaUDinagat 讦 Dinagat 讽 Clay Loam 膓 Kabatohan Loam 膓 Bolinao Clay, Steep Phase Others Siargao 80% Bolinao Clay 膥 10% Bolinao Clay, Steep Phase 50/c Jamoyaon Clay Loam 5% Others Bucas Grande 艕艏 膓 腀 Kanatohan Clay 艓艏 膓 Bolinao Clay, Steep Phase l\riddle & East Bucas Grande 100% 詓 Dinagat Clay Loam Anao-aon - Malimono  Malimono Clay Loam 苪 Kabatohan Clay Loam 腀 Malalag Clay Loam Surigao River Valley  Sison 讦 Clay Loam Bad-as Sandy Loam Sou苉 莿 so莿 O ECO膍 腧 OArrC 4苬 腂 閛菍 ttPHIc ttO諍 膋 Da膍 膋RL C)荎 003 ED1770膍''cOmp腡 ed by prOvincial P,anning and Deve R%銞 镩 Page 7膜 :54 苨'膌 :膌 MGB Form No 16 1 1svo Malimono Clay lOo/o Anao-aon Clay 5o/o Surigao Clay 5o/o Others Bacuag 400/0 Jasaan Clay 4Oo/o Balinao Clay 15o/o Badas Sandy Loam 5o/o Other Gigaquit - Claver 400/o Kabatohan Clay 400/0 Sapa Clay Loam 200/0 Other Alegria/Mainit 1lvo Kabatohan Clay Loam 30vo Sison Clay Loam 1lvo Bolinao Clay 5o/o San ManuelSandy Clay Loam 100/o Malalag Clay Loam 220/o l\,ilalimono Clay Loam 12o/o Mountain Soils + Others SOURCES: PAO, derived from Bureau of Soits Maps The Proponent commits to conduct further study on Pedology to enhance the existing information during the term of the EP that may be granted. 4.2, Water Environment V 4.2.1. Water euality Records of the National Water Resources Council (19g2), now called as the National Water Resources goard (NWRB), indicate that groundwater statistics from Surigao Del Norte exhibit ' the static well level (SWL) ranges from 0.61 to 7.62 m. below ground surface (mbgs) or an aveege o12.72 mbgs. The province- wide specific capacity ranges from 0.25 liter per second per meter (lps/m) to 1.4S tps/m. Page 8 of 54 JUL : 2 2007 MGB Form No 16腝 1 Water quality sampling will be undertaken to establish baseline information such as physico-chemical, trace elements, ph, conductivity and other factors affecting the water quality, during the first three months of the EP that may be granted. 4.2.2. Hyd?ology The Project Area is situated on the western side of the Mindanao lsland and is drained by several, generally short, northerly-flowing streams/creeks, i.e., Hemoyowon and Urbiztondo Creeks that eventually empty into the Hinatuan Passage. The streams exhibit a dendritic drainage pattern. 4.3. Climatology/Meteorologya The Province of Surigao del Norte is considered by PAGASA to be unde.r the Type ll of the modified Coronas Classification of philippine Climate, which is based on very pronounced maximum rain period generally occurring in December to January, although there is not a single dry month which is typical of areas along or very near the eastern coast of V the country. The Province is open to the northeast monsoon. Meteorological data was collected from the nearest Climatological Station of PAGASA in Surigao City for periods covering 1961 to 1995. Surigao City is located some 40 km southwest of the proposed project area. Based on the Surigao City data, the climatologic normals computed from 1961 to 1995 are as follows: n from a row ot 22.60"c," j:::H;1[1j"ffi:[:ffi ",,,r^ i 醥 軹cJ Se蝗 鑆 hP苉e :醡 i鋟 雴 鉉 腷 软鑺 铕 駲lIC and CeocPhy膜(s and Highways(DPWH) Page 9腂 f54 UL 1 2 2007 腶 MGB Form No 16腝 1 average of 3'1.04'C and an annual minimum average of 23.46'C. Mean monthly temperatures reading ranges from 25.80'C to 28.25'C. The hottest month of the year is June with mean temperatures ranging from 24'C to 32.50'C. The coldest month is December with mean temperatures of 23.10"C to 29.60"C. For the climatologic normals, the factor of relative humidity averages annually at 84%. The highest relative humidity recorded is 88% during the month of January. The lowest recorded relative humidity of 80% is felt during the month of August. The area experiences prevailing winds with velocities annually averaging 3 meters per second. The general wind direction for the months of December to February is northeast, while for the months of March to May it is eastedy. For June to August, the area experiences southwesterly winds gradually shifting to west-southwest during September and to the west during October. For the month of November the average wind direction is eastedy. The annual wind direction is taken as easterly. The vapor pressure in the area averages at 30.03 millibars on a year. The highest vapor pressure is recorded during May with monthly average of 31. 40 millibars, while the lowest is during February with 2g.50 V millibars. Cloud cover averages at 6 ockta per annum with the cloudiest days for the months of June to March. The least clouds are experienced during the months of April and May with an average of S ocKa. Thunderstorms are frequent during June to November ranging from 6 to g days of thunderstorm per month. The least thunderstorms occur during the months of Oecember to April with ranges of .l to 4 days of thunderstorms per month. The annual total days of thunderstorms is taken at 59. The months with the most number of lightning days are August and October with an average of 17 days. On the other hand, the lightning days are not found during February. Page 10 of 54 JUL i 2 2007 MGB Form No 16腝1 Data on evaporation rates where not available in Surigao, however, the nearest available data are from the PAGASA Station at the l\y'usuan, Bukidnon Station averaged at 5.5 mm in a year. The highest evaporation rate is on April at 8.0 mm while the lowest is 4.2 mm during the month of July. The climatologic extremes computed from 1903 to 1995 are as follows: the highest monthly average of temperature is 37.5'C taken on '15 June 1987 while the lowest was on 24 February 1905 at 18.2'C. The low end of the high temperatures is from 24.6'C in 18 December '1905 while the high end of the low temperatures 20.8'C recorded on '18 May 1972. V For the climatologic extremes computer from 1950 to 1995, the area experiences winds with velocities annually averaging 34.6 meters per second. The highest wind velocity was recorded on 21 December 19g6 with 56 meters per second. The lowest for the extremes is 20 meters per second during 26 February 1968. The general wind direction for the months of January 10 March is north-northeast to northwest, while for the months of April to June it is west-southwest to south-southwest. For July to August, it varies from west-northwest to weslsouthwest. V The lowest sea level pressure during the period .1949 to 1995 ts recorded at 981.80 millibars on 27 October .1991 while the highest was on 17 January 1959 with 1,0.i 9.5 mi ibars. Rainfall data were taken from the records of the climatological station of PAGASA in Surigao City. A review of the PAGASA data te s that the annual rainfall in the area is 1,142 mm. The dry months are from December to May with monthly rainfall ranging from 40.6 mm to g7.O mm. The driest month is April with rainfall totaling only 40.6 mm over a S_day period. The west months are June to November with monthly rainfall ranges of 105.8 mm to i57.6 mm. The wettest month is October with rainfall registering at 157.6 mm over a period of .16 days. Page 'll of 54 JUL | 2 200i MGB Fo腵m No 16腝1 Six (6) tropical cyclones occurred during the past 4g-year period, which is an average of 0.12. The month of December had the most number of frequencies of tropical cyclone passage in the area, with an average of 0.04, followed by the months of March, August, October and November. No tropical cyclone crossed the area for the rest of the year. The most number of tropical cyclones passed over the area during the month of November followed by the month of December. No tropical cyclone affected the area in the months of June, July and September. For the other months, there was minimal threat of tropical cyclone passage over the area. The annual frequency of occurrence of tropical depression is at 0.14, tropical storm is at 0.27 and typhoon at 0.35. The remainder of the months showed minimal threat of tropical cyclone passage over the area. The waters in the western embayments of Dinagat lsland are quiet during the severest storms but very rough in the open sea and Surigao Channel. During severe storms the Surigao Channel may not be navigable by launches, resulting in the isolation of the island. This may happen once or twice a year and may last up to eight days. ln the local Visayan language, this phenomenon is known as.Walo-Walo', (from Walo meaning eight). V 4.4- Geological/ceomorphological Environment Geology based from the "SEOLOq\CAL REqORT ON THE SURTGAO ORES for the COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES, National Devetopment Company, Manita,, by Dean F. Frasche, Chief, Geological Survey Division, Bureau of Mines, 1938 With the reconnaissance made by pratt and Lednicky in 1915, little geological work has been done ln the Surigao Area. ln a general way, these early workers worked out, or tried to delimit, the western extension of the western overlying sedimentaries. Page 12 of 54 . iut r2 2007 MCB Form No 16 1 According to them, this contact is marked by and escarpment which strikes more sharply to the east and finally bends and strikes north making a narrow loop only to terminate on the north shore of Carrascal Bay. This contact has not been checked or traced out by the author, but it is certain that there is a sedimentary igneous contact in the interior almost nothing has been worked out in regard to the historical geology of this region. A great deal of the interior region adjacent to the eastern coast of Surigao has the appearance of a plateau, rising 125 to 924 meters above sea-level. The slopes from the western interior descend in a gentle manner to the eastern sea board. Upon these slopes, the wide spread lateritic iron deposits occur in blanket form, the ore being thin or totally absent in the erosion gullies and 膥 valleys. This ore mantle varies in thickness, and rests directly on a basement complex of serpentinized ultra-basic rocks. Basement Complex - the area under discussion is underlain by a series of ultra-basic rocks here named the basement complex. This complex extends trom lhe barrio of Capandan south along the coast to Carrascal Bay, its westward extensions are unknown. ln surface area, it represents approximately 60 square kilometers and is thought to be the oldest rock formation in the V Surigao district, probably dating form pre Miocene time. Kinds of Rocks - The rocks of the basement complex are represented in their order of abundance by serpentines, altered peridotites (?) and perhaps some altered diorites and andesites. Fragments and well worn pebbles of andesite have been found in the vicinity of Dahican Bay but their relationships to the older altered complex are unknown. However, in the northern part of the reservation, near kilometer g7 on the provincial Road, fresh andesite outcrops appear to intrude and cut the older basements. Page 13 of 54 JUL r 2 2107 MGB Form No 16 1 S9!pg4!!49 - This rock covers a larger part of the area and has been formed as an alteration product of the original peridotite (?) and other basic rocks. Locally, it can be found in the bottom of the erosion cuts and along the faces of the sea cliffs. Often, where the surface ore-mantle has been stripped off by erosion, it can be found in large areas. ln most exposures, lhe serpentine can be seen grading down into a more dense dark-green to black peridotitic rock. Small veins and stringers of a hydrous magnesium nickel silicate are commonly found in the serpentine. Near Kilometer 90 on the Surigao Provincial Road, and on the northern end of Dahican Peninsula small boulders of high grade chromite float have been found to be associaled with serpentinites. Peridotites (?) - fhe peridotites are exposed as boulder and large masses in place in the erosion cuts and along the faces of the sea-cliffs. Thy grade in color from dark green to black, are extremely hard and often show small phenocrysts of olivine. Petrographic studies of these rocks showed the olivine has altered to antigorite and serpenlinite. Diorib - fhe diorite and andesites have been recognized both from hand specimens and petrographic sections. Although gabbros have been reported they have not as yet been determined V with certainty. Structure - The entire basement complex is extremely fractured and faulted. No fault patterhs have been observed or worked out, and, though much faulting exists, the extent, magnitude and importance of faulting has yet to be determined. lt is felt that after more detailed filed work has been carried on the structural and stratigraphic relationship between the basement and the western high-land formations wi be determined. b Geology based from the r`REPORT OF W膌 ESTfG4 7JO蝗 IV0 35''re:`PRELIMINAR菁 RIPORT O蝗 7HE W1/ESTrC荘 TrO蝗 OF Page 14 of 54 JUL ,2 ZU07 MGB Form No 16 1 THE NICKEL.IRON REOSURCES OF THE 1914 SURIGAO IRON ORE RESERVATIOTV" by Rodrigo G. Rigor, Mining Engineer ll, Bureau of Mines, 1962. General Geolodv ln 1914 reservation area is underlain chiefly by a complex assemblage of serpentinized ultramafic rocks, metavolcanic rocks, amphibolite schist, talc-chromite The serpentinized ultramafic rocks underlie the eastern half of the area, flanked on the northwest and southeast by Tertiary clastic sedimentary rocks, limestone and basalt. Amphibiolite schist and metavolcanic rocks of probable pre-Tertiary age predominate on the southwestern portion. These earlier-formed iocks were included by the ultramafic rocks probably during the late Cretaceous time but definitely before Eocene times. lsolated remnants of Eocene limestone capping the serpentinized ultramaflc rocks are found at the north central portion of the reservation. Wright, et. a1.5, suggested that serpentinization of the ultramafic rocks subsequently followed after their emplacement. Field studies indicate the presence of two general types of ultramafic rocks, namely, dunite and pyroxene peridolite. V It is probable that a long period of erosion must have taken place sometime in late Tertiary time which extensively eroded the limestone and clastic sedimentary rocks capping the serpentinized ultramafic mass. Progressive uplift probably began in pleistocene time followed by peneplanation. The ensuing, most significant event was characterized by the tropical chemical weathering of the serpentinized ultramafic rocks and their clastic derivatives which consequenfly formed the nickel_iron resources of the 1914 Surigao lron Ore Reserva on. lt can be seen, therefore, that the areal distribution of the ultramafic rocks has a bearing on the nickel-iron resources of the reservation. 腂 韭:::腡 譔顒 f諊 靦 t隷:r 镲 貮le醟 軹 裻 软轒 辜鏏 铬l,:諭 ] P,olect senes,Ph"Bu Of Mines,Manma Page 15 of 54 腶 UL i2`uJ膌 MGB Form No 16腝 1 Descrrprl膜 苟e膍ic芽le膌o膜s DepOs膌芧 腵 "腂 OrrC771 0膌e De菏Osrrs The nickeliferous deposits consist of laterite and decomposed serpentinite. The deposits represent the residual products developed in place by chemical weathering of the serpentinized ultramafic rocks. D.A. Frasche6 proved by petrographic evidence that the degree of alteration of the original mineral constituents of the serpentine rock increases upward to the iron ore. Such progressive destruction of the country rock is ascribed to the action of percolating ground water. He concluded that by this process, great quantities of soluble malerials such as silica, magnesia and lime have been removed and the insoluble constituents of the serpenline rock such as iron and chromium, alumina, have accumulated to form the nickeliferous laterite deposits. The lateritic end product contains almost no magnesia and very little silica even though it originally constituted about 75% of the parent rock. General Features Despite the wide area underlain by serpentinized ultramafic rocks. the important nickeliferous deposits are found.only along the northeastern V coastal area of the 1914 reservation extending form southern Adlay northwestward to Urbiztondo, Claver. Small and scattered lateritic tracts are also found capping the more genfle ridges on the southwestern part of the reservalion particularly at Baoy and Mt. Legaspi Range. The reddish-brown lateritic soil capping the genfle ridges consists mainly of limonite and hematite with subordinate amount of magnetite. Near the surface and a few meters downward, small hard hematite and limonite pellets or shots are predominant. These pellets or shots increase in quantity and size toward the surface and sometimes are often found cemented into limonitic crust Frasche, D.F., 194j, Origin ot the Suirgao tron Ores; Econ. Geology, Vot.36, p. 230-305. Page 16 of 54 JUt I 2 2007 MGB Form No 16 1 The presence of different colors in the laterite zone as observed in road cuts, test pits and natural exposures led to the recognition of at least three zones, each zones being transitional to the next lower zone. The first zone which lies on the lopmosl layer exhibits form dark reddish brown to moderate brown color peculiar lo lateritic deposits in other tropical regions. The middle zone of zone 2 is light-brown to yellowish-brown, and zone 3 representing the base of the laterite displays variegated colors of yellowish-brown, yellow, red, pale greenish-yellow and black. High nickel is usually contained in this zone which extends downward to the upper part of the decomposed serpentinite. However, in some places, the enflched zone is entirely in the decomposed zone. De Vlette/ stated two factors that satisfy nickel concentration or enrichment, as follows: 1 Decomposition of serpentine with removal of its principal constituents, namely magnesia and silica, and consequent residual concentration of metallic components. 2 Dissolution of nickel from uppermost layers of laterite and its re_ precipitation in the lower layers and transition zone. Because of the inter-relation between solution and redeposition which represent a continuous process, lhe position of the enriched zone gradually moves downward. Underlying the laterite manfle is the light yellowish green to greenish and soft decomposed serpentinite. Being the basal portion ofthe two deposits, this ore contains higher nickelthan the overlying laterile soil. Vttli:苦 腁:il::::腸 MGB Form No. 16-1 The decomposed serpentinite ore displays greenish hues from pale greenish-yellow to greenish-gray. The contact between the overlying laterite and the decomposed serpentinite is very irregular. Field identification of the decomposed serpentine ore can be made by noting the color alone. The occurrence of light yellowish-green to light- green in preponderance to brown or red is characteristic of all decomposed zone encountered in the reservation. However, there are instances where the greenish material occurs in equal proportion with the brown or red. ln this case, a sharp contact between the laterite and decomposed serpentinite may nol be visible in the field. The position of the contact will then be based on the iron content rather than by color alone. 膥 4.5. BiologicalEnvironment 4.5.1. Plants The Project Area is covered with tropical jungle of dapterocarp variety. Although the lateite areas along the coastal areas are barren or covered with thin vegetal foliage, densely forested areas are also found farther inland. lron wood, locally known as ,,Magkuno,,, Felichenia linearis, Iocally known as "hagsam," and types of tropical lree called nickel tree or ,,paguspos,, predominate in the semi_barren areas. Furthar study will be undertaken to further enhance the existing information du ng the term of the Ep that may be granted. 4.5.2. Animals Fauna or animal life observed consists of birds (doves, grass birds and quails) and domesticated animals like cows, Glrabaos, dogs and goats. Page 18 of 54 JUt I ? 1007 MGB Fo腵m No 161 The Proponent commits to undertake comprehensive study to account all the terrestrial animals and planE in the Project Area. 46 Socio-Economic Environments 4.6.1 Demography Population Distribution/Trends Per 2000 NSO Survey, the Province's total population is 481,416 or an increase of 8.86% from the V 1995 survey ot 442,203 groMh with an annual rate of 1.710l0. Population density has also increased from '16'1 persons per square kilometer in 1995 to 175 in 2000. Household population correspondingly increased by 10.74o/o from 83,658 in 1995 to 92,645 househotds in 2000. lt has a projected poputation of 51S,929 jn 2003. The Province ranked 4rh in terms of population per province which contributed 17.32o/o ol the entire population of Caraga Region and 0.470lo of the entire population of the country. Young poputation is relatively high. There are 71 young dependents for every 1OO working population (.15_ 64 years old). ln conlrast, old dependency ratio (65 & above) was very low with only 7 old dependents to every '100 working population. There are aboul 7g.2go/o (346,185) of the totat population who are young (O_39 years old) of which 40% (175,672) ate male and 30% female. Source: Socio-Economic and Demographic profile of Surigao Oel Norte. Cy 2OO3 Page 19 of 5,1 2 `U3腝 腬 .10L MGB Form No 16腝 14612 Number of Births膌Deaths Some 11,308 livebirths were reported in 2002 with a decrease of 816. This implies that family planning program really work-out in the province. Of the total births, 51.38% (5,810) were males and 48.620/o lemale and majority (5,081) were bbrn at home. Surigao City being the highly urbanized center, still has the highest birth registration followed by the Municipality of Dapa while Burgos has the least number of registraiion. Deaths on the other hand had increased by 10.79o/o from 2O0'l lo 2002. Of the total deaths (2,238), 56.43% are males and 43.57ok arc females. Most death V cases (732) had occurred at home. The Municipality of Claver had the highest number of cases (82) followed by San Jose municipality. Povertylncidence The province has high poverty incidence of 56%, but this rate is lowest in the region. lt is decreasing from 58.3% in 1991. per 20OO NSCB report, poverty incidence has decreased to 25% with 22,97g poot families below poverty threshold with only php8,651.73 annual per capita poverty threshold and it has the lowest incidence among the four provinces of Caraga Region. 4.6.2. Economic profile Labor Force and Employment The Province registered some 3OS,OOO persons in the working age of 15 and above based on the 2O0O NSO Survey. Of the total persons belonging to the Page 20 of 54 JUt I 2 roC/ MGB Form No 16腝 1 working age, 208,000 persons or 68.1% were in the labor force while 97,000 or 3'1.9% were considered not in the labor force. Of those in the labor force 204,000 or 98% were employed while 4,000 ot 2yo wete unemployed. Employment rate in Surigao del Norte is higher than the rest of the Provinces of Caraga Region. Generally, more men were employed accounting 73.14% while women employees were only 26.85%. Likewise, unemployment registered 62.810/0 lot women, slightly higher than men which posted 37.19o/o. ll was noted that employment for both sexes was heavy between ages 15 up to 34 and was declining at age 35. V NSO data indicated that population distribution involving 15 years old and ?bove was almost equal in both urban and rural areas (49.77o/o u'b,an,50.23% rural). Urban - based workers accounted for 26.540/o or 66.764 while rural-based reached to 67.259 or 26.740/o ol the total working age of the province. ln both areas male employees consistently outnumbered their women counterpart (urban: 69.11./o male, 30.89% femate: rutal : 77 .160/0 male, 22.84o/o female).) 腝 Labor force survey show urban-based workers, participation to stand at 49.82o/o as against rural-based 50.19%. Among the major industry groups, Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry exhibited the highest employment with 71,696 or 53.50% white Electricity, Gas and Water was the lowest posting at 32%. Labor force participation in 1gg0, 1995, 1990 and 1995 indicated men's participation rate consisten y exceeded that of women. ln 1995, participation rate was 71% for men and 38.6% for women. Page 21 of 54 Jur I 2 iii$r MGB Form No 16腝 1 Employment rates in 1990 showed males lo be dominant with 94.8% employment rate (98,032 employed) as against women's participation rate of 79.9% (35,991 employed). On the other hand, women exhibited a higher unemployment rate of 21.1yo ovet men's 5.2%. Employment rate for both sexes was highest in Surigao mainland at 91.4%. Siargao and Dinagat lslands posted identical employment rate at 89%. ln Siargao and Dinagat however, unemployment rate was higher at 1 1% compared to mainland's 8.6%. Family lncome and Expenditures Some 18,419 families were earning a yearly average family income of PhP25,611.00 and spent an average of PhP25,501.00. A small number of 480 affluent families were earning yea y an average of PhP261,053.00 and spent only around PhP73,018.00. On the average, considering all income classes, a family in the province exhibited an average yearly income of PhP47,556.00 and yearly expenditures of php40,427.00. \/ tn 1994 NSO data, .a totat of 98.180 families posted an average per capita income of phpi0,539.00 and average per capita expenditure of php8,746.OO. ln particular, the highest per capita income class (PhP50,000.00 and over) disptayed a php74,376.OO average per capita income, while that of the lowest class (under PhP2,500.00) per capita income was only PhP2,034.00. On sources of income, 43,023 families (44vo) were engaged in various entrepreneurial activities such as crop farming and gardening (16%), fishing (15%) and Page 22 ol 54 JuL | 2 t00l MCB Form No 16腝1 wholesale and retail (7%). About 33,931 families (35%) were wage and salary earneis and 21,226 or 21o/o were dependent of other sources like crop-sharing and cash- receipls, support, assistance and relief from domeslic source. Distribution of family expenditures revealed that food consumed at home posted the highest expenditure (57.6%). This is followed by renvrental value of occupied dwelling units (7%) and fuel, light & water (5.1%). Per NSO report, the Gonsumer Price lndex (CPl) for all items was increasing from 165.3 in 2000 to 174.0 in 2001. lnflation rates also rise up from 4.1 in 2000 to 5.3 in 2001 while decreasing for the purchasing power of peso from 0.60 to 0.57. ln 2001, "the housing and repairs" commodity group has the highest average consumer price index (225.0) followed by the "fuel, light and water" group ('178.1) and the least went to the household furnishing, operations or miscellaneous group. Agriculture & Natural Resources 腝 Crop Production Overall production of crops for Yeat 2002 totalled to 557,716.30 metric tons. This year crop production showed a remarkable increase of 130% compared to last year's production of 241,793.70 metric tons. However, harvest area has decreased lrcm 143,294 hectares in 2001 to 142,374 hecta.es in 20.02. Coconut land comprised the biggest area of 110,500.00 hectares while coffee had only 30.0 Page 23 of 54 JUL 1 2 `||膌 MGB Form No 16 1 hectares. ln terms of production, coconut had decreased its yield from 102,969.26 metric tons in 2001 to 93,386.37 metric tons in 2002. Coconut farmers all over the province numbered 46,053. Absolute palay area reached a total of '18,609 hectares of which 11,175 hectares (60.05%) were irragated and 7,434 hectares (39.950/o) rainfed. Palay production showed a slight decreased ol 1.7o/o fto.r, 65,699.00 metric tons in 2001 to 64.584.00 metric tons in 2002. Palay consumption requirements for 2002 resulted to a deficit of some 406,045 metric tons. V Production was very low in other crops particularly cacao (95 hectares), coffee (30 hectares), and abaca (50 hectares) at 42.0 metric tons, 21.25 metric tons and 131 .0 metric tons respectively. Poultry & Livestock Livestock and poultry has an aggregate population of 637,4a7 heads. Chicken topped the list with 445.580 representing 69 9%. There was a reported surplus of 3,506,913 kgs. of carabeef and 17,770 kgs. of duck in the province. Moreover, surplus of 2,341,226 kilograms was registered on pork production also. Consumption requirements for beef and chicken surpassed production. For beef, consumption was estimated at 625,453 kgs. but production yietded onty 4.12,596 kgs. which Page 21 of 54 JUL r 2 2007 MGB Fo腵m No 161 resulted to 212,857 kgs. deficit. Chicken has registered a deficit of 2,395J04 kgs. while goat production registered a surplus of 24,498 kgs. for the whole province. There are 17 commercial livestock and poultry farms in the entire province with 9,263 animals. Chicken and ducks have the highest population of 3,770 heads and 4,695 heads, respectively. Animals slaughtered in abattoirs totaled to 516,540 heads of which 497,273 heads were chicken. Fishery & Aquatic Resources 腛 Total fishery production of the province showed a decreasing trend on fish catch volume on commercial, municipal marine, inland and aquaculture which totalled to 54,463.4 metric tons for the year 2002 as compared to 62,616.8 metric tons in 2000. An overall 14.97% decrease was registered in year 2OO2 altogether with the downward trend on the fishery components for this year. Although there was a decrease of fish production but still the total consumption requirements is sufficiently supplied and a surptus of 34,963,594 kgs. was recorded in 2002. Mineral Resources Metallic reserves registered a total of 14,678,'155.8 metric tons. Nickel Siticate Ore posted a 55.08% share of the total reserves or Page 25 ot 54 -uL I 2 200; MCB Form No 16腝 1 8,084,178.8 NIT, while Gold and Copper have a deposit of 3,596,700 metric tons. lron Ore has 2,103,767 metric tons and chromite has 893,510 metric tons. For the non-metallic, limestone has 230,720,716 metric tons and silica deposits has 148,173,727 metric tons. For the year 2002, there were no existing Permit Holders for Guano and Phosphate. Under the Mineral Production, a total of 1,406,260 DMT was noted for the Nickel Silicate V Ore wilh a corresponding value of PhP1,102,408,166.30. These products ate exported to Japan and Australia with a corresponding sales. of PhP417,866,588 for 670,640.79 DMT of Nickel Silicate Ore. Chromite Concentrate has only 'l,554.39 DMT with a value of PhP2,480,850.36. On the other hand, lron Ore, Silica, Clinker and Limestone has a total production of 336,423 metric tons with a total value of PhP119,726,064.'18. These products are used mainly as raw materials for cement. Fot yeat 2OO2, 'cement has a production of 5,743,050 bags while sand and gravel has 76,754.50 cu.m. for local consumption only. Page 26 of 54 2007 腶UL i2 MGB Form No 161 4 6 3 1nfrastructure膌uti!ities 4631 TranspOrtation Land Transportation The Land Transportation Office has registered a total of 13,376 vehicles, lt posted an increase of 21o/o from the 11,060 of last year. These transport vehicles included government, for hire and privately owned vehicles. Government owned vehicles had the least number of 426 while privately owned vehicles had the most number of 9,942 registered vehicles. Road Netwo* The province has a total road network of 2,581.81 kilometers. The National Roads constitute 15.10% with 389.808 kms; Provincial Roads comprise about 12.09% with 314.246 kms; Municipal and City Roads consist of 17.13o/o wilh V 442.327 kms and the Barangay Roads is 52.30% with 1,437.44 kms. There are about 13,466.99 linear meters of bridges, 70.50% are timber with 9,499.67 ln.m of which some of these bridges need repair. Concrele bridges constitule 20.14% wllh 2712.1U ln.m. Steel Bridges posted the highest increase in length due to the construction of steel bridges thru President's Bridges Program. lt comprises 7.6% with 1,023.44 ln.m. The rest are Re-inforced Concrete Pipe Culverts (RCPP), Re-inforced Box Page 27 ol 54 苆Uur JUL 1 2 MGB Form No 161 Culverts (RCBC) and spillways, which constitute 1.76%. Air Transportation The province can be reached by air transportation from Manila and other places in the country via Cebu City. At present two airlines are serving the province. Asian Spirit serves the passengers from Cebu to Surigao City Airport while Sea Air flies Cebu to Sayak Airport. Surigao City Airport is classified as !,/ secondary (Class D) .with a dimension of 1,536 meters x 30 meters located at km 4, Surigao City. Sayak Airport is a feeder (Class G) with a runway dimension of 1,000 m x 30 m located at Brgy. Sayak, Del Carmen, Sairgao lsland. Sea Transportation The province has extensive coasfline. There are four major island groups along with numerous off shore islets which are; the Mainland, Dinagat lsland, Siargao lsland and Bucas Grande lsland. This unique geographic condition demands efficient sea transport facilities. The national baseport is located in Surigao City. lt caters small to big vessels from other cities and provinces. The Maharlika Ferry Terminal is the only ferry terminal in the province. There are also 2 fishing ports, 78 Barangay ports, 40 Page 28 of 5/t JUI I 2 2007 MGB Form No 16腝 1 Municipal Ports, 5 anchorage/beaching Areas and I private ports. The records of the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) revealed that there was a decrease of vessel traffic in almost all ports in the province. Surigao City Baseport in particular had a decrease of port-calls from 3,6'17 in 2001 to 3,389 in 2002 with a corresponding decrease of cargo tonnage handled from 208.997 in 2001 to'189,93'1 in 2003. Passenger Traffic also decreased from 694.325 in 2001 to 660.479 in 2002. V Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities The province is served with 3 water districts under Local Water Utilities Administration namely; Surigao Metropolitan Water District (SMWD), Placer Water District and Bacuag Water District. The newly created Dapa Water District is still on the construction phase of its water system. Del Carmen Rural Water Supply Associatlon (DELCARUWASA), a private enterprise is operating a Level lll Water Supply System in Del Carmen which is run by its Pastoral Council. SMWD is the biggest water district with 10,187 active connections having average monthly collection of PhP2,301,285.00. There are about i4 municipal wateMorks systems in the province. Most of these systems adopt the combined system of household connections with communal faucets. It operates at flat rate. There are 136 Level ll water systems. Most of these are utilizing spring sources. Often times Page 29 of 54 JUt r 2 !u0l MGB Form No 161 these systems encounter maintenance problems because water service is commonly free in the rural areas. LGU is subsidy sustaining its operation. Level I facilities are common in rural areas majority of which are owned privately. Such facilities are of different types of wells equipped \with hand pumps or developed spring with transmission line and one communalfaucet. On irrigation, of the 120 Communal lrrigation Systems (ClS), 11 are privately owned systems, the rest are government owned which were mostly constructed by the National lrrigation V Administration. These systems servic€ an area of 6,382 hectares which reflected a slight increase of 46 hectares as compared in 2001 but with a slight decrease of 328 farmer beneficiaries lrom 7022 of last year. Power The National Power Corporation (NPC) is supplying power in the province through the three V electric cooperatives namely; SURNECO in the mainland, DIELCO in Dinagat lsland and SIARELCO in Siargao lsland and Bucas Grande lsland. SURNECO was serving 183 barangays with 35,5'16 connections in 2002. The barangays served constituted 90.'15% of the 203 barangays in the 'l'1 mainland municipalities and Surigao City. It supplied power at 24 hour operation daily. lts average monthly residential consumption was '175,251 kwh and 84,U2 kwh for average Page 30 of 54 JUL 1 2 1007 MGB Form No 16腝 1 commercial consumption. The industrial connection had the least average monthly consumption of 19,723 kwh. SIARELCO had completely energized lhe 131 barangays in Siargao and Bucas Grande Islands. Some of these barangays were served by generating sets. lt has served 13,928 households with 17.783 households still unserved. lts coverage monthly consumption was 370,542.50 kwh. Of the 100 barangays covered under DIELCO only 53 barangays were energized. lt was serving 6,973 households with 1'1,'149 households unserved. lt had an average monthly consumption of 11,165.25 kwh. The system was being served with 2-250 KVA, 1-364 KVA, 3-167 KVA and 2-400 KVA generating sets. Power rates in the mainland (SURNECO) was cheaper compared to the two electric cooperatives in the islands due to higher cost of operation in the islands. Communication The province has sufficient communication facilities. A Central Communication Center has been installed in the Capitol Building with access to all the municipalities except Burgos. The Provincial Health Office has also a radio communication access to all of their District Hospitals and Rural Health Stations. Page 31 of 54 JUL | 21001 MGB Form No 16 1 Although only the Surigao City has households telephone systems connection, but almost all the municipalities are served with two public calling systems, Philcom and DOTC Telephone System. About 14 municipalities have been installed with cellsites of SMART. ln 2002. there was drastic decrease of government handheld radios from 1564 to only 40 because said radios were already not functional. They were left unrepaired because of the advent of the mobile phone services. Public Building 腛 The province has sufficient number of public buildings. lt has a total of 148 Barangay Halls, 'l'19 Multipurpose Halls, 99 Day Care Centers, 141 Barangay Health Centers, 37 Municipal and Barangay l\,larkets and I Public Terminals. 50 DESCRIPTION OF EXPLORATION PROGRAM For further details of the Exploration activities, please refer to the Two (2) - Year Exploration Work Program. The details of the said Exploration program are summarized as follows: 51 Description of Exploration Method(s) and Equipment to be used 5.1.1 Research. compilation and review The initial data collected was conducted within parcel I of the SMR. There is still a further need to conduct research studies for Page 32 of 54 J腶t 1 2 2007 MGB Fo腵m No 161 collection of all available data. This will be undertaken for a period of two (2) month by a licensed Mining Engineer. 5.1.2 Reconnaissance/Regional Survey orStudies Geological Mapping/Alteration Studies This study, which will be undertaken manually for three (3) months and will cover the whole Project Area, involves the investigation/ evaluation of the surface indications and geologic features of the area such as lithology, mineralization, intensity and type of alteration, etc., that would indicate/establish the identifying promising areas. The actual field survey will include geological traverses along drainage channels, road cuts, and other surface structures. Compass and tape mapping might be resorted along sections with prominent exposures or mineralization. The survey will focus on the distribution of the laterite deposits in the Project Area. GeochemicalSurvey The reconnaissance geochemical survey will be undertaken in the whole Project Area for a period of three months simultaneously . undertaken with the reconnaissance geological mapping, to determine the geochemically anomalous areas by systematic collection of samples. The survey is the systematic collection of stream sediments samples in pre-selected points from the base of the slopes and ridge and stream sediments. Stream sediments will be collected by sieving in the size of minus 2 mm. and minus 8o-mesh. Rock floats by identification and selective sampling. Each of the Page 33 of 54 rut I 2 2U07 MGB Form No 16腝 4 minus 2 mm and minus 80- mesh stream sediments, and rock samples will be taken al a density of one (1) sample for every one ('l) square kilometer. Thus. approximately eleven (11) samples will be collected for each of the sample type or a total of thirtylhree (33) samples weighing at least one (1) kilogram per sample. 5.1.3. Semi-Detailed Survey or Follow-up Studies Geological Mapping or Follow-up Studies This activity involves mapping of outcrops along creeks and olher exposures.. This will be undertaken to accurately map and delineate the rock types, alteration mineralogy and structures such as faults, folds, dip of strata in prospective areas, etc. The coverage of this activity will be dependent on the results of reconnaissance studies. lt is assumed that five hundred (500) hectares will be the coverage of this study. This activity will be undertaken for a period of three (3) months using GPS Unit, brunton compass, sample picks, etc. No equipment will be utilized. GeochemicalSurvey Delineated anomalous areas during the interpretation of regional geochemical data will be re- evaluated into a closer density. The same coverage wath that of semi-detailed geological mapping, which is 2OO hectares. Stream sediments will be collected by sieving in the size of minus 2 mm. and minus 8o-mesh. Rock floats by identification and selective sampling. Each of Page 34 of 54 JUl. I 2 1ul7 MGB Fo腵m No 164 the minus 2 mm and minus 80- mesh stream sediments, and rock samples will be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every three hundred (300)-meter grid interval. Hence, at least fifty (50) samples will be collected for each of the sample type or a total of one hundred fifty (150) samples weighing at least one (1) kilogram per sample. No equipment will be utilized. Subsurface lnvestigation V There are two types of subsurface investigation that will be implemented under this activity; Test pitting and Auger drilling. These will be undertaken in the most promising or favorable sites to determine the persistence of lhe structures/mineralized/altered zones at limited depth. lt is assumed that one hundred fifty (150) hectares are the promising areas identified in the Previous survey. Auger holes will be dug at 100 meters x 100 meters grid interval or a tolal of one hundred fifty (150) auger holes with average depth of eight (8) meters or a total meterage of one thousand two hundred (1,200) meters. Samples will be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every 2-meter depth, hence, six hundred (600) soil samples are expected during this stage. This will be undertaken for a period of five (5) months and will utilized "hand-held" auger drill. Test pits will be dug at 200 meters by 2OO meters grid interval or a tolal of thirty eight (38) test pits with dimension of 1 meter by 2 meter and average depth of Page 35 oI 54 JUL l2 td0l MGB Form No 16腝 1 eight (8) meters or a total meterage of three hundred four (304) meters. Samples will be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every meter depth of the test pits, hence, three hundred four (304) geochemical soil samples are expected during this stage. This activity will be conducted for a period of six (6) months utilizing certain digging tools such as pick mattocks, shovels, carpentry tools, etc. 5.1.4. Topographic Survey fopographic survey will determane where the actual v exploration activities will be undertaken. Survey controls will be necessary to the conduct of detailed survey works. The topographic survey will also be needed in planning, construction and development works and ore reserve calculations. The said activity, which will cover the whole project for a duration of three (3) months, will be undertaken thru Contractual Basis. 5.1.5. Detailed ceologic Survey 荖 5. 1.5.'1. Detailed Geological Mapping The detailed geological mapping program will be carried out as limited exploration works during semi- detailed geologic survey failed to note some important soil geochemical anomalies. These activity will cover the same area subject of subsurface investigations, which is one hundred fifty (150) hectares and will be undertaken for a period of four (4) months using GpS Unit, brunton compass, sample picks, etc. Page 36 oI 54 JUt t 2 2007 MCB Form No 16` GeochemicalSurvey The geochemical survey will be carried out to gain a better understanding of the geochemical characteristics of the laterite deposits that will help to established highly anomalous areas which will be subjected to future x-ray drilling activities. Closely spaced grid system for sampling point location and control will be utilized. The same area covered by detailed geological mapping will be the coverage of this activity and simultaneously undertaken with the same activity. Stream sediments will be collected by sieving in V the size of minus 2 mm. and minus 8o-mesh. Rock floats by identification and selective sampling. Each of the minus 2 mm and minus 80- mesh stream sediments, and rock samples will be taken at a density of one (1) sample for every grid interval of 100 meters by 1OO meters. Hence, one hundred fifty (150) samples will be collected for each of the sample type or a tolal of four hundred fifty (450) samples of at least one (1) kilogram per sample. This activity will be undertaken utilizing simple 荶 tools, such as GPS Unit, brunton compass, sample picks, etc. 5.2- Preliminary processing of samples There will be no preliminary processing of samples to be undertaken within the Contract Area. Samples will be sent to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. Xlll, for the determination of nickel and chromite contents of the samples. Page 37 ot 54 JUt | 2 ?007 mGB Fom No 16腝 1 MCB Form No 161 MGB Form No 16 1 During Surface lnvestigation Ground disturbance dr.iring surface investigation is minor erosion due to collection of samples, minimal clearing of vegetative cover and disturbance of natural habitat. Auger Drilling Activities The clearing of drilling sites will affect vegetative cover and topography. Thus, might increase the existing rate of erosion. lt will affect the natural habitat of animals. Test pitting Activities Effect on the environmental setting due to test pitting is minimal since this is only a narrow vertical excavalion. Soil and rocks produced from the excavation will only be the one to affect the environmental setting such as increase the rate of erosion, loss of vegetation, entrapment of stray animals. However, test pits especially in those areas which are not mineralized will be immediately backfilled upon completion of the same. Drilling Activities The clearing of drilling sites will affect vegetalive cover and topography. Thus, might increase the existing rate of erosion. lt will affect the natural habitat of animals. Fuel and oil spills may contaminate the water and soil in the area. Page 40 of 54 JUL I 2 ZUO/ MGB Form No 16腝1 62quality On hydrology and water 6.2.1 Potential generation of Acid Mine Drainage Generation of Acid Mine Drainage is impossible, however, if possible will only be minimal. Sulfur, chlorite, chloride, nitrite is very minimal if present in the host rocks, laterite soil, and other rocks present in nickel-chromite mineralization. ln addition, restoration of the exploration areas that is not mineralized will be given preferential attention in backfilling, as such, these areas will not be exposed for a long period of time (duration is one of the parameters for generation of acid mine). 6.2.2 Siltation and Pollution of Surface Waters Siltation occurs already in the area since some portion of the area is erosion class E1. Exploration activities might induce additional erosion, soil and water contamination due to the drill equipment's use of fuel, lubricants and oil. Pollution on surface and seawaters will be caused mainly by erosion. 腛 However, drill holes will be plug upon completion of the drilling activities while test pits will be immediately backfilled also upon completion of the same. ln addition the mitigating measures to be undertaken by the proponent will certainly help to minimize the potential effects. 6.2.3 Changes in hydrology There will be no changes in hydiotogy srnce there will be no diversion of exiting drainage pattern. Small ponds, including its drain channels, to be constructed will be intended to collect silts caused by erosion and these are not permanent. Page 4'l of 54 JUL 1 2 2002 MGB Form No 16腝1 63 On the Ecology Alternation of landform from non-productive area to mining area, if found to be feasible, will benefit immediate vicinity due to labor employment, development of community as well as the technology. However, exploration activities and other related human activities might have significant effect such as displacement of flora and fauna due to clearing of vegetation and noise and waste generation. Effect on natural drainage is minimal since change in topography and denudalion caused by exploration activities is still tolerable. ln addition, mitigating measures are to be undertaken by the proponent to prevenuminimize the damages that may be caused by the exploration 腛 activities. 64 On Socioeconomic Effects During the Period, the introduction of.Project over lhe area may very little significant effect to the socio-economic condition of the area considering the extent of work to be done and the actual fund infusion to the community is relatively small since maior part of the fund will be utilized for the excavation (drilling and test pitting) activities (the fund will 荖 not revolve in the community). However, once the area is found to be feasible for extraction and exploitation of minerals, meaning the commence of mining operation, the concerned and immediate communities will be benefited due to the labor employment and community development as well as technology advancemenl, etc. On the parl of National arld Local Government, taxes that will be generated such as but not limited to royalty, occupation fee, income tax, business tax, etc. While the negative effects of the proposed project (exploration activities) are confused perception by local residents due to Page 42 ot 54 JUL I 2 100, MGB Fo腵mNo 161 misinformation of project implementation, safety of workers during the excavation of test pits may be compromised, migration into the project area due to wrong speculations. 7.O ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEASURES INCLUDING TOTAL COST 7.1 The following mitigating measures will be undertaken by the Proponent to prevent or minimize the effect on environmental sefting caused by exploration activities, to wit: 7.1.1 Construction and Upgrading of trails and traverses 7 .1.1.1 Use of existing trails and traverses; 7 .1.1.2 Construction of trails and traverses will be designed and constructed in relation to contour of the area such as avoiding steep slopes of the area or highly erodable areas, limiting the grades of the traverses or trails, etc.; 7 .1.1 .3 Cutting of trees will be avoided as much as possible; Sloping loose ground, especially caused by constructed trails and traverse, will be Rip-rapped or moon scrapes will be introduced to prevent the increase of rate of erosion, siltation, subsidence and landslidesi Revegetation/reforestation of the ground slopes and sides of the trails or traverses; 7 .1.1.6 Conduct regular maintenance, and 7 .1.1.7 After completion of exploration activities, trails and traverses will be ripped, to promote the groMh of endemic plants, and revegetated/refo rested. 7.1.2 Construction of field/fly camps, Staff house and facilities Staff house with corresponding concreted septic tanks, storage house, etc. will be built wilhin the project Area . While fly camp/s that will be used in operation will be built removable and transferable. Small septic tanks and waste dumps for biodegradable materials will also be constructed; Page 43 of 54 JU L. I 2 200, MGB Form No 16 1 7.'1.2.2 Proper housekeeping will always be observed; Recycling of solid waste will be observed. Unrecycable so腡d vvaste vv腡| be disposed in the Municipality's/Barangay's Solid Waste Disposal Area; 7124 The fly camp will be dismantled at the end of the exploration activities; periphery 7125 The of the staff and storage house will be replanted/reforested for beautification purposes; and 7 1 26period, At the end of exploration staff and storage houses will be given to the landowner. However, if the landowner is not interested, the said facilities will be dismantled and the area covered thereby will be ripped and planted by fruit bearing trees. 7 1 3 During Exploration Activities 7134 Revegelation/reforestation of the damage areas, denuded areas, and ground slopes to prevent erosion, 7 1 32 Cutting of trees and vegetation will be avoided as much as possible; 7133 Exploration works and other disturbed areas that are not mineralized or that are not necessary for future re- evaluation work shall be rehabilitated/restored and reforested immediately; V 7134produced Stockpile materials from drilling and testpitting will be used to restore the area (backfilling). The said stockpile materials, placed ,;ithin the perimeter of each excavation, will be enclosed and the height of the stockpiles will be minimize along slopes to prevent erosion and siltation, 7435 The topsoil shall be stockpiled separate from the subsoil for proper backfilling and revegetation. And as much as possible, stockpiles or erosion prone areas shall be provided with drain channels to prevent erosion. Page 44 of 54 JUL : 2 Z00膌 MGB Fo腵 m No 164 7 .1.3.6 Fencing of excavations, using ropes and twigs, as well as warning device/signs will be provided to prevent entrapment of stray animals or accident to by-passers; Test pits during its active state will be provided with a canvass roof not only to prevent water from going into the excavation and disrupt the work schedule but also to protect the health of the workers; Handling of toxic and hazardous materials - there will be no toxic and hazardous materials to be used during the duration of the exploration period. lf the said materials refer to the lubricants, fuels and oils that will be used by drilling equipment, these will be handled carefully in the storage room, while drilling and refueling areas will be provided with bunds and lined with impervious materials to prevent soil contamination. ln addition, biodegradable drilling fluids shall be used as much as possible; 7 .1.3.9 Drilling equipmenumachines will always be lubricated to minimize noise pollution; Refueling will be carefully undertaken i.e., using fuel pump and hose, etc., Water recycling will be implemented through provision of water tanks/ponds in each drill site; and 7.'1.3.12 Auoid throwing of trash in the field. A waste pit on a V specific stte away from the any source of water will be designated for waste duping of organic waste. Garbage drums will be provided as depository of domestic solid and non-degradable waste. This will be collected for disposal to the lvlunicipality's/Barangay,s Solid Waste Disposal Area. lf possible, refuse, such as cans, botfles, etc., shall be recycled or sold. 7.1.4 Small ponds 7 .1 .4.1. Water ponds, including its drain channels, at a considerable distance below the exploration workings and erosion prone areas will be provided for assurance that all Page 45 of 54 腶 Ut ' 2 2007 MGB Form No 16腝 1 the silts are collected while in some areas it will be constructed when it is deemed necessary; Desiltation on the said ponds shall be done regulady to make/act efficiently. Silt materials will be immediately used in the rehabilitation of the excavated areas. Once erosion is almost negligible (very minimal), the said ponds will be rehabilitated and reforestedi and 7.1.5 Waste Pitg 7 .1.5.1 A waste pit on a specitic site away form the any source of water will be built for waste dgmping of organic waste; 7152pits, Fencing of waste using ropes and twigs, as well as warning device/signs will be provided to prevent entrapment of stray animals or accident to by-passers; 7153 After completion of the exploration activities, the said pit will be rehabilitated and reforested. 7.1.6 Other mitigating measures/commitments 7 .1.6.1 The Proponent and its employees will be made aware regarding the local restrictions, and environmental sensitive and risk areas within the Project Area, 7 .1.6.2 The staffs and workers will undergo training in mining conditions, fire prevention and control measures, pollution prevention and cleanup procedures, hazardous material use and handling, occupational health and safety, etc.; 7.'1.6.3 Staffs and workers shall be provided with safety gadgets such as hard hats, safety boots and goggles, dust mask, etc. Whenever the potential for acid generation and other effluents are identified, a plan for the disposal of acid generating materials and t|e prevention of acid mine drainage shall be submitted to the Bureau for review; Prior to start, during and after the implementation of Exploration activities, an lnformation, Communication Page 46 of 54 JUL l2 2007 MGB Form No 16腝 1 and Education (ICE) Campaign shall be conducted to inform the immediate community and to address whatever problems/issues may arise; A nursery will be established and maintained to propagate seedlings to be used in the reforestation; The residents of the concerned barangay will be given priority on the hiring of laborers. Provided thal lhey should satisfy/pass the medical examination as an assurance they are indeed fit10 work, 7 .1.6.8 Any incidenuaccidents that will happen will be reported to the concerned Government Agency; 7 .1.6.9 Research and studies will contanuously undertaken by the proponent to furlher improve the mitigating measures as 腝 well as research and studies on the vegetation that will thrive and will give best result on soil stabilization to minimize erosion; and Monitoring of the Project Area will be continuously undertaken even after the Exploration Period to assure that impacts are properly mitigated. 72 腔 MGB Form No 16 1 ( MCB Forln No 16腝 1 'l 1. Monitoring and lvaintenance of Environmental Activities B BASEL:NEINFORMAT:ON GATHERING l Water Qualty 20,00000 2. Hydrology Study 5,00000 3. Flora and Fauna 5,00000 4. Community Study 10,00000 5. Air Quality 5,00000 C. Preparation of Semi-Annual and Annual Reports 500000 Total Cost 220,00000 腶腌 裪 芒腀 裪腀 艭腀腨 裪裪 腵 Page 49 of 5,1 MCB Form No 16腝1 MGB Form No 16 1 ProIferation 苑 - Proper draindge shall be provided rnsects 腀 to prevent accumulation of watel partcuiary 腀 from any excavation. mosqurtoes 腀 - lmmediate backfiling of 腀 excavations upon work complelion EntraPrnent 芄 - Fencing of excavations using ropes stray animals 臥 and twigs. accident 艏 - Provrde warning devise/signs to as passersby safety reminders to by-passers. - lmmediate backtilling ot 1000000 excavations upon work completion - The topsorl shall be stockpiled separate from the subsoil for proper backfilling and revegetation and each stockpile shall be maintarned at consrderable heights and low - angles prone Stockpiles or erosion areas shall be provided with drain channels to prevent erosion - As much as possible the stockpile shall be put at the low-prone erosion areas or at the upper side of the excavations so that whatever will be eroded goes back to the - excavated portion. Enclosure 1000000 of stockpile Sorlcompaction - Ripprng the contour to promote - natural plant grow.th; and To ensure that slopes are stabiltzed to prevent erosion and loss of vegetation moon scrapes will be introduced. - Encourage the groMh of natural vegetation by spreading the - stockpiled topsoil; lvlaintain and/or establtsh a nursery during the exploration program for - Progressive rehabilitation As much as possible the nalural specie of the area will be maintained 3000000 JUL i 2 2007 Page 52 oI 54 MGB Form No 16 1 Hydrology sltat onpits - lmmediate backfilling of test and plugging of driil holes. Ouality lmmediately after the desired samples are taken or after the study of the area is completed - Test pits during its active state will be provided with a canvass roof not only to Prevent water from going into the excavation and dlsrupt the | work schedule but also to protect 1500000 ihe health of the workers Use of drilling Biodegradable drilling fluids shall :hemicals :ontam nat on be used as mirch as possible Refueling areas shall be provrded with bunds and lrned wilh impervpus matenals to prevenl sorl contaminationi | Water recyclng will be mplemented through provision of water 1000000 tanks/ponds in each drill s te. Clearing of Siltalron/turbidity - Provide silUsediment traps; Yegetation - Provide temporary srlt ponds and permit the release of clear waler only Desiltation shall be done regularly to make the said ponds efficient Silt materials wll be either mixed with the soil stockpile or be immedialely used in the progresstve .rehabilitation of the project 1500000 camp ng Contamrnation - Campsites will be located at teast due 100 meters away from creeks generatron to and/or river system and it will be human of provided wjth proper latrine waste related - facililies A waste segregation scheme will be introduced to encourage recyclinq | and to lessen the volume of waste | generation - Biodegradable waste shall be buried in pits while non-recyclable non-biodegradable waste shall be brought out of the site for disposal | at the Municipality s designated dumpsde 500000 JUL t 2 100, Pago 53 of 5,( MCB Form No 16 1 Ecology clearing oI DisplacemenUlo Vegetation clearing will be avoided vegetation and ss of flora and as much as possible and noise noise generation fauna generation will be kept lo its baresl minimum. Loss of rare Areas identified as special habitat species of flora of flora and fauna will be avoided and fauna and rts eristence will be reported to concerned government agencies. foul odor. health A specific site away from any generation problem, water source of water will be designated pollution visual for waste dumping, organic waste nuisance. may will be buried In pits while the displace inorganic waste will be collected sens(ive flora and taken out of the site for and fauna possible recycling o. disposal to Municipal dumpsite. Socio- Prolect Displacement of - Promoteemploymentopportunities economic implementation by giving local residents priority on Effect activities job available rn relaton to thls - project. just Provide a compensation to private property owners that may be disturbed by the project 2000000 Misinformation Disharmonious - Conduct IEC acttvities before the on prqecl relationship project implementation to keep the implementation between the personnel, residents and the LGU residents and well-rnformed of the programs of the Contractor - the company Keep an open communtcation with the community through a conducl of regular meetings to give an update - on the status of the project Meet the community after the prolect has been accompllshed lo give them the information with regard to the findings and fut!re company plans tnvolvhg the area, if there is any. 1000000 Unsafe working Heallh 腜 hazards A腡 condition to workers employees shall be provided wlh Protective equipment and Proper medietl attention will be accorded to them regularly, Training on safety and proper equipment handling shall be provided to all personnel 2000000 JUt ,l 2 200' paso sir or5,{ MGB Forn No 16腝 1 D sharmon ous lncrease Limit the hiring of non-resident relat onship w thpersonnel; migration workers to technical residents and Priorities for employment shall be loss ofgiven to all residents of the tradit Ons膌 cu ture concerned Municipality/Province 10 0 PREPARED BY:  CARLOS腒 Mining Engineer PRC No 2379 PTR No 4184826 E lssued on腶 anuary 5,2006 1ssued in Makai Civ 11 0 APPROVED BY: 腒 FRA LA0 Chief Executive Otficer Oriental Synergy Mining Corporation UL 1 2 2007 腶 Page 55 of 54