EX-10.28 6 u45517exv10w28.txt AMENDMENT OF CLAUSE 9.3.1 DATED SEPT. 17 2002 Exhibit 10(28) Ukrainian and English versions carry equal forces. Ukrainian translation omitted. Annex AMENDMENT OF CLAUSE 9.3.1 OF AMENDMENTS OF AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGREEMENT NO 01 OF MARCH 20, 1998 ON JOINT INVESTMENT PRODUCTION ACTIVITY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND FURTHER EXPLORATION OF THE BUGRUVATIVSKE FIELD WITHOUT CREATION OF A LEGAL ENTITY City of Kyiv September 17 2002 The Participants to the Agreement No 01 of March 20, 1998 on Joint Investment Production Activity for development and further exploration of the Bugruvativske Field without creation of a legal entity, namely: the Open Joint Stock Company "Ukrnafta" (hereinafter referred to as Ukrnafta or "Participant 1"), represented by its Chairman of the Board Mr. Petro Mykolayovych Demchenko, authorized by the Charter, on the one part, the Canadian Company "Lateral Vector Resources Inc." (hereinafter referred to as "LVR" or "Participant 2"), represented by its President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. David Robson, authorized by the Articles of Association, on the other part, and the Closed Joint Stock Company "IPEC" (hereinafter referred to as "IPEC" or "Participant 3"), represented by its Interim Executive Chairman of the Board Mr. Victor Stepanovych Chudnovets, authorized by the Nharter, on the third part who hereinafter shall be referred to individually as "the Participant" and collectively as "the Participants", have agreed that the following amendment be incorporated into Clause 9.3.1 of the Amendments of and Additions to the Agreement No 01 of March 20, 1998 on Joint Investment Production Activity for development and further exploration of the Bugruvativske Field without creation of a legal entity The last sentence of the above mentioned Clause 9.3.1 shall have the following wording: ((...In this case Participants 2 and 3 who took part in HRO shall be paid from the Separate Balance Sheet of Joint Activity an amount two times greater and Participant 1 an amount four times greater than the actual costs he (they) incurred)). JOINT STOCK COMPANY "UKRNAFTA" Certificate ___________, ZKPU Code ___________ Taxpayer Index _____________________ 3-5 Nestorivska by-street, Kyiv 04053, Ukraine Telephone: 38-044-226-34-22 Fax: 38-044-212-59-22 LATERAL VECTOR RESOURCES INC. C/O Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson 400 Phoenix Square 371 Queen Street Fredricton New Brunswick E3B 4Y4 Copy by fax to: Lateral Vector Resources Inc. Guernsey Office Fax No +44 1481 729982 1 CLOSED JOINT STOCK COMPANY "IPEC" Certificate 37503783, ZKPU Code 30057276 Taxpayer Index 300572726103 32 Panfilovtsiv Street, Kyiv 01015, Ukraine Telephone: 38-044-490-12-09 Fax: 38-044-490-12-94 Settlement account 26000000520000 at Bank Credit Lyonnais Ukraine MFO 300379 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF OJSC (( UKRNAFTA )) /s/P.M.Demchenko_______________________ D.M. Demchenko Chairman of the Board FOR AND ON BEHALF OF((LATERAL VECTOR RESOURCES INC.)) /s/Dr David Robson_________________________ Dr. David Robson President and Chief Executive Officer FOR AND ON BEHALF OF CJSC ((IPEC)) /s/V.S.Chudnovets_________________________ V.S. Chudnovets Chairman of the Board 2