膡 li:lti l 膥 諺 t,,ti:|腒 艩 菏 菋 腃 裪 膜苖 荒 腒 荃 膍 鱡 腎 艓 芄 腏 腬腨 艐 苇 腵膜 裪 裪 腒 腒膜艐 陀 裪 芢 .|陭 裪 腪 艨 膈 腵腜 腪 裪 腀 腌 腀 腤 腀 腀 腀 腝 艐 艐 腜 臦 腶 腀腁 腝 腒 膡 腝 腀 苖 荕 膡 间 腵 腃 腝 腃 腀 腀 膡 `1)腒 裪 裪 裪 腄 艐 艏 艥 艬 腀 腀 腀 腃 腀 腵 腜 腅 腀 裪 腀 腀 腀 腥腜 腝 腀 腀 腵 裪 裪 腀 腀 腀 腜 腀 腀 膡 腅 膜 裪 腎 腎 腀 腀 腵 腜 裪 裪 腵 腜腜 膡 腜 腜 腀 膡 腃艓 裪 膡 艐 腝 1芳 腍 1 芷.:fi l '腵 芭 l腅 i: `). '`腝 裪 MINING LEASE I ;i r,,.,'."1r:-i;-r{.r r grl,1;)' ::.:;;1: ||膡 11lI腝 |:膡 II膡 膜 膜 |||:腵 1_芡 膡腍 : 111膡 質 W镓 腅 腁 腒 11i : |: :腝f: |:Fl腒 1lF:膡 l1 1 =腬 裪 裪 龵 裪 詑 臦 轤 鏱 躱 腒61邉 芠 限 邿  譬 :苦 ll 1 11芷 邉1111111腝 裪 轜 膁 裪 裪 裪 :腌 腒 1 . :1腅 1 1 1 it i腍iORO腍 DEVELOPMENT CORPCRAT10Nl腝 腵 膡11'|臦 膌1 9膡荌 11``; 膡 腊 |:ti鱝 腅 '1,1荴 Mbtro Man膡膡芬 腝lt l.膌. : :::li::il 1/ i31' .:腒 |::莀腒 膡1 11 腒1:菇 `:腒 t,:腍 1莋 t荨 腅芲 il臦 i膌 |膡 01芴 1鵜 38113腒 |膡 腡 腡 El' 011, :IMELY腡I葋 MAR荆 , , "TOM腡 :.. (:) (' it腁:ilt;,1.1,'\ri1.i(l '荨 ':(1:::i:膌 腒 腍 腟 荌) 腒 腒 (腁 lL芭 腒 覺 艐 荭 腜 腜 腒 腀 腔 芔 荃 腁 腁 Q 艨 V腍 (腍 | 艩 '1.::, , .i.il,.l , irl : :=li111::閱 :,,,1-|膡 ' ; .t i \/rt i a-ti.r'I!,... -._ 腅 膡 ':,:r1 1 :=1 1 1膡 : ',.I':riili 腝 F i蹏 苦 腒 :]i腵 腜苦 :1腒 :軇賜,i芲 :ritititb:蹏 li..:膡 苦 躖荍苇 I蝖 荔 ill芸 ,IIII 11 1:1腝 111111荍t^_荮荪_腌m,裪膡遚腒 |:|::|AF n,.膡_荮腂芡 _ 腒.111 .腣 ;: l i腵 lllat膡 蝖 : l. island-of--luzoh. i-;."'' 1 腝 :腅 :腅 腍 腅 腒 荽 : `:1 1'( f il:l 腁r r腵 腒 鏱 苪 :苇 腝 1荴 腜 腍 'li裪 `1:: :'l .111.: 腜t~膌腜 II11膡 腍 1,71 膡|荖 膌 : ( : (1膌1[: | 1l li裪 腜 :: :lJ il鏱 腝 :i :1 膌| 1臦 l腝 腝 腣 腣 1./: 腝 : | 1膌 腒 j .. ::腍 腝 莁 裪 腁 腌 花 荍 腶 腶 裪 腅 腒腒 裪 裪 芡 花 腒 腜 -2腝 . 09 腵 莉 MLC No.MRD腝 _鑎 鍤 1 語 蝖,,閽 臨 臦 邌 銬 ,T诃 隉 til:鏱 si :itl膆 腶 腶 Ff01p:filittctar芲 膌 , MINING LEASE CONTRACT u ;HH $F$'',e, "l BTg Lif ,i.H:,"l' :T,m:To'H:: Tij t"i, Ll. ". "* " to hesidenri.t orrr6 No. 463, as amended, and the rules and regulations pro- purzuant 裪 mulgated thereunder. oRo DEUELoPMENT coRPORATroN 腃 裪 1?8O Cuenco Street' Makati 裪 By: Metro Manila Trinidadt Bu].acan Address: Now Camachingl Dofra Remedios Sibul, San l'{iguelt Bulacan, Luzon covering inineral lands situated h f ffi etc. 荮 WHEREAS, the dpplicant has been-found to possess satisfactory financial resources and technical conlpetence tol be quatified under said Presidential Decree to be granted 腒 a mining lease: 腒 腟腀 has caused as requircd by law 腒 mineral land aPPlied for; and 1 clahn against'I腣 腔 膌 : 芨 :蝖 臧 芨 ib閑 駯 邉 諌 臶 .賯 鎇豒 钻鋻 苔 =邉 by the T,fFI{E:fEreOF L药 VIRONMET & ORO asthe LESSEE, WITNESSETH: :. - , t of the rentals, covenants, and agreements 1. The LESSOR, for and in coilsideration by the LESSEE, has leased' let' 芫 腅 hereinafter contained, to be paid, kept, and performed and demised, ancl ocjgs HEREBY LEASE, LET, AND DEMISE unto the said LESSEE' the following mining claim/s, particularly clescribed in the corresponding declaration/s of location, and in tn. n"ta notes and plan/s approved by the Director of Mines and . GeprSpiqn+gQ, hled wjth rthe'aforesaid,applicatio-n for,leaSe comprising an aggregate arqa of a+aa6t hectares with appurtenances thereunto of right belonging,.lying, dras f01loWs: |腍 d ahl descnb苠 and bcillg situat葶 腙 Minerals Name of Claim/s :'MARIO腧膡 j (Sibul ( norv IRON, ETC. Barrio腜 MELY腧 - March 2鑎 腌; 1975 腄 , llIKE':,II!TOM:1, Camslching) "do膡 腡 腡 (n 腜do腜 1!' San MARIO.111: 1lJLYI'Ipty. (Ies-r4o-D - l{igue1 to MLS Dofra Remedios TrinEdad) 5-D) Prov. Bulacan IsLand- Luzon. 荮 芢 腍 '腒 腁腁腒 腃 荮 鉷 l膡 腥 腜 菇 鏱 腁 莋 裪 荧 |膌腨裪 讑 腃 腛 腶 膡 腅 艐 腎腧 膬 艐 腛 芒 鞸 访 荅 腝芒 芆 腛 3腝 腵 裪 腒 jl i腵 ,莁:lt r,膡 :r腵1.1腝 111膡 膡 1貾 |腅 ,|: :., . :: 1111111111.| 1腝 腣 膡膡膈 腝 腝11-|:花 腅 |裪_蝖11膡 ill:: _ 腌 =t,111 9芷 :: | : I EAST 8 Pub膡 ic Land and 4膡 get`Wat,FShed ReservatiOn3 8 1膡 iC L9膡 :,1.i,1'9VT醁 鏱 |腵|膡 .|: 4` : 41:1:11`1腝:腵 I:.: 蝖 蝖 |11,lill蝖 腝蝖 ::| | 腅 fl l:: 腁,花 1'1..I::蝖 l11:1腫l .,: .1膡 腍 | : : ::. 腅 [ r i _.11 :: : : 腍 1 : : 腵 腅 腒 腔 腒 腒 腅 F 腝 .=:::1.1::腶 : : ,I. : , il lilt膌 |膡:' 腁 1: t 腁腁 腣1 1 1 1. I I , ` i l it i. , | ':| :: | 腅 腝 腌 | `| .膜 腌膌膌 :: ..膡 = . 膌 1 .1 . : :( 膌 莌 :1l L腶 膡 ilfii荃 |: 芽 :i : ,: `|, . 11 : ,腶 荔莊 腂 , . 1.膌 : | : ir i腝 腃 艨 荣 荧 芢 芒 莀 荧 腝 艨膌 艥 遬 腃腝 膍 腝 膌 腜 腅芔 腀 腀 腅 V 腝 4- C tttwC腒 ap 苑 諄lf雴 釳 銓 臨 譝 觭 迪 铕鍤 趌 鶣 :1臧 :臨 跫 腵 轒軱 i鞋 t臨 ]鞃 T:轋 腒 荂 "attachedtoandmadeasintegralpartoftheapplication. said LL'SSEE for the premises unto the ',i 2.TO HAVE AND TO .' '. ( :) years from and including full term of the lease f< co"i11:! a'd as mav ;fJ i:f Jl,il,'^ifi;s L-*," l'ffy1:Y.|lf,T"Tilr:"fl', lenuitions 膡 cW腶 賜 e苪 J6f腧 莈 貌 膡 iOIis atth芴 腶 鑟 i钱 鋓 賬 苜 葛趂 誴 調 豏 臱 隌 莈 葛詶 膅膬 芫 鏯 11轑 鎡 钱 诺 钱 鞣 陌 諶 趕 起 #貾  decrees and regulations. law腔 裻 貾 轒 譝 W韬 l轒 轒 雴 膋 臨 J). arlena陭 rf&臱 Tn臥 :裻 苔 镝 1鑑 限 韂 腃膡 荷 莁 腛 腒 腃 腥 tract. 腤芭 腜 ?. Failure to pay the required annual rentals or royalties' taxes urd fces for a periocl 膌 of thirty (30) aavs afte, demancl, or for two (2) consecutivc years without such demand' 膡 this Lease to lapse and tire ,*rrirrg atoi- ot claims, with respect to rvirich such 裪 shall cause shall thereupon be open to relocation and lease by other persons 荾 failure to pay was made, nining ct^im' ihe provisions of Fresidential Decrec No' qualified to locate and lease "'i"' and lease of the siame liacl $'er beetr 463, as amended, in the same manncr as if no location or legal reprcsenta- made, unless the LESSEE, his heirs, executors, atlministrators' assigrs' tives shall have paid all such anntlal rentals, royalties, taxes and fees due and havc resumed work on the mining .tuirn o. claims after such iailure and bcfore such relocation: Providj:d' That no person rvho may be delinquent in the payment of any rentals, royalties, taxes or fees on any mining claim oi claims held under this Lease may directly or indirectly relocate t5e same or. any portion thereof; anrl Provided, furthe-r, That nothing herein contai:red sltau preclude tire Government from cou;;G;ffi;tafroyalties, taxes or fees, together with the corresponding interests and surcharges, tirat may be due' Faiiure to pay real estate tax required under paragraph 5 hereof, shall subject the LESSEE to the same liabilitics as pro- viied for in Commonwealth &t I'h- 470. 荰 )腝 荭 腁 腂 y'(腒 v .5- I 8. The LESSEE hereby vraives ail rights to notice or demand provided for in Soction 2, Rule ?0, of tn" dri"" Lr co.r.t of the Fhilippines "r *"_q as all other periods of graco for payment or rovaue, and rentals. The LESSEE trereby'furtlier-riaifcild}Y ri$tt to any reduction'of rent on-u"*,rnt of any loss or damage sr:ffered by reason of extraordhary ,rrrforar".r, fortuitous events' 9. This Lease hereby grants unto the LESSEE, his successors or bssigns' the riSht to extract and utilize for ilJir own benefit all mineral