荭 腓 V il I膋 1::腍 腶 ]辺 : 腜 雈 諏 蹉 :膫  荒 1腅 醟 荒 腅 "B腝 腅 腧 腝 :膡 11 ..111' II June 1992 腝 荭 膜 0_S芶 腌 11芢膌 =F . 腓 . tt隳 `膌 腧 H:;Hli'3? 8.3 腅 .oirir*", Quezon CitY sir8 _腁 腁  Tran询 1荨访陌鍟荣陼趔諮F閂譠邒 腝 m 酙 i i豷 LttI闣麽 鏱 軇 闦顟 遄 質 rc鞃銆 豸諭軁豓 访 腸 襳 詓 釋靵趌鑥 饺 諭 rpOnto.: 膇 苓軣 Best regardS腅 ' VerY truly Yours' DRI10N Secretary 膍腀 裪 6:`:635 [R:16苧 t膌 = ||腅 膡 1, 荌:腒 腌 莎 l: 腒 3 腶 芶 葘 l a ll -i'orl tor clmmer'r / 镓 諦 跄/顨 菎袳 :) 荟跄郎豏 蹏 車 |鏱 鉼 荜 MAttp_ `腍 腒 MEMoRANDUM TO : t 鏱 豀 鞓 裢 轑  赆 DRLoN SO腎 taryl腝 膌 芲 V 膌 腝 荭 鞹 MINERnL PRODUCTICIN NO. }P3A 蹯 裪艫 (this f 腀 Ag reemtln ) This" " 腀膡 Fhi l ippines, thi.s 鏺 腀 wtseri : ay 鏱酉 腀 腀 腀 腀 裪艐 INES. IC OF THE腀 THE | 腀 t腵腁 1-:er the 1腅ecl refl,腒腀 het'ein 腎 苨 t:11腅,nd 莅ctino 腀 腀 ..3. t b1,陭1 膡膡 f r'y :腍膡0 ted in thi膡 腀 艏 litJLEENE腀 ar, d 腵 腀 DRAH, 腀 貾 裵腸tLll:T R:]:]|:[ 荨 t 膜f lith officeSlat the JR.i t腅 e-nvlt'(fnmE:nE ind lJ.e l; Lt ,[ |,: : | t,(1 e, ent荆 :腡]i莇 1),il腵tr:l醮 :諃 l莲 * .h n !1 --l 腃 cASICUHSN r,lINrNG trORFC TIone 腀 " {:r!l:i 艏 pei' 1 ) fi]!.Jn lrr-rnd red ren t i 腀 'f Ed i'ln rJul-Y ot'9.:5: ; 腀 stj.nEf trt:rpot'si 腀 艫裪 著bl i.,-. Lrnde. the 1.1tJE o f th.J F 腀 the 芒 ef . FhiIiPP,ine=' het'einaf ter' 腻 L.1 3= 腪 the CI.I'ITEACTOF: !"r i th 0 f f es gi;reet' 莁裪 Hiil.tos Bqr::cn Cii'te r t'a i,- 腀芔 b l'1an i 1 a, I t.ap ri"3En tEd i lr i ts ag =U6EluI E R ar腒dden its E膜 腝f intLc腶:腒膡l pt :I:::::|::i5 :I | 芎 ql iir.F- :膜 l腅lHERE趇titlltF:r_..Ei.lLl .1, 1. S, the l'871 Co腵 腀 腧 腅艨 腮 F:tai_: rrl-. .-:,:'i: i,ri il]] 1::]sit:7nttlll芲 腀 腀 艕 艐 i::][)dlIliiiirEi.=::,==,:j'rnl, Ehili:银腀 腀 , 艥 裪 裪 裪 膜 peti'oIeLrm, and oither natut'aI re=Eu 腀 腀 ilr:lj Uj, 腃 腀 utroft nf n-atl.rral and that the expioraticn, der.+irp 腀 i i i+t 芔 芒 t::;n the rlIIIsuF e r- < 1. i ci rtSs out腒ces shall State; and -- " || | 芅 芒 :腍 膡苍芯 PG thst the Etate 腀 腀 IVi jr.i; r-', 裪裪 膡 (f- lit inay,Jit'ectiy LtnCErr b"f.i.,.i'r rilr,:i1 L'! 腀 :腍may entEt'i.ntL-l a 莆 艏 腝 al腒 腀 腀 nB agt'ePmPn t5 wi ih 腀 苈 Filipino citirend,, ol Lor"pLrrations 腀 膡荾 ifr 腀 ionE at Iaa:=t si:rty' 节 芖 腒 h iti=ensl -r.nd I{HEREAS! by tE:<":r:;,rtile Or.dEr. 膡7膡 i..!D Su the Surt"et*ry *t hhe Detrn:.im,:rr't 膡,腍 Rtlsout"Ces i.i t r, .rirtirDri;:s:d trl En b t e\Et'ee',l1ent in furr!herar':cE r{]d'-{i t i on =har i. n,,l of tiru= cti nb.i Of the fionstitr-ttirin irr hu]st*r. the Eover.nrnen i en.l ri th Li ll荪 systemab ic develap,nen i: Bnd Lrt i 1 r. :et econElmy tlr r{rugh 莆n r"a1 iands; and f I{HEREAS, thn GL}\'e.nmetlt ,Je:l t,_-r av irr.ancia] r.esi-.Lli.( e.=, t'lech!.1 1.,:nL t ,!'r 郡 Linntr;lrtut. is i:*:1rll: t,r ,r r. J.,;F LI inrr l; 腵 H:腫膡膡 E t'u "i ec I cun i,=:r,:p L a i "=,.,. i: ::.-{-. i rI ; .,, I r,.i 膡n i :,.nd La:.--.r i ., il-r,: lt腒 1 ,::-.itmi.lt.i:: at L:]n i',r: i*i 菁 || 臉 腎 腌 t r..rc t 腀 ,tthe Con pLtrpases of cer t i r'r chromite il i:: i:: i,, :: ng:in 裪裪 At'ea (.38 hel.eins.iit.rr -j*f lned ) -etrrl 裪 nel.sls i.fh itrh lnai, be d iEtrovet'ed i n suih ao'r i t'fc. b -li'--.n l i I 腝 c.rpi.tsl, TJHEREAS' trc]n t rac to r- h.1s svn 1莅lDt膜it ihe j. 芿] 0or-rt the li i n j- ng technical cornpetdnce end 5h 1I'. rr.)tr ar"t-y Operat ions hereir{ desci'j hed. I I p rein t. !:L15 ,腍4膡0:f the ,id NOt^l, THEREF'ORE. fo. atrd in ro ' tel set f '--r'i;h, itihei rr.r{ the mlttutal covendnts, terms and t:on ]].腅,3 it i= hereby stidulated and ac1 reEd I I SECTION I I I scoPE i i 1F'r,:d t-tc t ion Sh*rirlQ Mj Th鏜 膡7,. No. rdet腒 FurrsLtan t to 腁ecti the e fO芯 0腵OV膡膜 tto ,rf rertain 1tii=ation explorition., derlalopment, aitd c ,腍花膡lrJ i th a ,- l Cot,腍c t At"ea, thun chromite chromite deposi!s deposi e:< e:risting i=t ing r"rithinwithin !s f urn i€hed ct' ,.]gy- ncn9to tlt: fin nerEssat'.*- serviles, tetrhno l 3nd nrovi-ions at't'*nged for' b..- the ContrJ,:tor itt s 膜:腍aneiih the of tlr r:5 苜0ttrv'.'it'tue $f this f;greemer]t. ThB Contrn.:l--nt' 芢 as=ed "lthin the Agl.e$mant! *rqt.riire :.n -"- tiils til I flL-l= Contract At'ea. i i 'lihe u te,, f st' tln荾荧: e;re: 1. ! Contractor shsl and |腍a in : - il ot'd irtc e and on behalf ot ltf,e 56vspn11p6t., t'li 膡n]i(]n= ,--onst i tut teC l= r.ri th the provisi on of th i5 A-ot'e*:me tiirereb,,- !r thE E){E LLr=ive 膜膜 .1nd appointed fcir the FurPoses 'rf 膡S ea. lti腅花花t ar腅 膡hE Co腵 entity t'r condt]ct l'lining Ope"s.t t conduct t膜5hal]n膜 Howevet-. it is *c]reed Lroon that the 賻:1,腍莆 I l 11 alancl existin膡 mining operatioris in ar.eas tovPr'ed 腜 3fn莇 ithsignin, of thi3 sEale min inq pdrmi ts at the t i- Aqree,rent- i I E r i. 1.3 Jhe .Contractor =ha} 荾 1E:iplcr-;tion =l': j.n i EtreLl and 膡1 tiCeve such that if no $inerals commEt'ri y aie pt'odr-tced, it Hil{ not be entltlEd f tt I I 't ,; 膡S the tct-eI a l- r_re 腒 腪 1.4 Dtlrinq the terin of i L腝:腍 i n i ng of prodLtct ion 4"U EaIe of i'1inet'a = fr'om the f,1 Operat ion= conter{rptated het'Ein shal beacted fot' and divided t腍 膡 t i. atl 腊 betNeen the Govetlnment and CLrntIact 'dance r'i i th 5etr VIII here--f . I I I sECr r oN 1 荾 i I pEFrNrrr I I 腜 I flgr"erement! th fo 膡n CI S ind tel腒m=. 腜 fi"i, L(*i@rJ inlttris "0,腍 l腅.ins alve th荒 f苂11膜 腜 Nftrlthl}r 1n tllil l=ilta,.lii'r. anl ;Lt.rr.:r .s 腜 l- respl-c t i ve mean iriqs: 腜 腜 {: tt ': 苢,1AOre膜mentir 腜 r"tl*-in-j. :!. :i l'1i:1 :-.'11-:!1a -' 11:: =i. a., :.' 腜 荭 腁 F.遅 腝 l"linet'a1s'n*.rrr or"e ':r l-':r l.rh 1;i-1 c;i.ri,.r' to9腊ther " ith th 腁 il荾l or腒L腝 ni ,r irl花 膡腁莆 良 腎 腃荅 裪 f{: di Lu'es tG ne rn=.is! 腀 腀 i腒 芔 腊 艳 苂 顨)o腵腁荌,腒 41i t譅 腀 ted hs: r'.:unC: r' 腝 膡裪腃 rt,11酐裪 荾t腊苪 腅 腅 膡 膜腒 rj 0r|'i sEi. 腃 腀 腀 腒 = (12) 膜ft r^,e I v,= 賻腶 el腒 a ni3 Or Yea,腒 Ve莇:腍 F_4 yenru i nt4 腧 la:腍 芵 fJ_3膜 膡1: ting "ith th s sta:腒 [:onsEEutive rnon t d per腒i otl hean= on Decembet' f, , "hile |賻 Firit ith the (tr) E 膜 驱on芣 cons i st ing of r.r-:e 芰anu_trv_ t腅lith the calendar- quarter =tar t ing l; ra the F':eDublii: ,trf ini the C Bant i:膜 膪.5 . 膡 the Phili,pint腝 芔 腃 膜 ct:.on of slif !iL:i.erlt , 腀 賻duct ilDn Tl賻 P,腍 2.3 賻 芎 膜 ab'i. L i ty of mi.ning 腀 st^in腀 膡ls tO S苍 el腒 quant i ty of mi 芒 膜 腪 腀 腅腀 ruiai FroCLr,:tiL-.1n DeCified in the t]pei'at i on5 as 腀 艮 芒 r-Ect tt- t,=Et -1ni /'l]i' blorl,: Ft'oq ram. F Lrrticn Df l"ji.':!,:El 腀 艣 芒 a pilot plant u=ed devElop a FIRnt tr i'.ltreE,= i nrl 5::.'=l;El 腀 膜 e detEr-minat i,]n of lshrtll not tJle tOnsi fDr Euch tEsting t i.Qir Cornrnet'c i a1 Prod " 1987 膜:腍 $sans ihe F.7 the eE: sLJoP teC bY f t 膜 the Repltbli鏱 Constitution of arl腶 miESiDn itf 1 Corlstitutional p膡 eople of the Fl-ri I' n l腒atified by the he jurisd ict ion Df me,{ns th,= 3 荾 N _3 膡AISS ;Lrb er t i]f this the PhiliPPin,.-s 膡Cn.i 莍 the ttep ub l ic 5d iinin isheC t hE i'e l i nqu i t 荾 莇cti Pl.tf.su Con ti腒 -f =hrnEn 膡qrth. Initial iY' he Contractor as ,腒e ob l i9aticlns cl f 腔 腝l ir 1-"- de=cribed in DLlt] ined and l腅e eis t A:腍 the Cuntro花 hel腒eto. 'lAu attach Anne腁 1\.e ( 1:) cDir-=scLttive Cld 荾 s mea膡 Vea)腒 pe 铯., AE reEinE-n t tri' f rDrn te ffl花tiVe r'non thg roL(n ted f Dm the 荱 t膜. Effective the ann iverss.r'y f sltrh | T10N ind it芿 ans lCASl m膜 r.lt芳腅 HI陭lI NE f lEAS16URAN gne":-.-r of Jrllv Le 荾i 腊t腒 莇ssiOnee = j15=ig11n]Ernt of iny vid th i= AEt'Ee,nEn t P CORFtlRAT10N unde f. her膜賻 rL-i1" i s i L:rn-E nt l ished F Llr F est isaccomp such intet腒 fneans a ,Jsc,-tment of Minincl 2.11 ific i:hat at'e 11腍膡 賻f lnin鏱 proclaining the =ite and mdn t al lr- tab recovet'ab 1e by _膡花花e膜 =ocia11-'* =afe d mttthoclS. eE[]nomiaal lY soLl rn dppt'ova1 cf th i€ -r e D Date mearn i j. 1iptr inE=. p_lbFh the 賻sident Of the P:腒 by the Aq t.eErnen t the t'r,lun,-l in?E l f mEan piry= i o+ 膡.1腒 = =Lr trl irnate' tmosphere. t腅la t t]f hL(rnan being , incLLtding land' i- me 1- and r1.3.nis tacf an .-cund ! C]dt]t's' tes e.nd bioleqit.:. stheti 膜i a芳 ct膜:腍s *nd the soc isl f :腒ti:e 腶膜af t莇in ot腒 |荪th_腝 me荾 01腒der 腵 腝 ,. :.n ii l:al ol.in e':; Cln.L 'it-{ 腒膡3Sue Fhilippin腝 of th, Fre:iident 腒 7,. 膡 O陭det腒 E:qEcut ivE dlinveiti,at icrl of th= e:i 赈鱢a r.15eans 膡n i, 1x by:' lands €.nd Bff5h valrtab 1e m ner.-r 'iEgl: j.lrE lii t'i nnd dr-ilLinE. ti.€:n i ne, Einl; in 'f : I =haft =t膡 'thE 膡, of iiinerai i:)thet. meansr f FLlt.pilsE tri i:l c rd-,=ance depos i ts and th Err ten t ther,=Df . Fet腒iod s+lalmif i,:-.n ,lnt r.1道t i. 'x:l PEt.iLr,--1 膡 f thi腁l腍莍 i.nr D荾躵膜 膜 clr]tr in=ir-rd tl臊腊Effo花t,: after' ltiVe { 蝗 : V 膡 ,]]r (b) n date .a f H膜膡膡ibility 0荇 i. Dn 腎 f theDEE i. t.a t (a) th腅 芈 gll 腎 tives= 腀 花D-te, (膡, t r-ef t cornp let icn of I c l.'':= "艵 =ff膜 .nrnen nt]t rrDt'e tht ltry rnay be extended 膡 `ith than tt*,o (2! yeat j u e y..on ci 1):腍tanre= h I'la eut'e mean € iL: t r.17 ei:tf]d tvhir-Eemen t af f of eitlret' F Aq ctraJ. the',腒e莇膡膜nablt腝 0 ngL$'r'etr !iorrt lital膜+,rar'! i tl li腵 n腂 thereby. inclLtd , witho著 :腅stri l:e and cther 花苦:_tde,l sabtlta civil disturban花 J! , bl膜 腵 S nr ther hqtorrn, f l ood ea nflict,iot, *plu**ic, labLnr c膜 ': i:i' t腍e alciei' advet'ge e;rp I 110n it ions, 芣o weathercond advet腒 l膡 cr any i腍facto 莅Ear.et'nmen t de dil腒ection of 1: prb I i( ac0or the 膡 G,:d r subdivisi,:n th,r , inst:腒umentality on tha enerny, b reakdor.i or maEhineiy h 膡n莍am莇ci' effect (wh Lhe l',: ind Ct腍膜of operations, an sny cause ot paity ha: nir efftr=d h t hereinbefore d r ibed ) ovPl. r^rh i n 'lj o de1:,y' 芤苍ht ur-E aE ol and "hiCh is rea=cn,eh 1g con t pa thc腅a-lfECted, trLrrtai I oi pre t tim,=ly action by rnL腅n edthi= e fDrtre a.i er-r re in =ecti,:n' DENF llbeto except those D genera L [::n Dl^.i I ed,] Shreported f rDrn 躵5)deys Rer3 ion,rl 0f f ice oncernEd calenda?' ` "ithin fi rlccLtt't''=nce - 膜f t'1膜 f 膜the R,pllb l i花 the So m膜an= E.18 Ph i I ipp i n €?s. 荾1 lev3' l Lre l]f minF-rrnl-g i. 19 GFoss means the :t: El edsf itred or rn i nEt'a I pr Lrc t= dtrived f rom 赈1膡1 at,i-ons a5 t'eP, t'Jc. undet- the Nat ion i I n ter"na I Re\,enut i den u i- s i Dsrc - 1158, as amended 腒 s.at'iiv tsl,:en ,C eP 腒efe,腒s !. !$ l"line hibE: min::d. eptDS ic 膜膜 nineral r-.-aaEh -tn or"ebody 賻"1n .f1 花 'f r腍膡rl膜膡膡Ot腍in腒 11C著 鹂莇ans lall 膜tLrr' 芣 |腅花 賻:腍 inlitE sts.tE. int 荆n s膜l iqLrid, s"ubstances id, .= preFared i,n ts r',1,=Rn t 膡n膜elC and F.膡膡Ft.odr-tc 膜芤a5 n.r:ir i. nq a rnqrke tsLt 1e st< n by :;irnplE tre.1t eE sutrh on d t'y i ng, but t+ thDub under.go i nq 花Cai:h;ng e ot'manufacturinq rt OfCf]n t ra{: t Area the Area means that :腒 膜llur t i膜l 膡n]thcial F:腒 del ineated for. M n inq Operat itrns d 腵 treF i ad. n 赈 r.膡腁 Operations p 'and 莇11F:腍i腍a d eve l oprnen t ! r-tc t i on .' i on= rl e1,_ d i scor''e r, deveL and e;r t rac t 1n膡 y 膡n t腅| tinl腍 :. 35 Not itre me-ens not i ce tE le:r or t= i etopy ( 膜r c膡On -rl.r tl"len t i c* tPd b answer hac k 腵 retreivEd) aCdrE=$ed p.'ov 15.1 膡S nt. sent,as i ed in SL:c:i,r{': Ag t'es-.men t . 腒 F.T3 0:腒 ens minet腒al 膜腊 :腒o花: 陭eclf clr 賻 Ofit. 腵 F, 0!腒 e 苍 in l腵1:J:]t CaLle e腁 t:腒膡cted fl腒 o鞣 ,f re and contriblr E1g to thr3 vhlue oft in膜 | .rs ahy t o dirE dil= 腵 alt=t'a1;ion o'l the plrys i c* I hEi,inn I chemir .el, 膡 膜膡 C , , i, Er radiu+i:tive pt.oper-t rne i.es of ny p.rrt of the nv emittinq, trr. d Dositino uastes i tr ), d1=ch.rr.1 inr.;, at =t: ri.al ir- af f Ei: i, arly 腨膍 腪 苂 芠 荙 4英 t荗 _荱 芪膡 趌 芒 裪 膜 芌 芙 莍 艮 腒 腃 腅 J .lnditir:n i,rhii:h i:; 腀 腀 腀 腀 莆 ' use beneficial 鏜 艐 腅艐 艵 腀 芈 莆 膬 莇 艩 艏 芕 腵 著 节 芁 腵 l. saf et-v- Di' 膡hea th t莍 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 r Ot腒腀 腤 h azat'dous p膜腀 芍 裪 腀 艫 膡 芒 荲 腌 腀 腨 膡 裪 荓 腀 芆 裪腃 裪腃 鏱 腀 aquatitr life' or Sor 腀 ifd 腀 腀 腀 腀 t膜腝 welfade! ot' 腎 腃 腧 芈 芁 荾腝 芁 裪 艏 芒 腒 芄 芉 菑 芅 裪 腎 n9_ p莍t8膡 腅  9 ind '' to plants' . :.:9 fileans thE ir-l(: lhe Depnr imen t ,trf Env i t'onmen t t ut-a I Res,=t-ti'cs.l; ' l prE:sentE l:he Pian me腵 11芣e. dor ine膡 ?. f,{:t Work 賻|腍: ing e:rpend i trtt'e* snd of rn,a jor' 'lininq t ivi t ies and a dut'ing a g ir.'e:n ti腒Ct its Bndget of the n't r-ac t tl l. in ExpenditL{res f or' the pet'i od of ti , intriudin-q Pl 膡velepment of hr==t it腶莍 env i t'onmen taI P tec t i 'rn and r-=h..b i mineral (rf l c ientre and l tl膜 and neighboring conmun i t ies 3nd :腝5 tn ih is A'1t'ee,rtr:n t . aFp rpv 腶 rnitted and| technology! s= s [II SECT10N TERM OF r"eElllEnt L-rr e initial term .i.1 =na1i jE?':t f D.rte' 5L(b twenty-five (?5) Con t t'ac t YE:at.= f tive another i d to tet-rn i nat ian lf or Pst- 'f of twenty-five ( acond i. t icns ag ma:./ be mutual ly agt'e d upon hy the par' $ECT I ON CONTRACT 4- 1 and Shaoe of iE Ag t'eeirien I aoYL't'5 an area of app :i i rn3.te I Y ONE HUNDRED F,IIhIETY EIGHT Loref,o, 5u iga.r de1 荾n ha-:. ), l(rca.ted at HECIARES (1,198 ph icel aL.=t-d i nat{:E ed r.ri th the f o1 1 n9 Nol腍te, and botln ' :iiEtinq gmall-sc.rl-e 腶 exclusive uf ess trDvel-ed bY 腓莈 mining pet'm i ts: je :腅th LatitJ腅 Foint Eas t LDn 'l i t Ltrl .= N膜 .膡0 5腅 311莍 膡 01' 6腅膡 125 腒 .1 腅 膜 膜 27 ' 膡0芢 膡6膌 lTr膜 荾 T ll腧 7膌 膜 膡 7腅膜膜 膡 " 125 .:, Cl 膜膜 28腅 膜0''腧 膡7腌 艭 4 1膡5 膜 . 芢 膜膜 28' 7.5腅 125 IF腅 荬 |膡 =`]:: 膡3腅 8膌 1膡5 ''l"h e lsn t rer-: i-: Are.r i= ucific {3iiR .-:rrld 莆 腛 N P g r'."F h i r a l- [: €o.i i. ncl i u.:rted i rr ,lap r'3 [.:ie tCh t'ti L din1 腯 co(]rdinates! as 'f,tJn i11 Anner-r E. SECTI ORAT10N EXF.芵 腜 TifnetablleEx,loration. J.1l trl腶 :腝 l rl[1i腍膡i膜ns he,腒膡膜 not sh荾:ip 1ot'a fion t rac tot' L-ommentre f 腁 (f,) 轜 f thf ettt iv膡 Dste. Thi5 l a ter tha.n mDnths a t 腵 ph) 腒0膡o:腒e than tw膜 (膡 eNp It) r'a t ion :h,a L 1 be eliten 腵 膥 腝腀 腮 腝 yeat腒 s upon t腅 OStby th膜腀 腅腀 pl]n 0 thr= Eover.nmen 腅 t ICon tr腒 = 腀 膡 bein9 5ati腝 _fiedthat the Conti腒莇ct 腀 腀 1 i E-,ii w i th the let-m< 腒 苂 裪 of this A9reelnen andOfl =腍L腝 Dn C]f sucEEEs d,-lr- ing 130nabl the extens膡 on. 腍 I hlo t'1,: P rc 腜 Budcle t s. he 膜 腃艐 腵 Cnn t rac tor- shal 5 t t" i.r t 1 .,:rrnp 1l. 膜 e 腜 E;rp 1a ra t I賻n tl膜芯 -"* 芔 腎腧 腵 F rogram Eubmi t t to and app roved i: 腃駯腜 InmEn t . 腀 腃腜 艢 腜膡 Th e ainoun t tr: be sy'ent h 芍荃 I. in condu,: t i- ng 芔 芈 莀腛 E;rplonatir:n pur+uant 膬 Ope at ions t 腝 t:f thi= Agreern,=nt 芌 腝腜 dur 芉 腝 ing the 膜r腒atic腵l Fei11膜 E:.ip 0 3腵1遱 , aggregate, be n11t 芉 芅 腧腜 腵 莊 less peci than hereinifttlli腒 膡 ,lf that 腛 fach the beloyr 腛 腝 spec i f ied C{rntr- t Ye-rr= gs f ollow= 腝 i-: Fi:腒 st Cont r: Year L_I H芶腒DFE[ IFTY 腵 鏱:IPFE苨1 11腶 陭|:,膡 En =腒 111膜 t'膡 :芿,膡膡, 腅 14膡 膡:腍,,:ll,t: . ller ond Con rart YP.iil. : F=膠LJF ON HUNDRED FOFTV SII AN :膜 膡閊,膜 (F英 ,花) ,膡 '膡 Fhil Encv 轖 腝 芒 芆 芔 芅 芖芖芖芅 芎芎腄芒芒裪裪 鏺膜 l: 腀 賻n In t 腀 节 腀 腀 蹒 腒艐 芉 芔 鑥 f th i s A,l i'eemen , 膡 芙 腀腀 芅芅腀腀 膡 腅艓艮 芁 腀 腀 pe :n腀 腀 pl'o*r+ta. nl Contrsctor- shaI1 腵 腀 芒芒 腀 芔 膜腃 芔 腀 腵 thE a.natL..:,l; 芈芈芈 膜 pet.iod 芃 腪腪賻芏賻芎芎芔 膜 荾膡芃 :腍 鱡ll腀 腀 膜 far the o 腀 腀 腀 腀腀 腀 腀腀 腀 腝 terrninal;ian. 腀腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀腀腀腀 腀 腀腀腝腝腝腀 腀 腝 芔芔芔 腀 芆腥腥腀 腀 膡膁膁芔芔 蹩 芎 腀 艮艮腃腃 芅芅膡膡 芅 芎 芓 t; qpent ,=v,:n 腀 a 1:o r,:./f.r'y' t of腀 L1e In the 腀 芄芄腀 膡腃腃 腀 节 腝 芁 艘艘艘芒 芅芅芅膜苞 腀 腃腃膡膡 膜 芎 芙 year 腀 腀腀 ar f t'eed腀 腀 shall it'st L:e ag 腀 腀 腀 腀 腀腀 腜 腀 腝 腀 腀腀 腀 腀 腀腀 腀 腜腜腀 腀 腀 腀 腀腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 艢芈 芔芔 腭 艢 腀 芁芁芁芎 芖芖腀 艮 腵腵腵 芒 芁 芃 芏 腀 膡1 in]腌腌 芔 腀 腀 腀 腶腀 腀腀 芄 芔 轖 tDr €hDL.r 1C er.pen 腀腀 芒 膜膜芑芑艮芕 膡 艐艐腵艐艐芅芅 芅 芎 Innt'e than thE 腀 腀 腀 艐艐 蹩 aE D rov i. d eEi ah'f,vF,j I 节节芔芔芔轜 艥膬艫芔芔 莍莍芄腀 芆 色 芕 膜腹芁莈 芅芅 腀 芒 芏 艮 芕 the e;rcess may 腀 腀 腀 腀 艐 腀 膁荒荒 轂 f monelr requ.i i'e r:i ti: 賻 芎 芔 膜膜芒芁芁赈趌芔 膜艏 芒芒腀 葘葘 芕芕芒 膡 腃芎 花 芃 腵 ln t be expended by 腀 腀 in膡莅tt Vears, 莈腶 Con tl腒 腀 芁 芏艏芒芒腶腶 腀 鏺 芕 腎芅 腀腀 芔芔膜 芕 芎 驢 芎 腀 腀 裪 裪腀 and shOuld Cont Ctfit' 腀 腀 腀 腝腝腝 fie-tarr.eE r.r i tir 芅 芏艏芖芖腬腬 芒 芎芎芎 铨芅 膜膜膜芔芔腀 芅 腃腒 腨 腀 芓 腀 腀 ,S thL腝 consent of t腀 腀 腀 腀腀 ng a Contrac l Y!2.3.r 芅 艐 芒腨酚 膜腄腀腀芔 芈膜 腀 节节 腧 艔 芃 膁 腀 芄 腀腀 腒 腀 芅 qt腹 than the amclunt 腀 腀 腀 腜腜腜 鑥 e,' def i;1= .Y :;h.eil 芈 膬 芍芍腎 膜 芎芢膡芔 腀 郡郡郡芆芒腀 鋟 艏 芎 腀 腎 艥 芌 腀 膡 芒 be applied tO 0 腀 腀 腀 莈芌芌芄 膬 腀 腵 腀 腀 辑 腀 腁腧 著 芃艥 芅 腅腅芕芕膠鏱 芎 膡 腀 芔 腎 裪 Eont荨 actor du:腅 inth 腀 腀 腀 腀腀 腛芌芌腀 腀 腜 腀 腀 腀 腀腀 腀 腀 腀 腀 腛芌芌腀腀 腀 腀 腀 芌 腀 腀 腝 賻賻 腀 腀 芆芆 芉 轜芔艧 芆芆 芌 腀 腀 -[o e 芓 膜 腀 腃腀 荾艱膡 腪 腵腵 芕 芃 醦 ur腒腀 CebthE C腜 腶ntr,花t":腒 賻f 芈 芌 轁趌 腃 腛 腀 莈鏺芈芈 芌 腅 pt.ovision, 荾 膡 腃 腀 腵 莈 芌 腀 腵 腀 this 腀 裪 r_膡 e膡 莈 mance ,Ond in an 芔 芔 膜裪裪芯裪苉腎腒 腃芆 莈 芅芅 芎 芐 芅 腀 a'noun t equ i va 1t: 腵腛 陼 腀 15 腀 f 芵he F)荂 1膜:腒莇tion 芔 芆 腀 膜 苂鶕 芅 芎 莄 艏艏 艥 膜 芁 cE=t 腅 comrn i tted t be 0cll orat i膜:1腌 5.= F膜er_ Government sha L 1 b,= drii: lihe for tr 1atar1,- pdrtrE:5p= j. 01 n1 f ee= i 1 ;,--'d 1; iorr to any existin adm i- n i- t r..1t :- ve 'Lh,= per i od: = |腍膡g r-::.tl1_lral icn I 膌 腃腁 裪 Fi,腒 stea,腒 Ten Fies':s 腀 ) ir r:l,:: J:+rr 腀 腀 p膜 P腀 腀 腀 袴 腀 芙腎 芅 S膜 花ond and LtEn ij 腀 th =ub-: 设 trunt per :lre f 膜 芒 h膜 腀 n膡yesi. 詅 p lLi: At' l y- 膡 芎 腀 tive Fegc: = y艔 腄 腀 腀 腝膡 5腀 腀 腀 腀 荾 腝 腀 The 艒 i 芅 芓 膡 膁 r-egLt y :腍 腎 I 膜|II腅 腀 5 aot.f- 腀 腀 腀 j ni f (t) 腀 芐 腀 膜腜 膜i r=t LErn Cuntract Year.s 芅 膜 腮腁 si臊 All 腀 腵 EY*O f 腀 腀 腀 Ef fec t ive 腛 腝 辑 苍 艨 裪腵 腎 Date d reg 腀 腀 for' the 腜 芔 腀 eiltt-.n!;ialn "|,il per. iDd sha I I 腃 腅 腶 腃 be tte N荆 陭lin i;fri"t clft .:rpp r.rvr i. of the 腝 腀腪 腀 腀 腎 膡 fE:,.p 1trr 腀腅 ,腍1 reqLtest fDt. e:f rorce tlls j eLrre. i I I I (d) I Furnir.,h .t t m*t*,f i*tJ, l*o[,-,, equipinent' q.,d othet' installatilons that m,a.*- U,= ,- l'e'-ritiea l+'rl' carryinu ,:tl nll l'liuing Operatiorls. To thle mari iil',.t'r' le'. 1=np cL'I'.lD.+t ib 1E 'rritn ef f i,cient opera{ions, the porrtt';rr{;cr !hall l:i'.e f,r'eJErEntrE Ll: pt't:ducts and serrlices prpducled arrd ifrf f er'led linl the Fhi).ippines of comFirative qu*{ i ty. Ilr particul*,1', tr{= {onlLract.-r =hal l gi.vE pnefarence to FiI] ipino constt't-tction ietrtcl''p{ isl-'= and uss buildings which tran be condtructed by krsinq m$tet'i]ai'$ afrd st': iIls availablE in the Fhilippilnes' ernployl Filipirlro lub{onftrartor's for road constrLrctio.' *.1,1 transpolt"ta'i;ion,] artd I pfrrcnase F'hilitrPine household eqr-tipm{nt, fut'nittlt'e :eA fo':d.l I I t=l I rhe iont,t'sctr,' th*t L l" [n= extenr- ree=ibIe and acceptable lin view Df 'thP rat{s ar{,: lcol,oition= .l"':1iIab}E, maNirnire the use lof Filipinoi vesset$ ,an'{ ofhe[' rneans oi ;t"ansport available in the lPhilipplnes,. lr I I I (f ) I rr'e 6o.tir'.cto. In*rI ,,J*ol accu'ate techrr it-al records about tde op=".f iotl1= "= ,,u*f I a! tlnafrcia1 anu nlai"i:ei;inE accounts and malle tfrem gvailf able td c{verfnmpnt t'ept'e=e'rrtaLives authot'ised by th{ Setrt'etary lfor er-rr{lose{ of apserssing pet'fot'm.rnce and compliance lof . tlre Cofrtrectorl: wilth I tfe tet'm5 a! thi= . Aqt'tement. Autlorired renlres,tn t.r !. i. . '={ ,{f I other !,-:ret'nm,:nt agencies may {1so ha'.'e atcr:-=- {-:,lt =u:1lr .[ccFLtnts in ,"!,.oi"LleI]r:e witlr exi=ting lar.fs, rules aniJ le'pui$t ilr!=. I I (s) I ,"ro'".n'* u.,u.",f*="i ,,1==l *"o ha.mtpE-= rro{i aII trIE j.rns and laccor-rnt* of all l: irllds, l"=l*e[t as demand? and actions st.ising lor-rt ,:f the acc i,lenfs ot] ir[ iuf ies t" pE:'sons or- property traused I by l'lining Opet'ii;|'cns I nI Fh* Contr=-,c';or ;nd inde'nnify the Edvernment f or any e,i;pnnles lorl costs incur-i'ed by the Government brl resson of Lan,* sucr[r ctJim:[, frccount=, cemsn,],= ot- actionsl I , i I I I \ e: