- aluminium, ores of calcium and ores or rluorine, together with any other minerals round in combin- ation or association in the aa1d land with them .0 that the last-mentioned minerals muat necesaarily be mined in the mining of the bauxite or the Bald other area. in or under the said land TOGETHER WITH the rights, liberties. eaaements. advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining; SECONDLY. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land (in this lease called "the land secondly descr~bed") containing (subject to survey as hereinafter prov~ded) 698 acres or thereabouts. being Northern Territory Portion 1205 and being the land delineated and coloured red on the plan marked 'AI attached to this lease; THIRDLY. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land (in this lease called .the land thirdl¥ described") containing (subject to survey as hereinafter provided) 600 acres or thereabouts being Northern Territo~ Portion 1196 and being the land delineated and coloured blue on the plan marked 'B' attached to this lease. the seaward boundary or which is give and take one chain above high water mark. ~.h1Ch land. rirstly ~ .econdly and thirdly described are in hi. lea.e together or~ where the context requires a i8tributive constl'Uction~ respectively referred to as r the leased landn) EXCEPTING AND RESERVING out of this (a) the right of the Commonwealth, its servants. officers and agents, at any time to enter and maintain and do work upon or in relation to the air-strip and any public roads for the time being subsisting over or upon the leased land; 2.i~ea8e ~\j: Ii,!! ""u r; C"," ~ ;";,:1,,(,1",."" I ;:;!;, "CC" !ic"itzi..;;" Ii"'" -'"'""0 3 . j ';:j!~i~': '~ (b) the rights of ingress, egress. and regress hereinafter provided; (e) th. right of the Commonweuth. subject to the of the Agreement, to require the 1Ii"?/iJff(~i ~, ~ (.1) to grant or consent to the granting or such easements or rights in or over the leased land; or (11) to pem1t such use of' the leased land. in each case aa is or are reasonably necessary (taking into cons1deration the .~ " prehnt and future use or deve1.opment or t;be , leased land by the Lessees) in connection wit ~ .. the overa1.1 development or use ot lands adjacent to the leased land. prov1ded alway. that no such grant. consent or perm1s81on to use shall be requ1red to be given by the Lessees if' such grant. ~ consent or perm1ss~on to uae would - ~ (A) undul7 prejud1ce the Lessees in relation to the1r operations under the Agreement or this lease or preJud- , icially interfere with those operat1ons; or (B) increase the Lessees' commitments or prejudicially interfere with the 01 Lessees. control over the leased ~~~~~!~.~~.~~~~~f!fFB-~~~~~~ land or any part thereof' j " ". .II .11== . be used in connexion with the mining, the treatment and the export of products, including the erection of a b aux1 te treatment plant J (iv) erecting residences and other buildings and facilities on the leased land in connexion with all or any of the above purposes; and I' (v) subject to paragraph (b) of clause 1 hereo1' Ii drilling bores and wells for water; Ii (2) as to the land secondly described -for the purpose of establishing. operating and maintaining a bauxite conveyor inat~lation for the transportation of bauxite from the land firstly described to the land thirdly described and facilities and works associated therewith. including emergency stock piles, roads. drains, power linea and installations. water lines. pump. and re.ervoira, bores and wells for water, communication facilities and other engineering services. buildings, machinery and amenities; (}) as to the land thirdly described -for the purpose of establishing, operating and maintaining a bauxite treatment plant and stock pile areas and facilities and works aasociated therewith, including storage facilities, material handling and conveyor facilities. roads, drains, effluent pipe lines and emergency disposal facUlties, power planta and linea and installations. water lines. pumps and reservoirs. bores and wells tor water, sea water circulation facUities. communication facUities, industrial and engineering services, buUd1ngs, machinery, amenities and earthworks, bunds and other retaining or protective works. ". (, ;::;;'::~;~II= lout in respect of the whole of the leased land upon and subject ~O the Agreement and to the Ordinance except in so far as the provisions or the Ordinance are inconsistent with the Agreement YIELDING AND P EYING therefor the yearly rent nereinafter provided AND FtJRTHER YIELDING AND PAYING in respect of bauxite and other minerals derived from the land firstly II described royalties at the rates and in the manner hereinafter ~rovided: II AND WHE~Y IT IS WITNESSED as follows I 1. The Lessees tor themselves and for their successors and permitted assigns covenant with the Commonwealth - (a) to paYI during the period of this lease. the rent and royalties reserved by the lease clear of all deductions at the respective rates and ttmes and in the manner from time to time provided in this lease and except in so far as 1s otherwise so provided by the Ordinance and the Regulations; (b) not to use or work the leased land or any part thereof or permit the same to be used or worked except for the respective purpose or purpose for which the same is leased; (c) to observe. perform and car~ out the provisions of the Ord1nance and the Regulations and of the Mines ReRUlation Ord1nance 1939-1962 and the Regulations for the time being 1n force under that Ordinance so far as those provisions affect or have reference to special mineral leases granted under the Ordinance and are not inconsistent with the Agreement and/or thia lease; ~ (d) unless author1aed to do 80 bw the Administrator under the Control of W!t~rs Ordinance 1938-1968. not to bore or sink for, pump or raise water, nor to erect any dam or other facility on existing rivers or water WS¥8 tor the pu~o8e of the supply of waterJ (e) to treat bauxite mined rrom the lease in accordance with good indu8tr1al practice; (r) to grant to all Aboriginal residents of the Mia.ion and to other persons specified I in aub-a8ction (3.) of section 17 of the I Social Welfare Ordinance 1964-1967 of the Territory, the right to enter, leave and move I acro.. the leased 1&1d at will, except across! such areas as the Leaaees may after con- ferring with the A~Lnistrator designate as reatricted areas ;for security or safety reasons; (g) to erect such fences or to take such other steps aa may be reasonably necessary tor security or safety purposes; (h) to allow free public access to and along any public road and the airstrip or the alternative airstrip constructed in accordance with paragraph (f) of clause 2 of this lease; (1) not to export bauxite from the Territory, except for purposes of testing in laborat- ories or pilot plants, without the prior approval of the Minister; and ~11--Ir="==i=II . - --'-- I (c) not to interfere with any public road on the leased land unless the Lessees have provided an alternative road approved by the Administrator; (d) to permit the Commonwealth, its servants, officers and agents, at any reasonable time to enter the leased land or any part thereof for the purpose of - (i) maintaining or doing work upon or in relation to any public facilit7 for the time being subsisting over or upon the leased land; (ii) providing and maintaining water. sewer. e1ectr1c1ty and other services for which the Administrato is or sha1l have become responsible on the leased land or other land; I (111) inspecting the leased land and any improvements thereon; (e) to provide, construct and maintain at at least five points agreed upon between the Lessees and the Administrator crossings under the bauxite conveyor installation that will allow persons, vehicles and an to cross with protection under the same and to permit free and unrestricted use of such crossings; (r) to furnish to the Administrator or to such person as the Administrator designates a copy of each plan (including any plan :ILII ~.. - 14 - lightning. storm or tempest and the right of the Lessees to sever. remove. relocate. demolish. alter or rebuild excepted; and (g) to discharge all effluent including red mud from the bauxite treatment plant to a separate land lease area or areas specific- 8117 granted ror the purpose or to other sit or sites specifically approved by the Minist aucb discharge or erfluent to be not otherw than into a red mud treatment works or b)" means o~ works established to provide for t d1~aal of e~fluent from the bauxite treat- ment plant in circumstances of emergency. The Commonwealth covenants with the Lessees that the IMiniater will at the written request of the Lessees made twelve months before the expiration of the term hereby created and if there aball not at the time of the request be any existing breac or non-ob8ervance of 8n7 of the covenants or obligations on the Dart of the Leaaeea in respect of which the Commonwealth has I given notice under aub-clauae (l.) of clause 18 or the Agreement I - which haa not been remedied or subsequently waived, at the expenae of the Leasees renew this lease for the rurther term of rort7-two years from the expiration of the said term upon and subject to the like covenant8 and conditions as are contained li~ this lease with the exception or the present covenant for renewal. It 18 mutuall7 agreed and declared - (a) that the rate of yearly rent payable by the Lessees during each successive period of twenty-one years during the term of this lease and any extension of it shall be that =I~d~~~1!5. .. I I';~ = -1r rate of yearly rent that would be applicable in the case of a Ddneral lease of Crown land granted under the Ordinance at the commence- ment of that twenty-one year period; (b) that the initial rate of royalty payable by each of the reapective Lessees shall be Twenty cents (20c) per ton on baux1te mined and treated on its respective behalf in Australia. and Th1rty cents (30c) per ton on bauxite m1ned and exported on its behalr as untreated bauxite. but the rqyalty payable by a particular Lessee on bauxite mined and treated in Australia shall be reduced - (i) to Fifteen cents (15c) per ton in any year in which such Lessee I s net profit (as hereinafter defined) is less than the equivalent of Twelve dollars ($12) per ton of alumina produced by or for it but not less than Eight dollars (&8) per ton of alumina 80 produced; or (11) to Ten cents (lOc) per ton in any year ~n wh~ch such Lessee's net profit (as here~nafter defined) is less than the equiva1ent of Eight dollars ($8) per ton of alumina 80 produced; (c) that 1f the Minister is satisfied that the cap1tal investment necessary for the estab- lishment of a bauxite treatment plant with a capac1ty of 500,000 tona per annum is above One hundred million dollars ($100 ,000 ,000), - /1, the r1gurea of Twelve dollars ($12) and Eight dollars (18) respectively referred to in sUb- paragraphs (i) and (11) of the last preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be increased 1n the same proportion as the new capital investment bears to One hundred million dollars (llOO .000 ,000) J (d) that for the purposes of paragraph (b) or this clause - SLessee's net profitS in a year shall be the profit of such Lessee in the year II after tax; and .prof it- shall. subject to the provisions II of paragraph (e) of th1s clause. be the amount that 1s certiried by the auditor of each such Lessee respectively to be the surplus remaining after deduction f the gross proceeds during the year fram sales of bauxite by it and alumina pro- duced from this lease of - (1) all costa. charges, outgoings and overheads of and incidental to the mining. treatment, storage, hand11 . transport and sales of bauxite and alumina. including rents, rates. interest on loan moneys, mainten- ance and year-to-year replacements} (11) provisions on a basis that is consistent from year to year for 1r replacement of assets; and II{ (111) if the Administrator is not satis- fied with the calculation made on behalf of such Lessee he shall make the calculation that he considers is correct and notify such Lessee of the calculation he has made; (iv) as soon as practicable after a notification by the Administrator, such Lessee and the Administrator ahall consult together in an endeavour to agree upon the calcul- ation of the profit concerned; (v) the profit or such Lessee for the purposes of the calculation of royalty in respect or a year shall be the profit calculated in accord- ance with paragraph (d) and sub- paragraph (1) of paragraph (e) or this clause as agreed ~on by such Lessee and the Administrator or, if agreement is not reached within a period or three months after the notification to such Lessee by the Administrator, as certified by the Auditor-General for the Common- wealth as calculated in accordance with paragraph (d) and sub-paragrapI (i) of paragraph (e) of this clause: (vi) each of the Lessees shall permit thE Auditor-Gene~ or an officer authorized by him to examine its ~II= =11 - books and records t'or the purpose of enabling a certificate provided for by the ~ast preceding sub- paragraph to be g1 ven j (vii) a certificate by the Auditor- General as provided for by sub- paragraph (v) of this paragraph shall be accepted as a conclusive determination of the profit of such Lessee in the relevant year; (t) that the rate of royal ty may be reviewed by the Commonwealth at seven-yearly intervals computed from the 31st day of December, 1971. or from the date on which alumina is first produced in commercial quanti ties, whichever i8 the earlier, the Commonwealth having regard to such matters as the profitability o~ the project at Gove Peninsula and the movelllent in royalties generally in the Commonwealth of Austra1ia ~or bauxite and other minerals since the last review, the right being reserved to the Commonwealth when reviewing royalty, having regard to such matters as aforesaid, to introduce new bases for assessment; (g) that the rate of royalty payable by the Lessees for the seven-yearly period immedi- ately succeeding a review shall, subject to paragraph (h) of this clause, be the rate det r- mined by the Commonwealth on the review or. if not so determined within six months after the date for the review, ahall be the rate existing immediately prior to the date for the review; :IL19.il =11 I F====II (h) that the rate of royalty payable under the preceding paragraphs of this clause during II the first three seven-yearly royalty periods sha1lin no case be less than Ten cents (lOc) or more than Forty cents (40c) per ton on bauxite mined and treated in Australia, or more than Fifty cente (SOc) per ton on bauxite mined and exported as untreated bauxite; (1) that in relation to the payment of the royalty payable in accordance with the preceding paragraphs of this clause the following provisions shall apply - (1) each or the Lessees shall within 28 days arter the end of each quarter make a payment of Ten cents (lOc) per ton on its respective share or the tonnage input of bauxite to the bauxite treatment plant and on bauxite exported by it as untreated bauxite; (1i) each of the Lessees shall subm1t to the Adm.1.nistrator a royalty return for each year within 28 dS78 after receipt of the taxation aasesament of $uch Lessee by the Commissioner for Taxation for the year accompanied by the certif1cate of such Lessee's auditors stating the net profit after tax of that year and that the provisions referred to in paragraph (d) of thi clause are on a basis consistent with those o£ the previous year; ~ i... 1\= (111) any amount in addition to the total amount of the quarterly payments found to be payable after final calculat1on in respect of a year on the basis set out above shall be paid by such Lessee within 28 days after notification to i t by the Administrator that the additional amount 1s payable; (J) that each of the Lessees shall during the term of thia lease pay royalty on the minerals other than bauxite mined by it at the respective rates and at the respective times that would be applicable in the case of a mineral lease of the leased 1and provided tor those minerals in the Ordinance at the time of their sale} (k) that the provisions of the Ordinance and of the Regulations so far as they relate to speci~ mineral leases granted under the Ordinance and are not inconsistent with the Agreement and! or this lease shall apply to this lease as if those provisions were incorporated in this lease; (1) that the Commonwealth will have the right to resume any portion or the leased land for a public purpose. on payment to the Lessees of compensation calculated as provided in paragraphs (m) and (n) of this clause; (m) that in the event of any part of the leased land being resumed by the II- '===/1 Commonwealth under the last preceding paragraph, the Lessees shall be entitled to compensation on just terms for the 1088 of bauxite and other minera1s designated in this lease in, and improve- ments on or to, the land resumed and for any loss in value to the Lessees of any improvements on or to the leased land (other than the resumed part) or on or to any other land the sub ject of a lease to the Lessees or any assignee of the Lessees and for any other losses necessarily incurred by the Lessee or such assignee by reason of the resumption; (n) that for the purposes of paragraph (m) of this clause the value of bauxite and/or other minerals shall be their value as at the date o£ resumptionl taking into account all coats which would be associated with the miningl transport I treatment and I ifapplicable. i washing of those minerals; (0) that the Leaaees shall be entitled to draw water free of charge from the sea into and along the portion of the land thirdly described allocated to this purpose for uae in ita operations on the land thirdly described; (p) that the Lessees may. upon payment of all royalties and rent then due to the Common- wealth and having complied with the pro- visions of sub-paragraph (v) of paragraph (a) of clause 2 of this lease, surrender the whole or part of the lease; and 1" --c " ~ ; 2f ; I -- Executive Council who ~ tor the time being be acting for that Minister} -the MissionD means the Mission establish- ment that is for the time being conducted at Yirrkala by the Department of Overseas Missions or the Methodist Church of Aus tralia or by 8n7 successor of that Department or Church; " " the Oro1nance means the MiniM Ordinance 1939-1969 of the Territory; n Re . the ~tions means the Regulations made under the Ordinance as those Regulationa are amended frail time to time: and .the T.rr1to~. means the Northern Territory of Australia. (2.) The obligation on the part 01' the Lessees under the covenants and agreements contained in this lease shall# ~here more than one person comprise the Lessees hereunder. be I 1.1oint and several ob~tlons of those persons. (}.) Any reference to an Act means that Act as Iamended rrom time to time or any Act in sUbst1 tut1on rorIthat Act. (4.) Any reference to an Ordinance means that I~nance as amended from time to time or ~ Ordinance Ln aubstitution for that Ordinance. (5.) In this lease. unless the contrary intention rppeara. words in the singular include the plural and words ~ the plural include the singular. ~~~II ~ ' '"-- .. 2.(. - - i '1'BB SCBmJLi . ALL THAT piece or parcel of land at Gave Peninsula in the Northern Territory of Australia. containing an area of 49,466 acre. more or lea. and being the land I I described as follow.- I Commencing at a point bearing 291 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds 655.6 links, }o5 degrees 46 ~tes 30 seconds 13147.5 links, 330 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds 1430.2 I links, 1 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds 794.9 links, 354 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds 1989.9 links, 84 degrees c , ~utes 11225 links, 4 degrees 31 minutes }O seconds 15141.8 links, 94 degI'ees 31 minutes 10 seconds 6063.2 I . 111~s, 4 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds 238.5 links, 94 , degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds 10919.2 l1rik8 from Astrofix FN1, parallel of south latitude 12 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds, meridian of east longitude 136 degrees 49 minutes 24 seconds and situated near the windsock at Gove Airstrip: thence bounded. by linea bearing 180 degrees 1 minute 9263.2 links, I ~6 degrees 39 minutes 5807 links, 90 degrees 1 minute " 1;273.9 links, 179 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds 1709.8 1inksl 202 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds 1681.3 linksl 1201 degrees 41 minutes 1274.3 links, 177 degrees 10 minutes 1252.2 links I 184 degrees 1 minute 50 seconds 1757.7 links, 216 degrees 5 m1nutes 30 seconds 768.1 linksl 192 degrees 159 m1nutes 50 seconds 347.4 links, 165 degrees 19 minutes 150 second. 502.4 links, 153 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds ,285.9 linksl 200 degrees 37 minutes 20 seconds 558.1 links, 113 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds 1237 1inksl 156 degrees '129 minutes 20 seconds 1485.7 links, 137 degrees 27 minutes 2052.5 links, 112 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds 2006.9 links. 78 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds 2751.2 links, 32 degrees 1111 minutes 20 seconds 761 links, 14 degrees 49 minutes 30 =1! " k===== t:=: - ..'- .. - "-) .eeonds 483.4 links. 23 degrees 26 minutes 20 seconds 269.7 links. 3 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds 557.5 links. 39 degree. '7 minutes 40 seconds 194.5 links. 48 degrees 18 minutes 20 aeconds 434.9 links. 11 degrees 16 minutes 220 links. 44 degree. '8 minutes 30 seconds 756.3 links. 22 degrees 43 minutes 30 ..conds 550.4 links. 153 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds 497.6 11nka. 112 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds 998.8 links. 108 degree n ~ minutes 50 seconds 856.9 links. 99 degrees 12 minutes 50 aeconds 753.7 links. 83 degrees 41 minutes 619 11nks. 69 degrees 27 minutes 333.3 links, 103 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds 447.8 11nks, 126 degrees 1 minute 30 seconds 623.1 links, 129 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds 970.8 links, 115 degrees 43 m1nutes 30 aeconds 553.8 links. 135 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds 297.6 l1nks, 162 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds 449.4 links. 142 degree '7 minutes 50 seconds 1295.9 links, 211 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds 579.8 links, 142 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds 616.2 links, 192 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds 1342.7 links. 220 degrees 2 minutes 20 seconds 472.3 links. 212 degrees 32 8tnutes 50 seconds 1245.7 links, 173 degrees 40 seconds 1454.7 II links. 183 degrees 55 minutes 1046.3 links. 150 degrees 32 minut 20 seconds 1085.3 links, 152 degrees 6 minutes 40 seconds 1716.5 links, 127 degrees 2 minutes 30 seconds 1100.9 links. 199 degree 20 minutes 30 seconds 582.4 links, 259 degrees 11 minutes 40 ..conds 664.4 links, 192 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds 1446.5 l1nks. 89 degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds 558.5 links. 127 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds 962.9 links, 175 degrees }9 minutes 30 seconds 2585.6 links, 160 degrees 40 minutes }O seconds 738.8 links, 242 degrees 31 minutes 350.3 links. 164 degrees 4 minutes 440.7 links. 165 degrees 35 minutes ~ seconds 312.9 links, 176 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds 408.5 links. 164 degrees 31 minutes 50 seconds 452.3 links, 128 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds 532.6 links. 106 degrees , 8inutes 509.3 links. 173 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds s,7.4 links, 148 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds 1715.2 links. 170 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds 956.2 links, 114 degrees 11~ : " ~ j ~ = 2Jf .I degrees 6 minutes 40 seconds 1327.1 links, 207 degrees Is8 minutes 50 seconds 1132.' links, 250 degrees 6 minutes 30 seconds 1248.9 links, 220 degrees }6 minutes 20 seconds I 975.7 links, 2'0 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds 681 links, ~4' degrees 5' minutes 10 seconds 1114.~ links, 266 degrees '5 minutes 40 seconds 1108.5 links, 286 degrees I minutes 10 seconds 922.6 l~nks, 267 degrees 29 minutes ! ~ seconds 124'.1 links, 250 degrees }1 minutes 30 seconds I 11692.7 links, '05 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds 1}41.l links, !228 degrees '0 minutes 10 seconds 641.6 links, 246 degrees 47 minutes '0 seconds 12".1 links. 255 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds 85,.6 11nka- 1,4 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds I 71'.' linka, 218 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds 851.' links, , :270 degrees 1 minute 10 aeconds 40449.' links, ,60 degrees :10670 links. 270 degrees 15616.2 links. ,60 degrees 163'1.8 I 'link_, 270 degrees 8000 links, }60 degrees 2,420.8 links, 90 degrees' minute. 40 seconds 9581.4 links, 0 degrees ! I J minute. 40 seconds 12000 links, 90 degrees} minutes 40 I seconds 17162 links. 0 degrees' minutes 40 seconds 1605}.4 I I links, 90 degrees} minutes 40 seconds 28156.6 links, 180 aegrees 1 minute 77~.9 links to the point of commencement. All bearings are grid. ~=ir~i221 ===-7 =IL 30 =11 11=-== IN WITNESS whereof the Minister has ror and on behalf of I the Commonwealth hereunto set his hand and seal and the .i.eaaees have hereunto arf1.xed their cODIIIon seals the day and II ~ear first above written. II SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED Iby the Minister ot State tor II~ Interior of the Commonwealth ~"J\ ~ of Auatralia tor and on behalf lot the Commonwealth in the ~reaence of- THE COMMON SEAL of SWISS'ALUMINIUM AUSTRALIA Pl'I. LIMITED hereunto affixed 0)'" the iauthor1tyof a reaolut1on of'the ~L.1 Board of D1rectora 1n the~reaence Cbt of- Director X ~ 4 ~;"...;T'b r ~:t7f!:r9'" "'" Il'BE COMmN SEAL of GOVE / ~A LIMITED waa hereunto \~r1Xed by the author1ty of a ~.Olut1on of the Board of )1rectors 1n the presence or - Director ~~""""""'"""' SegPeta~- Pf' () ])~ I ~:7 ARAFURA SE 'l'hl.S is tile plan marked. 1;. referred to in dp~cial lVlineral Lease l~o. dated 30 ~jay, 1969. ~ IJ! ~. ... Minister lor bhe interior ~wis8 Aluminium Australia ~ty. Liillited 1- ELA.f\J -A -- ,," ARAFURA NT Po, 1172 / SEA / / / "'" NTPo, 1192 ~ r;;£:( N.T.Por. 120~ ~- -""-- 1205 DIMBUKA ROCK (approx) "",' . NTPor 1208 NT Por 1193 ~~ !--~ -~ '.IT Po, 1196 DRINNIE '--.r MELVILLE BAY ~-.f...~ - PLANT AREA N.T.Par. 1196 'fhJ.S is the plaIl r~Rr!!;t." ", re!'erred t b '-1;' ~pecial I'iineral Lease ,,0. dntGd 30tr.. fi.ay, 196~. -' :"" -)~ te '" for '"1"0 .L)'~ e-J.o'"' ,J.c..." ~ ".~ ." J. -. ~ .L .&al8.' 2000 feet to aJ'2- ~ _LJ~~---~*", " ---L~~~ -.. . .;WJ.ss ..1(;:;':L)lJ.l~ ~,u"trUl.J.n \rOV - Pty. j,,::';;;l"C(:.