.gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o -===-==- a I ii i =~ OFm!~~~AmT- i ! FREETOWN -·•-•-ct.11 ; ,- Tel; 132-22-76-615187 II# O E-mail: sierraltonep1rliament@hotmail.com/1dmln@p1rli1mtnt.gov.sl fl 0 0 I PoSUOC/5/CERT/211 VOL.Xl § I FROM: The Clerk of Parliament § 0 0 ! TO: The Pennanent Secretary, Ministry of Mines and !! ,,, Mineral Resources ,., o a 0 0 I 6m December, 2017 0 ,, _ _________________ ,, o I 0 cc: The Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources 0 0 S L Mining Limited. 0 0 0 ! PARLIAMENTARY APPROVAL OF 0 0 O . tr:_ A GOVERNMENT MOTION O § I am directed to refer to the above-subject and to infonn you that Parliament at § O its sitting on Wednesday 6" December, 2017 ratified the following Agreement, which O O was laid on the Table of the House on Wednesday 6m December, 2017: O 0 0 I LARGE SCALE LICENCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE = 0 GOVERNMENT OF SIERRA LEONE (GOSL) AND SL MINING 0 IJ LIMITED DATED 5nt DECEMBER, 2017. IJ 0 0 0 0 0 A Certificate of the Passage of the Motion is enclosed herewith for your I I further action. IS!si § s . . ,, O lb ·ms.Se 0 0 Clerk of Parliament O 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 ,, 0 0 0 I o Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool i ] I .. . 1,:J . [~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I J LARCE SCALE LICENCE AGREEMENT between TilE GOVERNMENJ' OF SIERRA LEONE and SL ~flNINC LIMITED THISAGREEMENTismadethisday 5 ~ of December2017 between TIU: GOVERNMENT OF TUE REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE represented by the Minister of Mineral Resources (hcmnafier referred to as "COSL") of lhe ONE PART, and SL MINING LIMITED, 1 limited liability company 1ncorpora.ted under the Laws of Sien-a Leone with registnition number SL261016SLMIN00853 and with its registered offices 1t No. 26 Main Motor Road, Brook:lields, Freetown in 1he Wes1em Arca of the Republic of Siena Leone (bereiMfter refened to as "SL MINING", which expression shall, wheTe the context admits, include its lawful wigns and successors) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS a) By the Mining Ucence as hereinafter defined, GOSL demised and granted to SL MINING lhe minerals contained in Schedule A thcmo in the arca described in Schedule A themo ICCOfding ID the PTopmme of Mining Operations descn"bed in Schedule A thereto, togethef with the rights referred IO therein for a tenn of twenty-live (25) years as from 29th March 2017 upon lbe terms md conditions therein stated, and b) SL MINING and COSL have agreed to enter into this Agreement to confirm the terms and conditions upon which SL MINING shall conduct mining operations in the Mining Licetlce Area, (as hereinat\eT defined). IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: TABLE OF CONTENTS DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION .................................................................................................... 4 I.I Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 lntetpretation ............................................................................ . ......................................................... 5 2 RESPECTIVE WARRANTIES ..................................................................................................................... S 2.1 GOSL hereby represents and warrants to SL MINTNO that: ... _ .................................... - .................. S 2.2 SL MINING hereby represents and warrants to OOSL that: ................................................................ S 2.3 Breach ................................................................................................................................................... S 3 MINING LICENCE·-.................................................................................... ----········· ........ _ ............. S 3.1 Application of Minerals Act ........................................................................................................... - .... 6 3.2 Tenn and Renewal ................................................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Extension of Mining Licence ............................................................ - ................................................. 6 3.4 Surrender of Mining Lioence ........................... - ................................................ _ .............................. 6 4 GENERAL RIGHTS AND OBLlGA TIONS OF SL MINING ..................................................................... 6 4.1 General Obligations ............................................................................. _ .............................................. 6 4.2 Rights Incidental to Mining Operations ................................................................................................ 7 4.3 Restrictions on exercise of rights under a mioenl right-..•• - ......................... ·-·-······--······-··---7 4.4 Right to Resettlement.............................................. .......................................................................... 8 4.S Accessory Wof'lcs and Installations ....................................................................................................... 8 4.6 Export of Iron Ore Concentrates.-·············-.. ···-···-·····"·---·---------8 4.7 Admission of Personnel ........................................................................................................................ 8 4.8 Government Protection and AssislAnce ................................................................................................. 9 4.9 Importation of Machinery ........................................................................................... - ............. _ ..... 10 4.10 Exportation ofEquipment ................................................................................................................... 10 4.11 Protection of the Environment and Local Population ......................................................................... 10 4.12 Reclamation and rehabilitation of mined out areas ............................................................................. 10 4.13 Procurement ........................................................................................................................................ 11 4.14 Health and Safcty .............. - .......................... - .................................................................................. 1 I 4.1 S Community Development Projects ..................................................................................................... 11 4.16 Performance Bond ............................................................................................................................... 11 S FISCAL PROVISIONS .......................................... - ........ - ............. _ ................... - ...................................... 12 s. I Mining and surface rent ...................................................................................................................... 12 S.2 Royalty .............................................................................................................................................. 12 S.3 Income Tax ......................................................................................................................................... 13 S.4 Treatment oflosses for Income Tax purposes ..................................................................................... 14 s.s Withholding tax ................................................................................................................................... 14 5.6 Capital expenditure allowances ........................................................................................................... IS s.7 Currency issues.. -........................................................................................................................ 15 2 15 S.S Basis of Assessing and paying Income Tax ........................................................................................ 5.9 Limita1ion of charges on imports ................................................................................. - ... --......... IS S.10 Duties and Taxes on Fuel and Lubricants ........................................................................................... l6 5.11 Reimbursement of import duties ......................................................................................................... 16 5.12 Road user charges ............................................................................................................................... 16 S.13 Inspection fees ..................................................................................................................................... 17 S.14 Other biles or fiscal impost ......................................................... ·-··---········· ...................... 17 S.15 Repatriation Holding and Introduction of Funds ................................................................................. 17 5.16 Goods and Services Tax ...................................................................................................................... 18 S.17 Port, harl>our dues or fees and stevedoring charges ............................................................................ 18 5.18 Community Development Fund and Additional Royalty payments .................................................... 18 5.19 National Social Security and Insurance Trust - NASSIT ................................................................. 19 S.20 Interpretation of fiscal advantages ...................................................................................................... 19 S.21 Ring Feneiog ....................................................................................................................................... 19 S.22 Capital Gains.......... . ............................. - ............................................................................ 19 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS ........................................................................................................................... 19 6.1 Assignment and Change ofControl .................................................................................................... 19 with Minerals Act and other Acts .................................. _ .......... --... --... ·---19 6.2 Compliance 6.3 Reporting................................ ................. ._................................................................. . ................ 19 6.4 Creation of Security Interest ............................................................................................................... 20 Prior Consent 6.5 or Approval .................................................................................................................. 20 6.6 Confidentiality .................................................................................................................................... 20 6.7 ColTUJ)t Practices...................................................................... ____ ................................... 20 6.8 Joint review ......................................................................................................................................... 21 6.9 Interpretation and Arl>itralion .............................................................................................................. 21 6.10 Revocation by die Government ............................................... - .... - ................................................. 21 6.11 Ratification and Amendment .............................................................................. :··········· .. ··•··············· 21 6.12 Fon:e Majeure ..................................................................................................................................... 22 6.13 Notices ................................................................................................................................................ 22 6.14 Right of Termination by SL MINING ................................................ - ............................................ 22 s- 6.15 Applicable Law ................................................................................................................................... 22 t~ ~ T 3 'r { 1 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRF.T A TION 1.1 p,nnlllon• In this Agreement the following exprcuion shall unless the context requires otherwise. have the following meanings: "~greement" means thi, Agreement, including the schedules hereto, whi<;h forms an integral part of this Agreement, and refCTCnCCS to this Agreement includes references to such schedules; "Applicable Law" me3ns the law of the Republic of Siem Leone; Arm's-length lr•ns•ctlon• means a contract or agreement that has been arrived at in the marketplace • bc~een independent, non-affilioted pem>ns in accordance with the Mining Ucence and consistent with Section 154 of the Minerals Act and generally accepted international business practices. For a transaction to remain Arm's-length for royalty purposes, it must be Ann's-length during the entire period for which royalty is determined under Section 5.2. "Change of Control" shall mean the consummation of any transaction or series of transactions (including without limitation any joint venture, m:inagcmenl ammgement. sale, meTger or consolidation), the result or which is that Gerald Iron Ore Ltd or any other group of shareholders that collectively bener.cially own more than 50% of lhe voling equity of SL MINING before such transaction or series of transactions ceases to (i) be beneficial owners of lTlOl"e than 50% of the aggregate voting equity of SL l\1INJNG or (ii) have the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and the policies of SLMINING; "Effective Date of this Agreement" means the date on which this Agreement is nti.fied by Parliament as contemplated by Clause 6.11 of this Aveement; "Free on BoarCS- is a term defined under INCOTE.RMS 2010 publishc:d by the International~ of Commerce and means point of shipment at the designated Siem Leone offshore loading facility, including loading on to the ship, however excluding m:irine Creight transport, insurance, unloading and from the amval port to the final destination. transportation "Cenld Iron Ore Ltd" means Gerald Iron Ore Ltd, a British Virgin Islands limited liability company, being as of the date of this Agreement. the 100% shareholder of SL MINING; "Income Tu Act" means The locome Tax Act, 2000 of the Laws of Sierra Leone, including any legislation amending the same or 5Ubstitute thefeof and all regulat1ons and rules from time to time in force thereunder; "Independent Sole Expert" means an independent individual employee ofan internationally recognized mining or consulting finn competent on international mineral markets and prices as the Parties may agree in writing, or failing such agreement. as shall be appointed for this purpose on the application or either Party by the President or the lntemational Oiamber of Commerce in London in accordance with the provisions for the appointment of experts under the Rules for Expertise of the International Chamber of Commcn:e; "Mlner•ls Act" means the Mines and Minerals Act 2009 of the Laws or Siena Leone, including any legi,lation amending the same or substituted thereof and all regulations and rules &om time to time in force thereunclcr. "Mining Licence" means Large Scale Mining Licence NO.ML 0112017 dated the 2~ofMan:h 2017 made between the GOSL of the one part and SL MINING of the other part and duly registered as No 9/2017 at page117 in volume I I of the Book. of Mining Leases kept in the office of the Registrar of Genera.I, Freetown and as ameoded &om time to time; "Minlna: Ucence Area" means the area dcscnoed in Schedule A of the Mining Licence aod as set out in Schedule A hereto; "Minister" means the Minister responsible for mineral resources; "NMA" means the National Minerals Agency established under the National Minerals Agency Act 2012. nated SuppUen" mean those independent, unaffiliated entitie,, excluding banks and financial "Nomi institutions. to be provided by SL MINING from time to time and as amended from time to time throughout the project and supplying substantial goods and setVices to SL MIN1NG on a long-tenn 4 1 basis, being the supply of goods and services for more than one year or involving a contract amount in excess or USS 1,000.000: "NRA" means the NatioMI Revenue Authority established under the National Revenue Authority Act 2002. 2 "Procnmme or Mlnlnt Openillons" means the programme of mini~g operations as at the ?". of March 2017 and set out in Schedule A to the Mining Licence cntttJed "Programme of Mmmg Operations•, and u shall be further amended from time to time pursuant to Section I 13 (I) of the Minerals Act. "Reference Date" means 29*March 2017 and on l~March of each following year. J,l lntrmrrtallnn Where the context so admits, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa. 1 RESPECTIVE WARRANTlES l.J GOSL httthy ttprrscnt1 and warnntt to SL MINING that: a} Pursuant to the Minerals Act. the entire property and control of all minerals in, under or upon the Mining Licence Area is vested in GOSL, which has the sole and exclusive right to grant a mining licence relating thereto, free ofany lien, claim, or other enc:umbnmce; b) During the existence of the Mining Licence and this Agreement, no person hu or shall have any mineral rights (as defined in the Minerals Act) or inlerc$1$ in respect of any minerals located over. under or upon or 10 any improvements thereto, and GOSL generally agrees to indemnify SL the Mining Licence Arca !'t1TNINC against any and all loss or damage ansing out of or in COtlDCCtion with any right or claim inconsistent with any such rights; c) SL .MINING shall peaceably enjoy the Mining Licence Arca without intenuption by GOSL or by any other person or persons elaimina or under GOSL, or in trust for it, and shall have the right during the term of the Mining Licence and this Agreement to explore for and oune iron ore and associated minerals. No other person or entity shall have the right to engage in any prospecting. exploration or mining or any other activities on, above or below the surface in the Mining Licence Arca during the operations, term of the Mining Licence and thiJ Agreement 1.1 SL MJNING hereby represents llnd warrants to COSL that: a} SL MINING is a company duly organized. validly existing a.nd in ,ooc1 standing undeT the laws of Siena Leone: a.nd shall remain so dvoupout the duration of this A~ SL MINING bu all the requjsite power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. b) The execution and delivery by SL MINING of this Agreement and the performance of its obligatioDJ hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or other action on the part of SL MINING, and no further consent or llllhorization is required or tbc board of directors of SL .MINING to authorize this ApemenL c} Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor SL MIN IN G's compliance with the obligations contemplated bcm>y will conflict with OT result in a breach or violation or: (i} the organizational documents of SL MINING (ii) any provision ortaw applicable to SL MINING on the date hereof or (ill) the terms or any material agreement to which SL MINING is a party or by which SL MINING is bound. d) SL MINING has the linancial and technical capabilities to finance and carry out the Programme of Mining Operations in accordance with this Agreement l.3 !!!!!£!!. Any breach of representations and warranties in this Clause 2 shall be deemed to be a breach of this to Clause 6.10 of this Agreement. Agreement, subject 3 MJNINC LICENCE s J,l Application of Mineral~ Act The provisions of the Minerals Act relating to mining licences shall apply to the ~inin~ Li~ this A~~nt, ond any Additional Mining Licences, except to the extent that they.~ incons1~tent with the prov1&1ons of this AgTCCmenl and the Mining Licence in which event the prov1s1ons of this Agreement and the Mining Licence shall prevail. As used herein, 'Additional Mining Lease' means any additional mining licence or licence or prospecting/reconnaissance licence granted to SL MINING pursuant to tltis Clause 3.1. 3.2 Term and Renewal The Mining Licence granted to SL MINING was granted initially for a period of twenty-five (2S) years as provided for therein. It shall then be renewable for further periods of fifteen (IS) years upon an application made in writins by SL MINING to the Minister at least one year before the expiration of the original tenn, and each 15 year term, as applicable in accotdance with Section 112 of the Miner.tis Act Upon the making of an application 10 renew the Mining Licence, SL MINING or GOSL may request that certain of the terms of the Mining Licence or this Agreement be amended and shall negotiate the of such amendment (s) in good faith, it being understood that the existing tenns of the Mining effecting Licence and this Agreement shall remain in effect uotil mutual agreement is reached or uni.ii it is detennined that the Mining Licence shall 001 be renewed. A decision not to renew the Mining Lease may be reviewed in accordance wilh Section 17S of the Minerals Act. Any revocation or non-rtnewal of this Agreement shall automatically consti!Ute a similar revocation or non-renewal of the Mining Licence and versa. Revocation is subject to clause 6.1 O. vice 3.3 E11tenslon or Mining Licence Should lhe current holder or its successor of the mineral right on the land area in a 2S (twenty five) kilometre radius of the Mining Licence Area definitively surmidcr all or a portion of its rights to the surrounding area, or should lhe license be cancelled or expires, in such event, SL MINING shall be given the first right option to apply to GOSL for any addltiooal recoMaissance licenses, exploration licenses, small or large scale mining licenses specifically for iron ore. provided such areas do not fall within another company's valid mineral right and provided furthcT thal SL MINING makes such application within 60 days of written confirmation of such surrender, expiry or cancellation. It is the option to apply is no a$$Ur'&ncc of the grant of tb0$C licenses, as referred to above lo understood that SL MINING, which such application will be disposed or as provided in respective provisions of the Minerals Act, nor that the fiscal advantages contained in this Agrecmenl shall automatically apply to iron mined from~ additional a:reas. ore 3.4 Surrender of Mining Llcen« a) Subject to Section 51 of the Minerals Act, SL MINING may surrender all or partocpartsofthe Mining Arca included in the Mining Licence Area or an Additional Mining Licence at any time during Licence of such Mining Licence and ot Additional Mining Licence by notice in writing to the GOSL to the term that effect of not less than three months' notice; a.nd upon such surrender the lands surrendered shall cease to be comprised in or subject to the provisions or such Minill8 Licence and or Additional Mining Licence. surrcndeT, expiration or other termination of the Mining Licence or of any portion thereof, SL b) Upon the MINING shall comply with any conditions stated in this Agreement or Schedules as regards the surrendered lands and be granted a period of nol less than six months, or such longer period as the Director may specify, immediately following such surrender, expiration or termination in which to struc!Ures, plants. machinety, equipment or olher effects from the areas remove all or any ofits buildings. covered by the Mining Licence or ponion of the Mining Licence surrendered, expired or terminated. 4 GENERAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SL PtfJNING In addition to the other rig_hts granted by this Agreement, the Mining Licence and the Minerals Act, and other applicable laws of Sierra Leone, SL MINING shall have the following rights: 4.1 General Obligations 6 ••• . I I I a) SL MJNINC sh.ill at all times perfonn its duties, obligntionJ and work in the Mining_Licen~e Area_with all due professional diligence and will use its best endeavours to achieve the best aviul~ble international itandards fOf openitiol\S and safety standords prevailing in the mining industrY worldwide at all tlmu. r' b) SL MINING shall proceed with the development of the mine and related plant_ and facil_ities, and carry .. out the mining and processing of iron ore and iron ore tailings in accordance w!lh the Minerals Act and the CUl'T'Cnt Progn1mmc of Mining Operations, SL MINING shall have the nght to cure any alleged breach as provided in Clause 6.10 of this Agreement 4.2 Rights lncldentnl to Mining QneratioM ln order to facilitate its mining operations, SL MINlNG shall have the following rights, subject 10 compliance with Applicable Law: a) To demolish any derelict buildings within the Mining Licence Area, with due regard for health and safety considerations; b) To remove and sell for export any surplus scrap metal not required for the conduct of normal operations situated within the Mining Licence Area, subject to any applicable government charges, and taxes levies, duties or royalties; c) To create, hire and maintain an unarmed security force to provide a detenent to vandalism. theft and trespassers; d) To transport all iron ore and associated mineral concentrates using public highways and SL MINING constructed roads to a jetty on the Port Loko river and any other infrastructure and/or port solution it of production and for COSL to facilitate the granting constructs later in its operation for the expansion of access to sbjp such concentrates using the Marampa to Pepe! railway line and the Pcpel Port, after the construction of such facilities shall have been completed, subject to the written consent, wilh or without conditions, of the national or local authority having control over the use of public highways, river, railway, etc.; e) 10 conslJUCt and operate infrastrucru~ required to deliver its Programme of Mining Operations, to the extent provided in Clause 4.5; f) On the lands included within the Mining Licence Arca to cut take and use any tree when necessary in the course of mining opcntions or when requiml for mining or d01DCstic purposes provided that it shall not cut or take any trees in a forest reserve or protected forest ~cept with the cement of the Director of Forestry or before paying the fees and royalties prescn"bed by the Forestry Act 1988 (Act No.7 of 1988). utrrbr of right~ under a mineral right 4.3 Restrictions on SL MINING shall not exercise any ofits rights, Ullder the mineral right: a) in respect of any land dedicated or set apart for any public purpose other than mining including any street, road, highway, or aerodrome except with the written consent of the responsible Minister or other authority having control over wch la.nd, and such cooscnt may be given unconditionally or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the instrumeot of eoosent. such consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; b) except with tbe written consent of the owner or lawful occupier or bis duly authorised agent, in respect of: any land dedicated as a place of burial or which is a place of religious or other cultural significance; or any land which is the ~ite o~ or which _is within two hundml meters or such greater distance as may of any snhab1ted, occupied or temporarily unoccupied house or building; be prescribed, any land which is within fifty meters or such greater distance as may be prescribed, ofland which has been cleared or ploughed or otherwise bona fide prq,ared for the growing of, or upon which are, agricultural crops; or any land which is the site of, or within ooe hundred meters or such there greater distance as may be prescribed, any cattle dip, tanlc, dam, or other body of water. 7 tJ J .I • j C But where any consent so required is, in the opinion of the Minister, being unreasonably withheld, the Minister may on such conditions, if any, as he may impose, direc1 in writing that th~ need ~or the ,1 consent under this paragraph sh.all be dispensed with and authorise the holder of the mineral nght to eltercisc all or any of his rights under it; c) in respect of any land reserved for the purpose of any railway, highway or waterway or which is within fifty meters or such greater di$1ance 85 may be pmcribcd, of lhe boundaries of any land so resented, eitcept with the written consent of the responsible railway, highway or waterway authority; and d) in respect of any land within any township, or within two hundred meters or such greater distance as may be ~rescribed, of the boundaries of any township, cxc;ept with the written consent of the local authority ~ L having control over the township. 4.4 Right to Resettlement a) The Minister shall ensure that all owncff or lawful occupiers of land who prefer to be compensated by way of resettlement as a result of being displaced by a proposed mining opcntion are resettled on suitable alternate land, with due regard to their economic well-being and social and cultural value so that their circumstances are similar to or improved when compared to their circumstances before resettlement., and resettlement is carried out in accordance with the relevant planning laws. b) Tiiecostofresettlementshall be borne by the holder of the mineral right as agreed by the holder and the owner or lawful occupier of land or by separate agreement with the Minister, or in accordance with a ·1_ determi.oation by the Minister, acept that where the bolder elects to delay or abandon the proposed mining operation which will necessitate resettlement, the obligation to bear the cost of resettlement shall only arise upon the holder actually proceeding with the mining operation. c) Subject to (a) and (b) above, the Minister may take the necessary action to give effect to a resetllement or determination. agreement 4.S A.cceuory Works and Installations a) SL MINING shall have the exclusive right to use, construct, repair and operate within the Mining Licence Area, any roads, buildings, plants, structures. living quarters, water supply systems, pipelines, conveyor belts, communications systems, electric power systems, ship loading stations, airships, barge channels, storage facilities owned by COSL and other similar accessory works and installations which are necessary or useful in carrying out its operations under this Agreement, subject to the legitimate of residents and other third parties, provided that SL MINING follows prcscn1>ed procedures and rights tlie rules of the appropriate regulatory authority regarding their constn&c:tion and use, and provided funher u that reasonable right of use shall be granted to GOSL rcprescntlltivcs and any residents or other legitimate users oflhe Mining Licence Arca. b) COSL shall use its best endeavours to grant a priority right to SL MINING to use, construct, repair and operate any roads, buildings, structures. water supply systems, pipelines, communication systems, electric power systems, loading stations, barge channels, storage facilities and other similar accessory works and installations which are necessary in carrying out its operations under this Agreement outside the Mining Licence Arca. subject to tl1e legitimate rights of GOSL and third parties (provided that such use, conSlruetion, repair o.nd/or operation does not o.dvcncly impo.c, lhit-d party operations), subject to the written consent oftbe rnition3I or local authority having control over the respective utility and to SL MINING following prescribed procedures and makit1g the requisite payments regarding their construction and use and provided further that a reasonable right of use shall be granted to COSL representatives in the course or their nonnal regulatory M:tivitics. 4.6 Export of Iron Ore Conrentrate~ Subject to Section 113(5), a~ Sec~on 167 of~ Minerals Act, SL MINING shall have the right to expon all iron ore and associated rruncnls or mmeral concenttates raised or obtained in the course of mining operations to any country other than countriC$ to which the laws oflhe Republic of Sierra Leone prohibit such exports. 4.7 admission of Personnfl 8 - ·I I I I n) Ci1i7cns ornlcnn Leone rossc:uing the ~ry qu:ilificnlions and cxrcnencc sh.1_11 be alvcn rn:ren:nc::c for emrloyn~nt in all rl~~cs of ortnihons under the Mining Licence and th,5 Agreement 8nd in , 1 oecord:1ncc \Ylth the n:itional labour laws, b) SI, MINING sh.,11 not employ or in nny wny ll~ child lnhour. c) SL M!NINC and its Nomi1111tcJ Suppliers sh3II not import unskilled labour f~ the carrying out ~fany LI opcnallons, developments, or rnnintcn:incc undcnaken by them by vinuc of this Agreement, and 1n l~t n:gnnl, SL MINING ,hall ensure th.'lt (i) its Nominated Suppliers and (ii) its subcontrnctors comply wuh this provision and wll apply •~ieAblc labour law. I I ti) Subject to the foregoing restrictions and 10 nny awlicoblc provisions of the Non-Citizens (Registration. Immigration nnd f:.xpulsion Act No.14 of 1965), all persons deemed by SL MINING and/or its contractors as required for the prosecution of its work, incluchng cxecuuvcs, officcn, engineers, , 1 consultants, tccbniciaM and skilled l:1bo11r, sh.,ll h;wc the right to enter and reside in Siem Leone and 10 dcp311 from there in compli:ince with the immigration and lnbour laws of Siem, Leone. e) GOSL sholl f11cili1:11c multiple entries into Sienu Leone for business purposes by designated directors ffllln:lgCrS of the p:ircnt conlp4ny of SL MINING. ,1, and senior f) COSL agrcet that it will encournge and assi.st the efforts of SL MINING to secure and maintain an .1 adcqu:itc labour supply, consistent with labour lows of Sierra Leone 11nd sound busincu practices. g) SL MINING shall also establish 11nd carry out a plan for training for local employees in acconbnce with Minerals Act, section 110(2Xc) 11nd execute that scheme in accordance with Minerals Act, Section 164 (4), so as to ennblc SiCffa Leone.ins to assume skilled, tcd!nical, supervisory, administrative and manoaenal functioru; in SL MINING within I reasonable llmc, subjecc lo COSL's compliance with sub- Clauses 4.7 (c) and (f). h) SL MINING shall submit a written repon bi-annually to the Director of Mines, as defined in the Minerals Act, describing the number of persoMCI employed, their nation:ility, their positions and the status of !ruining programmes for citizens of Siem Leone. i) Failure by SL MINING lo comply with the provisions of ,ub clause, (b), (c) or (g) above. shall be rcgorded as a materi:il breach of the Mining l.e4se and subject to Clause 6.10 of this Agreement; the same may be suspended or cancelled. 4.8 Gnytmm~nt rrnttttlnn and A,d,tanr~ a) GOSL undertakes to arant 10 SL MININC such ossist:ince as it rcason11bly can to eru1blc the experts and technicians sent by it to carry out its tasks io the best and most emcient manner. GOSL will make availoblc to SL MINING all aerial, magnetometer and other geological surveys and photographs and all other plans, maps, information and advice relating to iron ore bearing and associated minerals which in the opinion ofGOSL, it can disclose, and will permit SL MINING to obtain copies ofall such surveys, photognphs, plans, maps and information for their own use upon payment of the actual cost of making such documents. b) SL MINING will make available to the Government Oeologic::al Survey Depanment all similar data that it compiles or acquires from othcn under circumstances which pcnnit disclOSUt"C thereof to others; provided, however, that GOSL agrees that ils s:iid Dcpanment will treat all such data m:ide available to it u confidential during the lire of Ibis Agreement without the prior consent of SL MINING. c) GOSL will extend to SL MJNING oil rcason:ible ossistnnce (including taking administrative action and other action vis-a-vis smtutory bodies) to ennblc and facilitate the c:irrying out of its functions and achieve its objectives in the best and lhe most emeient manner and, without limitation, to enjoy its rights and privileges under this Agreement to the extent consistent with the laws and regulations of Sima Leone and the Mining Lease. d) COSL shall extend to SL MINING 111 reasonable assistance to facilitate its transpon or iron ore and associotcd minerals or mineral concentrates raised or obtained in the course of mining operations and to permit all barges moving ?re, u well as other vessels, to travel freely and llnhindercd, subject to applicable laws and regulations and to reasonable right of access by other USCTS and by GOSL, with or 9 without conditions cst:ibhshcd by GOSL. Where such rights or ncccss would prove unduly disruptive, ~L l\11NJNG sh311 h3vc the right to hnrosc tt:ISOl\3blc conditions on sud, u.~c. GOSL_ s~II have the "~ of illSJlCCtion in the caune of their IIOl'1NI regubtoty :ictivitics. including. but not lumtcd to, from ~ Jetty at Tawfoyim, Jown the Port Loko Creek thmu~h the Ch3nncl between Dunce Island. and Pcpcl, l~to the Sierra Leone River nnd thence tn n suit.,ble shipping nnchornge in the cstt~ry of the Sierra Leo~ nvcr off Freetown where the caJ"J,'fl will he transhippcil 10 occ,m-goini; bulk comers. The b3rge transit would be between 30 and 40 nalllial miles. SL I\IININC could ottl!IOurc:e the barge loading. tnansport and transhipmcnt operations 11nd also establish I number of anchorage locallons th.11 are feasible and acceptable to the regulatory authonties. Subject to lhe needs of other users of waterways in Siem Leone and applicable lnws and regulations or Siem Leone, SI. MINING may also be given pcnnission by the tt&Ulatory authorities to the extent feasible to me: deep draught VCS3Cls and to dreclge the channel as necessary to accommodate such vessels. 4.9 lmnnrtatlnn nf Muhlntry GOSL agrees that it will grant any and all permits and pemrissions necessary for the impomtion into Sierra Leone of machinery, equipment, supplies and services necessary for the conduct of prospccling, and transponation opcn1tions contemplated by this AgrcemenL mining. processing 4.10 E~nart1tlnn o(F..gnl11mrnt GOSL will grant any permit and permission for SL MINING to export from Sierra Leone any mining machinery, plant, equipment, consumable mining stores, goods and surplus equipment of whatever description imported by it for the conduct of its prospecting. minina. processing and transport operations contemplated by this Agreement. provided that any export shall not ba-,e any adwne impact to the environment or the community in the Mining Licence Area or neari>y areas. 4.11 Protettlnn nf the Environment and Local Pop11l1tlnn a) SL MTNJNG shall conduct its Mining Operations in accordance with section 132 of Minerals Act, subject to provisions of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 2008 (·EPA 200!·).u may be amended from time to lime subject to any regulations made under the EPA 2008, as lhey may be amended from time to time. Jn the event ofa conflict between these two Acts, the provisions of the EPA 2008 and its respccrive regulations shall prtvail. b) SL MINING shall at all times do everything reasonable in its power to limit the damage and disturbance to the local environment and ropulace. The Environment Protecllon Acency (the ·EPA") may at any time conduct periodic inspections of the Mining Licence Area. c) SL MINING shall, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Act 2008, conduct its mining opcratiom and all project activity with a degree of care and professionalism and within two years of siping the aareement SL l'ttlNlNG shall comply with high intc:malioaal elMl'OlllllCllta protection standards. d) In particular, subject to (e) below, SL MINING shall employ in its mining operations advanced techniques, practices and methods of operuion for the prevention, limitation or treatment of pollution and the avoidance of unnecessary loss of, or damage to, natural resources, in each case in accordance with Applie11blc Law. e) SL MINING shall be responsible only for any pollution, risk, claim or other environmental damage arising during the tenn of the Minin& Ucence since its award on 29th March 2017. SL MINING shall not be liable for any form ofliability, cbmages, cost oc claim whatsoever arising. or in connection to any matter, prior to 29th March 2017. 4.12 ReclamaOnn and rthahlllhltlon of mlntd oal a,:rH a) Within six months after SL MINING having shipped its first Capesize vessel fully 103dcd with iron ore from its Marampa iron ore mine following the date of this Agreement. SL MINING will prepare at its expense and submit to the f:,nvironmcntal Protcc11011 ~-gency or Sierra Leone ("EPA") and GOSL simultaneously • comprehensrve master plan (the Rel\3bllnation and Reclamation Master Plan) 1hat will address the issues of reclamatio_n and rehabilitation of mined out areas, provided that the Rehabilitation and Reclamation Master Pl~n wlll_be subject to th~ provisions of the EPA 2008 and any regulations made thereunder and, where not mconnstcnl, in compliance with the Minenls ACl 10 • r J .d 'fy the extent of the rcclam:uion and 1 I b) The Rehabilitation and RecllltTlation M11s1cr Plan shall clear Y enti f · ·ng operations by rehabilitation attributable to operations conducted prior to U~e. co!"mcn~em!nt; :z._n:i.e estimated cost SL MINING rPre Commencement Reclamation •nd R~tation obhgw~ h reclamation and in Dollars (converted to Leone equivalent at the preva1l1ng r1le) of effecting sue rehabilit.ition (referred to hereinafter as the •Base Rehabilitation Cost'). c) The annual calculation of rdmbilitation MCI reclamalioA cost (including the Base Rehabilitation Cost) will be subject to an annual inflator calculation, in accordance with the EPA 2008 and any subsequent regulations. d) SL MINING and EPA of Sierra Lcooc shall jointly calculate and -arcc on the amount of the Base Rehabilitation Cost at the time the Rehabilitation and Reclamation Master Plan is agreed. e) SL MINING shall be fully responsible for the aunl>utable cost of reclaiming and rc~bilitating mined out areas to the extent that such reclamation and rehabilitation is attributable to opcnllOns conducted by [ SL MlNlNG subsequent to 29"'Mareh 2017. f) Subject to clause 4.1 l(e) and clauses 4.12(d) and (e), SL MINING shall adopt and implement prognmmes and measures appro\'ed by COSL for effective reclamation of mined out areas including I I replanting and dealing wilh mining spoils in which regard a detailed prognmme for the progressive reclamation and rehabilitation oflands disturbed by mining for the minimization of the effects of such mining on adjoining land water areas shall be submitted to GOSL for approval. g) Within 12 months aner Year I (as defined below), to ensure compliance with such programme of reclamation and rehabilitation or mined out areas, SL MINlNG &hall arrange for a f'uooing guarantee reasonably satisfactory to the Minister and or an amount to cover the estimated cost or restoration and rehabilitation required for disturbance to date, as calculated at Ilic end of each financial year in accordance with the Reh3bilit11tion and Reclamation MaslCf' Plan prq,arcd in accordance with clause 4.12a), to be issued by a financial institution (which shall not be an Affiliate or the SL MINING) with a long-term credit r1ling or at least A (or its equivalent) from at least two intematiooally recognized credit- rating agenciea. Such guarantee may talce the fonn of an irrevocable letter of credit or a performance bond in favour of GOSL to guarantee effective mine reclamation and rehabilitahon. At such tlme as regulations arc adopted requiring financial guarantees under the EPA in relation to reclamation and rehabilitation, the bond will lapse automatically upon being replaced by EPA guarantee 4.13 Procurement a) SL MINING shall in the conduct of its activities under the Mining Licence, comply with the Sierra J Leone Local Content Agency Act, 2016 by giving prefCfalCe to products and materials made in Sierra Leone and to service agencies located in Siem Leone and owned as therein provided .. comparable qutlity, delivery schedule and price, to the maximum extent pcmible and subject to technical acceptability and availability of the rc-levant goods and services and being consistent with safety, f_) efficiency and economy. b) Without limitation to sulH:lausc (a) above, SL MINING shall in the conduct of its mining operations originl!e all of its proeurcmcnt through banlcing institutiom in Sierra Leone, whenever possible, as I J determined by SL MINING. 4.14 Health and Safety SL MINING shall comply with all health aod safety standards and laws that are generally applicable in Siem Leone. '4.15 Community Development Protttt, SL MINING will comply with Sections 138-141 or the Minerals Act in respect of its Community Develop~ AgrccmcnL For the duration _or ~ Agreement. SL MINING agrees to fund its Commuruty Development Agreement n provided m Clause S.18 and to implement such Community Development AgreemenL 4.16 Performance Bond SL MINING undertakes to ~ish to COSL a Performance Bond in the sum of One Million United States Dollars(USSl,000,000) '" the fonnofa Letter of Credit i-·-.. by a FPN,,_ .. fi · · · · 1 ~"'"" ·-r-oau e 1nanc11 1 1nst1tut10n 11 lJ i I l I I in Siem Leone and valid for an initial period or 12 monll1s rrom the Efrec1ivc ~ate of this Agreement. such Performance Bond to be encashcd if SL MINll~G fails to make substanttal progress towards the re-opening of the Marampa Mine within the period of validity of the s:ud Perf°"?3nce Bond. it ~!ng I agreed that if SL MINING produces at least 100,000 metric tonnes of marketable iron ore rrom n_immg J operations, SL MINING shall be deemed to h:1Ve made substantial progress towards the re-opening of the said Mar.unpa Mine. I I S FISCAL PROVISIONS Unless otherwise indicated, the start date for Year I tax incentives is I" January 2018. I S.I Mining and surracc rent I a) SL MINING shall pay to the GOSL annually and without demand on Reference Date and on each anniversary of the Reference Date, the sum of USS500,000 (Five hundred thousand United State, Dollars) in respect ofan annual lease rent as defined and envisaged in its Mining Licence MU>l/2017 which amount ,hall be increased annually I J on each anniversary of the Reference Date by an amount equal to 3% of the annual lease rent for the previous year. SL MINING shall pay to the land owners through the appropriate local authority in which b) In addition I J the mining lease area is situated annually and without demand an annual surface rem.as specified in the respective leases of SL MINING, subject to revision provided for in the Provinces Lands Act (Cap 122). c) Mining rent and surface rent payable shall be treated as allowable expenses in ascertaining the chargeable l j income of SL MINING and shall not be subject to withholding tax. S.l Royalty LI a) SL MINING shall pay a royalty at the rate of 3% (three percent) of the market value of the mineral, which shall for the purposes of e:alculati011 be Jhc sale value rccembtc by SL I\UNING in an Arm'.- 1 leogth transaction, being the price receivable per metric tonne multiplied by the total metric tonnes sold, Free on Board the vessel (calculated in accordance with the statement set out in sub-clause S.2 (e) at the 1 1 designated SL offshore loading facility of the shipment and as adjusted in accordance with sub-clause __,_- S.2 (f). b) WhcTe SL MINING enters into a.n agreement lo dispose of minerals with affiliated persons. the terms of any such agreement (and the royalty payable on minerals sold other than in an Arm's-length ~I transaction) shall be assessed under S.2(a) in a manner consistent with Sec:tion 154 (2) of the Minerals Act, as dctcnnined through an Advance Pricing Agreement entered into by COSL and SL MINING LJ pursuant to guidelines described in Clause S.2(c). c) Guidelines: ( l Prior to the disposal of any minerals to affiliated parties, SL I\UNING and GOSL shall enter into an Advance Pricing Agreement establishing guidelines for determining the deemed Arm's length sa.le value and price of such minerals for purposes of the calculation used in the statement set out in clause S.2 (e) in a manner consistent with Section 1.54. The Advance Pricing Agreement shall establish a mutually I _] satisfactory methodology designed to ensure that the royalties owed on any sale to an affiliated party anributable to income from such sale, are no less than they would be irthe sale had been undertaken on an Arm's length basis to non-affiliated purchasers. The following will guide the Advanced Pricing Agreement: i. SL MINING shall provide necessary documentation to assist in arriving at such an agreement ii. such procedures may look to available metrics, such as prices received by major producm, with due adjustment for transport, quality, marketing commissions and other relevant operating and marlcet considerations iii. where prices auained through application of agtt,ed procedures result in a price that either side the underlying principle of market pricing, either party may request determines no longer reflects a revision of such agreed procedures; 12 iv. in the cnsc 111;11 an appropriate publicly ovail.ible index enters into wide ~age duri~g the co~se of this agreement, the ~rties will co1nc logcthcr 10 agree on a method utlhzmg such index, with due adjustment; and v. any disputes regarding the content or application of the guidelines contemp!atcd b~ this clause shall be resolved by nn Independent Sole Expert which shall act on the followmg basis: o. the Independent Sole Expert shall act as expert and not a, arbitrator; b. the parties shall notify in writing the Independent Sole Expert of the item or items in dispute within ten ( I 0) Days of the Independent Sole Expert's appointment; c. the lndcpendent Sole Expert shall decide the procedure to be followed in the dctcnnination; d. the costs or the dctennination, including fees and expenses of the Independent Sole Expert, shall be borne equally between the Parties; I e. the detcnnination or the Independent Sole Expert shall be final and binding on the Parties subject to the right of either Party to appeal such detennination within JO days of the 11 I delivery of the decision of the Independent Sole Expert by involdng arbitration pursuant to Section 6.9(c) of this Agreement. d) Royalties payable under 5.2 (a) above shall be allowed as a deductible operating cost (according to , 11 Section 148(4) of the Mineral Act), in ascertaining its net chargeable income for income tax purposes; provided however that Royalties shall not be cmiued against or COIISidettd as part payment of the aggregate income tax liability payable to GOSL e) Within a maximum period of 45 (forty five) days after the end or each month's shipment, SL MTNING I_ I shall prepare and deliver to the Director or Mines a statement certified by the accredited representative of SL MINING and the accredited representative of the National Revenue Authority of Sierra Leone, stating the total tonnage or minerals or each kind, grade, and quantity shipped by SL MINING from Sierra Leone in that month. Together with such a statement. SL MINlNC shall include a statement of the respective sales value receivable Free on Board the vessel for minerals shipped from the designated Sierra Leone offshore loading facility (calculated !-7 i as specified above for affiliate sales in accordance with clause S.2 (b) and (c)). Upondelivcryo(such statement, SL MINING will pay to GOSL the 3% minerals ,,. royalty payable on the sales value receivable as calculated by this statement. SL MINING shall assume all risk of non-payment. f) In preparing tl1e Statement in 5.2 (e) above, account will be taken for any adjustment required as a result or amendments or detenninations or corrections in respect of prior periods. such as provisional pricing ~J terms or credit notes, such adjustments will be separately and clearly indicated in the statement refened to in S.2(e). l~ I S.J JncomeTax a) SL MINING, in the conduct of its activities in Sierra Leone pursuant to this agreement, shall be l~ble for Income [ I I Tax on its income derived in Sierra Leone at the following ra1es: Years l to 3: 6% :7 Years4 to 10: 25% Years I I thereafter: rate oft.ax applicable to companies as set forth in the Income Tax Act but shall not exceed J(W-. If at any time the lncome Tax Act ~rov~dcs (or a tax rate that is more favourable to large scale mining companies than the rates set forth in this sub clause (a}, SL MlNING shall be entitled to apply such lower rate in calculating its income tax b) SL MINING shall not be liable for any minimum taxation based on turnover, provided that it complies with Section 69(3) of the Income Tax Act; c:) The chargeable assessable income in ascertaining the Income Tax payable by SL MINING shall for the purposes of _!~me Tax ~ calculated as provided by the Income Tax Act, subject to Clause S.6, as it applies to numng companies. 13 fi I I ) I 1 s.4 Trut:mrnt nflo"" ror Jntomr Tu DUIJKl~t, The amount of tax losses that can be utilised co offset chargeable income in any year of assessmenl shall be as I I follows: floss such that the Ill payable will nol be less than Year 1-10: an amount o IS% or the income l4x that would be due if no losses were of this rule may canicd forward; any losses disallowed by virtue I I be carried forward indclinitcly, without restriction. Year 10 thereafter: as applicable under the Income Tax Act I I If at any time, the Income Tax Act allows for a greater utilization of tax losses than that descn'bcd in this clause, SL MINING shall be entitled to take advantage of such greater utilization. S.S Withholding tu IO which Siem Leone is• party, which shall prevail I l Subject to the terms ofany international agreement over the provisions of this Agreement, withholding taxes on dividends, interest, management fees, payments to associates and conlTactors paid by SL MINING sh.all be as follows: I I a) The rate of tax applicable on dividends shall be: Years 1- 6: S% I J Years 7 - 10: 10% Y cars 11 thercaner. As appUcablc under the Income Tax Acl I I b) Tax withheld on interest on loans including loans &om associates is liable to withbokbng tax u follow: Years 1-S: S'/4 I I Ycars6-10: 10% Years 11 thereafter. Al applicable unda the Income Tax Act. ~) c) Tu shall be charicd on management fees and other similar payments made by SL MJNING and its Nominated Supplius in respect of inlm:ompuy asr-nts (other than interg,oup loans, intcff:St ex dividends) at the rate of 5% for the fim six years commencing from Year I, I 0'/4 for years 7 to IO and -- I thereafter as applicable under the Income Tax Act.; d) The rate of withholding tu payable by SL MINING and its Nominated Suppliers on contracts to non- resident 3rd parties shall beS¾ for the first seven years commencing from Year l, 10% for years 8 to 10 ' r-, ) and thercat\cr as applicable under the Income Tax Act. e) Notwithsanding sub clauses (c) and (d) or this clause, all independent, 3rd party Ion& term contncts (meaning operating and consttuction contracts or a minimum of $500,000 and over one-year duration whh unaffiliated portica) entered into before 31 December 2017 shall be grondfalhercd, provided there are no m:lterial changes in the scope or terms or such contract or the parties performing the work and. as such, payments made under such contracts shall be li:ablc to wuhbolding tax at the rate of S¥., for the initial dUT'ltion of the rcspectivc contract, and thcreafteT as applicable under the Income Tax Act. f) Paymeot to local contraetors by SL MINlNG and its Nominated Suppliers shall be subject to S% withholding tax, being the current natcs applicable under the Income Tax ACL g) Withholding Illes referred to in Clauses S.S (a) to (f) above arc only due on cash payments by SL MINING, its Nominated Suppliers, and their respective subcontractors and not on accruals and/ or provisions; however, to the extent that there is any deferred or capitalized intetest or conversion of debt to equity, withholding tax shall be due on such accrued, dcfencd, or converted interest portion, but only when paid. Any cash payments made shall be dccmcd to go first to the payment of any outstanding accrued interest and only thereafter, to the payment of principal. 14 i I I h) In this section •jn1cmMional agreement• means an agreement bet\vcen Sierra Leone and a foreign government i) If at any time the Income Tax Act provides for withholding rates for payments to contractors that are J lower th.an those specified in this cl:iuse, SL MINING shall be entiUed to apply such rates to such " payments. S.6 Capital expenditure allowances ,1 a) An initial allowance equal to 400/4 (forty percent) of the United Sates Dollar cost of qualifying capital expenditure shall be deductible by SL MINING in determining its chargeable income for the year in which such qualifying capital expenditure is incurred with an annual alloW'81lOC at the rate of20-/4 (twenty ,I percent) or the United States Dollar cost or qualifying capital expenditure being deductible In detennining chargeable income in each subsequent year until the run cost has been deducted; b) Where an asset which falls within the definition of qualifying capital expenditure is scnpped, destroyed or sold l for less than the balance obtained by deducting from the cost thereof the aggregate of the initial allowance and the annual allowances previously granted in respect of that asset. then the balaDce shall be fully deductible against chargeable income in the fonn or a scnpping allowance in the year in which I l sue!\ disposal, destnJcrion or sale occurs; c) Qualirying capital expenditure shall comprise the following (whether the expenditure is made in cash or [ _] in kind, in one or in several instalments, or otherwise): i. Capital expenditure as set out in the 6th schedule oftbe Income Tax Act 2000; ii. Capital expenditure on an mining machinery, plant and equipment described in Clause S.9 (d) of this Agreement, whether imported or purchased 1n Sierra Leone, as well as all capital cxpenc:Uture (_ I on vehicles, medical equipment, computcn and ancillary equipment., oonstraction and expansion on residential and non-t'CSidential buildings, construction and expansion of clinics and all other equipment ancillary to the operations or SL MINlNG as well as the cost of acquirin& or procuring the transfer of the mining lease which 1s subject to this A&reement and any other mining lease in l I respect or the mining lease area; iii Capital expenditure on haul roads, environmental bunds and similar assets; iv. The cos1 of restoring buildings and other assets silllated within the mining lcue area to their h) orig.inal condition, where such rcsroralion does not result in an iacttaSe in the pn,ductiYe capxity of t.ha_t building or other asset. shall be deemed to be a repair of such bwlding or asset and shall be ) allowable in full as a deduction against chargeable income in the year in which that cost is incurred; v. Capital expenditure on assets related to the construction, development or improvement or the community infrastructure such as schools, clinics, hospital, training centers and other related assets. l S.7 Currency lnurt a) The financial statements and books or accounts of SL MINING shall be stated, maiolained and expressed in United States Dollars; b) All capital expenditure incurred by SL MINING shall be stated, maintained and/or expressed in United States Dollars; S.8 Bad• of Asusdng and naylng Income Tax A'5CSS8ble chargeable income and income tax payable by SL MINING in respect of each year shall also be assessed in United States Dollars and shall also be payable in United Sates Dollars. 5.9 Umltallon of chug« on Imports a) Notwithstanding the current charges, Cces, duties and levies made by GOSL on imports into Siem Leone, GOSL and SL MINING agree that for the duration of this Agreement the percentage ad valorem charges for levies, duties, fees (inc.luding all usociatcd inspection fees), Goods and Services Tax surcharges and all other amounts levied on or payable by SL MINING and its Nomimled Suppliers in 15 n. J ., J • • • • 1 nd equipment and consumable I I respect of imports of capital items. to include numng maclunc,y, P ant • the following: mining &lores as defined in Cl:imc H (d) below sh211 not exceed m the agsrepte I I Imports for Years I to S: 1% Imports thereafter. As applicable in the C\1stoms Tariff Act b) In the case of other items excluding capital items, fuel and lubes and health and safety equipment, the I I rote or duty applicable to SL MINING Md its Nominated Suppliers shall be: Imports for Years I to S: 20% or pt'CV&lling rate I I Imports for V ears 6 and thereafter. Applicable prevailing nte IS determined in the Customs Tariff Act c) For the duration of the Agreement, imports by SL MINING and its Nominated Suppliers of health and shall be free from any duty. I I safety equipment d) The terms mining machinery, plant and equipment and consumable mining stores shall include all machinery, pb.nts and equipment useful to and used by SL MINING in clearing land, ffl!10Ying minerals I I from land and transporting. separating. processine, handling and paclcagmg such nuncnls fOI' sale, including without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing, construction materials for mining and processing. dredges, bar~. towboats, pumps. piping. screens concentrating and sepanting equipment, locomouves, locomotive engines, nil Mgons and rolling stoclcs, railway signalling eqwpment, nil way I -1 sleepers, power generottng and distnoutmg equipment, cranes, lorries r011d buildmg equipment, four- wheel drive vehicles used in and ancillll)' to mining operations, off-rood haulage vehicles, eanh moving vehicles and equipments, mineral stores and packaging facili1ies 1ogether with accessories, spare parts I lubricants and a.ppliances for use and used exclusively with any of the forgoing. In addition to the above, other equipment shall include surveying equipmcm. laboratory equipment, computers, printers, plotte11, software, etc., used by SL MTNlNG in relation to mining operations and any other items required for ancillll)' support functions of the business. The term "plant" includes prefabricated fixtures, not including building or buildina materials IS well as special purpose vehicles such as dumpers and shuttle trucks for use in mining or drcdgina, The term "machinery" means machinery consisting of I combination of moving parts and mechanical elements which may be put in motion by physical or mechanical force. e) For the duration of this Agreement, SL MINING shall have the right to import into Siem Leone the whole of its requirements for fuel and lubricanu, other than petrol and kerosene, from such suppliers and on such terms and conditions u it may de1mninc, provided tba1 SL MINING may pun::hase fuel in Si~ Leone where 11.lCh fuel can be supplied on a competitive basis in terms of price, quality and other delivery tenns. t.o the provisions of this Asr=mmt, SL MlNlNC. in the conduct of its actmries in Sierra Leone Subject shall be subject to the provisions of the CUStoms Act 2011 and the Customs Tariff Act, No 16 of 1978 and Rules there under currently in force and as may be from time to time amended. 5.10 Dulie, and Taxes on Fuel and Lubrlrant, ~ imports ~f fuel and l~~ts and usage of fue~ and lubricants by SLM INL'f C shall be in accordance with an applicable Jlf1?Y1S1ons or the Customs Tanrr Act No 16 of 1978, subject to clause S.9, and rules an forte and as may be from time to time amended. there under currently 5.11 Belmbarttmfllt ofiffllMlrt datlt, If items on which no ~ustoms_ duties or levies are paid are not ~x:ported or totally consumed within three (3) years after 1mporta110~ and are afterwards sold, exchanged or transferred in Sierra Leone (hexcer.! to thek State SLfthMIN!NG s~thll _PlfiY to the GOSL the customs import duties and levies on the ), 1 1 en,31rmar etvaueo ose1temsw1 m ortyfi~(4S)daysofthedateofsal chan ed r, SL MTNINC shall submit to COSL annual rtJ)Orts the fair market val e, ex g or trans er. 00 asset dispositions on anets which benefited fro rcd .. A... . ue and actual transfer price of s.11 R-d 111n t:ltar·m m """" or zero import duties. 16 i I I a) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Road Users Charge Act, 1994 SL MJNING and its Nominated Suppliers shall be exempt from rood users fuel levy appliQblc to users geoetally in respect of fuel consumed by its vehicles. plant nnd rmichincry provided these are restricted to mining Op!r.ltiOII!, logistics and inrrastruclure. Should SLM INING, a Nominated Supplier, or any other subcontractor use, I trade, or otherwise deal in any fuel for purposes other than the mining operations contemplated here, SL MINING shall indemnify and hold GOSL harmless for all lust rn-enue and incidental chug.a. if any, relating to the unauthorized use of exempt fuel, Subject to S.12(b) below. I b) SL MINING shall pay road users fuel levy on 2% of its total consumption of diesel. S.13 lnsMCtion r~ a) With effect from the commencement of the Mining Licence Agreement, SL MINING shall recommend I to COSL and obtain COSL approval for the appointment of an intermediary reputable inspection company and shall be liable for I.be payment of inspection fees in respect of all goods exported by or on behalf of SL MINlNG from Sierra Leone; 11 b) SL MINING will provide inspection reports to GOSL on a timely basis; c) Subject to Clause 5.9(a), SL MINING shall, with effect from the Effective Date of this Agreement be liable for the payment _J of inspection fees in respect of all goods imported by or on behalf of it into Sima Leone at the prevailing rate; ] S.14 Other taxe1 or fiscal lmpprt a) For the durotion of this Agreement, no taxes (including, but without limitation, income tax, additional profits tax, surtax, minor taxes, profits tax, turnover tax, sales tax, export tax, import tax. value added In, withholding tax and employment related tax), royalties, duties, excise, cba:rges, levies, fees, dues, I contribution, payments or imposition of any kind whatsoever payable to the Central, regional or local to any Chiefdom or Tnl>al Authority or to any other Agency of Governments authorities or agents or GOSL shall apply to SL r.flNJNG, or any affiliate company or Agent of SL MINING or the employees of SL Ml~ING or any affiliate company of SL MINING, other than: the provisions of the Mining Lease and tbis i. Those expressly assumed by SL MINING pursuant to Agreement: ii. The payment of taxes deducted from the emoluments of employees of SL MINING as required under the Income Tax (PA YE) Rules and/or employer's payment obligations to NASSJT; Hi. The payment of Payroll Taxes at the applicable rate or iflower, that rate paid by another company; at the applicable rate. or if lower, that rate paid by another company; I iv. Payment oflmmigration Fees NMA monitoring fees v. at 100/4 of the Mining License rent stated in S.l(a) of this Agreement; and vi. Minor Taxes, which includes all taxes that are generally applicable to all corporations on a non- not exceed in aggregate USS S00,000 over any five year period, I.J discriminatory basis, and which do of which said sum, SL MINING is not required to pay more than the equivalent of USS 200,000 in any financial year. Beginning on Year I nnd every live years thereafter, such amounts shall be adjusted for inflation in accordance wilh the US "GDP Implicit Price Deflator" as published from time to time by the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. b) Ifnotwithsmnding these provisions SL MlNING becomes liable to pay any taxes pursuant to the laws of Sierra Leone, except for those expressly assumed by SL MINING pursuant to this Agreement, then SL MINJNG shall so advise GOSL in writing, and the parties agree to meet to reach an equitable solution consistent with S. l 4(a). [ c) Except as provided in this Agreement, no tax, royalty, duty, excise, levy, fee, due, contribution. payment or imposition of any kind whatsoever (other than those provided for in this AgJCCmCDt) which is of a discriminatory nature shall be payable by SL MINTNG, or by its employees or shareholders, or by any affiliate or agent of SL MTNING or its Nominated Suppliers. ~ ) 5.1S Jlepatrfatlon Holding and Introduction o{Fonds h 17 ~ Ir j I a) ~L MININC shall have 1he righl, during the term of this Agreement, to freely ~ive,andhold ~n b;n~ of I its own choice, wherever located, and dispose of in any country all revenues, receipts 01 er ore,gn curm1cy ~ held by it under or in connection with its mining opeations. I b) SL MINING shall have the right, during the term of this Agreement, to hold foreign currency in designated foreign currency bank accounts in its name in Sierra Leone; c) SLM INING shall be exempt from any commission, charge or levy payable to GOSL on the introduction or investment I of funds from a foreign source inlO Sierra Leone. S.16 Goodund ServkesTa,; a) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Goods and Services Tax Act (2009), SL MININ? an~ i_ts I Nominated Suppliers shall be exempt from all Goods and Services Tax levied on taxable supplies within I Sierra Leone and on all imported capital goods, plant, vehicles and equipment (as defined in Clause S.9 above), spare and replacement parts for any plant, vehicles and equipment, fuel and lubricants for use. company and subcontractor b) SL I\UNING shall provide to NMA and NRA the list of Nominated Suppliers and the total value or 1• goods and/or services obtained from them. within I 5 days from the end of each calendar quarter. I S.17 Port, harbour dues or ffts and stcvttforlng charen a) Notwithstanding the provisions of the various Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) Acts and Siem Leone Marirlmc Administration (SLMA) Acts, SL l\:UNING shall be ex~t from aU Port, Harbour, ) Loading. Unloading dues or fees and Stevedoring charges that may be levied by either the SLPA or SLMA in relation to the operations of SL MJNING, including operations of Nominated SuppliCt'S and subcootraclors conducting work on bebal for SL MJNING ( whether at Tawfayim river terminal, Pepe! or otherwise). with exception of the following: ) Port i. Pilotage Fees or Charges for movements of vessels within the SLPA controlled navigation areas. ii . Safety and Inspection Fees ] iii. Charges levied at the Ports owned and operated by the SLPA for Loading and Unloading Cargo or Goods in the normal course of their business operations, iv. provided that in all instances SL MINING shaH not be subject IO any fees, costs. levies or other forms of payment under lhu Clause 5.17 where such is not in use by SL MINJNG. In respect of Nominated SupplietS or other subconttactors, this exemption will only extend to SLPA ~· charges on services supplied to SL MINING. ~_] b) In the event tbAt the Sierra Leone Ports Authority or other responsible public body fails to provide any of the services for which SL MINING is required to pay pon charges, harbour dues and any other amounts pursuant to this Clause, including, but not limited to, positioning and lighting of buoys, and SL J MINING thereby incurs any cost or expenses in providing or obcaining such services, SL MlNlNG shall be entitled to deduct such cost and expenses from any amounts that arc otherwise payable to the Sierra Leone Port Authority pursuant to this Clause. c) SL MlNING shall have the right to source and utilise, at its sole discretion, the most quality and cost effective export shipping freight rates for the export of iron Ot'C, and shall allow Siem Leone National Carrier Limited to be included among its preferred bidders for freight services. S.18 Community Development Fund and Additional Royalty payments a) SL MINING shal.l make payments in respect of its Community Development Agreement. as envisaged in Clause4.15 above, in accordance with Section 139 (4)ofthe Minerals Act as it may be amended from rime to time, subject to SL MINING paying no more than other mining companies, and which may be ex~ al the disuetion of SL MINING, as agreed with GOSL. The fund shall be utilised for development within Sierra Leone, with particular emphasis on local communities. b) SL MINING agrees lo ~e pa~nts, ~ a~cordance with a community development programme, in aggregate (after mcludmg contribUbons made in 5.18 a) above) a percentage of the Free on totalling Board revenue received by SL MINING on sales in that year, attn"butable up to a maximum of 4.S million tonnes of iron ore sold in each such year, as follows: 18 I I 5 I a. For the first five calcnd:ir ycnrs commencing in the ycnr in which SL MINING rroducc ond sells at ICll.SI one million 1onncs of iron ore. at lca5t 0.50 pcrtcnl of the Free on Dom.I revenue: retciVttl by SL MINING on s:iles in lh.'\I ~r I b. For the following thm: c:ilcm.lnr ycnrs nl least 0.75 pcn:cnl of the Free on norm) revenue received by SL MINING on sales in lhat year. e. For the following calendar yc:irs at le.isl I percent oflhc Free on noard revenue received by SL MINING on sales in that ycnr. c) Arty payments ffilde pursu:mt to sub cl:roscs (n) and (b) of this dausc 5.1 San: tn:atcd as additional royalty p:iymcnts for accounting and other business rurroscs. and shall be treated as •cxrenscs on social services• for the purposes of compli:mce with the Income T.ax Act. S.19 National SMbl Setarlty and lnnm1ntt Tn« - NASSIT Notwithstanding the provisions of the Nation:il Social Security and Insurance Trust Act, SL MINING and their exp:ilriale employees working in SicrTI Leone shall not be required to malce the required employer and employee contribution to the National Social Security and Insurance TNSt in ~t of their cxpatri:ite employees worlcing in Sicma Leone. However, NI\SSIT shalt apply in respect of contributions applicable to expntriote Sierra Lconcans. 5.10 lnt,mn-t11tlon orn~nal advantage-• Any fi~I benefits gnmtcd to SL MINING 11nd its Nominated Suppliers under Clause 5 of this shall only apply to the activities of SL MINING in respect of the exploimtion or, through to Agreement sale and distribution of iron ore from the Mining Licence Arca. S.11 Rine, Fe-ndng To the extent that SL MlNTNG conducts activities constituting the carrying on of business or investment activities for the produchon of income that are not related 10 or contcmpl.ited in connection with the mining operations, such activities (the "Non-l'rojtct /\cllvitlcs") sh.ill be accounted for and treated for purposes of this Agreement 3S if these Non-Project Activities arc carried on by a legal entity sep:u,ite from SL l\UNlNC and not subject to this Agreement. but instead subJcet to Arplicablc L:lw (:subject to any contractual arrangcmcnLS with GOSL), so that SL MINING's 11c1ivihes contemplated by this Agreement in undcrt:1king the mining operations arc treated as "Ring Fe-nttd" (i.e., scpan1tely treated as the sole activities of SL MINING). Witb l'C$J)Cci lo the Rina Fenced mining operations of SL MINING, the provisions of this Agreement shall apply. 5.12 Caolt11I Gain• SL MINTNG shall p:iy all applicable capital gains taxes in accordance with Applicable Law. 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 A••lgnffltnt and Change of Control SL MINING shall not assign lo any person, firm or corporation not being a p:irty hereto, in whole or in part, any of its rights or privileges, duties or obligations under this Agreement other than in accord3nce th<: Minerals Act section 119 or olhctwlsc agreed In writing by GOSL. with SL MINING shall provide written notice to GOSL ofany Change of Control within 30 days after the of such Change of Control consummation 6.2 Compliance with Mlnerpl, Act and nthu Ml• Subject to the terms of this Agreement, (including but without limitation Clause 5.13) hereof, SL MINING shall at all times comrly with the provisions of the Minenls Act and other relevant laws and regulations (inclu<;lins any official form P~~ b~ such regul:ations) in connection with the carrying out of iis obtigattons and W'Otlt as described m tbts Agreement, c:xc:ept to the exlent that they are ineonsistent with the provisions of this Agreement 6.3 Reporting 19 I I . I I a) Without prejudice 10 any reporting obligations under this Agreement or under applicable law and regulation in Sierra Leone, SL MINING wn provide to GOSL not later lhan the end of March following each calendar year after commencement of its opentions, a report showing: I i. the previous calendar year; ii. the extent to which SL MINJNG hu acbicvcd its Programme of Mwng Operations auached as Schedule C hereto; l I iii. how SL MINING has resolved any operational and development issues over the prior calendar year; I I I iv. any market developments for the products of SL MJNJNG and how SL MINING bu responded to such developments; aod v. how I the market is expected to develop over the following year. b) SL MINING shall instruct its auditors to provide a report to C0SL every six months confirming that I_ f I during that six month period, all royalties arising from sales made by SL MINING have been correctly calculated and have either been paid or accrued as appropriate under the agreed terms of payment. I I c) SL MINING sball also bi-amually submit a written report to the Director of Mines detailing its of this Agreement. compliance with the Clause 4.13 (Procurement) 6.4 Crl'atfon of S,curlty Jnterpr I I SL MINING shall have the right, with the written consent of C0SL, to pledge or otherwise create security interests over the Minini: Licence and this Agreement. both movable and immovable in order to secure financing. Such written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. C0SL shall provide each mongagce, trustee, recciYCT or adnmristrator under a mortgage, deed. tnist or other instrument encumbering SL I I l\11NING's rights under the Mining Licence and this Agreement with a copy of any written notice regarding non-payment of royalty or other no~tnpliance with the tenns of the Mining Licence and 1his Agreement, and any written nolice of tennination to SL MINING under this Oause {_I 6.4. SL MINING and each mortgage holda-, tntstee, receiver or administrator shall have the duty to notify G0SL of its name and mailing address. Each such mortgagee, trustee, receiver, or administrator shall have a reaso02ble period of time from the date of receipt of such copy notice (being at 90 days) in I I I which to remedy any non-payment or noncompliance complained of and substantiated by C0SL 6.S Prior Conseat or Approval a) Whenever, under the terms of this Agreement the right of SL MfNINC or of C0SL, as the case may ;i- be, to do or pcrf onn any act or thing is conditional on the prior consent of the other party to the Agreement or of an official or representative of such other party, it is hereby stipulated and agr=d by and between the parties hereto that the requisite consent or approval will not in any instance be unreasonably withheld or delayed. b) Whenever such approvals '7I are required from G0SL, SL MJNING shall deal wilh the relevant ministries, departments and agencies of COSL under the leadership of the Office of the President to handle an large- scale mining contracts in order to discuss and mutually agree with SL MJNJNG as expeditiously as I I possible 6.6 Coaftdentblity G0SL will keep confidential all information provided to it by SL MINING, whether before or after the of this Agreement, and confirms that it shall not disclose such information to any third party without i1 date the prior written consent of SL MINING and in accordance with the Minerals Act. l I 6.7 Corrupt Practices SL MINING represents and warrants that none of SL MINING, any of its employees acting in the course of their employment and any ~o acting on behalf of SL MINING has made or promised to make any payment or traosfef of anything of value, dircctty or indirectly, to or for the benefit of any _-r I government offic~ or a fa11;1ily member of o~ an intermediary for payment to or for the benefit of a govemmenL official or a family member or busmcss partner of a government official in connection with -T this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby. ~J 20 ~ • J I I GOSL represents and wamnts lhal neither GOSL nor any_ govemm~nt ?fficial on behalf of COSL has solicited any payment or transfer of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or _for the benefit of COSL or any govem~nt official in connection with this Agreement or the transacuons contemplated I hereby. The Panics shall comply with antkorrvplion laws a& any time and from time to time applicable in Sima Leone. I 6.8 Joint review in September, 2027, GOSL, and SL MINING will conduct a comprehc_nsive joinf: review of the Starting lo date and the fiscal package, as contained in Clause 5 (Fiscal) of!h,_s Agreement. progress ofthc project to and with particular attention to Clauses 5.3(a) and 5.14 of this Agreement, 1t 1s understood Subject I that no funber fiscal benefits will automatically be granted to SL MINING for a further five or ten years. Ra1her, any new fiscal benefits will be subject lo negotiation. Subject to any new fiscal benefits agteed. SL MINING will comply with the applicable income tax law. 6.9 lntemretatlon and Arbitration a) Except as may be otherwise herein expressly provided, this Agreement shall be construed, and the right$ of GOSL and SL MLNING hereunder shall be determined, according to the Laws of Siem Leone. b) The parties shall in good faith endeavour to reach an amicable ,ettlement of all di ITefences of opinion or disputes which may arise between them in respect 10 the execution performance and interpretation or lermination of this Agreement, and in respect of lhe righis and obligations of the parties deriving therefrom. c) In the event that the parties shall be unable to reach an amicable settlement within a period of3 (three) months from a written notice by one party to the other specifying the narure of the dispute and seeking an amicable settlement, either party may submit the matter to the exclusive jurisdiction of a Board of 3 (three) Arbitrators who shall be appointed and carry out their mission in accordance with the International of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Jntematlonal Chamber of Commerce {ICC). The venue of Rules the arbitration shall be London, England. The English language shall be used in the proceedings. The award and any decision of the Arbitration Board shall be final and binding and enforceable in and by the courts of Sierra Leone upon ei1her party having the same force and effect as a judgment ofa counofthe last reson of lhe Republic of Sierra Leone or any other appropriate jurisdiction. d) In the event of any notified dispute hereunder, both panics agree to continue to perform their respective obligations hereunder until the dispute has been resolved in the manner described above. 6.10 Revocation by the Covernment lf and whenever any sum of money payable hereunder by SL MINING as rent or royalty shall be in arrears for the space or 6 (six) month$ after the dale on which it becomes due and payable, or if there shall be any breach or non-observance by SL MlNING of any of the terms of the Mining Lease, this Agreement, or any olher license or lease granled herein or h~under, or if it shall enter into liquidation then and in any such case, GOSL, may revoke the license or lease in question and thereupon the S:lme and all .rigbis there under gnnted plJY'SU*nt to this Agreement shall cease and detenninc, but 5Ubjcct J nevertheless and without prejudice to any obligation or liability imposed by or incurred under the terms and conditions thereof; provided always that save as lo the non-payment of rent or royalty the aforesaid power of revocation shall not be exercised unless and until notice bas been given 10 SL l\UNING specifying the particular breach complained of and if the breach is capable of remedy, requiring SL MINING to remedy the breach and/or to make reasonable compensation in money for the breach if such breach is compensable, and SL MINING fails within a reasonable time thereafter to remedy and/or make of COSL for the breach. reasonable compensation in money to the satisfaction 6.11 Ratification and Amendment Immediately upon execution of this Agreement, GOSL will cause it to be ratified by the Parliament and of Parliament by publication as a Supplement to promptly cause it to be promulgated thereafter as an act the Sierra Leone Gazette. In the event that GOSL and SL MINING mutually agree to amend any of the provisions of this Agreement, including any agr~men_t to vary the t~ of this clause, such amendment may be effecled by agreement between the parties evidenced by an mstrument in writing. Any such amending agreement 21 sh~II take effect without further ratification or confirmation by Parliament save to the extent that it ~y be inconsistent with any law in force in Sima Leone at the time when such agreement between the parties is executed in whieh event such amendment will be ratified by P11rliamenL U1 .Fone M•k!tt a) Failure on the part of either SL MINING or GOSL to fulfil any of the terms and oondltlons of this Agreement shall not give rise to a cl:1im by the other party or be deemed to be a breach of the A~eement h1soCar .a, lhc faillll'O arises from forGO majwrc. and if wough fOl'Ce majeurc the fulfihMnt by C1~ SL MINING or COSL of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement is delayed, then the pcnod of such delay shall be added to the periods fixed by this AgrecmcnL b) The payment obligations of SL I\ ltNlNG shall be suspended for the duration of any force majeure event except in respect of any monies due at the date of the occurrence of the force majeurc event, which shall remain due and payable. I c) In this clause. the expression •force majeure" include$. without limitation, an acl of God. peril of air, land or sea navigation, action of the elements. storm, flood. earthquake, ground cave-in, subsurface pollution (natural gas etc.}, explosion, fire, terrorist activity or other hostilities. war (declared and I undeclared), blockade, insurrection. civil commotion, riot, epidemics of any scale. medical emergency, revolution, embargoes or any similar event to the extent that the party affected (i) could not have reasonably foreseen such event and (ii) could not have reasonably prevented or controlled it. The I expression · the Agreement• includes not only the terms and conditions or the Agreement but also the terms and conditions of the Mining Lease. d) Any claim of force majeure must be notified in writing by the affected party to the otha- pert)' within I seven days of the date when the force majeure occurred or the affected party should have reasonably known of the event of force majeure. failing which the claim of force majeure is hereby waived 6.13 Notlcn a) All orden, approvals, declarations, notices and communications of any kind between the Minister or any other representative ofCOSL and SL MINING shall be in writing and the contracting parties shall not --' under any cin:umstanccs be permitted to allep or to reply upon any oral order, approval, dcdaralion notice or communication from GOSL to SL MINING and any such written notice. etc. from COSL to I SL MINING shall be delivered to the registered office of SL MINING or such other address as may be furnished in writing. addressed to SL MINING for the attention oCthe Directors. . I b) All declarations, notiCC3 and communications rrom SL MINlNG to COSL shall, unless otherwise required by law or by the terms of this Agreement or unless GOSL shall otherwise direct by written instructions to SL MINING, be mailed or delivered to the Director of Mines at his office in Freetown. i-, 6.14 Right orT~rmlnation by SL MINING SL MlNING shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by (i) providing not less than 12 months' notice in writing to GOSL to that effect and (ii) complying with such conditions as may be prescribed or stated in this Agreement and any other~ relevant to the programme of operations. I Upon termination, the Parties shall be entitled to receive such amounts owing to them before the termination of this Agreement. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any liabilities or obligations Incurred by SL MJNlNC in relation to the Mining Licence Area prior to the date of I termination. 6.15 Applicable Law Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement this Agreement shall be governed by intapteted and constn,ed in accordance with tbe Applicable Law . . 22 r Ii SIGNED SEALED ANO DELIVERED 8 HON ALHAJI MINKAILU MANSARA Minister of Mines and Mlneral Resources representlng the Government of Sierra Leone In the presence of : ···---·---·--·-·- ~~ .......... .. MRS FATMATA MUSTAPHA Permanent Secretary SIGNED SEALED AND DEUVEREO for and on behalf of [_ I --·---.................... SL MINING LIMITEO ............... -.-.... , ....... -·-· ([I)~ O,,~Dl-tLr ~· ..... ·-··---·· ..................................... -................................ _ ................ . I ~· In the presence of: C I Name ....... B~ C,Vl1,W -·-· L 'l~e,// .. ,_ ...... ..- ~ Address ..... L~·-··Sw0 .. -t?,.eL _,_. u.i< CFD - ytf<~.t) [ ' I Occupation -............ ,_ ................ __ ........... ,--........ .. c;-:r ~ I I (~ I (' I /1 Attached Sehc. x. ·To promote 111Slllnable development. enhancement or general welfare and n ~ Improvement In lhe quality or life or the total ccmmwiity alTeclcd by the J ~---- .. 1· mining de\'elopment as described by the Communiiy Oc\'elopmcnt Agreement ... accordins to Schedule 11 hereto . I 4. The Company shall be entitled to all rights and privileges \\hether or not referred to ... herein. granted under the Act. .. 5. Nothing conuiined herein shall exempt the Licensee from ru,y obligation, condition, or I requirement contained in any other Act of the Republic of Sierra Leone . - ' I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Licensor hereto has set his hand and Seal and the Company has caused its common se:il to be hcrclo affirmed the day and year first - I above writt,n. ~ _ • · - ~~ ... :: ...... ~:; .. ~ .. 2'!!/it (~ - ,, • ·, . ~ ' DELI ERED BY '/J; I IION. ALUAJI MINKAILU ty ANSARA Y Minister of Mines and Miot;r.3l Resources ::1, representing the Government of Sierra Leone In the presence of: r1 .......................... ~ r~~.L4"' ........... . MRS. FATMATAS.MUSTAPJIA ,-. PERMANENT SECRETARY SIGNED, SEALED AND DELlVERED for and on behalf of ........................ SL P.tlNING LBIITED ................... . ... ~P:r:J ......... YAo.l .... ~ In the presence of: Name: .. M~\.,.;__~.~.~Qla.~~~ ........... . Addrcss:.~f.½.~~ .. P.~~!)...~ •• *..~~-~···· ................... . I I r I I - -C I 2. SCHEDULE A [ I r I I I I 7 [ I I [ Ii _fi IT I ff_l ~f n -r L IT • I C. . r n r. ~J r ~ r - BEACON SEQUENCE X COOROINA'TfS YCOORDINAT£S A noooo 960450 B n 1000 960800 C n 1000 960000 D 772000 960000 t E 772000 961150 F 774220 962660 G n6300 961000 H 776300 9S6S74 I 776129.2 956415.3 J 776023.7 956482.r I( 77S733.6 9S6438.4 L 775522.3 956508.9 M n5396.1 956608 N 77S177.S 95654L9 0 77S090.9 9S6SS1.1 p nsooo.7 9S6576.4 a 774899 956547 R 774583.4 956611 s 774418.2 956544.6 T 774313.3 956296.9 u 774268.9 956292.7 .. V 774218 9562n.7 w 774219 956051.2 X 774175.6 955893.3 y 774156.4 9S5627.S z 774000 955474.3 AA 773669.2 955406 AB 7735S9.3 95S287.S AC 773S73.8 955095.4 AO 773757.2 954818.2 AE 773786.6 954597.3 AF 773682.4 954541.S AG 773523.5 954545.2 AH 773153.4 954834.1 Al 772958 954797 AJ 772763.4 954686.9 AK 7n48S.4 954641.4 Al 772485.4 958745.1 AM 770850 958200 AREA: 27.73 SQ.KM CHIEFDOMS: MARAMPA & MASI MERA DISTRICT: PORT lOKO I -I l I ' I { I' I I I I I Legend SCALE:1 :50,000 RE-ADJUSTED LEASE BOUNDARY 0 0.35 0.7 U 2. 1 2.8 -=:a:::=---===-•iiiKllometers I . I I , l SCHEDULE B f . I IRON ORE ~ ~ ½~ f~T~ n ANNa t-AnACHMINT U.t Sl ~ Llffllted Appllc:atl041 for I Mlne,_I LkfflCa M lla,lblllty study lnclull111 a~ ,-port on the seolol'f n mlMnllzatlon, mlllllw • tl'lltment optioN, I fln111tr.l/busl-plMI, 11'111 mwbtlflc ,_ ICANihot below) • SL Mlnl11g Umlted wlll utlliJe lM IFS Su lhe ~ plalform for rut.alt pl1nnln1. lht b1se study wtl bt furlNr optlmlztd by: L Spl\t!nt "*-s,lln llnomnaq-11wfflt en (WO) tint and ttlttl pitirary ore (POI, In o,dtr to ac:ct~rete construttlon end tlfflt to the restart of production operations, I. 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