ZAMBIA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY Eeld qffiee N!trhern ResjqalQfilee !!yi-ngsto-ne qtiec Chhundu .Bqdq_qflgq Comer ol Ch,,rch & Su6. Roads Jacaranda Road Pot N0.555 L!saka RoaC PO. Box 35131 PO tsox 71302 Jlfclicn Obole r Ner! Rcacs P0.8ox CRu3l Lus6ka, Zambia Ndoa. Zamb a Lrv ngstone, Zamba Chitund!. Zanrbia Iet +260- 211 -25413012540231254059 Tel +260-212-621 048/61 0407 Tel / Far+260-213-321297 Tel/Fax: +2e0-211-51526r F ax +760 -2 1 1 -254 1 6 4 i 256658 Fat: +260-212-61024e, l tut,lt l'l.u\! q on' zEMA/ rNS/ 101/04/ 1 May 72,2014 The Director Ndola Quarries Lim ited P.O. Box 240081 Ndola O Dear Sir/lvladam, REF: PROPOSED GRANITE OUARRY AND CRUSHING UNIT IN MUTANDA AREA OF SOLWEZI DISTRICT BY NDOLA OUARRIES LIMITED Reference is made to the above captioned project report submitted to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) on 24th February 2Ot4 for consideration in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 28 of 1997. ZEMA has since reviewed the Environmental Project Brief (EPB) and based on the information provided by yourselves and from written and verbal comments from interested and affected parties and our site verification inspection findings; the said EPB has been Approved, o Find attached to this Decision Letter, conditions governing this approval. Yours faithfully, O- Edwin Soko Acting Director General ZAM BIA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEM ENT AGENCY Cc The Councll Secretary-Solwezi lvlunicipal Council- SOLWEZI The Director - t1 ne Safety Department- KITWE The l4anager - ZEMA NRO, - NDOLA All correspondence to be addressed to the Director General . Head Office Enrail: info@zema org.znt Website: www.zema ^f,*% '''---.--' Zambra Env i ronmental Management Agenc y 1.0 pRorEcr sacxcRAnGISION LETTER 1.1 PROJECT TTTLE: Proposed granite quarry and crushing unit in Mutanda area of Solwezi District by Ndola Quarries Limited L.2 PROJECT PROPONENTS: o Ndola Quarries Limited P.O. Box 240081 Ndola Contact Person: lvlr. Jacky Gao Managing Director +260 965 666989 a ao mail. 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed project site is located about 56km west of Solwezi Central Business District in Northwestern Province. The site is accessed using the Mutanda - Zambezi Road (M8) in Mutanda Area, The project site is located about 2km away from the lYutanda - Zambezi Road. o L.4 DATE OF SUBMISSION BY PROPONENT: 24th February,2014 1.5 DATE OF CONSIOERATION BY AGENCY: 29rhr April, 2014 2.0 DETAILS OF THE PROJECTT Ndola Quarries Limited intends to conduct stone quarrying activities on a plot allocated by Senior Chief Mumena in Solwezi District in Northwestern Province. Selective quarrying shall be applied since the stone deposit is discretely distributed over the area. The stone quarrying will be done in a low lying area devoid of tree vegetation. Top soil will be removed over the area. The over burden soil removed from the quar?y will be stockpiled for rehabilitation work. Clearance works wlll be undertaken using front-end-loaders, graders and haul trucks and dump trucks. An access road to link the project site to the Mutanda- Chavuma Road will be cleared for a distance of about 1.8km. i ._... . - I 3.0 DECISION BY AGENCY 3,1 The project approved subject to conditions listed below. 3.1.1 Ndola Quarries Limited shall implement the project and all the environmental management commitments as stated in the Environmental Project Brief (EPB) with changes as proposed by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) in the Decision Letter and any other conditions that may be issued thereafter. 3.1.2 The proposed project is approved for the establishment of a stone crushing o plant by Ndola Quarries Limited in Mutanda area of Solwezi District. 3.1.3 Ndola Quarries Limited shall inform the general public, by way of public announcement, of the intention to blast each time the need to blast arises. 3,1.4 Ndola Quarries Limited shall approprlately fence off/restrict access to the plant area for safety and control or management of emergencies. 3.1.5 Ndola Quarries Limited shall ensure that all work areas are adequately watcred to suppress dust, The access road shall also be sprinkled with water to reduce dust generation. 3.1.6 Ndola Quarries Limited shall put in place an appropriate system for prevention and control of pollution of surface water and soil by leakages of fuels; this shall include construction appropriate drainage and settling ponds at the site. The drainage shall be constructed and operated in such a way that all liquid discharges shall flow to the settling ponds before being discharged into the o environment. 3.t.7 Ndola Quarries Limited shall put in place an efFective and efficient system for preventing and monitoring underground water pollution. J.t.o Ndola Quarries Limited shall prepare and submit a decommissioning and closure repoft outlining implementation of all the environmental management commitments presented in the EPB at the end of the project for conslderation by ZEMA, 3.1.9 Ndola Quarries Limited shall ensure that all incidents with potential to pollute the environment and harm human beings are reported to ZEMA immediauly. 3.1 .10 Ndola Quarries Limited shall obtain applicable permits or licenses from the Zambia Environmental l,lanagement Agency and comply in full with provisions of the Environmental Management Act No.12 of 2011 and the Environmental Management (Licensing) Regulations, Statutory Instrument t"lo., 1iZ of ZOfS. 3.2 The Agency recommends that Ndola Quarries Limited: Obtain any other relevant authorizations such as those stipulated in the following: i. The Mines and Minerals Development Act 7 of 2008; ii.The Local Government Act' iii.The Town and Country Pla'nning Act; iv.-the Public Health Act cap 295 of the laws of Zambia; v.The Workers Compensation Act cap. 271 of the laws of Zambia; vi,The Town and Country Planning Act; vii.The Energy Regulation Act cap. 435 cf the laws of Zambia; viii.The Water Resources Management Act No. 21 of 2011; o ix.The Forestry Act, Cap. 199 of the lals of Zambia; x,The Employment Act, Cap. 28 of the laws of Zambia; and xi.The Ionising Radiation Protection Act. all To make available information on hygiene, Malaria Control, HIV/AIDS to employees. 3.2.3 To provrde workers with appropriate fire-fighting equipment and trairi urai'kers in iire fighting and emergency response. 3.2.4 To provide workers with Personal Protective Equipment and workeis shall undergo annual medical checkups. 3.3 Ndola Quarries Limited shall comply with environmental standards and/or specific limits of particular pollutants. Thus, compiiance with Zambia Environmental Management Agency recommended measures does not absolve Ndoia Quarries o Limited from its responsibility if such measures do not achieve compliance with environmental control standards. J.5 Ndola Quarries Limited shall in accordance with section 15 of the Environmental Management Act, No. L2 of 207L, allow inspectors from ZEMA unrestricted entry to the project site at any reasonable time with or without making prior notice thrcughout the project life cycle. 3.5 The implementation of the project shall commence within three years from the date of approval. Failure to commence implementation of the p@ect within the stated period shall render the Decision Letter invalid and Ndola Quarries Limited shall be required to re-submit the EPB for consideration. \ I 3.6 The Agency may suspend or cancel the Decision Letter without notice should Ndola Quarries Llmited fail to comply with any one of the conditions specified above. ./ ;- r I ( I .. i..2..rii,i.. /.9J.{., Date rii.-' _,:_:^. E n Soko cting Director General Zambia Environmental Manaqement Aqency o o