Appendix No.1 a Environmental Commitment Plan a l.l Introduction The Large scale gemstone mining Licence s herein applied for will adhere to the requiremenls of the Mines and Minerals Act No.7 Of 2008, the Mines and Minerals(Environmental)Regulations of 1997 and other relevant legislation that will include the following:- I The .Environmental Protection and pollution Control Act. Chapter 204(EPPCA). li The Water pollution Control (El'fluent & Waste Water) Regulations, 1993. iii The Air Pollution Control (licensing & Emissions Standards)Regulations, 1996. iv. The hazardous waste Management Regulations (S.l No.l25 ol200l. Vii. The Mines and Minerals Development Act No. 7 of 2008. o Viii. Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) Regulations (SI No.l02 of 1998), ix Forestry Act, chapter 283 X Town and Country Planning Act, Chapter 283 Xi The water Act of 1949. Xiii The National Heritage Conservation Act 1989. Xiv .The lands Acts of l995,and the land Acquisition Act of 1995. xv. The public Health Act of 1996 xvi 1'he Explosive Act of 197 I . I The gemstone prospecting and mining activities will as much as practically possible be environmental friendly, and with strict monitoring measures. The project rvill also put in measures the mitigation on any possible ncgative impact on the environment. However, very negligible social-economic and environmental negative impact are expected in the targeted area. During the period, prospecting operations rvill be labour intensive with minimal mechanization, and therefore negligible impact on the on the environment is expected. 1.2 llrief Description of area Thc area is mainly characterized plain to rolling landscapc, covered by some stretchcs of woodlands, with some isolated grasslands and dambos. A ferv isolated open cultivate areas are mainly used for substance farming of mainly cassava. maize and finger millet. There are almost no grazing of domestic animals within the project a're. Horvever; a lew grazing areas are located near a few nearby Villages. few dambos are used to the nearby Villagcs for fish ponds. No existence of large fauna is evident in the area. However. a fcw varieties of small mammals,birds. insects and reptiles exist in the area with habitation mainly provided by the scattered vegetation,grasslands,anthills,sub-surface and rock outcrops. The area of interest is purely of rural selup and thinly populated with scatlered human settlements and activities. A ferv social-economic activities are available in the area for the local population. Mostly; the local community is involved in subsistence farming ol'mainly finger millet, maize and cassava. a 1.3 Expected social-Economic and Environmental Impacts. 1.3. I Social-cconomic Impact Negligible social-economic impact is expected. No resettlement resulting irom the proposed prospecting would be nccessary. It is anlicipated that direct and indirect employment lor local Zambians would be created. The project would therefbre contribute positively to the growlh of the local economy resulting in improved household income in the Iocal community. On the other hand, the project rvill contribute to the increase in population and immigrants in the area. though negligiblc. With an increase in human population due to bring along socio- economic and cultural changes in the area. The increascd population especially due to migration a is also Iikely to contribute t o the change of prevalence pattern ofthe sprcad of HIV/AIDS in the area. 1.3.2 Environmentallmpact l J.2.l Expectcd lmpact Minimal impact may arise liom the prospecting activities in the area. 'l'he increased Socio- economic activities may also impact on the environmental negatively though negligible. The environment may bc impacted in the following:- l. Land use:- The area of interest mainly sparsely populated, most ofthe portion is not occupied and therefore there is no potential for and use in the project area. Minimal environmental impact is therefore expected on the land use potcntial Absolute minimal or no impact is expected on thc land use due to expected solid waste generated from human activitics al the projecl area. o ll. Watcr/drainage of area o No possible water pollutions is expected rvithin the project rvithin the project area as no chemical would be uscd during prospecting operations.Flowever,absolute minimum o possible water pollution may occur at some nearby water outside the project area o No impact is expccted on the surfhce water quality and quantities in thc pro.iect are. r No impact is expected on the Aquifer rccharge and water run-o[f rates. o No impact is expected on the flolv regime of water course. .Minimal impact is cxpccted on the compatibility of prospecting developments rvithin surrounding arcas. I ll. Ecology a o Absolute minimal ncgative impact may be expected on the number and diversity of flora o and fauna due to prospecting activities in the area. .Minimal visual impact is expected on thc landscape due to removal ol vegetation and r some notable f'eatures in the area of project. Minimum impact is expected on the compatibility of prospecting developments within surrounding areas. lv Climatc . No impact is cxpectcd on climate pattern of the project area. Landscape . Minimal impact is expected on the arcas landscape due to some portions being opened up or closed down as a result of prospecling. .Minimal visual impact is expected on thc landscape due to removal ofvegetation and some notable features in the area of project. o a .Minimum impact is expected on the compatibility of prospecting devclopments Ivithin surrounding areas. tv. Air and noise quali(v . No or absolute minimal negative impact expected on Air and noise quality by dust and emissions from prospecting activities, dust and fumes arising from mechanized vehicles and fuel propclled vehicle/machines, .No or absolute minimal imp[act is expected on the quality of the ambient air noise of the area. a vii .Social, Economic and Culture o . Positive impact is expected on generation ofemployment ofemployment. o ,Positive impact is expected on local, regional and national economic resulting from o increased houschold income generation. .No or absolute minimal impact expected on social cohesion. No resettlement is o expected o .Minimal immigration expected due to thc project. .Absolute minimal impact expccted on communication infrastructure-roads opened closed or re-routcd. lmprovement of mainly acccss road will impact positively by easy o access. Minimal impact on social amenities and on the rate of S'l-ls and HIV/AIDS. l.Ll Mitigation on negativc impacts l.{ I l'uel & noisc To avoid minor air pollution and noise, the consumption of fuel by the utility vehicles will be restricted to the absolute necessary minimum. Fuel propelled utility Vehicles and other fuel propelled exploration equipment will be maintained in good working order to avoid exhaustion and noise emission beyond permissible levels. Refueling of utility vehicle and other fuel propelled equipment will be restricted to a designated re-fueling bay. O 1.4.2 D0mcstic Waste Any waste (plastic. organics, and ashes) will be collccted in waste plastic bags and disposed olf in a environmentally liiendly manner as required by the Public Ilealth Act. ln addition. environmental fiiendly pit latrine will be made plastic bags and disposed off in an environmentally points. These will be buried by the public Health Act. 1.4.3 Clearing of Vcgetation Clearing of vegetation will be limited to the absolute minimum necessary, and will involve only grass and shrubs at sampling points and camp sites. Absolute minimum necessary clcarance will a bc done to facilitate passage for f'uel propelled utility Vehicles and other equipment. The existing motorable tracks will be used as far as is practically possible. .1.4.{Rcstricted Excavations For sampling and mapping purposes, all trenches and pits will bc restricted in size to the absolute minimum ncccssary- to avoid unnecessar), disturbance to the environment. And all excavations not in use would be buried lbllowing soil layer sequence, and site rehabilitation. 1.,1,5 Social, Economic and Culture The project u,ill promote hcahh education among workers and workers and the surrounding communily especially' conceming STls,TB and HIV/AIDS. Local entrepreneurs will also be supported by buying mine supplies lrom local business as much as practically possible. The project will also endeavors to interact with traditional local leaders and participatc in upholding the cultural sct up olthe local community. 1.,1.6 Summary of Environmental Negative impnct and mitigation a lmpact Effect M itigation Measures Fuel(Bu rn ing) M inor air pollution l.Minimise driving utility vehicle and operation of fuel propelled mining equipment 2.Good maintance of utility vehicle and fuel propelled mining equipment Fuel( spillage) Contam ination of soil 1.Good maintence of utility vegetation and grou nd water vehicle and fuel propelled mining equipment 2. Fuel storage and refueling o restricted to designated re- fueling bay. 3.lmmidiate cleaning and correct disposal of any spillage Waste(domestic) Contamination of site (surface L.Minimise generation of and soil and ground water) waste 2.collect and dispose correctly Waste(sewer) Contamination of site(surface l.Construct environmentally soil and ground water) and public health friendly pit latrines Appendix No. 2 a Proposed Programme of Prospecting Operation o 2.1. Location and accessibility of the area 'f'hc area of interest is located on lhe Easlcrn Province of Zambia and is marked belorv ,vil'-l_l il +. \ '-r ,- *4. .l ... .) l> .,, { -r ' :' -.,' s 1 ' .* .-'j ' i' ,] U" a '/\, '( r\ i. ,t./. ) ,. ,' I 1 680 -1 i ) o ' -4 \I;-.'- r ( \ ( /i I I I .) q.'', I L.- Ar I /'l t. -,ttJ ( I i \:\ i- i,' -) .-Y (- -/ zz t. :k- -4L: i' P 1 t { o I / V- ., + I )'- t t ) i a\ t- ! c-' I a-t ? r(- -,} L J !/. 'r' J t-, 1_/ 00.51 , 3 ,L L Z , ) The Location Map of area of interest