Appendix No.2 a Proposed Programme of Prospecting Operation o Location and accessibility of the area 2.1. l'he area ol interest is located on the Eastern Province of Zambia and is marked below ( .+..) \ )(, ,/: _t {-. ,t /. .t7 o .680 k ,- "J'' a* \ ri ) ) .,t I \ t .-r' ,) 't '. )r/ l q ,) o tl ./ \ 1_ ,/7 j -'nJ 1_ -l i, i .) a-\ l i J-;' a ,l i I l I ) .,1 I , ,/. i,,, ) t.-L i .L:.\ ( t, ' ". .,. ..''l .'..1\- a, ,h !, I '.'l Wd.rdu\Hlll 7 00.5 1.2 3 L ufir#Fur- ,..i I .i The Location Map of area of interest 'l'he figure above indicates the location and access to prospecting Licence Area.'l'he area is located in Mwanya area in the Eastern province. 'l-he nearest town is Lundazi which is about 60 kilometers to the wes1. 2.2 Proposed prospccting programme a Upon grant ofthe large scale Cemstone Licence (LPL) herein applicd lbr, the company intcnds to diligently carry out prospecting aclivities lor mineral resourccs herein applied for in order to identily potential pegmatites with gemstone mineralization The prospecting activities will be carried target first all the reported mineral resources occurrences within the area through a geological mapping exercisc to delineate the pegmatite potential.. 'l he Company is in a hurry to carry out prospecting rvorks and proceed immediately into mining upon completion ol'prospecting n,ithin the shortest possible time. The companyd intends to use minimal mechanization, and hircd services of Zambian geologists and mining enginecrs supported by local casual during labour during prospeeting stage. At mining stage the Company plans to engage both profbssional and non-professional staff mostly drawn from the local community on pcrmanent basis. The lollowing prospecting rvorks rvill be carried out:- o ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE RESOURCES RESPONSIBLE DURATION 2 2.1 l\ilobilisation To put all Transpo rt Developer documentation in respect of relevant authorities in place .To make all necessary contacts with stake holders, To identify camp locations within prospecting licence area. To put in place all logistics on the ground for the smooth take off of I the project. To Tra n spo rt Developer 4 months identify locations 2.2.2 Geological on the ground of Reconnaissance all repoded occurrences within Survey the prospecting licence area .To record all such identified locations for o planning of further prospecting works 2.2.3 Geophysical .To collect soil Consultant 2 months survey samples in all Geologist locations on Transport known occurrence for detailed systematic sample analysis 224 .To carry out RS-125 Consultant 2 months radio metrics at Geologist planned grid and Spectrometers collect GPS data.coordinates ,time and Proton o magnetic Magnetomer susceptibility GPS 2.2.5 To compile report 3 months on the Consultant geochemical and Geologist geophysical surveys .To set out plans for the possible RC and Diamond drilling programme