a Appendix No. 3 Proposal for employment and training of citizens oI Zambia o 3.1 Labour Requirements 'l'he company intcnds to engage the professional services and consultancy ol'Zambian geologists and mining cngineers to carry out all activities in thc area. These prol'essionals r.vill be assisted by the labour drawn from the local communities. o Apart from the hired professional scrvices, the project rvill initially engage about 40 Zambians mainly drawn liom the local community.l'he pro.icct will adhere to the Zarnbian labour laws, and will coordinate with the local dcpartment in all matters of labour requirements. 3.2 Proposal for employmcnt Zambian citizens It is the policies of the company to contribute to the local community in terms of employment creation. -l'hc project will therelbre draw 80% of its labour requirement liom the local community and therefore contribute to job creation resulting into increased household income. o Priority would be given to members of the local community in terms olemployment so as to create jobs and increase household income and therefore contributing to poverty alleviation and improved local economy. 3.3 Proposal for training Zambian Citizens Though the prospecting activities will be fast-tracked to pave way for mining the company intend to take over the labour lbrce into the mining phase is planned to start as viability ofthe project confirmed. During mining phase the company intends to carry outjob on-training in basic and general prospecting and mining operations. The company intends to train local Zambian in the follorving areas for mining operations according to training needs as indicated in tablc below Training Type lnstitution Target Group Number Blasting licence Mine Safely Pit supervisors 2 o lessons and tests department Crusher Operations On-the-job Operators 2 Basic First-Aid course Zambia Red Pit Supervisor 2 Cross Jack hammer drilling On-the Job JH Operators 5 Compressor operation On{he job JH Operators 2 I Quarry supervisor 3 Excavator Operator On{he-job Operators 2 National Council I for construction O FEL Operations On-the-job FEL Operators 2 National Council for construction HIV/Aids Awareness On -the-job All employees Local community Supervisory skills On{he-job pit Supervisor Corporate Social Responsibility 3.;l The company has a corporate social policy. As such, the Company always plans to plough back to the local Community within rvhich it operate so as to contribute positively to the social economic rvellbeing ol'lhe local Community. The company pledges to work with government and non-governmental bodics towards contributing to the wellbeing of the local communily at all the times. o The Company will also hand in hand with the local authorities and traditional leaders to identify and implement projects of bcnefit to the local community. a