t- Appendix 3 l. ENVIRONMENTAL MNAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) T t Accomponying Applicotion for Lorge Scole Mining Licence (LML) Over I Areo under Prospecllng Licence No. 19622-HGLPL ot Mwochilingo, Shontumbu Areo, Kofue District. I By t Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited a Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O. Box33612, TUSAI(A totge Scqle lllnlng Llccnce (litl) Apdlcotlon, Mwochlllngq / Shonlumbu Areo, l(olue Olilrlcl. Lu tlong Slone Mlnlng 28 Compqny Llmfled, ?lol flo.2{40, Chlpwenupwenu lood, Mokenl, P.O.rox 33612, tulqko. 3.1 Envlronmenlol Prolecl Brief ln pursuont to lhe Environmentol lmpocl Assessment (ElA) Regulolions, Stolutory lnstrument No. 28 of 1997, on Environmentol Projecl Brief (EPB) for lhe Dolomilic / Limestone Quorry project ot Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo in Kofue Dislrict of Lusoko Province wos submitted to Zombio Environmentol Monogement Agency (ZEMA). Approvol ond issuonce of Decision Letter is owoited. 3.2 Prolect locolion ond Access The proposed project site of extent oreo opproximalely 79 heclores is locoied ot Mwochilingo Villoge, Shontumbu Areo in Kofue Disiricl of Lusoko Province of lhe Republic of Zombio. Locotion of the sile is os described in Appendix I (1.2). 3.2 Relevonl teglsloflon 3.2.1 Envlronmenlol Prolecllon ond Pollullon Conhol Acl, Chopter 204 (EPPCA) !. The primory environmentol legislotion in Zombio is the "Environmentol Protection ond Pollulion Control Act" (EPPCA) of 1990 ond the Environmentol Protection ond Pollulion Control (Amendment) Act of 1999. Ihis legislotion sets out o fromework for Environmenlol lmpoci Assessmenls (ElAs) os well os estoblishing the Environmentol Council of Zombio os o reguloiory body chorged with ihe responsibility of overseeing the implementotion of the requirements of the environmentol legislolion. Under ihe EPPCA, regulotions hove been issued setting out detoiled requirements for environmeniol reporting in relolion to new developmentol projects like the one being proposed by Lu Hong Slone Mining Compony Limited. The Envlronmenlol Prolection ond Pollullon Control (Environmenlol lmpoct a Assessment) Regulolions, I t97. Relevonce ond Complionce The legislotion requires lhol ony projecl developer for ony new developmentol projecl prepores on Environmentol Project Brief (EPB), which is o reporl tho'l includes preliminory predictions of possible impocts of o proposed projecl on the environment ond consiitutes ihe first sloge of environmentol impoct ossessment process. Once completed, the project brief should be submilied to lhe relevonl oulhorily for their review ond ossessment. The preporotion of this Environmeniol Project Brief (EPB) by lhe developer is in complionce with the requirements of the Environmentol lmpocl Assessment (ElA) Regulolions of \997. Negotive environmentol ospects orising from project implementolion hove been identified ond ihese will hove to be mitigoted. The mitigolion meosures for the ldentified impocts ore tockled in the monogemenl plon included herein. torge Scsle Mining Llcence (LML) Applicotion, Mwqchlllngo / Shonlumbu Areo, Xqfue Dlstrict. Lu Hong Stone Mlning 29 Compony Umiled, Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O.8ox 33612, lusoko. lhe Woler Pollullon Conhol (Efruent & Wosle Woler) Regulollons, 1993 Reievonce ond Comolionce Under these regulotions, lhe term "pollulonl'' is defined os ony subsionce or energy which if it enters or is dischorged inlo woter moy couse discomfort to. or endonger the heollh, sofety ond welfore of persons, or moy couse injury or domoge to plonl or onimol life or property, or which moy inferfere unreosonobly with normol enjoyment of life or property or use of property or conduci of business ond those objecls or subslonces os moy inodvertenily obslruct or diveri the noturol flow of o woter course when dischorged or dumped inio it. The proposed sile does nol communicote with the regionol or locol droinoge sysiem. l. lhe Air Pollulion Control (Licencing & Emissions Slondords) Regulotions, 1996. Re/evonce ond C!mpl,qnce Air polluiion is usuolly o mojor environmenlol issue for ony quorrying operolion. ll is for this reoson thot these Regulolions sets emission limil levels, rotes, omounts or concentrotions of o given substonce dischorged in the oir lhot must not be exceeded by on operotor. As o woy of complying with the requiremenis of these regulolions, the developer sholl opply for permiis lo dischorge ony oir polluionls lhol would orise os o result of the proposed quorrying operotions of the site so os to ensure thot the limits would be within the specified limits by lhe inspectorote. The Hozordous Woste Monogement Regulolions (S.l No. 125 of 20Ol ) Re/evonce ond Complionce a The proposed operotions will slrive io comply with the term "environmentolly sound monogemenl of hozordoous woste". Ihis meons toking oll reosonoble ond procticol sleps 10 ensure thol hozordous woste is monoged in o monner, which will protect humon heolth. onimols. plonts or the environmeni ogoinsl odveEe effecis which moy result from such woste. The possible sources of such woste ot the proposed site will include medicol woste. lncinerotion of medicol woste will be one woy of monoging woste os it renders them hormless or inert. 3.2.2 The Mlnes ond Mlnerols Developmenl Act, 2fl)8, Chopler 213. The Mines ond Minerols Development Act No.7 of 2008 regulotes mining octivilies ond operotions for the prolection of the environment from prospecting through up lo closure of mine. Under the Act, severol regulotions hove been issued thot ore specific to operolions reloting to mining / quorrying which will hove lo be complied with by lhe developer. Lo.ge Scole Mining Llcence (LML) Appllcotlon, Mwochillngo / Shonlumbu Areo, Kolue Disiricl. Lu Hong Slone Mlnlng 30 Compony Limlled, Plot No.2440. Chlgwenupwenu Rood. Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612, Lusoko. 3.2.2,1 Mines ond Minerols (Environmenlol) Regulollons, 19r7, (Sl 2? ot 1917) Re/evonce ond Comolioncelhe requiremenl for mining operolion to submit on These regulotions esloblish ony Environmenlol Project Brief os port of ony new development. This legislotion ploces the initiol responsibilily for ossessing ony new mining opplicotion with ihe Mines Sofety Deportment (MSD). lt however, recognizes the pre-eminence of the EPPCA of l99O ond lhe role of the Environmentol Council of Zombio os the leod ogency on oll issues I reloting to environmentol protection in the country. Therefore, the preporotion of this project brief by the developer is in fulflllment ond complying with this requiremenl. Mlning Regulollons, l97l Re/evonce ond Comp/ionce !. Any mining / quorrying operotion in Zombio hos to be conducled in occordonce with the requiremenls of lhese regulotions, which is enforced by the Mines Sofety Deportmenl (MSD). Unde|lhese regulolions, there sholl be o miner Owner ond o mine Holder, os well os competent persons oppointed to execute o mining operotion. The mine Holder, who in mosl coses is o Mine Monoger, is responsible for the doy lo doy running of mining operotions while the Owner provides necessory meons to enoble the Holder run the operolions smoolhly. As o woy of complying wilh these regulolions, the developer sholl oppoini o mine Owner ond o Holder once the proposed operolions ore up ond running. The Holder will be responsible for oll operotions ot lhe Quorry including the reporting of incidences ond occidenls to the Director of Mines Sofety Deportment. Environmenlol Proleclion Fund (EPF) Regulollons (Sl No. t02 of 1998) Re/evonce ond Como/ionce a The legislotion requires oll holders of mining licences to moke cosh contributions to the Environmenlol Proteclion Fund whose objectives ore: (o)To provide ossuronce to ihe Director of Mines Sofely Deporlment (MSD) thot o person who holds such licence or permii sholl execule the Environmentol Monogement Plon in occordonce with the Mines ond Minerols (Environmenlol) Regulolions of 1997; ond (b) To provide proteclion to the Government ogoinst risk of hoving the obligotion to underloke the rehobllltolion of o minlng oreo where the holder of o licence or permit foils lo do so. As o requirement under these regulotions, the developer will commence the deposilion of monies into the EPF ofter the first environmentol oudil thot will be performed by on independenl consultont. Lorge Scole Mining licence (LML) Applicqtion, Mwochllingo / Shonlumbu Areo, (olue Oillrict. tu Hoog Slone Mlnlng 31 Compony Llmited, Plol No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O,Box 33612, tusoko. 3.2.3 Forestry Act, Chopter l 99 The Forestry Acl of 1974 provides for ihe monogement, conservotion ond prolection of forests ond trees. The Act prohibils the felling. collection or injuring of forest producls in protected foresl oreos or forest reserves, unless o licence hos been obtoined to do so. Ihe Act olso prohibiis excovolions, conservotion, ond operolion of mochinery which lhe forest reserves or protected oreos. Re/evonce and Comolionce The extent oreo of the proposed Lorge Scole Mining Licence is only 79 hectores, ond the octuol Quorry ond crushing ploni will be confined in o very smoll oreo of less lhon l0 hectores. The felling of trees or foresl ond disturbonce of vegelolion will be olmost negligible especiolly thot the quorrying operoiions will be on the sile previously cullivoled. The neorest designoted forest, Lusoko South Extension Locol Foresl No.55 is l. oboul 2.7km norih ond would not be offected by the operotions. 3.2.4 Town ond Counlry Plonnlng Acl. Chopler 283 The Town ond Country Plonning Act provides for the control, use ond chonge of lond use zones ond reservolions for vorious purposes e.g. citing of work siles. lt olso provides for the compensotion of offected communities by plonning decisions ond reguloted developments. Reievonce qtd CaInpliaDce The proposed site folls under Kofue District Council ond occording to lhe office of the Direcior of Works ot the Council, ii wos odvised thot the Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Quorry site folls within titled formlond owned by the developer. 3.2.5 The locol Governmenl Acl ol l99l o The Acl provides for the estoblishment of Councils in the Districts, the functions of locol oulhorilies ond locol government system. Relevonce ond Corno/ionce Some of these functions which will be of relevonce lo this poriiculor project being proposed by the developer relote to pollulion control ond the protection of the environmenl in generol within their locolity. Since the proposed project is locoied in the Kofue Dislrict, the Kofue Dishici Council will be responsible for the porticulor ospeci ol the proposed project. 3.2.6 The Woler Acl of l9tl9 The Act estoblishes the Deportmenl of Woler Affoirs (DWA) ond the Woter Boord with the responsibility of looking ofler lhe woier resources of lhe counlry. The Deportment of Lorge Scole Mining Licence (LMl) Applicqtion, Mwochilingo / Shontumbu A.eo, l(qtue Dlshict. Lu Hong Slone Mlnlng 32 Compony limited. Plot No.2440, Chlpwenupwenu Rood, Mokenl, F.O.Box 33a12, lusokq. Woter Affoirs is responsible for lhe hydrology (surfoce woler), hydrogeology (groundwoier) os well os quolily ospects of these woler resources in the counlry. Reievonce ond C.,mDli,],ncc The projeci will hqve to comply with this Acl on ospects of underground woier in view of occessing ihe woter resource through the oquifer. I 3.2.7 lhe Nolionol tleriloge Conservollon Act oI I ?89 The Act provides for the proteclion ond conservolion of heritoge resources, culturol ond hisloricol sites, ond lhe Act enforced by the Notionol Heritoge Conservolion t Commission (NHCC). Re/evonce ond Complionce l. lf ony such sile wilhin the proposed projecl oreo is found, the NHCC sholl be informed I ond such o site should be preserved. 3.2.8 Ihe londs Act of 1995 ond the tond Acqulsllion Acl ot 1995, The Acl provides for lhe olienotion, tronsfer ond chonge of lond. lt olso provides for the n compulsory ocquisition of lond by lhe President whenever he is of the opinion thol li is ! desiroble or expedient to do so in the Inlerest of the publlc. n mnli n The lond is divided into siote, privoie ond troditionol lond. The proposed project folls t under troditionol lond in Senior Chief Nkhomeshyo Mukomombo ll of the Soli people of Lusoko Province. The oreo Chief would be consulted whenever need orise. I 3.2.9 The Publlc Heollh Act of 1996. o The Act provides for the prevention of diseoses. droinoge, lotrine ond disposol of n seweroge ond treotment systems. Re/evonce ond Cornplionce tl The proposed project site will hove to comply with these ospects ond meosures will include proper disposol of wostes generoted on site so os lo prevenl oulbreok ond spreoding of diseoses. 3.2.10 The Exploslves Act of 197I. The Act gives guidonce on the purchose, tronsporlolion, storoge ond usoge of explosives. The Mines Sofety Deportment (MSD) through lhe Explosives Section enforces this Act. l.orge Scole Mining Licence (LMl.) Applicotion. Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Areo Kolue District. tu Hong Slone Mining 33 Compony Llmited. Plol No.2440. Chlpwenupwenu Rood, Mokenl. P.O.Box 33512. Lusoko. Re/evonce ond Cornp/ionce The proposed project sholl comply with lhis Act by getling permits from MSD prior lo conslruction of explosive mogozines, ond purchose of ony explosives thot will be used for blosiing operotions. The purchose, tronsporlolion, usoge os well os storoge of the explosives will be under the guidonce of o holder of o volid Zombion Blosting Licence. 3.2.1I The Zombio Wlldllfe Authority Acl, I989. The Act provides for the conservolion ond monogemenl of ecosysiems to preserve them from impocls of modern mon. The Acl olso regulotes the type ond extent of tourism octivities thol moy be permitled in the notionol pork or gome monogement oreo settings. Reievonce ond Complionce l. Ihe proposed quorrying site is very for from the neorest Gome Monogemeni Areo (cMA), Chiowo GMA which is 27km SE of the proposed quorry sile. Despite the T proposed physicolly being for from ihe Nolionol Pork or GMA. environmentol ond ecologicol considerotions sholl be 'token into occounl by the developer io ovoid I environmentol impocls on ony wildlife. ln oddilion, the developer will comply with ony other conditions thot would be set out in I ony decision letter regording wildlife in generol. 3.3 PROJECT DESCRIPIION I 3.3.1 Project Oblecllves o To utilize lhe Mwochilingo / ShonlumbuQuorry site ond commence sustoinoble I quorrying operotions under o mining righl. e To produce vorious stone oggregoles ond quorry dust to meet the huge demond of quorry products by the construclion induslry through vorious developmeniol proiects in Kofue Dislrict, ond Lusoko Province in generol. To creoie meoningful employment to the locol communily ond contribute io lhe locol ond regionol economic growth. 3.3.2 Moln Acllvllles The proposed project will hove four mojor phoses nomely Site Preporolion; Conslruclion Phose; Operotion Phose; ond Closure Phose. Site Preporollon Phose The moin oclivities lhot will be conied oul include:- Lorge Scole Minlng licence (tML) Applicotion, Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Areo. Kofue Dislricl. Iu Hoog Slone Mining 34 Compony Limiled. Plot No.2440. Chlpv,enupwenu Rood, Mokenl, P.O.Box 33612, tusoko. of quorrying loyout toking inlo occouni informoiion generoted during the siting prospecting stoge. Cleoring ond preporotion of the site within lhe designoied quorry boundories folling in the mining licence oreo; ond Preporotion of siie occess roods io ihe quorry to be used by vehicles. Conshuclion Phose Ihe conslruclion Phose will involve lhe mobilizotion, instollotion ond ossembling of the crushing ploni on site. Other octivities during 'this phose will include lhe developmeni of the quorry which will be the source of stone, the row moteriol for ihe oggregote ond quorry dust producls. Ihe conslruclion of the office block, oblulion, mogozines, fencing. l. workshop ond storerooms will be done during this phose. Operolionol Phose The operotionol phose will proceed ofler overburden removol. which is negligible, formotion of tenoces on lhe identified dolomitic / limestone hill. This operotionol phose will involve the octuol produclion of lhe required products, ond most of lhe impocls thot will require mitigotion will toke ploce during this phose. The mojor oclivilies ot the quorry site will bei Drillino Drilling of verticol 90mm - l45mm @ by -12m deep blost hole in o specific drill potlern will be done by o crowler mounted pneumolic drill rig. Blostinq After drilling sufficient blosl holes in o specific poilern, light chorge primory blosting will be conied oui whenever necessory using lighl chorge of emulsions o wilh Cordtex ond sond slemming. Lighter chorglng wlll be used to ovoid fly rocks ond reduce sound ond dusi emissions beyond occeptoble levels. All primory ond secondory blosting will be conied oul during doy time between 08:00hrs to 17:Oohrs. ln oddition 1o oudible worning, worning signs os per requiremenl of lhe Explosives Regulotions will olso be posted on oll opprooches prior to blosting time. To minimize on blosling octivities, o CAT 320D Hydroulic Breoker will olso be used to breok bigger boulders into smoller monogeoble pieces. A quolified BLH will be used to conduct oll blosting operotions. Loodino An Excovotor {CAT 320D2) will be used to lood the blosted moteriol from lhe Quorry foce onto o dump truck which will lhen lronsport lhe moteriol to the Lorge Scole Mining Licence ([ML) Appllcotion. Mwochili.|go / Shonlumbu Areo, Kolue Didricl. Lu Hong Slone Mining 3s Compony Limiled. Plol N0.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mqkeni. P.O.Box 33612 LrJsoko. Crushing plont. The Excovoior-Dump truck-Crusher combinotion will olso be olternoled by using LHD equipment, especiolly during initiol stoges. Crushino Al the crushing plont. quorry moleriol will be off looded directly into the feeder, which will feed into lhe Primory Jow Crusher (PJC). From the PJC, the crushed moteriol will be conveyed vio o conveyor belt into o Secondory Jow Crusher {SJC) where the three different quorry products will be produced i.e. Gsmm, 5.1- lomm, ond l0.l-25mm will then be conveyed using three conveyor belts to sioroge oreos owoiting colleciion by clients. The oversize rocks in the vibroiing screen will be routed to ihe impocl crusher ond sent bock to lhe Jow Crusher for furlher crushing. I. Tronsportotion Once the moleriol hos been broken down inlo conect sizes in lhe crushing plont, it will be put inlo vorious stockpiles, occording to the sizes. From these stockpiles the moteriol will be looded onto trucks ond ironsporled to clients. Stock pilinq Stockpiling will be oulomolic by conveyor belts sited on different quorry oggregoles sizes ond quorry dusl slockpiles. However, o diesel propelled LHD will be used on lhe stockpiles to hondle quorry producls spilloge ond mointenonce of siockpile profiles. Decommlrslonlng ond Closure The decommissioning ond closure phose will come of lhe end of quorrying operolions when oll lhe quorry stone reserves would hove been exhousied within the oreo under o mining licence. Al closure, the site will be rehobilitoted so lhot some olher sustoinoble lond use oiher thon quorrying could be permitted. To ensure thoi this is ochieved, progressive rehobilitotion of the oreo sholl stort on commencemenl of the operolions ot the Quorry ond will be integrol porl of the entire project cycle ot the Quorry. All disturbed oreos will be progressively rehobilitoled once lhe operotions ceose in the porticulor oreo. Closure phose ociivities will include:- o Siie rehobilitotion ond remediolion; o Preporing the oreo for other sustoinoble post quorrying lond use; . Writing ond submitting of o closure report lo lhe Director of Mines Sofety os . required under the Mines ond Minerols Environmentol Regulotions of 1997; ond Surrendering of the licence oreo to the Ministry of Mines ond Minerols Development. Loige Scqle Mlnlng Llcence (tMt) Applicqtion, Mwochlllngo / Shqntumbu Areq, Kqtue Dl3irlct. Lu Hqng Slon6 Minlng 36 Compony Llmlted, Plot No.2'140, Chlpwenupwenu Roqd, Mqkenl, P.O.Box 336I2, Lusoko. 3.3.3 Row Molerlols ond Olher equipmenls Ihe moin row moteriols of lhe proposed project ore the quorry stone which is in obundonce within lhe mining licence oreo. Equipmenl ond plont thot will be reguired on site for smoolh running of operolions will include:- . Drilling rigs; . Excovotors; . Front-End-Looders (LHDs); . Dump trucks; . Gen-sets . Crushing plont (with pollulion control kit); ond . Ulility kucks o Weigh Bridge I. 3.3.4 Products ond by-producls I The following will be the products ot the proposed projecti . -5mm Quorry Dust; . 9.5mm Quorry Aggregotes; T r 13.2mm Quorry Aggregotes; ond I . l9mm Quorry Aggregotes. 3.3.5 Allernotlves Project ollernotives t Proiecl Opiion The "Project Opiion" will meon ollowing the developer to go oheod wilh ihe continued quorrying ot the proposed quorry sile ot proposed Mwochilingo / Shontumbu. The ! proposed project will creote employmeni opportunities ond positively contribute io the I locol ond notionol economic growth. With o multiplier effecl of obout l0-15 people in I Zombion rurol selling, on estimoted 750 people will directly benefit from lhe proposed project by the developer. t Although the project will hove some negoiive impocis such os noise, dusl emissions ond vibrolions, lhey con be contoined with the implementotion of o proper Environmentol Monogemenl Plon (EMP). ln oddiiion, the humon setilements ore quite owoy from the I octuol quonying sites to hove serious odverse impocls. t The "No Project Oplion" will meon nol going oheod wilh the proposed project. This optlon musl be weighed ogoinsl the loss of o mulli-million dollor inveslment thot the I project developer intends to invest ln the rurol locol economy. The proposed proiecl will t employ o lot of people ond ihe mojoriiy of this stoff complement will come from ihe Lorge Scole Mining ticence (LMt) Appllcotion. Mwochlllngo / ShonlumbL, Areo. Kolue Dislricl. !u Hong Slone Mining 37 I Compony Limiled, Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood. Mokeni P.o.Box 33612, Luioko. \l locol oreo. The proiect will hove numerous knock-on effects for lhe locol ond regionol economy. The "No Projecl Option" will lherefore be o mojor setbock for the locol, regionol ond noiionol economic developmenl os it would deny ihe much required moteriols for the construclion industry which hos greol potentiol of growing oi o fosl rote. Cunent most suitoble quorry products coming from RDA Quorry is not odequote. Of the obove two options, the mosl fovouroble one is lhe "Project Option". lts odvontoges for outweigh those of the "No Project Option". The " Proiect Option" will reduce the high levels of unemployment in the oreo, ond olso curb unlicenced quorrying octivities. lr Minrno Process There is one option for the mining of quorry slone, which is the row moteriol in lhe whole production process, ond f his :- . open pit ( tenocing )mining Ihe quorry slone deposits oi Mwochilingo / Shontumbu forms o hill os rock dolomitic / I limeslone ouicrop ond ore therefore omenoble only to open pii mining method. In Phose l, initiol sloge of Quorrying. for obout 28 yeors. tenocing of the hill will be done Open Pii mining melhod will be used, with terrocing lechniques 3.4 SITE DESCRIPIION 3.4.1 Topogrophy Ihe Mwochilingo / Shontumbu hos o flot ond genile rolling lerroin ond typicol of lhe Lusoko ploteou chorocterize most of the oreo of Lusoko Province. The geomorphology a of the oreo is iypicol of the Cenlrol Africon ploteou ond closely follows the geology of lhe oreo. 3.4.2 Cllmote The climole of lhe Kofue District, Mwochilingo / Shontumbuoreo where the proposed poecl site will be locoted is chorocterized by three distinct seosons determined the movemeni ocross lhe region of lhe lnler-Tropicol Convergence Zone (ITCZ) ond is typicol for much of the Centrol Africon Ploteou. The region experiences o cool dry seoson from mid-April to Augusl, o hol seoson from Seplember lo October ond roiny seoson from November 1o April. Lorge Scole Mining Licence (LML) Applicotion. Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo. xolue Diskicl- Lu Hong Slone Mining 38 Compony Limiled, Plol No.2440 Chip\flenupwenu Rood, Mokeni. P.O.Box 33612. Lusoko. The proposed project oreo receives on onnuol roinfoll in the region of oround 600mm 1o 700mm with meon onnuol roinfoll doys of /G80 doys i.e. between December, Jonuory ond Februory receiving over 707o of onnuol roinfoll. ltit tttslUc 0t ,rrllr 'l RAINFALL U - I lo /') {/ Figure 3.4.2 (l ): Showing roinfoli lor project oreo 3.4.3 Floro ond Founo The noturol lype of vegetotion occuning ot Mwochilingo / Shoniumbu moinly comprise t of mungo woodlonds on heovy soils. Moinly cloy soils with bod workobility, lToC - l8"C min. ond 22"C - 23C mox. lemperoture. The proposed quorry sile hos moinly shorl gross qnd shrubs supported on thin loyer of loteritic soils underloin by dolomitic / limeslone rock formotion which is/wos exploiled for quorry stone. No much founo exist within the mining licence oreo ond quorry sile due to increosed humon ociivities, os much of the oreo is used for subsislence forming by the locol communily. The few founo life just include species rodents, reptiles, insecls ond grosslond bird species which find hobitot in beneoth surfoce, in rocks, onthills, gross ond shrubs. 3.4.4 Geology The generol geology of the oreo moinly consisi of meto-corbonote rocks of vorious types. Refer olso to Appendix 1 {l .5) . Lorge Scole Mlning tlcence ([ML] Applicqtlon, Mwochillngq / Shontumbu Areo, Kolue Dirlrlcl. !u Hong Slone Minlng 39 Compony tlmiled. Plot No.2440. Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mqkeni. P.O.Box 33612, Luioko. 3.4.5 Solls The soil types conespond closely to the geology, topogrophy ond climote of the oreo. Generolly the Mwochilingo / Shontumbu oreo soils ore cloy. However, most of the portions ot the quorry sile is loierilic underloin by dolomiiic limesione. The soil types of the oreo is shown in Figure 3.4.5{l ) os described under F.A.O /UNISCO clossificoiion. I. 3 Kc b il r a, 30tlt itrtittct t..l! L..a llE ll rr-ll{ rrct. rrt --rb..a a|,rL a rL l. L.r-l-ara-atr.l1-..!!r-r - -r-.rta.G RIDCI Is l.r.ql a.tl t. El.t l. .ltar .l.t L- 0.rl ..a rt r. r.ll iiirl .,rl hr. ro d.tt t', L.ri itn. rcr.ry ar..rd I UfrOGo l.OqfYi !t il. r.tt .LrtLratlrr.*telll-a bl.:r l.t,nor rr.. o t. liat q l' .rt..3tt rr.rl.ll I Figure 3.4.5 (l ): Soil type of the proposed project oreo. 3.4.6 Hydrology Sufoce Woter Feolures ond Drolnoge The proposed quorry site does not communicote with either locol or regionol droinoge syslem. Underground Woter Rerourcei The proposed quorry site is undedoin by dolomilic limeslone with low permeobility. However, due lo fissures ond joints chorocterized by the some rock formotion, underground woler moy communicoie with quorrying operolions. Loage Scqle Mlnlng licence (LMl,) Appllcotion, Mvvochilingo / Shontumbu Areo, Kolue Distrlct. Lu Hqng Slone Minlng 40 Compony Limiled, Plot N0.2440, Chipwenupwenu Roqd. Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612, Luroko. The underground woter source wilhin the oreo underloin by lhe dolomitic limestone moy not be useful for humon consumption. 3.4.7 Exlsting Lond use Aport from quorrying, the lond ot ihe proposed site is not used for ony other sociol- economic octivity due to the underloin dolomitic limestone which support little vegetoiion growlh. However, some portions ore used for lhe grozing of live stock, especiolly goots which feed of leoves from lhe shrubs. 3.4.8 Humon Settlements The proposed quorry siie folls wiihin ihe developer's properiy. ond there is no other Ir selilement within lhe property. However, ihe property shores boundory with olher properties. 3.4.9 Culturol Chorocterislics The sile reconnoissonce survey conducted ond informolion gothered reveoled no presence of sensitive siles. a Iorge Scole Mining Licence (LM!) Applicolion, Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Areo Kofue District. Lu Hong Slone Mining 4L Compony Limited, Plol No.2440. Chlpwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni. P.O.Box 33612. Lusoko. ... --I I I T eI I T I I' a I I T I I ID 3.5 POTENIIAT ENVIRONMENTAT IMPACTS Ioble 3.5.1 - Envlronmentol lmpocl Molrlx for proposed Mwochlllngo / ShontumbuQuorry Prolect lmpocl lorgel lmpocl Source lmpocl Source Descriptlon Slgnlflconce Mltlgotlon of lmpoct Envlronmenlol lmpoch 3.5,1.1 Woler Moinlenonce Fuels ond oil leokoges ond spills trom Very Low Mointenonce of Sources of Mochinery mochinery during mointenonce onlo Negotive mochinery excepi in ground moy find woy lo surfoce ond cose of breokdown will ground woter sources only be conied on in designoted oreos. Mochinery will be moinioined in good order Pil Dewotering woledsble Very Low For initiol 28 yeors, no When the woter toble is reoched in the Negotive Open Pil expected. pil, the pit dewolering will lower the Resource will be woter toble in the viciniiy of lhe quorry exploiled from hill by oreo, lhereby offecting boreholes used lenocing. Neorest bore for portoble woler within the licence hole obout lkm from pit oreo. locotion. Londscope Pit Excovotion o en Pit Moderote to Open pit oreo will be Excovotion of pit ond removol of quorry low negotive fenced off to reslrict slone will creote o permonent open pit occess by lhe public. of obout l5m deep ond I20m wide. Stockpile & Stock oiles lQuorrv oroductsl Pit ond WRD oreos will be Dumps Stockpiles of quony products owoiling rehobilitoted disposol , ond overburden moteriols ol progressively. Woste Rock Dumps(WRD) moy protrude obove the noturol surfoce lopogrophy of the oreo thereby detrocling owoy from lhe noturol scenic beouiy of the oreo. r- r- aa -IITIIITII I IIIII'I' e a lmpoct lorgel lmpocl Source lmpoct Source Descrlpllon Slgnlflconce Mlllgotlon of lmpocl Envkonmenlol lmpoch lmpocl on Fuel & Oil Fuels ond oil leokoges ond spills from Very Low Mointenonce of Solls leokoge mochinery during mointenonce onlo Negotive mochinery except in ground cousing soil conlominotion. cose of breokdown will only be conied on in designoled oreos. Soil This moy be coused by possoge of Movemenl of quorry Compoclion quorry mochinery on the roodwoys, lhou mochinery will be this moy be extremely limited os much of reslricted to existing the oreo is loleritic ond is exposed rock. roodwoys. 3,5.1.4 lmpocl on Pit Excovotion The presence of loleritic soils ond Very Low Absolute minimol Vegetollon Slockpile & extensive rock outcrops with scont Negotive vegelotion will be Dumps vegetotion cover comprising of gross ollowed. Roodwoys ond isololed shrubs reduces ihe Slockpile & possibility of significont negotive impocts Dumps on vegetotion, Crushino Plonl Explosive mogozine ond olher infrosiructure Nolse Quorry Ihe mojor source of noise impocts will Low to Projecl vehicles ond lmpocl vehicles ond come from drilling, blosting ond crushing Moderole quorry mochinery will be Mochinery operolions, os well os the site movement Negotive. fitted with noise control Drilling of heovy lrucks collecting ond delivering gorgets. Operotions moteriols on site houl roodwoys. provided Blosting Workers will be operolions The mojor effect these octiviiies will hove with eor plugs ond eor Crushing will be on pro.ject workers on site. muffs for protection rT-I-I'IIIIIII I IITTIII' C a Operotions However, given lhe distonce ond lhe ogoinst excessive noise. buffer zone thoi will be moinloined between the project oreo ond the locol communities, lhe impoct will nol be significonl. lmpocl torgel lmpocl Source lmpocl Source Descdpllon Slgnlflconce Mlligollon of lmpocl Envlronmenlol lmpocts 3.5.'1.6 lmpocl on Crushing Plonl The generotion of dusl from the crushing Moderote Woter sproys will be used Air plont, drilling ond blosting in the pit, Negoiive to surprise ducts on mojor movement of heovy duty equipment on dusi sources. Dusl site roodwoys ond wind blowing dusl Drilling from the stockpiles moy hove severol Drilling rigs will be filted operotion implicotions on both humon ond plont wilh dust collector. Blosling lite in the project oreo ond its vicinity. Operolors will be operotion prolonged provided with prolective The exposure to dusl clolhing ond dust mosks. Movemenl of emissions ond porticulote motter moy Vegelolion will be heovy duty leod lo eye ond respirotory irritotion ond encouroged to grow on equipment chest infeclions such os osthmo. ln Wosie Rock Dumps. Wind blowing plonts, lhe deposilion of dusl on leoves dusl from ond flowers moy interfere with pollinotion roodwoys, ond olher funciions such os stockpiles ond photosynthesis, respiroiion ond Wosle Rock tronspirolion, which ore importont for Dumps. plont survivol. I TIIIIIII ----IIIIIITII C a Toble 3.5.2 - Soclol-Economlc lmpoct Mohlx lor proposed Mwochlllngo / Shonlumbu Quorry Projecl lmpocl torgel lmpocl Source lmpocl Source Descrlpllon Slgnlflconce Mltlgotlon ol lmpocl Soclol.Economlc lmpocls Employmenl The proposed project will generote Very High Generotlon employment opportunities for oboul 50 Positive locol Zombions ond oll lhis stoff complemenl will be sourced from wiihin Mwochilingo / Shontumbu, Kofue Dislrict. The provision of employment will hove severol multiplier effects ot the household level ond in the generol economy. Houslng Workers of lhe The demond for independenl housing Very High Quorry uniis will increose os o result of positive employment offered. lmmigronl As more ore employed business will troders increose, ond demond on goods ond services will olso increose ond therefore oiirocting immigront troders resuliing in increosed demond on housing units. Heolth Workers The compony will hove o medicol Very High Community scheme for oll ils employees ond their Positive immediote fomilies ol o reputoble hospitol. The compony will operole o FirstAid Clinic within the licence oreo. I'- . I I I I I I I I D IT I - I -I I'I D t e 3.6 ENVTRONMENIAT MANAGEMENI PLAN (EMP) lmpoct Aspect lmpocl Source Mlllgollon Meosures Responslble Tlmlng ot Person MonoEemenl Acllons Storl End lmpoch on Slle Very low The components of the proposed Quony Preporoti Closure Vegetollon Negotive project such os:- Quorry; Crusher; Monoger on Phose Phose Explosive Mogozine oreo; Slockpiling Areosi ond Access Roods will not resull in significont loss of vegetolion due io lillle vegelotion on site. ln oddition, lhe oreo lhot these componenls will occupy will just be obout l07o of the mining licence oreo. However, workers ond members of lhe public will not be ollowed to exploil trees ond other vegetoiion within ond oround ihe proiecl oreo. lmpocl on woler Medium / Low Drums ond olher moleriols contoining Quorry Preporoli Closure sources Negolive oils ond other products will be kepl in Monoger / on Phose Phose bonded oreos. Developer Spilloges will be conioined ond disposed of in line with specificotions in nolionol legislolion. Dewolering of Open pit is not expecled lo offecl groundwoter used os porioble within the vicinity of lhe project oreo. However, boreholes will be monitored regulorly in lerms of woler levels ond if necessary, on olternotive cleon woter supply will be provided to the site work force ond locol community. Mointenonce of mochinery will be Quorry Preporoti Closure conducled on o concrele plinth. Monoger / on Phose Phose Developer I'-IIIIIIII-I I -II!III' a I lmpocts on Moderole Trimming of Quorry pit edges lo o slope Quorry Preporoli Closure Londscope Negolive of obout 1 :3 ond reshoping of the quorry Monoger on Phose Phose (Visuol lntuuslon) pil (londscoping) so os to moke sloble ond suiloble for the desired long-lerm I lond use ond minimise long-term visuol impocts. (londscoping) Leveling of excovoled oreos, ond cleoning of rock boulders. Fencing the oreo io ensure ihol only outhorized people hove occess to proiecl oreo. lmpocls on Soils Low Negotive Proper monogemenl of lubriconts ond Quorry Preporoli Closure fuels logether wilh the disposol of Monoger on Phose Phose domeslic wosle 1o designoled sites. Areos used for the mointenonce of mochinery will be bonded. lmpocl on wildlife Very Low To prevent generotion of high noise thol Quorry Preporoti Closure negolive could offect ony wildlife if ony, use of Monoger on Phose Phose explosives will be restricied to obsolute minimum procticolly possible during blosting. Coutious blosling lechniques will be used during blosting operolions, especiolly wilh cordtex ond ANFEX. However, negligible effect is expected on wildlife os lhere is no evidence of wildlite within the vicinity of the quorry oreo. Soll Compoction Low negolive Londscope (rehobilitote) oreos where Quorry Preporoli Closure mining of quorry slone hos ceosed. Monoger on Phose Phose . I'II II III TI II- t I-II II a Air pollullon / Dusl Moderole Use ol wel process in crushing ond screening Quony Monoger Preporotio Closure of nuisonce Negolive process of Crushing Plont. n Phose Quorry Provision of protective weor lo workers such os overolls, goggles, solety boo'ls, hord hots ond dust mosks. Woter sproying on roodwoys ond stockpile oreos ot leosl twice per doy. Nolse nuisonce / Low negotive Worn residents of sunounding oreos before Quorry Monoger Preporolio Closure of Solety blosling. n Phose Quony Blosting will be conied out belween 08-l7hrs ond limited to coulious blosling with lighter explosives. Provide solety lips io workers Provision of oppropriole protective weor lo workers wilhin vicinity ol strong noise oreos such os crusher plonl. Locol Employmenl Very High Ensure thol non-skilled jobs were given lo Developer Preporotio Closure Posilive members ol the locol community. n Phose Phose Ensure thol woges ond solories ore compelitive. Corporole Sociol Very High Some moleriols will be used lo repok ond Developer Optionol Closure Responslbility (CSR) Posilive construcl roods lhol will be used by the Phose Phose generol public in Kofue Dislrict ond other porls of Lusoko Province. Public Sofety Medium The compony conducl public sensitizotion Quorry Monoger Preporotio Closure Negotive on lhe dongers ol trespossing inlo the n Phose Phose Quorrying qreo through public meeling, ond worninq siqns. Quorry Pil woll Medium Slorm woter ond erosion monogement Quorry Monoger Preporolio Closure rtobility Negolive meosures will include the conslruclion of n Phose Phose diversion chonnels oround lhe perimeler of lhe pit ond profiling of roodwoys lo re-direcl storm woter run-ofl owoy from the pil ond slopes. 3.6.I QUARRY PII OperclionolPhose Surfoce Wot er GJe t roelvl ol er / in ponds prior releose into the Storm woter will be collected sedimeniotion lo droinoge syslem of the oreo. Sedimentotion of the woter prior io releosing oreo droinoge sysiem will help to check siltotion. The dewotering of the pit will lower the groundwoter level in the vicinity of the quorry pit. However, lhere is no borehole for portoble woter within o rodius of 200m of the pil. As such dewolering of the pit is not expected to offect the deep groundwoler used for portoble woter in ihe mining licence oreo. The production borehole will however be monilored regulorly in terms of woter levels ond if necessory. on olternotive cleon woter supply will be provided. Ir Pit Stobilitv Storm woler ond erosion monogemeni meosures will include the conslruction of chonnels oround the porometer of the Quorry Pity ond profiling of the roodwoys to re- direcl storm woter run-off owoy from the pit ond slopes. Sedimenlolion ponds will be constructed ot the bottom of the pit to monoge siltotion in slope run-off. The pit will be de-wolered ond de-silted to preveni the occumulolion of silt ond woier, ond to ensure the security of the quorry pit ond sofely of miners. These meosures will minimise ihe risk of pit woll foilure ond preveni flooding. Public Sofe'ty Unouthorised persons will be informed of the dongers of lhe dongers of entering into oreos of quorrying / mining operotions through public consultotion, lioison with sunounding locol communilies ond plocement of worning signs. Compony security officers will potrol ond check for oll possible trespossers. Polt-Cros ure Phose W ndw t S u rto ce of e r / Gro u ol er project Pit de-wotering will ceose ot the end of the ot which lime the quorry pit will be ollowed to flood noturolly by groundwoter inflow ond direct precipitotion. This will creote o new surfoce woter resource for the sunounding oreo thol could be used for susloinoble lond uses such os fishing. The woter in the pit will be monitored os port of the 5 yeors post closure environmentol moniloring progromme to ensure thot there is no deteriorolion in groundwoter quolity thol could offect its posl closure use. - Pit Woll Stobility Finol pit wolls will be designed with odequote sofety fociors to ensure long-term pit s'tobility. The pit porometer will be profiled to prevent surfoce run-off flowing into the pit or soluroling the pit wolls. Pil woll siobility will be monitored os porl of the project's posl closure environmentol moniloring progromme. Public Sofety Lorge Scole Mining l,lcence ([ML) Applicotion, Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Areo, Kqfue Dlslrlcl. Lu Hqng Slone Minlng 49 Compony Llmiled, Plot N0.2'140, Chlpwe.upryenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612. Luioko t Worning signs will be ploced oround the pit perimeier ond on opprooches lo worn the public of the donger of folling into the pit ond / or drowning. 3.6.2 CRUSHING PTANT Operolionol Phose W er ro undwoler Surfoce ot G / quorry will in The run-off woler from the dusl ond oggregote stockpiles be collected droins ond directed to sili trop where the solids will settle out. Cleon woter will be dischorged to the moin droinoge system of ihe oreo. The droins ond silt trop will be regulorly mointoined ond cleoned out. Air Emissionr Noise ond vibrotion The releose of oirborne dust from the crushing plonl ond stockpiles will be suppressed by regulor sproying with woter sproys ond woter corts. Woler sprinkler syslems will be Jr inslolled in lhe Crushing Plont ond ol oll bulk tronsfer points to suppress dust. 3.6.3 TRANSPORT INTRASTRUCTURE Operolfonol Phose Accidenlol So/ls / Releoses woter woter will The contominotion of soil, oir ond /or resulting from ony spill be minimized. The developer will implement procedures for the tronsporl of hozordous moteriols lo, from, in ond oround the proiect site. These procedures will include but not limited to:- . Emergency response troining for oll employees; o Use of designoted tronsport rouies only; ond . Vehlcles rood worlhiness checks ond implementolion of o preventive E mointenonce progromme. I Site tronsport infrostructure including roods, weigh bridges, ond speed limit signs will be subject lo o preventive moinlenonce progromme to ensure thot they ore kept in o good condition. This will reduce the number of site rood occidents / incidents. A,r Ernrssions The generotion of dust by heovy equipment ond vehicles on site roodwoys will be prevenied by frequent woter sproying os well os observolion of speed limiis. Speed limit signs will be hong on oll site roods. The usoge of site occess roods by heovy trucks trovelling to ond from the project oreo hos ihe polentiol io couse domoge io lhe roods boih inlernol ond ouiside. To mitigote this impoct, the developer will subjecl oll looded trucks 10 o weigh bridge thot will be construcled in order to meel the Rood s Development Agency (RDA) requirements. torge Scole Mlning Llcence (tML) Applicolion, Mwochllingo / Shonlumbu Areo, Kofue 0islrict. Lu Hong Stone Minlng 50 Compony Llmiled. Plot N0.2440, Chipwenupvvenu Rood, Mqkenl, P.O.Box 33612, Lu3okq. 3.6.4 WASTE AAANAGEMENI Operullonot Phose n tion generoted will lo re-use recycling. Re- All the moleriols thol will be be sorted fociliiote / usoble moteriols such os empiy drums will be re-used, sold or given owoy to employees. Medicol Woste Generolion generoled if noi Medicol Woste thot will be from the sile moy couse conlominotion hondled ond disposed properly. AII medicol wosle will be incineroted in on opproved incinerotor. lr 3.7 ENVIRONi,IENIAL MONITORING PLAN (EMoP) The developer will implement on environmenlol monitoring progromme within the proposed projeci oreo. The moniloring plon will include the following:- Ir . Air Emissions; ond . Quorry Pit Stobility 3.7.1 Ak Embslons Air pollution will occur os o result of dusl emissions from lhe blosting operotions, crushing operotions, movement of vehicles in the project oreo ond dust blow off from vorious sources ocross the proiecl oreo including the stock pile. I Dusl Emission Monitorina within lhe project lhe Dusl levels will be monilored on o monthly bosis entire oreo ond lo obtoined results will determine whoi miiigolion meosures to be implemented so os comply with the Zombion Stotutory dust emission limils. ln oddition, ombienl dust concentrotions will be monitored in the entire project oreo to determine lotol suspended porticles in oir (stolutory guideline is l20pg/m3 - overoge t over 24 hours). I ) Dust concentrotions will be monitored using MSD opproved moniloring equipmenl ond personol grovimelric somplers worn by operotors in criticol oreos like the crusher ploni. Besides, oll employees will be subjected to routine pneumoconiosis exominotions conducted by government opproved instilution. 3.7.2 Quorry Pll Sloblllty The pit will be monilored for storm woter oround it in order to prevent erosion ond ultimotely in-pit mud rush. The pit will be monitored ond reviewed for pit slope stobility on doily bosis using visuol meons. 3.8 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (ERP) The developer will develop on emergency response plon which will outline emergency meosures to be underloken in the evenl of on occidenl / incidence. The emergence response plon will detoil:- lmmediote octions to be underioken; Lorge Scole Mlning Llcence (LML) Applicolion, Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo, Kofue oistricl. Lu Hong Slone Mlnlng 51 Compony tlmtted, Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu iood. Mokeni, P.O.8ox 33612, Lusoko. I t l E T o ond or conioinment meosures; ond . Evocuotion / persons Contoct detoils for responsible for implementing emergency meosures E os well os contocl detoils of relevonl outhorities 5uch os MSD ond ECZ. The emergency response meosures will be communicoted to oll relevont employees T ond the meosures will be posted ot strolegic working oreos within the quorry siie. In oddilion, o sofeiy ond environmentol induclion will be conied out for new employees. The sofety induction will cover; 'the use of personol protective devices, dongerous T oreos, opproprioted conducl, emergency response procedures ond wosie monogement. T 3.9 SIIE DECOMMISSIONING AND REHABILITATION plon. plon The developer will pu1 in ploce o progressive site reclomolion The will focus on the reclomotion of the Quorry Pil, Crushing Plont, Explosive mogozine oreo. ond other disturbed oreos wilhin the proiecl oreo ot closure. The moin objective of the plon Ir sholl be:- l To return disturbed londs to condilions copoble of supporting the former lond use ond where this is nol feosible or proclicol, lhe ollernotive sustoinoble lond use; ond I To prevenl potentiol significoni odverse effects on woter sources. 3.9.1 Slte Reclomolion Plon E Quonv Pil It is not known how lorge the quorry pit will be ot closure of operolions. Pit dewolering will however ceose ond the pii will be left lo flood. Ihe potentiol post closure E sustoinoble uses of the pil will include inigotion for ogriculture ond fish forming or oquoculture. Finol pit slopes will be checked for long lerm slobility. Donger signs will be posled TI oround the pil ond o boom ploced ocross the occess romp to discouroge eniry. Crushino Plont plonl I Ihe following ploni dismonlling ond disposol will be opplied io the crushing ot closure of operotions:- . Breoking oul ond removol of oll concrete foundolions; t . Dig up ond removol of oll electricol cobles; . Dismontling of lhe mobile crusher; . Removol of oll mechonicol equipments; E . Generol sile cleonup; . Sile leveling ond reprofiling to estoblish noturol droinoge potterns ocross the sile; . ond grosses. I Re-vegetoiion of lhe site with indigenous trees ond 3.IO RECTAMAIION COSTS I The following costs hove been estimoted to corry ou1 site reclomotion works. T Lorge Scole Mining Licence (lML) Applicolion. Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo. Kotue Disticl. Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited, Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood. Mokeni. P.O.Box 33612, Lusoko. 52 E I 3.10.1 Slte Reclomotlon Cosls The site reclomoiion works will be ossocioied with lhe octivilies highlighted, ond reloled cosls in USD. of Crushino Plont Decommissionino disposol for this componenl hos been esiimoted to The estimoted dismoniling ond is costs to on oboul The be USD 7,500/ho. The component expecled cover oreo of 0.5ho. estimoled dismontling ond disposol cost is therefore USD 3,750. ouorrv Pil The post closure uses of the pii ore to rehobilitoie it progressively ond lurn it inlo o fish form or oquoculture. An eslimoted omount of USD 4,000 hos been included for the rehobilitotion of the pit ot closure. Progressive rehobilitotion of the pit will be on-going Ir during operotions. Generol Sile Cleon up A sum of USD 5,000 hos been included for the generol site cleonup of the entire oreo ond the erection of worning signs oround the pit. 3.10.2 lotol Slle Reclomollon Cost Eslimotes The totol closure eslimotes for Lu Hong Slone Mining Compony Limited is USD 12,750 os indicoted in Toble 3.10.2 {l ). llem No. Descrlplion Closure Cosh (USD) I Decommissioning of Crusher PIont 3,000 2 Quorry Pit 4.000 3 Generol Site Cleon up 5,000 l TOTAT RECTAMATION COST 12,000 Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited is therefore committed to comply with the condilions of opprovol within the firsl yeor of operolion. Lorge Scqle Minlng Licence (LMt) Applicotion, Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo, KoliJe oistrici. Lu Hong Stone Mining 53 Compony tlmlted, Plol N0.2440, Chiprvenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O,Box 33612, Lusokq.