li ZAMBIA ENVIRON L MANAGEMENT AGENCT t II Ihsd OilE! ilolth.m Rogional Offic8 LMnGtoro Offce Chlrundu Border Officr Conr ol Chudr & Suez Roads Jacaranda Ro€d Plot No. 555 Lusaka Road PO. Box 35131 P.O. Bor 71 302 Jurdixl Obo&e / N€.u Roads PO. Box CRU31 Ursala. Zambia dola, Zanbir Uvirlsto{te, Zafltia Chirundu. Zamb'ra I Td: +260 211-2541302tt04r29059 Td: +260212{2104&610107 Tel i Far+26D21 $321 297 Tel/Far:+26&211-5152 Fax+26G211-251161256658 Fax +26G212S1m,$ I ln reph please quoae zEMA/rNs{,}or/04l1 I lanuary 30. 2015 Director Luhang Stone Mining Company I P. Box 33612 Lusaka I Dear Sir/Madam, REF: PROPOSED LARGE SCALE PROSPECTING ACTIVITIES ON TICENCE lo NUMBER19522 HO.LPL IN SHANTUMBU AREA IN CHILANGA DISTRICT Reference is made to the above captioned project report submitted to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) on December 3'd , 2Ol4 for consideration I in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act No. 12 of 2011 and :he Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, Statutory T Instrument No. 28 of 1997. ZEMA has since reviewed the Environmental Project Brief (EPB) and based on the information provided by yourselves and from written and verbal comments from I interested and affected parties and our site verification inspectron findings; the said EPB has been approved. I Find attached to this Decision Letter, conditions governing this approval, T Yours faithful!y, ;o )oseph Sakala Direcbr General ZAMBIA E]TVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY Cc. The Council Secretary, Chilanga Difiict Council, CHILANGA The 0rrector-Mine Safety Department-KITWE All corespondence to be addrs3sed to the Dlrector General - Head ffic€ Fmril. infn/A7cma .lrn ,m Wehsit6, \x\r,w.zema.OfO.Zm I T I T Zambia Environmental Management Agency T DECISION LETTER I 1.O PROJECT BACKGROUND I 1.1 PRO.IECTTTTLE: Proposed large scale prospecting activities on licence number19622 HQ-LPL in Io shantumbu area in Chilanga Distrlct I L,2 PROJECTPROPONENTS: Luhang Stone Mining Company P. Box 33612 T Lusaka T Contact Person: Luhang Stone Mining Company P. Box 33612 T Lusaka Cell: 0975007833 t 1.3 PROJECTLOCATION: The project site is located in Shantumbu area about 10km south of Lusaka and is lo located about 8O0meters to the north of the gravel road. There is no already built up infrastructure within the site where the developer intends to undertake a large scale prospecting. 1.4 DATE OF SUBMTSSION BY PROPONENT: December 3'd , 2014 1.5 DATEOFCONSIDERATION BYAGENCY: January 28th, 2015 fil*TIEN l. 'o \: 1 7 FE} 20ts ()ifc 's I I I ffa T 2.0 DETAILS OF THE PROJECT I The project wlll involve exploration of dolomite and limestone rocks and the main methods to be used during the exploration will involve: I t. Geological mapping; ii. Geochemical sampling; iii. Pitting; I iv. Trenching; and Reverse circulation drilling, and core drilling Ta 3.O DECISION BY AGENCY t 3.1 Tne project is approved with the following conditions; 3.1.1. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall implements the prqect and all the T environmental management commitments as proposed in the Environmental Project Brief (EPB) with changes as proposed by Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) in the Decision Letter and any other conditions T that may be issued thereafter. 3.t.2. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall consult and comply in full with the t specifications and conditions of the Mines Safety Department, Energy Regulation Board, Department of Water Affairs and Chilanga District Council t prior to the implementation of the project. 3.1.3. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall ensure that adequate measures are put in place for handling drilling fluids to avoid contaminating soiis, surface I. and ground water courses which could eventually affect life in the area. 3.1.4. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall ensure that there is no I contamination to soils, underground and surface water resources throughout the project rycle. T 3.1 5 Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall decontaminate and dispose of in an environmentally sound and acceptable manner all hazardous waste. t 3.1.6. Noise levels throughout the project cycle shall be maintained within acceptable I limits. lqONhieNTAt ta4l)c.,r,). "'+' I r.-€- "ryr\ I ) 1 I I I I 3.t.7. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall employ dust suppression measures in all areas with potential to generate dust throughout the project t rycle. 3.1.8. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shail maintain the speed limit in all I access roads that shall not endanger life or cause dust. 3.1.9. Luhang Stone Minlng Company Limited shall avord indiscriminate clearing of I vegetation. In order to avert soil erosion, where possible, stumping as opposed to uprooting shall be used to clear vegetation and the Developer shall conduct progressive rehabilitation and re-vegetation of disturbed areas thi'oughout the Io project cycle. The clearing of forests shall be done in full consultation with the Forestry Department. t 3.1,10. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall put in place an Emergency Response Plan, and shall submit the same ro ZEMA for approval wrthin three I months following this approval. 3.1.11.. All emergencies with potential to pollute the environment shall be reported to I ZEMA Immediately. 3.1.12. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall obtain applicabie licenses or permits from ZEMA and comply in full with the conditions of the licenses or I permits issued under t}e Environmental Management (Licensing) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No.112 of 2013. t 3.2 The Agency recommends that Luhang Stone Minino Company Limited: 3.1.13. Obtains and comply with other relevant authorizations such as those supulated, ;r but not limited to: i. The Mines and Minerals Development Act 7 of 2008; ii. The Local Government Act; iii. The Town and Country Planning Act; iv. The Public Health Act cap 295 of the laws of Zambia; The Workers Compensation Act cap. 271 of the Iaws cf Zambia; vi. 'The Energy Regularion Act cap. 436 of the laws of Zambia; vii. The Water Resources Management Act No. 21 of 2011; viii. The Fore*r1, Act, Cap. 199 of the laws of Zambia; ix. The Employment Act, Cap. 28 of the laws of Zambia; x, The Explosive Act; xi. The Ionizing Radiation Protection Act; and iaD;; xii. The Pneumoconiosis Act. oNt$E "-+'l :ili G r ". 7 Fpp 1 ,o 0,5 /.r -d,jEP;iL n I T I |- I 3.1.14. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall set up camps and sanitary iacilities away from surface water bodies to avoid contaminating them. Luhang I Storre Mining Company Limited shall employ modern conventional methods for dispcsal of sewage. T 3.1.15. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall undertake an environmental audit of the project within a period of not less than twelve months and not more than thifi six months after completion of the project or I commencement of operations, whichever shall come first. 3.1.16. Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall prepare a closure report ouUining Ir implementation of all the environmental management commitments presented in the Environmental Project Brief at the end of the project for verification by I the Zambia Environmental Management Agency. 3.L.r7. Make available information on hygiene, malaria control and HI!'/AIDS to employees. / T 3.1.18. Provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment, firefighting t equipment and train all workers in firefighting and emergency response. 3.3 Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall comply with environmental standards and/or specific limits of particular pollutants as its responsibility. t Thus, compliance with Zambia Environmental Management Agency recommended measures does not absolve Luhang Stone Mining Company Umited from its respcnsioility if such measures do not achieve compliance with I environmenta I control standards. 3.4 Luhang Stone Mining Company Llmited shall in accordance with sedJon 15 of the Environmental Management Act, No. 12 of 2011, allow ZEMA Inspectors lo unrestricted entry to tne project site at any reasonable time without giving prior notice througnout the project cycle. 3.5 The implementation of the project shall commence within three vears fronl the date of approval. Fa;lure to implement the project within the said period shall render the Decision .eter ;nvalid and Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited shall re-suomi[ rlil Environmental Pro]ect Brief . g'l F- I?FFg 20t5 ,5l I I I 3.6 The Zambia Environmental Management Agency may suspend or cancel this I Decision Letter without notice should Luhang Stone Mining Company Limited fail to complywith any of these conditions. I ".llliEllLAt tt rlP t q Fro Sakala ?0i5 Director General tlcI ZAMBIA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY T I T t T I I lo