T I T I Appendix 2 t I 1. PROPOSED PROGRAMME FOR MINING OPERATIONS Accomponying Applicotion for Lorge Scole Mining Licence (LML) Over Areo under Prospecting Licence No. 19622-HGLPL ot Mwochilingo, Shontumbu Areo. Kofue District. By Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited Plol No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, a P.O. Box 33612, TUSAKA Lorge Scole Mining Licence (lML) Applicollon, Mryochillngo / Shontumbu Areq, Kotue Dlllricl. l,u Hqng Slone Mining 12 Compdny limited, Ploi N0.2440. Chlpwenupwenu nood, Mokeni. P.O.Box 336t2, Lusoko- T t 2.0 PROPOSED PROGRAMME OT OPERATIONS T 2.1 lnhoduclion Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited is o Zombion regislered compony under the t Compony Regislrotion Act. The compony hos o dedicoted leom of Director ond Shoreholders wilh vosl experience in quorry operotions. Through iis sister componies in Chino, Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limiied is octively involved in consiruction ond T civil engineering works with o dedicoted ond experienced teom of directors. Recently, Lu Hong Slone Mining Compony Limiled wos oworded o number of conslruclion ond civil works conlrocts in Zombio, o number of which ore within Lusoko. To meel ihe I conlroctuol obligotions, the compony would require lorge volumes of quorry products. It is from this bockground thot ihe compony hereln opplies for o Lorge Scole Mining 1. Licence over the oreo covered by its Prospecting Licence No. 19622-HQ-LPL. Upon groni of Lorge Scole Mining Licence, Lu Hong Sione Mining Compony Limiled intend to slort quorrying operolions ot the identified dolomitic / Limestone hill within the lenement. The compony will invest on initiol sum of more thon USD 5.5 mllllon on Copex, infrostructure ond operotions over on initiol 5 yeor period. The quorry operolions will run on minimol mechonizotion, whilst utilizing locolly ovoiloble skilled ond unskilled humon resource os much os proclicolly possible. As o motter of policy, ond os porl of iis corporole sociol responsibiliiy, Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited will be committed to conkibuting positively to lhe locol ond regionol economic growth through the quorrying project ot Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo in Kofue Diskicl. Wilh increosing demond on quorry oggregoles, the compony plons to run the quorry throughout the yeor while moinloining sufficient stock piles to cover up for lhe plonned plont mointenonce period. ln os much os procticolly possible, the compony will remoin commilted io the Environmentol Monogement Plon (EMP) herein oulline. a 2.2 SUMMARY OF PROGRAMME OF OPERAIION Period No. ActlvltyDescdpllon Slorl End Esllmoled Commenh Cost (USD) 2.2.1 Prospectingworks 20.000 Work compleled for PHASE I Quorrying, work for PHASE ll lo be commenced os soon os LML is gronted. 2.2.2 Mobilisotion r 2,000 Mobilisotion lor Quorrying operolions commenced during Prospecling. torge Scole Minlng Ucence (LMt) Appllcotlon, Mwochlllngo / Shonlumbu Areo, Kqlue Dirlrict. [u Hong Slone Mlnlng 13 Compony Llmlled, Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612, l,uroko- T T 2.2.3 Procuremenl of Plonl & 5,000 Commenced during Equipment Prospecting. Aboul I 90% Plont ond Equipmenl procured t 2.2.4 Consulloiive meetings 3,500 Meeting conducted wilh slokeholders with stokeholders; Ministry of Mines, Energy & Woter I Developmenl, ZEMA, Kofue Dislrict Council, Minislry of Lond, T Chief's Representotive, Locol Community. h 2.2.5 ldenlificotion of effecled 2,O@ No household wos households for possible olfecled- relocotion. 2.2.6 Survey of tenement ond 2,500 Survey of lenement pegging conied oui; pegging cerlificote issued. 2.2.7 Environmentol Project Brief 3.000 EPB for Guorrying (EPB); Generol mining operotion wos oreo prepored by consullonl ond submitled lo ZEMA. Decision Lelter owoited. 2.2.8 Costing of Crusher 150.000 Crusher foundotion loundotion ond crushing conslructed; Crushing plont ossembly, Cleoring plont being o of slock piling oreo & ossembled. All Conslruclion of slqb. Crushing Plont components delievered. 2.2.? Construclion ond civil 350,0m Construction of oll civil works; Office block. works in progress. Workshop & Wosh boy. Storerooms, Ablufion block, FirstAid Clinic, Weigh Bridge, Fuel Slotion & Gen-Set room, Securily fence & Gote. 2.2.10 Over Burden Over Burden Nol required for Phose Removol | ; Quorrying the identified dolomilic / lorge Scole Mlnlng Llcence ([ML) Applicotion, Mwochilingo / Shoniumbu Areo, Kolue oiiklct. !u Hqng Stone Minlng t4 Compony Llmited, Plol No.24{0, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokenl, P.O.Box 33612, Luloko. T I Limeslone hill I 2.2.11 Quorrying & Crushing As per Open Pil mining operoiions Annex expecled ot the I identified pit locolion. T 2.3 Esllmoles of Expendllures Toble 2.3 (1) shows summory of estimoted expenditure over the initiol 5 Yeor period. Refer olso to Annexure 2.3 l2l tor detoils of expenditure over 5 Yeor I period. l. Toble 2.3 (l): Summory of Estimoted Expenditure for initiol 5 Yeor Period. No. Descrlplion USD t I Solories 2.860.000 52% T 2 Consumobles, Services & Others 1,760,000 32% 3 Tools 22,@O 0.4% I 4 Sofety ottire ond Equipment 110.000 2% I 5 Stotutory Services ond Consultoncy 33.000 0.6% 6 Sub-totolOperolionol 4,785,000 87% T 7 Plonl & Equipment 605.000 11% f 8 Civil works & lnfrostructure 110,000 2% 9 Sub-totol Copex 715,ff)O 13% l0 lotol Expendllure Proleclion s.500,000 2.4Quorrylng Operotlons During Phose l, it is plonned thot quorry production will concentrote on lerrocing of the idenlified dolomitic / Limestone hill. The operotion would moinly use the CAT hydroulic hummer to breok the dolomite. ln some instonces, drilling with o ZGYX 430 Drill Rig ond lighi blosting on 9Omm - l45mm Q holes. The broken Lorge Scole Mlnlng licence ([Mt) Applicotion, Mwochllingo / Shohlumbu Areo, Kolue Dirlricl. Lu Hong Stone Mining 15 compony Umiled. Plot N0.2440, Chipwenupwenu Roqd, Mok6nl, P.O.Box 33612, tt soko. I T would then be looded onlo tipper trucks using o CAT 320D2 Excovotor. moteriol t The Iipper trucks would then tronsport the moteriol to the Primory Crusher. Drill Rig, Hydroulic Rock Breoker, Excovotor ond Tipper trucks hove been procured I for the plonned Quorry operotions. I LJ A I r I t l. f \ t- IL ----< I , t ll I ..? .Cf^, J tr f- -t , Q, aa t /.1 a ry I \- a Figure 2.4(l ): showing sorne of lhe procured equipmenl for the Quorry. Specificotion of lhe procured mojor Quorry Plonl ond Equipment ore indicoted in Toble 2.4(2). I i Lorge Scqle Mining Llcence (LML) Appllcollon. Mvrqchilingo / Shontumbu Areo. Kofue Distrlcl. Lu Hong Stone Mlnlng 15 Compony Limiled, Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612, Lu5oko. T t I Equlpmenl Delcriplion Qty Type / Speclficolion3 Drill Rig I ZGYX 430 Type, Drill Q - 90mm - 'l45mm, Boom height - I I .200mm, Mox. drill lenglh - 3Om, Pressure - l0 -25k9/cm, , Pressure Amouni - lG20m3/min I Compressor (Drill Rig) I Model G 185 SDY-17. Size - l90omm x 'l630mm x 5l0.5mm I Hydroulic Breoker 'I CAT 320D Hydroulic Rock breoker Excovoior I CAT 320D2 Excovotor l. Dump Truck 7 Type - Dong Feng Liu Zhou Toble 2.4 (2): Quorry Equipment Specificotions T T 2.5 Crushing Operollons A fixed mobile crushing plont consisting of Primory crusher (E Shi Crusher), I Secondory Crusher, multiple vibroting screens ond dischorge conveyors will be incorporoted in the crushing plont. Quorry moteriol of obout 900mm - l200mm would be off looded on the rump directly into the feeder, which will feed into I the Primory Jow Crusher (PJC). From lhe PJC, the crushed moteriol will be conveyed vio o conveyor belt into o Secondory Jow Crusher (SJC) where the I four (4) different quony products would be produced i.e. -6mm Quorry dust, G 5mm, 5.1-lOmm, ond 10.1-25mm will then be conveyed using three conveyor belts to storoge oreqs owoiting collection by clients. The oversize rocks in the f vibroting screen will be routed to lhe impoct crusher ond sent bock lo the Jow Crusher for further crushing. All components of the Crushing Plont (CP) hove been procured reodily ovoiloble. Specificotions lor the procured Crusher ore indicoted in Figure 2.5 (1). 0 lorge Scole Mlning Llcence (IML) Applicotion, Mwqchilingo / Shonlumbu Areo, l(ofue Dist.ict. Lu Hong Stone Mlnlng L7 Compqny Limifed, Plol I'1o.2440, Chipvrehupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612, l,usoko- T T I ri t Spectrcoliom il fiilffi8ilr Typa PE ?00mm x l2ffimm It !t E Copocity l&Z*rn lbr. t ttlfisEffi*tldr rm[tlmm I 1t*ilI'imrn I ffiErEImm tPt,rEffi lntoke 900nmx l200ltm rtltf,tllmm fil-{! Ovttoka l30rrrn - 230mm r rlh ersrf inioko t Mox 8@rrvn l. I tE:05?l -8E393088 Power l85kW t Fig ure 2. 5 1 1 ) : Prirnory Crusher Specificolions. The Crushing Plont Quony Aggregotes production would be plonned in quotos I os indicoted in Toble 2.5 (2) below:- Toble 2.5 (2): Quorry Products Quoto I Producl Quolo - 6mm Quorry Dust l57o I 9.5mm Aggregote 18% l3.2mm Aggregote 23% I l9mm Aggregole 45% f 2.6 Stock piles ond Wosle Rock Dumps (WRDS) The project will mointoin stone oggregole moteriol on three (3) stock piles bosed on oggregole sizes thoi is G5 mm, 5.1-l0mm, ond l0.l-25mm ot the conveyor toil-end. The slock piles will oct os storoge ond collection points. Though no subsiontiol Over Burden (OB), operotion will be done ot the moin open pit. o WRD will be mointoined. Both stock piles ond WRDs will be locoted on the windword side so os to check on dust effeci on both personnel ond generol work environment. These stockpiles ond WRDS operoted ond moinloined in odherence to the Environmentol Monogement Plon. torge Scole Mining Licence (LML) Applicdlion, Mwochilinga / Shqntumbu Areo, KoIue Dlslrlcl. Lu Hong Slone Mining 18 Compony Limifed, Plot No.2440, Chlpwenupwenu Roqd, Mqkenl, P,O.Bor 336l2, tuioko, t T 2.7 Produclion Eslimoles I The Quorry / Open Pit operotions would effectively run on o I I month operotionol yeor, ond 20 working doys per month to ollow for onnuol mointenonce ond olso ovoid period of moximum wei condilions during the T roiny seoson. However, crushing would be ollowed for period of l2 months ond 20 working doys. A 250tph copocity Jow Crushing Plont would be incorporoled I in quorrying operotions for production of vorious sizes of quorry oggregotes. 2.7.1 Plonned role of mlnerol ore recovery I ln the initiol I0 yeor period, lhe project would operote the ideniified limestone resource ot the locotion ol ihe dolomitic / limestone hill with initiol eslimoted recoveroble reseryes of opproximotely 2l.Tmllllon tonnes of extroction rote of h l,600tpd building up to 2,000tpd by the 7tn yeor while building up o steody slock pile buffer for lhe Crushing Plonl ot initiol 6,800tonnes ot end of lst Yeor building I up io 80,000 tonnes by the 7th Yeor. Quorry production porometers for ihe iniiiol ten ( I 0) yeor period ore os shown in Toble 2.1 3.1 ( I ). Two (2) yeor window production schedules would be produced regulorly to guide quorry production. T With moximum extroction rote of 440,0@ tonnes per yeor, mine life is estimoled ot 49 Yeors for Phqse I Quonying operotions. Refer to Toble 2.7.,1 (l ) tor deloils on T summory for l0 yeor plonned extroction roies. I Toble 2.7.1 (l ): llYr Exlroclion Rotes Yeorl -3 Yeor4-6 Yeor 7 - l0 I NoWD/Monlh 20 20 20 f Operotionol moths ll ]t ll NoWD per Yeor 220 220 220 Tonnes per doy (tpd) 1,600 1,800 2,000 Tonnes per month (tpm) 32,000 36,000 40,000 Tonnes per yeor (tpy) 352,000 396,000 'mo.mo Lorge Scole Mining Licence (LMt) Applicolion, Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Areo, (ofue Dislrict. Lu Hqng Stone Mining 19 Compony Limited. Plol No.2440. Chipwenupwenu Rood. Mokeni P.O.Box 33612. Lusoko. I T producllon 2.7.2 Crushing Plonl plont I Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited will incorporote o 250tpd Crusher in its operotions ot the site. The Crushing plonl would however run ol 98% I copocity building up to 100% copocity by the 7th yeor. The crushing plont is plonned io quorry oggregotes os per current morkel demond ond considering the ever increosing demond resulting from increosed I construclion octivities. Plonned onnuol production indicoted in Toble 2.7.2 (1) I Toble 2.7.2111: Plonned Quony Aggregotes Production ond Stock piles h Producl Descrlpllon Annuol Producllon (Tonnes) Yeor I lo 3 Yeor4lo 6 Yeor 7lo l0 I - 6mm Quony 51,840 52,920 54.000 Dust 9.Smm Aggregote 62,208 63,504 64.800 T 13.2mm Aggregole 79 ,488 8t ,t 44 82,800 t l9mm Aggregote 155,520 158,760 162,000 I Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited olso plons in Phose ll of the project t improve further on volue oddition ond including lime produclion in their produclion line. f 2.SPlonned wosle rock volumes per monlh ond dlsposol mechonlsms The project would run on moderote mechonised open pit mining method which would olso ollow higher levels of selective mining so os to reduce stripping rotios, ond thus highly reduce omount of woste hondling. However, o suitoble woste dumping site hos been included in the mine loy-oul in complionce with the Environmentol Acl, ond Mining Regulotions. It is however onticipoted thot not much woste would be generoted, os quonying would be done on o hill which olmost 100% dolomitic/limestone moleriol. Most of the woste generoted would find use on the rood rehobilitotion works, ond other works within the locol community, os pori of Corporole Sociol Responsibility (CSR). Lorge Scole Mining Llcence (LMt) Applicotion, Mwqchllingo / Shontumbu A.eq. (olue Dlstricl. lu Hong Stone Minlng 20 Compony Llmlted, Flol No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokenl. P.O.Box 33612, Lu50ko- T t 2.9 lnlroslruclureDevelopmenl I Aboul USD 150,000 is plonned for infrostruclurol development ot lhe quorry sile, I which would include omong others os shown in Toble 2.9 (l):- Toble 2.9(l ): lnfrostructure Developmenl I S/No. llem Descrlpllon Volue (USD) Administrolion Office block T 2 Workshops tr 3 Conteen I 4 Ablution blocks 5 Wore houses T 6 Access Roods t 7 Crushing Plont foundolion structure r 50,000 8 Woter Bore hole & woter supply syslem I 9 Electricity power supply system / tronsformer T r0 Explosive mogolnes f II Weigh bridge t2 Fuel Storoge tonks (U/G) A I km occess rood hos been constructed. The rood hos olso greotly benefiled the locol communily with eosy occess, ond improved tronsportotion. Construction of office block wiih oll focilities, ond o number of ! workers quorter is under woy within ihe lenemenl oreo, which portion is olso under title deed. Lorge Scole Mlnlng Licence (l.ML) Appllcotlon, Mwdchilingq / Shonlumbu Areq, Kolue Dlslrlcl, !u Hong Slone Mlning 2L Compony limited, Plot No.2il40, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mqkenl. P.O.Box 33612, tuioko- Block uoder conslruclion b- * a-- ) ,l 'iJ h .t T Rood I I I \ t I Figure 2.9(2): Showing lhe con ccess under construclion. 2,10 Elechlclty poYver supply T The proposed Quorry site lies wilhin ZESCO electricity power grid, with the neorest Quorry within I km olreody connected. About USD 35,000 is plonned for construciion of sub-stoiion ond power supply line. The existing ZESCO power f supply line runs olong the moin occess rood ond connects to the neorby Quorries. Lorge Scol€ Mlnlng Llcence (LML) Applicotion. Mwqchilingo / Shontufibu Areo, xofue Dl.lrlct. Lu Hong Stone Mininq 22 Compony tlmited, Plol No.2440. Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni. P.O.Box 33612, Lusoko. L. :L. h I r .--. T t- Figure 2.10(l): ZESCO Power Supply line olong lhe moin occess rood to the proposed Quorry site. T 2.11 Copitol Plonl ond Equlpmenl The compony hos olreody procured copitol plont ond equipment. About 90% of I the Plont ond Equipmenl hos olreody londed ond is reodily ovoiloble. Very few porlions of Plont & Equipmenl ore in tronsit. Refer to Toble 2.1 I (l ) for detoils. T Toble 2.11 (l): Procured Plont ond Equipment Item Unlt Pdce Volue Volue f No. Descdpllon atv (zMr() (zI1^x) (USD) Noles I Primory Crusher I 180,000 I 80.000 28.800 Reodily ovoiloble Secondory 2 Crusher I 175,m0 175,000 28,000 Reodily ovoiloble 3 Weigh Bridge 80,000 80,000 12,800 Avoiloble 4 Conveyor Belting 6 75,000 450,000 72,000 Avoiloble 5 Gen-Set 325,000 325,000 52,000 Avoiloble Excovotor (CAT 2 750,000 r,500,000 240,000 1 Unil in tronsit 6 320D21 7 F.E.L (Liu Gong 2 56,250 I Unil in tronsit Lorge Scole Mlnlng llcence ([ML) Appllcotlon, Mrvochillngo / Shonlumbu Areo, Korue Dlslrlcl. Lu Hong Slone Mlnlng 23 Compqny timited, Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Roqd. Mokeni, P.O.Box 33512, Lusoko. zLsocN) r r2,500 r8,000 Hydroulic Rock I 8 Breoker (CAT 329) 937,500 937,500 150,000 Reodily ovoiloble Air Compressor 9 (Utility) 185,000 185.000 29,600 Reodily ovoiloble Drill Rig (Crowler l0 mounted) 190,000 190,000 30,400 Reodily ovoiloble Compressor - Drill ll Rig I 180,000 180.000 28,800 Reodily ovoiloble I 12 Tipper Trucks 7 125,000 875,000 I 40,000 Reodily ovoiloble h l3 F.E.L (Smoll) I 27 ,5OO 27,5O0 4,400 Reodily ovoiloble 14 Totol Volue 5.217.500 83'1.800 T ! 2.12 MonpowerRequlremenl The Project would initiolly engoge obout 80 direct employment ploces for both skilled ond unskilled monpower, of which oboul 80% would be drown mostly I from the locol communily in Mwqchilingo / Shontumbu Areo. However, o teom of Chinese expolriotes would be engoged ol initiol stoge, for instollotion of plont I ond equipmenl, ond to offer OnJhe-job troining to the locql Zombion employees. On the job troining would be highly be encouroged for effective ond oppropriote skills tronsfer. Full monpower requirement is indicoted in Toble I 2.12 (ll below:- f I oble 2.12 (l ): Proposed Monpower requiremeni s/No. DESIGNATION NUII'IBER r.t2r Quory ilonogcr's OfEce t.l2.l. t Quorry Monoger (QM) - Mining Engineer I I .'t2.1 .2 Secretory I Driver I .12.1 .4 Office Orderly Security Guords 5 I I Lorge Scole Mlnlng Licence (l,Ml) Applicotlon, Mwochillngo / Shontumbu Areo. Kolue Dllt.ict. Lu Hong Slone Mining 24 Compony Llmlfed, Plot No,2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mqkeni. P.O.8ox 33612. Lusoko. T I ll 1.t2.r.6 Sub-Iotol t 1.12.2 Englneering Secllon I 1.t2.2.1 Moinlenonce Engineer l I .12.2.2 Mointenonce Foremon T 1 .t2.2.3 Quorry Mointenonce Technicion 2 1.t2.2.4 Crushing Plonl Moinlenonce Technicion 2 t r.12.2.5 Ulility vehicle Drivers 2 1.12.2-6 Sub-Tolol 8 |. 1.r2.3 Accounls, Supplles & Humon Resource! Seclion I r.12.3.r Accounionl I t 1 .12.3.2 Accounts Assislonl t.12.3.3 Supplies Olficer I 1 .12.3.4 Stores Clerk r.12.3.5 Administroiive Off icer (HR) T r.12.3.5 Firsl-Aid Officer I 1.t2.3.6 Cleoners / Generol workers 4 1,1L3.7 Sub-Iolol t0 , 1.12.1 Crushing Plonl Crusher Plont Supervisor 1 .t2.4.2 Plont Fitlers 2 1 .12.4.3 welder 2 | .12.1.1 Heovy Duty Equipment Operolors t2 I . t2.4.5 Electricion J | .t2.4.6 Bin/Weigh Bridge Operotor 2 I .12.4.7 Crusher Operolors 4 Lorge Scqle Mining Licence (LMt) Applicolion, Mwochllingo / Shonlumbu A,eo, Kolue Oistricl. tu Hong Stone Mlning 25 Compony Limited, Plot No.2440, Chipveenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612, Lusoko. t 1 .12.,1.8 Crusher Atlendonts / Loshers t0 sub-Iolol 36 1.12.5 Quorry sectlon 1.12.5.'l Quorry supervisor 1 .12.5.2 Blosters 2 L i 2.5.3 Drillers 2 Heovy Equipment Operolors 3 It t.12.5.5 Compressor / woter pump Atlendonts 2 I . r 2.5.6 Open Pit Drilling & Looder Assislonls (Loshers) 5 I Sub-Iolol t5 1.12.6 GRAND IOTAI. 80 T t 2.13 Sofety & Heolthy The Sofety ond Heolth of the workforce, sunounding communities ond the t environmenl is considered lo being one of the keys to success in this project. As such o full Sofety ond Heolth progromme will be estoblished in order to produce the required oulcome. This will be in line with currenl mine sofety ond heolth T proctices, ond will include providing odequote medicol focilities to coter for emergencies whilst providing odequote occess for oll other medicol needs. ln f this regord. the project will coordinote odequolely, ond porlicipote in oll government heolth progrommes concerning the locol community with the responsible government line deportments in Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo. First-Aid focility will be provided ot the quorrying site, while oll workers will be equipped with bosic First-Aid skills. The project will olso creote oworeness on HlViAlDS, prevention, ond HBC omong the employees ond thek fomilies in colloborotions with the District Heolth Monogement Teom (DHMT). Lorge Scole Minlng Llceoce ([Mt] Appllcotlon, Mwochillngo / Shontumbu Areo, Kolue Disiricl. Lu Hong Slone Mining 25 Compony Limited, Plot No.2440, Chlpwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni. P.O.Box 33612, Lusokd. t T I lmpocl 2.14 Environmenlol Sludy I At Prospecting stoge, on Environmentol Project Brief [EPB) wos instiluted, ond submitted to Zombio Environmenlol Monogement Agency (ZEMA) on 3ro T December,20l4. The submitted EPB wos considered by ZEMA on 28th Jonuory, 20]5, ond subsequently Decision letter wos issued doted 30rh Jonuory, 2015. During ihe tenure of the Lorge Scole Mining Licence herein opplied for, o full T Environmentol lmpoct Assessment would be corried out during the first yeor of the operotions in colloborotion with ZEMA. I 2.15 Source of ftnonce The quorrying operotions will be finonced enllrely through ovoiloble funds from b business ociivities under Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited. The compony is fully committed to finoncing the proposed Quorrying Proiecl, ot Mwochilingo / Shontumbu Areo. T 2.l6Employment ond lroinlng plon The project is committed to the government policy of reducing poverty by t creolion of employment. As such lhe project wiil os much os possible moke use of the locolly ovoiloble humon resource so os to contribute positlvely to job I creotlon resulting in poverty olleviotion ond improvement of locol economy. On the job troining will be encouroged so os to reduce dependence on lobour force from other oreos. T I f I Lo,ge Scole Mlning tlce.ce (l,ML) Applicollon, Mwqchillngo / shontumbu Areo, (otue Dislrlcl. Lu Hong Slone Mining 27 Compony timited, Plol No.2440, Chlpwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni. P.O.Bor 33612, Lusokq.