Appendix 5 lo PROPOSAL FOR EMPTOYMENT AND TRAINING OF CITIZENS OF ZAMBIA Accomponying Applicoiion for Lorge Scole Mining Licence (LML) Over Areo under Prospecting Licence No. 19622-HQ-LPL ol Mwochilingo, Shontumbu a Areo, Kofue District. By Lu Hong Slone Mining Compony Limited Plot No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O. Box 33612, TUSAKA Lorge Scqle Mlning Llcence (tilll,) Applicotion, Mwochlllngo / Shonlumbu Areo, Xofue Dlgiricl. tu flong Slone Mining 55 Compony Limted, Plot N0.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612. turoko. 5.1 Proposol for employlng Zomblon clllzens Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited Zombion lobour lows. Aport from the compony monogemenl leom, the compony will engoge professionol, skilled, ond unskilled Zombion lobour force. It is the policy of Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limiled to contribule to ihe locol community in terms of employment creotion. The p@ect will therefore drow obout 80% of its lobour requirement from the locol community, ond therefore conlribute 1o iob creotion resulting into increosed household income. Priorily would be given lo members of the locol community in terms of employment so os to creote jobs, ond increose household income, ond therefore contribuiing to poverty olleviotion ond improved locol economy. I a 5.2 Proposol forlrolnlng Zombion clllzens Ihe compony will run on-lhe-job troining for the unskilled lobour force in vorious ospecls Open pit ond Crushing plont operotions. The compony will olso encouroge professionol lroining omong ils skilled lobour force ot recognized high instifutions of leorning within Zombio. As o motler of policy, the compony will provide compulsory troining in Sofety ond Occupotionol Heolth, ond HIV/Aids Aworeness lo oll levels of employees. Irolning Type lnslllution Torgel Group Blosting Licence Mine Sofely . Quorry Supervisors lessons ond lests Deportment Crusher Operoting On-lhe-job Operotors a Bosic Fint-Aid Zombio Red Cross Quorry Supervisors course Drilling On-ihe.job . Rock drill Operotors HIV/Aids r On-lhe.job . Ali employees Aworeness o Locol community Supervisory Skills Onihe.job . Quorry Supervisor Lorge Scqle Mining Licence (LM!) Applicollon, Mwochillngo / 5hontumbu Areo, Kofue Dlslrict. Lu Hong Slone Mining 57 Compony Limited, Plol No.2440, Chlpwenupwenu Rood. Mokeni, P.O.8ox 33612, Lusoko. n I E Monpower 5.3 I The Project will iniiiol engoge obout 40 direct employment ploces for both skilled ond unskilled monpower, drown mostly from lhe locol community in Kofue District. On the job troining will be encouroged. Full monpower requiremen't is lndicoted in Appendix 2. I Ioble 2.12 (l ) . Refer Toble 2.1 2 for detoils. 5.4 Corporole Sociol Responslblllty I Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limiied hos o sound corporote sociol policy. As such, the compony olwoys plons to plough bock to the locol communily within which it operote so os lo conkibute positively lo lhe sociol-economic wellbeing of lhe locol n community. The compony iherefore pledge to work with governmenl ond non-governmentol bodies towords contributing lo the wellbeing of the community and the economic I. growth of lhe oreo within which ii operotes in generol. T I I I I a Scole Mining Licence {LML) Applicolion, Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Ared, xofue Dislricl. Lu Hong stone Mining 58 Compony timited. Plol No.2440. Chipwenupwenu lood. Mokenl, P.O.Box 33612. Lusoko. Appendix 4 I; DETAILS OF INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS Accomponying Applicotion for Lorge Scole Mining Licence (LML) Over Areo under Prospecling Licence No. I9622-HGLPL ot Mwochilingo, Shonlumbu Areo, Kofue District. By o Lu Hong Stone Mining Compony Limited Plol No.2440, Chipwenupwenu Rood, Mokeni, P.O. Box 33612, TUSAKA Lorge Scole Mining licence (LMl.) Applicotion. Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Areo, (olue 0lshlct, Lu Hong Stone Mlning 54 Compqny Llmited, Plot N0.2440, Chipwenupwenu nood, Mokeni, P.O.Box 33612, Lusoko. 4,I DETAITS OT INFRASIRUCTURE REQUIRE'IAENIS Lu Hong Sione Mining Compony Limited proposes to put up infrostructure ot Mwochilingo / Shonlumbu Quorry site in Kofue District os listed below:- 4.,l..l Office Administrolion Block 4.1 .2 Ablution block (with showers ond toilets) - Seporole comportments for Gents ond Lodies 4.1.3 Workshop & Wosh boy !| 4.1.4 Fuel storoge - U/G lonks 4.1.5 Crushing Plonl 4.1.5 Weigh Bridge 4.1.7 Store Rooms 4.1 .8 Stock Piling Areo 4.,l.9 Generotor Sets - house 4.1 .10 Security Fence ond Gole 4.,l.1 I Borehole ond woter tonks; with woter treotmenl ond supply system I Lorge Scqle Mining Licence (lrr^[) Applicotion, Mwqchlllngo / Shonlumbu Ares, Xolue oistrict. Lu tlong Stone Mlnlng 55 Compqny Limlted, Plot N0.2440, Chipwenup$renu Rood, Mqkeni, P.O.Eox 33612, l,usoko,