ffi # # Form XVII # (Regulation 23) * * & # Kafue # REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA # A # The Mines and ffi Minera_ls Development Act, 200g (Act No. 7 of 2008) & The Mines and Minerals Development (General) Regulations, 200g # I,ICENCE NO, 19740.HQ-LML ry LARGE.SCALE MINING LICENCE # (Sectiot 27 of the Mines and Miutrals Dcutlop rc t Att, No.7 of 2008) # Holder's namc: Arab Contractors Zambia Limited # Address: Plot No. 152" Kudu Road Kabulonga, # Lusaka # # The nining area shall be the area described in the Schedule and annexcci hereto and # f; Bordered Red on the Phn. I u 'Dre ffi * licence relates to the following minerals: Dolomite, Granite, Laterite and Limestone & I hc licencc is granted for a period of 25 Years comnrencing on the 24rh day of september, 2014 # The conciihons of grant of the licence are as shown r. tlle An.e\urcs attachecl hereto. # lssued at Lusaka this 2"d day of October, iOU. * Y # I * ilsi t I C.Lumamba # Director # ENDORSEMENT OF REGISTRATION # This Large Scale Mining Licence has on this 24s day of * September, 2014 been registered in the Register. * Mo .C.Lumamba # Director ry # # ,ai .::t. ,:, .i '. -:. , . .i, ,1,r- # ti :;/ -^' ,:o '.) : '.;) # #