G) o APPENDIX NO 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN o 3.1 INTRODUCTION The mining operations herein applied for will adhere to the requirements of the mines and minerals act No. 7 of 2008, the mines and mlnerals (environmental) regulations of 1997 and other relevant legislation as follows: i Air Pollution Control (licensing and emission standards). Regulations of 1996 which provide for ZEMA to regulate emissions to the environment. P Water Pollution Control (effluent and waste water) - These regulations (Statutory Instrument No. 72 of 1993) provide for the ZEMA to regulate the treatment and discharge ofsewerage and other effluents into the natural aquatic environment. i Waste Management (licensing of waste transporters and waste disposal sites); o these regulations (Statutory Instrument No. 7l of 1993) provide for the ZEMA to regulate waste disposal. ) The Hazardous Waste Management Regulations (Statutory Instrument Nol25 of 2001) - these regulations provide for the ZEMA to control and monitor the generation, collection, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal ofhazardous waste. ! Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Regulations of 1994 that provide for ZEMA to regulate the use and importation of pesticides and chemicals into the country. i Noise. i Natural Resources Management. o The relevant Acts and Legislation will include: F Environmental Management Act No. 201I )> Town and Country Planning Act, Chapter 283 F Local Govemment Act )> Land Conversions ofTitles Act F Water Act, CAP 198 F The Land Act of 1995 and Land Acquisition Act of 1995 ) Pubtic Health Act ) National heritage and conservation commission Act > Investment Act i The Petroleum Act } Forests Act, 1999 Mining activities will as much as practically possible is environmental friendly, and with strict monitoring measures. The project will also put in place measures to mitigate on any possible negative impact of the mining activities on the environment. However, negligible social-economic and environmental negative impact is expected in the targeted area. During the period, mining operations will be labour intensive with minir,ral o mechanization, and therefore negligible impacts on the environment. 3.2 Brief Description of Area The project area is mainly characterised hilly terain with isolated plains between hills covered by stretches ofwoodlands, with some isolated grasslands A few isolated open cultivated areas are used for substance farming mainly maize. There is almost no grazing of domestic animals within the project area. No existing of large fauna is evident in the area. However, a few varieties of small mammals, birds, insects and reptiles exist in the area u'ith habitation mainly provided by o scattered vegetation, grasslands, anthills, sub-surface and rock outcrops. The area of interest falls within forest area is purely of rural setup and thinly populated with scattered human settlements and activities. A few social-economic activities are available in the area for the local population. Mostly, the local community is involved in substance farming mainly maize. Since the area falls within gazetted forest area, farming activities are mainly carried out by members of the local community lrom Kafue town. 3.3 EXPECTED SOCIAL-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES Positive impacts Socio-Economic Impacts Creation of employment to tlre local people. The proponent initially planned to create about 20 and 30 both direct/indirect jobs for various categories. Indirect opportunities for employment will be stimulated in the other sectors a related to mining, such as manufacturers of local raw materials like blocks and provision of sand. Provision of equipment like picks axes and shovels during preparation stage. Local rclated financial and other servicc sector benefits will include bank guarantees, Insurancc cover, pension funds such as NAPSA, workers compensation, council rates and levy, VAT on sale of finished product. PAYE (mining workers and other workers). Emplolng local people may result into transfer of skill and will build the additional local capacity. o Accrued Community Benefits. The proponent is attaching great importance to social and economic empowerment of the local community. By undertaking fie proposed project, there will be community benefits that will benefit from economic activity. Enhanced of land use of the area. Currently the land covered by outcrops of Granite ore is considered barren and ueither Agriculture nor other activities are carried out on the [and. The proposed project will be one of the altemative land uses for the area. After closure of the project, it is anticipated that the land use of the area will be enhanced and such activities as agriculture could be implemented on the same land. Improved road infrastructure. The proposed project will bring about improved accessibility of the area through well maintained road network to be taken by the proponent. Arab Contractors has plans to be undertaken routine maintenance of the road infiastructure leading the proposed project site. Significance of Impacls: Very High Positive Physical Environmental Impacts On Land o i The development will result in removal of mineral waste from the proposed site there by reducing the impact of underground contamination at the project site. SigniJicance of Impact: High Positive 3.2 Negative Impacts Negative Socio-Economic Impacts o Increase in HIV/AID and STIs Increase in local workers might result in an increase in casual sex and thus bring about high HIV/AIDS cases. Magnitude (l\4) Significant Frequency (F) Daily Likelihood (L) Detinite Proposed mitigation mcasures l) A Comprehensive HIV/AIDS policy covering all members of staff which includes awareness and prevention activities such as providing information on various aspects of HIV/AIDS shall be instituted. after applying mitigation rneasures HIV/AIDs Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (F) Annually I-ikelihood Unlikely 2.2.2 NegativeEnvironmental Impacts The following major Environmental Negative Impacts and their mitigation measures listed in the order of signifi cance were identifi ed: 1. Water and Soil Pollution due to seepage and leakages of acidic solution, leachate from o the leach residue stockpiles, domestic waste disposal, leakages of organic solution and hydrocarbons; 2. Noise and vibration from the Crushing Plant and Blasting; 3. Air Pollution due to Dust Generation from the Crushing plant and Machinery and Equipment; 4. Occupational Health and Safety impacts; 5. Fires and Explosion impacts from storage and use of hydrocarbons and organic solution; and 6. Loss ofFlora and Fauna. o The tables below provide the impact analyses details and proposed mitigation measures 1. Impacts on Air Pollution Major environmental aspects that contnbute to air pollution at the mine include haulage of waste from the pit to the dumpsites, haulage ofthe raw material from the pit to the crushing plant and road maintenance activities. Air Pollution duc to Dust Generation from the Crushing Plant Magnitude (M) Significant Frequency (F) Daily Likehhood (L) Delinite Proposcd Mitigation Measures l. Watcr shall be sprayed at the crushing process. 2. Water shall be spra-ved around the working area to suppress dust. 3. Appropriate dust masks, goggles and working suites shall be provided to workers. 4. New employees shall be inducted on sat'ety/environrnental requircmcnts when working in dust prone areas and safety talks shall be conducted weekly. 5. Passive dust nronitoring using dust buckets shall be undertaken to monitor ambient dust generated per month. 6. Signs shall also be installed to educate workers about the health dangers ofdust and appropriate protective clothes shall be provided. a Air Pollution After Applf ing Mitigation )Ieasures Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (F) Daily Likclihood (L) LJnlikely (3 ) 2. Impacts Associated with Blasting-related Noise and Vibration Operation ol the Arab Contractors Quany portion of the project would include the use of explosives for blasting purposes, which would be the primary source ofnoise and vibration from the project. Mineral extraction Iiom the Quarry would require blasting to fracture and loosen rock. Ground vibrations and air blast overpressure are part of the output of the rock blasting a operations. Blasting operations at the Quarry site would follow the general blasting guidance. The hard rock reserves at the Mine would be drilled and blasted on a series of mine benches. Operation ol'the Quarry would include a maximum of one blast per day lor 30 minutes and the hours of blasting would be limited to between 16:00 a.m. and 16:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for Saturdays between 13:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. when blasting would occur and in case of an emergency need as identified by a public agency. Other environmental aspects that contribute to noise and vibration are movement of earth moving machines, drilling activities, operations of the generator and blasting activities. Some of these activities are continuous while others are intermittent. For examplcs, thc gencrator runs about l2 hrs. Per day while blasting is only done once per day.. The table below presents the predicated environmental risk with mitigation measures and without mitigation nlecsures. Noise and Vibration from Blasting and Earth moving Machincs Magnitude (M) Significant Frequency (F) Daily Likclihood (L) Deflnite Proposed Nlitigation )leasures l) Controlled blasting shall be introduced to minimize noise and vibration during blasting. 2) The blasting schedule shall be maintained at l6:00hrs and this schedule shall continue taking about 30 minutes every day when blasting is done. 3) Ear protection equipment (ear muffles) shall be provided to all the workers. o 4) All operations shall be conducted during the normal working hours ofthe day to avoid noise disturbance at night. s) Periodic noise monitoring shall be conducted to ensure that tle noise emitted is below the intemational threshold limit value of 85dBA outside the plant. 6) All tho machines shall be serviced frequently to ensure that they work according to design standards to minimize vibration and noise. Noise and Vibration after Applying Mitigation Mcasures Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (F) Daily Likelihood (L) Unlikely 3. Impacts on Soil and Water Pollution O Key environmental aspects that contribute to water and soil pollution are generation of hydrocarbon waste due to servicing of mining machines and distribution of fuel. Other activities are domestic waste water, sewage disposal, dewatering activities and surface water run-off. The overall environmental risk before and after mitigation measures is predicted in the table below. Watcr and soil pollution due to seepage and leakages ofwaste disposal, hazardous waste and hvdrocarbons Magnitude (M) Significant Frequency (F) Bi-annual Likelihood ( I-) De finitc Proposed Mitigation Measures I ) A perirreter drain shall be constructed around the mine area ll'itlr silt settling ponds to trap storm water especially from materials stockpiles. 2) A standard workshop shall be constructcd with appropriate storage facilities for hydrocarbons and used oil generation facilities. 3) The leach pads and ponds shall be providcd rvith an electronic monitoring instrument for detccting possible leakages. 4) Soils shall be sampled and analyzed for pH and total metals. 5) All the hazardous r*'astes shall be stored in appropriate drums for disposal using licensed conrpan ies. 6) All storage facilities for hazardous substances shall be bunded to at Ieast I l0% the capaciry- of o the storage tank. 7) No hazardous waste shall be given or sold to any person or company that is not licensed to handle hazardous lvaste. This includes used batteries, used oil and crude. 8) Domestic waste bins shall be procured and distributed in appropriate places and these shall be emptied using licensed facilities at a licensed domestic waste dump site. 9) A SHE Officer shall educate workers and conduct periodic environmental and safety inspections associated with water and soil pollution. l0) A bio-remediation farm shall be established lvithin the mine area for treatnlent of hydrocarbon contaminated soils by mixing it with nitrogen based fertilizer, effluent from the modLrlar sewage treatment planl and by Iiequcnt aeration. Soil and water pollution after applying mitigation measures Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (F) Bi-annual Likelihood (I.) tJnlikely o 4. Impacts on Occupational Health and Safetv Main environmental aspects associated with occupation health and safety includes blasting, loading and olfloading waste, transportation of waste and row material and general maintenance activities. Contributing factors to risk assessment are dust, noise, explosions, fire and failure to follow machine operating procedures. The table below presents the risk assessment for occupational health and safety. Occu ational Health and Safety lmpacts Magnitude (M) Marginal Frequency (F) Monthlv Likelihood (L) Dcfinite Proposed Nlitigati0n )leasures l) All the $,'orkers shall be provided rvith the appropriate safety clothes and shall bc educated frequently about safet) precaulions. 2) Necessary medical check-ups shall be conducted frequently and medication shall be provided using reputable health facilities. Work recommendations shall also be followed as advised by health professionals. 3) Installation ofappropriate rvarning signs around chemicals storage facilities hall be done. 4) Punitive measures shall be undertaken for all erring employees regarding usc ofprotective clothes. 5) The SHE Officer shall develop working procedures for all operational activities with inherent potential to cause harm. o 6) Safety and Environmental rveekly discussions shall be conducted to remind all the *orkers about safe practices. 7) All accidents and near-misses shall be reported to lhe Safety, Health arld Environmental Manager and failure to report shall result into disciplinary measures. 8) Signage rvill be written both in English and local language in order to remind the workers and the Public when blasting is taking place. 9) The emergency response and preparedness plan shall be developed and inrplemented within six months following approval of this EMP. Occupational Health and Safet] After Applying Mitigation Measures Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (F) Alnual Likclihood (L) Highly Unlikely a 5. Impacts on Loss of Flora and Fauna Project activities that interact with flora and fauna are disposal ofoverburden material, extension of the pit, road maintenance activities, maintenance of the surrounding and maintenance of the firebreak/security patrol road around the camp. The environmental risk for flora and fauna was predicted as explain in the matrix table below. Flora and fnuna Magnitude (N,I) Negligible Frequency (F) Annual Likelihood (L) lJnlikely Proposed Mitigation ]Ieasurcs l) Apart from areas that u,ere cleared by the previous mine orvner, the rest ofthe mine area remains intact and encroachment by illegal miners or settlers is not a challenge. This shall be nlaintained. 2) Site clearing shall be limited to development areas and before any clearing is done. the Mine Manager shall issue a site clearing approval in consultation with the SHES Manager. 3) Biological monitoring oftrees and animal species around the miue area shall be undertaken once per year. 4l Trapping of u,ild animals and buying ofillegal game meat shall bc included in the disciplinary code for all employees and applicable disciplinary measures shall be instituted to erring employecs in accordance with Labor Laws. s) A firebreak shall be prepared every year around the mine licence area belbre the fire burning a season starts to protect flora and fauna rvithin the mine area. 6) Security patrols shall be conducted in the entirc mine area to monitor deforestation activities rvhich shall be considered as trespass and necessary legal actions shall be instituted to offenders. 7) Wildlife conservation awareness campaigns shall be conducted once per year for workers and the community. 8) Protection measures for flora and fauna shall be part ofthe material for environmental inductions. Flora and Fauna Impacts After Applying Mitigation Measur€s Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (F) Annual Likelihood (L) Highly Unlikcly 6. Impacts on Fire and Explosions Risks o l-ires and Ex losion from the H drocarbons and O nic Solution. Magnitude (M) Significant Frequency (F) DaiJy Likelihood (L) l)efinite Proposed Mitigation Measures I) Storage tanks in process for hydrocarbons and organic solution shall be equipped xith smoke detectors and chemical fire extinguishers to deal rvith an eventuality. Clcar signs of "NO SMOKING" and NO NAKED LIGHTS" shall be displayed prominently for safety reasons. 2) Appropriate earthling and lightening aresters shall be installed. 3) Storage ofhydrocarbons not in process shall be limited to 210 liters at any one given time. ,l) A fire emergency procedure shall be developed and implemented before complction ofthe oonstruction phase. 5) The SllE Officer shall bc responsible tbr enforcing sa{tty requirements in the plant and shall conduct periodical safety talks and safety rnock drills. Fire and Explosion Hazards After Appl)'ing Mitigation Measures Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (! ) Daily Likelihood (L) tJnlikelv 7. Cumulative Impacts and Mitigation Measures "Cumulative Impacts" refers to two or more individual effects which, when considered together, are considerable or compound or increase other environmental impacts. The individual effects o may be changes resulting from a single project or a number ofseparate projects. The cumulative impact from several projects is the change in the environment that results lrom the incremental impact of the proj ect when added to other closely related past, present, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects. An assessment of cumulative impacts should consider impacts identified as significant, as well as impacts identified as less{han-significart for individual projects that may become significant in a collective sense when considering the co-occurrence of multiple projects. Impacts Related to Cumulative Noise, Vibration and Traffic Levels. o Noise, Vibration and Traffic levels would be increased by I dBA Ldn in the vicinity of the project. Traffic and Noise level in the two studied roadway segments (the access gravel road to the site and the main road (Kafue Road) will also increase. It should be noted that impacts related to increases in cumulative traffic noise levels would be similar to other similar projects in the area, as the altemative is expected to generate the same number of blasting and vehicle trips on the surrounding and roadways, although the impact would be slightly reduced because the altemative site is located farther from existing quarries (Flame Arab Contractors which is non-operational and 2km away from the site and Raubex Quarry Mine which is also 5km away liom the site respectively. Overall, impacts related to cumulative traffic, blasting and noise levels under both the proposed project and similar projects alternative would be (less-than-significant). Noise, Vibration from Rlasting and Traffic Levels Magnitude (M) Significant Frequency (F) Daily Likelihood (L) Dcfinitc t Proposed Nlitigation Measures r) Controlled blasting shall be introduced to minimize noise and vibration during blasting. 2) The blasting schedule shall be maintained at l5:00hrs and this schedule shall continue taling about 30 minutes every day when blasting is done. 3) Ear protection equipment (ear muflles) shall be provided to all the rvorkers. 4) All operations shall be conducted during the normal rvorking hours ofthe day to avoid noise disturbance at night, 5) Periodic noise monitoring shall be conducted to ensure that the noise emitted is below the international threshold limit value ofS5dBA outside the plant. 6) All the machines shall be sen'iced frequently to ensure that they w'ork according to design standards to minintize vibration and noise. 7) Vehicle traffic will be limited and restricted to the developed road network. 8) Slow down humps on the main ror.lte entering the quarry nrine and the project vicinity Noisr and Vibration after Applying Nlitigation Measures Magnitude (M) Negligible Frequency (F) Daily o Likelihood (L) Less than Significant l o o 7.4.6 Summar.v of Environmental Negative Impact and Mitigation Imprct Effcct Mitigation Measure Fuel @uming) Minor air pollution Minimise driving of utility vehicle and operation of propelled mining cqurpmcnt Good maintenance of utility vehicle and fr-rel propelled mining equipmcnt I Fuel (Spillage) Contamination of soil, vegetation and Good maintenance of utility vehicle and fuel propelled mining equipment ground water Fuel storage and refueling restricted to designated re-fueling bay Immediate cleaning and correct disposal of any spillage Waste (Domestic) Contamination of site(surface and soil) Minimise generation of waste Collect and dispose offcorrectly Waste (sewcr) Contamination of site surface and Construct environmentally and public health friendly pit latrines ground water Always use designated pit latrines Vegetation Disturbance and loss of vegetation Restrict to absolute minimum necessary clearance No driving through existing foogaths Driving and movement of mining equipment restricted to only already motorable tracks Rehabilitation Trenching and Creating temporary openings minor soil Restrict the use ofmechanization to absolute minimum necessary Channel Sampling and vegetation disturbance Restrict depths to minimum Minor vegetation clearance Backfill and rehabilitate trenches and pits at completion Minor Chipping on rock outcrops. Rehabilitate all trenching and pit sites I Noise and dust Minor air pollution All vehicles to be regularly maintained with sound control gadgets in place roadways fiom Nuisance to community, wildlife, No over speeding of vehicles or any exploration mobile equipment will be allowed within the vehicles impaired visibility project area.