tlr APPENDIX No 2 t PROPOSED PROGRAMME FOR MINING OPERATIONS o 2.1 lntroduction Arab Contractors Limited is a Zambian registered company under the Company Registration Act. The company has established operations in Egypt and Nigeria, with recent contracts extended to East and Central Aliica. The company is actively involved in construction and civil works with a dedicated and experienced team of shareholders. Recently Arab Contractors Limited was awarded a number of construction and civil works contracts in Zambia, a number of which are within Lusaka and Central Provinces. To meet the contractual obligations, the company would require large volumes of quarry products. It is from this background that the company herein applies for a Large Mining License over the area covered by Prospecting License No. 19393-HQ-LPL. ,. Upon grant of the license, Arab Contractors Limited intends to start quarrfng operations at t.he identified site within the tenement. The company will invest an initial sum of more than USD l0m mainly on capital plant and equipment, with a further USD 2m in operation costs for the initial two (2) year period. The quarry operations will run on minimal mechanisation, whist utilizing locally available skilled and unskilled human resource as much as practically possible. As much a matter of policy, and as a part of its operate social responsibility , Arab Contractors will be committed to contributing positively to the local and regional economic growth through the quarrying project at Ngwenya Area in Kafue District. With increasing demand on quaruy aggregates, the company plans to run the quany throughout the year whilc maintaining sulficient stock piles to cover for the planned plant maintenance a period. h as much as practically possible, the company will remain committed to the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) herein outline. 2.2 Summary of Programme of Operation Period Activit-v Estimated Comments Start End Cost 2.2.1 Prospectjn!! works Fcb 2014 Works for phase I works for phase II to be lAPri'20r4 lr,*o commenced \4obilisalion March 2014 June 2014 t2. 0(x) Mobilisation for quarrying operations commenced during prospecting 2.2.3 Procurcmcnt of Plant & Fcbruarv 2014 JUnC lU I4 -s,000 Commcnced during prospecting Equipment Consultative mectings with January 201,1 February 3,500 Meeting conductcd rvith stakeholdcrs, forestry Stakcholdcrs 20t4 department, Zambia Environmental Managemcnt Agency, Kalue District Council, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Land, Chiefs reprcsentatives and locAl community. != Identification of affected January 2014 janlarv 2014 2, (n)0 No households wcre identified households for possiblc relocation 2.2.6 Survey of tenement and February 2014 February 2,500 Survey ofthc proposed site was donc pegging 20l4 2.2.1 Environmcntal Project Brief Dccember 20ll Fcbruary 1,000 EPB lor quarrying operalions was prepared by I EPB Ceneral Mining area 2014 consultant Tropical Environmental Management Expcrts and sllbiritted to ZEMA. ))a Casting of Crusher Februarv 2014 March 2014 150, 000 Site for Crushing Plant identified and crushing Foundation and Crushing plant components delivered. Plant assembly , clearing of stock piling area & construction slab 2.2.9 Construction and civil works, N4arch 2014 April 2014 350,000 Location for crushing plant construction sited o Office Block, Workshop & Wash bay, Stores rooms, Ablution Block, First Aid Clinic, Weigh Bridgc, Fuel Station & Gen-Set room. Security fence irnd Cate 2.2. r 0 Over burdcn rcmoval April 2014 April 2014 2,500 2.).t I Quarr,ving & Crushing April On-going As per Annex Opcn pit mining expected at the identified pit Operations location 2.3 Processing and Crushing The operations at the site will be concentrated at the open pit and crushing plant. The crushing plant will consist of crusher, multiple screen and discharge conveyors will be used. At the crushing plant, quarry material will be olf loaded directly into the feeder, which will feed into the Primary Jaw Crusher. From the Jarv Crusher the crushed material will be conveyed via a conveyor belt into a Secondary Jaw Crusher where different quarry products will be produced. The products will then be conveyed on conveyor belts to storage areas awaiting collection by clients. The oversize rocks in the vibrating screen will be routed to the impact crusher and sent back to the Jaw Crusher for further crushing. o 2.4 Stock Piles and Waste Rocks Dumps (WRDs) The project will maintain stone aggregate material on maximum five (5) stock piles based on aggregate sizes at the conveyor tail-ends. The stock piles will act as storage and collection points. The designated stock piling and Waste Rock area will be approximately 0.40 hectares in extent. Though no substantial Over Burden operation will bc done at the OMQ, a WRD will be maintained. Both Stock piles and WRDs will be located on the windward side so as to check on dust effect on both personnel and general work environment. 3 The Stock piles and WRDs operated and maintained in adherence to the EMP outlined herein 2,5 Itrfrastructu re Development Infrastructure development at the quarry site will include among others the lollowing: Construction of main access road from the main road to the quarry sitc Construction ol Office Block, First Aid Clinic, Ablution Block, Work Shop & Wash Bay, and Stores Rooms, Explosive Magazines, FueI Station, Gen-Set house, Weigh Bridge, Security fence & Gate of bore hole. Construction of Crushing plant and Stock pile concrete slab. 2.6 Capital Plant and Equipment S/No. Item Description Qu antity Value (USD) Condition 2.6.1 Sandvik Crusher Plant-200ph I 1 3,500,000 New' 2.6.2 Dump Trucks (Caterpillar725 ) 4 1,360,000 New, Available 2.6.3 Excavator (Kutatsu) 2 800,000 New, Available 2.6.4 Sandvik Crawler Hydraulic Drill (DX700) I 360,000 New, Available o 2.6.5 FrontEnd-Loader (Kumatsu WA 470) 2 750,000 New, Available 2.6.6 Bull Dozcr (CAT D&R) 1 476.000 Nerv. Available I 2.6.7 Water Bowser I 180,000 New 2.6.8 Gen-set ( I 50kVA) 1 80,000 Ncrv, Available 2.6.9 Gen-Set (85OkVA0 I lr s 000 New, Available 2.6.10 Fuel Pumps and Tanks 2 45,000 Available 2.6.1 I Metal Slorage Containers 2 20,000 Available 2.6.12 Weigh Bridge I 50,000 New 2.7.13 Utility Trucks 2 70,000 Ncrv o 2.7 Safety and Safety The safety and Health of the workforce, surrounding communities and the environment is considered to being one of the key to success in this project. As such a full Safety and Health programme will established and staffed in order to produce the required outcome. This will be in line with current mine safety and health practices, and will include providing adequate medical facilities to cater for emergencies whilst providing adequate access for all other medical needs. In this regard, the project will coordinate adequately, and participate in all govemment health programmes conceming the local community with the responsible govemment departments in Kafue District. The project will also create awareness on HIV/AIDS, prevention, and HBC amongst the employees and their families in collaborations with the DHMT. 2.8 Production Estimates 2.8.1 Introduction Quanying operations at the site are planned to run throughout the year with I I months of Crusher Plant operations, giving an allowance ofone (l) year month shut down for planned maintenance works. Following the climate pertain, pit production is planned for a 10 months working period with annual crushing plant production estimated 315,000 tonnes. A crushing o month cover of 55% will be maintained at the Raw Materials stock pile. Lower utilization of the Crushing Plant is expected during the initial two years of PHASE I of the project, with gradual increase starting from third (3'd) year ofoperations 2.8,2 Crushing Plant (CP) Parameters The CP will operate on raw material feed from the quarrying operations, and will run on parameters as indicated below; o Designed tonnes per hour 2OOTPH . Availability 85% o r Utilization 60% 2.8.3 Pit Production Production at the pit will be generated by drilling and blasting operations. The Sandvik DX700 Crawler Hydraulic Drill will be used to drill 76mm blast holes with Anfex/Emulsion and electric detonators, and electrically blasted to break the granitic rock. Excavators will be used to further loosen the broken material, and loading onto Dump truck which would then haul material to the Crushing Plant, The pit production will be confined within the identified open pit sites in the designated blasting area ofextent approximately 40 hectares. 2.8.4 Crushing Plant (CP) Production The Crushing Plant will at the maximum produce aboul (5) range of quarry products depcnding on demand. The following ranges will be produced at indicated portions. The products would be conveyed to stock piles at conveyor tail-ends. Quarry products ranges Quarry Dust 5% o Omm-9.38mm t5% 9.3 8mm 30% 12.5mm-18.75mm 30% 18.75mm 20% The Crushing Plant will be confined in a designated area ofextent approximately 0,70 hectares. The CP has a pollution control kit, with the conveyor tail-ends fitted with water-sprays for dust suppression. o