llr a - Agency Zambia Environmental Management DECISION LETTER 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 PROJECT TITLE: Gemstone Minlng at Kafubu Mine in Lufwanyama District under Licence Number 8509-HG-LSGL by Gemfields l\4ining Limited o I.2 PRO]ECTPROPONET{T: Gemflelds Mining Limited 6374 Comer of Dr. Aggrey and Kariba Roads Ught Industrial Area KITWE Contact Person's Details Name: San ay Bohra Designation: Project Manager Address: Gemflelds Mining Umited, 6374 Corner of Dr. Aggrey and Kariba, Roads, Llght Industrial Area, KITI IE Tel: (+260) 971 512 2421968 475 849 Email address: sanjay. bohra@gemgields.co.uk 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION3 o The project slte for Licence Number 8509-HG-LSGL is located ln the Lufwanyama Restricted Emerald Mlning Area in Lun^ranyama Dlstrlct, Copperbelt Province. It lies approximately 60km from Kitwe,40km from Kalulushi and 100km from Luanshya. 1.4 DArE OF SUBMISSION BY PROPONENTI lanuary 12, 2018 1.5 DATE OF COI{SIDERATION BY THE AGENCY: l4arch 29, 2018 + I IPR an , r ?.s;i, 'l,l- Zambra Environmental Management A gency DECISION LETTER 2,O DETAILS OF THE PROJECT: The project lnvolves commencement of mining operations at Kafubu Mine. This will entail the following activities: l, Site clearing and constructlon of access roads and ramps to the Overburden, Waste Rock Dump and Washing areas; ll, Constructlon of perimeter dralnages around the proposed Kafubu Mine PiU o ili. Construction of a water setuement pond, an access road to link the Kafubu Mine Pit and the exisung Kagem Mlne ore processlng facilities. vla a neu bridge currently being constructed across the Kafubu River; lv. Trial mining and bulk sampling; and v. Development of the Kafubu Mlne Pit over an estimated flve-year period to a final depth of about 30m. The Pit Dimension wlll be (L x B) of 30fin x 115m. The final depth of the pit at the end of the s-year estimated lifespan will be 30m with a high wall slope angle of about 53". Ore crushing, washlng of the ore material and sorting of gemstones will be done uslng the existing Krgem Mine facilities. The estimated ore output is 0.08 mllllon tonnes over the 5 year lifespan, The area of the project site is 1.84 square kilometers. 3.O OECISION BY THE AGENCY: o 3.1 The poect is approved subject to conditions listed below: 3.1.1 Gemflelds Mining Umlted shall implement the project and all environmental management commltments as stated in the Environmental project brlef (EPB) with changes as made by Zambla Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) and any other conditions that may be issued thereafter. 3.1.2 The approval is for Gemfields Mining Limlted mining actlvlues under Licence No. 8509-HG-LSGL in Lui^ranyama District only. Therefore, Gemflelds Mining Limited shall not conduct or carry out acuvltles that may impact negatively on the environment and are not pad of the approved prdect. i rlMt,\,1 r$ 'liPR zon >--, ','1S It Zambia Environmental Management Agency DECISION LETTER 3,1.3 Gemfields Mining Limited shall consult and comply ln full with the requirements and specificauons of the Mlnes Safety Department Forestry Department, Energy Regulation Board, Lufwanyama Town Council and other authorlties, 3.1.4 Gemfields Mining Limited shall put in place appropriate measures or install and operate adequate and effective alr pollutants suppression techniques and/or air pollution abatement equipment or meterials in all areas with potential to generate air o pollutants. 3.1.5 Gemfields Mhlng Limited shall be monltorlng and keeplng records of the quality of ambient alr in the surroundings in respect of air pollutants especially dust, particulate matter 2.5, particulate matter 10 and other air pollutants. 3.1.6 All radioactive materlals or materials containing radioactive substances shall be handled and disposed of appropriately. 3,1,7 Gemfields Mining Llmited shall put ln place appropriate measures for monitoring, preventing and controlling soil erosion and siltatlon/sedimentation of surface water bodies. 3.1.8 Gemfields Mining Limited shall ensure that blasting is carried out within the allowed llmiE and that blasting does not cause harmful noise pollution and land degradation, 3,1.9 The project and ancillary activities shall be conducted in such a way that public and private property, the health of people and livelihood shall not be endangered, harmed, affected negatively, damaged or lost, Where lt ls determlned that the health of people, property or source of livellhood is endangered, harmed, damaged, affected negauvely, or lost as a result of project actlviuet Gemfields Mlnlng Limited shall be o llable for payment or settlement of the appropriate compensauon and/or other forms of relief or replacement, 3.1,10 Gemflelds Mining Umited shall collect, decontamlnate and dlspose of all contaminated waste ln an environmentally sound and acceptable manner. 3,1.11 Hazardous and other types of waste shall be managed by licensed persons. 3.1,12 Gemfields Mining Limited shall put in place appropriate measures for collection, transportation and dlsposal of solid (municipal) waste at a licensed disposal site. i*!rAOilMf N ,fl' iPR 2OB I l>-r Zambia Environmental Management Agency DECISION LETTER 3,1,13 Gemfields l4ining Umited shall put in place appropriate and effective measures for preventing, monltoring and controlling land degradation, contamlnatlon of soil, pollution of surface water, polluuon of groundwater, and pollution of air in respect of all project facilities including the open pit, the waste rock dump, camp sites or living quarters, workshop, sanltary facilities, etc. 3.1.14 Noise and vibrations shall be malntalned within levels at which property and/or the health of employees and the publlc shall not be harmed or endangered. Appropriate measures shall be put in place where it is determlned that noise and vibration levels a are approaching harmful state, 3.1,15 Dust suppression shall be carried out in areas where dust will be generated. 3.1.16 Gemfields Mining Limited shall ensure that all incidences wlth potentlal to pollute the environment and harm human beings are reported to ZEMA immediately, 3.1,17 Gemflelds Minlng Umlted shall put in place an appropriate Emergencl Preparedness and Response Plan. and shall submit the same to ZEMA for approval within three months followlng this approval. 3.1.18 Fireflghting equipment shall be placed where it can be easily accessed and lt shall be kept in good working condltion. 3,1,19 Gemflelds Mlning Limited shall obtain the approprlate Licences or Permits from Zambia Envlronmental Management Agency and comply in full with the conditions of the Licences and/or PermlE lssued under the Envlronmental Management Act No. 12, o 2011 and the Environmental Management (Ucenslng) Regulations, 2013, 3.1.20 At decommissioning and dosure, Gemfields Mlnlng Limited shall prepare and submit an approprlate decommissioning and closure plan and report outlining implementation of all environmental management commltments presented in the environmental poect brlef for conslderatlon by ZEMA. 3.2 The Agency advises Gemnelds Mining Limited to: 3.2.1 Obtain and comply in full with any other relevant authorisations such as those stipulated In but not llmlted: i. The Zambia Wlldlife Act No. 14 of 2015; ii. The Mlnes and Minerals Development Act No. 11 of 2015; iii. The Local Government Act, CAP 281 of the Laws of Zambia; ,rrii()lr rt, ,,D;) ltt 5 b Zambia Environmental Management Agency DECISION LETTER The Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 36 of 2010; The Urban and Regional Planning Act No. 3 of 2015; vi. The Public Health Act cap 295 of the laws of Znmbia; vli. The Workers' Compensaton Act No. 10 of 1999. viii. The Energy Regulation Act, CAP 436 of the laws of zambia; ix, The Water Resources lvlanagement Act No, 21 of 2011; x. The Forestr] Act No. 4 of 2015; xi. The Employment (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2015; o xii. The Ionlsing Radiatlon Protectlon (Amendment) Act No 19 of 2011; and xiii. The Pneumoconlosis Act, CAP 217 of the Laws of Zambia. 3.2.2 Make available information on hygiene, malaria control, HIV/AIDS and other communicable and Infectious diseases to employees. 2'r? Put ln place occupational health and safety policies and procedures, 3.2.4 Provide employees with appropriate flre-Rghting equipment and train them in fi refightlng and emergency response. 3.2.5 Provide employees with Personal Protectlve Equipment (PPE) and employees shall undergo appropriate medical checkups. 3.3 Gemflelds l'4lnlng Umited shall comply with environmental standards and/or specific limits of particular pollutants as its responsibility, Thus, compliance with Zambia Environmental Management Agency recommended measures do€s not absolve Gemflelds Mining Llmited of lE responsibllity if such measures do not achieve o compliance with environmental control standards. 3,4 Gemfields Mininq Limited shall, in accordance with section 15 of the Envlronmental Management Act No. 12 of 2011, allow inspectors from ZEMA unr$trlcted entry to the project site at any reasonable tlme wlth or without making prior notice throughout the project cycle, 3.5 The implementation of the project shall @mmence withln thre€ years from the date of approval. Failure to commence implementation of the project within the stated period shall render the Decision Letter invalid and Gemfields Mining Limited shall be required to re-submit the EPB for consideration, re.:h5 -d;Di' ;..f ' It ! - Z,ambia Environmental Management Agency DECISION LETTER 3,6 The Agency may suspend or cancel the Decision Letter without notice should Gemfields l4lnlng Limited falljo comply with any condition of approval, L Msimuko l1 Director General a ,iPR 2on ZAMEIA ENVIRONM ENTAL MANAGEMEilT AGENCY cr1Gi \di?1L,s J.,,Jrt. , rus^l(^. o