b1 ) Appendlx l. pR(tp01it:t) Pll(x:R,l\l oI PR{r\Pt.('rl\(, \\l} t\t\(; { )t'r: RA'l'l0r{!i: tcaional &+logiccl s thg r Thc c:rrcrEH mrrxrili..ittlro (xcurt tncdomllr nlb $rlhrrt dr( Protcroro*. Murf Sutxr Crrrrlf. $lrrh llcr lrnr cer thg gren.ac'g,1o$ blridmr Eomdclt nnd rncuradlrnort of thc uppcr Frrlcrrrr,r* lirurrgr Supv timrp Thr Mrlr'r Solrrgmtp h;r bcco orerlro br thr Hntugr Sqxrgr.rrp contpneng ,nrrnh ol lodrfl'rcxlrr rrxlr rtluri sfc ihc host n,(*r [or li"* frmors hm brrn c"Itfrct thptrtrl Thc bos*nrn .fi}. c(rri.lll u( 3d0rrEll rlc and bgxre.danri htt grlnrtc gnci:rcs. rrrlh rnrnot sodE lllsgrocltgc phaacs Wc rl*r liod qune mugco\rtc, l\ xls lchEE ntd (tuan/-ndl Frc8rrfltl.$ (xturrinf o $ rthrn thc bassnrent comnler ltc Uure Supcrgoup Earsisll o{ qlun,tr rrr, qsrru n[(a ichrsl irlcr.illlod rrrth ok+hkr[c. 1rcrmlnt+rrgrstrrLr *htrl rhr 11rrl {irrnt ultramnf{ l'}ortr nf rrllr nrd lrt'lTr Thc Xulgm Suprgup c(itil$\ n[ Frhhh crro!!lontr{!5. rtlto{r q rrt,.'t,c, ergrllics. dolomtr qumz crbonrr raLr and carbonixurrn shalc i.xrlh' rntn*d hr Bihtt o tr nrtif ntlx(' &.ac, -,c rry ab. _ -- o 1J <{. -l = fftc *rEttBlillE( gc{uLrr(tl 1i'arL' $ubrccEd k drl(ynr.uo]ts }+ l..rbanan iad Llts lllilun firljuo\ Th{ ,rc.KUmgfn rrtLr rrcrc crlL'fl,{ll8h shcafcfl anl l.trltrrl dururg Gc Xrbm,rn orogcnr rlrrt lhc st UCtUrC$ rrcrrdrnr \[-SlY r\crc tu]rtrrnrFr*cil lrr E-\U tlrdrn$ dnxlrrrcr irl l.rumdc cugcnr'. rrhrh rcri lt{d in iirlc nlr[$mrel rld rurfonnnl lrurtrrEs clor5l*J rrr [-rA dt cct[rr Acctxdrng in Hrctrn'l. l9?i, dunn* lh{ $xcedxls lofilu* ortr.rp 'rr ut lcasl lr:rrr lbldmg rt rrctdl[orllur c1r:rtr nr"t rul,€runJna:il upod thc Mnrr d(pahrlr.rnd tht'irrnrsron 6l l(rrnnrbhc bconng lxgrnrtrtct t(x{ plxc Acto(lmg to'r.'lrrbo ct cl t]({Xll. rlE itratrE oph|€ sctlrEr{s't\cru dt: lbrncd ht thrr.rr rxnXorrc crunE - Ulxrdsn. tnrmxk rnd ile I ulih:rn rrsprchr ch Tlx lint cr ent shrclr ir tlx oldcll ( I l{}l Yat- onlr rffcctcd tltt ,olntrfiir rrhxh slrru a ptoaltmrnirlrh shsll:tr ltr modvrtr: rip rrxl thc rcrrurxl ctcnl rhrr{r NE-S\I to E.tA'trcn* to rthrnrli ,, pcldxrlr' Gornr$^jrlrdn- lhcrrtn lxlrli r xirtr n Cr' ccdrtcl I utEh xr dtc .