, Appcndix 7 I'roposals for Development of local husiness development a a I 61 6.0 ASSESSIVIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 6.1 Positive lmpods 6. 7. 7 Socio-economic lmpocts The implementation of the proposed Kafubu Mire is expected to bring about the following significant benefits and advantages in that: . The proposed project will contnbute to revenue collection for Lufwanyama District Council as Gemfields Mining Limited, the developer, will be obliged to pay taxes and o regulatory fees to Zambia Environmental Management Agency. lmprovement of the economy as a whole, through support given to Small and Medium Entrepreneurs {5MEs) that will be engaged by Gemfields to offer different aspects of Consulting and Contracting services for the entire lifespan of the proposed Kafubu Mine. 6.1.2 Employment Creotion Re-commencement of operations at Kafubu Mine is expected to bring about employment of o both skilled and non-skilled labour in that: It is anticipated that 20 full time jobs will be created and sustained for a period of five (05) years once the proposed Kafubu Mine becomes operational. Locals will be prioritized except in areas that require specia ist expertise, leadlng to rmprovement in the quality of life by local people. ln house skills training and advancement of personnel working at the proposed Kafubu Mine during the project lifespan. 6.7.3 lmproved lnfmstructure in the Areo The implementation of the proposed Kafubu Mine is expected to improve the aesthetic beauty of the area and also further rmprove provision of social services in the Lufwanyama Rural area in that: Gemfields Mining Limited, through operation of the proposed Kafubu N/ine will contribute to improvement of social services in the surrounding area through its massive corporate social responsibility programs as evidenced by the Schools and o Health Centres that its sister company, Kagem Mining has constructed, refurbished and donated to the local communities in Lufwanyama District. 6.2 Negotive lmpdds during Construction 6.2.1 Negotive Socio-Economic lmpact An increase in earning capacity as a result of being in meaningful ernployment may result in some workers employed to work at the proposed Kafubu Mine to start engaBlnt in promiscuous activrties which maV lead to them contracting HIV and AIDS and other Sexually Transm itted lnfections (5Tls). Nx/ir;,/l .\,lrr' I x,,r ()/r rr( lrl rt \th,t: t t ,l,\i:: !f1r;: l it ] I th lt .'int,rrrlr'i l.) ; Pru. ! t.1: l