Appendix 6. PROPOS^L TOR EMPLO}'MEN'T AND TRATNINC OF CITIZENS OI. ZAMBI.IT,: All ntining actiliLics halc a positnc inrpact on thc socio-cconomrc cnvironulcnr oi rlrc arca. Usaec of fiscd/mobilc rnnchircn s.iil lcad ro dcl alopmcnt ol arrcillan larctiittcs (sparE+an shopsircpairs rlo ishop) ts also this rvill rcsult in hilhcr ccouonric grorrth lcadrng tu sro\ th ol othcr cornmcrcial cstablishmcxs arti traric. Emplcn urenr rtill bc gcncraud bt thc c\ploralror'),/rrrrnnrg acrrr itics takur_9 placc in attd around thc liccnsc Thc ncarlrr r-illaecrs as scll as Llrc pctplc ir'l thc lrbaD ilreas rvill bc bcncfittrng h].iobs in this rrduslR' in various rrldgs such as \'lrniog. Engin6..flnl.l- Sccuritr. ctc. Local crtucns $lll ba prc(brrcd lbr cnrplor nlent and propcr training s rll be inrpartcC ro rhcrr in r arious tradcs. o Ccrnliclds iirc also coDunillcd to taclltng dtc cntrronrncnl;ll rssucs tlrat arc ass