; t- v lEN銚 IN[; ALiREE腵 MINERAL PRODUET10N GHA膿 , Io' 002-90-X (ulis Thi..; tl INERAL PRODUCTION SHARIN6 ALiri[El1E]'lT "Agregmti.nt") i.s r'na\r:l Er .:rnd antered lnto in .l:!'-'.11'.:on City, Mr.tro-l'lan:. la, Phjlipp.rines, .tni.E 15th da;, o{ --Ig:f -, i99(:,, [:), arr;i .t._. rl THE REFUBLIC, OF THE .PHILIFFiNt:S t r. l.pr'e.s;,rnterl Lry gecr'e.tary FULGENCIO S. FAC'i'ORAl.l , JH. of the DL.p.rntmEnt of En.vi. ronmenl i{rr(l Nat urr'.r I Fiesr:urrces, , with Of f ice:; aL tl-re Dc.g:;ir.trlrnot iri Environmetrt and l.,latunal' Re'srirrr.ci:a:; Buri ). cl i ng, Vi, sar,/ar AVe.nuei r .Di I i man , Oure::on Ci ty,. l'1etr.o- l'1an i I a '( tli e. I Oover'n {1€rtl.t " ) '-;rncr- J. L. Li'..ENTERF,RISEST Ii,lC. l c\ cor.por..it_ion .rluly. ofgani:ecJ. and et