UINERAL PRODUCTTON 8H]\RING }IGREE},TENT MPSA lro. oo?-92_x , :,. l,#i : Ii "'"H. iXS'Yil'""\ ; "iti}'" ffj: IY gNr -( EI,J : " A s r e e me n E,' ) l - lLh dav of ;u,,,,"y , 199;2 u, "i*'iJ.,j#rlpp1nes, tnlu TI.IE REPUBLIC OF rrrE pHrLrpprNEB rrereina ir_Ji^" ..iI. covsnNMENrl ';.'Ji,i;' *?.,ni" il; represented ln this tr,L-,s....tl.y of. the iaj !V Natura], Deparrment of crrir"nrl-"t"?na JR... Resources rULGENcro i:'.;;;.T;Rili, unv wi.Eh offlces at the o#"rii,""I*ii J. ronment * and ru^r_,,_- : lll,ii:;; i i u ri I "nu uX I I I.,ii,,. J""," ii:: : ; crCy, " Metro-ManiIa 腜 and腜 CASE co腁 ELOPMENT 膍 腛 鞠 iJi顨 :ilta臨 ll::l:ili::: f:i若 jliJ::ilI:[llil::芳 1:芫 ::let腂 :alti 腶 陠let苛 tili菌 賃 ::[:||:臧 11ll lt裭 program accomplish the !.Jork for each particular period, 2.4. calenatar . year or yeqr means a pariod.of twelve (12) consecutive months starting with-the tirst br uanuaiy ino Lnainq :l-_?:::*b.r - 31,. whiI.e. ,'calendar ouarter,' meanL a perj.od consrBEtng of threo (3) coneecutlvo months vlth the flrst calendar quart,er otart.lng wlth the flret day of January. - . 2.5. cefitral Bank means the central Bank of the Republic of the Philippines. 2,6 comm.rclal production means t,he production of sufficient quantity of minerars to sustain uco.,omic viaririty oi-*inine -operations as specified in the approved conmerciai production work Program. production of Nickej Ore regulred to tesi anaTor develop. a Plant pror',eeslng eyotem or eupply a pIlot piani u".a for such testlng sharr not be -consrderea 'in tne 'altur*inilion or Commercial Production. - ?.7 . constitutlon or ghlllpplne Constltution means the 19g7 constitution of the nepuurlc ot ttre phir$p$es; iaopiuJ--uv tr-,. constitutlonal Commisslon of tgBG on OttoUer 15, 19Bi and ratifled by the people of the phlllpplnes on February 2t Lgg.t . .S.qqntract Ar€a means the area wlthin the jurlsdiction of tfe, Republic o( -the philippines which ls ttre- or - tr.,i= contract, as diminished pursuant to the "i,Ul..i- obligations of the Contractoi as herein set reiinquishment the contract Area is ou.trined and forth. tnitiatty, Annex rrArr attached hereto. more partlcurariy a"=.iiu"a in .2,9 Contract ygar mears a period of twelve (12) consecutive months counted from the Ef f:,ttive Date of tfris ajreem.nt'-or - fronl the anniversary of such Effectlve Date, 2.10 Contractor neans CASE CONSTRUCTION aNd DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION and its assignee or assignees of any interest of CASE CONSTRUCTION ANd DEVELOPMENT CONPOiAtTON UNdEr this Agreement provided such assignment of uny ur"i.r--interest is accomp I ished pursuant to the provlelons hereoi, -2:11 Declaratlon g.! tnlng peaslbllltv means a docunent procraimi.n-g the presence or minerars in a specific site tnui u.u recoverable by socially acceptable, en"f i"nrneniuf tl,- Ju i. una economlcally sound rnethods, - 2. LZ Effectlvo Date means the Date of approval of this Agreement by the president of the Republlc of the phi.I tpp i nes .' - .2,L3 Envlronmont means physlcal factors of the surroundings of hr.tnan- belngs, lncludlng--Iind, water, atmosphere, climate, oound, odors, taste. and bloloqlcal fact.or' of ,ni;ui;'uni-iiuntu and the social factors of aestietlcs, Pres 2.f4 Executlve ord€rr' means that certain order of the idenr oFTr,E-Tnl r ippinEs lssued on July 25 t !gg7 and known as lxecutlve Order No. 27b. rands ,15 Exploration means thc examlnatlon and lnvestiqatlon of and offshore areas supposcd ro contlln ;;ir;;i;-;iil.'"r" oy drirrins, rrenchins, shafr';j.nkins, i"nnuii.s;-i;=J pllJiiq other. means, for the purpose of probing the presence of ".o deposits and the extent titereof - ' minerar" t/- /^J 'E',rv Pfoperties of narr ^F ri:"i."?:,iJr ;,;,i€ii"e,--","i"''"Jr.iii:y.;i":n"". "l; r,"?,iXIE ,l:; benef lciaI use 'advsr_s!1y, or to .iuuo u. ri hazardous or potentlarry 'nur"iao.-u"u 1l*-pu.1rf condltion rahich j.s welf are, or ro animat", -lr..r"l-iiiirii",,.rreh health, sareLy or " Lo ploni:e, and "porLur.,, r,uu-i ;;;;;;;;;drrrs or aqua"rlc rlr r.,,, or 29 8€or€tarv moantns, --.,. --2 ' . means bhe secretar of rhe Env ironmen r._aiE_friitra ]_ il;";;;"":e\-reLdry Deparrmenr of _ ?.30 Work lXSrqrqp. means a documont. whlch preeentB or Nalor mlnlnq activrEles una -tnu -Jor".e"epond rng )e plan Budget- of the Contractor 1n expendlturee and 9_er}od or ii,", "-i":r-uarnq it; ;;;i;: j..&o:X:tiln,.i,nr;:i envlronmental protecLion and il; ;i;;".":" and. neishbo. in'g- l";uni r I es renaUi fftlt 9:y: r.pment o r hosr ! e c h n o I osv, a ;;';"i'i;;.",tol: ^ s s u bm 1 r t e a i " a I pi, J; j "r';* rn;T ".1" ti, iX. I: i : I i : " "" SECTION III TERM ET ITGREE}TENT 3,1 l,h,e lnltlal terrn of thl8 Lwenty-f ,ve (25) contrac5 ";;; a;" Agreenent Bhall be -v""." Ef.fectlve oate, sGJect :; ff#il:iiil i;r,r::-"ioea rrerorn,""''.',ll-,uuru ror anorher perroa n",.t," i rv';;, J.";',J;;'f, Tf,r".o.".t l" terms a nd ;;r;I;il;; 5=- ^uy SECTloN Iv CONTRACT AREA Point East Long i tud e North Latltude l t25o47膌 oo" 9o 3g, 66,, 2 t25o 膌 5膡 31:腬 9o 39, gg,, 3 125o 51, 9g,, go 27, oo, 4 125o 47r 36rr 9o 27r 6grr 5 1250 47' 3grt 9o 2g, g6,, 6 125o 47r 3grr 9o 2gr ggl indicatedTll iFeCifiC 81ze ant諒 CttlttLx l COordinates膌 s:趔 11lntilltr::ilcli as sh131/f荌 lih腍 =trl膡 SECT10N v EXPLORAT膡 oN pER赈 oD I:::Ia譫 p貮 ,苇 f若 若 e 鉎 邐tttp10r金 蝖 貾臧 苕 躓 閔 Tl鞕 ./腌 / 膌腁 __膍 R c:Ilif願 :::lal腍 II1lii:ill[:腶 iliil:iell腷 芬 i:lid:i]itiili occurrence. =荾=腁 :hili:illes腜 ha苇 ::腂 11:10rih芫 腂腶lilm腸 it [::|:ril::[fttl荍 i:|若 Fil::::Itrf:Idr魉,tor has cOmplied with the terms L腝 equest fOr extens膡 On of the Exp10ratiOn Period. The regulatOry fees shall be paid t腂 膌 and On the date the :RIe:le[ie :aI:9譧 :[:r:ld li:菇 e :; DENR Regional office cOncerned膌very year thereafter. 5.4鞝 腜 . 鞝 諮蹒 鷴 鋟 韕 t鑹  臠 釳 \跥ithttll鳡 韘 跈| 苦 : :遅 :liitttitid:li诪 譠l鱢 臧 :::::::i:allilit:li腶 :]闣 S[腂 ilii! It::1膌 譔 芦芽 邸 till provisiOrls elsewhere prov膡 適 ded ittili腵 Tlli腶 tP:li::fi:lif銷 1:lil:腸 :1:]:rJ菌 F腸荍 ]iliini若 菌 鍤 |:荍li酎 il[]:|:: I] 芿 1趌 酅 醝 I:芫花 I芫腂 d ttll莀g :f菌 EIFf苦 软腂 Fl ::i::::ti]:]i:|::::tli:i]il:iiii FttrmmL l设 邛 Ittl豃 関 i::n:fdlllkn: 腔 TL臧 腷菌 臧 Ifr:菌 ::::t:]:::ie菌 il若 :lef韆 :1[111轔 BECTION VI DEVELOPMENT AND CONBTNUCTION PERIOD 6,1 Tlnetable,_ The Contractor shalI complete the deveropment or -ttE--roii. in.iiaiig the con6tructlon of production facil-ities. rvlthin rhi;ty:;;x (36) nonthE fron rhe submission or the Decraratlon .i- r.ri'rr"e n"u"iuiiilyl- uuu-#tt a" :;;1.;X:"""ion based on iustrfribru-r-.uEonu ae rhe secreriry may 6.2鞝 .腜 鿎 鎶 驱 report. within a) AnEu_g! _ The Contractor shall- submit an annuat sixtv (oo1 c.yn uil-ui-iecember tr which states the maior. ac.tivitie;, -llni.uo*unta of eacti. year during the year covdred, i""f"o-fn-g _#;:'assayE, and expendltures anarysis and prosress rock and mlnerar geoloslcar'unJ'uirir;;;"p';";; lJri"g development and construltlon- puiloJl- -- tn" 8ECT赈 oN v荆 荆 OPERATING PERIoD l腔 臧lisplli::th[賡 苜 lilililililij苜 芴 腝 7.3 Reportinq. 腜- 3eginning with the first the b) Annua l contractor I r,iT 諓 詍 h豒 of each Calendar year 腶 intta臨 :遄 f鑂 detaiL: 襗 i: 1) The total tonnage of ore reserves whether proven, probable, or Inferrea; tne 'xIna_ny_-xinjl total tonnage of oree, ,nrlx"n down between tonnaqes mlned,'tonnagJ" -i,ranspor:tec from the mines ana ' tfie-ir ,Lr"r"uponainq des-tin-ation, tonnages stockpiled in the mine and ersewhere tn -the nhllip;i;";;' tonnases sold or conmltted to be soid.-Ir"c-Jir,fttea ro. export (whether . actually from the Phj.Ilppines or not), "hipp;" tonna'ges .6f""ffV shipped from, the phirlpplnes lwitrr-iuri-JJ[iir. u= ro purchaser, desrrn^atl.on i;;;"-;i'uare1 , ana if known to the "na processed or contracrJr,-;;;";;.". refined, manufactured in t-r..-,pniifppi""l with fuI] ="eciricitlJn" '"=u= '', ,o intermediar" prtau.i=, - !v:ii.auii" or the tJ- finar /t/1 , \P-,_ productB and of the telms at whlch they were dlsposed; 11) WOrk accomplll ( :11苅 ft腔 菄 related to th( the investment lll) PrOfile of w( fili l::顫 iV) OWnership of [1:n:11[腶 r膌 particularly with l respect tO nat ]Ct膋 跚:芺 i[ litlti[: 迣 ib:SI::Si荪 荍 ffFa::腷 腂 辸:[1 雴 8ECTIoN VIII PIBCAL RECIME :3賡 ti:腵 ]苜 臧 :i: lili::i::i:ililii:!ii`c軱 ::::t:tilthliC8:i:::::ili:臧 e. )investment a110wance based i跥 閏 3mri:芬 觘 le苦 F ::]1:r)躵 lfadq芴 :Ft'lilllyl:iiht[:i: 腶 莲 :::|:i腶 臧 i腂 8ECTIoN Ix 腌 8ECT赈 oN x RIGHTs AND OBL赈 CAT赈 ON OF THE PARTIES 膡0,l oblicrati腂 ,s Q荆 腜 tlle cOntraotOr The contractOr shall: I轭 tlilliCl:lil腵芫 菌 I腸 ]郄 ]:lrililliI:譧 轋:i:膋 ::il :[il裻 )駡 [i袟 ::li闡 访 顗 lJ辑 費 莆 釹腂 豑 遄 蹘 轤 轭 fli讖 躯 鏱 r:腵 荾 荾芫 L鏱 Lillrlittl:r鱢 腵:膋i: ] [:芶 閁 荱 腶 ;r::S:eci腸 Alllellltil[F芳 :[li險 [':|:A:酎 liLilliliY::i::::[ ];:li111111li腒 1:ilfli轮 腶 ll::膫 ieilaliv::il:il菌 ![:i:sii::::;[! il 譔 臨 i11171膌 鍤c腸 臨 芨 s膌 韆 :r ns in accOrdance with existing law腸 l)rulesP:Xdi::菌 臧 1腶 lloR:ligati膋 :腡 :nlof:软 f腶 菌 J::荱 詀 鞯li:l:lltttxl'littlili若 臧 譅 1:igiliil::i:[i:::il::| (j) Allow adcess to expl-oraLlon and produc Eicrn 腜 "f 膍 sites and operations by inspectors authorj.zed by the covernment; and (k) Recognlze gnd. -reepect the rlghte, customs traditlone of rndtgenous trIbaI comnunltle; over thelr ancestral lands, if any . develop (I) contribute to national. deveLopment by helping the host and neighborlng'-.iimunrcr"g or the contract Area, rocar geosclence- ana mlnfirg tecrrnorogy, -1ni"-riiiqutrng Envlronmental effects of Minlng op"i.utlon* D€velopnent g:f llost and Notqhborlng Conmunltleal i) The Contractor shaII coordinate slth proper authorities in. providing developr.nt - plur]"- ro. the host and neighboring conmunrrres ii) The contractoi__ 5tr31f,.help creat.e self-susraining, i ncome-generating activit.ies', u= but not Iimited to, reforest,ation "".t needed by the and production of goods and ,;;;i;;; mine. iii) The contractor s-ha I-1" give preference to Fllipj.no citizens, . -resIa'LnCe partlcutarry ot its nosi--ind nelghborlng conununitles- in n illn! per6onnel for j.ts MIning operatione.. rf nocess"iv are currently not avalIabIe, "liii"-iiil--"*pLti"" prepare and undertake a the Contractoi must prograrn withln the flrst training and recru Itment at its expense year of coirrnerclai t;.dr;it;; Dev€loDment of Geoscienco ancl Ulnersl Technoloqv: i) The Contractor, in the course of lts operations, shaLl produce geologlcal, g"opi,Vii"aI, ;;il;;;;;i and other types of rnips.and i"ptit" 1;,".;i;;";;;;t and nomenclature coneletenE'wftn fnt"rilil"-;;i,i; accepted practlcea and gtandards. ii) The Contractor .sha1l systematlcally keep the data generated from the Contract Area such as coreE, . assay6 and other related information. l;.i;;i:: economic and financial, r,;i;;.-i;:i; accesslbls to students, "nJ-'"-i,ur-i', r6sponslble f or ruieur"hurs and other persons technology after - de;r"o;-i;;-!uI""i"n"" and nlneral declassitication. ili) The CoNTRACTOR ehaII transfer to the Government or Iocal minins company the techntlogy it r"y.;;;;,;.;^ tlr:- . exprorat-ion-, - d"v;j;;;;;t, and commerciar utillzatlon of minerals 1n thi-Contract Area, 腒 w Environmental Impact Statenent (EIS) nust be nade according to the forrn prescribed by proper Government authorltles and shall be requlred component of any of the feasibility studles of the mIne. Theee actlvlttse nuet, bo r€f l"ected clearly In the approprlate Work program. An Environmental cornpllance Certlflcate (Ecc) shalI be secured first bv the CONTRACTOR prior to the conduct of any rnine development works ln the Contract Area. 1O,2 Riohtg p5[ the Contlactor. - . The Contractor shall: (a) Have the rlght to conduct Mintng Operatlons in the contract Area in accordance with the terms arid .;"aiai;;; hereof膌 (b) Have the right of possession of the Cont.ract Area, with f uLr right of ingfeee una' egr.su - uno- ti.," .isi.,t to occupy the same. subJect to the surface aid easenent riqhtl. - (c) _ Have the right to use and access to all :::1:=:lii:3 .qeoI?si-c-al, seophyslcalf drilring producr,ion and oEner 1n!ornat,ron held by the covernnent or egeicy or enterprise thereof now or in the future, relatlng to the -Cont'ract A;;;;' or.otherwise (d) Have the- rlght to se1I,.asslgn, transfer, convey under thj.s dispose of. al.r its rights, inter6st.s inJ ouii.qitro". Agreement subject to th6 approval of the covernient. _ (e) subJect to appllcabl.e laws and regul_atlons, to emplgy_ .or bring inro rhe rnirlppines foreltn -a;;h;i;;1 ' .;; specialized personnel (including iire rmmeaiate-nrer,uers' or -tn"i, faniries) as may be requlred_ ln iire operatlons or it"-Contractor, provided, that if the emproyment. donnection o C--"u.ir'-r*u rgn per'ona wlth the contracior - cea6ea, the apfIi.aui.--rurJ ana regulations on Immlgratlon shall apply tt thern. regulations (f) rnjoy, subject to pertinent law6, rules and use of and the rights or third puiiiu", ."r...nl'.iin1i *.," tinber, water and naturar re"'ouic.s in the contri6[-a1""; . (g) Have ttre rlght of repatrlatlon of capltal and remitt,ance of proflts, dlvldenag una-iiit"r""t o; I;u;;;-"i,ti""t to exixting laws, and Central aank r,Ies', ana regufatlon,";-ina . (h) Have. t.he rlght to import when necessary all esuip,m.ent, . spare parrs, and raw .n" operations i-n accordance with ^JJJ.rJ";;si';;:;-Ti existing iir= una i;q=;lu-t i;n=-.' 10.3 Obliqations of the Government The Governnent shaII: full (a) Ensure that contractor has the covernnent/B this cooperarion in the exercis"-;;-Ih;- rrshts ;;;rt;-i;"'unaer Agreement; 腌 腌 ,荭 豒 荻 :鏱 说 l赼  angements wi膡 膡 in no event reduce 3overnment膌 B rights hereunder. SECTIoN X荇 ASSETS AND EQUIPMENT eelll腶 nlx 9bl:311::1ll臧 醂 菌eFili腵 :酝:芲 Yil]::iinil:itili:l::::鏯 )ns. 躂   閾 闣]閙 t ttf邉 ]:Il证 遵 :諃 lttilTtti RIttf轒 腂 llc:腵 SECTION XV , OTIIER PROVTSIONS 15..1 Notice, AII notlces, denands and other oonmunlcatlons requlred or pernitted hareunder 6halr b; *iJ"- i.'"ii€i;;';; ;;"i.;i. or telecopy and shall be deened to frave Leen Outy glven ln the case of telex or telecopy notice if answer back or conflrmation received, or if dellv6red by frand upon recelpt or ten 'b:ins deposited tn the matr, days after addressed as follous: "i;;"ii-;;J.ii"-l""oiio and ,If to the Governnent -- The secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dept. of Natural Resouces Bldq. Visayas Avonue, DlIiman, {2uez6n city If to the Contractor -- Case Construction and Development Corporatj-on 546 p. Gomez corner Ronqulllt Sts. Quiapo, ManIIa .. Either party may substitute or change such address on r,iotice thereof to the other party. 15.2 coverninq Law . - -Tfrlr Agreement and the reration betweeii the partles hereto shalr be qoverned bv and construed-in JJ"oraance uith the the Republic of the efrifippines, -- -' -- laws of .15. J suspension cI gbligatlons (a) Any failure of delay on the pa.rt of any party in the Perfornance of its obrigatitnu- hereunder sharr be excused to the extent. ".'-o,itr"a att;ibutablu io f,or.. Majeure. (b) If minlng op_eratione are.delayed, curtailed or prevented by euch Force .Mal6ur6 causes, tnen tnJ' iii" -ril" :19!t"-and, carrylig out ttre 'orifgatf-;ne rhereby "ln!""v'i"n"o an. .erm of rhls Aqreemenr and arr iijn-to -una affected, thc sharl be extendid tor . o[ii#tiir,"""r.,""]1inau, a perloJ-";JJi'; iire perloa thus involved. (c) The partv whose .ability to perform its obligations affected (r) shari Dronptly q1"; lr.ii5" the other 1s of any such ' 'p""rr"rmance, in wrir.ing delav' or r"irii.- i" -ro duration thereof ; -.a" -;iai"ip""lla ef f ecr the expe c t ed expected ""d -u"" on the. narty to perform, and (ii) 1ts best efforts to t. "f,uTi : ;l i I. iJ; i "JiJi r [r' J" i u.t v . r, u1T 1 u n-o u", u n y 3 r.' X"'rl'. # li "ffi "- 15.4 Anendments any This Agreenent shall-. not be annulLed, amended or modified respect except by nutuar writing in approvar "on"urJl"n - of the parties i;li:;r*:1. or the pr"J:"Io-r,r*"or ir,.""nJpruiil '.?' tn" r5.5. Reqistratlon gf Aqreement, .y- /t- 菋 The Contractor shall cause the reglstration of this Agreement to the DEI'IR Regionar office concerned within thirty (30) calendar days of its approval. IN WITNESS WHEREOF膌 Parties theheret.o have execut.ed this Agreement膌 Of day and year a膜flrst above wr ltten , CASE CONSTRUCTIoN AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORAT10N OF THE PHILIPPINES BY: BY: 軂 v膆 tr膍 FUL"苞 NC膡 0 8. FACTORAN膌 腶 R. Pre6 ident, ::Ctiti[軱 n:[nth:n:e軝 :莂tr:it Resources SICNED lN THE PRESENCE OF ]7 V ACKNOWLEDCMEHT= REPUBLIC OP THB PHILIPPINES CITY OF OIInzoN S, S. UUIOnU XE, o Notary Puh,IIc, for and In tbo Clty of ()uozolr , phlllpplnos, pcrsonally appoared puLGENciO S. FAC'.IORAN, JR. , wlth llesldencs Cortlf lcats Ns. 20411'/,,l 2 lssued on ] Z-lebruarv 1991 _ ----;t n;'" r-"--ttW- l secretary of Enviroruoent and Natural nesource-- and-iepiedEiEiig the _ Republic of the Phllipplnes and t{BLIIvo H. VIE,GLRA, uittr Residence certificate No. ,腁 _鞹 腒,,O菈 = iSSued knovn to roe and to ne knoun to bo the 6a!re persons lrho exesuted the forogoing. J\groeloent conslstJ-ng of tventy-one (21) page6, lncJ.udlng thls page strere aclcnohr l edguent - 1s rriftten ancl acknolrledged that the same is their free and voluntary acts and deeds of the entlties herein representeil. set uy hand and affixed uy I:t臨 願費臨TTL腅 Tl1992 .1鎙 鎥 , ' ur.rTrl nEc. y/$92 2 Q.C腅 Doc, No. onz Pt'R llo. 1O5''2tt9 - rase xo.-lll- Dook Ho . -]..- Ser1ee oT-r5--!z nrd/ cbr 18