SEP 1 3 2017 + NORTHSTAR OFFSHORE VENTURES LLC ADJUDICATION SECTION 11 Greenway Plaza Suite 2800 (713)626-9696 Houston, Texas 77046 FAX (713) 626-3444 Via Overnisht Delivery September 12, 2017 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Adjudication Unit 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd. New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2390 Re: Non-Required Filing - Assignment, Conveyance and Bill of Sale Dear Land Law Examiner: Please find attached an Assignment, Conveyance and Bill of Sale by and between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC (3217) and Northstar Offshore Ventures LLC (3520). We respectfully request this document be placed within the Non-Required files under the category indicated below. Document Title: Assignment, Conveyance and Bill of Sale Parties: Northstar Offshore Group, LLC (3217), as Assignor to Northstar Offshore Ventures LLC (3520), as Assignee File Under Category: #7 "'Contracts, Agreements, and Conveyances" Leases Affected: Ship Shoal Block 253 OCS-G 1031 A Pay-Gov receipt in the amount of $29.00 is enclosed representing the captioned lease. Should you have any questions regarding these submittals, please contact the undersigned at (713) 386-1040. Sincerely, Sherry Gosnell Property Administration Manager SherryAVord/Acq & Div/NOV 2017-Non-Required Filings-BOEM SS 253 ABOS Non-Req Cvr Ltr NOG-to-NOV.doc 5 o I fl SEP 1 3 2017 ASSIGNMENT, CONVEYANCE AND BILL OF SALE ADJUDICATION SECTION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § THIS ASSIGNMENT, CONVEYANCE AND BILL OF SALE (this "Assignmenr), dated effective as of August 1,2017 at 12:01 a.m. Central Daylight Time (the "Effective Time"), is made by NORTHSTAR OFFSHORE GROUP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, whose address is 11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2800, Houston, Texas 77046 ("Assignor") to Northstar Offshore Ventures LLC a Delaware limited liability company whose address is 15 Appledore Lane, Natural Bridge, VA 247578 ("Assignee"). This Assignment is executed and delivered in connection with and pursuant to the terms of that certain Asset Purchase Agreement by and between Assignor and Assignee dated August 2, 2017 (the "Asset Purchase Agreement"). Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Asset Purchase Agreement. 1. Assignment. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Assignor does hereby SELL, ASSIGN, CONVEY AND TRANSFER unto Assignee, all of Assignor's right, title, and interest in and to the following (collectively, the "Assets"): (a) All of the oil and gas leases; subleases and other leaseholds; net profits interests; carried interests; farmout rights; options; contractual rights; and other properties and interests described on Exhibit A (collectively, the "Leases"), together with each and every kind and character of right, title, claim, and interest that Assignor has in and to the lands covered by the Leases or the lands currently pooled, unitized, communitized or consolidated therewith (collectively, the "Lands"); (b) All oil, gas, water, disposal or injection wells shown on Exhibit A-1 whether producing, shut-in, pr temporarily or permanently abandoned, and any other oil, gas, water, disposal or injection wells located on or associated with the Lands, even if not shown on Exhibit A-1, whether producing, shut-in, or temporarily or permanently abandoned (collectively, the "Wells"); (c) All pools and units shown on Exhibit A-1, and all pools and units which include any Lands or all or a part of any Leases or include any Wells (the "Units"; the Units, together with the Leases, Lands and Wells, being hereinafter referred to as the "Properties"), and including all interest of Assignor derived from the Leases in production of Hydrocarbons from any such Unit, whether such Unit production of Hydrocarbons comes from Wells located on or off of a Lease, and all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances belonging to the Leases and Units; Page 1 NOG.NOV.Assignment Conveyance and Bill of #5508415 (d) All contracts, agreements, and instruments by which the Properties are bound, or that relate to or are otherwise applicable to the Properties, only to the extent such contracts are valid and existing and applicable to the Properties rather than Assignor's other properties, including but not limited to, operating agreements, unitization, pooling and communitization agreements, declarations and orders, joint venture agreements, farmin and farmout agreements, exploration agreements, participation agreements, exchange agreements, transportation or gathering agreements, agreements for the sale and purchase of oil, gas, casinghead gas or processing agreements to the extent applicable to the Properties or the Hydrocarbons produced from the Properties, including but not limited to those identified on Exhibit A-2 (collectively, the 'Contracts"), but excluding any master service agreements and any contracts, agreements and instruments to the extent transfer is restricted by third-party agreement or applicable Law and the necessary consents to transfer are not obtained pursuant to Section 6.5 of the Asset Purchase Agreement and provided that "Contracts" shall not include the instruments constituting the Leases or Easements; (e) All easements, permits, licenses, servitudes, rights-of-way, surface leases and other surface rights and all contracts, agreements, and instruments by which they are bound (collectively, the "Easements") appurtenant to, and used or held for use in connection with the Properties (including those identified on Exhibit A-3), but excluding any permits and other rights to the extent transfer is restricted by third-party agreement or applicable Law and the necessary consents to transfer are not obtained pursuant to Section 6.5 of the Asset Purchase Agreement; (f) All platforms, equipment, machinery, fixtures and other tangible personal property and improvements set forth on Exhibit A-4 and all other platforms, equipment, machinery, fixtures and other tangible personal property and improvements located on the Properties or used, or held for use, in connection with the operation of the Business, including all furniture, equipment and other personal property located in Assignor's office located at 11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2800, Houston, Texas, 77046 (collectively, "Equipment"), (g) All flow lines, pipelines, gathering systems and appurtenances thereto set forth on Exhibit A-5 and all flow lines, pipelines, gathering systems and appurtenances thereto located on the Properties or used, or held for use, in connection with the operation ofthe Business (collectively, "Pipelines" and, together with the Equipment and Wells, "Personal Property"); (h) All Hydrocarbons produced from, located on or otherwise attributable to, the Leases, Lands, and Wells from and after the Effective Time; (i) All Imbalances as set forth on Schedule 4.14. ofthe Asset Purchase Agreement; (j) All lease files; land files; well files; gas and oil sales contract files; gas processing files; division order files; abstracts; title opinions; land surveys; environmental surveys, inspections, assessments, and reports; logs; maps; engineering data and reports; interpretive data, technical evaluations and technical outputs; reserve studies Page 2 Asof7-N-17 and evaluations, to the extent delivered to Buyer prior to the date hereof; and other books, records, data, files, and accounting records, in each case to the extent related to the Business, the Assumed Liabilities or Assets, or used or held for use in connection with the maintenance or operation thereof, but excluding (i) any books, records, data, files, logs, maps, evaluations, outputs, and accounting records to the extent disclosure or transfer would result in a violation of applicable Law or is restricted by any Transfer Requirement that is not satisfied pursuant to Section 6.5 of the Asset Purchase Agreement, (ii) computer or communications software or intellectual property (including tapes, codes, data and program documentation and all tangible manifestations and technical information relating thereto), (iii) attorney- client privileged communications and work product of Assignor's or any of its Affiliates' legal counsel (other than title opinions), (iv) reserve studies and evaluations other than any that have been delivered to Buyer prior to the date hereof, and (v) records relating to the negotiation and consummation of the sale ofthe Assets (subject to such exclusions, the "Records"); provided, however, that Assignor may retain the originals of such Records as Assignor has reasonably determined may be required for existing litigation, tax, accounting, and auditing purposes; ' (k) All Geological Data (provided it is not subject to a Transfer Requirement that is not satisfied pursuant to Section 6.5 of the Asset Purchase Agreement), including without limitation the Geological Data listed on Schedule 1.2(k) to the Asset Purchase Agreement, and all reserve estimates and economic estimates related to the Properties prepared by Assignor or its Affiliates; (I) All computers, software (provided it is transferable), specialty tools, SCADA systems, peripherals, radio equipment, and telephone equipment, except as .listed in Schedule 1.3(h) to the Asset Purchase Agreement; (m) AH proprietary and other computer software to the extent transferrable; (n) To the extent transferrable pursuant to applicable Law, all Governmental Authorizations; (o) All trade credits, account receivables, note receivables, take-or-pay amounts receivable, and other receivables, attributable to the Assets with respect to (any period prior to the Effective Time, solely to the extent that any such receivables are owed to Seller by a party entitled to a payment under a Senior Statutory Lien, a Cure Amount or other Assumed Liability, up to the amount of the Assumed Liability payable to such party and, (ii) any period of time on or after the Effective Time; (p) Subject to Section 8.12 of the Asset Purchase Agreement, all right, title, and interest in and to all causes of action, including claims under directors and officers insurance policies and any rights of insurance in connection therewith, whether or not related to the Properties; (q) The tradename "Northstar" and all registered or unregistered logos, trademarks, symbols, service marks, copyrights, trade names, or other intellectual property Page 3 As of 7-14-17 associated with the Business (including applications or pending applications thereof); and (r) All premium payments, premium advances, collateral and escrowed funds provided in connection with any ofthe Seller's bonds that relate to the Assets, including all Replacement Bonds and all rights, but not obligations of Seller in all collateral, funds or credit support (including letters of credit) provided in connection with any such bond. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the Assets do not include and specifically exclude any and all of the Excluded Assets. It is the intent of Assignor to convey and this Assignment hereby conveys to the Assignee, subject to the terms of the Asset Purchase' Agreement and to the reservations and conditions herein contained, from and after the Effective Time, Assignor's interests in the Assets, subject to Permitted Liens, regardless of errors in description, any incorrect or misspelled names, or any mis-transcribed or incorrect recording references. 2. Excluded Assets. Assignor specifically excepts from this Assignment and reserves unto itself, as applicable, the Excluded Assets, which are identified on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3- Special Warranty of Title. Assignor represents and warrants that (i) this Assignment is made and the Assets are being conveyed, in each case free and clear of all Liens and Claims (other than the Assumed Liabilities and the Permitted Encumbrances); and (ii) this Assignment is made by Assignor unto Assignee with a special warranty of Defensible Title for any person claiming by through and/or under Assignor or its Affiliates, but not otherwise, to the Units and Wells shown on Exhibit A-1 as to the interests shown thereon, subject to the Permitted Encumbrances ("Special Warranty"). Except as set forth above, this assignment is otherwise without any warranty of title of any kind, express implied or statutory or otherwise. Assignee's protection under the Special Warranty is limited as to the Allocated Values, as set forth in the Asset Purchase Agreement. 4. Asset Purchase Agreement. This Assignment is subject to the Asset Purchase Agreement, and nothing in this Assignment shall operate to limit, release or impair any of Assignor's or Assignee's respective rights, obligations, remedies, or indemnities in the Asset Purchase Agreement. To the extent the terms and provisions of this Assignment are in conflict or inconsistent with the terms and provisions of the Asset Purchase Agreement, the terms and provisions of the Asset Purchase Agreement shall control. 5. Successors and Permitted Assi gns. This Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Assignee and Assignor and their respective successors and permi tted assigns. [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW.] Page 4 As of 7-14-17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives ofthe parties hereto have executed this instrument before the undersigned competent witnesses on the date of the acknowledgment annexed hereto, but effective for all purposes as of the Effective Time. WITNESSES: ASSIGNOR: £7 . - NORTHSTAR OFFSHORE GROUP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Print name: By:. Name: David L. Dean Title: President & CEO WITNESSES: ASSIGNEE: NORTHSTAR OFFSHORE VENTURES LLC, Print naime: /\ -^fn, fc7 &tw\y J*^ a DejCvlare limited liability company Print name: P ^ • |p>«9^4 W Name: Thomas M. Clarke Title: Chief Executive. Officer Page 5 STATE OF LOUISIANA § § PARISH OF ORLEANS § BE IT KNOWN, that on this _2_j^day of Auri/sT , 2017, before me, the undersigned authority, and in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, personally came and appeared David L. Dean appearing herein in his capacity as President & CEO of NORTHSTAR OFFSHORE GROUP, LLC, to me personally known to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as the said officer of said limited liability company, and declared and acknowledged to me, Notary, that he executed the same on behalf of said limited liability company with full authority of said limited liability company, and that the said instrument is the free act and deed of the said limited liability company and was executed for the uses, purposes and benefits therein expressed, WITNESSES: [Appearer] 7 Print ya\ne: /LvwT * ame: "H - Notary Public Print name: AntbonyJC. Marino My Commission Expires: Notary Public Commission Number: gaash-oiQrieans, State of Louisiana [S EAL] y Commission is Issued for Life. M Louisiana Bar Roll No. 17307 Page 6 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF ORLEANS BE IT KNOWN, that on this day of PrU'*yj ST 2017, before me, the undersigned authority, and in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, personally came and appeared Thomas M. Clarke appearing herein in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer of NORTHSTAR OFFSHORE VENTURES LLC, to me personally known to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as the said officer of said limited liability company, and declared and acknowledged to me, Notary, that he executed the same on behalf of said limited liability company with full authority of said limited liability company, and that the said instrument is the free act and deed of the said liability company and was executed for the uses, purposes and benefits therein expressed. 1^[TNESSES; Notzary Public Print name: -An&onyJC-Marino My Commission Expires: Commission Number: ,-State of Louisiana [SEAL] My Commission is Issued for Life. Louisiana Bar Roll No. 17307 Page 7 NOG.NOV.Assignmenl Conveyance and Dill of EXHIBIT "A" LEASES FEDERAL AND STATE OF LOUISIANA LEASES: Lease Ownership Area Block No. Lease Date Lessor Original Lessee Lease/Aliquot Description Rights Eugene 32 OCS-0196 11/26/46 United States The Pure Oil Company All of Block 32, Eugene Island Area, as to those depths from 13,500' to Operating Island of America 50,000' MD. (Deep Rights only). Rights #2 Eugene 183 OCS-G 17981 8/1/1997 United States Elf Exploration, Inc. All of Block 183, Eugene Island Area, OCS Leasing Map, touisiana Map Record Title Island of America No. 4. Eugene 184 OCS-6 5498 7/1/1983 United States OdecOdecoo Oi Oill & & Ga Gass Compan Company y All of Block 184, Eugene Island Area, OCS Leasing Map No. 4. Record Title Island of America MonsantMonsantoo Oi Oill Compan Company y (Aliquot A) MurphMurphyy Oi Oill Corporatio Corporation n S/2 AH of Block 1S4, Eugene Island Area, OCS Leasing Map No. 4. Record Title (Aliquot B) N/2 High Island A-443 OCS-G 3241 9/1/1975 United States Mobil Oil Corporation All of Block A-443, High Island Area, South Addition, as shown on OCS Record Title of America Diamond Shamrock Corporation Official Leasing Map, Texas Map No. 7B. Union Oil Company of California E/2 NE/4 of Biock A-443, High Island Area, South Addition, from surface Operating io 99,999' TVD. Rights #1 Contractual Obligation: Northstar is obligated to offer W&T the Contractual opportunity to participate (at 50% of our interest) should Northstar Obligation elect to perform operations to the #1 Well. See Project Summary information and specific language regarding this obligation in Section 7.09 of the PSA between W&T & Black Elk dated eff ective 9/14/2009. High Island A-571 OCS-G 2391 8/1/1973 United States TexaTexass Pacifi Pacificc Oi Oill Company Company,, Inc Inc. . All of Block A-571, High Island Area, South Addition, Official Leasing Record Title of America EEll Pas Pasoo Natura Naturall Ga Gass Compan Company y Map, Texas Map No. 7B CNCNGG Producin Producingg Compan Company y S/2 SE/4 NE/4; E/2 SE/4; E/2 NW/4 SE/4; AND E/2 SW/4 SE/4 of Block A- Operating 571, High Island Area, South Addition, and then INSOFAR AND ONLY Rights INSOFAR AS to the Glob Alt Sand Reservoir, defined as that productive #1 zone occurring within the interval 12,519 feet TVD and 13,028 feet TVD, electric log, in well #C-22. Main Pass 64 OCS-G 4909 12/1/1981 United States Howell Peroleum Corporation That portion of Block 64, Main Pass Area, Louisiana Map No.10, which Record Title of America is more than three geographical miles seaward from the line described in the supplemental decree of the U. S. Supreme Court, June 16, 1975 (United States vs. Louisiana, 422 U.S. 13) As of 7-7-17 Orinoco Page 1 of7 Lease Ownership Area Block No. Lease Date Lessor Original Lessee Lease/Aliquot Description Rights Main Pass 64 CONTINUED That portion of Block 64, Main Pass Area, from Surface to 9,000' - Less Title Depth and Except as to the 7300' Sand Unit. Surface to 9,000' TVD. Includes #1 Wells #S-ST2, #7 #10 #11 #15 #B-21 Shortstring & B-22 ST1 Wells That portion of Block 64, Main Pass Area, covers depths from, but not Title Depth including, 9,000' to a depth 100' below the correlative point #2 encountered at TVD 8,960' in the Howell Petroleum #1 Well. (No welis currently producing in this zone) That portion of Block 64, Main Pass Area, covers depths below a depth Title Depth of 100% below the correlative point encountered at a TVD depth of #3 8,960' in the Howell Petroleum #1 Well (less and Except as to Deep Operating Rights in the S/2 below, 11,500'). No wells currently producing in this zone That portion of Block 64, Main Pass Area, INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR Operating AS the lease covers the South Half (51/2) ofthe block, below the Rights stratigraphic equivalent of 11,500' subsea as seen on the electric log on #1 the OCS-G 4909 Well #20. Known as "Deep Operating Rights". Unit covers the 7300' Sand Reservoir as that productive zone occurring Unit Interests within the interval from 7323 feet to 7482 feet, as in Well #11, Lease OCS-G 4909 within the Unit Area containing a total of 1879 acres. Note: NRI in Unit can change based upon meeting various accumulations of production. Main Pass 65 OCS-G 5692 7/1/1983 United States Total Petroleum, Inc. All of Block 65, Main Pass Area, OCS Leasing Map, Louisiana Map No. Record Title of America 10. All of Block 65, Main Pass Area, OCS Leasing Map, Louisiana Map No. Title Depth 10. Record Titles to depths from the surface to stratigraphic equivalent #1 of 8,600' TVD in the Total Petroleum Main Pass 64 A-2 well (Less and Except the 73,000' Sand Unit). All of Block 65, Main Pass Area as to depths from, but not including, the Title Depth stratigraphic equivalent of 8600' TVD in the Total Petroleum A-2 well to #2 a depth 100' below the correlative point at a TVD of 8,750' in the #2 Well. All of Block 65, Main Pass Area as to depths 100' below the correlative Title Depth point encountered at a TVD of 8,750' in the Total Petroleum #2 Well. '#3 As of7-7-17 Orinoco Page 2 of? Lease Ownership Area Block No. Lease Date Lessor Original Lessee Lease/Aliquot Description Rights Main Pass 65 CONTINUED Unit covers the 7300" Sand Reservoir as that productive zone occurring Unit Interests within the interval from 7323 feet to 7482 feet, as in Well #1.1, tease OCS-G 4909 within the Unit Area containing a total of 1879 acres. Note: NRI in Unit can change based upon meeting various accumulations of production. Main Pass 256 OCS-G 34386 8/1/2012 United States Northstar Offshore Group, LLC All of Block 256, Main Pass Area, South and East Addition, OCS Leasing Record Title of America Map, Louisiana Map No. 10A. Main Pass 257 OCS-G 34387 8/1/2012 United States Northstar Offshore Group, LLC All of Block 257, Main Pass Area, South and East Addition, OCS Leasing Record Title of America Map, Louisiana Map No. 10A. Ship Shoal 252 OCS-G 1529 7/1/1967 United States Union Oil Company of California Operating Rights as to the NE/4; N/2 SE/4 of Block 252, Ship Shoal Operating of America Marathon Oil Company Area, South Addition from 11,934 ' TVD to 13,513' TVD Rights #2 South 41 OCS-G 1192 6/1/1962 United States CALIFORNIA OIL COMPANY All of Block 41, South Marsh Island Area, as shown on official leasing Record Title Marsh of America map LA. No. 3A, Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Map, Louisiana Island Offshore Operations. E/2 of Block 41, South Marsh Island Area, limited to depths from Operating 11,500' TVD down to a depth of 50,000'TVD - fess and except the Rights contractual rights. (* NOG owns no rights in the E/2 in depths from #2 the surface to 11,500' TVD). W/2 of Block 41, South Marsh Island Area, limited to depths from Operating 15,000' TVD down to a depth of 50,000' TVD. Rights #3 South 41 CONTINUED Contractual Obligation: The NE/4 NE/4 of SM 41 as to the stratigraphic Contractual Marsh equivalents of the 4 intervals as seen in the No. A-1 Well at the Obligation Island stratigraphic intervals: 1) C-1 Sands between 12,540'-12,600' TVD; , 2) 13,700' Sands between 12,870-13,320' TVD; 3) E-l Sand between 13,460'-13,780' TVD; And, as seen on the induction log ofthe OCS-G 1192 (SMI 41) No. A-3 Well at the stratigraphic interval: 4) Rob E Sand between 13,800'-14,330' TVD South Pass 86 OCS-G 5687 7/1/1983 United States Marathon Oil Company All of Block 86, South Pass Area, South and East Addition, OCS Leasing Record Title of America Amerada Hess Corporation Map, Louisiana Map No. 9A. The Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. As of 7-7-17 Orinoco Page 3 of 7 Lease Ownership Area Block No. Lease Date Lessor Original Lessee Lease/Aliquot Description Rights OKC Limited Partnership Contractual Obligation: Northstar is obligated to offer W&T the Contractual opportunity' to participate (at 50% of our interest) should Northstar Obligation elect to perform operations to the #C-13 Well (aka the #C-5 well) or the #C-8 Well. See Project Summary information and specific language regarding this obligation in Section 7.09 of the PSA between W&T & Black Elk dated effective 9/14/2009. Northstar's WI would change to 37.5000% should W&T elect to participate in this well. South Pass 87 OCS-G 7799 9/1/1985 United States Marathon Oil Company All of Block 87, South Pass Area, South and East Addition, OCS Leasing Overriding of America Amerada Hess Corporation Map, Louisiana Map No. 9A Royalty The Louisiana Land and Exploraiton Co. Interest OKC Limited Partnership Only South Pass 89 OCS-G 1618 7/1/1967 United States Signal Oil & Gas Company Contractual: NE/4 of Biock 89. South Pass Area, South and East Addition Contractual of America The Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. from 14,000' SSTVD to 17500' SSTVD. Contractual Ownership in "C" Marathon Oil Company Wells. Amerada Petroleum Corp. Wells #C-1, C-4; C-6 & C-10 have a SP 89 BHL, with a SHL in SP 86 and holds a 50% WI. Viosca Knoll 697 OCS-G 34870 7/1/2013 United States Northstar Offshore Group, LLC All of Block 697, Viosca Knoll, OCS Official Protraction Diagram, NH 16- Record Title of America 07. West 20 OCS-0680 8/1/1959 United States The British-American Oil Producing Co. Block 20, West Cameron Area. That portion in Zone 2, as that zone is Record Title Cameron of America defined in the agreement between the United States and the State of Louisiana, October 12, 1956, as shown on official leasing map. La. Map No. 1 Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Map (Louisiana offshore operations) Portion of Block 20, West Cameron Area, INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR Operating as the lease covers depths from 13,500' TVD down to a depth of Rights 50,000' TVD. ni Portion of Block 20, West Cameron Area, as to that portion described Contractual as contributing 210 acres in the uppermost portion of this lease - Rights subject to a 1% Overriding Royalty Interest regardless as to whether drilling is in Record Title or Operating Rights depths. West 21 OCS-G 23730 7/1/2002 Unrted States The William G. Helis Company, L.L.C. That portion of Block 21, West Cameron Area, OCS Leasing Map, Record Title Cameron of America Houston Energy, L.P. Louisiana Map No. 1, seaward of the 1975 Supreme Court Decree Line Duke Energy Hydrocarbons, LLC specifically described in the OCS Block Diagram. As of 7-7-17 Orinoco Page 4 of? Lease Ownership Area Block Ko. Lease Date Lessor Original Lessee Lease/Aliquot Description Rights Contractual area with Record Title Interest, but the ORRI burden in this Contractual portion which Includes wells located in depths from the surface to base "A" of the P3 Sand in any wellbore or future wellbore within the E/2 SE/4 NE/4; & E/2 NE/4 SE/4 in WC 21 with a BHL or perf located within 500' of the West Lease line of WC 22. (Currently the #2 well). This Contractual "A" is less any well drilled within the "Southern Fault Block" as described below. Contractual area with Record Title Interest but the ORRI burdens vary Contractual in this portion within the "Southern Fault Block " Limited to depths "B" from the surface to the base of the P3 Sand in any wellbore drilled on "Southern WC 21 in the SE/4 SE/4; & SE/4 SW/4 SE/4; and which has a BHL or perf Fault in the above described location of WC 21; and the BHL or per interval is Block" located with 2,000' ofthe West lease line of WC 22. This "Southern Fault Block" holds a 3% ORRI burden in favor of Union Oil & Gas of California. WesWest t 444 4 OCS-OCS-GG 2153 21532 2 7/1/2007/1/2000 0 UniteUnitedd State States s IIPP Petroleu Petroleumm Company Company,, Inc Inc. . All of Block 44, West Cameron Area, OCS teasing Map, touisiana Map Record Title CameroCameron n ooff Americ America a ThThee Willia Williamm G G.. Heli Heliss Company Company,, LLC LLC. . No. 1. HoustoHoustonn Energy Energy,, Inc Inc. . The SE/4 NE/4; S/2 SW/4 NE/4; S/2 SE/4 NW/4; SE/4 SW/4 NW/4; E/2 Operating NW/4 SW/4; NE/4 SW/4; N/2 SE/4; NE/4 SE/4 SW/4; N/2 SW/4 SE/4 of Rights WC Block 44, West Cameron Area, insofar as the described portions #1 cover those depths from the surface down to 9,476' TVD. WesWest t 557 7 OCS-OCS-GG 2153 21534 4 7/1/2007/1/2000 0 UniteUnitedd State States s IIPP Petroleu Petroleumm Company Company,, Inc Inc. . All of Block 57, West Cameron Area, OCS Leasing Map, Record Title farriprnfarriprnn n nnff Amprir Amprira a ThThee Willia Williamm G G.. Heli Heliss Company Company,, L.LC L.LC. . HoustoHoustonn Energy Energy,, Inc Inc. . The N/2 NW/4 SW/4; S/2 SW/4 NW/4; NE/4 SW/4 NW/4; SW/4 SE/4 Operating NW/4; SW/4 NW/4 NE/4; S/2 NE/4 NW/4; SE/4 NW/4 NW/4; & N/2 Rights SE/4 NW/4 of Block 57, West Cameron Area, insofar as the described Ul portions cover those depths from the surface down to 16,000' TVD. Note: Re-Assignment obligation in favor of Chevron exists pursuant to the Participation Agreement dated 9/5/07 WesWest t 26269 9 OCS-OCS-GG 1356 13563 3 8/1/1998/1/1992 2 UniteUnitedd State States s ShelShelll Offshor Offshoree Inc Inc. . All of block 269, West Cameron Area, OCS Leasing Map No. 1. Record Title CameroCameron n ooff Americ America a W/2 NE/4 NE/4; SE/4 NE/4; N/2 NE/4 SE/4 of Block 269, West Cameron Operating Area, depths from the surface down to and including 12,805' TVD. Rights #1 As of 7/7/17 Orinoco As of 7-7-17 Orinoco- Paae 5 of 7 EXHIBIT "A.a" SURFACE LEASES SURFACE LEASE(s): Area/ Surface Effective Block Lease Name Date Lessor Lessee Description WC 20 Ivan Fisk Surface Lease 3/1/60 Barton L. Monro Northstar Offshore Group, LLC Surface Lease That certain tract of land in Sections 32, and 33 OCS-0680 Barton Fisk of Township 15 South, Range 13 West, more particularly Audra Cabral described as follows: Commencing at a point 251.6 feet West Dianne Hinch and 646 feet North 0 degrees 56 feet West 1320 feet to the Deena Greenhaw South Line of State Highway 292, thence East along the South line of said highway 360 feet, thence South 1320 feet, thence West 360 feet to the point of beginning. As of 7/7/17 Orinoco Page 6 of? EXHIBIT "A.b" P&A LIABILITY LEASES Terminated Leases with Associated Plugging and Abandonment Liabity: Area Block Lease No. Date Expired Operator P&A Liability Lease/Aliquot Description WI Eugene Island 133 OCS-G 33092 Expired Northstar Offshore P&A Liability for Removal of #1 Caisson All of Block 133, Eugene Island Area. 100.00000% 5/31/14 Group, LLC High Island A-442 OCS-G 11383 Terminated Northstar Offshore P&A Liability of all Wells and Removal of All of Block A-442, High Island Area,South 45.45452% 3/27/17 Group, LLC Platforms A & B Addition Ship Shoal • 201 OCS-G 31393 Relinquished Northstar Offshore P&A Uabillty for #A-6 Well (Well currently ALL OF BLOCK 201, Ship Shoal Area. 100.00000% 1/30/15 Group, LLC T&A) Ship Shoal 202 OCS-G 30241 Terminated Northstar Offshore P&A Liability for Removal of Platform A ALL OF BLOCK 202, Ship Shoal Area. 100.00000% 2/28/13 Group, LLC Ship Shoal 253 OCS-G 1031 Producing Northstar Offshore Future P&A Liability for Removal of ALL OF BLOCK 253, Ship Shoal Area. 6.93750% Group, LLC Platform F, but only at the time of expiration of SS 252 South Marsh 8 OCS-G 32155 Relinquished Northstar Offshore P&A Liability of the #1 Well (plugged but All of Block 8, South Marsh Island Area. 100.00000% Island 6/27/14 Group, LLC casing must be cut) West Delta 36 OCS-G 23956 Terminated Northstar Offshore P&A Liability of the #G-1 Well and the That portion of Block 36, West Delta Area, 88.75000% 10/31/2015 Group, LLC Removal of Platform "G" OCS teasing Map, Louisiana Map No. 8, seaward of the 1975 Supreme Court Decree Line specifically described in the following OCS Block Diagram, (see XY data) and Operating Rights As of 7/10/17 Orinoco Page 7 of7 EXHIBIT A-1 WELLS & UNITS AREA/ BLOCK LEASE # OPERATOR WELL NAME API STATUS WI NRI El 32 0196 Union Oil No Production in Held by Outside N/A 5,92500% 4.93750% Northstar Ownership Production ownership depths El 183 17981 Northstar A004 17-709-41215-00 Prod 100.00000% 83.33333% El 183 17981 Northstar A006 BP3 17-709-41469-03 Shut-In 100.00000% 83.33333% t El 183 17981 Northstar A007 ST 1 17-709-41471-01 Shut-In 100.00000% 83.33333% El 183 17981 Northstar A008 17-709-41486-00 Shut-In 100.00000% 83.33333% El 184 5498 Northstar A001 ST-1 17-709-40820-01 Prod 100.00000% 76.60667% El 184 5498 Northstar A002 ST-1 17-709-40881-01 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability El 184 5498 Northstar A003 BP2 17-709-40895-00 Prod 100.00000% 76.66667% El 184 5498 Northstar AOO 5 ST-1 17-709-41218-01 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability HI A-442 11383 Northstar A001 ST-1 42-709-40961-01 Shut-In 45.45452% P&A Liability Terminated 3/27/1.7 HI A-442 11383 Northstar A002/A002D 42-709-40975-00 Shut-In 45.45452% P&A Liability Terminated 3/27/17 HI A-442 11383 Northstar A003 ST-1 42-709-40981-01 Shut-In 45.45452% P&A Liability Terminated 3/27/17 HI A-442 . 11383 Northstar A004 42-709-40990-00 Shut-ln 45.45452% P&A Liability Terminated 3/27/17 HI A-442 11383 Northstar A005 42-709-41081-00 Shut-in 45.45452% P&A.Liability Terminated 3/27/17 HI A-442 11383 Northstar B001/B001D 42-709-41089-00 Shut-ln 45.45452% P&A Liability Terminated 3/27/17 HI A-443 3241 Northstar A001 42-709-40313-00 Shut-ln 84.00000% P&A *************** 98.56000% If future 82.13333% If future operations operations conducted conducted See Footnote ttl See Footnote Ul HI A-443 3241 Northstar A003 42-709-40476-00 TA 84.00000% P&A P&A Liability See Footnote HI See Footnote ttl HI A-443 3241 Northstar A004 42 709-40487-00 Shut-ln 84.00000% P&A *#tv****** i * *** 98.56000% If future 82.13333% If future operations operations conducted conducted See Footnote ttl See Footnote ttl lof 6 As of 7/13/17 Orinoco AREA / BLOCK LEASE # OPERATOR WELL NAME API STATUS WI NRI HI A-443 3241 Northstar A005 ST-2 BP02 42-709-40493-04 Lease-Saving BPO 100% BPO 83.33333% Operations being * fi** ** *-> **» *** * * *************** conducted APO #2 98.56000% APO #2 82.13333% ANKOR & SCL to forfeit ownership in lease. They will retain all P&A liability HI A-443 3241 Northstar A006 ST-1 42-709-40516-01 Shut-in 84.00000% P&A 98.56000% If future *************** operations 82.13333% If future conducted operations conducted See foofnore /tl See Footnore ttl HI A-443 3241 Northstar A007 42-709-40516-00 Sidetracked Never Completed Never Completed HI A-443 3241 Northstar A008 42-709-40533-00 Shut-In 84.00000% PSiA **************** 98.56000% If future 82.13333% If future operations operations conducted conducted See Footnote ttl See Footnote ttl HI A-443 3241 Northstar A009 42-709-40535-00 Shut-ln 81.78000% P&A *****+******+** 98.56000% If future 82.13333% If future operations operations conducted conducted See Footnote Itl See Footnote ttl HI A-443 3241 Northstar A010 42-709-40549-00 Shut-ln 84.00000% P&A **************** *************** 98.56000% If future 82.13333% If future operations operations conducted conducted See footnote Itl See Footnote ttl HI A-443 3241 Northstar A011 42-709-40548-00 TA 84.00000% P&A P&A Liability See Footnote ttl See Footnote ttl HI A-443 3241 Northstar A013 BP02 42-709-41158-02 TA 91.304348 P&A P&A Liability See Footnote ffl See footnote ttl HI A-571 2391 Northstar A001BP01 42-709-40271-00 Shut-ln 79.16500% 65.97083% HI A-571 2391 Northstar AOO 3 ST-1 42-709-40459-01 TA 79.16500% P&A Liability Hi A-571 2391 Northstar A004 42-709-40474-00 TA 79.16500% P&A Liability HI A-571 2391 Northstar A006 42-709-40556-00 Shut-ln 79.16500% 65.97083% HI A-571 2391 Northstar A010 42-709-40723-00 Shut-ln 79.16500% 65.97083% HI A-571 2391 Northstar AOU BP03 42-709-40860-00 Prod 79.16500% 65.97083% HI A-571 2391 Northstar A015 42-709-40842-00 Shut-ln BPO 100% BPO 83.33333% APO 79.16500% APO 65.97083% HI A-571 2391 Northstar A016 ST-2 42-709-40941-02 Prod 79.16500% 65.97083% 2 of 6 As of 7/13/17 Orinoco AREA / BLOCK LEASE # OPERATOR WELL NAME API STATUS WI NRI HI A-571 2391 Northstar A017 BP01 42-709-40925-00 Prod 79.16500% 65.97083% HI A-571 2391 Northstar A018 42-709-41036-00 TA 79.16500% P&A Liability HI A-571 2391 Northstar A019 ST-3 42-709-41042-03 Shut-ln 79.16500% 55.97083% MP 64 G 4909 Medco 20 17-725-40564-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% P&A • t 4 * * 4- • * * * * * r 11.704690% for new 8.836985% operations within for new operations current aliquots & within current aliquots depths. & depths + + + *• r. This well is not located within the MP 64/65 Unit, MP 256 34386 Northstar No Wells Primary Term Lease N/A 100.00000% 77.25000% MP 257 34387 Northstar No Wells Primary Term Lease N/A 100.00000% 77.25000% SM 8 32155 Northstar 001 BP03 17-709-41514-00 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability Terminated (Plugged but HI Well 6/27/14 casing must be cut) SM 41 1192 Northstar A001 17-707-00327-00 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability SM 41 1192 Northstar A009 17-707-40845-00 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability SM 41 1192 Northstar CA013 17-707-40477-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33333% SM41 1192 Northstar CA014 ST-1 17-707-40676-01 Shut-In 100.00000% 83.33330% SM41 1192 Northstar CA015 17-707-40892-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33330% SP 86 5687 Northstar C002 BP03 17-722-40180-00 Prod ' BPO 100% BPO 83.33333% APO 75.00000% APO 62.50000% SP 86 5687 Northstar COO 3 17-722-40184-00 Shut-ln 75.00000% 62.50000% SP 86 5687 Northstar C005/C005A 17-722-40213-00 TA 75.00000% P&A Liability SP86 5687 Northstar C007 ST-1 17-722-40215-01 Prod 75.00000% 62.50000% SP 86 5687 Northstar COOS 17-722-40163-00 Shut-ln BPO 100% BPO 83.33333% APO 75.00000% APO 62.50000% SP 87 7799 Fieldwood D-2 ST-1 17-722-40210-01 • Shut-In ORRI Only 1.00000% SP87 7799 Fieldwood D-3 ST2 BP1 17-722-40212-02 Shut-ln ORRI Only 1.00000% SP 37 7799 Fieldwood D-7 17-722-40213-00 Prod ORRI Only 1.00000% SP 87 7799 Fieldwood D-8 ST-2 17-722-40208-03 TA ORRI Only 1.00000% SP 87 7799 Fieldwood D-9 17-722-40226-00 Prod ORRI Only 1.00000% SP 87 7799 Fieldwood 0-11 ST-1 17-722-40228-0' Shut-ln ORRI Only 1.00000% SP 89 1618 Northstar C001 17-722-40205-00 Shut-ln 50.00000% 41.66667% 3 of 6 As of 7/13/17 Orinoco AREA / BLOCK LEASE # OPERATOR WELL NAME API STATUS WI NRI SP 89 1618 Northstar C004 5T-1 BP1 17-722-40211-01 Prod 50.00000% 41.66667% SP 89 1618 Northstar C006 17-722-40214-00 TA 50.00000% P&A Liability SP 89 1618 Northstar C010 BP01 17-722-40224-00 Prod 50.00000% 41.66667% SS201 31393 Northstar A006 17-711-41540-00 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability SS 252 1529 Fieldwood F004 17-712-40674-00 Prod 6.93750% 5.41125% VK697 34870 Northstar No Wells Primary Term Lease N/A 100.00000% 77.25000% WC 20 0680 Northstar 002 17-700-00006-00 Prod 100.00000% 83.33333% WC 20 0680 Northstar 010 17-700-00287-00 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability WC20 0680 Northstar 014 17-700-20068-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33333% WC 20 0680 Northstar 15 17-700-20071-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33333% WC 20 0680 Northstar 0001 17-700-41272-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33333% WC 20 0680 Northstar 0002 17-700-41273-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33333% WC20 0680 Northstar D003 17-700-41299-00 Prod 100.00000% 83.33333% WC20 Ivan Fisk Northstar SWDtfl 17-023-88148-00 SW Disposal well 100.00000% N/A Ivan Fisk Surface Lease WC21 23730 Northstar 001 17-700-41214-00 Prod 56.70000% 43.09200% (But temporarily Shut-ln until Stingray Contract concluded) WC21 23730 Northstar 002 17-700-41224-00 Shut-ln 56.70000% 43.00000% WC44 21532 Northstar 0002 ST-1 17-700-41176-01 Prod 12.92324% 10.08012% (But temporarily See Footnote ttl See Footnote ttl Shut-ln until Stingray Contract concluded) WC44 21532 Northstar B001BP01 17-700-41155-01 TA 33.30000% P&A Liability WC44 21532 Northstar B002 BP01 17-700-41203-01 TA 33.30000% P&A Liability WC57 21534 Northstar 002 17-700-41222-00 Shut-ln BPO 73.12500% BPO 57.03752% APO 33.30000% APO 25.97400% WC 5 7 21534 Northstar 003 17-700-41282-00 Prod 58.4917% Oil & Gas 45.62350% Oil (But temporarily 55.37216% Gas Shut-ln until (Deep Gas Royalty Relief) Stingray Contract, concluded) WC 269 13563 Northstar JA001 17-700-40924-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33333% WC269 13563 Northstar JA002 17-700-40931-00 Shut-ln 100.00000% 83.33333% WC269 13563 Northstar JA004 17-700-40969-00 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability 4 of 6 As of 7/13/17 Orinoco AREA / BLOCK LEASE n OPERATOR WELL NAME API STATUS WI NRI WC269 13563 Northstar JA005 17-700-40970-00 Shut-in 100.00000% 83.33333% WC269 13563 Northstar JA007 17-700-41159-00 TA 100.00000% P&A Liability WC 269 13563 Northstar JA008 ST-1 17-700-41303-01 Prod 25.00000% 20.83333% (But temporarily Shut-ln until Stingray Contract concluded) WD 36 23956 Northstar G-l 17-719-40832-00 Shut-ln 88.75000% P&A liability Terminated 10/31/1S UNITS MAIN PASS 64 & 65 UNIT #754390004: AREA/ BLOCK LEASE # OPERATOR WELL NAME API STATUS WI NRI MP 64 G4909 Medco . 1ST-1 17-725-40294-01 Prod 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G 4909 Medco 2 17-725-40303-00 Prod 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G 4909 Medco 3 17-72S-40306-00 Prod 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G4909 Medco 4 17-725-40307-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G4909 Medco 5 ST2 17-725-40317-02 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.03281% MP 64 G4909 Medco 6 17-725-40320-00 Prod 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G4909 Medco 7 17-725-40322-00 TA 25.00000% P&A Liability MP 64 G4909 Medco 8 17-725-40326-00 TA 25.00000% P&A Liability MP 64 G 4909 Medco 9 17-725-40327-00 TA 25.00000% P&A Liability M P 64 G 4909 Medco 10 ST-1 17-725-40328-01 Prod 25.00000% 19.03281% MP 64 G4909 Medco 11 17-725-40329-00 Shut-ln 25,00000% 19.03281% MP 64 G4909 Medco 12 17-725-40333-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G 4909 Medco 13 17-725-40360-00 TA 25.00000% P&A Liability MP 64 G4909 Medco 14 17-725-40370-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G 4909 Medco 15 17-725-40446-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.03281% MP 64 G 4909 Medco 17 ST-1 17-725-40463-01 Prod 25.00000% 19,18255% MP 64 G 4909 Medco 18 17-725-40555-00 Prod 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G4909 Medco 19 17-725-40560-00 Prod 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 64 G4909 Medco B21 17-725-40812-00 Non-Prod 25.00000% 19.03281% Short String String MP 64 G 4909 Medco B21 17-725-40812-00 Prod String 25.00000% 18.93983% Long String MP 64 G 4909 Medco B22 ST-1 17-725-40816-01 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.03281% 5 of 6 As of 7/13/17 Orinoco AREA / BLOCK LEASE tt OPERATOR WELL NAME API STATUS WI NRI MP 65 G 5692 Medco A002 17-725-40353-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 65 G 5692 Medco A003 17-725-40356-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 55 G5692 Medco A004 17-725-40362-00 Dump Flood 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 65 G 5692 Medco A005 17-725-40384-00 Shut-ln 25.00000% 19.18255% MP 65 G 5692 Medco A006 ST-1 17-725-40406-01 Shut-In 25.00000% 19.18255% tUJtMl' Northstar proposed a Lease-Saving Operation to be conducted on the #A-5 Well. ANKOR E&P Holdings and SCL Resources non- consented the proposed operation and as a result must forfeit their ownership within this Lease. Assignments are being processed at this time to transfer the forfeit interest into Northstar. ANKOR & SCL will retain future P&A liability for any wells in which they historically participated within this lease. Northstar's interests reflect P&A liability as to historical wells and an increased WI/NRI in any future well operations based on the additional interest to be assigned. The #A-13 Well increased P&A liability Is based on Northstar's predecessor's acceptance of a historical non- consent interest. (2 ' West Cameron 44 Well «2: Persuant to notice dated April 20, 2017, Shoreline Energy LLC was dissolved under Bankruptcy proceedings effective March 7, 2017 and therefore are no longer owners in the WC 44 tease. Shoreline's ownership in this Operating Rights portion of the lease consisted of the 112 Well and the U2 Caisson. Northstar and other remaining working interest partners have each had to accept their pro-rata share of Shoreline's surrendered 22.62000% participating interest. 6 of 6 As of 7/13/17 Onnoco EXHIBIT A-2 CONTRACTS Eugene Island 32 1. Participation Agreement dated effective February 3, 2003, between Northstar Gulfsands LLC and Union Oil Company of California. 2. Joint Operating Agreement dated effective '9-01-02 between Unocal and Northstar Gulfsands, LLC, insofar as the.Lease covers rights from 13,500' to 50,000'. Euaene Island 133 (Abandonment of the Ul Caisson only) 1. None. Eugene Island 183 1. None. Eugene Island 184 (S/2) 1. None. Eugene Island 184 (N/2) 1. Offshore Operating Agreement effective June 1, 2007 by and between Newfield Exploration Company, as Operator, and Darcy Energy, LLC, as Non-Operator, covering the N/2 of Eugene Island Block 184. 2. Declaration of Operating Agreement effective June 1, 2007, by and between Newfield Exploration Company, as Operator, and Darcy Energy, LLC, as Non-Operators, covering the N/2 of Eugene Island Block 184. 3. First Amendment to and Ratification of First Amended and Restated Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective November 18, 2009, by and between Leed Petroleum LLC, Byron Energy Inc., and Leni Oil and Gas US Inc. 4. Amended and Restated Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective July 18, 2008, by and between McMoran Oil & Gas LLC, as Operator (successor in interest to Newfield Exploration Company) and Leed Petroleum LLC and Byron Energy Inc., as Non- Operators, covering the N/2 of Eugene Island Block 1 84. 5. Ratification and Amendment of Declaration of Offshore Operating Agreement effective July 18, 2008 by and between McMoran Oil & Gas LLC, as Operator (successor in interest to Newfield Exploration Company) and Leed Petroleum LLC and Byron Energy Inc., as Non-Operators, covering the N/2 of Eugene Island Block 184, recorded in St. Mary Parish, LA in CB 182, Page 312, under File # 303275 and in Iberia Parish, LA in CB 1423, Page 800, under File # 2009-00001722. Page 1 of 13 High Island A-442 (Lease Expired 3/27/17 - Abandonment Obligations Remain) I. Operating Agreement dated August 15, 1991 by and between Hall-Houston Oil Company, and Edisto Exploration & Production Company, Ridgewood Energy Equity Income, LP and Santa Pe Energy Resources, Inc. High Island A-443 1. Gas Balancing Agreement dated effective May 19, 1981 by and between Union Oil Company of California, Diamond Shamrock Corporation, and Mobil Producing Texas and New Mexico, Inc. 2. Operating Agreement dated effective September 1, 1975 by and between Union Oil Company of California, Mobil Oil Corporation, and Diamond Shamrock Corporation. 3. Amendment (1-1-87) to Operating Agreement dated September 1, 1975 between Diamond Shamrock, Mobil, Unocal. 4. Participation option in favor of W&T within the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated September 14, 2009, effective August 1, 2009, between W&T Offshore, Inc., as Seller and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, as Buyer. High Island A-571 1. Amendment to Operating Agreement dated effective February 1, 1989 by and between CNG Producing Company, Sun Operating Limited Partnership et al, Meridian Oil Production, Inc., El Paso Natural Gas Company and Fina Oil and Chemical Company. 2. Amendment to Operating Agreement dated effective March 1, 1986 by and between CNG Producing Company, Sun Exploration and Production, Meridian Oil Production, Inc., El Paso Natural Gas Company and Fina Oil and Chemical Company. 3. Amendment to Operating Agreement dated effective July 21, 1975 by and between CNG Producing Company, Texas Pacific Oil Company, Inc., El Paso Natural Gas Company, and American Petroleum Company Of Texas. 4. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective February 13, 1974 by and between CNG Producing Company, El Paso Natural Gas Company, and American Petrofma Company of Texas. 5. Operating Agreement, High Island Lateral Line A-571 dated 3-14-80, between Michigan- Wisconsin Pipe Line Co., Northern Natural Gas Co., Consolidated Gas Supply. 6. Ratification and Adoption Agreement, 11-1-02 between Offshore Energy I LLC, Gulfterra Operating Co. LLC, Dominion E&P Inc. 7. Production Handling Agreement, 5-24-95 between CNG, Sun Operating, Petrofma, Fina, Meridian, El Paso Production, Oryx. Page 2 of 13 8. Operating Agreement, 5-27-97, between Texaco, CNG, Fina, Sun, Burlington, Domain, Union Pacific, American Exploration. 9. Platform Facilities Usage Agreement, 1-22-86 between CNG, Sun, El Paso, Fina, Meridian, Mobil, Union Exploration, Amoco, NW Mutual Life, Total Minatome. 10. Gas Balancing Agreement, 10-8-81 between El Paso, American Petrofma, Sun Gas, CNG Producing. 1 1. Participation option in favor of W&T within the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated September 14, 2009, effective August I, 2009, between W&T Offshore, Inc., as Seller and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, as Buyer. Main Pass 64 & 65 1. Unit Operating Agreement aBd-4%}du6t-ien-0per-at4efB-on-44He for the 7300' Sand Unit, Main Pass Blocks 64 and 65, made effective March 1, 1990. 2. Declaration of Operating Agreement by and between Medco Energi US LLC and Leed Petroleum LLC effective April 1, 2008. 3. First Amendment and Restated Offshore Operating Agreement dated April 1, 2008 between Medco Energi US, LLC and Leed Petroleum, created to "amend, restate, and replace the old Operating Agreements dated May 17, 1982 (MP 64) and November 15, 1983 (MP 65) in their entirety with this single Agreement." 4. First Amendment to and Ratification of First Amended and Restated Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective May 17, 2011, by and between Medco Energi US LLC and Marlin GOM I, L.L.C. 5. recorded in Plaquemines Parish under File Number 2011-00003275, Book 1252, Page 167 ofthe Conveyance Records. 6. Production Handling Agreement dated effective September 20, 2013 by and between: I) "Facility Owners", who is Medco Energi US LLC ("Medco") and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC ("Northstar"), and 2) "Well Owner'' who is W&T Offshore, Inc. ("W&T"). 7. Assignment and Assumption of ROW interests dated August 14, 2013. Harvest M'arks 8. Bill of Sale, Chevron to Medco, August (4, 2013. Harvest Marks. 9. Commitment of Production dated May 11, 2013. Harvest Marks. 10. Connection Agreement dated May 11, 2013 with Medco and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC. Harvest Marks. Page 3 of 13 As of 7/25/ ^7 Onnoco 11. Main Pass 55 Lease Agreement, dated May 11, 2013 with Medco, Northstar Offshore Group, LLC, and Harvest Marks. 12. Master Agreement, Medco, Northstar Offshore Group, LLC, and Harvest Marks dated May 11,2013. 13. Pipeline Agreement, Asset PSA dated May 15, 2013 between Chevron, Medco, and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC. 14. Romero Pipeline Letter Agreement dated July 10, 2013 between Medco and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC. Main Pass 256 & 257 1. Agreement for Conversion and Partial Re-Assignment of Net Profits Interest, and Simultaneous Assignment and Grant of Overriding Royalty Interest, by and between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC and NOG Royalty Holdings, LP made effective as of 7-1- 2017. 2. Offshore Daywork Drilling Contract between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC and ENSCO Offshore Company dated June 6, 2017, covering MP 256 and VK 697. Ship Shoal 201 & 202 (SS 201 Relinquished 1/30/15 Abandonment QbliEations Remain) 1. None. Ship Shoal 252 (and SS 253 Platform "F" Future Abandonment Liability) 1. Farmout Agreement dated February 15, 2009, between SPN Resources, LLC and Moreno Offshore Resources, as Farmors, and Houston Energy, L.P., as Farmee, as amended. 2. Participation Agreement dated March 30, 2009, between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., CLF Resources LP, Challenger Minerals Inc., Marlin coastal, L.L.C. and Badger Oil Corporation. Schedule 4.02 (j) Page 9 of 17 3. Offshore Operating Agreement dated March 30, 2009 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, as Operator, and Houston Energy, L.P., el al, as Non-Operators. 4. Memorandum of Offshore Operating Agreement and Financing Statement effective March 30, 2009 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, as Operator, and Houston Energy, L.P., as Non-Operators, being recorded in COB 2154, Page 572, File #1324296 and in MTG Book 28\187, Page 781, File #1324296 all ofthe Records of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. UCC-I Fixture Mineral being recorded under File Number Suffix 55, File Number 1324295 of the Records of Terrebonne Parish, Loui siana. 5. Ratification and Amendment of Operating Agreement dated March 16, 2012 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., HE&D Offshore, L.P., Badger Oil Corporation, CL&F Resources LP. Challenger Minerals Inc., Dynamic Offshore Resources, L.L.C, Marlin Coastal, L.L.C. and SPN Resources, LLC. Page 4 of 13 As ot 7/25/17 OfinotVi 6. Production Handling Agreement dated August 1, 2009 between SPN Resources, LLC and Moreno Offshore Resources L.L.C, as Owner, and Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., CL&F Resources, LP, Badger Oil Corporation, challenger Minerals Inc. and Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, as Producer. 7. Amendment of Production Handling Agreement dated April 27, 2012, between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, individually and on behalf of all parties Producer, pursuant to the authorization contained in the Ratification, Dynamic Offshore Resources, LLC and SPN Resources, LLC South Marsh Island 8 (Abandonment Obligations Remain fwcll plugged but casing must be-cut) 1. None. South Marsh Island 41 1. Production Handling Agreement dated effective September I, 2004 by and between Hunt Petroleum (AEC), Inc. and Devon Energy Production Company. 2. Operating Agreement dated effective June 1, 2003 by and between Hunt Petroleum (AEC), Inc. LLOG Exploration Offshore, Inc. and Devon Energy Production Company. 3. Ratification and Amendment of PHA dated April 1, 2008 between Hunt Petroleum (AEC), Inc. Nippon Oil Exploration USA Limited. South Pass 86 1. Joint Operating Agreement dated effective January 1, 1972 by and between Signal Oil and Gas Company, The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, Amerada Hess Corporation and Marathon Oil Company. 2. Participation option in favor of W&T within the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated September 14, 2009, effective August 1, 2009, between W&T Offshore, Inc., as Seller and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, as Buyer. South Pass 87 I. Assignment of Overriding Royalty Interest only. Assignment, Conveyance and Bill of Sale made and entered this 13 Date of April 15, 2015 but effective as of December 31, 2014 from Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC in favor of Northstar Offshore Group, LLC. South Pass 89 1. Joint Operating Agreement dated effective January 1, 1972 by and between Signal Oil and Gas Company, The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, Amerada Hess Corporation and Marathon Oil Company, Pages of 13 As nf 7/25/i7 Orinoco Viosca Knoll 697 1. Agreement for Conversion and Partial Re-Assignment of Net Profits Interest, and Simultaneous Assignment and Grant of Overriding Royalty Interest, by and between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC and NOG Royalty Holdings, LP made effective as of 7-1- 2017. 2. Offshore Daywork Drilling Contract between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC and ENSCO Offshore Company dated June 6, 2017, covering MP 256 and VK 697. West Cameron 20 1. Ivan Fisk Surface Lease dated effective March 1, 1960 by and between Ivan Fisk Sr. Et. Al. and British American Producing, and its Amendments: First Amendment dated 3/1/1971; Second Amendment dated 3/1/1991; Third Amendment dated 11/22/1994; Forth Amendment dated 1/9/2006; and the Fifth Amendment dated 3/1/2016. West Cameron.21 1. Joint Operating Agreement dated July 1, 2002 between The William G. Helis Company, L.L.C, as Operator, and Houston Energy, L.P,, et al, as Non-Operators. 2. Letter Agreement dated July 11, 2005 from Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C. to Houston Energy, L.P., CL&F Resources LP, Red Willow Offshore, LLC and Chevron U.S.A. Inc., "WC 21 State Group", regarding the acquisition by Helis and Houston of certain rights and interests from Union Oil Company of California in OCS-G 24700 West Cameron Block 22 and the WC 21 State Group pursuant to the reciprocal AMI Agreement between Helis, Houston and the WC 21 State Group in the Participation Agreement dated December 16, 2003, as ratified and amended, as to part of the rights and interest acquired by Helis and Houston. 3. Letter Agreement dated March 10, 2006 from Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C to Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC, Palace Exploration Company, Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Corporation and Red Willow Offshore, LLC. 4. Amendment to Joint Operating Agreement dated August 8, 2006 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C.,'Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P. and Louisiana Offshore Ventures II, L.P. 5. Marlin Coastal, LLC to the William G. Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC JOA Amendment Letter dated May 23, 2007. 6. Production Handling Agreement dated April 1, 2008 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Flouston Energy, L.P., and Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, as Owner of West Cameron Block 21 "G" Facility, Lease OCS-G 23730 ("Owner") and Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.LC, HE&D Offshore, LP, Ridgewood Energy Corporation, Louisiana Offshore Ventures II and Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, as Page 6 of 13 As or 7/23/17 Onnoco Producer of West Cameron Blocks 57 and 44 Producing Weils, Lease OCS-G 21534 and Lease OCS-G 25132 ("Producer"). 7. Ratification of Production Handling Agreement dated June 19, 2009, by and between Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC, Houston Energy, LP, Marlin Coastal, LLC, HE&D Offshore, LP, Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, Manti Godzilla Ltd. and BTA Oil Producers, LLC 8. Amendment of Joint Operating Agreement, WC 21, OCS-G 23730 dated July 24, 2012, between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P. and Louisiana Offshore Ventures II, L.P. 9. Third Amendment and Ratification of Joint Operating Agreement dated July 23, 2013, by and between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC, Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC, Houston Energy, LP and HE&D Offshore, LP. West Cameron 44 1. Joint Operating Agreement dated July 1, 2000 between IP Petroleum Company, Inc., as Operator, and The William G. Helis Company, L.L.C, et al, as Non-Operators. 2. Amendment and Agreement dated May 30, 2001 between Pure Resources, L.P., Houston Energy, Inc., Pure Partners, L.P., The William G. Helis Company, L.L.C, Texas 3D Ventures, L.P.,.Louisiana Offshore Ventures II, and Duke Energy Hydrocarbons, LLC. 3. Production Handling Agreement dated April 1, 2008 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., and Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, as Owner of West Cameron Block 21 "G" Facility, Lease OCS-G 23730 ("Owner") and Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.LC, HE&D Offshore, LP, Ridgewood Energy Corporation, Louisiana Offshore Ventures II and Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, as Producer of West Cameron Blocks 57 and 44 Producing Wells, Lease OCS-G 21534 and Lease OCS-G 25132 ("Producer"). 4. Ratification and Amendment of Operating Agreement effective June 10, 2008 between Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, HE&D Offshore, L.P. and Manti Godzilla, Ltd. 5. Participation Agreement, West Cameron 44 NE Prospect (Corvette), Offshore Louisiana effective June 10, 2008, between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., HE&D Offshore, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, and Manti Godzilla, Ltd. 6. First Amendment to Participation Agreement, West Cameron 44 NE Prospect (Corvette) Offshore, Louisiana effective August 8, 2008 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., HE&D Offshore, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, and Manti Godzilla, Ltd. 7.. Second Amendment to Participation Agreement, West Cameron 44 NE Prospect (Corvette) Offshore, Louisiana, effective September 14, 2008 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, Page 7 of 13 A* of 7/25/ t? Orlroco L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., HE&D Offshore, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, and Manti Godzilla, Ltd. 8. Ratification and Amendment of Operating Agreement effective March 1, 2009 between Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, HE&D Offshore, L.P., Manti Godzilla, Ltd., BTA Oil Producers, LLC. 9. Participation Agreement, West Cameron 44 Z-28 Prospect, Offshore, Louisiana effective March I, 2009 between Helis Oil & Gas Cornpany, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., HE&D Offshore, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, and Manti Godzilla, Ltd. and BTA Oil Producers, LLC. 10. Ratification of Production Handling Agreement dated June 19, 2009, by and between Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC, Houston Energy, LP, Marlin Coastal, LLC, HE&D Offshore, LP, Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, Manti Godzilla Ltd. and BTA Oil Producers, LLC. 11. Ratification and Amendment to the Operating Agreement dated July 23, 2013, by and between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC, Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC, Houston Energy, LP, HE&D Offshore, LP, EPL Oil & Gas, Inc., Manti Operating Company and BTA Oil Producers, LLC West Cameron 57 1. Joint Operating Agreement dated July 1, 2000 between IP Petroleum Company, Inc., as Operator, and The William G. Helis Company, L.L.C, et al, as Non-Operators. 2. Amendment and Agreement dated May 30, 2001 between Pure Resources, L.P., Pure Partners, L.P., Houston Energy, Inc., The William G. Helis Company, L.L.C, Texas 3D Ventures, L.P., Duke Energy Hydrocarbons, LLC and Louisiana Offshore Ventures II. 3. Amendment to Joint Operating Agreement, Outer Continental Shelf - Gulf of Mexico effective December 17, 2004 between Houston Energy, L.P., Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C. Marlin Energy Offshore, LLC, HE&D Offshore, L.P. and Pure Resources, L.P. 4. Participation Agreement dated September 5, 2007 between Chevron Midcontinent, L.P. (formerly named Pure Resources, L.P.), Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, Helis Oil and Gas Company, LLC, Houston Energy, L.P. and Ridgewood Energy Corporation. (El Toro Prospect). 5. Ratification and Amendment of Operating Agreement effective January 27, 2008 between Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, HE&D Offshore, L.P. and Ridgewood Energy Corporation. 6. Production Handling Agreement dated April 1, 2008 between Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., and Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, as Owner of West Cameron Block 21 "G" Facility, Lease OCS-G 23730 ("Owner") and Helis Oil & Gas Company, L.L.C, Houston Energy, L.P., Marlin Coastal, L.LC, HE&D Offshore, LP, Ridgewood Page 8 of 13 As of '*/2.V 17 Orinoco Energy Corporation, Louisiana Offshore Ventures II and Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, as Producer of West Cameron Blocks 57 and 44 Producing Wells, Lease OCS-G 21534 and Lease OCS-G 25132 ("Producer"). 7. Ratification of Production Handling Agreement dated June 19, 2009, by and between Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC, Houston Energy, LP, Marlin Coastal, LLC, HE&D Offshore, LP, Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC, Manti Godzilla Ltd. and BTA Oil Producers, LLC. 8. Ratification and Amendment to the Operating Agreement dated July 23, 2013, by and between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC, Helis Oil & Gas Company, LLC, Houston Energy, LP, HE&D Offshore, LP and EPL Oil & Gas, Inc. West Cameron 269 1. Offshore Operating Agreement dated 12-1-11 by and between Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC; Peregrine Oil & Gas II, LLC, Apache Corporation and Castex Offshore, Inc. West Delta 36 (Lease Expired 10/31/15 -Abandonment Obligations Remain) 1. Offshore Operating Agreement effective February 1, 2006 between Marlin Coastal, L.L.C, as Operator, and Peregrine Oil & Gas, LP, Challenger Minerals Inc., Dynamic Offshore Resources NS, LLC and Republic Exploration LLC, as Non-Operators. See Marketing Contracts on Following Page.... Page 9 of 13 As of 7A.S/'IV Orinoco MARKETING CONTRACTS Markerlrig Contracts by Block Area Block Affected Contract Description Effective Area Block(s) Date Eugene island 183/184 El 183 Dehydration Service Agreement between WFS- 5/1/2007 El 184 tiquids Company and Darcy Energy, LLC Eugene Island 183/184 El 183 Agreement for Processing Gas Delivered by 6/25/2007 El 184 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation to the North Terrebonne Gas Processing Plant. (Exhibit F to the C&O Agreement dated July 25, 2007. Eugene Island 183/184 El 183 First Amendment to Gas Processing, Fractionation & 7/18/2008 El 184 Product Purchase Agreement dated Effective March 1, 2013, between Northstar Offshore Group, LLC and Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC. Eugene Island 183/184 El 183 Injected and Retrograde Condensate Transportation 10/1/2012 El 184 and BTU Reduction Make-up Agreement - Southeast Lateral dated effective 10-1-2012 between Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC Eugene Island 183/184 El 183 Raw Make Purchase Letter Agreement for the North 12/20/2012 El 184 Terrebonne Gas Plant Eugene Island 183/184 El 183 Crude Contract between Shell Trading and Northstar 1/1/2017 El 184 Offshore Group, LLC dated 12/5/201.6 Eugene Island 183/184 El 183 C Si O Agreement Ratification and Joinder Agreement No date provided El 184 between Marlin GOM 1, L.L.C, and Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC as Operator of the North Terrebonne Gas Processing Plant and the Tebone Fractionation Plant. High Island A-442 HI A-442 Platform Connection Agreement by and between 3/28/1997 Expired Santa Fe Energy Products and the Operator of the 3/27/17 High Island Pipeline System High Island A-442 HI A-442 Lateral Line Operating Agreement dated July 3, 2002 7/3/2002 Expired between Ocean Energy and HIOS. 3/27/17 High Island A-442 HI A-442 NGL Bank Agreement dated May 5, 2004, between 5/5/2004 Expired SPL, Inc., et al and High Island Offshore System - This 3/27/17 works with the gas transportation agreement with HIOS which is being assigned KffGM-300-05Q2. High Island A-442 HI A-442 IT Agreement between High Island Offshore System 12/1/2009 Expired HI A-443 LLC and Black Elk Energy Offshore operations LLC 3/27/17 HI A-571 date 12/1/2009 High island A-442. j HIOS 442 NGL Bank Agreement dated December 1, 2009 12/1/2009 Expired HIOS 443 between SPL, Black Elk and HIOS. 3/27/17 HIOS 571 Page 10 of 13 As iii'?/'}?,/ 1 7 Onnoco Area Block Affected Contract Description Effective Area Block(s) Date High Island A-442 HI A-442 Lateral Line Operating Agreement dated December 1, 12/1/2012 Expired 2012 between Enterprise GTM Offshore Operating 3/27/17 Company and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations. High Island A-442 HIOS 442 Assignment of Lateral Line Agreements between 6/12/2013 Expired HIOS 443 Enterprise GTM Offshore Operating and High Island 3/27/17 HIOS 571 Offshore Services dated June 21, 2013 High Island A-442 HI A-442 High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) Operating and 6/1/2009 Expired HI A-443 Administrative Management Agreement dated 3/27/17 HI A-571 effective June 1, 2009 by and between Owners of High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) High Island A-442 HI A-442 High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) Owners 6/1/2009 Expired HI A-443 Agreement dated effective June 1, 2009 by and 3/27/17 HI A-571 between Owners of High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) High Island A-443 HI A-442 High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) Operating and 6/1/2009 HI A-443 Administrative Management Agreement dated HI A-571 effective June 1, 2009 by and between Owners of High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) High Island A-443 HI A-442 High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) Owners 6/1/2009 HI A-443 Agreement dated effective June 1, 2009 by and HI A-571 between Owners of High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) High Island A-443 HIOS 442 IT Agreement between High Island Offshore System 12/1/2009 HIOS 443 tLC and Black Elk Energy Offshore operations LLC HIOS 571 date 12/1/2009 High Island A-443 HI A-443 Reserve Commitment Agreement dated December 1, 12/1/2009 HI A-571 2009 between HIOS and Black Elk Energy Operations LLC High Island A-443 HI A-442 IT Agreement between High Island Offshore System 12/1/2009 HI A-443 LLC and Black Elk Energy Offshore operations LLC HI A-571 date 12/1/2009 High Island A-443 HIOS 442 NGL Bank Agreement dated December 1, 2009 12/1/2009 HIOS 443 between SPL, Black Elk and HIOS. HIOS 571 High Island A-443 HI A-443 Lateral Line Operating Agreement, February 4, 2013 241/2013 between Enterprise GTM Offshore Operating Company and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations. High Island A-443 • HI A-443 Buy Back Operating Agreement between High Island 8/23/2013 Offshore System, LL.C. and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC dated August 29, 2013 High Island A-443 HI A-443 Crude Contract between Shell Trading and Northstar 1/1/2017 Offshore Group, LLC dated 12/5/2016 Page 11 of 13 As of 7/25/17 Orinoco Area Block Affected Contract Description Effective Area Blockfs) Date High Island A-571 HI A-442 High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) Operating and 6/1/2009 HI A-443 Administrative Management Agreement dated HI A-571 effective June 1, 2009 by and between Owners of High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) High Island A-571 HI A-442 High Island Pipeline System (HIPS) Owners 6/1/2009 HI A-443 Agreement dated effective June 1, 2009 by and HI A-571 between Owners of High Island Pipeline System (HIPS). High Island A-571 HI A-443 Reserve Commitment Agreement dated December 1, 12/1/2009 HI A-571 2009 between HIOS and Black Elk Energy Operations LLC High Island A-571 HI A-442 IT Agreement between High Island Offshore System 12/1/2009 HI A-443 LLC and Black Elk Energy Offshore operations LLC HI A-571 date 12/1/2009 High Island A-571 HIOS 442 NGL Bank Agreement dated December 1, 2009 12/1/2009 HIOS 443 between SPL, Black Elk and HIOS. HIOS 571 High Island A-571 HI A-571 Amendment to Reserve Commitment Agreement 4/1/2010 date April 1, 2010 between High Island Offshore System L.L.C. and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations LLC High Island A-571 HI A-571 Lateral Line Operating Agreement, entered into as of 12/1/2012 December 1, 2012 ia-1-12 by and between- Enterprise GTM Offshore Operating Co. LLC, Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, Pisces Energy tLC High Island A-571 HIOS 442 Assignment of Lateral Line Agreements between 6/12/2013 HIOS 443 Enterprise GTM Offshore Operating and High Island HIOS 571 Offshore Services dated June 21, 2013 High Island A-571 HI A-571 Crude Contract between Shell Trading and Northstar 1/1/2017 Offshore Group, LLC dated 12/5/2016 Ship Shoal 252 [ SS 252 Gas Processing, Fractionation & Products Purchase 3/1/2010 Agreement (MLli09) dated March 1, 2010 (Transco and/or Gulf South) between Marlin Coastal, L.L.C. and Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC, North Terrebonne.Gas Processing Plant, Tebone Fractionation Plant South Marsh 41 SM41 Gathering System Agreement dated September 24, 9/24/1973 Island 1973 between Exxon Pipeline Company and Chevron Oil Company South Marsh 41 SM 41 Crude Contract between Shell Trading and Northstar 1/1/2017 Island Offshore Group, LLC dated 12/5/2016 Page 12 of 13 As afr/ij/l? Onnoco Area Block Affected Contract Description Effective Area Block(s) Date South Pass 86 SP86 Owners Agreement South Pass, West Delta Pipeline 10/1/1981 Gathering System dated effective October 1,1981 by and between Marathon Pipe Line tLC, Apache Corporation, CKB Petroleum Inc., SPN Resources LLC, and W8iT Offshore; Inc. as amended July 1,1982; March 1,1985; May 1,1992; May 1,1995; January 1, 1999; June 1, 2000; January 1, 2002; April 1, 2003; July 1, 2003; October 1, 2004; November 1, 2004; and currently as of April 28, 2015 South Pass 86 SP86 • Operating Agreement South Pass - West Delta 10/1/1981 Pipeline Gathering System dated effective October 1, 1981 by and between Hess Pipeline Company, Marathon Pipe Line Company, The Largo Company and The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, their successors and assigns, as amended July 1, 1982; March 1, 1985; May 1, 1992; May 1,1995; January 1, 1999; June 1, 2000; January 1, 2002; April 1, 2003;'July 1, 2003; October 1, 2004; November 1, 2004; and currently as of November 30, 2011 South Pass 86 SP86 Facilities Interconnect & Reimbursement Agreement 5/21/2013 dated 5-21-13, between Texas Eastern Transmission, LP & BEEOO. South Pass 89 SP89 Owners Agreement South Pass, West Delta Pipeline 10/1/1981 Gathering System dated effective October 1,1981 by and between Marathon Pipe Line LLC, Apache Corporation, CKB Petroleum Inc., SPN Resources LLC, and W&T Offshore, Inc. as amended July 1,1982; March 1,1985; May 1,1992; May 1,1995; January 1, 1999; June 1, 2000; January 1, 2002; April 1, 2003; July 1, 2003; October 1, 2004; November 1, 2004; and currently as of April 28, 2015. South Pass 89 SP 89 Operating Agreement South Pass - West Delta 10/1/1981 Pipeline Gathering System dated effective October 1, 1981 by and between Hess Pipeline Company, Marathon Pipe Line Company, The Largo Company and The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, their successors and assigns, as amended July 1, 1982; March 1,1985; May 1,1992; May 1,1995; January 1,1999; June 1, 2000; January 1, 2002; April 1, 2003; July 1, 2003; October 1, 2004; November 1, 2004; and currently as of November 30, 2011. South Pass 89 SP 89 Crude Contract between Shell Trading and Northstar 1/1/2017 (SP 86/87) Offshore Group, LLC dated 12/5/2016 SP/WD SP 86 & 89 SP/WD In-Line Inspection Project 6/30/2005 SP86&89 SP86&89 All Properties All Properties NAESB dated November 1,2012 as amended, 11/1/2012 between Southwest Energy and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC Page 13 of 13 As of 7/25/17 Orinoco EXHIBIT A.3 Easements None. Rights of Way listed on Exhibit A-5 Surface Leases listed on Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 As of 7-14-17 Orinoco EXHIBIT A-4 EQUIPMENT OCS Ownership Area Block Lease Structure Name Structure ti Status Operator Interest El 133 G33092 #1 Caisson 2562 Expired Northstar 100.00000% P&A Liability El 184 G05498 Platform A 23932 PROD Northstar 100.00000% El 184 G05498 Offshore N/A PROD Northstar 100.00000% Compressor (El 184 A) HI A 442 G11383 Platform A 28020 Terminated Northstar 45.45452% P&A Liability HI A 442 G11383 Platform B 783 Terminated Northstar 45.45452% P&A liability HI A 443 G03241 Platform A 10128 PROD Northstar 98.56000% Future Platform Abandonment 84.0000% *********** See Footnote (fl HI A 571 G02391 Platform A 10116 PROD Northstar 79.16500% HI A 571 G02391 Platform 10116 PROD Northstar 79.16500% B-Aux MP 64 G04909 Platform A 22798 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 Platform AQ 22798 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 Platform B 22913 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #2 Caisson 22798 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #1 Caisson 22910 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #3 Caisson 22912 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #5 Caisson 22914 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #6 Caisson 22915 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #7 Caisson 22916 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% Page 1 of 4 As of 7/11/17 Orinoco OCS Ownership Area Block Lease Structure Name Structure # Status Operator Interest MP 64 G04909 #8 Caisson 22917 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #9 Caisson 22918 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #10 Caisson 22919 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 ffll Caisson 22920 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #12 Caisson 22921 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #13 Caisson 22922 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #14 Caisson 23130 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP ' 64 G04909 #15 Caisson 23403 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #17 Caisson 23404 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #18 Caisson 24114 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #19 Caisson 23877 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 64 G04909 #20 Caisson 24121 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% MP 65 G05692 Platform A 23057 PROD Medco Energi 25.00000% SM 41 G01192 Platform A 20713 PROD Northstar 100.00000% SM 41 G01192 Platform CA 23208 PROD Northstar 100.00000% SP 86 G05687 Platform C 24103 PROD Northstar 63.88889% SS 202 G31394 Platform A 23560 Expired Northstar 100.00000% P&A Liability SS 253 G01031 Platform F 26072 PROD Northstar ' 6.93750% WC 20 680 Platform A 20891 PROD Northstar 100.00000% WC 20 680 Platform D 2038 PROD Northstar 100.00000% WC 20 680 Platform D-Aux 1 2038 PROD Northstar 100.00000% Page 2 of 4 . As of 7/11/17 Orinoco OCS Ownership Area Block Lease Structure Name Structure # Status Operator Interest WC 20 680 #2 Caisson 20881 PROD Northstar 100.00000% WC 20 680 #10 Caisson 20890 PROD Northstar 100.00000% WC 20 680 #14 Caisson 21011 PROD Northstar 100.00000% WC 20 N/A Onshore N/A PROD Northstar 100.00000% Compressor (WC 20) WC 20 Located on Ivan Fisk N/A . PROD Northstar 100.00000% Ivan Fisk WC 20 Surface Lease Tank Battery WC 21 G23730 Platform G 1641 PROD Northstar 56.70000% WC 21 G23730 #1 Caisson 1641 PROD Northstar 56.70000% WC 21 G23730 #2 Caisson 1653 PROD Northstar 56.70000% WC 21 G23730 Offshore N/A PROD Northstar 56.70000% Compressor (WC 21 G) WC 44 G21532 Platform B 1252 PROD Northstar 33.00000% WC 44 G21532 #2 WP 1398 PROD Northstar 12.92324% See Footnote #2 WC 57 G21534 #2 Caisson 1639 PROD Northstar 33.30000% wc 57 G21534 #3 Caisson 2119 PROD Northstar 58.49170% WC 269 G13563 Platform JA 29040 PROD Northstar 100.00000% WD 36 G23956 Platform G 1948 Terminated Northstar 88.75000% P&A Liability Rental Compressors OCS Ownership Area Block Lease Structure Name Structure # Status Operator Interest HI A-571 G02391 Rental Compressor • N/A PROD Nothstar 79.16500% (HI A-571 Platform A) SM 41 G01192 Rental Compressor N/A PROD Nothstar 100.00000% (SM 41 Platform A) WC 269 G13563 Rental Compressor N/A PROD Nothstar 100.00000% (WC 269 Platform JA) Page 3 of 4 As of 7/11/17 Orinoco OCS Ownership Area Block Lease Structure Name Structure # Status Operator Interest All furniture and fixtures located at 11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2800, Houston, Texas 77046 111 HI A-443: Northstar proposed a Lease-Saving Operation to be conducted on the HA-5 Well. ANKOR E&P Holdings and SCt Resources non-consented the proposed operation and as a result must forfeit their ownership within this Lease. Assignments are being processed at this time to transfer the forfeit interest Into Northstar. ANKOR & SCL will retain future P&A liability for any wells in which they historically participated within this lease. Northstar's interests reflect P&A liability as to historical wells and an increased WI/NRI in any future well operations based on the additional interest to be assigned. 2 ' ' West Cameron 44 Well HZ: Persuant to notice dated April 20, 2017, Shoreline Energy LLC was dissolved under Bankruptcy proceedings effective March 7, 2017 and therefore are no longer owners in the WC 44 Lease. Shoreline's ownership in this Operating Rights portion of the lease consisted of the #2 Well and the H2 Caisson. Northstar and other remaining working interest partners have each had to accept their pro-rata share of Shoreline's surrendered 22.62000% participating interest. Page 4 of 4 As of 7/11/17 Orinoco EXHIBIT A-5 PIPELINE RIGHTS-OF-WAY FEDERAL RIGHTS-OF-WAY OPERATED Originating Area/Block Right-of-Way tt Right-of-Way Description Eugene Island 184 OCS-G 15015 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 15015 is a 200-foot wide and approximately Segment #9266 1.21 miles (6,393 feet) long corridor associated with the bi-directional 6-inch Pipeline Segment #9266. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 15015 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #9266 and to transport Gas originating at Platform A in Block 184, terminating at a 10-inch SSTI in Block 195, all in the Eugene Island Area. High Island A-442 OCS-G 15676 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 15676 is a 200-foot wide and approximately Segment #10773 3.03 miles (15,975 feet) long corridor associated with the 6-inch Pipeline Segment #10773. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 15676 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #10773 and to transport Oil originating at Platform A in Block A-442, terminating at a 6-inch SSTI in Block A-443, all in the High Island Area, South Addition. High Island A-442 OCS-G 15677 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 15677 is a 200-foot wide and approximately Segment #10774 4,30 miles (22,690 feet) long corridor associated with the 6-inch Pipeline Segment #10774. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 15677 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #10774 and to transport Gas originating at Platform A in High Island Area, South Addition, Block A-442, terminating at a 30-inch SSTI in High Island Area, East Addition, South Extension, Block A-283. High Island A-443 OCS-G 29187 Pipeline Right-of.Way OCS-G 29187 is a 200-fom wide and approximately Segment #18829 10.50 miles (55.442 feet) long corridor associated with the bidirectional 10- inch Pipeline Segment #18829. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 29187 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #18829 and to transport gas originating at Platform A in High Island Area. South Addition, Block A-443. ihrough High Island Area. East Addition, South Extension. Block A-284 terminating at a 30-inch SSTI in High Island Area, East Addition, South Extension, Block A-283. High Island A-571 OCS-G 4356 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 4356 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 7.27 Segment #5913 miles (38,364 feet) long corridor associated with the 20-inch Pipeline Segment #5913. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 4356 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #5913 and to transport Gas originating at Platform A in Block A-571, through Blocks A-548 and A-547, terminating at a 30 inch SSTI in Block A-546, all in the High Island Area, South Addition. South Marsh Island 41 OCS-G 25396 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 25396 is a 200-foot wide and approximately .87 Segment #14649 miles (4,589 feet) long corridor associated with the 4-inch Pipeline Segment # 14649. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 25396 is to maintain and operate PSN 14649 and to transport Gas originating at Platform A in Block 41, terminating at Platform JA in Block 40, all in the South Marsh Island Area, I of? As of 7/25/17 Orinoco Originating Area/Block Right-of-Way tt Right-of-Way Description South Pass 89 OCS-G 28557 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 28557 is a 200-foot wide and approximately Segment #10458 4.56 miles (24,079 feet) long corridor associated with 6 inch Pipeline Segment #10458. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 28557 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #10458 aid to transport supply Gas originating at Platform B in Block 89, terminating at Platform C in Block 86, all in the South Pass Area, South and East Addition. Ship Shoal 202 OCS-G 28971 Pipeline Right-of-Way (ROW) OCS-G 28971 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 3.37 Segment #17998 miles (17,815 feet) long corridor associated with the 4-inch Pipeline Segment No. Pending (PSN) 17998. The purpose of the pipeline ROW OCS-G 28971 is to maintain and Abandonment operate PSN 17998 and to transport gas/condensate originating at Platform A in Block 202, through Block 197, terminating at a 26-inch SSTI in Block 198, all in the Ship Shoal Area. Note: This ROW Is pending abandonment and under BSEE restrictions can not be transferred under and Assignment of Pipeline ROW Grant. Ship Shoal 202 OCS-G 28972 Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-G28972 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 3.76 Segment #17999 miles (19,870 feet) long corridor associated with the 4-inch Pipeline Segment No. Pending (PSN) 17999. The purpose of the pipeline ROW OCS-G28972 is io maintain and Abandonment operate PSN 17999 and to transport oil originating at Platform A in Block 202, through Block 197, terminating at Platform J in Block 198, all in the Ship Shoal Area. Note: This ROW is pending abandonment and under BSEE restrictions can not be transferred under and Assignment of Pipeline ROW Grant. West Cameron 20 OCS-G 25492 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 25492 is a 200-foot wide and approximately Segment #3501 4.26 miles (22,491 feet) long corridor associated with the 6-inch Pipeline Segment #3501. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 25492 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #3501 and to transport Gas/ Condensate originating at Platform A. and terminating at the Federal/State Boundary all in West Cameron Area, Block 20. West Cameron 20 OCS-G 29347 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS 29347 is a 200-foot wide and approximately .76 Segment #19613 miles (4,000 feet) long corridor associated with the 8-inch Pipeline Segment #19613. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS 29347 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #19613 and to transport Gas originating at Platform A and terminating at the Fed/State Boundary all located in West Cameron Area Block 20. (Replaced Terminated OCS 0877 Segment #3503). West Cameron 21 OCS-G 26859 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 26859 is a 200-foot wide and approximately Segment #15155 3.09 miles (16,309 feet) long corridor associated with the 8-inch Pipeline Segment #15155. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G26859 is to maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #15155 and to transport Gas/ Condensate originating at Platform G in Block 21, terminating at a 36-inch SSTI in Block 44, all in the West Cameron Area. West Delta 36 OCS-G 29323 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G 29323 is a 200-foot wide and approximately Segment #19433 2.48 miles (13,109 feet) long corridor associated with the 6-inch Pipeline Pending Segment #19433. The purpose of the pipeline R-O-W OCS-G 29323 is to Abandonment maintain and operate Pipeline Segment #19433 and to transport bulk Gas originating at Platform G in Block 36, terminating at Platform A-Aux, all in the West Delta Area. Note: This ROW is pending abandonment and under BSEE restrictions can not be transferred under and Assignment of Pipeline ROW Grant. 2of7 As of 7/25/17 Orinoco STATE OF LOUISIANA RIGHTS-OF-WAY OPERATED Originating Area/Block Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Description West Cameron 20 State Lease Right-of-Way #643 for certain rights through and under State Lands located R-O-W #643 n Cameron Parish, Louisiana and extending southward into the Gulf of Mexico, traversing under water bottoms in the offshore waters known as West Cameron Area, Offshore Louisiana, Block No. 20, situated in the Parish of Cameron, State of Louisiana. This Right-of-Way is associated with Federal Lease West Cameron 2 OCS-0680. RIGHTS-OF-WAY ASSOCIATED WITH NORTHSTAR LEASES OUTSIDE OPERATED Originating Area/Block Right-of-Way # Right-of-Way Description Main Pass 55 OCS-G 7541 Platform Pig-Trap: An accessory platform to R-O-W OCS-6 7541 in Main Pass Area Pig-Trap Accessory Block 55. Northstar holds a 25% interest and Medco Energi US LLC holds a 75% interest in this Pipeline R-O-W Gram. Main Pass 65 OCS-G 7541 Segment H7294: A 200 foot R-O-W to operate and maintain a 4-1/2 inch pipeline. Segment 1 ff7294 3.60 miles in length to transport oil from Platform A in block 65, through block 56, to Platform PIG-TRAP in Block 55, all located in Main Pass Area. Northstar holds a 25% interest and Medco Energi US LLC holds a 75% interest in this Pipeline R-O-W Grant. Main Pass 65 OCS-G 7541 Segment tf 11963: A 200 foot R-O-W to operate and maintain a 4-1/2 inch pipeine, Segment 2 #11963 0.012 miles in length, to transport oil from Platform PIG-TRAP in Block 55, to a subsea tie-in Block 55, all located in Main Pass Area. Northstar holds a 25% interest and Medco Energi US LLC holds a 75% interest in this Pipeline R-O-W Grant. Main Pass 55 OCS-G 1380 Main Pass 55 ROW: Pipeline ROW OCS-G 1380, Segment 04892, a 200 foot wide right- Segment #4892 of-way to operate and maintain a 12-3/4-inch O D pipeline, 0.39 miles in length, to transport oil from Sub Sea Tie-in (SSTI) in Block 55, to Federal/Stae Boundary in Block 55, all located in Main Pass Area. Main Pass 64 OCS-G 8051 OCS-G 08051, Segment Number 7640: A 200-foot wide right-of-way to operate and Segment #7640 maintain an 8 5/8-inch pipeline, 3.66 miles in length, to transport gas from Platform A In Block 64 to a 26-inch subsea tie-in in Block 57, all located in Main Pass Area. Main Pass 64 OCS-G 28612 Maintain an 8 5/8-inch pipeline, 3.66 miles in length, to transport gas from Platform A Segment #16240 Main Pass 64 OCS-G 28613 Block 64 to a 26-inch subsea tie-in in BlocK 57, all located in Main Pass Area. Segment #16241 Main Pass 64 OCS-G 29198 Pipeline Right-of-Way OCS-G29198 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 1.40 miles Segment #18895 (25,108 feet) long corridor associated with the 6.0-inch Pipeline Segment No. 18895. The purpose of pipeline ROW OCS-G29198 is to install, operate and maintain pipeline segment PSN 18895 and to transport bulk oil from Block 64, Platform "AQ" t o the Fed/State Boundary, Block 65, all located in Main Pass Area. Main Pass 64 OCS-G 29044 Pipeline Right-of-Way bearing Serial Number OCS-G 29044, Segment No. 18181 being Segment #18181 a 200 foot-wide right-of-way to operate and maintain a 4 '/i-inch pipeline, 3.60 miles in length, to transport oil from Platform A in Block 65, through Block 56, to Platform PIG-TRAP in Block 55, all located in Main Pass Area. Main Pass 65 OCS-G 28585 Pipeline Right-of-Way bearing Serial Number OCS-G 28585 Segment No. 16199 being Segment #16199 a 200 foot-wide right-of-way to operate and maintain a 3-inch pipeline, 1.08 miles in length, to transport Supply Gas from Federal/State Main Pass Block 68 to Platform A in Main Pass Block 64, all located in Main Pass Area, South and East Addition. 3 of? As of 7/25/17 Orinoco Originating Area/Block Right-of-Way it Right-of-Way Description South Pass 86 OCS-G 13415 OCS-G 13415. Segment No. 9550. Right-of-Way two hundred feet (200,},ih width for Segment #9550 the construction, maintenance and operation of an 8.625-inch pipeline to transport crude oil, 1.98 miles in length, beginning at Platform C located in Block 86, South Pass Area. South and East Addition and terminating at a 12-inch subsea tie-in located in Block 89. South Pass Area. South and East Addition. Northtsar uses (his one. for Oil to the SSTI. , South Pass 86 OCS-G 13428 OCS-G 13428 Segment No. 9597. Right-of-Way two hundred feet (200')in width for Segment #9597 the construction, maintenance and operation of an 12-inch pipeline to transport crude Gas, 2.71 miles in length, beginning at Platform C located in Block 86, South Pass Area. South and East Addition and terminating at a 20-inch subsea tie-in located in Block 88. South Pass Area. South and East Addition. Northtsar uses this one for Gas. SEA ROBIN GAS PLANT Includes Coverage of South Marsh Island 41 Northstar WI (%) Sea Robin Gas Plant - Main Deck 48.0950% Interest represents multiple leases (SM 39, 41 & 142} SOUTH PASS / WEST DELTA PIPELINE SYSTEM Covering South Pass 86 & South Pass 89 The interests below reflect Northstar Offshore Group's ownership in this pipeline system based on the "South Pass/West Delta Owner's Agreement" originally dated effective October 1,1981; its Amendment 12 dated effective December 1, 2011; and Amendment 12 last updated December 2016. SOUTH PASS 89 / WEST DELTA* Northstar Owership (%) SP 89 System Wide 21.2961% SP 89 SEG 1 {SP 89/WD 79 PL] 25.0000% SP 89 SEG 2 {SP WD 79 A Lateral PL! No Ownership SP 89 SEG 3 {WD 79 - WDRS) 26.6000% SP 89 SEG 4 (WD 86 A LAT) No Ownership SP 89 SEG 5 (SP 86 C LAT) 25.0000% * Northstar holds no pipeline Interest in any ofthe West Delta leases within this pipeline system. HIGH ISLAND PIPELINE SYSTEM (HIPS) The interests below reflect Northstar Offshore Group's ownership in this pipeline system based on the 'High Island Pipeline System Operating Agreement {HIPS}' and the 'High Island Pipeline System Owner's Agreement, both dated effective June 1, 2009, HIPS Northstar Representing Segments within WI (%) High Island A-442*, A-443 & A-571 Segment 111-8 100.0000% Segment 111-10 80.1090% Segment 111-18 100.0000% * HI A-442 is a terminated lease as of 3/27/17 4 of'7 As of 7/25/17 Orinoco Exhibit B Excluded Assets (a) all corporate, partnership, limited liability company, financial, income and franchise tax and legal records of Seller that relate to Seller's business generally (whether or not relating to the Assets), and all books, records and files that relate to the Excluded Assets and those records retained by Seller pursuant to Section 1.20 and copies of any other Records retained by Seller pursuant to Section 1.5; (b) all rights to any refund of Taxes and, until the expiration of 24 months from the Closing Date, all rights to any refunds of costs or expenses, other than Taxes, borne by Seller or Seller's predecessors in interest and title attributable to periods prior to the Effective Time; (c) Seller's area-wide bonds, supplemental bonds, bonds delivered by Seller to any third person in connection with acquisition of the Assets or any other properties, permits and licenses or other permits, licenses or authorizations used in the conduct of Seller's business; (d) subject to Section 8.12, all claims and causes of action related to any claims for relief under chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code that exist as of the Closing Date; . (e) all trade credits, account receivables, note receivables, take-or-pay amounts receivable, and other receivables attributable to the Assets with respect to any period of time prior to the Effective Time, except to the extent set forth in Section 1.02(o)(i); (f) the Contracts listed in Schedule 1.3(f) and any employee contracts or benefit plans; (g) all rights, titles, claims and interests of Seller or any Affiliate of Seller (i) to or under any policy or agreement of insurance or any insurance proceeds with respect to the Excluded Liabilities, except (A) with regard to directors and officers insurance policies or (B) as set forth in Section 8.12, and (ii) to or under any bond or bond proceeds; (h) the computers, software, specialty tools, SCADA systems, peripherals, radio equipment, and telephone equipment located on the properties listed in Schedule 1.3(h); (i) all documents and instruments of Seller that may be protected by an attorney-client privilege; (j) the Settlement Agreement dated April 30,2015, between Fieldwood Energy Offshore LLC, Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC and Seller; (k) all Geological Data subject to a Transfer Requirement that is not satisfied pursuant to Section 6.5; (I) any Asset deemed an Excluded Asset pursuant to Section 6.5; (m) all of Seller's cash on hand at Closing; and (n) all wells, leases, Easements and real, personal and mixed property located on, or used exclusively in the operation of, the properties listed in Schedule 1.3(n). Schedule 1.3(f) Excluded Contracts East Cameron 317 & 318 (Lease Expired llll 1X7- Abandonment Oblieations Remain) 1. Offshore Operating Agreement effective August 27, 2004, between Novus Louisiana LLC and Darcy Energy, Ltd. 2. First Amended and Restated Offshore Operating Agreement between Medco Energi US LLC and Leed Petroleum LLC dated effective April 1, 2008, whereby parties "amend and restate the Original Agreement" {Offshore Operating dated August 27, 2004} and to reflect further amendments as well. 3. First Amendment to and Ratification of Memorandum of Operating Agreement and Financing Statement dated effective May 17, 2011 by and between Medco Energi US LLC and Marlin GOM I, L.L.C. recorded in Cameron Parish under File No. 323030 in the Conveyance and Mortgage Books. South Marsh Island 39 1. Platform and Facilities Throughput Agreement dated effective October 5, 2001 by and between Remington Oil and Gas Corporation and Magnum Hunter Production, Inc. (producers) and Westport Resources Corporation and Chieftain International (US) Inc. (Platform Owners) and Westport as Platform Operator. 2. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective July 1, 1996 by and between Equitable Resource Energy Company and Chieftain International (US) Inc. 3. Purchase and Sale Agreement-dated September 14, 2009, effective August 1, 2009, between W&T Offshore, Inc., as Seller and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, as Buyer. South Marsh Island 142 (and SM 143 Future P&A Liability) 1. Unit Operating Agreement dated effective March 17, 1976 between Forest Oil Corporation, Columbia Gas Development Corporation, Texas Gas Exploration Corporation, CNG Producing Company, KERR-McGee Corporation, Cabot Corporation, Sun Oil Company (Delaware) and Felmont Oil Corporation. 2. Unit Agreement dated March 19, 1976, by and between Forest Oil Corp and Kerr-McGee Corp et al. (Box 26). 3. Revision of Exhibit B of Unit Operating Agreement (3/17/76) dated April 22,1979 by Forest Oil Corporation. 4. Addendum to Unit Operating Agreement (3/19/76) dated January 22, 1979 by Forest Oil Corporation. 5. Amendment to Exhibit B of Joint Interest Operating Agreement dated effective January 1, 197S by Forest Oil Corporation. 6. Continuation of Exhibit A to Joint Interest Operating Agreement following termination of Geophysical Exploration Agreement (5/17/61) dated September 23, 1971 between Forest Oil Corporation, Columbia Gas Development Corporation, Consolidated Gas Supply Corporation, and Texas Gas Exploration Corporation. 7. Operating Agreement attached to Exploration Agreement dated 5/17/61, between Forest Oil Corporation, Hope Natural Gas Company, Texas Gas Exploration Corporation and The Preston Oil Company. 8. Amendment to Operating Agreement dated May 23, 1997 between CNG Producing Company, Total Minatome Corporation, and Aviara Energy Corporation. 9. Amendment to Operating Agreement dated December 16, 1992 between CNG Producing Company, Total Minatome Corporation, and Columbia Gas Development Corporation. Page lof 4 As of 7-25-17 Orinoco 10. Production Handling Agreement dated January 1, 2007 between Hunt Petroleum, Dominion Exploration, Northstar Gulfsands, Offshore Shelf as Platform Owners Hunt Petroleum and Energy Partners as Producers. 11. Amendatory Agreement (Gas Balancing Agreement) dated 1/22/79, effective 4/22/78, between Forest Oil Corp, as Operator and Columbia Gas Development Corp, Texas Gas Exploration Corp, CNG Producing Company, Kerr-McGee Corp, Cabot Corp, Sun Oil Co and Felmont Oil Corp. 12. Purchase and Sale Agreement dated September 14, 2009, effective August 1, 2009, between W&T Offshore, Inc., as Seller and Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations, LLC, as Buyer. South Pelto 8 1. Operating Agreement dated effective August 1, 1977 by and between Mesa Petroleum and American Natural Gas. South Pelto 13 1. Operating Agreement dated effective May 1, 1996 by and between Zilkha Energy Company and Santa Fe Energy Company. 2. Gas Balancing Agreement dated effective March 23, 1979 by and between Mesa Petroleum Company and Santa Fe Energy Company. 3. Operating Agreement dated effective July 1, 1975 by and between Mesa Petroleum Company and American Natural Gas Production Co. 4. Pipeline Crossing Agreement dated December 16, 1993, between Mesa Operating LTD., Partnership and Zilkha Energy Company. 9 Vermilion 196 (and VR 207 P&A Liability) 1. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective February 9, 1999 by and between Ocean Energy Inc. and Shell Offshore, Inc. 2. Production Handling Agreement dated 7-1-12, between McMoRan, Piquant, Dynamic Offshore, Bandon, Black Elk, Halliburton. West Cameron 2 (Creole) State Leases: #18423,18521, #18524, #19031, #19190, #19192 and #20473 1. Voluntary Unit Agreement entered into and effective May 14, 2008, between the State Mineral Board for and on behalf of the State of Louisiana and Bamboo Investments, LLC; J & S Oil & Gas, LLC; Lewiston Atlas, Ltd.; Madison, LLC; Stokes & Spiehler Properties, Inc. and Xplor Energy SPV-1, Inc. and subsequent Amendments. 2. First Amendment to Voluntary Unit Agreement dated February 18, 2009, by and between the State Mineral Board for and on behalf of the State of Louisiana and Bamboo Investments, LLC, J & S Oil & Gas, LLC, Lewiston Atlas, Ltd., Madison, LLC, Stokes & Spiehler Properties, Inc. and XPLOR Energy SPV-1, Inc. 3. Second Amendment to Voluntary Unit Agreement dated December 14, 2011, between the State Mineral Board, Deep South, J&S Oil and Gas, J&S 2008, J&S 2006, Wilkinson Family Ltd Partnership, Lewiston Atlas, Madison, Stokes & Spiehler, Propel Energy. 4. Troy Bailey Agreement for Surface Lease and Saltwater Injection dated June 13, 2006 (Surface Lease "A"). 5. Troy Bailey Surface Lease Act of Correction dated January 1, 2008 (Surface Lease "A"). Page 2 of 4 As of 7-2S-17 Orinoco 6. Troy Bailey Surface Lease dated April 4, 2013, by and between Troy E. Bailey & Cyndie Bailey, Grantors and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC, Grantee. (Surface Lease "B") 7. Assignment, Conveyance and Bill of Sale dated effective December 1, 2012, from Jeffrey & Andrea Wilkinson Family Limited Partnership (Assignor) and Northstar Offshore Group, LLC as (Assignee) 8. Wilma Picou Agreement for Surface Lease and Saltwater Injection, dated June 14th, 2006. 9. Wilma Picou Amendment to Agreement for Surface Lease and Saltwater Injection, dated June 14, 2008. 10. Wilma Picou Amendment and Ratification of Agreement for Surface Lease and Saltwater Injection, dated June 14, 2014. West Cameron 60 1. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. 2. Joint Development Agreement dated effective June 27, 1991 by and between Brooklyn Union and JCF. 3. Exploration Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. 4. Farmout Agreement dated September 12, 1996, between The Houston Exploration Company and Smith Offshore. 5. Unit Agreement for OCS Exploration & Development (MMS Approved 5-26-93), between BHP, CNG, Ridgewood, Brooklyn Union, Smith Offshore, WEXCO, Contract No. 754393010. West Cameron 61 1. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. 2. Joint Development Agreement dated effective June 27,1991 by and between Brooklyn Union and JCF. 3. Exploration Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. 4. Unit Agreement for OCS Exploration & Developnient (MMS Approved 5-26-93), between BHP, CNG, Ridgewood, Brooklyn Union, Smith Offshore, WEXCO, Contract No. 754393010. West Cameron 75 (and WC 62 P&A Liability only) 1. Participation Agreement dated effective August 20, 2004 by and between El Paso, THEC, and Chevron. 2. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective August 20, 2004 by and between El Paso, THEC, and Chevron. West Cameron 76 1. Joint Development Agreement dated effective June 27, 1991 by and between Brooklyn Union and JCF. 2. Exploration Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. Page 3 of 4 As of 7-25-17 Orinoco 3, Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. 4. Unit Agreement for OCS Exploration & Development (MMS Approved 5-26-93), between BHP, CNG, Ridgewood, Brooklyn Union, Smith Offshore, WEXCO, Contract No: 754393010. West Cameron 77 1. Joint Development Agreement dated effective September 1, 2004 by and between BHP, Dominion, THEC, and Ridgewood. 2. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective September 1, 2004 by and between BHP, Dominion, THEC, and Ridgewood. 3. Exploration Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. 4. Offshore Operating Agreement dated effective May 15, 1991 by and between BHP, Brooklyn Union, EP CNG and Nerco. 5. Joint Development Agreement dated effective June 27, 1991 by and between Brooklyn Union and JCF, 6. Unit Agreement for OCS Exploration & Development (MMS Approved 5-26-93), between BHP, CNG, Ridgewood, Brooklyn Union, Smith Offshore, WEXCO, Contract No. 7543.93010. Marketing Contracts Marketing Contracts by Block Area Block Affected Contract Description Effective Area Block(s) Date None Page 4 of 4 As of 7-25-17 Orinoco Schedule 1.3(10 Excluded Computer and Communication Equipment All computers, software, specialty tools, SCADA systems, peripherals, radio equipment, and telephone equipment locateitedd on on: : Area Block Lease No. East Cameron 317 OCS-G 5392 East Cameron 318 OCS-G 5393 South Marsh Island 39 OCS-G 16320 South Marsh Island 142 OCS-G 1216 South Marsh Island 143 OCS-G 1217 South Pelto 8 OCS-G 3587 South Pelto 13 OCS-G 3171 Vermilion 196 OCS-G 19760 Vermilion 207 OCS-G 19761 West Cameron 2 #18423 West Cameron 2 #18521 West Cameron 2 018524 West Cameron 2 ((19031 West Cameron 2 019190 West Cameron 2 #19192 West Cameron 2 #20473 West Cameron 60 OCS-G 9383 West Cameron 61 OCS-G 9384 West Cameron 62 OCS-G 25872 West Cameron 75 OCS-G 22505 West Cameron 76 OCS-G 9386 West Cameron 77 OCS-G 9387 West Cameron 2 Troy Bailey Surface Lease "A" West Cameron 2 Troy Bailey Surface Lease "B" West Cameron 2 Wilma Picou, etal Surface Lease Page lof 1 As of 7-13-17 Schedule 1.3fn) Certain Excluded Assets Area Block Lease No. East Cameron 317 OCS-G 5392 East Cameron 318 OCS-G 5393 South Marsh Island 39 OCS-G 16320 South Marsh Island 142 OCS-G 1216 South Marsh Island 143 OCS-G 1217 South Peito 8 OCS-G 3S87 South Pelto 13 OCS-G 3171 Vermilion 196 OCS-G 19760 Vermilion 207 OCS-G 19761 West Cameron 2 #18423 West Cameron 2 #18521 West Cameron 2 #18524 West Cameron -> #19031 West Cameron ** #19190 West Cameron -> #19192 West Cameron 2 #20473 West Cameron 60 OCS-G 9383 West Cameron 61 OCS-G 9384 West Cameron 62 OCS-G 25872 West Cameron 75 OCS-G 22505 West Cameron 76 OCS-G 9386 West Cameron 77 OCS-G 9387 West Cameron 2 Troy Bailey Surface Lease "A" West Cameron 2 Troy Bailey Surface Lease"B" West Cameron 2 Wilma Picou, et al Surface Lease 1 «j>i> Page 1 of 1 As of 7-13-17 Orinoco r.....;.,.i r-uhiana 5 ^.^tmo .•^••^ "5^c4#id^- (