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                                                                    EXHIBIT 10.81
 This First Amendment to the Production Sharing Contract for Block F, offshore
 Republic of Equatorial Guinea (this "Amendment") is entered into in Malabo,
 Republic of Equatorial Guinea, as of the 1st day of January, 2000 (the "First
 Amendment Date"), between Triton Equatorial Guinea, Inc., a Cayman Islands
 company ("Triton"), Energy Africa Equatorial Guinea Limited, an Isle of Man
 company ("Energy Africa"), and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (the "STATE")
 represented by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (the "MINISTRY"). Triton and
 Energy Africa are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "CONTRACTOR" and
 the CONTRACTOR and the STATE are sometimes, depending on the context hereinafter
 individually referred to as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."
 WHEREAS, Triton and the STATE entered into the Production Sharing Contract
 covering Block F, offshore Republic of Equatorial Guinea, on March 26, 1997,
 effective as of April 14, 1997;
 WHEREAS, the Ministry at the request of Triton by a letter dated 29 September,
 1998 granted a twelve month (12) extension to the first subperiod of the Initial
 Exploration Period in Section 4.3(a) of the Production Sharing Contract (with
 said extension, the "Contract");
 WHEREAS, with the approval of the STATE, Triton assigned a fifteen percent (15%)
 interest in its rights and obligations in the Contract to Energy Africa as of
 June 1, 1999, so that currently Triton holds an eighty-five percent (85%)
 interest and Energy Africa holds a fifteen percent (15%) interest in the
 Contract; and
 WHEREAS, at the request of the STATE, the Parties agreed to modify the Contract
 for the purposes of aligning certain terms thereof with the revenue allocation
 mechanisms for Production Sharing Contracts recently adopted by the STATE as
 reflected in a Memorandum of Understanding between the Parties dated December 7,
 1999 ("MOU").
 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions set forth herein,
 the Parties hereby agree as follows:
                                     ARTICLE 1
 Except as modified herein, the terms of the Contract shall remain valid and in
 full force and effect.
                                     ARTICLE 2
 The terms and phrases defined in the Contract and used herein shall have the
 same meaning as in the Contract unless the context herein otherwise provides.
 Section 1.2 (Definitions) of the Contract is amended as follows:
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 2.1      Section 1.2(v) is deleted and replaced with the following: "Effective
          Date means April 14, 1997."
 2.2      Section 1.2(z) (definition of Royalty) of the Contract is deleted and
          replaced with the following:
          "Royalty means for each Field, the right of the State to a percentage
          of the Crude Oil and Natural Gas produced, saved, sold and not
          otherwise utilized in Petroleum Operations that is calculated based on
          the daily production rate as reflected below:
                           Rates of Daily
                         Production of Field                       Royalty Per Tranche
                         -------------------                       -------------------
          (calculated on an incremental basis of Crude Oil)
 <S>                                                               <C>
                 From 0 to 30,000 Barrels                                  11%
                 Above 30,000 to 60,000 Barrels                            12%
                 Above 60,000 to 80,000 Barrels                            14%
                 Above 80,000 to 100,000 Barrels                           15%
                 More than 100,000 Barrels                                 16%
          and ten percent (10%) of all the Natural Gas in each Field produced,
          saved, sold and not otherwise utilized in Petroleum Operations."
 2.3      The following definitions shall be added to Section 1.2 of the
          "(ah) First Amendment Date means January 1, 2000."
          "(ai) LIBOR means the rate of interest known as the London Interbank
          Offered Rate on one year U.S. dollar deposits as published by the
          Financial Times (London) . If the Financial Times does not publish the
          said rate during seven (7) consecutive working days, the rate published
          by the Wall Street Journal shall apply. If neither of these two rates
          are published, the Parties will mutually agree upon the rate to apply."
                                     ARTICLE 3
                             AND SHARING OF PRODUCTION
 3.1      Sections 7.2 through 7.4 of the Contract shall be deleted and replaced
          with the following:
          "7.2     After making Royalty payments to the STATE in accordance with
                   the provisions of Section 6.1(n) of this Contract, CONTRACTOR
                   shall be entitled to recover the totality of the Petroleum
                   Operations Expenditures relating to a Field out of seventy
                   percent (70%) of the remaining sales proceeds or other
                   distribution of Crude Oil produced and saved hereunder and not
                   used in Petroleum Operations from such Field.
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                   It is expressly understood that the Exploration Expenditures
                   incurred by CONTRACTOR during any Calendar Year not
                   attributable to a particular Field and included in the Work
                   Program and Budget of Expenditures approved by the MINISTRY
                   for said year shall be recoverable against the production from
                   any Field in the Contract Area with priority given to the last
                   discovered Field.
                   The Petroleum Operation Expenditures attributable to a
                   determined Field not recoverable by CONTRACTOR, because the
                   insufficiency of available Crude Oil in said Field, shall not
                   be transferable nor recoverable from another Field, but such
                   Expenditures shall be deductible from income for purposes of
                   calculating CONTRACTOR's Income Tax."
          "7.3     After payment of the Royalty to the STATE and the portion
                   allocated to CONTRACTOR for the recovery of recoverable
                   Petroleum Operation Expenditures by the CONTRACTOR, the
                   remaining Crude Oil produced, saved and sold from a particular
                   Field and not used in Petroleum Operations shall be referred
                   to as "Net Crude Oil".
          "7.4     The percentage of Net Crude Oil to which the STATE and
                   CONTRACTOR are entitled in a particular Field will be
                   triggered when the cumulative Crude Oil production produced,
                   saved and sold from such Field reaches the corresponding
                   tranche shown below:
                             Cumulative Production               STATE Share of       
                                Levels of Field                  Net Crude Oil            
 Net Crude Oil
                             ---------------------               --------------       --
 <S>                                                             <C>                  
                   From 0 to 200 MMBO                                  20%                    
                   Above 200 to 350 MMBO                               30%                    
                   Above 350 to 450 MMBO                               40%                    
                   Above 450 to 550 MMBO                               50%                    
                   More than 550 MMBO                                  60%                    
                   MMBO means one million Barrels of Crude Oil."
 3.2      In the first sentence of Section 8.1(b) of the Contract delete "Except
          for the Royalty,".
 3.3      Article II, paragraph 2(h) of Annex "C" (Accounting Procedure) to the
          Contract is hereby deleted and replaced with:
          "(h) The full amount of interest on loans shall be considered
          deductible non-capital expenditures for purposes of the Income Tax;
          however, such interest, prior to the First Amendment Date, shall be
          recoverable to a maximum of three percent (3%). As of the First
          Amendment Date such interest shall be recoverable to a maximum of LIBOR
          plus four (4%) percentage points."
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 3.4      A new paragraph 2(i) to Article II in Annex "C" (Accounting Procedure)
          to the Contract will be added as follows:
          "(i) Expenses of the MINISTRY personnel working on full-time basis in
          CONTRACTOR's home office or other principal office or on temporary
          assignment to such offices."
 3.5      Article III, paragraph 3 of Annex "C" (Accounting Procedure) to the
          Contract is amended as of the First Amendment Date by deleting the
          first sentence and replacing it with the following:
          "All interest on loans obtained by an entity comprising part of the
          CONTRACTOR other than the STATE shall be considered deductible;
          however, such interest will be recoverable only as permitted in Article
          II.2(h) of this Annex "C"."
                                     ARTICLE 4
                                PRODUCTION BONUSES
 4.1      Sections 9.2 and 9.3 of the Contract shall be deleted and replaced with
          the following:
          "9.2     On the date of declaration of a Commercial Discovery with
                   respect to a Field, the CONTRACTOR shall pay the STATE the sum
                   of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars (U.S.
                   $750,000). Such payment will not be cost recoverable."
          "9.3     CONTRACTOR shall pay the STATE a one-time payment of Three
                   Million United States Dollars (U.S. $3,000,000) after daily
                   production from a Field averages for the first time thirty
                   thousand (30,000) Barrels per day for a period of sixty (60)
                   consecutive calendar days; CONTRACTOR shall make a further
                   one-time payment to the STATE of Three Million United States
                   Dollars (U.S. $3,000,000) after daily production from a Field
                   averages for the first time sixty thousand (60,000) Barrels
                   per day for a period of sixty (60) consecutive calendar days.
                   CONTRACTOR shall make an additional one-time payment to the
                   STATE of Four Million United States Dollars (U.S. $4,000,000)
                   after daily production from a Field averages for the first
                   time one hundred thousand (100,000) Barrels per day for a
                   period of sixty (60) consecutive calendar days.
                   All payments under this Section 9.3 shall be made within
                   thirty (30) calendar days following the last day of the
                   respective sixty (60) calendar day period and will be cost
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                                     ARTICLE 5
 Sections 6.1(e) and 6.1(f) of the Contract shall be deleted and replaced with
 the following:
          "(e)     have the right, with prior notification to the MINISTRY, to
                   sell, assign, transfer, convey or dispose of any part or all
                   of the rights and interests and obligations under this
                   Contract or in any Field in the Contract Area to any
                   Affiliated Company;"
          "(f)     have the right to sell, assign, transfer, convey or dispose of
                   all or any part of its rights and interests and obligations
                   under this Contract or in any Field in the Contract Area to
                   parties other than Affiliated Companies with the prior consent
                   of the MINISTRY, which consent shall not be unreasonably
                   withheld, and shall be deemed granted if the MINISTRY does not
                   respond to such entity within sixty (60) calendar days of the
                   date of confirmed receipt by the Ministry of the request for
                   its consent.
                   The gain, taxable profit or appreciation realized from any
                   transfer, sale or assignment shall be taxed in accordance with
                   the tax legislation and regulations in effect in the Republic
                   of Equatorial Guinea on the Effective Date. However, when said
                   transfers, sales or assignments by Triton Equatorial Guinea,
                   Inc. or Energy Africa Equatorial Guinea Limited or their
                   respective Affiliated Companies, as the transferor, involve a
                   cash consideration, then the gain, taxable profit or
                   appreciation realized from such transfer, sale or assignment
                   shall be taxed at a rate of fifteen percent (15%) payable by
                   the transferor;"
                                     ARTICLE 6
 6.1      Section 6.1(m) of the Contract shall be deleted and replaced with the
          following language:
                   "(m) pay to the STATE the corresponding income taxes in
                   accordance with the Tax Law subject to the terms of Sections
                   6.1(f), 6.2(a) and 16.3 of this Contract as it is amended;"
 6.2      A new paragraph 3 shall be added to Section 16 as follows:
          "16.3 The STATE guarantees the stability of this Contract's fiscal
          terms during the term of the Contract. Nevertheless, in the event of a
          change in the currently existing tax conditions as of the Effective
          Date in Equatorial Guinea or the sub-region of Central African Economic
          and Monetary Community ("CEMAC"), then the Parties shall at the written
          request of one Party meet promptly to resolve any imbalance resulting
          from such changes.
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          If the Parties are unable to reach a resolution within a period of six
          (6) months from the date a Party first requests such resolution, the
          arbitration and consultation provisions of Section XIII of this
          Contract shall apply, whereby the arbitrators shall determine an
          adjustment of the production share as determined under Section 7 of
          this Contract to resolve the imbalance."
                                     ARTICLE 7
 7.1      Section 2.7 of the Contract shall be deleted and replaced with the
          following language:
          "2.7 This Contract will continue in existence with respect to each
          Field for a period of thirty (30) years with respect to Crude Oil and
          for forty (40) years with respect to Natural Gas starting from the date
          the MINISTRY approves CONTRACTOR'S report or said report is considered
          as approved, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.6, and
          CONTRACTOR receives approval from the MINISTRY.
          In case of new Commercial Discoveries that underlie or overlie, in
          whole or in part, the area of an existing Field or any extension
          thereof, such new Commercial Discoveries together with such Field will,
          subject to Section 2.6(a) of this Contract, constitute only one Field
          subject to the following:
          (a)      The redefinition of any area of development of a Field shall
                   always be subject to the submittal by CONTRACTOR to the
                   MINISTRY of pertinent relevant technical evidence that
                   warrants said redefinition, the approval of which shall not be
                   unreasonably denied by the MINISTRY.
          (b)      In the case of any new Commercial Discovery which, at the time
                   of its being determined by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to Section
                   2.5 of this Contract to be a Commercial Discovery, underlies
                   or overlies, in whole or in part, the area of development of
                   an existing Field as it may by that time have been extended
                   pursuant to Section 2.6(a) of this Contract, shall be treated
                   as an integral part of such existing Field which will be
                   defined or redefined as may be necessary to incorporate all of
                   such new underlying and overlying Commercial Discoveries.
          (c)      In the case of any new Commercial Discovery which, at the time
                   of its being determined by the Contractor pursuant to Section
                   2.5 of this Contract to be a Commercial Discovery, does not
                   underlie or overlie, in whole or in part, the area of
                   development of an existing Field as it may by that time have
                   been extended pursuant to Section 2.6(a) of this Contract,
                   such new Commercial Discovery shall constitute a separate
          (d)      In the event of subsequent extensions to the area of any such
                   new Commercial Discovery as referred to in Section 2.7(c) as a
                   separate Field extending into an area overlying or underlying
                   an area of development of another Field, such subsequent
                   extensions shall not affect the new Commercial Discovery's
                   status as a separate Field.
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          The provisions of Section 2.6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to any such
 new Commercial Discovery."
 7.2      Section 4.7 of the Contract is hereby amended by inserting language at
          the end of this Section as follows:
           "The Parties recognize that the results acquired as Petroleum
          Operations advance or that certain changes of circumstances may justify
          changes to the Work Program and Budget of Petroleum Operations
          Expenditures. Under such circumstances, CONTRACTOR will submit a
          revision to the approved Work Program and Budget for that Calendar Year
          to the MINISTRY for approval in accordance with the terms of Section
          4.6 of this Contract. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
          Upon approval as provided in Section 4.6 of this Contract by the
          MINISTRY of such revision to the relevant Work Program and Budget, the
          expenditures made by CONTRACTOR in relation to such revised Budget will
          be considered Petroleum Operation Expenditures. Notwithstanding the
          foregoing, CONTRACTOR's expenditures up to ten percent (10%) above the
          total of the approved Budget amount (as may be revised and approved
          from time to time) for said Calendar Year will be recoverable Petroleum
          Operations Expenditures. CONTRACTOR's expenditures that exceed ten
          percent (10%) above total of the approved Budget (as revised and
          approved) will not be recoverable or deductible from income for
          purposes of calculating CONTRACTOR's Income Tax."
                                     ARTICLE 8
 8.1      As of the First Amendment Date, Section 6.1(j) of the Contract shall be
          deleted and replaced by the following:
          "(j)     as of the First Amendment Date, include in the Annual Work
                   Program and Budget of Petroleum Operations Expenditures the
                   sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand United States Dollars (U.S.
                   $250,000) to be spent on (i) training personnel of the
                   MINISTRY and citizens of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea,
                   who are not personnel of CONTRACTOR at such time, for
                   professional, skilled and technical jobs in Petroleum
                   Operations or (ii) for all costs related to attendance at
                   professional or industry conferences, institutes or similar
                   events, whether regional or international, for the enhancement
                   of the knowledge or the skills of such persons or the
                   promotion of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of
                   Equatorial Guinea. In fulfillment of CONTRACTOR's obligation
                   under this Section 6.1(j), the CONTRACTOR will remit Sixty-Two
                   Thousand Five Hundred United States Dollars (U.S. $62,500) to
                   the MINISTRY at the beginning of each Calendar Quarter.
                   The MINISTRY agrees to be responsible for the implementation
                   and direct funding of the referenced training programs or
                   events. The sums paid by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Section
                   6.1(j) will be included as cost recoverable Petroleum
                   Operations Expenditures.
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                   CONTRACTOR shall make all reasonable efforts to employ and
                   train citizens of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea in
                   Petroleum Operations. CONTRACTOR may employ non-citizens, if
                   in the opinion of CONTRACTOR and not contested by the
                   MINISTRY, no Equatorial Guinean citizens can be found with
                   sufficient skill and technical qualifications. CONTRACTOR
                   shall make similar requirements of any subcontractor. At
                   intervals of not more than one year CONTRACTOR shall submit to
                   the MINISTRY reports detailing the personnel employed, the
                   position or function they perform and their residence when
                   employed. CONTRACTOR shall provide, as CONTRACTOR deems,
                   necessary, on-the-job training for citizens of the Republic of
                   Equatorial Guinea to undertake skilled and technical jobs in
                   the Petroleum Operations. Costs and expenses of training
                   citizens of Equatorial Guinea as well as costs and expenses
                   for a program of training for the MINISTRY's personnel, shall
                   be included in Petroleum Operation Expenditures."
 8.2      Effective from the date that the Parties hereto execute this Amendment
          as indicated below, a Section 6.5 will be added to the Contract as
          "6.5     If, in connection with CONTRACTOR's performance of its
                   obligations under this Contract, or if circumstances emerged
                   regarding this Contract other than as provided in Section
                   6.1(j) of this Contract, any employee or official of the
                   STATE, including the MINISTRY's personnel, is required to
                   travel to any location outside the Republic of Equatorial
                   Guinea, and the STATE agrees, through the MINISTRY, to permit
                   such employee or official to travel for such purposes,
                   CONTRACTOR agrees, subject to the prior mutual agreement of
                   the Parties to such travel, to pay the following amounts to
                   the MINISTRY, on behalf of the STATE, for the travel expenses
                   related to the participation of such employees or officials:
                   (a)      the actual expenses incurred for travel to the
                            location outside of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
                            and for travel to return to the Republic of
                            Equatorial Guinea and lodging of such employees or
                            officials at the foreign location, and
                   (b)      an amount equal to the following for each day such
                            employee or official is out of the Republic of
                            Equatorial Guinea in accordance with the request of
                            (i)      for a Minister or comparable or more senior
                                     official of the government of the Republic
                                     of Equatorial Guinea (the "Government"): US$
                            (ii)     for a Secretary of State or comparable
                                     official of the Government: US$ 325.00;
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                            (iii)    for a Director General, Secretary General,
                                     Regional Delegate of the STATE or comparable
                                     employee or official of the Government: US$
                            (iv)     for a Department Chief of the MINISTRY or
                                     comparable official of the Government: US$
                                     250.00; or
                            (v)      for Engineers, Geo-scientists, Economists,
                                     and Attorneys of the MINISTRY and all other
                                     employees or comparable officials of the
                                     Government: US$ 200.00.
 The amounts contemplated pursuant to this Section 6.5 shall be payable by
 CONTRACTOR by check made out to the MINISTRY in the resulting total amount.
 Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to the actual travel and lodging
 expenses provided by Section 6.5(a), CONTRACTOR may choose to pay such amounts
 directly to the provider of such services for travel and lodging. The sums paid
 by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Section 6.5 will be included as cost recoverable
 Petroleum Operations Expenditures."
                                     ARTICLE 9
 The notice provision of Section 15.1 of the Contract is amended to substitute
 the Triton information below for notice purposes and to add Energy Africa as a
 PARTY under CONTRACTOR as follows:
          "Triton Equatorial Guinea, Inc.
          c/o Triton Energy
          6688 North Central Expressway, Suite 1400
          Dallas, Texas 75206 USA
          Attention: Mr. Brian Maxted
          Telecopy: 1-214 365-9011
          Telephone: 1-214 696-7554"
          "Energy Africa Equatorial Guinea Limited
          5 Parliament Square
          Isle of Man IM9 1LA UK
          Attention: Rupert Worsdale
          Telecopy: 44-1624827301
          Telephone: 44-1624827310"
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                                    ARTICLE 10
 10.1     Each of the Parties shall carry out all acts and measures as shall be
          necessary to fully perform and carry out this Amendment.
 10.2     This Amendment constitutes the entire agreement among the Parties and
          may not be amended or modified except by a written document signed by
          the Parties. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of
          this Amendment and the Contract with respect to the subject matter
          hereof, the provisions of this Amendment shall prevail.
 10.3     This Amendment shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
          successors and assigns of the Parties.
 10.4     This Amendment shall become effective as of the date it is signed by
          the Parties and shall have the force of law with retroactive effect as
          of 1 January 2000.
 10.5     This Amendment is written and signed in six (6) copies, three (3) in
          Spanish and three (3) in English that shall constitute a single
          original. In the event of a conflict over the interpretation or
          implementation of the contents of this Amendment, the Spanish text
          shall prevail.
 10.6     In the event of a dispute arising out of or related to the
          interpretation or meaning of this Amendment, the Consultation and
          Arbitration provisions of Section XIII of the Contract shall apply.
 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto execute this Amendment on the day and
 year below indicated.
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