腒 REEMENT M:NERAL PRODUCT10N No. 225-2 This MiNERAL PRODUCT:ON SHARINGentered into made and by in Quezon City, Philippines, thisand THE REPUBL:C OF THE PH:LIPPINES, referred to as the of the Departrnent of Environment and Natural Resources, with the Department of venue, Diliman, Quezon Cty and existing under the asthe CONTRACTOR, , Makau CIy and as authorizecj by its || | C provides in WHEREAS,the 1987 ConsltuJon of the鍗 Philippines lpub腡 waters, minerals, the State and that thei腵 beand the full contrcl supervision of the Statei WHEREAS, the Constltutionfurther pr9vldes State may directly undertake such activities, or it may enter a Joint Ven'.ure, or Mineral Production Sharing Agreement Fi partnerships, , or cooperatives, corporations or associations at least per centum of whose capitalization is owned by such citizens; | WHEREAS, pursuant to Republic Act "The 7q42, known as Philippine Mining Act of 1995," which ect on took i11995,the Secretary of the Department of Environment and is authorized tc enter into Mineral Production Sharing 芉 腀 芎 of the objectives of the Government and the Constitution to 腃 芔 芅 economy through sustainable and systematic development util mineral lands; the financial resources, 1 WHEREAS, the Contractor desires to joifi and a rational rational exploration exploration ol oI copper copper and and other other associatedassociatec development and utilization for commerciQl purpo associated mineral deposits existing in the 0ontrdct ii 莓 V SECT:ON腡 DEF:N:T:ONS plural, shalt have the following respective mqaning 2.1. Act refers to Republic Act No. 7944. olhe Mining Act of 1995.' i 2.4. t3. tlr 2.6. 2.7. 28. 29 2.10. 2.11. | proclaiming Mininq Feasibilitv the 213of Declaration recoverable by socially presence of minerals in a sPecific y sound methods acceptable, environmentally safe specified in the Mine Development P and flatural DENR means the 214Department o腵 Bureau. 215 this Agreement by the 216 Contractor and by the Secretary on behalf physical, 2.1 7. Environmeni means a Of and social. t hi ecological, aesthetic, cultural, means searching or mineral resources by 218 Exploration remote sensing, test geological, geophysical and , for or any other means pitting, trenching, dri腡ing, shaft quality and quantity of the purpose of determining the 膩 and the feasibility qf min for profit. mineral resources EfFeclve Date of this shall mean the 219Period Exploration for like periods but Agreement, which shall be for two (2 not to exceed a total term of six (6) minerals and eight (8) years for metallic minerals, subject provisions of the implementing rules and regulations of th means acts or ci beyond the reasonable 220Maieure Force ited towar, rebellion, control of the Contractor including insurrection, riots, civil disturbances, rtage, embargo, strike, lockout, any dispute with surface lr other labor disputes, epidemics, earthquake, storm, flood weather conditions, explosion, fire, adverse action by 1 or by any of its 車艢芔艮芆 any public enerny and 芗 芈 芉 芃 affecied party has no reasonable control. currency the currency of the 2 21 Foreion Exchangemeans any acceptable Government and the Republic of thePhilippines Contractor ic ofthe Philippines or 222 Government means the any of its agencies and 223 Gross Output means the actual the minerals or rnineral products from each mine or mineral as a separate entity, without any deduction for mini refining, transporting, handling, marketing or any other That if the minerals or mineral products are sold or by the Contractor under C.l.F. terms, the actual cost of insurance shall be deducted: Provided further, That in mirieral concentrates which are not traded in commodity lippines or abroad 苂 腞 膌 4 膌 l as copper concentrate. the actual market val quotation of the refined mineral products conta incurred in the !鑥苓n諭 l菌lttn隂 mtt菅誟 Fl:腸 process of converting mineral metal traded in those commodity exchanges. k prepare an ore body or 224Mine Development refers to wo腵 a mineral deposit for mining, of necessary infrastructure and related facilities. mean all naturally occurring in substances in solid, 225Minerals liquid, gas or any intermediate state excludi materials such as 226 227 腣 228 feasibility study, environmental impact i utilization, mineral processing and mine rehabil means notice in writing, telex or 229 Notice 荣 232 233 234 expenditures for development of host and communities and of local geoscience and mining technology, 33 and approved in ofthe Act "ccordance with the implementing rules and re SECT:ONl:: TERM OF years from Efiective have a term of 31 This Agreement sha腡 Date, and may be renewed term not exceeding twenty five (25) years. The as well as the changes in the terms and conditions upon mutual consent by the parties ln the event the to allow mining other be through competitive bY , this operations thereafter shall have l of Contractor public bidding After due publicati of all reasonable the right to equal the highest bid expenses ofthe highest bidder 菁 iV CONTRACT 41 Size, Shape, and Location of Agreement covers a Contract Area of aPProximatelY Seventy Nine and Compostela ValleY and 200荭10,000(6790200)heCtares, bounded by the following (please refer to -1:50,000 SCale LocaJon ANNEX"B腧 Corner Longitude 艐 芒 閵 腅 01'1476" 远)荖 艑 芒 镹 01'1476" 艒 芒 閵 02'1346" 艓 芒 镹 02'1346" 艔 膍 閵 02'1835" 艕 膍 閵 02'2872" 艖 膍 菋 03'1713" 艗 膍 菋 03'1580" 艘 荁 菋 03'2167" 腨 荁 菅 03'2167" 艐 膍 菅 02'4255" 艑 膍 荃 02'4255" 艒 膍 荏 02'1345" 艓 膍 荏 02'1345" 艔 膍 荏 01'5389" 艕 荁 荏 01'5389" 艖 膍 荏 02'0367" 艗 膍 菋 02'0367" 艘 膍 菋 01'4411" 6|| 腵 | 艑 艏 7腅01'4411" 22'3152" 艑 艐 7腅01'2454" 22'3152" 艑 艑 膋 01'2454" 7腅23'0081" | I IL I sEcfloN | ii i EXPLORATION i PERIOD i 51- Exploration Timetable for Exploration The Contractor s commence activities ior copper and associated minerAl d not later than three /.)\ ^r+^- $-^ raart^^ti,,^ n^r^ t^J ^ ^^.:^,.r (2) years, e Date fo腡renewable -^^.a^ (3)monthS after the EfFect蹳l pettOd (8) years, subject to accordance wiih the 誗 ]1闣 趮鍑鞑 ||| | 52 Renewal of Exploration Period - ln cdse thb C or opts for a renewal of its Exploration Period. it shall file prior t expiration thereof, a 酏e陑 腜 Bureau Central Office, R苦stipulated in the 轖 鑆郡  grant thethe implementing rules and regulations Director may renewal of the Exploration Period the Contractor has substantially complied with the terms of the Agreemeni. the six(6)腜or eight ln cases where further exploration is (B)-year period and on condition has substantially implemented the Exploration and Programs as verified by the Bureau, the Director may of the Exploration Period: Provided, That the Contraotor required to set up a performance surety equivalent to requirement of the Exploration and Environmental Work V 53 Work Programs and Budgets - The strictly comply with the 苞 approved Exploration and Envi together w th their corresponding Budgets (please refei to At S "C" and "D"). The amount to be spent by the Contractor conducting Exploration activities under the terms of this Agreement dr the Exploration Period shall be in the aggregate of not less than th, for each of the Contract Years, as follows: For the Exploration Work Program: lst Contract Year 1,419,00000 2nd Contract Year 5,423,00000 銚otal 61842,00000 For in the event of renewal of the Exp10腵 the Environmental Work Program 700,00000 amount to be spent 110n every year sha腡 first be agreed upon by the 裪 腞 Contractor during the succeeding 54 莔 55 56 腝 57 not later than thirty 菄hall be annual accompiishment repon (30) days from the end of each ear. Such information raw and processed sha腡 include detalled , data plotted geological, geochemical, geoPhY on a map at a minimum 1:50,000 of originals of assay results, duplicated samples, field es of originals from drilling reports, maPS, implementation and detailed expenditures deviations with approved exploration and and budgets as well the exploration kindduring as all other information of shall be subject to malon sub"Lted info腵 acJvlies A腡 the confldenla1ly clause ofthil Agr bReport - l'he Contractor to the Director, through Final under oath upon the the Regional Director expiration of the Exploration ll be in the form and substance comparable to reports of respectable international i incorporate all the findings in the Contract Area of samples, assays, chemical analysis, and potentials together 莄with a geologic map of 1:50, minimum showing the 腡 aiso include detalled results of the exploration. Period. ln case of expenditures incurred during upon request of the ing, the diamond dri腡 Director/Regional Director to the Regional Office concerned a quarter of the shall be deposited in the Regional Office Core Li ng and reference. CRelinquishment Report - The ll submit a separate report of the a scale of l:50,000 and er::li诎 臨鱡 ER靷裠 :: 裠 轖 results of analyses and detailed among others. 荣 SECTiONIVi DEVELOPMENT AND - shall of the mine 61The Contractor Timetable 艏芎 with respect to c菍er including the construction of 腃 腀 菏菏 and associated mineral deposits, 芎芉芎 (36)monthS from the submission and approval of the 腎 Feasibility, subject to such extension based on justifiable Director may approve, upon recommendation of the Regional Di 6.2. Reporting n sixty(60)dayS after Annual - The Contractor shall sub December 31 of each year, tb the , through the RegiOnal Director concerned, an annJal ich states the major activities, achievements and detai during thq year 9 腖 covered, including maPs, mineral analyses and geological and reports during the Development and Construction I 腜 the completion of the VVithin six(6)| bFinal RepOrt development and construction Contractor shall submit a final report to the D the Regional Director concerned. Such rePort information in maps of appropriate scale and quality, or reports in accordance with international 10PERA銚 :NG 膌莏 and commercial The Contractor sha腡 Timetable腝 registration of this ut臵lization activity immediately Agreement with respect to gold and mineral deposits. The 莄conduct mining other activities for the Contractor shall the duly approved duration of the Operaling Period in Work Program and Budget, and from the Environmental lmpact Statement System (plet refer to ANNEXES "E' and "F"). Failure by the Contractor to undertr commercial utilization within the period in accordance with the sa Program shall be - During the Operating 72 , through the Regional covering a penod of later than thirty (30) by the previous Work 芷 the Operating Period that specified in the three (3) years of the feature in the Work Program or Budgei, it receipt thereof, provide a Notice to the C( detail its reasons therefore. Promptly Contractor will meet and endeavor to aq proposed revision shall, in so far as possible, ed out as prescribed herein. lf the Government should fqil within (60) days from receipt thereof to notify Contractor of the proposed r , the Work Program and Budget proposed by the Contractor shall b to be approved. It is recognized by the Government and the ( that the detalls of any Work Program may require changes the light of changing : Provided,That陚 circumstances. The Contractor may make shall not change the general objective of Program: Provided further, That changes which entail a varie at least twenty percent be sublectto the approval of (20%)sha腡 The Government's approval of a proposed W rogram and Budget will not be unreasonably withheld. i other activities for the conduct Mining O The Contracto腵sha腡 the duly approved :诺| PT::韆:蹄 諭:銲轑鍟 苔 腶鞐 may make 73Contractor 腛 of the mining may consider necessary for the operations: Provided, That s shall be embodied 苂 腜 b manufactured in the to the intermediate and of the terms at which they were disposedi 腝 at the end of the b.2. Work accomplished and worlt in year in question with resPect the installations and facilities related to the utilizati including the investment actually madb or comt and b.3. Profile of work force, inCluding m and staff, stating particularly their nationalities, Filipinos, their place of origin (i.e., barangay, toln, Pr The Contractor shall also comply with reporting requirements ofthe Act nrovided for in the imolementino rules and : i provided for in the implementing rules SECT:ON V蝖 FISCAL RECIME d I of thi shall be governed - The fiscal regime 81Principle General tne Go expects a reasonable by the prlnciple according to which return in economic value for the dltilizal non-renewable n-iineral resources under its national sovereignty ' Contractor expects a reasonable return on its investment wlth sp, to be taken for the high risk of exploration, the terms arld cor prevailing elsewhere in the industry and any special efficiency to t by a particularly good performance of the Contractor. 8.2. Registration Fees - Within fifteen (1 receipt of the notice of approval of the Agreement from Office concerned, the with the said Contractor shall cause the reqi provided in the rr Regional Office and pay the rate existing rules and regulations. F to cause the registration of this Agreement period shall be atiOn of sufficient ground for ca19e腡 8.3. Occupation Fees - Prior to reg and at the same date every year thereafter, the to the Municipal/City Treasurer concerned an occupation fee Contract Area at the annual rate provided in the existing !fthe fee is not paid on the date specified, the a surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) of the amount due occupation fees. 84 Share of the Government - The shall be the excise tax on mineral products at the time of the rate provided for in Republic Act No. 7729 amending of the National lnternal Revenue Code, as amended, as well as , duties and fees levied by existing laws. The Excise Tax shall the nearest Bureau of lnternal Revenue Office in the provincE c 苂 艓 For purposes of determining the amount of Government Share, the Contractor shall strictly comply with ng and accounting requirements prescribed under existing laws wlh Seclons 290 OCated i be a腡 The Government Share sha腡 known as "The Local and 292 of Republic Act No 7160, Otl Government Code of 1991 ." of Sales - The Contractor shall d the minerals and bY- 85Pricing products produced at the highest market pr iling in the localitY: The bontractor shall also pay the lowesl marketing commissions and related fees and shall negotiate for terms and conditions subject to the right to enter into I sales or marketing contracts or foreign exchange and commodity ing contracts, which the that the sale Government acknowledges to be acdeptable to lme be lower,or price of the minerals and by-product$ may f ih" terms and conditions of sales afe less , than that available elsewhere. The Contractor shall seek to s balance between long- term sales or marketing contracts or forelgl and commoditY hedging contracts comparable to policies by independent 苇mining ihdustry. producers in the international The Contractor shall likewise se$k a distribution among consumers. lnsofar as sales to s) are concerned, prices shall be at arm's length standard, offers for large scale and longterm contracts shall be pr Before any sale and/or and future mai-keting contract(s)/sales agreement(s) shall I be to the Director. coPY furnished the Regional Director . At the same time, the Contractor shall regularly in writing of any revisions, changes or additions in S) The Contractor shall reflect in its Report on Production, Sales and lnventorY of Minerals, 芏 芎 腝 芎 芔 the lntegrated Annual 莓reg s) of the marketing Report, the corresponding  contract(s)/agreement(s) governing 芔 芈 芁腀 芎 芃 of minerals. Minerals - lf minerals other , gold, molybdenum are 86Associated discovered in commercial quantities in the Area, the value thereof shall be added to the value of the prir I in computing the Government share. i - Within the stated herein, the 91to Government Submission p:r:荍 , through the Regional 1:for the ]:131:腷11:腸Budget :膊:[iFl(芫:i::ln:腷 Contract Area stating the Mining Operations expenditures which the Contractor proposes to carry out during the covered with the $etails *./ / I / 1/ U /u particulars set forth elsewhere ir| this or in the supoorting and documents. 9.2. Government's Examination and Revision of Program - Should the Government decide to propose a revision to a specific feature in the Work Program or Budget, it shall, within (30) days after i-eceipt thereof, provide a Notice to the Contractor ng in reasonable detail its reasons therefore. Promptly thereafter, the and Corrtractor will meet and endeavor to agree on proposed by the Government. ln any event, the portion of said Work sha腡 fa腡 to notify the Program or Budget in which the as possible, be carried Contractor of the proposed revision d fall within sixty(60) out as prescribed herein. lf the Government days from receipt thereof to notify Contractor o proposed revisioi']s, the Work Program and Budget proposed by the Ct shall be deemed to be approved. to Work Program - is recognized by the 93Changes Contractor's that the detailr any Work Program may Government and the Contractor The Contractor require changes in the light of changing Qit 腛changes: Provided, That it not change the general may make such which entail objective of the Work Program: Provided changes subject to the approval 葟asttwenty percent(20%) a va腧ance of at of the Director of a proposed | and Budget will 9.4. The Government's approval not be unreasonably withheld. SECT:ON X AND HEALTH ENViRONMENTAL PROTECT:ON AN銆 莿 101The Contractor sha腡 manage ts Miniin a technically, y and enviro y, socia腡y, cultura腡 manner to financia腡responsible achieve the sustainable development o and responsibilities as provided ions ofthe Act for under the implementing rules 10.2. The Contractor shall ensure ihat the standards protection are met in the course of the Mining o the extent possible, control of pollution and the mined-out areas or y materials socia腡 into economically and forms must be done simultaneously with mining. 103 The Contractor shall submil an Program during the Exp10ratiOn Period as prescribed in rules and regulations ofthe Act 10.4. An Environmental Compliance be secured first by the Contractor prior to the conduct of works, construction of production facilities and/or mine Area. 105 Enhancement Program (EPEP) using No- 16-2 covering all areas to be affected by development, util processing activities 膍 107 腍 VV 10.'l 1 . The Contractor shall be responsible for the ssion of a final mine rehabilitation and/or decommissioning 0la its financial requirements and incorporating the details i set forth in the implementing rules and regulations of the Act. SECT:ON Xl l RIGHTS AND OBLiGATiONS OF TH 11 1 0bligations ofthe Contractor: To exclusively conduct sustainable Operations within the Contract Area in accordance with th( ions of the Act and its implementing rules and regulations; | b To construct and operate any facilities ed under the Mineral Agreement i:i:[軇 V or approved Work Program; 莄 C1::镀鏱 顨process to be To extract,remove,use and disppse of IIIIinl as authorized by an approved Work Program; e permits To secure all necessary or le for the purpose of Mining Operations; To keep accurate technical recoids about Mining Operations, as well as financial and marketing make them available to Government representatives the Director for the V purpose of assessing the compliance 荣 Contractor with the terms of of the representatives of other thiF Authorized Governrferlt may also have access to such accounts in ng laws, rules and regulations; S To furnish the Bureau all the data and gathered from the Contract Area and that all the books of and records shall be open for inspection; h To allow access to Government duri hours in inspecting the Contract Area and exami pertinent records for purposes of monitoring compliance with of this Agreement; To hold the Government free and from all claims and accounts of all kinds, as well as demands actions arising out of the accidents or injuries to persons or pr( es caused by Mining Operations of the ContractOr andl expenses or costs incurred by Government for any the STlamSamunlsdm腧 1鎮 襾 16 unty: ln the development ofthe com蝖 j.'l To recognize and respect the and traditicns of indigenous cultural their ancestral lands and to allocate royalty payment less than one percent (1%) of the value of the gross minerals sold; To coordinate with proper in the development of ,2 the mining community and living in the host and neighboring communities social infrastructure, livelihood programs, education, electricity and medical services. Where traditional self ning income and the community activities are ident to be present, the Contractor shall assist in preservation and/or enhancement of such activities; | j3 To allot annually a min (1'h) of the direct mining and milling costs implement the aciivities undertaken in the development host and neighboring communities. Expenses for con y development may be charged against the royalty of at least one percent 腂f the gross outputfor the concerned (1%) indigenous cultural To give preference to Filipino who have estabiished i4 domicile in the neighboring , in the hiring of personnel for its mining lf necessary skills and expertise are currently , the Contractor must immediately prepare and ining and recruitment program at its expense; and To incorporate in the Mining F ility Study the planned i5 expenditures necessary to imp (.3) of this (11)tO Section, k :n the development of Mining TOchnol Geosciences: k.'1 . ln the course of its produce geological, geophysical, types of maps and reports that are and in format and substance which are consister the internationally accepted standards and practices maps shall be made available to the scientific in the most convenient and cost effective forms, the condition that the Contractor may delay releaie id information for a reasonable period of time which not exceed three (3) years; To systematically keep the dala ed from the ContracU Mining Area such as cores, and other related nancial data and make 17 1 responsible for develoPing ng, geoscience and processing technology subject condition that the Contractor may delay release to the science and i period of time technology technology community communlty within wltnln a which shall not exceed three 1P) transfer to the Governmeht mining company the k3To appropriate technology it may in the exploration, development and commercial util of the minerals rn the Contract Area; k.4. To allocate research and budget for the advancement of mining and geosciences in coordination with the Bureau, institutions, academe, etc.; and cited in(kl)and(k2) k.5. To replicate data, maps and and furnish the Burdau for and systematic safekeeping which shall be m4de lable to the science and technology communitY for rg research and 苇other activiti contribute to the undertaking of mining, and processing development pool of manpower technology and the of data, maps release talentsi Provided, however, that ined in accordance with be sinnilarly lcor and the like sha腡 (kl)and(k2)abovei 腒Study the planned To incorporate in the expenditures necessary to i plans and programs set forth in this Agreement; and To pay all other taxes and feesi rules and 腪 regulations. 腪 11 2 Rights of the Contractori To conduct Mining Operatlons the confines of its ContracuMining Arei in accordance: terms and conditions hereof and without interfering the rights of other Contractors/Lessees/Operators/Perni bPossession ofthe Contract Area,With fu of ingress and egress and the right to occupy surface and easement rights; C geophysical, To use and have access to all l, drilling, production and other data the mining operations; d To sell, assign, transfer, convey or dispose of all its rights, interests and obligations under sublect to the approval of the Government; 18 eTo employ or bring into the Philippi specialized personnel, including the i families as may be required in the subject to applicable laws and regul employment connection of such foreign ceases, the applicable laws and apply to them. Every time foreign t where alien executives are emp training understudies shall be underte shall be limited to technologies requiri and experience subject to the requirqd rules and regulations: TO eniOy easement rights and use of resources in the Contract Area subject regulations and the rights of third parties S Repatriation of capital and r interest on loans, subject to existing I Pilipinas rules and regulations; and h To import when necessary eill equ materials required in the operations i;r and regulations. 11.3. Obligations of the Government: To ensure that the Contractor has th6 in the exercise of the rights granted to it b To use its best efforts to ensLrre the permits and similar authorizing the Contract Area; and V 芰 C To cooperate with the Contractor contemplated herein from bdnks Provided, That such financing the Contractor's obligation on SECTiON X腡 ASSETS AND EQU 12.1 . The Contractor shall acquire that are reasonably estimated Operations. 122 A腡 the Philippines, subject to existing rules from Operations on public la cessation of Mining the Contractor abandonment or withdrawal, year from the time of cessation within which otherwise, all social infrastructures and faci donated tax free to the proper government ensure that said infrastructures and facilities and utilized by the host and neighboring comm SECT:ON X蝖 EMPLOYMENT AND TRA:NING OF PHi The Contractor agrees to employ, to the exte personnel in all types of mining operations for after Commercial Production commences sh settled by a tribunal of three (3) arbitr constituted as follows: one to be appointed by to be appointed by the Secrelary. The first consider names of qualified persons until acceptable Chairman of the tribunal is select initiated and conducted pursuant to Republic as the "Arbitration Act." ln any event, the arbitration shall be laws of the Republic of the Philippines 14.3. Each party shall pay fifty percent (50%) of Arbitrators and the costs of arbitration Each and attorney's fee. SECT:ON XV SUSPENSiON OR TERMINAT:ON OF TAX:NCENTiVES AND C 15.1. This Agreement may be suspended for f comply with any provision or requirement of the rules and regulations; (b) to pay on time the other charges demandable and due the 15.2 This Agreement terminates or may be terminat (a) expiration of its ternt, whether original or the Agreement by the Contractor; (c) violat Agreement's terms and conditions; (d) failure to or financial obligations for two (2) consecutive omission of facts by the Contractor; and (f) provided under the Act and its implementing ru other relevant laws and regulations. 15.3 A腡 unless the contrary intention is default exercise the waiver. party authorized to of termination, the Contractor shall 156ln case liabilities due up to the end of the year in wh effective. The Contractor shall immediately Contract Area in accordance with good mining 銚he wlthdrawal by the Contractor from 157 financial, release it from any and a腡 obligations under this Agreement a sha腡 owing acts or omission,rrlrer a膍 15 8 The fo腡 upon which the Government may exercise Agreement: Failure of the Contractor without Commercial Production within the pet 膜 bFailure of the Contractor to conduct 芲 activities in accordance with the any modification thereof as approved by 15.9. The Government may suspend and cancel tax Contractor fails to abide by the terms and credits. SECTiON XV: OTHER PROVISiONS 16.1 . Any terms and conditions 荕existing laws or regulation or from the admlnistrative order shall be considered 3 part 16.2- Notice All notices, demands and other hereunder shall be made in writing, telex or lf to the Contractor. I l THE PRESIDENT I i Apex Mining Co., lnc. j i 6ih Floor Manilabank Building I I Ayala Avenue, Makati City I I Either party may substitute or change sucfr aOOrisslon notice thereof to the other party: Provided, That the Contractor shalt, inl case of any change of address during the term of this Agreement nqtifylthe Director in writing. Failure to do such notification shall be deemed As vlaiver by the Contractor to be informed about any communications as pr ided in Section 16 2 above, 16.3. Governing Law This Agreement and the relation between hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the Republic of 荖 膌 the Philippines. The Contractor hereby agrees obliges itself to comply with the provisions of the Act, its imp rulps and regulations and 腝 I other relevant laws and regulations, 16.4. Suspension of Obligation r l b lf Mining Operations are delayed, curtai or prevented by V Force Majeure causes, then the time ing the rights 膍 carrying out ther obligations thereby Agreement and all rights and obli hereunder shall THE REPUBLiC OF THE PH:L:PP:NES BY: :DEFENSOR 腠 荭 APEX MiN:NC CO.,:NC 腌 腝 TIN: 菆 臝 O腁 O菍菆 2膌 苨 荂 膌 BY: ACKNOWLEDGMEN銚 Republic of the Philippines) Quezon City )SS Before me, a Notary Public for and in the City of Quezon, personally appeared Tax CeJ!lCale No f%',I荃 MICHAEL T.DEFENpOR,wlh Communl膡 zoog 7 at hacb4 CiL鏱 issued on -laa.5, , in his caladly as