1i ANNEX DFNR l\l'lD 6l;,J$rf,lliNIE"l [,r r;: MINERAl.PRO芢UCT!ON SHARING u: 2005腝 腡| No. 226腅 I'lris MINEIL\[. PRODIJCTIOII $HARltlc AGREEMENT is made anrl entered irrto irr CJuezorr City, Plritippines, tlris rJiry of lFt I [ ?JU[ by arrd between: -- Tl'lE REPI,BLIC OF Tl'lE Pl'llLlPPlNES, herein referred to as the GOVERNIIIIINT, represented iri this act by ttre Secretary of the Department of Environntent and Natural Resources, with offices at the Department of Environment arrU Natural Resources Building, Visayas Avenue, Dilimarr, Quezon City and tl[:]iGUET CORPORATTON, a corporation duly organized and existirtg rlrrder tlte laws of ttre Reputrlic of tlre Plrilippines, herein referred to as tle CONTRACTOR, witlr oifice at One Corporate Plaza,845 Arnaiz Avenue, Makati City and represettted irr thi.s act by its President and Chief Executive O[ficer, BENJAMIN P]llLlP G. ROIIIr*tAt-DEZ, as'aLtthorized by its Board of Directors (please refer to AI{NEX 'A") WITNESSETI.I : WHEREAS, the 1987 Constitution of tlre Republic of the Philiopines provides in /\rticle Xll, Ser:tion 2 thereof tlrat all lands of the public domair', waters, minerals, coal, petroleurn and otJrer natural resources are owned by the $tate and that their exploration, develo;:rnerrt and ,utilization shall be under tlte full cotttrol and sullervision of the State; Wl'{EREAS, tlie Conutitution further provides that ttre State may directly untlettalte suctt activities, r.lr it nray errtc=r ir.'.o a Co-Production, Joint Venture, ot Mineral [iroduction Slraring Agreement with Filipino citizens, or cooperatives, partnerships, cc:rporations or associations at least sixty per centum of whose capitalization is owned by such citizens, WHEREAS, pursuant to Republic Act No, 7942, otherwise known as "The l-rhilippino Mining Act of 1995," which took effect on 09 April 1995, tho Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources is authorized'to enter into Mineral Production Sharing Agreements in furtherance of the objectives of the Government and the Constitution to bolster the national economy through sustainable and systematic development and utilization of minerirl lands; WHEREAS, the Government desires to avail itself of the financial resources, technical colnpetence and skill, which the Contractor is capabii of applying to the rrrining operations of the project contemplated herein; WFIEREAS, the Cotltractor desires to join anrl assist tl're Government in the initial rational exploration and possible r.levqfopnrent and utilizatiorr for cornrnercial purposes of certaitt chrornite and nickel an