Heritage Oil Plc Capital Markets Day, 30 January 2013 January 2013 Disclaimer – Important Notice Certain information in this presentation is based on management estimates. Such estimates have been made in good faith and represent the genuine belief of applicable members of management. Those management members believe that such estimates are founded on reasonable grounds. However, by their nature, estimates may not be correct or complete. Accordingly, no representation or warranty (express or implied) is given that such estimates are correct or complete. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given that such estimates are so founded. Neither the Company nor J.P. Morgan Cazenove or Standard Bank undertake any obligation to correct or complete any estimate whether as a result of being aware of information (new or otherwise), future events or otherwise. Overseas shareholders This presentation has been prepared for the purposes of complying with English law and the Listing Rules of the FSA and information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been prepared in accordance with the laws of jurisdictions outside England. Persons who are not resident in the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws of jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom. Such persons should inform themselves about and observe any applicable requirements of such jurisdictions. Any failure by such persons to comply with any applicable restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the companies involved in the proposed Divestment, J.P. Morgan Cazenove and Standard Bank disclaim any responsibility or liability for the violation of such restrictions by any person. Copies of this presentation are not being, and must not be, mailed or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into or from any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a breach of securities laws in that jurisdiction. Persons receiving this presentation (including custodians, nominees and trustees) should observe these restrictions and should not send or distribute this presentation in, into or from any such jurisdictions. CAUTIONARY NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION: This presentation includes statements that are, or may be deemed to be, “forward-looking statements”. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with regard to the outcome of the exercise of the Shoreline Option, proposed Divestment, Loan, future production and grades, projections for sales growth, estimated revenues, reserves and resources, targets for cost savings, the construction cost of new projects, the timing and outcome of exploration projects and drilling programmes, projected capital expenditures, the timing of new projects, future cash flow and debt levels, the outlook for the prices of hydrocarbons, the integration of acquisitions, the outlook for economic recovery and trends in the trading environment, statements about strategies, cost synergies, revenue benefits or integration costs and production capacity and future production levels and timing, and may be (but are not necessarily) identified by the use of words such as “believes”, “estimates”, “plans”, “projects”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “intends”, “may”, “aims”, “plans”, “predicts”, “continues”, “assumes”, “positioned”, “will”, or “should” and other similar expressions that are predictions of or indicate future events and future trends or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology. These forward-looking statements include matters that are not historical facts and include statements regarding the Company’s intentions, beliefs or current expectations. An investor should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because, by their nature, they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors and relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future that are in many cases beyond the control of the Company. A number of factors could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. In particular, there is no assurance that the conditions precedent to completion of the proposed Divestment will be satisfied or waived and the Company may not realise the anticipated benefits, operational and other synergies and/or cost savings from the proposed Divestment or the Loan repayment. Any forward-looking statements in this presentation reflect the Company’s view with respect to future events as at the date of this presentation and are subject to risks relating to future events and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to the Company’s operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. None of the Company, J.P. Morgan Cazenove or Standard Bank undertake any obligation publicly to release the results of any revisions or up-dates to any forward-looking statements in this presentation that may occur due to any change in its expectations or to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this presentation. Subject to certain exceptions, neither this presentation nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into the United States, its territories or possessions or distributed, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, its territories or possessions. Neither this presentation nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into any other jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction or to any securities analyst or other person in any of those jurisdictions. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of United States or other applicable securities law. The distribution of this presentation in other jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. This presentation does not constitute or form a part of any offer or solicitation to purchase or subscribe for securities in the United States. The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”), and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States. There will be no public offer of any securities of Heritage in the United States. The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be registered under the applicable securities laws of any other restricted jurisdiction and, subject to certain exceptions, may not be offered or sold within any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the relevant laws or to any national, resident or citizen of such jurisdiction. This presentation constitutes an advertisement within the meaning of the Prospectus Rules of the FSA and is not a prospectus and has been prepared solely in connection with the proposed Divestment. Copies of certain corporate documents relating to certain matters discussed herein are/will be available from the Company’s registered office and from 34 Park Street, London, W1K 2JD and are/will be available for viewing on the Company’s website at www.heritageoilplc.com. Important Information This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, exchange, or transfer any securities of Heritage. The value of ordinary shares of Heritage and exchangeable shares of Heritage Oil Corporation exchangeable into ordinary shares of Heritage can go down as well as up and past performance cannot be relied on as a guide to future performance. . 1 1 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW 2 Capital Markets Morning Section Presenter Page Introduction and Overview Paul Atherton 5 OML 30 – Transaction Details and Overview Paul Atherton 19 OML 30 – The Assets, Fields, Infrastructure Steve Kobak 26 OML 30 – Field Development Steve Kobak 43 OML 30 – Environmental and CSR Kola Karim 54 Nigeria Kola Karim 57 Production – Russia Steve Kobak 61 Exploration Brian Smith 64 Summary Paul Atherton 75 3 Biographies Paul Atherton – CFO, Director Mr. Atherton is a qualified accountant, having qualified with Deloitte & Touche, and holds a degree in geology from Imperial College London. He has a corporate finance background with specific experience in the international mining and resource sectors. He joined Heritage in 2000 and subsequently joined the Board of Directors in 2005. . Steve Kobak, VP Production Mr. Kobak, a qualified engineer, has 27 years of experience in oil and gas production operations, reservoir studies and asset development. The companies he has worked for include ESSO, Shell International and Khanty Mansiysk Oil Corporation in Western Siberia where he held senior management positions guiding technical and operations activities. He has extensive international experience working in Russia, the Far East, Middle East and Canada. Mr. Kobak joined Heritage in 2007. Brian Smith, VP Exploration Mr. Smith has 30 years experience in the oil industry. He initially worked as an exploration geologist for Exxon in the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Later he joined Enterprise Oil where he managed various exploration projects in the Far East and Eastern Europe/FSU. He joined Heritage as Vice President, Exploration in 1997. Kola Karim, Director Shoreline Natural Resources Mr. Karim is Group CEO and Managing Director of Shoreline Energy and Shoreline Power. Mr. Karim holds an MBA from the University of Leicester and degree in Business Management from City University; he is also an alumni member of the Harvard Business School for the Executive Management Programme and the Harvard Kennedy School for the Leadership and Public Policy programme. He was awarded Young Global Leader Award in 2008 by the World Economic Forum. 4 HERITAGE OVERVIEW 5 Transformational Growth TSR Versus Peers Since TSX Listing, % 10,000 2P Reserves Heritage Tullow Oil Premier Oil Soco International Afren Salamander Energy 1999: 2.5 million barrels 9,000 2013: 412 million barrels 8,000 7,000 Production 1999: 367 bopd 6,000 2013: 11,583 bopd 5,000 4,000 Market Capitalisation 1999: US$13 million 3,000 2013: US$848 million 2,000 1,000 Cash raised from equity markets: US$370m 0 Cash raised through sale Jan 99 Jan 01 Jan 03 Jan 05 Jan 07 Jan 09 Jan 11 Jan 13 of assets: US$2bn Dividend of c.US$500m paid in 2010 Source: Factset and Datastream as of 25 January 2013 6 Ability to Deliver and Provide Substantial Growth •Acquisition of a world class asset providing a step change in production, reserves and cash Completion of OML 30 Acquisition flow •Creates a platform upon which to build within Nigeria •Attractive valuation secured for a development asset with a significant future capital Completion of Miran Disposal expenditure requirement •Proceeds used to partially fund entry into Nigeria and also to continue exploration and development of the existing portfolio Financial Flexibility •Strong balance sheet •Potential to develop and strengthen the portfolio through further acquisitions Value Generation •Exceptional record of generating value and monetising assets •Raised US$2bn in asset sales with the current management team Strategic Advantage •Look to acquire assets that are underdeveloped or overlooked •Early mover advantage •Discovered four of the five largest onshore discoveries in Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding Technical Skillset Nigeria) in the last ten years •Depth and breadth of industry experience •Ability to mitigate risk associated with political and security issues through local partners, Management of Risk on-the-ground experience and engagement with local communities •Balanced portfolio of exploration and production assets 7 Diversified Portfolio Across Core Areas PProrodduuctctiioonn ExpExploloraratitioonn Russia Malta 95% Zapadno Chumpasskoye 100% Area 2  Produced c.617 bopd in Q3 100% Area 7 2012.  Well planning ongoing. Libya Sahara Oil Services Pakistan  51% equity interest and control 54% Sanjawi Block of Sahara Oil Services which 48% Zamzama North Block will provide access to the Tanzania  Initial interpretation of Libyan oil industry. existing seismic has identified 29.9% Latham several prospects and leads. 100% Rukwa North Basin 100% Rukwa South Basin 100% Kyela  Work programmes on Rukwa and Kyela have commenced. Nigeria  Rukwa legacy 2D seismic has been processed and additional OML 30 seismic is being acquired. • Major interest in OML 30  Kyela gravity survey has been through Shoreline Natural interpreted and seismic Resources. Produced gross acquisition has completed. c.35,7oo bopd in November 2012. 8 Heritage Relative to Peer Group 2P Reserves, mmboe Market Capitalisation, US$ million 500 5,000 412 16,966 400 380 4,000 296 3,133 300 3,000 2,458 200 185 2,009 130 2,000 100 75 62 1,000 848 773 399 0 0 2013E Production, kbpoed FV/2P Reserves, US$/boe 100 89 50 46.5 75 67 40 30 50 44 20 16.4 14.1 13.4 25 21 16 11.4 14 12 10 3.4 2.3 0 0 Source: Factset as of 25 January 2013, company reports, and Woodmac for Soco and Salamander Energy 2013E production estimates 9 OML 30 – DRIVING GROWTH 10 Nigeria, OML 30 1  45% interest in OML 30 acquired by Shoreline Natural Resources 2 (“Shoreline”)  Onshore Nigeria, located less than 50 kilometres east of Warri  Lease covers 1,097 square kilometres with eight producing fields; Afiesere, Eriemu, Evwreni, Kokori, Oroni, Oweh, Olomoro-Oleh, Uzere West  850,000 bpd pipeline to export terminal  Gross production of c.35,700 bopd reported for November 2012 with the potential to significantly increase to c.100,000 bopd in the medium term and c.300,000 bopd in the long term, according to RPS evaluation ¹ OML 30 is 55% owned by Nigerian Petroleum Development Corporation (“NPDC”) 2 Shoreline equity split is 45% Heritage, 55% Shoreline Power Company 11 OML 30 - A Transformational Acquisition  Completed in November 2012, 45% interest in OML 30, located onshore Nigeria, acquired by Shoreline Acquisition of world  Gross production c.35,700 bopd reported for November 2012 class asset  Largest ever upstream asset transaction in sub-Saharan Africa on a 2P basis1 Step change in  Step change in net production to Heritage, increasing from 617 bopd in Q3 2012 to c.11,350 bopd year end exit rate production and reserves  2P crude reserves net to Heritage increase from 65 mmbbls to 412 mmbbls Combining Nigerian  Local partner Shoreline Power is an indigenous pan-African energy and infrastructure business with an existing relationships with network of strong and respected relationships within Nigeria technical expertise  Heritage has a strong technical team with relevant geographic experience 2 nd th  Proved reserves of 37.2 bn bbls , the largest in sub-Saharan Africa, 2 largest in Africa and 10 largest in the world Exposure to Nigeria  Largest African producer with 2.5 mmbbls per day, with well-established infrastructure from over 50 years of oil production Diversification in  Balancing exploration with production, within core geographic areas core areas  Oil focused producing lease 1 Herold, based on publicly sourced data 2 BP Statistical Review 2012 12 Acquisition Provides A Step Change in Production and Reserves Net Production, bopd Net Reserves, mmbbls 12,000 450 10,000 8,000 300 6,000 4,000 150 2,000 0 0 Heritage pre OML 30 Heritage post Heritage pre OML 30 Heritage post acquisition acquisition acquisition acquisition  Production:  2013 average 45,000 bopd gross from OML 30, net to Heritage 2013 production is expected to be 14,300 bopd  2014 average 70,000 bopd gross from OML 30, net to Heritage 2014 production is expected to be 22,000 bopd  Reserves  OML 30 gross 2P reserves of 1,114 million barrels  2P crude reserves net to Heritage increase from 65 mmbbls to 412 mmbbls 13 Positioning Shoreline within Nigeria’s Indigenous Oil Sector 2P Reserves, mmbbls Latest Reported Production, bopd 600 18,000 500 16,000 14,000 400 12,000 300 10,000 8,000 200 6,000 100 4,000 2,000 0 0  Nigeria’s indigenous oil sector is being strengthened by asset divestments from IOCs over the past 3 years  Shoreline’s acquisition of OML 30 positions it as one of the largest indigenous oil companies in Nigeria  Establishes Shoreline with critical mass of reserves and production to be leading player in the Nigerian oil sector  Creates reputable platform with execution experience for potential future transactions 14 Recent Divestments  OML 30 is one of a number of licences that have been divested in the Niger Delta recently  OML 30 has been referred to as the premier asset due to location, reserves, current production, availability of facilities and proved development capability 15 Attractive Acquisition Metrics US$ per 2P Reserves of Precedent Transactions1 10  Attractive acquisition cost of US$1.7/2P reserves versus average of US$5.9 for precedent transactions 8  Significant discount compared to similar recent onshore transactions in Nigeria 6 Average of precedents  Long-life asset with 2P reserve life of 87 years at current production of c. 35,000 bopd 4  OML 30 immediately cash generative upon completion  Comparable transactions based on onshore Nigeria assets sold 2 during last 3 years by IOCs:  Oando acquisition of OML 60-63 announced December 0 2012 (yet to be completed) OML 30 OML 60 - OML 40 OML 42 OML 26 OML 4, 38,  Eland acquisition of OML 40 announced August 2012 63 41  Neconde acquisition of OML 42 announced April 2011 FV/2P Comparison with Selected Peers, US$/boe  Afren/FHN acquisition of OML 26 announced October 50 46.5 2010 40  Maurel & Prom/Seplat acquisition of OMLs 4, 38 and 41 announced January 2010 30 OML 30 acquisition multiple 20 16.4 14.1 13.4 11.4 10 3.4 2.3 1.7 0 ¹ Based on 2P reserves at announcement. No “2P case” published for OML 42, RPS “mid-case” used as proxy Note: FV calculated based on market capitalisation from Factset as of 25 January 2013 and net debt from latest company filing 16 OML 30 – The Opportunity Historical Drilling  Over 200 wells have been drilled on the licence since 1961 with 30 Wells Drilled Annually 300 most drilling completed prior to 1992 Cumulative Wells  All wells are producers as the reservoirs are underlain by a strong 25 250 ls aquifer r el Yea20 200 W  Sporadic drilling as the licence was not considered core and r e ve therefore over-looked and under developed ps 15 150 lati lel  Production from the licence commenced in 1963 and peaked in W10 100 mu 1971 at c. 280,000 bopd Cu 5 50  Over the period 2006 to 2009 production was severely impacted 0 0 by both security and funding issues  These issues are less relevant for Shoreline and will make it easier to bring production back on Historical Oil Production, ‘000 bopd  Production of c.35,700 bopd as at November 2012 300 250 d200 p 150 Bok 100 50 0 17 OML 30 - Independent Evaluation OML 30 Summary of Reserves Gross Heritage Group  Independent evaluation of OML 30 and Heritage’s existing assets Remaining Reserves Net Entitlement  2P valuation range of US$2.2 to US$2.7 billion at 10% discount Reserves rate Gross of Net of Gross of Net of  RPS report does not factor in additional upside from gas reserves, Royalty Royalty Royalty Royalty remaining undeveloped reservoirs and behind pipe reserves in (mmstb) (mmstb) (mmstb) (mmstb) developed reservoirs where new wells are not expected Proved Reserves (1P) 538 430 168 134 Proved & Probable 1,114 891 347 277 Reserves (2P) Proved & Probable & 1,733 1,387 539 431 Possible Reserves (3P) OML 30 Post-tax Valuation Net to Heritage Base Income Tax Alternative Income 1 2 Scenario Tax Scenario ($million) ($million) Post–tax NPV (10%) Post–tax NPV (10%) Proved Reserves (1P) 1,189 1,410 Proved & Probable 2,162 2,652 Reserves (2P) Proved & Probable & 3,129 3,820 Possible Reserves (3P) 1 Assumes the income tax applicable under current Nigeria law 2 Assumes the income tax under changes to Nigerian Law which Heritage believes might occur 18 Transaction Details and Structure 19 Combining Nigerian Relationships with Technical Expertise Acquisition Structure Heritage Oil  Financial Plc strength  Technical and operational expertise  Experienced Buyer Vendors African US$850m Leading auction operator and investor (indigenous Nigerian Company) 45% of OML 30 30% 10% 5% Shoreline  Local Power knowledge and expertise  Operations throughout Nigeria and West Africa NPDC (Operator)  Energy and infrastructure operating 55% 45% expertise  Network of contacts in the Nigerian oil and gas OML 30 community Oil mining lease in Nigeria 20 Capital Structure Shoreline Shareholder Arrangement & Debt Funding  Shoreline Natural Resources is an indigenous company based on equity split; Shoreline Power holds 55%  Economic interest takes into account equity capital funded by each shareholder and profit share 45% equity interest 55% equity interest  Shoreline Power entitled to 2.5% profit share  Consideration for Shoreline Power Call Option is 30% of equity funding into Shoreline Natural Resources at time of exercise  Equity funding is through shareholder loans  Relationship between Heritage and Shoreline Power governed by shareholder agreement US$550  Acquisition was funded through 18 month million bridge bridge loan facility of US$550 million into facility Shoreline Natural Resources from Standard Bank  Bridge facility has been syndicated to Nigerian banks and China Development Bank  Shoreline Natural Resources currently finalising 45% options to re-finance the bridge facility with a 5- year debt instrument OML 30 21 The Operating Framework  Shoreline owns a 45% interest in OML 30, NPDC own 55% and is operator  The two companies work under the terms of a Joint Operating Agreement which is typical within industry  Additionally, NPDC have solely entered into an agreement with Atlantic Energy, a Nigerian company, to provide financial and technical assistance for their 55% interest. Atlantic Energy provides technical services, preparing drilling plans as an example, supplies any cash shortfalls and is paid from the NPDC 55% share of revenues according to the terms of their agreement Atlantic NPDC Shoreline Energy SHELL OML 30 Operating Staff OML 30 22 The Operating Relationship Shoreline  OML 30 is managed along the lines of most JOA agreements  NPDC and Shoreline have established the OML 30 OPCOM to provide recommendations on programmes, budgets and asset management. SUBCOM OPCOM is composed of equal numbers from the two owners  OPCOM decides on items that will be accepted or require further study  Studies are carried out under the direction of SUBCOMs. Those studies include all aspects of managing OML 30 NPDC  SUBCOM recommendations are in turn passed to TECOM for technical approval  When approved at OPCOM the issue is presented to NPDC and TECOM Shoreline for approval  Shoreline sells its 45% of production through a five year marketing contract with Shell and receives funds direct OPCOM The key to successful management and development of OML 30 is communication, respect and a shared vision 23 Shoreline is an Indigenous Nigerian Company Shoreline Corporate Governance  Shoreline is one of the leading indigenous companies producing  Shareholder agreement applies corporate governance standards in Nigeria and ensures management efficiency  Combines Shoreline Power’s energy and infrastructure operating  Shareholder agreement covers matters requiring unanimous expertise and respected network of relationships within Nigeria approval with Heritage’s strong technical team with relevant geographic  Five directors; two appointed by Heritage expertise  Shoreline and Heritage are developing close relationships with  Advisory board to include senior figures from local stakeholders local communities and other stakeholders  Strong Nigerian profile Profit-Sharing Agreement Operatorship Post-Transaction  Shareholder Agreement provides for an economic interest that is  Operatorship is transferring to NPDC, a subsidiary of the state oil different to the equity interest company Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (“NNPC”)  Shoreline Power has exercised the option to acquire a 30%  Highest quality members of existing Shell Nigeria operating team participating economic interest, for which Heritage will receive will be transferred across over US$100 million  Shell is providing assistance during the transition period 24 Organogram of Shoreline Chief Executive Director and CFO Officer Lagos London Nigeria CEO Assistant Organisation Assets Technical Organisation Chief Financial Chief Operating VP Production Controller Officer Secretary Production Technologist London Finance Finance Technical Head, Human Commercial Production Engineer Manager Director Resources Director Organisation JV Joint venture Accountant Corporate Operations Production Protocol Reservoir Engineer Accountant Accountant Engineer Specialist Accountant Joint Venture Reservoir IT Specialist (PT) Facilities Engineer Accountant Engineer Joint Venture Pipeline Engineer Geologist Accountant Facilities Geophysicist Engineer Geologist Geophysicist 25 The Assets 26 Nigeria, OML 30 1  45% interest in OML 30 acquired by Shoreline  Onshore Nigeria, located less than 50 kilometres east of Warri, benefits from being on solid high ground  Lease covers 1,097 square kilometres with eight producing fields  In addition, there is one field not currently in production  850,000 bpd pipeline to export terminal  Infrastructure includes ullage to handle three times current production which is sufficient for near and medium term opportunities and the Trans Forcados Pipeline segment which will provide tariff income  Gross production of c.35,700 bopd reported for November 2012 with the potential to significantly increase to c.100,000 bopd in the medium term and c.300,000 bopd in the long term, according to the RPS evaluation  Contains nine flow stations with a combined capacity in excess of c.395,000 bpd  Associated gas facilities can handle c.42 mmscf/day collected from six flow stations ¹ OML 30 is 55% owned by Nigerian Petroleum Development Corporation (“NPDC”) 27 Geology 28 The Niger Delta  OML 30 lies within the Niger Delta, located in the Gulf of Guinea, one of the most prolific oil and gas provinces in the world  From the Eocene to the present, the delta has prograded south- westward, forming depobelts that represent the most active portion of the delta at each stage of its development  These depobelts form one of the largest regressive deltas in the world covering approximately 75,000 square kilometres with a source rock thickness of up to 7,000 metres 29 The Niger Delta cont’d  OML 30 fields are deltaic shallow marine shelf sands (usually shore face sands) at intermediate depth level in growth fault structural setting  Traps are typically related to rollover structures or anticlines of simple fault complexity  Progradation in the face of significant wave reworking has created sheet-like layers of shoreface sand with excellent reservoir quality  The wave action has created reservoirs with porosities of 20-30%  Permeability is typically greater than 500 mD and up to 3,000 mD 30 Reservoir Structure and Traps  The structural configuration in the Niger Delta can generally be characterized as simple rollover structures  The structure is associated with landward dips that are associated with structure building faults located in the northernmost fault blocks of the basin  Structures tend to be bounded down dip by another structure- building fault  OML 30 reservoirs are typically anticlines structures. Some are bound to the north east by faults 31 Stacked Reservoirs  The progradation of the Delta coupled with the sea level changes controlled depositional patterns and caused facies changes that have resulted in stacked reservoirs  Sands with thickness of 10 to 40 metres were sandwiched between shales that created sealing caps above reservoirs  The OML 30 fields each contain up to 40 stacked reservoirs. The seismic section for the Afiesere field shown at left contains twenty one such layers, or stacked reservoirs. The chart illustrates the reserves associated with those reservoirs  An alphanumeric system , that is unique to that field, is used to label the reservoirs. The top reservoir in Afiesere is the J1000 while the deepest reservoir is the M8200  Each layer exhibits different reservoir and hydrocarbon characteristics  Reservoirs contain different types of hydrocarbons ranging from under-saturated oil to gas-condensate  OML 30 reservoirs are typically normally or slightly over-pressured  The reservoirs are underlain by substantial aquifers that provide nearly infinite pressure support 32 The Fields 33 Summary of Major Fields in OML 30 Major Fields Afiesere Eriemu Evwreni Kokori Olomoro- Oroni Oweh Uzere OML 30 Oleh West Total STOIIP 897 1,003 412 1426 1,592 395 412 647 6,784 (mmbbls) Production to date 189 76 52 383 383 40 40 122 1,285 (mmbbls) Remaining Technical 368 49 170 260 78 65 130 1,120 Resource (mmbbls)1 Current production 7 1 1 6 15 4 1 - 35 (kbopd) Discovered 1966 1961 1967 1960 1962 1965 1964 1963 - First 1968 1964 1969 1966 1963 1970 1966 1965 - Production Number of 41 20 14 40 40 8 11 16 190 wells ¹ Based on RPS evaluation. Afiesere and Eriemu combined in RPS’s production forecast analysis 34 Infrastructure 35 Infrastructure Overview  The licence benefits from all infrastructure being in place  The licence includes 190 production wells, most are dual string. Injection wells and water injection facilities are unnecessary due to the strong aquifers  Well production is collected at one of nine flow stations. The flow stations have the capacity to handle 395,000 bpd, three times current production levels and will handle several years of projected production growth  The facilities are robustly designed and constructed and benefit from following a standard design so equipment can be easily replaced  The facilities have been maintained by Shell and therefore benefit from their worldwide experience and standards  Licence includes ownership of the Trans Forcados Pipeline that transports crude 95 kilometres to the Forcados Terminal 36 Field Flow Stations  Production for the wells is gathered at field specific flow stations  The flow stations separate liquid from gas through a simple two stage separation process  Liquids are then pumped via a trunk line collection system to a central manifold at Eriemu and onward through the Trans Forcados Pipeline  Gas is used as fuel for power generation, run the compressors and as gas lift gas. Any remaining gas is flared  Design of the flow stations follows a similar template, and vessels are similarly sized, making operations and maintenance straightforward  Capacity of the stations is listed at left. Total capacity is c. 395,000 bpd. Current throughput is c. 120,000 bpd so there is substantial existing capacity to accommodate future production. The expansion of the facilities is straightforward and has been documented in various FDP’s Capacity Flow Station bbl/d Afiesere 60,000 Eriemu 30,000 Evwreni 30,000 Kokori 90,000 Olomoro-Oleh 60,000 Oroni 30,000 Osioka 15,000 Oweh 30,000 Uzere West 60,000 37 Gas Lift Compressors  Gas lift is the single method of artificial lift within OML 30  Six of the eight fields have gas lift installed. The two remaining fields are planned to have gas lift installed in 2014-2015  Poor compressor performance and high downtime are the cause of inefficient lifting and significant shortfall in daily production  Improving the performance of the gas lift system is projected to increase production by 20% and is the key target in 2013 Gaslift Number of Capacity Compressor Station Units MMscf/d Afiesere 5 21.2 Eriemu gas from Afiesere Evwreni 0 Kokori 3 13.2 Olomoro-Oleh 7 40 Oroni 0 Oweh gas from Olomoro Uzere West 2 10 38 Ughelli Pumping Station  The Ughelli Pumping Station, (“UPS”) is the collection hub for OML 30 and several other operators’ production  The facility has storage for 960,000 bpd of liquid and pumps the liquid from the tanks down the Trans Forcados Pipeline to the Forcados Crude Terminal  Three Solar turbine powered pumps having a total capacity of 660,000 bpd perform the pumping  The current facility is used to dewater crude for the Warri refinery. Crude is separated from water via gravity separation and pumped from the tank via a dedicated pipeline to the refinery  The 960,000 bbl of storage also provides several days of storage in the event of a shipping disruption on the Trans Forcados Pipeline  Future plans call for expansion of the water separation capacity by adding permanent subsurface water disposal facilities including conversion of a suspended well to an injector into the substantial aquifer and providing a water disposal line and injection pumping 39 Gas Export  Gas export, surplus to internal requirements for gas lift and fuel, is available for export via the Nigerian Gas Company (“NGC”) facilities  The NGC facilities include gas compressors and trunk lines for conserving gas. Total capacity is 42 MMscf/d  Gas is collected from the six largest OML 30 fields (Kokori, Afiesere, Eriemu, Oweh, Olomor Oleh and Uzere West) and transported to the nearby Ughelli gas plant where it enters the Nigerian domestic distribution system  At present, the system is non operational awaiting NGC to repair the gas gathering pipelines  OML 30 has a “domestic supply obligation” of 40 MMscf/d. In the event domestic demand requires it, the licence is expected to supply gas to the domestic and power generation markets of up to 40 MMscf/d. As gas supply far outweighs domestic demand, it is unlikely this obligation will be called on. In the event the supply is required, OML 30 can quickly recomplete an existing well on a gas reservoir and meet this commitment  2.5 TCF of gas in the licence not included in the RPS report NGC Sales Capacity Compressor Station MMscf/d Afiesere 8.8 Eriemu 10.0 Kokori 8.0 Olomoro-Oleh 3.3 Oweh 5.5 Uzere West 6.6 40 Trans Forcados Pipeline  The TFP is owned by OML 30 (45% owned by Shoreline)  This satellite photo illustrates the route of the Trans Forcados Pipeline; stretching from the Eriemu manifold in the east, through the UPS, around the Rapele north of Warri and westwards through MF UPS OML’s 34 and 42 to the Frocados terminal, located within OML 45, where Eriemu the crude is dewatered Field MF Forcados  The TFP stretches some 95 km starting River MF as a 16" pipeline at the Eriemu manifold in OML 30 increasing to 24” on exit from the UPS and increasing to 28” at the Rapele manifold Forcados  Along the pipeline there are several Terminal intermediate tie-in manifolds  Pipeline is buried 41 Trans Forcados Pipeline  OML 30 owns and operates the TFP  Several other operators currently use the TFP to transport crude to Forcados for dewatering and export. Capacity of the line is 850k bpd. Current use is c. 315kbpd  These operators pay OML 30 a ‘Capacity tariff’ ranging from $0.11 to $0.87/bbl and a ‘Production charge’ of $0.17 to $0.44/bbl. The tariffs are based largely on the length of the line that is used  OML 30 does not pay a tariff  TFP projected tariff revenues total $57.4m. The 2012 actual Opex was $4.4m. Advice received from PWC is that the pipeline revenues will be taxed at a corporate income tax rate of 30% 42 Field Development 43 Current Production OML 30 Licence Production: 01-07-2010 to 30-11-2012 60  OML 30 production since 1 July 2010 to 30 November 2012 is 50 UZRE OWEH ORNI OLOM illustrated. Production averaged 35.7 kbopd during KOKR EVWR ERMU AFIE November 2012 d)40  Production from Uzere West, opb averaging 2.5 Kbopd has been 0 shut-in since December 2011 00 ('30 due to community issues in the te adjacent town of Uzere Ral Oi20 10 0 44 Realising Existing Potential and Future Upside  Increase production through: Short term  Improved gas lift by refurbishing existing system  Complete repairs to flow and gas lines and tie-in wells  Prevent downtime through improved community relations and share in profits to reduce vandalism  Invest in facilities to increase uptime  Modernise facility control equipment to increase efficiency Medium  Workover existing shut-in wells to improve completions and to install gas lift in wells without term artificial lift  Large stock of proved drilling locations determined from 3D seismic  Upside potential through focused management of the field and employing techniques such as multiple completions and horizontal drilling Long term  Future exploration of deeper targets identified on 3D seismic  Future gas prices may lead to developing gas reserves  Lease extension past 2019; expected to be renewed thereafter as legislation provides for extension 45 Production Profile OML 30 Projected Gross Production, bopd1 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0  Key developments to drive increase in production;  Gas lift  Uphole potential and flowline repairs  Workovers  Further drilling  Exploration potential  Upsides to the base case include development of the asset’s 2.5 Tcf of gas and deeper exploration potential ¹ RPS estimates of OML 30 gross Proved plus Probable Reserves (2P) production profile 46 The Work Programme – Gas Lift  Gas lift is the key short term focus  Compressors are operating below design capacity and require refurbishment (pistons, valves, gaskets, etc)  Current compressor uptime c. 65%. Target to increase to 95%. Resulting production gains c.10,000 bopd. Downtime caused by engines tripping due to mechanical integrity issues and fuel gas supply pressure. Study currently underway by the compressor manufacturer  Subsurface gas lift operation is inefficient  Valves not set at correct depths and not working as designed. Results in inefficient lifting and waste of gas lift gas  Detailed data gathering and well by well review underway with Government. Target is to optimise lift on 32 strings with associated production gains target of c.8,100 bopd  Gas lift not installed to all wells  As water cut increases gas lift is required to maintain production. At 70% watercut wells will stop flowing. Gas lift system to be expanded in fields that currently have compressors. Target is to install gas lift to 19 wells in 2013 and 2014. Resulting production gains c.4,300 bopd  Gas lift systems to be installed at Oroni and Evwreni fields (these two fields currently have flowing wells only). Production gains associated with installing gaslift in Oroni and Evwreni total 3,600 bopd 25 Gas Lift Optimisation and Expansion Uzere West 20 Oweh Oroni s15 Olomoro-Oleh lel Kokori W Evwreni 10 Eriemu Afiesere 5 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 47 The Work Programme – Flowline Repairs  Some wells have damaged or vandalised flowlines that require repairs  Flow lines are often ‘hack-sawed’ by locals to bunker small amounts of fuel or as vandalism  Plan is to ensure every well string has a functioning flow line  Twenty three wells do not have flow lines. Well surveillance and historical information indicates these wells are productive on the current completion but also could be recompleted on shallower reservoirs  Target production increase associated with flowlines is 6,300 bopd 14 Flowline Repairs Uzere West 12 Oweh 10 Oroni s Olomoro-Oleh ell8 Kokori W6 Evwreni Eriemu 4 Afiesere 2 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 48 The Work Programme – Workovers  The licence includes 190 wells. Among those, 70 wells are currently temporarily suspended for various issues. Among the 120 that are available to be produced, half are operating sub-optimally  Workovers are planned on wells to optimize gas lift design. Valves have been installed at the wrong depth and in many cases valves are not working. If the work cannot be completed using wireline equipment, a workover will be completed  The reservoirs are comprised of slightly unconsolidated sands and have typically been completed with gravel packs. Some wells are shut- in requiring workovers due to high sand production and require replacement of the gravel packs or installation of other sand control measures  Advancing aquifers cause increasing water production. Several opportunities to increase production by completing water-shut-offs. As deeper reservoirs become depleted wells can be recompleted on shallower reservoirs  So far 41 workovers have been identified with target gains totaling 9,600 bopd Workovers 16 Uzere West 14 Oweh 12 Oroni Olomoro-Oleh ls10 Kokori le8 Evwreni W Eriemu 6 Afiesere 4 2 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 49 The Work Programme – Drilling Proved Locations  Of the current c.190 wells only 30 wells were drilled post the initial field development period that occurred between 1960 and 1980  The lack of continued development has resulted in an extensive catalogue of proved drilling locations, currently totaling c. 220  Potential well locations have been extensively studied and well documented in past FDP’s  Plan is to verify the technical work within the existing FDP and use these as guidelines for near term development  The existing FDP’s call for extensive development using horizontal drilling technology to reduce gas and water coning and to maximise recovery factors. Horizontal drilling is being used extensively in the region  Horizontal drilling is proven in the delta  Infill drilling is scheduled to commence in 2014. Tendering for the first drill rig is moving in parallel with a rig for an adjacent licence 50 Drilling Uzere West 45 Oweh 40 Oroni 35 Olomoro-Oleh ls30 Kokori le25 Evwreni W20 Eriemu 15 Afiesere 10 5 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 50 The Work Programme – Exploration of Deeper Targets In Place Volumes  To date the extensive seismic information base has Prospect Oil Condensate Gas Total identified many prospects and leads MMbbls MMbbls MMboe MMboe  Development of the shallower producing reservoirs will Uzere SP 26 88 1,128 308 provide opportunities to drill deeper and explore structures that have not yet been penetrated Oroni DP 12 75 720 210 Oweh DP 7 60 497 153  As an example, the Omogon prospect, located southeast of Kokori, is illustrated below: Omogon Bik B 44 18 449 137 Eriemu N 11 30 433 114 Oweh NW 25 1 406 96 ODHE Lyede 3 7 492 95 Ofum E 28 1 337 87 Urhure 19 13 256 76 Isoko W 22 9 218 68 Oroni E 10 9 218 68 Ekiugbo 4 14 193 51 Ekiugbo N 1 4 50 13 Olomoro N 4 1 38 11 TOTAL 215 331 5,505 1,485 51 Gross CAPEX Projection OML 30 Gross 100% CAPEX (US$m)  CAPEX totals $3.5 billion (Gross 100%) $700 US$1.6 billion Net Shoreline $600  Includes drilling of 218 new, primarily horizontal, wells $500  Cost of horizontal well US$15m  Drilling commences with first rig in 2014 and $400 then one new rig added every six months $300  Maximum of six rigs peaks at end of 2016  Drilling ramps down in 2020 and ends in $200 2025 $100 $0  Facilities CAPEX investments, scheduled to be completed during 2013 to 2015 include;  compressor maintenance and expansion or refurbishment of the gas lift system - US$67m  installation of temporary and custody transfer metering - US$33m  modification to the Ughelli Pumping Station to provide water separation and additional facilities modernisation - US$65m  flowline repairs for existing wells - US$17m  workovers on existing wells to restore production - US$85m 52 Netback per Barrel OML 30 Net Back  Shoreline’s per barrel netback is US$26.75 $130  The calculation follows the current fiscal assumptions $120 $115.00/bbl  Royalty levied at a rate of 20% oil $110  Education Tax, levied as 2% * (revenue - royalty - Opex) $23.00  NDDC levy, levied as 3% * (total Capex + total Opex) $100  Annual licence rental payable at the rate of MOD US$ 1.1 mm $90 $1.70  Petroleum Investment Allowance, 5% of annual tangible Capex $7.00 $80 $5.00  Income tax scenario $70  Oil Base Case, 65.75% for 5 years and 85% thereafter $60  Alternate case 65.75% for 5 years and 70% - 80% thereafter $50 $51.35  Assumptions could change with new PIB regulations $40  Capex intangible/tangible split of approximately 30%/70% - depreciation 20% in years 1 to 4 and 19% in fifth year $30  Forcados crude receives c.3% premium to Brent $20 $10 $26.75 $0 Royalty NDDC Levy Education Tax Opex Capex BARREL Petroleum Profits Tax Net Back 53 Environmental and CSR 54 CSR is a Key Component of Enhancing Performance Heritage Approach to CSR Six Key Areas:  Engage and work with stakeholders  Environment and Sustainability towards a shared future and to be  We aim to make a positive viewed as a partner of choice Set policies contribution to the protection of the environment  Committed to a programme of pro-  Health and Safety active engagement to create lasting legacies for local communities Devise and  A natural priority and core element maintain of our activities  CSR policy framework is integrated in systems  Employees our business model, setting out our essential core values  Ability to create sustainable value is Measure and linked to our ability to recruit,  Strong track record for health and safety monitor motivate and retain high calibre staff  Employment of local personnel performance  Community and Human Rights  Relationships to be conducted  Maximise local content of all contracts sensitively and with mutual respect Communicate  Business Conduct and report to stakeholders  Heritage is resolutely opposed to bribery and corruption in whatever forms they may take Apply  Corporate Governance stakeholder feedback  Compliant with law and relevant regulations 55 CSR in OML 30 Heritage Approach in Nigeria Advisory Group  Shoreline is structured as an indigenous company to incentivise  Group already established local support  Consists of senior leaders from local communities  Profit share to support local communities and implement long- term sustainable development initiatives  Regular dialogue with local communities  Over 50 communities in the lease area  Focusing on education and healthcare  Internationally recognised environmental agency commissioned to review the lease  No identified legacy issues for Shoreline  OML 30 operational staff will be drawn from local communities  Growth in production will result in growth in employment 56 Nigeria 57 Exposure to Nigeria Provides Opportunities for Future Growth 1 Proved Oil Reserves, bn bbls  Currently experiencing the longest period of democratic rule in its history with reforms positively impacting the 300 economy 250  Availability of highly skilled workers 200 Growing economy 150  Second largest economy in Africa in GDP terms as at 2010 100  Predicted to be one of the largest growing emerging 50 economies with growth expected in the energy sector 0  IMF forecasts a gradual lowering and stabilising of Nigerian inflation Large reserves  First discovery made in Nigeria in 1956 and production commenced two years later 1  Proved reserves of 37.2 bn bbls , the largest in sub- Saharan Africa, the 2nd largest in Africa after Libya and the 10th largest in the world  Largest African producer with 2.5 mmbbls/day  Ability to exploit attractive reserves close to infrastructure ¹ BP Statistical Review 2012 58 Further Indigenisation of the Oil Industry  Large number of discovered but undeveloped fields with significant Resource Ownership in Nigeria, mmboe upside potential  Resource ownership and production has been dominated by the five 5% 3% 1% 1% major IOCs  Major IOCs are divesting existing leases/fields which are neglected  Expect indigenous independent companies to increase representation in terms of commercial reserves and production  Expected fiscal stability for indigenous companies within the proposed 47% new Petroleum Industry Bill  The acquisition and partnership with Shoreline Power enhances Heritage’s profile in the country and creates a platform for further growth opportunities in this prolific hydrocarbon region 43% Major IOC State owned International NOC Indigenous International E&P International Integrated/large cap 59 Petroleum Industry Bill  Represents the largest overhaul of the government petroleum  Currently being discussed by Parliament however final system in the last four decades promulgation unknown  Bill has been debated since 2008 and is set to be the overriding  Potential Impact on Shoreline guide for oil and gas business in Nigeria  Expect indigenous companies to be the main  Establishes the legal and regulatory framework, institutions and beneficiaries regulatory authorities for the Nigerian petroleum industry  Improve tax and royalty terms for indigenous  Stipulates guidelines for operations in the upstream, midstream companies and downstream sectors  Likely to result in divestment programmes for IOCs  Combines 16 different Nigerian petroleum laws in one continuing document, helping to provide transparency  It proposes:  A commercially run National Oil Company (NOC) and National Gas Company (NGC)  Tougher upstream licensing rules and work commitments, with more recycling of acreage  Oil and gas profits taxed as one  Nigerian Content Plan 60 PRODUCTION - RUSSIA 61 Russia 1  95% equity interest in Zapadno Chumpasskoye Licence  Licence located in Western Siberia (region accounts for >60% of Russia’s oil production)  Production in Q3 2012 averaged 617 bopd, a 9% increase over the first half of the year  RPS certified 65 mmboe and $336 million NPV10  Work in 2009/10 included installation of artificial lift and commencement of water injection  FDP approved by the Central Committee on Resource Development (TSKR) at end of December 2009  Infrastructure development includes tie-in to Transneft export pipeline  Successful completion of a horizontal well in August 2011  The horizontal well is the first such well drilled in the immediate area and presents a more effective and efficient method to develop the field  Based on the excellent horizontal drilling results, further horizontal wells are planned ¹ Acquired 95% ownership stake in Russian company ChumpassNefteDobycha Limited, 100% owner of the licence 62 Zapadno Chumpasskoye  Based on positive results from the horizontal well, a revised field development plan was submitted for Zapadno Chumpasskoye, replacing vertical producers to horizontal wells. The drilling grid, utilising horizontal wells is illustrated below  The change in well type result is a 50% reduction in number of production wells required to develop the field and a corresponding reduction in drilling capex of over US$200m  The development proposal was accepted by regulatory authorities end December 2012 63 EXPLORATION 64 Heritage’s Successful Track Record Heritage Net 2P Resource (MMboe) vs Time Exploration Drilling Success 950 800 650 500 350 Gas and 200 Oil Condensate Uganda 50 60% 30% 8 Wells -100 Kurdistan -250 Dry 2 Wells -400 Uganda sale 10% -550 -700 Kurdistan sale 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Russia Uganda Kurdistan Nigeria  Year-by-year proven success  90% exploration success rate as operator  Increased resource and reserve base over time  Additional 10 appraisal and production wells successfully drilled  Proven success in divestment and monetising of resource base in Uganda, Kurdistan and Russia funding growth 65 Tanzania 66 Tanzania  The offshore Latham block is on trend with the recent major deep-water gas discoveries in Tanzania waters. Clear gas indicators are present within the block.  Acquisition of 3D seismic offshore completed and data being processed with a view to establishing a potential drilling location  Awarded Rukwa PSA in November 2011 and Kyela PSA in January 2012  Operations have commenced and the initial work programme comprises;  Rukwa - 2,300 kilometres of legacy 2D seismic data reprocessed. Acquisition has begun of an additional 650 kilometres of 2D seismic data to infill this legacy data  Kyela - full tensor gravity survey acquired, which has now been interpreted. Completed acquisition of 100 kilometres of 2D seismic data intended to further delineate features of interest identified in the gravity data 1  Latham 5,056 sq km 29.9%, operator  Heritage considers these blocks as sharing geological  Rukwa North 10,175 sq km 100%, operator similarities with the Albert Basin of Uganda where the  Rukwa South 8,745 sq km 100%, operator Company had considerable exploration success  Kyela 1,934 sq km 100%, operator 1 Petrodel 70.1% 67 Tanzania - Rukwa 2,300km of legacy 2D seismic Modelled source kitchen Targeted 2D seismic campaign Legacy data lead commenced. Particular focus on NE margin to delineate Legacy data kingfisher analogues (completion Q1 2013) potential kitchen 650km of Targeted 2D Seismic Infill 68 Tanzania - Kyela Reconnaissance 2D seismic Local Kitchen High Resolution Gravity Data Gravity-defined • Over 4000m of section identified lead • Leads identified on gravity highs • Potential source kitchen identified Gravity -defined • 100km reconnaissance seismic kitchen acquisition completed 69 Libya 70 Libya – Strategically Well Placed  Heritage established a base in Benghazi in April 2011  Extremely well placed to benefit in the future development of the oil industry in Libya  Heritage Oil acquired a 51% equity interest and control of Sahara Oil Services Holdings Limited (“Sahara Oil”), an established oil field service provider  Sahara Oil owns the entire share capital of Sahara Oil Services Limited (“Sahara”)  Sahara has the necessary long term permits and licences to provide onshore and offshore oil field services in Libya as well as the rights to own and operate oil and gas licences  Through this acquisition Heritage is exploring ways to gain access to key producing fields and other licence opportunities in Libya 71 Malta 72 Malta Heritage Oil 100% working interest and operator  Two areas; c.18,000 sq km  Structures identified on Areas 2 & 7 could be analogous to the giant Bouri Field where IHS estimate reserves of 630 mmbbl and in excess of 8 TCF of gas  Number of producing fields offshore Libya and Tunisia  Oil and gas shows close to Area 7  Water depths of 250-300 metres  1,023 kilometres of legacy 2D seismic reprocessed  1,400 kilometres of 2D seismic acquired processed and interpreted  High-impact exploration well planned which will target approximately 500 mmboe. Well planning ongoing 73 Malta Seabed reef – Fault cutting methanophilic near to surface bacteria Possible gas chimney Continued Regional MFS progradation (Souar Fm) acting Upper Caravaggio through the Oligo- as seal? Miocene section Lower Caravaggio Nummulite/Reef mound Talus slope 74 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 75 Summary Entry into Nigeria  Acquisition of a world class asset  Provides a step change in production, reserves and cash flow  Combines Shoreline Power’s local knowledge and relationships with Heritage’s technical expertise Exit from Kurdistan  Attractive exit valuation secured for a development asset with a significant future capital expenditure requirement, political risk and no pipeline to market  Proceeds used to partially fund acquisition of OML 30 and continue exploration and development of existing portfolio Corporate Outlook  Strong balance sheet  Potential for developing and strengthening the portfolio further through acquisitions Operational Outlook  Increase in production from OML 30  Initial exploration ongoing in Tanzania  Well planning ongoing in Malta Catalysts  Material increase in production, cash flow and revenues generating more regular newsflow 76 APPENDICES 77 Appendices  Heritage Oil Plc Board  Shoreline Board  Contact Details 78 Heritage Oil Plc Board Anthony Buckingham – CEO, Director  Active oil sector businessman since 1970s; founded Heritage in 1992  Former advisor to Premier Oil (introduced them to Pakistan) Sonangol and Ranger Oil; architect behind Sonangol E&P Paul Atherton – CFO, Director  Chartered accountant, degree in geology, corporate finance background  Joined Heritage in 2000 Michael Hibberd – Chairman, Non-Executive Director  Extensive background in international energy, planning & capital markets. Former Director of Scotia McLeod  On the board of a number of public and private companies  Joined Heritage in 2006 General Sir Michael Wilkes – Non-Executive Director, Senior Independent Director  Retired from the British Army as the most senior administrative officer  Chairman and non-executive director of a number of public and private companies  Joined Heritage in March 2008 79 Heritage Oil Plc Board (cont’d) Gregory Turnbull – Non-Executive Director  Regional Managing Partner of McCarthy Tétrault LLP  Extensive knowledge of corporate governance issues and has acted for many boards of directors  Joined Heritage in 1996 John McLeod – Non-Executive Director  Professional engineer with over 36 years of varied resources extraction experience  Joined Heritage in 1996 Carmen Rodriguez – Non-Executive Director  Recently held the position of Chairperson and CEO (2007-2012) of Sociedad Estatal Espanola P4R, S.A., a Spanish owned consultancy firm specialising in foreign trade, investment and co-operation  Joined Heritage in March 2012 Colonel Mark Erwin (Retd.) – Non-Executive Director  Mr. Erwin served in the United States Army for over 25 years culminating his career as the Chief of Staff of the United States Army Special Operations Command  Joined Heritage in May 2012 80 Shoreline Board Dr Ladi Bada – CEO  Dr. Bada has been working in the Nigerian oil and gas sector for the last 14 years with 10 of those years in directorial roles  He is presently a director in Linetrale Oil and a consultant to Oriental Energy Paul Atherton – CFO  Chartered accountant, degree in geology, corporate finance background  Joined Heritage in 2000 Kola Karim – Chairman  Group CEO and Managing Director of Shoreline Energy and Shoreline Power  Mr Karim holds an MBA from the University of Leicester and degree in Business Management from City University; he is also an alumni member of the Harvard Business School for the Executive Management Programme and the Harvard Kennedy School for the Leadership and Public Policy programme. He was awarded Young Global Leader Award in 2008. Tunde Karim  Mr. Karim also serves on the board of Shoreline Energy, April Travels Ltd, Nigerian Ropes Plc, Fortis Construction Co. Ltd Shoreline Electrical Systems Ltd, L.D Alberto Company Ltd and Askar Paints Ltd  Mr. Karim is a member of the Institute of Directors Nigeria and holds a degree in Biochemical Engineering from University College of Wales, U.K 81 Shoreline Board Philip Blows  Mr. Blows is a chartered accountant and has been an adviser to Heritage for 20 years  Holds a degree in Business Law 82 Contact Details Heritage Oil Plc Investor Relations – Heritage Oil Plc Tony Buckingham / Paul Atherton Tanya Clarke  Tel: +44 (0)1534 835 400  Tel: +44 (0)20 7518 0838  Email: info@heritageoilplc.com  Email: ir@heritageoilplc.com  Website: www.heritageoilplc.com Media Enquiries Canada Ben Brewerton / Natalia Erikssen Cathy Hume / Jeanny So  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7831 3113  Tel: +1 416 868 1079 x231 / x225  Email: heritageoil.sc@fticonsulting.com  Email: cathy@chfir.com / jeanny@chfir.com Stock symbols London Toronto HOIL HOC (Exchangeable) HOX (Exchangeable) 83