Mapping from contract elements to FrameNet and WordNet

This Joint Venture Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement’) made and entered into this 23th of July 2021.
Name of Joint Venture
The business and affairs of the Joint Venture shall be conducted solely and at all times under the name of JV.
Scope of Partner's Authority
Except as otherwise expressly and specifically provided in this Agreement, neither Partner shall have any authority to act for, or to assume any obligations or responsibility on behalf of, the other Partner or the Joint Venture.
Place of Business
The place of business of the Partnership shall be at such place or places as the Partners shall from time to time hereafter determine.
Profits and Losses
In each Fiscal Year all items of income and gain, and expense and loss of the Partnership shall be determined by the Accountants of the Partnership at the end of each Fiscal Year.
Participation in Profits and Losses:
The net profits of the Partnership shall be divided and the net losses of the partnership shall be allocated to the Partners according to their respective Partnership Ownership Percentage Interests. No interest or additional share of profits shall inure to any Partner by reason of his capital account being proportionately in excess of the capital accounts of the others.
Governing Law:
Except as expressly stipulated in this Agreement to the contrary, the rights and obligations of the Partners and the administration and termination of the Partnership shall be governed by the Partnership Act or any successor legislation or other statute which may be passed to take the place of the Act or to amend same.

FrameNet   WordNet
Search term Match/manually identified match Core attributes Non-core attributes   Match Direct Hypernims Direct Hyponims
Partner Collaboration Partner1, Partner2, Partners, Undertaking Degree, duration, manner, mean, place, time   Partner person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul copartner, silent partner, sleeping partner
Currency N/A       Currency medium of exchange, monetary system money, eurocurrency, cash, hardcurrency, paper money, folding money, metal money
Joint-Venture Collaboration Partner1, Partner2, Partners, Undertaking Degree, duration, manner, mean, place, time   Joint venture Venture foreign direct investment
Business Businesses Business Business name, descriptor, place, product, proprietor, service   Business Entreprise agency, brokerage, carrier, firm, franchise, dealership, manufacturer, maker, partnership
Modify Cause_change Agent, entity, final category, final value, initial category, initial value, attribute, cause Circumnstances, containing event, degree, duration, event description, explanation, manner, means, period of iteration, purpose, re-encoding, role, time   Modify N/A N/A
Partnership Co-association Participant1, Participant2, institution, name, place     Partnership Business, concern, business concern, business organization, business organisation copartnership
Agreement Make_agreement_on_action Obligation, parties, party1, party2, topic Descriptor, manner, medium, place, time   Agreement statmenet confederacy, covenant, sales, bargain, deal, gentlemen agreeement, written agreement
Profit Earnings_and_losses Earner, earnings Buyer, containing event, explanation, good, matter, means, place, purpose, rate, time, unit   Profit income earning per share, gross profit, gross profit margin, margin, dividend
Expense Expensiveness Assets, goods, intented event, payer Degree, origin, rate, time   Expense cost  operating expense, operating cost, overhead, budget items, interest expense, business expense, cash expense
Losses Earnings_and_losses Earner, earnings Buyer, containing event, explanation, good, matter, means, place, purpose, rate, time, unit   Loss transferred property, transferred possession financial loss, wastage, forfeit

Whereas, John Goodman (hereafter Renter) desires to possess and have the use of certain property owned by Mark Smith (hereafter Owner)
Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows:
Renter shall pay Owner the sum of $300 on 20/12/2019 and the same sum on the 20th day of each month for rental of the property.
If payment is late by more than three days, a late fee of $30 shall be due immediately from Renter.
The parties agree that the purchase price of the property is $45.000.
The parties agree that $150 of each month's rent payment shall be applied towards purchase of the property.
The parties agree that if Renter fails to complete the contemplated purchase of the property for any reason, no refunds or credits shall be due to Renter.
Renter shall maintain the property, at Renter's expense, in clean, good working order.

FrameNet   WordNet
Search term Match/manually identified match Core attributes Non-core attributes   Match Direct Hypernims Direct Hyponims
Owner Possession Owner, possession Depictive, duration, explanation, manner, time   Owner businessman, man of affairs lessor, lease giver, patron, renter
Renter Renting Goods, lessee Duration, explanation, imposed purpose, lessor, manner, means, money, place, purpose, rate, recipient, time, unit   Renter payer, remunerator leaseholder, lessee, lodger, boarder, roomer, payer, remunerator
Purchase Commerce buy Buyer, goods Explanation, imposed purpose, manner, means, money, period of iterations, place, purpose, rate, recipient, seller, time unit   Purchase Acquisition redemption, repurchase, buyback, buying, purchasin
Pay Commerce_pay buyer, goods, money, rate, seller circumstances, depictive, explanation, imposed purpose, manner, means   Pay give N/A
Compensate No frame identified       Compensate balance, equilibrate, equilibrize, equilibrise N/A
Refund No frame identified       Refund Payment rebate, discount, payment
Maintain No frame identified       Maintain keep N/A
Possess Owner, possession Depictive, duration, explanation, manner, time   Possess N/A N/A
Property Locale by ownership Locale, owner Constituent, container, descriptor, inherent purpose, name, relative location   Property Possession real property, real estate, realty, inmovable, estate, lease rental,
Rental Renting Goods, lessee Duration, explanation, imposed purpose, lessor, manner, means, money, place, purpose, rate, recipient, time, unit   Rental Property, belongings, holding sublease, sublet
Expense Expensiveness Assets, goods, intented event, payer Degree, origin, rate, time   Expense cost  operating expense, operating cost, overhead, budget items, interest expense, business expense, cash expense

This Agreement, entered into this 20th of May, 2021, between Contract Holdings, a Arizona Company (the "Company"), and Mark Collins (the "Employee").
Employment Period
The Company hereby employs the Employee as its CFO, and the Employee hereby agrees to serve in such capacity, for the period beginning 1st June, 2021.
Performance of Duties
The Employee agrees that during the Employment Period he shall devote his full business time to the business affairs of the Company and shall perform his duties faithfully and efficiently subject to the direction of the President of the Company; provided that the foregoing shall not limit or prevent the Employee from serving on the board of directors of charitable organizations or other business corporations not in competition with the Company. The Employee shall not be assigned duties and responsibilities that are not generally within the scope and character associated or required of other employees of similar rank and position.
Times and Hours of Work
The Employee will comply with reasonable request to provide information on time worked.
Company may terminate your employment at any time for cause.
After the end of your probationary period, Company may terminate your employment without cause at any time by providing you with the minimum notice, or pay in lieu of such notice.
Pay schedule
The CFO will be paid according to organization’s established pay schedule.
FrameNet   WordNet
Search term Match/manually identified match Core attributes Non-core attributes   Match Direct Hypernims Direct Hyponims
CFO No frame identified       CFO N/A N/A
Employee Employing employee, employeer, position, task, field compensation, contract basis, descriptor, duration, manner, place, purpose, subgroup, time   Employee worker bartender, barman, barkeep, barkeeper, mixologist, clerk, companyman, copywriter…
Company Businesses Business Business name, descriptor, name, product, proprietor, service provider   Company Institution, establishment, broadcasting company, bureau de change, electronics company, food company, mining company, etc.
Charitable organization Giving Donor, recipient, theme circumstances, depictive, explanation, imposed purpose, manner, means   Organization social group NGO; affiliate, association, quasi-NGO, institution, establishment, entreprise…
Terminate Firing employee, employeer, position, task, field Explanation, manner, mean, place, purpose, reason, time   Terminate change, alter, modify N/A
Pay Commerce_pay buyer, goods, money, rate, seller circumstances, depictive, explanation, imposed purpose, manner, means   Pay give N/A
Devote Expende_resource Agent, resource, degree manner, means, place, purpose, time   Devote N/A use, utilize, utilise, apply, employ

This agreement is entered into as of <effDate>, between <party1> as Seller with address <retAdd>, and <party2> as Buyer
with address <delAdd>.
1. Payment & Delivery
1.1 Seller shall sell an amount of <qnt> meat with <qlt> quality (“goods”) to the Buyer.
1.2 Title in the Goods shall not pass on to the Buyer until payment of the amount owed has been made in full.
1.3 The Seller shall deliver the Order in one delivery within <delDueDateDays> days to the Buyer at its warehouse.
1.4 The Buyer shall pay <amt> (“amount”) in <curr> (“currency”) to the Seller before <payDueDate>.
1.5 In the event of late payment of the amount owed due, the Buyer shall pay interests equal to <intRate>% of the amount
owed, and the Seller may suspend performance of all of its obligations under the agreement until payment of amounts
due has been received in full.
2. Assignment
2.1 The rights and obligations are not assignable by Buyer.
3. Termination
3.1 Any delay in delivery of the goods will not entitle the Buyer to terminate the Contract unless such delay exceeds 10
4. Confidentiality
4.1 Both Seller and Buyer must keep the contents of this contract confidential during the execution of the contract and
six months after the termination of the contract.
FrameNet   WordNet
Search term Match/manually identified match Core attributes Non-core attributes   Match Direct Hypernims Direct Hyponims
Seller Commerce sell Buyer, goods, seller back, explanation, imposed purpose, manner, means, money, time of iterations, place, purpose, rate, relay, result, time, unit   Seller merchant, merchandiser ticket agent, dealer, selling agent
Buyer Commerce buy buyer, goods explanation, imposed purpose, manner, means, money, period of iterations, place, purpose, rate, recipient, seller, time, unit   Buyer customer, client customer agent, home buyer, orderer
Perishable Rotting patient circumnstances, degree, explanation, duration, frequency, initial state, manner, speed, time   Perishable food stuff, food product N/A
Meat Food Food constituent, descriptor, type   Meat food, solid food stew meat, bird, game, red meat, beef, jerky, veal, chicken, lamb, pork..
Delivery Delivery Deliverer, goal, recipient, them beneficiary, circumnstances, containter, cotheme, time, purpose, source…   Delivery transportation, transport, transfer, transferral, conveyance airdrop, consignment, passage, post, service, transportation, transfer
Disclose Reveal secret information, medium, speaker, topic addresse, completeness, containing event, manner, means, period of iterations, place, source, time   Disclosure speech act informing, display, discovery, giveaway, informing, leak, exposure
Pay Commerce_pay buyer, goods, money, rate, seller circumstances, depictive, explanation, imposed purpose, manner, means   Pay give N/A